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/vr/ - Retro Games

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454204 No.454204 [Reply] [Original]

>in local electronics and game shop
>browsing SNES and Genesis games
>dude walks by, pauses for a second
>"I can get all this stuff on my phone"
>keeps walking

>> No.454235
File: 18 KB, 259x220, yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why would you buy a snes when you have a hacked wii to emulate with?

>> No.454286
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>tfw too poor to buy real copies of games and have to emulate

>> No.454293

>browsing SNES case
>employee comes over to unlock it for some guy
>guy starts asking employee about various games
>employee doesn't really know the answer
>I interject and start answering his questions
>he asks me what some good co-op games to play with his girlfriend are
>go completely blank
>tell him Zombies Ate My Neighbors or something
>leave a few minutes later
>get to my car, have an epiphany
>person just got out of their car 3 feet away
>looks at me like I'm retarded

>> No.454327 [SPOILER] 
File: 333 KB, 633x467, THATBASTARD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browsing SNES and genesis games
>guy walks buy, pauses for a second in front of a wall
>"You could've stopped it"
>keeps walking through the wall
>game display disappears
>store dissolves around me
>it's 2013, there are no local game stores
>I never left room 148

>> No.454338

>tfw no gf

>> No.454357
File: 46 KB, 225x350, baa_mangascan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why buy anything you can emulate?

>> No.454365

This is true for Earthbound.
But it's not that good of a game anyway to waste 500 dollars on anyway.

Also Seiken Densetsu 3.

>> No.454369



>> No.454382

Don't worry, it's an elitist hobby. You're missing nothing by emulating them and saving yourself a fortune in the process

>> No.454389

B-but muh collection!

>> No.454403


>You're missing nothing by emulating

Maybe if you're emulating on a CRT TV, but even then you miss out on the authenticity of using the original controller. Not to mention the constant thought in your head that there are 8 billion other ROMS you could be playing, just one click away.

>> No.454441

>Elitist hobby


>> No.454463

>Zombies Ate My Neighbors
>coop with my girlfriend
You just ruined their relationship. They will never beat it and will blame eachother

>> No.454537


He didn't actually buy it, thankfully.

>> No.454550


Dude, how would I even go about looking up classic game joints?

I have a Play N Trade near me, but they gouge the hell out of prices worse than Gamestop ever did.

Majora's Mask isn't worth 80 dollars without the box/manual, but PnT insists it is.

>> No.454562


Idunno. Google maps?

>> No.454565

Eh, don't worry, it's the same damn game, be it on a computer or the console.

All your missing out on is someone's opinion of how you should be playing the game.

>> No.454569

>but even then you miss out on the authenticity of using the original controller.
No you don't, there are adapters for those.

>> No.454578


I run into that problem with ROMs, but i'm getting better at it

>> No.454605

each store is a franchise. so each store prices differently

>> No.454607

>but even then you miss out on the authenticity of using the original controller

Usb adapters. You can use any console controller on the pc.

>Not to mention the constant thought in your head that there are 8 billion other ROMS you could be playing, just one click away.

Sounds like the same distraction as having different games to play on the console.

>> No.454617

but that's fucking ridiculous. 80 bucks for a 40 dollar game? are you shitting me?

>> No.454620
File: 21 KB, 493x402, IMG_0214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to some "retro game" store near me ran by loser nerds
>enter the shop, walk around for a little bit
>see some angry mouthbreathing fat neckbeard behind the corner, eyeing me down, I can feel him judging me
>say aloud "this is stupid, I can play all these crap games on my phone if I wanted to anyway"

>> No.454628

>the constant thought in your head that there are 8 billion other ROMS you could be playing, just one click away
I am so sick of hearing this argument.

You've gotta realize that's a personal problem. Not EVERYONE is gonna have that problem.

>in a library
>reading some Dostoevsky
>"oh fuck, there's like a million other books I could be reading right now!"
I'm sorry, that just doesn't happen to most people.

>> No.454631


>Sounds like the same distraction as having different games to play on the console.

It isn't. You never have as many games as you could ROMs, and there's the added pressure of "I paid for this shit, I better play it."

>> No.454639

how fix

>> No.454643

>>454631 see >>454628

>> No.454650

Honestly, it sounds like a personal problem.

>> No.454657

Get some add medication.

>> No.454664

No, I have trouble picking a game to play in the first place.

>> No.454668

Very legitimate questions.

>> No.454665
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>see some angry mouthbreathing fat neckbeard behind the corner, eyeing me down, I can feel him judging me
There's only one retro vidya store worth talking about in my city, and it's staffed and populated entirely by these types of people. I went once and everyone was eyeballing me hard.
It was disturbing and I never went back. At least garage sale assholes selling their kids' old video games don't eyeball the shit out of you.

>> No.454672


>paying money as a justification to play the actual games

Why don't you just get a different hobby?

>> No.454682

The emulatorfags have infiltrated, I see.

>> No.454694

There is no such thing as emulatorfags, only a mix of people with various opinions on emulation.

>> No.454720

What is an "emulatorfag"? People that don't spend absurd amounts of money the devs will never see on games they can acquire in seconds for free?

>> No.454735

Woah, guys. Emulation is a valid option for people without an expendable income. I buy games like crazy, and I play them on their native consoles, but I have no problem with anyone emulating whatever they want. It makes my experience no less genuine, and it doesn't detract from theirs either. We can all get along if we stop this stupid argument.

>> No.454749


You can't acquire it for free. You can acquire an imperfect copy of it for free. That's why they call it "emulation". An emulatorfag is someone who cares not for authenticity or the history of their hobby and is willing to accept an inferior experience in exchange for convenience.

>> No.454758

Wow, this guy >>454382 was right.

>> No.454772

Yes, one snob makes up the whole group. It's why I don't have a hobby.

>> No.454773

>You can acquire an imperfect copy of it for free
nope, you get an exact copy of the game
a good emulator will give you an experience that's exactly like the original game

if you are european and you play in an actual console you don't get the real experience because your games run at 50hz instead of 60, but not with emulation

if you connect your console to your TV with a composite, RF or s-video cable you don't get the real experience because you are not using component or RGB

those differences are way bigger than what you find when emulating the game

>> No.454783
File: 73 KB, 420x600, 123123444232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the right thread, does anyone know where to get a zip of all the snes games in one i cant be bothered to scour the web if someone delivers ill post a link with around 4000 MAME roms.
Thanks fellas.

>> No.454794

google no-intro sets

underground-game has them all, I downloaded them from there, but you need an invite

>> No.454806

Underground gamer. Registration might be open.

>> No.454814
File: 25 KB, 640x480, 1348983312005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think that's bad, they had a repro cart of some zelda hack and had it at 300 dollars. I was absolutely disgusted.

>> No.454840

Thanks guys, here's a little something for your troubles.

>> No.454852


Wow, the normals really have invaded 4chan. This place was designed for enthusiasts and misfits. Now those people get made fun of here. I bet you bullied any kid on the playground who took interest in things too, didn't you? People with hobbies, people who care, people with standards, they're weirdos and days, aren't they?

Fuck you.

>> No.454859

So what are you claiming it is, since we know it can't be anything other than a trojan?

>> No.454861

I used to have a pad like that for the snes. It was awesome even had turbo switches

>> No.454863

-About 90% of every console's library, that for most systems, can fit onto a device the size of your finger(nail).
-can be played on mobile devices such as a phone or handheld console
-[usually] no slowdown
-can be hard to set up/install depending upon what device you're putting it on (could brick a wii, shitty computer, shitty phone emulation, etc...)

-more likely to stick with a game until you finish it
-/can/ be a good financial investment (think earthbound, price is always rising)
-looks impressive if you own large amounts of games/systems
-allows for easy co-op
-dont have to worry about people fucking up your phone/computer/wii when you leave them alone for five minutes. aka, your games and porn stash are in separate locations.
-can get expensive very quickly

>> No.454869
File: 70 KB, 248x252, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate when ppl do that. I used to work at gamestop and ppl would brag about modded PSPs and Wii's, and everyone of them acted like they are the only person in the world that can do it. Everyone made it seem like they have to hack the fucking planet ALA hackers to make a SNES work on a Wii.

My reply- "wow you downloaded the banner bomb and put it on a SD card"


"Wow you put a custom firmware on your PSP....With or with out a pandora battery? "

>> No.454875


You clearly have no idea what emulation means

If you care so much about authenticity I guess you play JRPG's in their original language, no? What about arcade games, someone like you clearly owns the cabinets and doesn't play console ports of the games... wait, you do?

Oh well, at least you buy overpriced physical copies of Earthbound to brag to your tumblr fans, clearly you love video games more than people that use emulators

>> No.454876


>> No.454881

>This place was designed for enthusiasts and misfits

[citation needed]

>> No.454884

Find a game that is generally considered good, that you haven't played.
Then play it to completion.

>> No.454885
File: 44 KB, 774x582, batemanooh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eyeball the motherfucker back since I probably have better taste than him

>> No.454886

>could brick a wii

You would have to be an actual retard to brick a Wii nowadays.

>> No.454893

Not that guy, but playing an english port of a JRPG or a console port of an arcade game is not any less of "authentic" as what you described.

>> No.454894

Thats what you sound like.

>> No.454897

This thread really did become the pleb general.

>> No.454914
File: 28 KB, 480x360, slippy no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These graphics are so bad
>I prefer games with stories. Why should I be motivated to play without a story?
>The game would be a lot better if I could pick up where I left off instead of going to beginning of the level when I die
>Savestates let me enjoy games the way they should have been designed anyway. It's fixing the developer's mistakes.

>> No.454925


>playing an english translation of a JRPG
>not any less authentic

Ted Woolsey

Also almost every arcade port of the 8-bit and 16-bit era is pretty bad compared to the actual arcade game

>> No.454958

>Also almost every arcade port of the 8-bit and 16-bit era is pretty bad compared to the actual arcade game

It's not quite that dreadful. Some games like Ms. Pac-Man and Defender usually turned out well.

>> No.454954

Savestates are probably the worst of the sins of playing retro video games.

>> No.454964

I know you said almost every, leaving room for exceptions, but TMNT IV: TiT is better on the SNES.

>> No.454968

This is true. I will concede to this. Fighting games especially.

>> No.454972


I agree.

All games should, ideally, be played on their original hardware. But hey, sometimes the actual games are really expensive or maybe you just don't got the cash to spend on old used stuff that the original creators won't get any cash from.

So, emulation is an acceptable alternative to me...as long as you do as little as possible to alter the game from its original self. No savestating, no speed alteration, no weird image filters, etc.

>> No.454997

I don´t use them for retries, but let´s say i´m in the middle of of dungeon and I need to stop playing to do someting else. I savestate, not going to take my char all he way to the king (DQ1) or nearest town every time I wan´t to stop, that would waste time and add grinding, probably messing with the difficulty curve.

>> No.455003

>allows for easy co-op

You can easily do that on the computer.

>more likely to stick with a game until you finish it

Personal problem

You don't have to use those features.

>> No.455028

>can be hard to set up on a computer


>> No.455034

You're missing the point of what I said. Quit thinking of it as "an [attempt at an] exact copy of an arcade/Japanese game" and more of "a game in the same basic style and theme as this other game that is only available on the arcade/in Japan".

Pretend that street fighter didn't exist for the arcade, and the only version of the game was for home consoles.
Similarly, think of Dragon Warrior as if it were in no way, shape, or form, related to Dragon Quest.

They're still really good games. Therefore, you're still getting the authentic experience of street fighter, or final fight, just a different version.

>> No.455037

What about accuracy?

>> No.455064

>Pretend that street fighter didn't exist for the arcade
But I can emulate those 1:1 .....

Emulated games are still good games, you think they retain less from the origianl experience than an arcade/console port ?,, thats not true at all. The changes are huge on those ports.

By your logic, you could also pretend those games never got released on cosole and enjoy them the same emulated as their own experince.

You should always strive to get as close as posible, o get the best experience, but geting autistic becasue some poeple don´t have the oportunity or inclination to do so is stupid.

>> No.455073

Wow, sorry for that, painful to read.

>> No.455080

>allows for easy co-op
>You can easily do that on the computer.
Explain to me how.

Lets say I wanted to play Goof troop w/my gf. I could either drop the $30 on the SNES+GT at my local store (those are the actual prices, because that's the route I chose), or I could buy two 360/PS3 controllers for $40/60 Depending upon if they're 3rd party or not. alternatively I could have bought two USB SNES controllers for $20 with $10 shipping on Amazon, but If I want to play N64 or PS1, I'd still have to buy a new set because no analogue sticks.

And don't say that one/both of us could use the keyboard.

>> No.455092


He didn't bring it up but 99 percent for nes, mega drive, snes gameboy and lower. N64 emulation is a mess.

>> No.455110

No, emulatorfags are a large group of idiots who will argue with people who buy games for no justifiable reason.

Seriously now, some of you are worse than the neckbeards in used vidya stores who stare you down. All I have to do is mention that I bought something, and ten of you jump down my throat and demand that I explain why I didn't just emulate it for free. And then you claim that any explaination is utter bullshit and there's something wrong with me (as apposed to the ten idiots rantiong on and on because I feel differently than they do)

I like owning things , and I can afford to. And that's it. Get over ourselves.

Also, anyone who plays games on their phone is a retarded fuck of the highest order. That's worse than playing a 3DS in public for fuck sakes...

>> No.455134
File: 735 KB, 1348x1556, lost humanity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have a douchey roommate for a while
>One of those guys who spends tons of money on games despite being not very good at them or even particularly knowledgeable. Would pay full-price for new games and then immediately be sick of them and sell them at Gamestop for a fraction of their worth. Then he'd just go keep playing Fallout 3, New Vegas, Skyrim, or FIFA (the only games he really played).
>Also just kind of loud, opinionated, confrontational, and mean. But hey, he always paid his half of the rent on time and he kept a steady job, so I couldn't complain too much.
>Apparently his uncle used to run a small chain of arcades back in the 80s. Hearing that his nephew 'really liked videogames', he sent him a present for his birthday.
>Huuuuuge crate arrives. Both of us are shocked. I help him get the thing open with a crowbar.
>It's a Donkey Kong Jr. arcade machine. Probably left over from the uncle's arcade days.
>It's gorgeous. In near perfect condition. I was extremely jealous.
>Roommate pitches the biggest tantrum I have ever seen. Starts ranting and raving about his 'retard uncle' who always gave him shit. Calls the poor guy right up and calls the arcade machine a 100-pound paper weight.
>I didn't even hear the uncle's voice, but I assume he was crushed when a thoughtful gift like that was completely unwanted.
>Roomie planned to sell the cabinet to a pawn shop for 50 bucks. I immediately cut in and gave him 100 dollars for it.
>Currently living in a smaller apartment. Got the machine in storage.

And that's how I saved a DK Jr. cab.

>> No.455153

I cant actually argue with that post because
A. you completely ignored the point of my post
>(The changes are huge on those ports.)
B.You're putting words in my mouth.
>(you think they retain less from the origianl experience than an arcade/console port)
C.You're contradicting yourself by saying that you should strive to be as authentic as possible (which emulation is not because you're not on the actual console/arcade cabinet)
>(You should always strive to get as close as posible, o get the best experience)

also I'm not the one who's "geting autistic becasue some poeple don´t have the oportunity or inclination to do so". I merely pointed out that the arcade and console ports should be regarded as separate games, otherwise arcade games will almost always completely ravage what they're going against. It's like comparing a Sega CD with a PS3 or 360, they're two totally different animals.

>> No.455172

One: Buying controllers is not hard.

Two: You can get cheaper analog pc controllers.

It's fine. Do what ever you want with you money.

>> No.455174

If true, you are a hero.

>> No.455194


It's all dick waving. There are holier than thou consolefags that sneer on any emulation because muh heap of plastic and authenticity and then there are the emulatorfags jerking off to their favorite CRT filters. I'll wager the bulk of the fags that act like this weren't even gaming yet when those consoles were current. I'll wager none of the hipster faggots that do this shit owned those consoles when they were current, it's just another douchebag "I'm more retro than thou" shitfest.

33 and I don't care if the game I'm playing is on an NES or emulated on my laptop. It's about the games, not about wanking off to how fucking cool I am while applying filters or blowing dust out of a cartridge.

>> No.455207

>So, emulation is an acceptable alternative to me...as long as you do as little as possible to alter the game from its original self.

Remapping the dash button in Megaman X2 to R1 is so satisfying though.

>> No.455214

>Get over ourselves.
Yeah you totally should.

No one jumped down anyone's throat until someone called out the people saying "Emulate". Then all autistic hell broke loose and both ends ended up having a tantrum over stupid shit.

People like different things, who fucking cares.

>> No.455215


You can't do that in options? I was almost sure you could.

>> No.455246


Man. Why would that not be the default option? Why?

>> No.455258


Because Mega Man Zero didn't come out until 2001 and we had no idea how gdlk shoulder button dashing was until then.

>> No.455295

I actaully preffer playing on an actual cabinet, or playing SC4 on an actual snes contoller, fucking awsome quuality on those things. But I was referering to the game, to the software, while other things are important, they are not as important as experiencing the gameplay/art/music/story. And when you don´t really have the oportunity to play them on their platform, it would be pretty autistic not to enjoy them in an emulator. I don´t own a WII, yet I had a blast on Return to Dreamland with 1 bros, on PC, the game looked better, and I didn´t have to waggle, I don´t give two shits if the developer wanted me to.

>> No.455303

So L and R could cycle weapons.

Personally I hate cycling weapons, but I think some people got some real use out of it. Would mapping that to face buttons have worked nearly as well?

>> No.455310

4 bros*

>> No.455323

It wouldn´t be as good, but the advantge of R as dash outweights it.

>> No.455324

I liked cycling weapons sometimes, but I still always pause to select a weapon, so I don't have an issue remapping dash to R. If I want to though, and it's a little more tedious, I'll just mash L until I get the weapon I want.

So glad they included the control options though.

>> No.455394
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I'm sorry, but...

>RPS writes calling other game journalists shit

>> No.455467

i agree with you for the most part, people should mind their own business about how others get their jollies, but on the same note....

>Also, anyone who plays games on their phone is a retarded fuck of the highest order. That's worse than playing a 3DS in public for fuck sakes...

Talk about getting over one's self. I take my 3DS with me to university every damn day. I have a 2 hour split between my classes due to crappy scheduling issues. Just like you shouldn't be fucked with for doing things you like, you don't get to say shit about people who do things they like. You nearly blew your perfectly reasonable defense straight to hell.

>> No.455518


Agreed, this thread has some serious /v/ level posting. We're here because we like old games, not to pander to "hardcore collectors and enthusiasts such as ourselves" like >>454852 seems to believe. Argue about your preferences, sure, but most of this is outright shitposting. Most of this thread is a perfect example of why we left /v/.

>> No.455528

Well this turned to shit. Look, both playing the original hardware and emulation have ups and downs.
With the authentic stuff, you are getting the real deal, you are using the controller(s) the game was designed for, it's an investment that will most likely grow in value, and the only glitches and bugs are those that were already there, rather than possible problems from the engine. On the downside the hardware can be pricey if you don't already have it and is getting more expensive as time goes on, if something breaks it can cost a great deal to replace or some money and time to repair, you can't use a speed toggle to reduce the monotony of grinding in RPGs, and unless you use a flash cart you really don't get to experience mods.
Emulation is very cheap, at most you are paying for controllers and adapters for the controllers if you don't have a USB controller already, and gives you full access to the system's library, with a few exceptions. Mods are numerous, any game is available to even the most broke of gamers, rare consoles and games are playable by many who would never otherwise get a chance to, and in some cases graphical improvements can be made to make some games look better than the real hardware. The downside is that nothing beyond the controllers are ever likely to increase in value, many emulators are not accurate and can cause glitches and even game breaking bugs and freezing and the emulators that are accurate require much more from a computer, save states can help make some games that are nearly impossible to finish in one setting but tempt people into saving after every successful move and loading the last save if they make a mistake, removing all difficulty from a game.

>> No.455546

Didn't mean to kick up a bunch of shit by posting this. Being a purist and vidya collector is a great hobby but if your main interest is in playing the games then emulation is the way to go.

>> No.455549

>Well this turned to shit.

It started out that way.

>> No.455573

People don't play on emulators for any monetary value. What are you on about?

Most retro console emulators are extremely accurate (again, what are you talking about) the only games that experience glitches or bugs are rare titles that very few have even heard about for the most part. Savestartes are a matter of preference.

>> No.455597

/vr/, this board has done a 180 in the last few weeks.

You people need to fucking relax and just talk about vidya games. Stop with all this mud slinging.

>> No.455616

There's no stopping it. /vr/ will be retro /v/ within the month.

>> No.455780


Just off the top of my head, SMB, Megaman, Megaman 2, Zelda 2, Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy III(us) had a few rather glaring bugs and glitches and were quite popular and definitely not rare. Granted, none of these made the games unplayable (unless you got really unlucky with the relm/gau sketch glitch), but they still existed.

>> No.455809

If it doesn't make the game unplayable then there's no point in mentioning it (unless you just find that sort of thing interesting)

>> No.455829


Fuck the both of you. One shit thread and everyone starts doomsaying. What the fuck do you think you're helping by doing this? You aren't helping anything.

>> No.456080


I've got consoles (SNES, NES, toploader, Famicom, AV Famicom) and I emulate. My SNES and NES are the ones from when I was a kiddywink.

I do like Blargg's RGB filter. Am I part of the problem?

>> No.456097


The Final Fantasy bugs do significantly alter gameplay and play style.

Final Fantasy 1 had the following:

Critical hit bug where the weapon's index number was loaded in place of the critical hit rate.
Enemy attacks that processed status ailments/special effects would bypass item protection, e.g., mindflayer type mobs could hit a party member with a prot ring and still instant kill the party member.
Intelligence stat was supposed to confer bonuses to spell casting, but had no affect, meaning a knight casting cure2 was just as effective as a white wizard casting it, despite stat differences.

Tmpr, Sabr, Lock, Lok2, Hel2 and Xfer all did not work properly. Half of them did nothing when cast, Xfer only worked when cast on a party member, Hel2 when cast in battle was essentially the same as Hel3 and Lok2 actually increased enemy stats.
Several others but can't be bothered to list.

FF3 also had the sketch glitch which could erase your saves, evade and mblock stats were bugged, and it was possible to get sent back to the WoB from WoR by leaving a rat up in the opera house and getting killed by it.

>> No.456119

Anything else?

>> No.456123


Liking and owning things isn't the problem. Thinking those things makes you somehow superior to other retrogamers is.

>> No.456132


I think people who use filters other than NTSCs are a bit casual, but they're welcome to it.

>> No.456136
File: 97 KB, 500x447, 1297147651510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I see people bitching about not being able to run a game properly on an emulator when I have the game physically and play it perfectly on its respective console

>mfw I see people complaining about their game crashing a lot when it pretty much never happens when I play on console

>> No.456135


That wasn't something we had easy access to back when the games were current releases, sir.

>> No.456139

Just another reason emulators are superior, then.

>> No.456153

>not playing at glorious arcades like our lord intended

I'm so sorry.

>> No.456160

My face when I never have any of those problems
My face when a tripshit was near me

>> No.456232
File: 118 KB, 650x450, Facepalm X2 Combo!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mobile emulatain on phone.
>Time for some fucking MEGA MAN X
>Load that shit up
>Play for a while
>Dude sitting next to me leans over
>"Wow, you're a gamer?"
>Oh shit retro junkie
>Time to play it cool and get a vidya buddy
>"Heck yeah, I love the classics like Doom and Contra."
>"I was going to ask <Something about COD I don't remember>"
>"Are you kidding me?"

>> No.456330
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>> No.456360

Dude I push carts at wal-mart for a living and I manage to pull it off. It's not THAT expensive

>> No.456405

I generally find anyone who label themselves a "gamer" are usually the people who only exclusively play CoD and can't appreciate any game that isn't CoD.

>> No.456416

Might as well emulate.

>> No.456482

I just respond "I'm not a 'gamer', I occasionally play games." Then I explain to them that playing games is what I do when shooting becomes tedious.

>> No.456528

* Able to play the games as they were meant to be played
* Able to recreate the actual physical experiences of your childhood
* Possibly good financial investment

* Able to play the game for what it is
* Able to play a limitless number of games
* Free

Jeez, is it that hard? Neither are better than the other, and people choose one over the other for the actual/perceived advantages they provide over the other (authenticity versus practicality).

>> No.456590

Consoles > emulation if you have extra money and if you aren't a neckbeard faggot afraid to go around town trying to find games. It just seems more legit to use the console, and I think it's worth the money to get the consoles. I have a mac (ya fucking shitty) so emulation is really limited to me. So i'm just gonna spend money on the systems, I really only want a snes and i found some guy selling it for 40$ that comes with 6 games.

Also, with emulation I can't go to my friends house and smoke a fat bowl and play some 2 player shit

>> No.456597 [DELETED] 

420 smoke weed every day blaze it

>> No.456609

The principle of collecting is all well and good (I want to do it myself) but it's all down to practicality.
Emulation is easier in practical terms because it requires less physical space and confers potential other enhancements over running on the original console (such as how easy it is to obtain games or when i can play said games).
I still enjoy the original experience because when i'm loading Magic Land Dizzy from tape on my C64, it's just a different experience. With an emulator i can speed up how the tape loads but with the original machine i have to wait, giving me more opportunity to actually enjoy the loader music for example.
So it's all a matter of practicality versus the experience.

>> No.458576

>neckbeard faggot

You are one though.