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4613309 No.4613309 [Reply] [Original]

Will they ever make a new console?

>> No.4613310


>> No.4613328


>> No.4613330

Unless you count those countless retro mini consoles, no.

>> No.4613332

They can hardly even make a game at this point, why would they bother with a console?

>> No.4613345

No. They've fucked themselves beyond belief.

>> No.4613347




>> No.4613356

dey should when 1 of the 3 others saysgood bye

>> No.4613358

see what they would do to all the ips:

>> No.4613365

>They can hardly even make a game at this point, why would they bother with a console?
This. Even ~IF~ they made a new system it wouldn't be the Sega we knew. Old Sega died with the Dreamcast.

>> No.4613382
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The sega galaxy.

It could be sd card based, and uhh, well like ummm. Sonic and alex kid could be on it, and a new vectorman and toejam and earl. Bring back some old shit like eternal champions and ristar.

Fuck, it would be extremely difficult for sega to get back into the console market again, but it would shake things up if they announced a console!

>> No.4613392

there's nothing exciting about new consoles nowadays anyway. they're all just somewhat specialized computers

>> No.4613402

Sega should make a cartridge based console. They could probably get the Jaguar molds really cheap.

>> No.4613414

>Old Sega died with the Dreamcast.
And the world was a better place after that.

>> No.4613425

does your wife's son love the switch as much as you do?

>> No.4613434

Yes. We play Sonic Mania together on it,

>> No.4613442

Obviously not. Sega's selling point during their arcade and home console golden age was a fearless and risky pursuit of innovation that aimed to combine the two platforms into an overall ecosystem. Sega typically had the best arcade tech (and thus videogame tech) on the planet, so gamers who bought Sega consoles were excited by the prospect of playing a System 16, Model 1, 2, or 3 game at home, even if the port was a downgrade. Today, Nvidia, et al have stepped into that role, and all the technological boundary pushing happens on the PC now rather than in the Arcade, so one of Sega's main methods of market attack quickly disappeared with the emergence of cheaper and more powerful 3D gaming technology.

They have a library of amazing IPs, and if modern gaming tastes were different, you certainly could build a successful console around Virtua Fighter, Sonic, Nights, House of the Dead, Shenmue, Yakuza, Phantasy Star, Panzer Dragoon, Shinobi, Virtual On, etc, but fighters, platformers (unless it's Mario), and arcade style games aren't systems sellers anymore. Though it's easy to see how Yakuza could've been Sega's anwer to GTA, Shinobi an answer to God of War, Sonic an answer to Mario, while House of the Dead and Panzer Dragoon being something they could pair with their VR unit. But at the end of the day, they wouldn't have the financial muscle to develop any kind of bleeding edge console tech and then step into the marketing ring with Sony, MS, and Nintendo.

>> No.4613468
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8 L E V E L

>> No.4613469


>> No.4613484

>they wouldn't have the financial muscle to develop any kind of bleeding edge console tech
Here is my take on what Sega COULD do. To start they need to keep It simple. No powerhouse. Make it a DC 2.0. No disc drive. Games are purchased and downloaded over the Internet. Have it come with the 6-pak already installed to give players a taste and have the entire Sega library slowly released along with new games for purchase from Sega, 3rd party, indie, etc. Have it use Saturn like controllers since those were the best.
>inb4 it would fail
Yeah...I know but a guy can dream right?

>> No.4613525
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Honestly a better question might be "Will ANYONE ever make a new console?"

Literally the only thing still selling video game consoles is brand recognition and consumer confidence. The PS4 and XBone are nothing more that gaming PCs with custom menus and hardware DRM. They no longer offer price:performance advantages as they no longer have any specific or exceptional focus on gaming. They're literally telling you to buy from them because there will be exclusives you can play only on their hardware and to some extent promising an easier/more fun interface than using a PC although PCs and Steam have gotten pretty darn monkey friendly.

The Switch surprised me with how successful it is but it just goes to show how well Nintendo knows the video game market. They leveraged their dominance in the handheld space to basically get out of the "console" business while not only throwing a classic mini bone to appease and reassure "console gamers" but also grab the attention of "retro gamers" and make it all seem very exciting with their old artificial scarcity tricks. Just brilliant. Then the design of the Switch and its software both show ample love and intimate familiarity with "casual" video games.

Meanwhile, Sega gonna Sega

>> No.4613536

sega in name only

>> No.4613540

The Switch is hot garbage. Nintendo games since the Gamecube have failed to hit the mark, and that continues with the Switch. The hardware is similarly awful, but that doesn't belong on this board.

>> No.4613550

>make a new console

It's getting doubtful at this point that anyone will ever make a new console. Microsoft is already saying that console generations are over and the future is just incremental upgrades to existing consoles while maintaining backwards compatibility, similar to a PC. Sony seems to be onboard with the same ideology. Nintendo might be the odd one out since they seem to be into gimmicky consoles. Oh, and Sony also says that portable gaming consoles are dead since smartphones have usurped the entire market, so you probably won't be seeing new handhelds.

I can't see Sega getting back into the console hardware market at this point. I mean, what could they really do that would differentiate their console from the PS4/Xbone? There's no real entry point even if they were so inclined to try. I think they're happy just licensing out their name to game development studios and merchandise manufacturers.

>> No.4613553

>what could they really do that would differentiate their console
Sega VR 2.0


>> No.4613556

I love my Switch :3

>> No.4613565

That's funny, because the GameCube was an all time low point for Nintendo's franchises. The worst 3d Mario game, the two worst 3d Zeldas, and the (second) worst Mario Kart. All it had going for it was Metroid and Pikmin.

>> No.4613576

>the two worst 3d Zeldas
Skyward Sword was on the Gamecube?

>> No.4613580

Skyward Sword at it's worst was nowhere near as bad as TP's tear hunting or WW's fucking Triforce hunt.

>> No.4613581

>2 worst zeldas

Twilight Princess was elite

>> No.4613582

They also said long time ago that personal computers were dead because of tablets, or something like this. Also look at the comeback of vinyl despite CDs supposedly were going to kill them.
The one console thing it's the ideal practical solution, but we know that humans get bored with comodity and practicality after time has passed and then we search again for that spice and variety of life, and for tangible experiences.

Also, in my opinion, handheld gaming has been very bad since the 3DS. I'm not saying it only has awful games, but the kind of short, tiny but intense experiences that Game Boy, GBA or NDS offered has been replaced almost completely by long RPGs and adventure games that take hours to complete. Portable consoles of today are tiny versions of home consoles, and tha'ts a mistake, in my opinion, and possibly one of the factors of it's decline (also, remakes and sequels everywhere)

>> No.4613614

I don't know who you mean by "they", but these are the main console manufacturers saying this stuff. At this point you kind of have to ask yourself what would a next generation console from Sony or Microsoft even do that the current generation doesn't? Better graphics? They can do that by just releasing a new version of the current console. In fact, they're already doing exactly that. Incremental releases are cheaper for the console manufacturer and makes developers happier since their games can just passively achieve higher resolutions and frame rates as the underlying hardware improves, just like with the PC.

This isn't the 80s/90s/00s anymore when the underlying hardware radically changed every generation. All they do these days is swap out existing components for more powerful versions of essentially the same component. It begs the question of why do you need a "new console" then when it's literally just the old console but faster.

>personal computers were dead because of tablets
Said no one ever. Desktops and tablets are very different tools.

>comeback of vinyl
That's a niche market that has nothing to do with anything. Even if vinyl is trendy among certain individuals, it's an absolutely negligible market compared to CDs and digital distribution. That's like arguing that against incremental console updates because there's a niche market for retro games, it's an absolutely nonsensical argument.

>> No.4613615

You're wrong about the portable games part. They are dead because of smart phones and the plethora of shovelware crap available on the google play/app store. The 3DS is actually a godsend for the portable gaming market since they actually still give a fuck about the quality of their releases

>> No.4613617

The consoles market is a market of megacorps taking controls of the industry with their big wallet since Sony and Microsoft entered in it. Sega, Snk, Nec, Atari being kicked out was normal. Nintendo still being on this market is not normal at all. They're a dwarf company that should die very soon.

>> No.4613619

>it's an absolutely negligible market compared to CDs and digital distribution.
Except vinyl has outsold both CDs, AND digital.

>> No.4613625

It's true and that's also true for the whole japanese industry. They were never capable of facing the rising of the western industry with their old gen garbage. The quality of Square-Enix games has spectacularly collapsed since 15 years, they used to be a top 5 publishers.

>> No.4613627

>>comeback of vinyl
>That's a niche market that has nothing to do with anything. Even if vinyl is trendy among certain individuals, it's an absolutely negligible market compared to CDs and digital distribution. That's like arguing that against incremental console updates because there's a niche market for retro games, it's an absolutely nonsensical argument.


>> No.4613646


>> No.4613654

Wow. Impressive. I better get back on my laserdisc collecting

>> No.4613670
File: 1.01 MB, 512x512, teknoparrot_by_pooterman-db9erxd[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're spiraling now ITT, at the risk of the wrath of the retro police I'm going to delve into the /vr2k/ 4chan no-man's land and mention that if you truly want to play quality, exclusive Sega you need to be aware of pic related.

>> No.4613703
File: 92 KB, 209x396, 1478174287645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be really cool to have another console in the ring, preferably outside of the U.S./Japan monopoly, and even more preferably with all new IPs and mascots. It wouldn't have to be as powerful as the latest gaming PC or whatever, just so long as the games were unique, fun, and looked visually interesting.

Also, while we're dreaming, I'd like a trillion dollars and a supermodel girlfriend.

>> No.4613759

You're probably right about it, but as an user of all Nintendo portable consoles (GB, GBA, DS and 3DS) I can tell you that the change in portable gaming philosophy has damaged that world for me. I've never been so bored of portable gaming since the arrival of the 3DS and PSPVita generation. I believe the death of that style of 2D gaming is apart of that.
The death of portable gaming it's probably because of the reasons you said, but I know I'm not the only one with the opinion that modern portable gaming sucks. And let's not forget that Nintendo it's being currently the least creative ever with the amount of remakes for 3DS and the thousands sequels of Fire Emblem, Rhythm Heaven and Paper Marios.

>> No.4613801

this is one of the only times I'm not annoyed by your presence. well played, fucking tripfag.

>> No.4613831

Nah. But if they had made a home version of the Triforce I would have bought one.

>> No.4613835
File: 35 KB, 442x467, SF Cross Reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4613838

I really hope shitendo will die soon so they won't be a red flag anymore and people will open their eyes how the whole japanese industry is complete garbage with zero creativity.

>> No.4613849

>Oh, and Sony also says that portable gaming consoles are dead since smartphones have usurped the entire market
Nintendo says "Ha-ha!" to that statement.

>> No.4613853

5G GSM Switch when

>> No.4613875

Give them time.
I can see Nintendo releasing gaming smarthphones of their own before 2020.

>> No.4613943

>In fact, they're already doing exactly that. Incremental releases are cheaper for the console manufacturer and makes developers happier since their games can just passively achieve higher resolutions and frame rates as the underlying hardware improves, just like with the PC.
People aren't buying that though. Out of those, best selling hardware is still base PS4, not Pro, not Xboner X. These Pro or X models don't even offer any exclusives. I don't see how Sony or Microsoft can sustain releasing a new Pro Plus or X X without cutting the old generation and saying "guys, we will use the hardware to its full capacity, not gonna make the games be made for the base hardware that is ancient by todays standarts.".

>> No.4613982

That's what they'll do, they'll just call it a PS5 "Wit muh full PS4 backwerd compatibility!"

>> No.4614096

Consoles are just prebuilt pcs at this point, and Sega makes far too much arcade money to dick around with the home market.

>> No.4614182

Sega is no longer the same company.

>> No.4614208

Theres been hints that Microsoft is buying them out from Sammy so that the XBox will have a chance in Japan.


They're also set on buying EA so that Madden & Fifa will be XBox exclusives and that they can balance things out with the PlayStation brand (as well as make the XBox relevant in Europe with Fifa).

>> No.4614254

>Said no one ever.
Dead is an overstatement, but as of 2015 half of US households own a tablet, and as of this month 1 in 10 have only a mobile device, no pc. For normal people, there's no reason to own a pc and be terrorised by the prospects of researching parts and putting it together themselves or pay out the ass for geek squads and prebuilts when they can do twitbook and huflix just fine from a phone or tablet.

Audio professionals still very much use vinyl, and even on the consumer side the fact is even big box retailers are dropping cds entirely, but vinyl production is still going up.

Point still stands that no company with half a brain will bother with consoles when they can stick with software. It'll all be over once someone decides to give up the console war nonsense and make a deal with valve anyway.

>> No.4614260

>arcade money

lol good one

>> No.4614268 [DELETED] 

This. It's like treating someone's children or grandchildren the same as their parents and expecting them to be anything similar. They're all different people, it's totally different, they're not even related. I think it's just because they have the same symbol and logo, people think there's some sort of continuity since 1990.

>> No.4614271 [DELETED] 

This. It's like treating someone's children or grandchildren the same as their parents and expecting them to be anything similar. They're all different people, it's totally different, except with corporations the new people are not even related. I think it's just because they have the same symbol and logo, people think there's some sort of continuity since 1990.

>> No.4614273


This. It's like treating someone's children or grandchildren the same as their parents and expecting them to be anything similar. They're all different people, it's totally different, except with corporations the new people are not even related. I think it's just because they have the same symbol and logo, people think there's some sort of continuity since 1990.

>> No.4614276

this is crazy offtopic for this board but i have no idea about modern gaming industry developments while still generally finding the topic to be interesting, so this is an interesting scenario to think about.

>MS buys sega
sega-branded xbox console in japan, maybe worldwide? would be kinda cool.

>MS buys EA, making their (sports) games exclusive
this is almost unthinkable but if it happened, that'd be a nice upheaval too. also probably spell the glorious return of winning eleven.

>> No.4614878

The Switch hardware and Nintendo's software is selling a ton on there. It's selling to the normies who never bought into Nintendo before.

>> No.4614880

Consoles are obsolete. The switch isn't really a console, it is a handheld that can plug into an HDTV. Only a retarded company would make a new console. So, in the case of SEGA. Maybe.

>> No.4614887

Microsoft isn't buying Sega. Atlus is part of Sega and they'll be committing suicide in Japan to sell to Microsoft. Also I could have sworn that the Sega Japan visit to Microsoft involved Microsoft showing off some AI tech to Japanese companies.

>> No.4614892

Sega has no budget to fund anything massive anymore. They can risk funding Yakuza because it's popular in Japan and it'll sell but can't fund Bayonetta 2 and 3 because it's risky, expensive, and not popular enough in Japan.

>> No.4614901

They just need to make a better switch just like sony

>> No.4614902
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>Only a retarded company would make a new console. So, in the case of SEGA. Maybe.

>> No.4614962

Anything is possible. SEGA has decades worth of valuable IP. If they were willing to spend some money they could channel that IP through a streaming service eventually leading towards a new console.

>> No.4614981

Thank you anon, the GCN has been getting way too blown out of proportion lately. It was downright pathetic.

>> No.4614992
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It couldn't be worse than the other consoles on the market after the Dreamcast.

>> No.4615505

It's just the weebs living in their bubble. Quality of japanese games is trash since 15 years. There's a good reason why they're far behind on sales.