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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4845825 No.4845825 [Reply] [Original]

did your younger self throw away valuable vidya items?
>used to own a snes with Fzero Donkey Kong country Super Mario Street Fighter 2 Turbo Starwings and couple other titles all in their boxes with manual
>sold it when I was 12 for like 100bucks so I could buy a bike that lasted 6 months

>used to own a copy of Blood Omen 1 in mint condition but let it rot away in the garage because the intro cinematic scared me

>> No.4845828

No, half of my old consoles are sitting at my parent's house collecting dust.

>> No.4845856

Worst I ever did was sell MVC2 on Dreamcast at Game Crazy for around $15 a year or two the game's price exploded. The most retarded thing I've ever done with a game was when I was 4 hanging out in the park that at the apartment complex I used to live in, buried a copy of Wolverine Adamantium Rage my dad rented thinking some other kid would find it having an experience similar to uncovering buried gold.

>> No.4845857

>Super Mario Street Fighter 2 Turbo

>> No.4845867

>He doesn't own the Starwings edition.

>> No.4845874

Same and I’m never going to use them again. This realization made me give up on collecting. If I’m in the mood to replay an old game I’ll emulate or buy it from PSN or whatever.

>> No.4845881

Sounds like you were smarter as a kid, dumbass. I'd much rather have a bike at 12 than some old video games decades later.

>> No.4845883

I was only a relatively spoiled 90s shit head so I had to trade in or sell games to get newer ones. The ones that sting the most are CIB N64 games and all of my Dreamcast stuff when the laser died in 2001.

>> No.4845902

I only emulate if the game is rare or ridiculously expensive, otherwise I play the original hardware because it's dirt cheap

>> No.4845924

Wow if I'd horded everything I bought when I was a kid, imagine all the crap I could be hording now. No I dont feel dumb for not keeping cardboard boxes, Jesus.

>> No.4845945

Don't fret about boxes and manuals my friend. Manuals are cool but boxes are just extra space and there's no reason to stress about them unless you're seeing dollar signs. Sorry about your games though

>> No.4846284

I threw away a bunch of PC games for no real reason other than I didn't think I'd ever play them again. Games like GTA, Duke Nukem, Carmageddon, Twisted Metal and so on. All boxed and in perfect condition. I doubt they'd be worth much now anyway but all those memories gone in one go. I also have a huge stack of PC gamer and Hyper magazines from the 90s sitting in a box in my shed. All probably turned to mush by now. I can't stand to go and see. And finally I also sold my DC with a whole bunch of games including a copy of Shenmue still wrapped in plastic all for $100. This still hurts when I think about it.

>> No.4847106

go back and dig it up bruh

>> No.4847117
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Someone else did and I got grounded.

>> No.4847120

When I went to college my parents threw away my videogame magazine collection (there were at least 30 of MegaGame magazines that were never scanned/uploaded on the web) . That was 20 years ago and I'm still salty about that.

>> No.4847156

I got drunk at a college party and stole their copy of windwaker cause i knew how expensive it resells for but i lost it on the way home

>> No.4848214

I threw away a perfect good N64.

>> No.4848540

I didn't throw anything away because I have always been a materialistic fuck, but I have basically lost all of my retro games and a lot of retro game merch because my family could not stop being dysfunctional for five fucking seconds. I had to "restart" without any of my belongings every five years, and this shit didn't stop until gen 7. actually it still hasn't stopped but I refused to leave all my shit behind again because my family can't stop fucking up

So RIP to every console I had before the year 2006. I bought digital versions of what was lost anyway, and pirated what never got re-released.

But if you want a retarded kid moment OP, I let a friend I barely knew for two weeks borrow my gameboy and a copy of pokemon Red because I was naive and I wanted him to like the same things as me. He kept "Forgetting it at home", and he gave me a meowth doll as collateral, but "his mom got mad and demanded I give it back" so I did, but he still forgot to bring my gameboy back to school. The very next day, he didn't show up at school, and he never showed up again afterward.

I got pokemon yellow and a silver gameboy color as a replacement. I liked the Red version sprites better though.

>> No.4851254

Yes. As a kid I always threw away boxes because I thought they were a waste of space and storing shit in the box was a waste of time. Little did I know that 30 years later those boxes would be more valuable to collectors than the contents. If I'd filled my house with cardboard and EPS the last few decades I'd be able to sell some of old toys for what I paid for them and a few for what I paid for them adjusted for inflation.

>> No.4851261

I let some black kid "borrow" my Super Nintendo.

I never had a racist thought until that day.

>> No.4851312

The most valuable thing (i.e. still valuable used) I had was Tomba, which weirdly enough is one of the few I still have, but it’s not -that- valuable.

>> No.4851324

Damn, that kid's family moved away just for a free Game Boy.

That reflects poorly on him, not you.

>> No.4851865

I never threw anything away but I did feel like one of the few people in the world that loved Clayfighter 63 1/3. I still remember seeing a complete version of it on sale at Blockbuster and thinking, "Ohh I'd like that! But nah...I shouldn't spend $10 just for a few new characters." Around the same time my family convinced me I was wasting too much time with video games and that Beanie Babies would be valuable so I bought a bunch of those.....I don't take advice from my family anymore.

>> No.4852163

>When I was 12 someone in my class traded me a SNES for a bj
>Then he went around telling everyone I "borrowed" it
>2 weeks later he posted shit on 4chan about how sucking my big black cock made him racist
Bitches be crazy. And reddit space.

>> No.4852248

Not that valuable, but i traded my Xbox copy of Soul Calibur II for God knows what. I know it isn't /vr/, but i really regret that loss.

>> No.4852260
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I burned off some SNES and Genesis games on ebay in around '03 for quick cash, like 15 each. It stings.

>> No.4854660

I lost a Charizard card (in a case) because I threw it across the garage and couldn't find it again.

>> No.4854732

Metal Warriors.

I needed food money, and I did use the money for food, and I did needle out every penny from the reseller scum I could(he was actually shocked that I knew its value), but that doesn't lessen the pain I feel.

>> No.4854832

I've never owned any /vr/ consoles personally but I will forever kick myself for losing two 100-in-1 GBA carts with like half of the NES' library on them.

>> No.4854906

Not /vr/ but I gave Steambot Chronicles to GameStop for I don't remember what. I did pass up on getting GitS on PS once and have been kicking myself ever since, though.

>> No.4855163

I broke apart my n64 around 2003 when i was bored of it and had moved on, since i figured it was useless as the joysticks were stuffed (really regret this.)
Had two gameboys stolen, including link cable and pokemon red/blue and mario 6 golden coins.
Lost a gameboy color and pokemon gold... somewhere.
Gave up an xbox (i know not /vr/ but close now.)
Also threw away my original 1994 Pentium 75 when it could no longer run anything i wanted. Should have just kept it in storage, oh well.
Also had a tandy microcomputer which i have no idea what i did with. Was pretty fun learning BASIC on it.

I always think i'll keep some 'good stuff' - and i hoard a lot of software and media, but when it comes to old hardware i never end up keeping it long because i hate how much space it takes up, and i move a lot. Right now i have an original release Wii modded, i should probably hang on to it... but there's always dolphin...

>> No.4855170

I threw away boxes and manuals. To think I could have Super Mario RPG and Mega Man X3 CIB instead of just the lone cart...

>> No.4855261

In like 2005 my mom forced me to give away my N64 because she thought it was too old. That still pissed me off. Why did she even give a fuck?

>> No.4855870

>i know (the Xbox is) not /vr/ but close now
It's no closer to being released in 1999. Time goes fowards, not backwards. The Xbox will never be retro, nor the PS2, nor the GCN, or anything else released past 1999

>> No.4855905
File: 25 KB, 382x400, game_boy_color_limited_edition_gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never threw anything away intentionally, but I left Pic Related on a United flight with pokemon gold inside it. It was less than a week old. They "couldn't find it"

One of the flight attendants definitely scooped it up.

>> No.4856069

>be 1995
>want psx so bad
>sell entire genesis collection to pay for a refurbished psx
>titles include such classics as sonic 2, sonic 3, sonic K, sonic spinball, streets of rage 2, altered beast, street fighter championship edition, and mortal kombat

>> No.4856108

Still own original
Grim Fandango
Baldurs Gate 2
How fucked am i ?

>> No.4856153

She didn't want you playing games older than you

>> No.4856186
File: 465 KB, 750x745, 9DD5E380-A947-4585-936E-7EC4BA6CE8FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait so you got an SNES and a bj?

>> No.4856246

I just sold all my old games to a local game store for $200. I can't recall everything i sold. I was surprised that they bought Conker's Bad Fur Day for $35 though. Everything had just been sitting in a box in the back of the guest room closet for 3 years so I don't miss it. I just use emulators now.

>> No.4856454

phill your a nigger have fun with your feminist gf and her hairy everything kek your pathetic

>> No.4856521

Yup. The dumb little reddlet gave me his SNES and sucked my black mamba till his lips were chapped. I guess I'd hate black folk if I was white and that'd happened to me.

>> No.4856530

>traded snes + 15ish games for a gram of pot in 98
>sold skies of arcadia to reseller scum for gas money in 06

yeah... i've made some stupid moves in the past. most of my collection has been given away to friends, though. i don't regret that.

>> No.4856557

I either left my purple gameboy at my best friend's house, or lent it to him. Anyway I was retarded and forgot about it somehow, and went years trying to find my gameboy at my house. My friend said nothing though, knowing that the one at his house wasn't his. Nearly 18 years later it finally clicked, and it made sense that the battery cover was missing on that one from his basement, because that's what I write my name on. It ended up being totally buried there because his house is a bunch of hoarders. Thievery isn't something out of question for him imo, I brought his stupid nigress GF to a party that he begged me to let me ask the host to invite her to, and she stole nearly a hundred dollars worth of shit. Eventually she got pregnant, and when I told him he should get a paternity test he flipped out, demanding I apologize to her. She partied and drank 2 months into her pregnancy as well. She's a mutt. He deserves the special type of hell he's fallen into now.

>> No.4856890

It will be retro when the people that most strongly identify with it from their early childhood start earning enough disposable income.
Then, as the general understanding changes, /vr/ will change the 1999 rule.

>> No.4856925

I allowed my older brother to take our SNES + 40 carts away to college in 2003.
He dropped out and came home without them a few months later. I didn't care much at the time, but I got into old games years later and really hated that he did that.

I've since gone to japan and bought back everything I lost plus others and lost all interest in collecting subsequently. Good end.

>> No.4856934

Shut up with this race-bait shite, it's really tired and adds nothing to discussion. I don't give a flying fuck what color you are.

>> No.4856959
File: 40 KB, 640x479, twaddle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: kids from rich families. No way my parents would have bought me a new console, I had to save pocket money and sell my previous console to buy a new one.

>> No.4857021

Then they, and /vr/ will be wrong.

>> No.4857283

Unless you're the person being discussed who admitted being a racist your opinion is irrelevent

>> No.4857302

I was a (figuratively) autistic child who needed to keep all of my toys complete and in their box.
But my older brother burned his Pokemon Blue box in our wood stove. It upset me then and I'm still a little bothered now.

>> No.4857498

>I was a (figuratively) autistic child

After reading that, you might want to get tested anon. It sounds like you could definitely be on the spectrum.

>> No.4857809

This is a retro games board on 4chan. We're all on the spectrum here.

>> No.4857815

you really have to be on the spectrum to use any site like this, pretty sure even moot and hiro are autists

>> No.4857821

Probably a dishonest way of trying to make you play games less.

>> No.4857993

Gave a sealed copy of the id Anthology to my wife's boyfriend for his birthday a couple of years ago. He sold it for £300 on ebay the next week.