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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4448426 No.4448426 [Reply] [Original]

apparently we are getting a release on steam of RS2: http://store.steampowered.com/app/606370/Romancing_SaGa_2/

>> No.4448437

we already got an android version but this is still nice
better than waiting for the snes translation

>> No.4448667

If it's moddable that means we get to fix the shit translation.

Did those behind the SNES one release a script?

>> No.4448703

Holy shit. Finally some good news on this abysmal board

>> No.4448706

It's remarkable that even /v/ has a better thread for it.

>> No.4448709

It's like we're a slow board or something.

>> No.4448714

Awesome. I played the android version and really enjoyed it. In fact, I was about to start a third playthrough.

>Varennes Empire
New translation? I recall it being the Avalon empire.

>> No.4448720

Steam, good news? lol

Can't wait for the day that shit and similar platforms die and we get actual decent digital games

>> No.4448724

Even better, it comes with Japanese text so we can play it like the developers intended.

>> No.4448725

>shit translation

What's the problem with the translation?
Legit question, I never played the game.

>> No.4448731

I'll probably buy it hoping for RS1 and RS3 in the future.
It's been awhile since I bought a game on Steam, now that I think about it.

>> No.4448745

Still waiting for the SNES version to get translated. It's a shame that that faggot AGTP didn't release his work to everyone else.

>> No.4448753

>Looking for news on a board for pre-1999 games

Hot shiggidy duggidy dog dude

>> No.4448771

Trust me when I say this; Nobody on this planet plays SaGa for the story, it's very barebones and hardly fleshed out beyond the essentials, the series has always been about the gameplay above everything else.

Then again some item names are unforgivable.

>> No.4448782

Who even plays games for story after stopping being a preteen lol

>> No.4448792

Mobile's was one hair away from the engrish ones you get from apps like Gumballs and Dungeons. Mittanes IIRC was the word for mittens.

It's playable, just that it has a lot of errors. Think FFT but more literal I guess.

>> No.4448806 [DELETED] 

Spotted the dirty illiterate. You're probably a "dreamer", not going to work, not going to school, lying in your bed, all day, with your eyes close, living in squalor with a smile on your face because Obama saved you from the immigration police

>> No.4448808

The gameplay is also barebones. /vr/ jerks off over this games because they're hipster, not because they're good

>> No.4448809

Barebones != Bad. Look at Go for god's sake, it can't be any simpler.

>> No.4448810

Nice fanfic

Well, they're RPGs, what did you expect

>> No.4448812

Ironic how the 'first' saga (FF2) actually had the best story/characters in any FF.

>> No.4448814

"The shit I just took is better than the diarrhea I had yesterday"

>> No.4448815

FF2 is not a Saga and a game by Kawazu. He just made battles and system.

>> No.4448828

wew lad we got some real philistines here

maybe you guys should go make some PS:T threads or go give kevin levine another handjob for writing ninja turtles fanfiction

>> No.4448834
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The one thing I hated about the mobile version was that armor only displayed defense against slashing attacks. I hope that gets changed, it's a really big deal that affects how you structure your party.

>> No.4448836

Nah, even these JRPGs are better than that visual novel

>> No.4448869

to be fair I think the defense values are hidden from you more often than you get to see them in most saga games and you are just supposed to remember that the starlight robe resists electricity as some sort of continual saga meta-knowledge

>> No.4448882

I'm hyped -- should I be?
Never played a Romancing game before.

>> No.4448891

well you have the recent translation of 1, the old translation of 3, and the remake of 1 for the PS2
try them, if they are your cup of tea you can be hyped all you want

>> No.4448970

Holy shit thank you Kawazu

>> No.4448985

Scarlet Grace next, please.

>> No.4449460

I highly doubt they would do anything with RS1. RS3 will probably get released on Xbox One, PS4, Switch, Steam, and mobile as well though. Doubting it will come to the Vita though.

>> No.4449467


>Romancing Salsa

cannot unsee

>> No.4449470

>buying digital shit
kill yourself

>> No.4449559

SaGa might be the only digital thing I will buy

you have a weakness too

>> No.4449560


>> No.4449564

Knowing Square, Minestrel Song would be the one to get the port. They tend to do the latest existing version nowadays.

>> No.4449575

oh no they're going to remake SaGa Frontier next

I'm sure of it somehow though I probably shouldn't be

>> No.4450237
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That would make me really damn happy. I love Frontier but it was so rushed and unbalanced it is paradoxially the best and worst SaGa game (depending on your opinion of Unlimited).

Even remaking it in an engine like RS2 would be perfect. In fact, better idea, get the guys behind the RS3 hack and involve them in the process because that hack is godly.

>> No.4450421

which hack?

>> No.4450447

>They actually give it an official ending scenaio.
Yes please.

>> No.4450460

This looks great, but I feel like the SaGa series are not for me.
I can't keep up with half the mechanics unless I read a faq explaining them in detail. It's just too much.
Looking at Unlimited SaGa's screenshots makes my head hurt.

>inb4 brainlet

>> No.4450568

The first two games and Frontier aren't that arcane, I went through them without issues and I'm peabrained

>> No.4450727

I am hyped as fuck. I only tolerated about an hour playing the game on my phone. Hopefully they touch up the Engrish translation.

I don't know what threads you frequent but /vr/ is pretty decent once you know how to spot a bait thread. It's my favorite board.

>> No.4450946

>I only tolerated about an hour playing the game on my phone.

I have a lot of home and portable consoles, I play on my laptop regularly, and yet I just can't get into games when playing on my phone.
I think the lack of physical controls has something to do with it.

>> No.4450968

I can play casual games on a phone and I do have a Shield that I play a couple Android games (like Adventures of Mana) on just fine, it's just that RS2 doesn't have controller support for some reason. FF Dimensions is another one.

>> No.4451031

I've hated every SaGa game i've played but somehow i'm still confident this one will work for me

>> No.4451174

My chinktablet accepted a DS4 for RS2, but it was still pretty bad to play without dpad support and the graphics were messed up too, choppy scrolling.

>> No.4451183

I put around 70 hours into the phone port, and the whole damn time I was wishing that I could play it with a fucking controller. Can't wait for this.

>> No.4451268

Fug that's neat

>> No.4451284

>needs 2 GB
u w0t m8

>> No.4451324

>not appreciating a nice shit

>> No.4451326

Yeah, tons of people do nowadays with their LoL and stuff

Anyway, let's hope for future releases of Sa·Ga stuff on better platforms than Steam

>> No.4451334

Uncompressed audio does that.

>> No.4451338
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Nothing wrong with Steam, games get cracked within hours.

>> No.4451341


It basically turns RS3 into a massive SaGa crossover and it is awesome

>> No.4451350

I still want to give Square money for good games and not FF shit. The last good FF games were Bravely Default and Tactics, and they're not even mainline, that should tell you my opinions of them.

As such, things like SaGa will get me munny.

>> No.4451356

My wish for christmas is for some of those guys to be working on the Romancing Sa·Ga 3 port/remake

>> No.4451546

>I still want to give Square money for good games and not FF shit. The last good FF games were Bravely Default and Tactics, and they're not even mainline, that should tell you my opinions of them.
Yes, that you have shit opinions. There are no bad Final Fantasy games.

>> No.4451576

RS2 is Brutal in it's difficulty, be warned this game doesn't fuck around.

>> No.4451629

Which is the final battle theme?

1 isn't bad, it's just, it's nothing special. It's like "this is a battle".
2 is best when it's combined with the other battle themes in the game. That lead up of boss battle theme, to regular battle theme, to "Arsenal launches the smasher!" makes it have a big impact.
3 feels like an out of place jazz tune.

>> No.4452105

>There are no bad Final Fantasy games.
1, 2, 8, X-2, 14, Dirge.

>> No.4452432


This meme needs to stop.

>> No.4452781

are you retarded?

>> No.4452791

Yes, I am in fact retarded due to wanting to own my games and be able to make copies for preservation

>> No.4452801

Magic outside of cure and life are worthless, and the blood sword nullifies every single weapon in the game because it two-shots anything that isn't undead.

>> No.4453135

It will be cracked in less than a week mate

>> No.4453164

So Steam is fine because you can crack the games so you don't need Steam to play them?

Think this through, please.

>> No.4453192

Blink, berserk, and haste are extremely useful buffs. Elemental magic is very useful for hitting weaknesses on monsters resistant to physical attacks, and for clearing undead mobs. Osmose is useful for keeping your mp up, and is even more useful on the final boss assuming you're not cheesing the fight with the blood sword. The blood sword, while obviously overpowered, is not able to 2-shot anything due to its low accuracy. You would want a reasonably levelled haste buff to get the most out of the blood sword.

The game has its share of problems, but it's nowhere near as bad as people like you make it out to be.

>> No.4453320

>Magic outside of cure and life are worthless
Have fun with the turtles then.

>> No.4453535

You're american right? I never said Steam is fine.

>> No.4453563

Wrong continent. And maybe not you, but other anons here and way too many people.

>> No.4454286

Pretty much everybody who claims that ff2 is bad will sit down and shut up once it becomes clear that they have never played it and are just parroting what they heard.

>> No.4455814

I'm playing SaGa 2. I have a monster on my team, and it always feels like dead weight. Will I ever get any additional party members, or am I stuck with the 4 I started with?

>> No.4457807

Only a fifth guest character here and there. With your monster focus on getting strong meat, or at least stronger than your monster. If you get a good monster don't change it until it starts to fall behind.

>> No.4457821

Your monster can never level down, only level up, and always gets a form at least as strong as the meat it ate, so you should always eat boss meat. If you get leveled up and can't get your old form by changing back to the same species, you should be happy, because you know you leveled up.

There's only like 10 monster tiers and less than 50 monsters and hitting a blank spot on the grid moves you up vertically, it's extremely forgiving and there's a good form on every tier. The last tier is more than half good forms.

>> No.4457830

Those are the best kinds of translations though

>> No.4458018

not anymore they aren't

they're not machine translated by charmingly confused asians anymore, but rather by lazy native english speakers!

>> No.4458030

Not RS2 and not /vr/ but I literally don't know where else to discuss because I need help planning:

What should I do for Panel Development in USaga, for Laura's scenario? Who should ride the bench? I'm thinking Michelle and Armic but feel free to sway me if I should reconsider.

I'm trying more hybrid/magic based builds because even though this is my third character (I've beat Ventus and Judy), I've been mainly trying the cookie cutter Biggy builds from gamefaqs. What are other builds I should look into besides going full Reverse Delta/Bodhittsava spamming?

>> No.4458083

>So Steam is fine because you can crack the games so you don't need Steam to play them?
Yes, unironically.

The goal of any game is to make money and steam is the largest and most profitable digital market place for video games on PC.

Steam games (that aren't using third party software) are easy to crack and can be done in mere minutes, this is great for preservation because now that game can be copied and shared and stored near indefinitely. It'd take a lot to completely remove all copies of a cracked steam game from the world once the crack has been released. While GOG is unarguably the better preserver of games since the games come pre-cracked if it were GOG is only a fraction the size of steam so releasing on GOG and only GOG is going to greatly reduce your potential sales.

Game releases on steam it makes as much money as it can, it gets cracked and persevered by the scene so it can be around forever, and you're still bitching even though both sides got what they wanted.

>> No.4458102

There's a SaGa thread on /v/, right now.

>> No.4458280

not /vr/ but which character should I avoid for the first run in Minstrel Song?

>> No.4458579

I'd rather support GOG

>> No.4459158

I disagree, that's a pretty shallow assessment of these games, especially the 2nd one. The game is really complex mechanically. The sheer amount of character types, classes, formations and abilities, the crazy builds you can make for your members, and not to forget about the amount of combo attacks that you can do with multiple character is what makes the game fun. Not to mention that you can build addons to your castle to develop better weapons and magic, you can recruit all different kinds of characters with special classes and abilities and even if you fuck up in the story you can miss out a lot of the game. Though most people like Final Fantasy better because they just have to go in one direction and use the same ability for most of the game with the odd monster or boss throw in here and there. While most people might say that RS is non-linear it's more like, instead of one choice to advance the game, you have 3-5 choices and you can do them in any order you want; but be careful because you can get stuck in certain areas.

>> No.4459276

Remakes are allowed, actually. Albert and Claudia are good characters for a beginner. I'd say the less hand holdey game starts probably belong to Hawke, Aisha and Barbara. Still, that just means you have to talk to more NPCs to really expand your location list, something you should be doing anyway.

>> No.4459397

I was planning to go with muscle girl at first, but I will check out those two anon

>> No.4459483
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>they're not machine translated by charmingly confused asians anymore,
This was never the case. Machine translations are consistant, old engrish translations are the type of bizzarre than only the human factor can achieve. I assure you, no machine came up with 'Off course!/No, way!'.

Pic related: classic 100% human translation at work.

>> No.4459527

>tfw the only things close to a crabstick game were BoF2 and Zero Wing

>> No.4459972

I was planning out a new romasaga2 playthrough and I have some questions.

- Can Gerard get taken into the landship by the slavers?
- How long does it take for Hiraga to develop the windmaker? If I visit Yuyan with Gerard, will I be able to fight Wagnas the following generation or the one after? Do I need to do anything beforehand such as the canal fort?
- What influences where Dantarg will show up?
- If I don't fight the hive queen the first time, is there still a termite attack in the final scenario?
- Can I have an amazon become empress after I rescue the amazon with a male character?

I'm planning on having Gerard clear the gemstone mines (without triggering the generation shift), only the first Nazelle dungeon, then go through toba to the witch's hut which lets me access the desert. From there I should be able to take out one of the heroes. Then in the following generation I can finish the southern nazelle dungeon, fight one of wagnas/rocbouquet/bokuohn (without triggering the generation shift), noel, dantarg, and another hero. My final emperor will kill kujinshi 2 then fight subier before the last boss.

>> No.4461038

Pretty shocking. How'd Kawazu get this to happen?

>> No.4461050
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>Uncompressed audio does that.
Ayy. Square Unix is audiophiles?

>> No.4461135

hold on what about Wild Arms 2

>> No.4461137

stop it I can only get so erect

that psx is practically naked!

>> No.4461629

WA2 is bad, but not that terrible.

>> No.4461658
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>leaving for Japan on Saturday
>SaGa2 releases tomorrow

Gettin' on the Switch boi

>> No.4461859
File: 189 KB, 1000x557, don't ever talk to me or my localized self ever again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>based in the original
>madman in the remake
Why did he go fucking nuts?

>> No.4462228

Well it's a relatively cheap port with a cheap translation, it's new to most westerners and it's from SE, what's the worst that could happen?

It's funny. The game probably looks so close to its original form precisely because SE didn't want to spend too much money on it and we didn't get the "updated graphics" that FFV and FFVI got.

>> No.4462237

Liz and Ard are literally age of fatso, but it's done on purpose because they're supposed to be saying nonsense.

>> No.4462365

>- If I don't fight the hive queen the first time, is there still a termite attack in the final scenario?

>> No.4462415
File: 72 KB, 647x450, 64y6qTK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came out, tested it for a bit, and I'll tell you the immediate issues
>No PC settings whatsoever
>Choice of small window you can't change and exclusive fullscreen unscaled 720p
>Xinput controller support only, no keyboard, no key remapping, having controller plugged in locks you out from using the mouse
>Mono audio duplicated to sound like it's stereo
As far as I can tell this is just another of S-E's cheapo phone ports like what they did for their Final Fantasy Mobile line of games, so make sure you know what you're getting into before you guys get upset it's not luxurious. I also tried snooping around the game files just to see if I could somehow get to the translation but I couldn't get anywhere. Somebody with more experience datamining games might be more fruitful than me.
Have a reminder that pic related exists.

>> No.4462565

Worth getting on consoles? Shouldn't be any problems with screen resolution or controllers or crashes or whatever there, right?

>> No.4462576

Played FF2 and I weirdly enjoyed it. There's a lot of dumb shit and some things didn't work as well as I'm sure they wanted but I kind of liked the game. If I play this any tips on how to deal with it since I know SaGa games are pretty much FF2 spin off with insane weird/complex mechanics that doesn't work all that well.

>> No.4462590

What's the name of the font in that image that every fucking budget PS2 era JRPG used?

>> No.4462615

Man that sucks

>> No.4462650

>no keyboard
Bullshit, arrow keys and WASD work, it's how I'm playing it. I agree with the rest though, it's a mediocre port but not a bad one.

>> No.4462662

Called it. Why would S-E use money?

Did the text actually change though? Someone brought up that differences were in the trailer.

>> No.4462949

>having controller plugged in locks you out from using the mouse
weird, it lets me use the mouse if I have my controller plugged in, have you tried using steam big picture?

>> No.4463018

>hoarding coasters that act as plastic licenses for digital downloads anyway

>> No.4463041
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>shitty mobile port with the RPGmaker backgrounds and animated sprites that look jank as shit
no thanks, I'll just wait for the fan translation, surely it will be any day now

>> No.4463109

If I've never played a Saga game, is this a terrible place to start? Looking for something to play on my Switch over the holidays, and noticed this on the eShop to-day. Was hoping my GB Everdrive would be here before my travel but that's not going to happen.

>> No.4463198

It depends. How much do you like getting your balls stepped on? RS2 is one of the hardest jrpgs around, but it's also pretty damn fun.

>> No.4463205

I'm not particularly intimidated by difficulty, more just looking for a fun JRPG I've never played. And if I suck at it and give up I'm only out $20

>> No.4463374

Sparking stuff is very satisfying

If you like wandering around, finding the story yourself, figuring out mechanics and getting schooled by most bosses, then this is a great game

>> No.4463478

Sounds pretty good to me. I'm afraid the non-linearity might blow my mind but I'll probably give it a shot anyway. I'm looking forward to playing the GB games soon too; thanks for the insight anon.

>> No.4463742

How... emulatable? is Minstrel Song? I've been meaning to play it, but I'm not sure how it behaves with the PS2 emulator.

>> No.4463748

Works just fine.

>> No.4464009

Think its fine, depends on your patience and desire to involve yourself with the shitfest that is PS2 emulation, though.

>> No.4464173

I have a shit PC an it runs perfectly well on 1920x1080

>> No.4464180

it emulates fine enough if you use the right settings, but it's prone to make a mid-range laptop overheat

>> No.4464265

So is this better than the original release? What's the /v(e)r/dict?

>> No.4464267

I've played every translated SaGa entry and was waiting for an english release for this one, so it's my last. Albeit the translation is kinda soulless and some item names sound weird, it's the most fun I've had with a game in years

>> No.4464268

if you can get over the visual makeover, there are some bugfixes, two new classes, new game+ and an extra dungeon

>> No.4464269

Anyone get the Switch version of it yet? I'm looking for a report on it before I make the plunge myself.

>> No.4464289

Seems fine except for the slight input lag, which PS4 and steam also seem to have

>> No.4464312

I am not noticing any input lag on PC, hows the Xbone?

>> No.4464902

Alright, bit the bullet and bought the game off Steam. What are the controls? They don't expect me to use my fucking mouse, right? Playing on keyboard for now while I wait for my controller to arrive.

>> No.4465056

Did they fix the shit item names in PC?

>> No.4465079


vr is the one of the shittiest boards because people like you post, you are the fucking hipster for giving a shit what people play

>> No.4465136

After playing a pirated version for two hours (enough to get past the "tutorial"), I really don't see what's the negativity about this port. Like sure, its UI looks like a phone game, but at least it's playable and the graphics aren't as insultingly ugly as FF6's remake/port.

People overreacting to shit as usual, I guess. Not to mention the poorfags that get mad if a game is priced over $5.

>> No.4465151

I don't disagree but I'm surprised you pirated the game and then call out people who won't pay more than $5 over a game

>> No.4465154

I actually just bought the game. I was a little affraid after seeing all the negative comments and how "literally unplayable" the game was because of one or two issues. You know how those people can make a huge issue out of something and write an entire essay on that. I downloaded it to test it for myself.

>> No.4465726

>playing digital games
>not playing oscilloscope games

>> No.4465940

>playing minstrel song
>satisfied with current party
>need to unlock the rest of the world map
>don't wanna kick members for new ones who will let me go new places
What do? This is literally my only gripe with the game. Iirc the ONLY way to get to the frontier is by getting the dancer girl.

>> No.4466068

there's several quests where having a fifth member slot is necessary or desirable

I'd recommend just rolling with 4 mains and taking dragon knight or picking a favorite sub at the end

I actually had Dragon Knight when I beat 10FS Saruin first time

>> No.4466645

How the fuck do I beat the termite queen? How long can I put her off?

>> No.4466714

There's a really good way to cheese it, but first, do you have magic available? Really helps when your members can all heal.

>> No.4466802

Yes, I have magic (but only the spells unlocked by default).

>> No.4466857

As a last resort, she can be stunned. A good thing to keep in mind is your characters' weight, which you can check on the scale in the castle (second floor, top right room). Lower weight = faster moves = stunning enemies before they can get you.

>> No.4466872

Shit, really? I haven't managed to her w/ any stunning skills, so I just assumed I couldn't. Thanks for the tip!

>> No.4466967

Yeah, the main thing is that if you aren't faster than the enemy those are kinda useless and will seem ineffective.

>> No.4467039

What the fuck /v/ has decent SaGa threads where people are actually playing the game and discussing it.

>> No.4467129

And now my issue seems to be LP (or the lack thereof). Which quests are time-sensitive? Currently 1148 in my game.

>> No.4467134

SP, not LP

>> No.4467180

The only things where time can be an issue are cumberland (go there when your minister says the king wants to see you) and the second island scenario (when your minister says they start having earthquakes again)

>> No.4467223

Because it's niche

>> No.4467380
File: 230 KB, 450x450, fragezeichenm旦dchen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Cumberland quest chain was weird as hell for me. I went to Douglass to save the prince while the army was distracted, but decided to sail back to Avalon to pick up my armor prototype. When I returned to Douglass the town was somehow already liberated and I was thanked for saving the prince, without actually having entered the occupied castle before...

>> No.4467576

did you kill the sandworm?

>> No.4467610

>but decided to sail back to Avalon to pick up my armor prototype
If you leave that region for any reason, even going out the gate, you don't get to do the quest "properly". The proper ending is when you thwart the conspiracy and save all three candidates for the throne and the region is handed over to the Empire.

>> No.4467632

I bought the game just to have a go at beating the fucking spriggan as soon as he appears in Cumberland

>> No.4467638

Godspeed anon, I hope you get the Grand Cross evade

>> No.4467647

It might be ok to leave once you've dealt with the sandworm

Technically you can go through the whole game without ever visiting cumberland. If you want to beat him with Gerard, though, you're going to have to do some grinding or get really lucky.

>> No.4467649

I killed the hive queen in the mobile version (lucky I got an hydra armor from the thing you fight on the steppes) and now this is my self-imposed challenge

The plan is to get something that boosts my speed and stun him to death until I feel empty inside

Pretty sure it's doable in NG+ but that's for pussies

>> No.4467715

I noticed that there's an achievement for completing the game without the final emperor. Does this mean that the death of the final emperor doesn't result in a game over but an inheritence, or can they die in the final battle without it game-overing?

>> No.4467787

iirc, you can fight (and defeat) the final boss before the final gen.

>> No.4467808

If you die with the final emperor it's game over. This is about never getting him in the first place.

Normally, after beating kujinshi + four other heroes the next black screen (e.g. something added to your territory) will timeskip to the final emperor. But if you beat rocbouquet, wagnas, and bokuohn then set up the remaining heroes in a certain way to beat them while avoiding any black screen checkpoints, you can continue using your current emperor to fight the final boss.

Another neat thing is that you can make Coppelia (the automaton) your emperor. Just have her in your party when you timeskip and she'll be a candidate. Combine this with the above to have Coppelia as your final empress. Fortunately you can control her manually when she's empress.

Don't do this on your first playthrough, it's just a cool novelty for future runs.

>> No.4468168

>beat the Spriggan with stun abuse on my first run
>go back into the inn to heal
>it respawned
>kill it again the same way

>> No.4468208

Ah, neat.

>> No.4468440

Good god it is a good feeling when your dudes spark multiple times in a single boss battle.
My heavy infantryman who previously only knew deflect and knee split has managed to gain both cross cut and mince in one battle.

I've also unlocked the magic research facility, but I'm wondering as to what spell schools I should be teaching to my guys. Water for heals seems solid, but are there any other schools that would be worth bothering with on low-mag classes?

>> No.4468494

Finally beat the fucking termite queen! Now to reset until I get I privateer emperor. Is there a year I need to do the first island scenario by? Or is it only the second one that has a time limit?

>> No.4468512

Fire and light are amazing if you don't want to get destroyed by bosses, no fusions required either

Water if you want to lame out the game

>> No.4469292

To unlock the privateer class you had to subjugate the armed merchants in the first scenario. If you don't do that then you only get the class once you stop the armed merchant's rebellion a few generations later

>> No.4469329

Does it work on WINE?

>> No.4469384

Yup. Just realized that. That's what I get for being peaceable. Oh well. Ended up taking on a couple of really easy scenarios (first island scenario and the desert towers). 50 years later, and I can quash their rebellion.