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File: 113 KB, 600x337, Secret-of-Mana-PS4-PSV-Rumor_08-25-17_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4596193 No.4596193 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on the way this retro gem is now being handled?

>> No.4596209

I prefer pixel art, but it doesnt looke that bad.

>> No.4596217

I didn't know they were doing anything with it. They really fucked up the graphics in the PC port of FFV so they should just go out of business already IMO.

>> No.4596390

Pretty much this. I would have loved a full blown 2D remake, but I get why they went the way they did and the result looks good.

>> No.4596392
File: 41 KB, 506x512, ff5psone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People hate what the sprites look like, but that's how they were always intended. Snes resolution just couldn't do them justice.

>> No.4596450

No. That is not how the remade sprites look. I will put out a fatwah on you if you keep spouting this nonsense.

>> No.4596457

i think it looks pretty good

>> No.4596485
File: 875 KB, 1000x600, FFV_iOS_Speed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4596513

Yes they are. It's not exact but clearly the style they are going for with them.

>> No.4596546

wtf is that font? Looks like something on cheap halloween decorations.

>> No.4596552

>It's not exact but clearly the style they are going for with them.
Even if that may be true, it just means they did a terrible job of trying to make it in that style.

>> No.4596553

What were they thinking?

>> No.4596557

And the original for comparison


>> No.4596561
File: 4 KB, 399x389, 1488664269049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is this blasphemy?

>> No.4596613

I honestly like the original OST better but there are however some tracks of the remasterd that I really like that give me the sense of the feels man such as this one titled "Fond Memories" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zFrozpJPbM&list=PL0JUbdF--Lfg_c8jOsvgDny3cFkiT-qZN&index=5

>> No.4596629

And this one is pretty faithful to the original track "Spirit of the Night" which kinda made me shed a tear when hearing it making me remember the first time playing this game through my rough child hood. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Up3HD6LxQUo&list=PL0JUbdF--Lfg_c8jOsvgDny3cFkiT-qZN&index=17

>> No.4596656

Is this that SNES game where everybody hates you and you basically get bullied and shit on by the entire world until you finally get the 2P co-op character?

>> No.4596657

pretty much, this is why I barley come to /vr/ anymore, everyone here is a cynical cunt that hates everything you like.

>> No.4596676

I didn't say I hated the game but that's just my recollection of it
>Hey bro this game has co-op
>Cool let's play it
>Huh I guess we need to get another party member
>2 hours later
>Can I play yet?

>> No.4596685

It takes all of ten minutes to get Primm.
Op is obviously talking about the horribly remixed and game-breakingly buggy ps4 release, anyway.

>> No.4596761

Why is this game so loved anyway? It has very clunky combat system that tries to combine both realtime and turnbased, resulting in kinda boring almost rhythm based combat, atrocious menu system, kinda meh dungeons. Good music/graphics?

>> No.4596779

It was a really comfy game that you played with your friends.

>> No.4596781

I guess I had nothing else back then? I re-played it some years ago, it has a nice world but yes, it is clunky.

Seiken Densetsu 3 is still fucking amazing, despite being even more broken than Secret of Mana. I re-played it some years ago too and it's still fantastic. Despite all the flaws it does have.

A Seiken Densetsu 3 with the broken combat fixed would be GOTY.

>> No.4596802

Don't use the hardcore patch unless you know what you're doing.

>> No.4596805
File: 873 KB, 880x1872, dragons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4596819

That sounds intriguing, I have some time end of the month, maybe I'll play through that. Thank you!

>> No.4596847

... it's the Pony font, anon.

>> No.4596870


It looks like the 3ds remakes of various square titles. so... kinda shit?

>> No.4596880

I played it for the first time a few years ago, and while it was pretty clunky, it was still a good time. It's mostly just the then-unique experience of playing a co-op JRPG. SD3 really is good, though, even if it's easy.

>> No.4596945

Terrible! And it's especially bad because they don't give you the option for the OST!

Oh wait-

>> No.4597009

I'm pleasantly surprised that /vr/ doesn't hate this as much as /v/.
I'll buy it if they port it properly to Switch, at a decent price, and will play it with the original music. I never thought of the original as having good or bad combat, it was always about the adventure.

>> No.4597143

I'm not just talking about the sprites...

>> No.4597151

Yeah this game has some problems... But the only one that bothers me is you have to walk to the edge of the screen to get it to scroll.

>> No.4597186

I hated it back then. too childish, weird gameplay, even the noisy music annoyed me. illusion of time is better in all these regards

>> No.4597193

what the fuck is this midi reeds hell

>> No.4597198

dat localization marketing

>> No.4597210
File: 1.54 MB, 640x448, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to remake a 2D game, unless you're drastically altering it in such a way as to take advantage of a third dimension, then make it fucking 2D jesus christ. Hell, I would have been happy with a Legend of Mana quality remake. That would have been fucking fantastic. Wouldn't even have to go the full HD assets route

I keep hearing people say "well I understand why they went the 3D route" or "no one does 2D anymore because it's hard" like that somehow makes it okay. No. Fuck that. The reason they went 3D is because it's cheaper and easier and so they could reuse an engine. They did it because they're lazy. And why the fuck should I support laziness, especially when the game is 40 fucking bucks? Fuck that

Even at 10 bucks I wouldn't like it. I'd be more understanding, but I still think it would be a wasted opportunity to actually give the game some respect and remake it properly. Either give 2D content the treatment it deserves or just fuck off already and make something new with your shitty engine

>> No.4597226

I think a game like Secret of Mana was doomed to never ever receive a high budget remake. Fuck, I’m amazed we got anything at all, and when you consider how FFVI turned out with it’s Steam/Android release, things could most certainly have been worse.

Personally I wish they’d used the engine from I Am Setsuna / The Lost Sphear, but it is what it is I guess.

My dream is for a Switch release, that includes the original and the remake, with some bug fixes and refinements, handled by Grezzo Games

>> No.4597235

>I think a game like Secret of Mana was doomed to never ever receive a high budget remake. Fuck, I’m amazed we got anything at all, and when you consider how FFVI turned out with it’s Steam/Android release, things could most certainly have been worse.

That's no excuse. If they were never going to actually put effort into it, then it shouldn't have gotten a remake at all. Should have used that money, time and manpower on something that wasn't halfassed

>> No.4597259

>Pony font
>in Final Fantasy
Where did it all go so wrong?

>> No.4597270

It's still immeasurably less offensive than what they did to FFV. If their best talent prefer to use 3D then they should use 3D.

>> No.4597297

A valid complaint, but remember this project came to exist because of the Vita basically, following Adventures Of Mana. They saw some demand, and an opportunity to make some easy money, and here we are.

>> No.4597309

guys square has been dead since 2001

>> No.4597313

They still made some okay stuff in the 2010's though. I didn't hate FFXII.

>> No.4597551
File: 178 KB, 988x480, 5-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they look slightly better to be honest, but the style has always looked like shit to me.

>> No.4597579

if you haven't caught on to the fact that they're doing it intentionally out of sheer disdain for the customer you're a bigger fool than I can even imagine

>> No.4597604

>I didn't hate FFXII.
but square's executives hated it

the only person whose allowed to make the games he wants to at that company is Kawazu

everyone else there whose outside his team is a soulless monster or a baby who grew up playing the games who will get manipulated and bullied forever by their bosses

>> No.4597614


Don't forget Theatrhythm Final Fantasy on the 3DS, superb rhythm game if you like that sort of thing. They've put out heaps of shit but it's not like they became LJN overnight, there's still legit talent in there that can very occasionally break through to deliver something good.

>> No.4597624


Yep, the corporate infrastructure of Square Enix must be a complete fucking mess - every game they put out now comes paired with stories of development hell, staff turnovers, ridiculous deadlines, cut content, unmet expectations - it's a miracle they can even stay intact with how much trouble putting out one game gives them.

>> No.4597648

Tetsuya Nomura has the exact face of a man who was forced to have sex with an underage prostitute who herself was forced to work at a love hotel as a result of her father's gambling debts and he didn't find out it was rape until after it was over and she started crying.

Then his boss pushes him aside with a sweaty meaty palm and starts savagely beating her. So she knows she can never tell anyone.

>> No.4597653
File: 151 KB, 877x720, good old buggy jrpgs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing Secret of Mana for the first time, tearing my way through Ice Country as we speak at level 21 and leveling Popoi's Salamando level to 2.

Fuck Howlers.

>> No.4597820

Kys, my dude

>> No.4597920

I wonder if people realize that Secret of Mana was never really that good.

>> No.4598358

Damn I must have been imagining all that fun I had

>> No.4598369

i agree, this series was always bad. people have fond memories of playing co-op with their friend but like, yeah no shit, you were just having fun hanging out with your friend. this game actually sucks dick.

really enjoyed the secret of mana+ album though.

>> No.4598398

looks like shit, but still better than those shitty mobile remakes

>> No.4598427


I just got Flammie and Nocturne and here is my worthless opinion:

It´s fun. It´s not worse or better than the original, just different. If you enjoyed the SNES game you will like this one too. I got the PS4 Version.

-playing on a big TV is awesome.
-grafics are good. vibrant colors.
-added dialogue in inns
-item/spell hotkeys
-some of the new music is awesome. e.g. the frozen forest music is a lot better than the original.
-running in curves now possible. This makes the game more fast paced and less tedious.
-less grinding (spells and weapons level up faster)

-a lot of the new music is garbage
-no spell hotkeys in multiplayer
-~1 crash every 60 mins
-ring menu not above the character you opened it for
-no minimap when flying (or I didn´t find it)
- a little too easy. I just breezed through up to this point with little to no challenge. Might be because I know everything in and out.

That´s about it. If you´re still interested and want to play it but are on the fence I would advise to wait a little for a discount and a few patches.
It´s still a great game though.

>> No.4598449

Is the voice acting tolerable? If not, can you turn it off?
When I played the original, I beat bosses by spamming magic, so it will be interesting to fight them more honestly

>> No.4598478

It had a lot of weird problems, like magic making every boss trivial after like the second element. I really enjoyed it though, even when I was just playing it by myself. Then again I liked FF mystic quest a lot so wtf do i know. Both games had their share of problems but they had some sweet sound tracks at the very least.

>> No.4598520

Am I the only one who thinks Secret of Mana wasn't all that great to begin with?

>> No.4598738

It's dual audio (and four languages for text), and separate volume sliders for voice, sfx, and music, so you can turn off voices by putting the slider to zero.

I've been playing on English, the main cast voices are okay, not great, but not terrible. Everything in the game is voiced, right down to the most useless random NPCs, and a lot of them do sound phoned in.

>> No.4599337


I set them to japanese, they are good. English is too cheesy for me.