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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 431 KB, 2048x1226, resller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4695325 No.4695325 [Reply] [Original]

Lets just take a moment and vent about how resellers are the biggest faggot cunts on the planet and we wish we could hate them to death through our computers so they would fuck off and get a real job instead of destroying our hobby

>> No.4695329

If resellers didn't make people aware that old videogames had value many more copies would have been thrown in the trash. Fuck you poorfag.

>> No.4695367

If resellers didn't make poeple aware that old videogames had value richfags wouldn't make it a full time job to hop around to literally every second hand store, flea market, or yardsale and buying everything they ever find up so they can resell it on eBay at retarded prices.

If old ladies were throwing out their sons old Nintendos, I have a feeling that would have lost less games than the faggot trust fund asshole that has 500 copies of EVO search for Eden listed for $400 each and says "I don't need thew money, someone will eventually buy it" when you ask him why he's such a fucking monster that hates videogames.

>> No.4695390

>EVO search for Eden
I've already beaten it on emulator, puristfags can go eat and bag of dicks

>final boss of EVO is a giant dick
>didnt figure out how to evolve into human
>become rhinoceros/lion hybrid and bite giant cock to death

>> No.4695397


Resellers have to up the prices to give the illusion that there's a demand for this junk. I hope emulation eventually bankrupts them harder than the industry itself, especially since the industry likes to equate the sale of used games to e-piracy, anyway.

>> No.4695404

EVO has always been a chase game it's not like Earthbound which is actually a rare example of a price fixed game. There were never cases full of unsold copies of EVO being closed out for $50 a pop.

>> No.4695405

>Resellers have to up the prices to give the illusion that there's a demand for this junk. I hope emulation eventually bankrupts them harder than the industry itself,
Resellers made me begrudgingly stop collecting about 10 years ago. If I wanted to pay $100 for one fucking game I'd just buy a new game that I've never played before and can't emulate on my computer.

Since the prices never went back down I just started making reproduction carts out of the cheap sports games you can get for like a buck at any second hand store.
Those reseller fucks can starve in a garage full of amazing games when the youtube "gamer" bubble pops and rich kids stop buying games they saw on gamegrumps

>> No.4696903

I'd like to take a moment to thank resellers for making my childhood toys worth hundreds of times what there were selling for at garage sales 15 years ago. I'd also like to thank them for providing a continuous stream of kekworthy butthurt from underage bandwagoners.

>> No.4697320

>If resellers didn't make people aware that old videogames had value many more copies would have been thrown in the trash.
Yeah... people don't do that. What they used to do was donate all that old shit to Goodwill. But your reseller dick sucking will make for a much nicer campfire story for Goosebumps or whatever underaged programming is airing these days.

>> No.4698150

How exactly would it benefit the average millennial video game hobbyist? Most expensive retro games are esoteric titles that sold poorly and were rediscovered years later in the Internet era. A lot of people also traded in their games to swap for something newer as they never thought they'd be worth anything.

>> No.4698175

Whaaaaaa I'm poor and got into retro gaming way too late, so all the die hard fans who have been gaming for decades have cooler stuff than me.

>> No.4698203

Yes it sucks, but what does bitching about it do? I really see no point in buying snes games. It's just not worth it to me. Just emulate or get a flashcart.

>> No.4698215
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You poor baby. It must suck not having a decent income.

>> No.4698216

I run a "successful" retro game store in Philadelphia. Reselling on ebay is like 50 percent of my income. Best racket going for me is buying up game pads (especially 6 button genesis and saturn pads) with fucked wires and arw caked in dirt. Clean em up, replace the wires then flip em for 40 bucks.

While not /vr/ gamecub/wii stuff is raising fast. Better buy up stuff for it now while you can.

>> No.4698224

>paying for games
>in 2018
Good joke, OP

>> No.4698234

The average millennial hobbyist can play literally anything he wants via emulator already. This really only affects people who are in the hobby of collecting collector's items. And for them it's good too because it means their collections will appreciate.

There's literally no problem unless you're a dirt poor and wish you weren't.

>> No.4698237

>While not /vr/ gamecub/wii stuff is raising fast. Better buy up stuff for it now while you can.

This is always how it goes.

>> No.4698241

Absolutely we are well past lowest price for gamecube stuff. I legit sold sealed in back black gamecube controllers for 200 bucks at a convention like 4 months ago

>> No.4698246

Yep that ship sailed already. Xbox is where you should be looking now.

>> No.4698371

>not reselling to fuel your own collecting
>not just leaving it all on your shelf to play roms on a PSP anyways


>> No.4698449

I feel like this reseller bullshit mainly infects Nintendo products. I collect PlayStation and PS2 games and that shit is still mostly dirt cheap. It's only a few games that ever get into the hundred dollar range, which I usually have little interest in anyway.

>> No.4698497

Think it has to so with quantity. PS1/2 were so popular a million copies of everything were made.

GameCube was never as big. Snes stuff is still affordable.

>> No.4698515

My hobby is playing old games, not desperately chasing physical copies of stuff I'll never even play and spending hundreds of dollars on hoarding plastic.

>> No.4698551

get ready for CRTs to go through the roof
everybody needs 'em, don't say you weren't warned. small trinitrons are already $100+

>> No.4698630

>small trinitrons are already $100+
Where? I have a 19" one I don't need anymore but there sure as shit aren't people waving that kinda money around for a CRT in my area, especially when there's so many free ones on craigslist.

>> No.4698768

The issue isn't just on them. It's also people who are hoarding games and not recirculating them(dups especially... you don't need 2 copies of Mega Man X5 just in case one gets scratched) and also people buying these games at ridiculously inflated prices.

It doesn't help we have repros flooding the market now at the same price as originals and not marked as a repro.

>> No.4698781

>Cat like jaws
>Rabbit shaped body
>Ramopithicus shaped body unlocked
>Evolve further

There's like 3 NPCs that explain it to you through the game, but only faggots choose human over bird.

>> No.4698789

Nice communism you got there.

>> No.4698797

I have no idea how it would benefit the average millennial video game hobbyist. Or why you can't into readingcomprehension. Or why you're unaware that many common games that were selling for $1 or less 15 years ago sell for $100+ today.

>> No.4698801

>Or why you're unaware that many common games that were selling for $1 or less 15 years ago sell for $100+ today.

Can you give 10 specific examples of this?

>> No.4699170

I've been collecting various shit for years, and repros, represses, remakes, etc, etc do little to bring down the value of originals, so emulation isn't the savior here. If anything is to pop the "bubble," it'll likely be caused by people unloading their collections they amassed in their 20s who now need the money for a house, family expenses, etc as they enter their 30s.

I don't mind resellers if they offer a fair deal, but resellers (or just sellers) in the real world on craigslist, offerup, at flea markets and thrift stores think their dirty as shit, untested consoles and games in less than good cosmetic condition and AS-IS working condition think they deserve full market and then some eBay prices. Then you try to haggle, and it's "I know what I have, bro! This goes for X amount on eBay." Then sell it on eBay, you fucker. You don't, because you don't want to pay fees, don't want to package it, clean it, test it, and want me to come pick it up. Fuck you.

>> No.4699203
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>get ready for CRTs to go through the roof

Resellers are being really stupid with this shit on eBay right now. Not even PVMs. "19 Viewsonic PC monitor. Great for retro gaming. Only 350.00!"

Then the snowball effect happens. Idiots on Offerup, CL, Letgo or whatever who have this shit packed away in the garage or the attic bring up the old smartphone and check eBay (and only BIN prices, never sold prices), see the inflated price, and then list for like 299,99, thus giving you a "deal." And nope, no negotiating. FIRM. I know what I have.

>> No.4699264

Here you are, sport

>> No.4699379

>gamecub/wii stuff is raising fast
Saw this coming desu
Already stocked up

>> No.4699384


>> No.4699440

Fuck em, since flash carts and the increasing ease of emulation on official devices are helping non-collectors with options to just play games without resorting to rigged prices.

Now places like Goodwill either overprice or just flatout eBay the stuff since everyone treats old games like they're fucking gold that they're sitting on, when it could be something that was packed in or one of the best selling games on a system.

>> No.4699450

The high price us obvious. You also need to prove they were commonly available for one dollar or less. That was never the case.

>> No.4699465

I submit that the problem is not resellers, but bad consumers. People, for whatever reason, are willing to pay these inflated prices.

>> No.4699472

There is nothing at all wrong with either.

>> No.4699679

That was the case 15 years ago when you were still in diapers.

>> No.4699703

>talking to NPCs
>not eating them

wow, faggot

>> No.4699771
File: 573 KB, 2816x1864, DSCF3446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try with the "you must be young!" line. But you're full of bullshit.

I actually was there, collecting heavily. Of course prices were much lower, but there was never ever a time when you could consistently find games like Metal Warriors for less than a dollar.

There is nothing wrong with prices now in any way. It's basic economics.

>> No.4699794

Ebay is the worst

>> No.4699804

Ok, sure.

So it's totally ok that games that are rediculously common, and used to go for $15 and under can get memed on ebay for $200+ because of the fucking developer. And it's, of course, totally fine that some retarded collector with a problem who "just had to have it" actually paid that, driving the prices of all remaining copies through the roof. So now it's an intrinsically worthless collectors item that most people who want to actually play can't afford. So there's fucktons of copies out there just collecting dust and looking pretty on retards shelves so they can git dat gayman cred.

TOTALLY fucking fine. Right?

You are the biggest problem if all, anon.

Either you're a reseller or collector moron, so you thi k it's great. Or you haven't been effected by this yet, and you think we're all just fyll of it. Right?

Well look up Kuon (not retro, shut up). Got a copy at gamestop for $8 in the mid 2000s. Look at it now. Goes on ebay for $220 or more, because from software made it. It wasn't even a popular game, but had a cult following. A following that now has to play pirated or jap copies, because soulsfags are retarded.

>> No.4699805

Should I get a N64 with everdrive/ED64 or should I just emulate on my Wii?

>> No.4699813

Is starving to death while watching your girlfriend/wife being fucked by another man who gives her money also basic economics?

>> No.4699821

People justifying the prices are resellers. OP is right.

>> No.4699825
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>So it's totally ok that games that are rediculously common, and used to go for $15 and under can get memed on ebay for $200+

Yes. I have explained this before but have grown tired of it. If you're too stupid and upset to understand supply and demand it's not my problem. It's actually at this point my comedy.

>> No.4699951

>i was on ebay collecting heavily a few years ago
FTFYK. You're not fooling anyone. Even the newest of bandwagoners know most games could easily be found for a buck back then.

>> No.4699962

Getting a N64 with everdrive is probably the most justifiable purchase in the history of videogames so yeah.

>> No.4699968
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well you are the idiots who keep buying them and paying the prices, you guys don't even contest the prices

So I always list things and high value or best offer because I expect people to contest the price but guess what happens almost everytime. They just pay the clearly overpriced tag? Once I sold my boxed Dreamcast for 150 dollars, one hundred and fifty dollars. Why? I clearly said or best offer and I was expecting to get an offer of like 70 bucks or something, which I was willing to take, but nope. I'm not even a reseller, I don't actively find games to resell I just sell things I don't want anymore and even I've already figured it out.

>> No.4700062

I know this isn't really retro, but it does suck that games cost so much. Like .hack quarantine for example or the Legend of Heroes games on PSP. I guess some people are willing to pay so they sell it for that much. Sucks to be in reality.

>> No.4700069

>supply and demand Gaiiiisss

yeah thats not just a meme right?

>> No.4700074

if its below 100 its not much

>> No.4700082

>The core of all economics which has been proven over thousands of years human civilization is just a meme.
Fuck off.

>> No.4700083

>basic economics gaiiiiiis
>supply and demand gaiiiiiis
>there's nothing wrong with it gaiiiiiis

you know what it is motherfucker's you turn the retro gaming market into a meme scam, you infiltrated it, co apted it, and ruined it for all of us, just for your E-penis measuring contest.

this is the truth.

>> No.4700101

nice samefagging.

>> No.4700116

How would I get all my Japanese retro games/consoles without resellers? I am quite thankful they exist.

>> No.4700135
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>> No.4700138

nice dodging and derailing.

>> No.4700142

Resellers != scalpers

>> No.4700164

Do people actually buy games at these ridiculous prices? It seems to me it's one giant circlejerk between resellers with the occasional moron actually buying them.

>> No.4700171

You're the one not fooling anyone.

>> No.4700182

Once a game gets over $1000 it becomes a game of hot potato with rich investors passing on games to one another, all trying to get a higher price

>> No.4700189
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Actually I stopped when it started getting expensive and almost entirely emulate now. I'm just not a complete idiot, so I knew at the time that amazing games going for a fraction of what they were originally retailed for was never going to last long.

You guys are the ones who are mad that the market changed over the course of 20 years and were either too young or stupid to have jumped on a good thing when it was going.

>> No.4700226
File: 116 KB, 500x429, luke yang0x429x7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also daily reminder that for almost everything considered "retro" here, emulation these days is pretty great. So playing old games and collecting old games are essentially two different hobbies. And if your hobby is collecting outdated systems and games, that's fine. But understand that you're far from the only one who wants to, and expecting the market to give you special treatment because you're (You) is both idiotic and selfish.

>> No.4700246

kek, u mad?

You see the prices for the Atari 2600 section?
I have no idea where I've ever seen or heard of a 'demand' for the majority of that shit; neither here, nor anywhere else. Atari-specific places like AtariAge are fairly dead, too.

I think what's really happening is Supply & Corporate License.

>> No.4700396

I found a Viewsonic at a fucking garbage dump. Ready to be tossed. I took it and yes it works- well even. I still use it. CRT PC monitors aren't worth much, right?

>> No.4700426

In Bloomington CA there's a swap meet on the weekends. I went for the first time today hoping for anything good.
I guess there's a store right across the street called Games Plus and they sell retro games.
They had a booth in the swap meet selling overpriced SNES NES and N64 games. I saw 2 copies of the Wario's Woods one with an 8 dollar sticker and the other for 25 dollars. I read their reviews on google and someone was talking about them resealing games. I also read that they pick all the good games immediately when the swap meet opens.
I at least got command and conquer 64 for 2 dollars (not at their booth).

>> No.4700434

people are such retards, I just saw someone asking 50 fucking dollars on offerup for a loose mario land 2

>> No.4700529

Not him but he's not exactly wrong. Anyone over the age of 30 who has been working since 15 knows what games used to go for. You could find used games for a buck or 2 at funcoland and eventually gamestop, $3-$12 at pawn shops and they had no idea what was rare just like everyone else. Sure you won't find wild guns every day but if you did it would still be in the same case/bin as the others. I have a shit ton of expensive games I only paid a couple bucks for. $20 total for megaman X, X2, X3 and 7 at pawn america. They used to have 100's of games for sale at these shops so I just bought what I wanted to play at the time.

>> No.4700542

I'm 44. I remember things pretty well.

>> No.4700625

If you actually like playing games a flashcart or even one of those "ultimate nes remix" or similar multicarts are a godsend.

I have a buddy who collects and gives me shit for not buying up every nes game I ever run across like he does. I'd rather play games than look at decaying plastic. I still have about a dozen of my childhood or "garage sale" games I found growing up. Childhood games are the only ones I could ever see wanting a physical copy of.

>> No.4700636


Right? If this shit wasn't worth anything you'd never get any of it. It'd be way worse if this stuff was worth 50 cents each cause no one would bother. Back in the late 90's I heard of people tossing and recycling NES games cause they were so plentiful and didn't sell worth a damn.

>> No.4700640


I've hoarded (though I use them all) 3 pvm/bvm and 9 other consumer CRTs. I'm buying or curb picking pretty much ever one I find with good hookups that are under $30-40. My basement battle station room looks ridiculous but it sure is comfy.

>> No.4700669


As a productive adult with a full time job my time is worth a premium. I'll "buy it now" on a $20 game for $30 if it means I don't have to wait an extra 5 days to get it on my doorstep.

I also buy cheap games from local shops and garage sales, but if I wan't it, I could give a fuck less what it costs as long as it's within my budget to do so.

Honestly $100 feels about what $20-25 used to be in the mid 90s so who gives a fuck. Buy it or don't. It sucks ass but either flashcart/emulate or put the hours on the timeclock if you want stuff. No one has to own deteriorating plastic to play a game.

>> No.4701080

As adult hobbies go, even with the prices as high as they are now retro game collecting is still pretty damn cheap as they go.

>> No.4701332

I'm not trying to fool anyone. I'm just telling one ignorant youngling how things actually were.

>> No.4701426

I wanted to play the original metroid during the late N64, early gamecube era. Had to call around all over town, nobody had it, until what I think was a babbages said they did. Went over there to get it, I still remember it was $13 while every other NES game they had was $3 or less.

That game still goes for about fifteen bucks I think.

>> No.4701506


>> No.4701967

lol, the irony being that what creates this scarcity is the collectors themselves. Then, once these people die from falling down the steps trying to lug their gaem hoard up to their Glass Room, the normie families they have won't give 2 shits about the collection itself and likely just trash it, anyway.

How often do entire collections get put up for sale?
How often do the collectors trade shit into GameStop which trashes games constantly as it's part of corporate policy? You know, "Field Destroy" and those $0.01 price tags that don't get put on the shelves. I got Phantasy Star Online Episode 1 & 2 Plus from their dumpster, how about you?

>> No.4702340
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Resellers only exist because people are willing to keep them in business.

>> No.4702437

Ebay are the ones who keep them in business. Ebay should take the biggest blame for resellers, letting people list shit at ridiculous prices for 0 fees until some tard eventually buys it. Look at any game on Ebay, there's listings at laughable prices that have been on there for years.

>> No.4702460

This is bullshit. Of course people throw stuff out all the time. But you're tricking yourself if you think it doesn't have value. People would pick up these games at any price. I ussed to be able to get them at good will, but now faggots take them for reselling online. Its really the internet that caused the price hike...because of faggot collectors, and the fucking resellers that price games way too high to take advantage of the collectors. Why should resellers have any living at all off of this? Its because the prices are over-inflated. The games have value, but not monetary value. They are COPIES. If the prices are the only thing that is motivating you to buy this you really should KILL YOURSELVES

>> No.4702474

Not much you can do if you're into buying physical though
Not every clueless parent or grandma has mint copies of Nintendo World Championships at their garage sales going for 3.50$

>> No.4704352 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4704442

welcome to socialism comrade

>> No.4704471

>implying there is something bad about this

>> No.4704536

>Muh economics.
Who is this faggot?

>> No.4704789

Everyone who isn't 15.

>> No.4704805

I think I have a better terminology.

Opportunism and Kidnapping.

>> No.4704839

>People, for whatever reason, are willing to pay these inflated prices.

Are they really? Besides most of the obvious rare stuff, every retro store or pawn shop I've been to has loads of games that have been stuck on the shelf for years with faded stickers as they try to pawn off some Mario game for 80 dollars.

>> No.4704875

Sales go on all the time. If you don't like a price you're free not to buy something. If someone does like a price they are free to pay it. Why do people have a problem withh this?

>> No.4704897

ooh, grandma candies!

>> No.4704904

clean your thumbs young man !

>> No.4704990

sauce of gif? I remember playing this on psone, but cant remember title

>> No.4705212

It's an edit.

>> No.4705269

you seem pretty asshurt about this. i think i will start getting into it, i got some spare cash around anyways.

eat shit for life, welcome to the streets

>> No.4705415 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4705425

I'm in my 30's and have lost all my games countless times through various circumstances. My point is just get a flash cart. You don't need to collect games after that - you've got em all on the original hardware. What's the downside?

>> No.4705426

Resellers are irrelevant. If you're mad that your games are worth too much then just sell them.

>> No.4705435

Oddly enough that'd help. If people sold their games when they were done with them, prices would go down like the Japanese retro market where games are expected to circulate.

>> No.4705476

I've only attempted to collect for 2 systems. The Dreamcast in the early 00's, so the most expensive games were around $15 (Skies of Arcadia for example) and the rest were $1-4. Then there were PC games, which resellers hated to have in their inventory from the late 90's to only a couple years ago, so prices were dirt cheap for those too. I just pirate/emulate everything now.

>> No.4705481

You only got yourself to blame not buying what you wanted while it was still dirt cheap.

>> No.4705482

yeah right you want prices to go down so you can hoard all the games instead?

get flashcarts, pirate roms

>> No.4705495

Wonder which G2K shit hole store ops picture comes from.

>> No.4705504

>incredibly high supply of earthbound
>incredibly high demand of earthbound
>incredibly low supply of resident evil gaiden
>incredibly low demand of resident evil gaiden
>incredibly low supply of overblood
>incredibly low demand of overblood
>incredibly high supply of atari 2600s
>incredibly low demand of atari 2600s

resellers are just retarded

literally bought 2 bins of atari 2600s and controllers for $20 2 years ago

>> No.4705506

forgot to mention that I will never be able to sell them, not even for the price I got them for, because there's such a low demand

and yet autismoids are unironically buying atari 2600s on ebay for $50

>> No.4705610
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>go on craigslist
>nothing but ads for resellers
>decide to test the waters and see just how lowball these guys will go
>message one of them with pic related saying "hi do you take game boy advanced games let me know"
>guy comes back with 150
>don't know what I expected

>> No.4705619

Why are resellers trustfund babies or richfags? I'm a neet living comfortably in a major US city and i'm also a reseller. How did you come to this conclusion?

>> No.4705637

Are you an ebay member or some shit? Ebay fucks you hard taking 10% of whatever you sell including the price of shipping plus an extra 2.9% for paypal. I used to use ebay a lot but realized in person cash is just much better.

I buy gamecube controllers but on average they go for about 20~ so its hard to make any profit. I guess I could hoard them and wait until they start selling for even more. But nintendo will probably release a new batch when smash switch drops. Plus dead sticks suck. I should get into the genesis and saturn racket. How do you fix up broke wires?

>> No.4705705

Because he's so far down on the economic ladder that even a relatively cheap hobby seems impossibly expensive. We should all feel bad for him really.

>> No.4705708

You can order replacement cables from alibaba by the hundreds.

>> No.4705737

Like the other guy said, you can get replacement wires out of China cheap.

And yeah, Ebay takes 10%, then paypal gets a 3% cut. Everything I list on Ebay is close to 20% more then if you walked into my store.

Also now selling pre modded RGB consoles and Mega Amped Genesis for a nice profit.

To be honest i'm looking to get out of the store. I finished school a few years back and i'm working my *real* job 40hrs a week then come home to the shop to hustle beat to shit video games to hipsters. Plus, I've seen so many video games and have amassed such a massive personal collection the thrill of buying lots of old games is gone.

>> No.4705779

>takes away the thrill of buying old games from others to resell them

you're a bit of a dick

>> No.4705783
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Craigslist is a dry well. Nothing but "WE BUY RETRO GAMES" and "TURN YOUR WII INTO THE ULTIMATE RETRO GAMES MACHINE" bullshit, along with the occasional person selling Rasberry Pis with Retropi pre-installed for a shitty price. Hard to believe I used to actually find good deals and freebies there.

>> No.4705786

Ah, I was not clear. I meant the thrill of finding them for myself for my own collection. I got into resale as a way to support my collecting habits.

>> No.4705801
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I went to my local flea market over the weekend and I seem to know a couple resellers. Some of them aren't that shitty, but I think the worst ones were these two cunts who seems to sell some games at ridiculous prices.

Here are a few stinkers I remember:
>Super Smash Bros 64 (Cart Only): 60 Bucks
>Banjo-tooie (Cart Only, Not for resale): 75 BUCKS
>Mortal Kombat II Saturn: Didn't have a price so I asked. Packaging wasn't in very good condition, either. 25 Bucks, walked out soon after.
>Nintendo 64, controllers and components: 75-80 Bucks

I'd forgive it a bit more if it was ebay, but this is a fucking flea market, I came for cheap and good shit, not this. Also, I think they have a no refund policy, so fuck them.

Also passed by another one who was getting ready to set up. Had a copy of Marvel vs Capcom 2 on PS2 which I hear is somewhat rare. I wanted to check it out until I saw her inventory and said to myself "no."

>> No.4705824

You poor thing

>> No.4706009

Those assholes! Don't they know they should set their prices to accommodate you? You're the one who deserves those games after all. Fuck someone willing to pay a higher price, you deserve to get everything you want. Fucking women, am I right? Always treating good guys like you without the respect you deserve.

>> No.4706136

I mean, either way

it's still kinda rude

>> No.4706154

emulation fags now, will always be emulation fags...and yes they are quite bitter as you can see in this thread. their kind is a poor variety, and quite unrefined. I myself would not dare emulate, bc of input delay.

>> No.4706195

same, started out wanting to collect gamecube games. I'd just buy any large bundle i saw, filter out what I wanted and then sell off the rest.

>> No.4706204

Is it sad that I know exactly which store in NJ that is? Always overpriced.

>> No.4706215

Flashcarts have no input delay.

>> No.4706307
File: 79 KB, 774x1010, x-box-360-vs-n64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flashcarts have no input delay.
I was just getting ready to say this. Resellers ONLY effect each other at this point. It is like a circle jerk. If you are into gaming, a flash cart removes them from the equation totally. Sure there are exceptions on some systems that don't work, but you have to ask yourself "Is it worth it"? If one isn't careful you can quickly find yourself collecting more then gaming. I don't judge, and to each their own, but I don't judge anyone for how they enjoy the hobby. I know I won't pay for another used game. If I can't buy it new, I won't buy it. I do hope they are able to flood the markets with cheap clones. I just enjoy watching the world burn.

>> No.4706421

>have friend who is hardcore collector
>decides to sell off some duplicates and alternate versions of carts to clear up space for more stuff
>I go with him to local vidyagame swapmeet
>setup table with huge stack of 2600 games, NES, lots of PS1 stuff
>2600 stuff just sits there since no one except friend gives a shit about Atari, everyone at swapmeet too young
>one guy just has a large box of non-working consoles for $5 each
>people grab the non-working NES's and SNES's, and a few non-retro consoles, everything else gets ignored
>obvious resellers walking around checking prices on their phones, attempting to talk everyone down in price, no matter how good the price was
>some small time used store has a table there
>overhear conversation between store guy and reseller about $50 game
>"Hey man, I'll give you $20 cash for it right now."
>"Why would I do that? You sold this to my store for $25 three days ago!"
>"Oh yeah huh."
Other than that, it was just sitting around watching 20-yo's pretending to be interested in 2600 carts, buying PS1 games, and not even accepting free 2600 games.

>> No.4706634

You won’t have a few media shelves full of games to look at.

>> No.4706804

Luckily most consoles from this point have cheap and easy piracy options.

>> No.4706925

Even a lot of older people don't give a shit about Atari anymore.

>> No.4707025

I grew up on atari. I have several and 3 Rubbermaid containers full of games. I've played it maybe 20 minutes in the last 5 years. I feel I've played it more than 99.9% of retro gamers. It's pretty boring other than about a dozen games and a hand full of multiplayer ones.

>> No.4707079

>buying games they saw on gamegrumps

Bro, Gamegrumps only play barbie games, wii shovelware, and shitty steam games that were never released in physical format. The fuck are you talking about? lmfao

>> No.4707128

Anyone who defends resellers is a dumb cunt

It's not about investment. It's about playing games.

And no, emulation is not a viable option. Only a fuckstick wouldnt be able to instantly spot the differences in emulation compared to real hardware.

>> No.4707149

>Bro, Gamegrumps only play barbie games, wii shovelware, and shitty steam games that were never released in physical format.
That is patently false. Get Egoraptor's dick out of your mouth, you're choking on it.

>> No.4707154

>Only one "used game store" in the area
>They put price tag stickers on old cartridges

Makes me rage every time I go in there (which is not often). These are people who deal in used and retro games. You would think that they would know better, but they themselves put stickers on old cartridges. It makes no sense.

>> No.4707169

old videogames are for collecting not playing

>> No.4707672

>And no, emulation is not a viable option

Sweet opinion kidgloves

>> No.4707749
File: 3 KB, 320x200, Rogue - The Adventure Game_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My experience was similar. I didn't have an Atari myself, we were more of a computer household, but friends did and eventually one if them gifted me his. The same with many old computer games of the era, most didn't hold up well at all (though those that do are still pretty awesome). I played most of the carts a handful of times at most and then it collected dust for a decade and a half until I sold it all with a bunch of other junk.

There's a reason most of those games still don't have a ton of value.

>> No.4707782

this why i emulate and give no fucks im glad companies caught on and now have digital downloads for some games that now would be either impossible to get or stupidly over priced.
5.99 for misadventures of tronn bonne on my ps3 for ever.

>> No.4708243


First of all, I fucking hate Egoraptor.

Second, Look at the past 30 games they played. How many are retro? fucking 3?

Madden fucking Football 94
Majora's Mask
Wheres Waldo

Hoo-boy, what a great batting average, huh?

>> No.4708258


>Not playing on original hardware on a Sony PVM

Waddap casual

>> No.4708267

Why would you care about some youtube channel you don't even watch?

>> No.4708631
File: 150 KB, 795x556, 1420325833951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"resellers ruined retro gaming! just look at earthbound!"
>oh cool. sell me your earthbound for $50
>"i would be stupid to sell my earthbound for $50 when somebody else will pay $150!"

>> No.4708642

Anon I think that most of the people who are complaining about Earthbound's price aren't people who actually own it. The only people who will buy it for $200 are people who think it's actually worth $200, in which case there's no problem.

There are two ways to fix EB's over-pricing. (1) Literally just don't buy it. If no-one wants to buy it for $200, the price will go down. (2) Print and sell some good-quality repro carts on the cheap. If you've got the equipment to also make a convincing box and booklet you can probably make a profit selling them for $50-100.

Buying up a lot of copies for the $200 they go for and then reselling them for $50 would work but it's unrealistic.

>> No.4708661

>this entire post

>> No.4708665

I do own a rare or two, and I think that's kinda the point of how spiteful I am with it.

I hate the existence of resellers for how they sporadically inflate the arbitrary price of things.
I also think that people dumb enough to pay for these garbage "rares" I own at that price deserve to be ripped off by only minutely lowering the price from the maximum average sell price to look like "it's a steal", but in reality, it's the other way around.

In other words, fuck the buyers and the sellers.

>> No.4708669

fuck you wagecuck

>> No.4708720

Is this the new buzzword for people who earn a decent living?

>> No.4708728


you know you have to be 18 to post here right? People did indeed ditch mass amounts of cartridges in the 90's. Government recycling programs began accepting game cartridges in the 90's and the demand for that stuff was low. If that stuff wasn't picked up at goodwill, like you claim, it got dumped. No one wanted stacks of games lying around. They did not have much value you then. You're tricking yourself to think back in 1996 holding on to a bunch of NES games seemed like a profitable investment.

>> No.4708746

It's already pretty old by now. Kids these days prefer 'soyboy'.

>> No.4708804

They're both hilarious to me.

>> No.4708807

>you really should KILL YOURSELVES


>> No.4708864

>Madden fucking Football 94
That was a good one. Watching Arin struggle to understand even the basic fundamentals of football was hilarious to me.

>> No.4708871

There's a certain demographic that will never understand why sports games have always been so popular. They're the ones invested in the idea of "nerds vs jocks" where "jocks" would never touch a video game because that's for "nerds"

So if someone looks into a sports game the dissonance breaks them a little inside.

>> No.4709395

Are you retarded? A flea market seller pricing their games at or above eBay price is nonsensical. Why would I haul my ass down to a fucking flea market to pay the same price that I pay online from my home

>> No.4709401

>shelves full of games
Sounds like a hazard for my toddler

>> No.4709403

Why would they bother selling something at a flea market when they know they can make more money just selling online?

>> No.4709427

Back then only hardcore nerds and hoarders kept them. Luckily i kept my childhood games. I'd wager at least 1/3 of retro games manufactured have been destroyed by now.

>> No.4709494


Also luckily nintendo did things like make the zelda games gold. It made them stand out and get saved among the gray. I seem to recall blockbuster or maybe EB games or someone to have had a cartridge destroying policy around the early 2000's. At one point all those stores effectively eliminated them to move to CD cases only. They didn't get donated to video game archivists. If you traded in some N64 games for a new gamecube one, it may very well have been sending those games to their doom.

>> No.4709867


>> No.4709871

It's legitimately tough to tell if you guys are baiting or just really stupid at this point.