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File: 66 KB, 288x334, GOAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4593918 No.4593918 [Reply] [Original]

1. E2M7 - The Underearth
2. E3M6 - Chambers of Torment
3. E3M1 - Termination Central
4. E4M1 - The Sewage System
5. E1M5 - Gloom Keep
6. E4M3 - The Elder God Shrine
7. E2M5 - The Wizard's Manse
8. E4M5 - Hell's Atrium
9. E4M7 - Azure Agony
10. E1M6 - The Door to Chthon

Note: E2M6 - The Dismal Oubliette would definitely make this list if it wasn't for the annoying elevators that needlessly slow shit down.

All great maps. This is factual objective patrician connoisseur taste. Inb4 plebdom.

>> No.4594058


E1M1 is un-ironically a great intro map. It has a heap of secrets, a few weapons (which is great for a first level) and quad damage. Fun level to explore but also good to speedrun.
Your list is great too, and every map is good in its own way...
Was a shame only the first and last ep had bosses though. (The 2 expansion packs were great too!)

We really need a true quake sequel...

>> No.4594083

I only agree that E2M7 (arguably created either inimitation of Theresa Chasar's mapping style, or with her direct unofficial involvement, thus being her last map) and E3M6 are better than any "pure" Willits level (the clear apex of those is his E3M7: Wind Tunnels, not E4E1, which is only unteresting as Q2 precursor and due to nifty headlamp secret). E4M3 is the most shit Petersen's level layout-wise, E4M5 - the most annoying, and E4M7 - the most pointless, being just a long protracted remix of everything in previous Petersen's levels with a different pallette. I would probably mention E4M8 as clear apex of what Petersen was trying to do, E4M6 as his smartest level encounter-wise, and E4M4 as his most important level due to introduction of grenade jumping.
Of Romero's levels, E3M1 just reeks of Perfect Hatred and Romero sniffing his own farts. Moreover, it's way too horizontal and has tons of unused space on acid level. Overall it almost looks as amateurish as E1M2, being a straight up Doom layout in a game that really doesn't work with Doom layouts. E2M6 in its full version is very clearly this game's attempt at Doom's E4M6 instead - although incomparably more annoying. It's pretty much the largest map Romero did and a clear apex of his level-designing (although it does have some "Doominess" in its layout). E2M5 is pointless due to being built around ascension, with the only thing that ascension leading to bring the inescapable cage trap (beta3 version of the level had also a lame trap activated via shooting the ceiling window, but that's hardly any better). I'd rather list E2M3 (straight-up ascension, important enough to warrant a dopefish) and E2M4 (almost the same, but with a nifty twist upon the ascension idea - those three "Fuck You" shots - in the end) as the most inspired, distinctive and "Romero-ish" levels.

>> No.4594091

>although incomparably LESS annoying

>> No.4594134

Is there a basic guide to movement in Quake?

>> No.4594314

1. Ziggurat Vertigo
2. Gloom Keep
3. Satan's Dark Delight
4. The Tomb Of Terror
5. The Palace Of Hate
6. The Door To Chthon
7. The Wind Tunnels
8. The Vaults Of Zin
9. The Grisly Grotto
10. The Elder God Shrine

>> No.4594346

there's this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6jm9iGW2Co

Note that he's playing ezquake/quakeworld physics so he can bunnyhop and maintain speed much easier than on vanilla and generally go a lot faster.

if you're playing vanilla or another vanilla based sourceport, make sure you also enter cl_bob 0 and +speed into your config and turn off the autorun in the menu. this helps you maintain momentum with your bunnyhops.

>> No.4594407

>a few weapons (which is great for a first level)
You know, in Duke E1M1 you get all of the Episode 1 weapons on the very first level? P cool huh?

>We really need a true quake sequel...
Yes we do brother. Big time.

>> No.4594432

Ziggurat Vertigo at number 1?
Number FUCKING 1?!

>> No.4594440

Yes, because it's the best map in the game.

>> No.4594470


>> No.4594492

It's the exact opposite of best. It's an infuriating, slow map and literally the only reason to play it is to get the rocket launcher early.
It is also obviously the absolute nadir of multiplayer maps across literally every single FPS in the entire fucking genre.
You have the worst, the WORST opinion I've EVER read in my 22 years on the internet, congratulations. What's your address, I need to send you an award.

>> No.4594494

there's nothing stopping you from playing the episodes out of order, right?

>> No.4594518

of coursh not

>> No.4594531

Buy yourself some taste. Not only does the map look great and the concept it has is original, but pentaquad rocket jumping around in low gravity never gets old for me.

>> No.4594545

The map looks like any other McGee's level: sume cubes cobbled together and covered with one blue-ish texture. And the concept is stupid: so the jumps propell me due to Moon gravity, but elevators don't? And apparently Moon gravity doesn't affect my ability to DESCEND using elevators? I mean, that's just highly inconsistent, is all.

>> No.4594549

shut the fuck up you retarded nerds

>> No.4594554

Also, the map with that kind of gimmick, shouldn't even have featured elevators (in order to emphasize its gimmick through platforming) in the first place. Introducing elevators into it was pure idiocy on McGee's part.

>> No.4596224
File: 2.53 MB, 900x506, Quake on an oscilloscope2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you guys seen this?

Version with sound: >>>/gif/12195145