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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 293 KB, 500x339, babgoaway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4428943 No.4428943 [Reply] [Original]

here we lay our deepest respects to /vr/'s most valued poster - babbages fucking gramps

hes no gramps
but he shitposts with the title anyways.

hats off to babbage's gramps. for his 10,000th post on /vr/. he deserves a welcome round of applause. a true benchmark in shitposting history.

>> No.4428948

I wonder what gramps did to absolutely mindfuck OP like this
did he shit on the N64 again? nintoddlers can be vicious

>> No.4428954

im not the OP of the original chain of threads, but i will continue on in his name.

get this fucking guy off /vr/ nothing he says holds any weight he justs posts to garner attention and thus is why this thread exists.
anyone asking advice here gets a gaurenteed reply from this faggot and 9/10 times its worthless "well i dont know why your are having x problem but yadda yadda yadda" shut the fuck up already

>> No.4428956

I simply and easily made Wing Commander run correctly on a Pentium 3 which he's been smugly implying is impossible since we started the argument on Monday.

>> No.4428960

thank you for your time.

>> No.4428964

You're very welcome. I do it just to make you happy, Anon because I love you.

>> No.4428972

its because you have no job.
no responsibilities.

just shitposting.
i want you off this site so you can do something else with your time. you are wasting your life man.

and this is genuine.

>> No.4428975

One of these days OP should really take the direction to make a thread like this on /qa/ so he can get everything he wants to say out in one thread. Perhaps it would be cathartic for him.

>> No.4428978

you saw my earlier reply. dont act like you didnt see it.

>> No.4428981

I appreciate your concern but I assure you I am quite fulfilled and /vr/ represents only a tiny fraction of what I care about in life.

>> No.4428985


we can all see how much you are active here
why keep up the illusion when its so blatantly clear you are here every day at any given hour.

>> No.4428994
File: 770 KB, 400x300, Q76qv6M.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby gramps is a tool, but the amount he gets under your skin is fucking wonderful

>> No.4428997

Being obsessed with a tripfag is even more autistic than tripfagging itself.

Reevaluate your life, OP.

>> No.4429000

real OP's gramp image was titled "png.png"

>> No.4429001

At any time, I write under no fewer than two additional psedonymous online presences in addition to known Anonymous ones and some activity as "myself" as well. It's really not very hard

>> No.4429007
File: 57 KB, 640x480, PSOGL2_001 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honest question OP, why do you get so obsessed/triggered by babbage's gramps? Sure he posts a lot but he is nowhere near the cancer level of "Princess" Sevenleaf.

Also Gramps is now a bunny girl.

>> No.4429008

with that information, i'll never make a thread like this again.

im a little sadder for reading that.

i'll take >>4428997 's advice.

how do i delete this thread

>> No.4429012

im really not the op of the chain of threads a few days ago i just wanted to get him in here and tell him this

>> No.4429013

I'm glad you feel better, Anon. I don't think you can delete OPs on /vr/ but I'm sure it will be deleted soon enough since it's a meta-thread.

>> No.4429017

well, if you cant beat em, join em

>> No.4429018

Well you may consider me told then. I'm sorry that your life is so hard and/or unhappy that mine causes you such additional stress.

>> No.4429019

>Not using 4chanX
What are you doing with your life OP?

>> No.4429029

this is 4chan. my life doesnt revolve around this site im just tired of seeing your name so often.

>> No.4429032

Well fuck you to tripfag

>> No.4429036

hey man, fucking child porn and gore and unrestrained racism is posted to this site daily in some places. if someone makes the effort to make an indentity for themselves on such a site i will never approve of it.

>> No.4429037

Lol wut?

Nice trips btw!

>> No.4429038

You could easily filter me. There's clearly more to it than that.

>> No.4429041

He's alright. It's NESfag I can't stand.

>> No.4429042

i dont know how to nor do i feel like putting in the effort to do it.

making posts and threads is much more easier. i even had to look up how to make a trip in the faqs

>> No.4429047
File: 64 KB, 750x625, matthew-robert-patrick-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a theory there are only 3 people posting on /vr/, you me and that guy called Anonymous who sure posts a lot. Oh wait given this is _FOUR_chan there is that 4th poster (see where I'm going with this?) I almost forgot, the one who name/tripfags mainly under the name babbage's gramps on this board.

But that's just a theory, an image board theory.

>> No.4429051

lets talk about the sega saturn while we are at it

>> No.4429057

I like NESfag specifically because he seems to enjoy the same games that I do but for dramatically different reasons. He makes rational arguments that widen my perspective.

>> No.4429058

>gramps owning scrubs like it's 1999 itt

>> No.4429074

It was the webm here >>4428842 that really pushed him over the edge this time. I wasn't going to take the time to jump through a hoop for him but I had a little time to try it and it ended up being so easy, encoding the webm was harder but it's SO worth it. By all means, check it out and his posts about it I linked. He even brought it up in the handheld emulator thread.

>> No.4429076

Fuck I've been on this website too long.

>> No.4429086

you gave me some worthless information on SNES prices.

im that anon, whoever you are talking about might be OP of the epic 10 thread chain using the image i used to make this one. it was titles "png.png" i saved it as goawaybabs

>> No.4429087

Thanks matpat, i never would have got from A to B, unless you made some pathetic attempt at forming a hypothesis (in which is neither a theory or a testable hypothesis, because you just like pulling shit out of your ass and forcing ideas in hopes of stringing together a downs syndrome frankenstein!).

>> No.4429103

Why should anyone give a rotten shit about your approval? You're nobody, same as every other nobody here.

>> No.4429108

I gave you all the information I possibly could have given you on SNES prices, how much a typical eBay complete price was, how much you might expect to pay total for what you wanted on eBay separately, how much I consider to be a good price on craigslist or facebook in my area since I have no way of knowing yours and some additional info on how much I might find a junk console for with some digging. I can't imagine what else you could have possibly expected anyone to tell you on the topic. You just didn't like the WAY I gave you the information but I did it succinctly and in a way I expected might amuse other anons.

>> No.4429109

wow are you autistic?

>> No.4429116

your prices were unrealistic

>> No.4429118

I'm pretty confident every regular poster on /vr/ at least if not 4chan in general would fall somewhere on the spectrum if rigorously tested

>> No.4429121

Gramps is ok in my book. He usually posts good stuff, is helpful, or at least helps extend the conversation.

IDGAF about shitting on tripfags and all that shit, that said, I'll remain anon.

>> No.4429137

Gramps is a newfag redditor. Australia-kun was the superior shitposter.

>> No.4429142
File: 86 KB, 438x1158, SNESs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4429150

bids and parts/repair
you said you woundt pay more than 20 for a snes, didnt specify for parts, and said 40-60 dollars is what i could expect. any buy it now auction thats not yellowed like your teeth is 70-100 dollars

>> No.4429161

I agree.

I can't understand why he would put up with it if he actually sees how much he's damaging the board. Why not just be an anon and continue normally?

>> No.4429168

it took me some time to read about what this webm mess was about, but they are right, it's playing too fast

>> No.4429176

Literally who?

>> No.4429178

Meh, gramps is at least better than that massive faggot who took over the CRT threads for a while.

>> No.4429184

>He even brought it up in the handheld emulator thread.
You mean >>4428429 ? I never posted in the original thread, you're confusing several people as one here I think.

>> No.4429185
File: 47 KB, 670x177, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he probably also thinks all the posts mocking him in this thread are made by one person

>> No.4429195

NESfag is kinda dumb but seems to mean well most of the time
Foxboy is uh... does he even speak English properly? IDK what to make of him
Gramps is aight
SuperNintendoSegaGenesis is a faggot tbqh
There are a few others but good god, Faggot Sevenleaf...

Sevenleaf is the cancer is that is killing this board and the sole reason I detest tripfags. What a fucking cunt. A trannie who's just doing it for attention, makes threads about how epic he is for cutting his dick and balls off hoping for attention from thirsty underage /v(i)r/gins, a lolicon faggot degenerate... just needs to fuck off already JFC

>> No.4429203

Also Australia-kun was a funny motherfucker, I miss him ;~;

>> No.4429207

Gramps does the same, but instead of cutting his microgenetelia off, he spreads misinformation, randomly makes passive aggressive posts (i.e. US vs EU) or just shitposts.
Usually instead of ignoring actual shitposting anons, he will start argueing with them relentlessly and ruin whole threads and do you know what excuse he has?
>I'm doing it for the good of the board, so they will shitpost with me instead of shitpost all over the board
Look it up in the archive, he actually said it.

>> No.4429208

Fuck of gramps

>> No.4429209

who the fuck was that? what name did he have? what was his deal?
I see that name mentioned all the time but never seen a post from him
I mean for almost a few years

>> No.4429215

Hahahaha that's fucking hilarious.

Also are you really comparing insane troll logic to """""princess""""" being a genuine threat to children?

>> No.4429216

A Nintendo hater who still triggers niggers to this day. People bitch about him all the time when he doesn't even post anymore. He shat on Treasure too for "betraying Sega" and put games like the Great Giana Sisters on a pedestal.

A great dude overall just a shame he had to be a tripfag

>> No.4429218

You didn't ask what current buy it now prices were, you asked what you could expect to pay. Those are all completed auctions for functional SNES consoles with at least one controller, which is what you asked for but just to further prove my point here's a link to a clean one with two controllers and SMB that went for $60 buy it now just this morning you could have had if you weren't too busy deluding yourself


I'm sorry that you don't want to accept reality but I suppose you can just pretend someone is telling you whatever it is you actually want to hear

Post any example of misinformation I've posted. Sometimes I engage in hyperbole. Occasionally I am not clear enough and sometimes I just misremember, am plain wrong and own it but if you think I'm actively spreading "misinformation" it should be simple for you to provide examples.

>> No.4429226

you want us to post literally any post you've made?

>> No.4429228

>every post I make is misinformation
okay then

>> No.4429231

Funny how the fucker found the thread and posted in it exactly SIX minutes after it was posted.
He had to read the post and write a response too, so it's less than actual six minutes.

He's here all the time, every day, every night.
He literally lives in the /vr/ catalog.


>> No.4429235

>more people than I realized were dead wrong about what can be run on a P3
>three idiots btfo is supposed to upset me more than just one
I was giving you morons the benefit of the doubt

There's no fixed frame rate, it ran differently on different hardware even in 1990 but I could micromanage it slightly slower if I thought it was necessary which I don't.

>> No.4429237

I'm also right outside your window every night while you sleep

>> No.4429239

in the end you posted a webm that shows it still running too fast and didn't even provide sound
the only one being wrong here was you and you proved it yourself

>> No.4429245

What shitty game are you even talking about? Not that it matters, why would you play these shitty old games when Call of Duty exists lmao

>> No.4429251
File: 622 KB, 1452x1504, Cory Getter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is now a Cory in the House thread

>> No.4429254


Robbie Rotten, you can pull through mah nigga!

>> No.4429257
File: 372 KB, 1199x890, CvSysrYUkAASNX1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4429260
File: 117 KB, 401x600, 1469890682954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4429261

>>4429239I submit that the rig you used to play it on was just too slow

>> No.4429263
File: 38 KB, 205x205, Top Nep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neptune is my waifu

>> No.4429264 [SPOILER] 
File: 7 KB, 140x250, 1511994681360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best quote in the series. Technically retro since it's 1999

>> No.4429265
File: 25 KB, 295x326, Shaggy VS Marge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top 10 anime battles of 2018-1

>> No.4429267
File: 36 KB, 651x651, hammer time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4429269
File: 1.28 MB, 300x300, Pepe anime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4429271


>> No.4429278
File: 630 KB, 1280x720, joseph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4429280


I bought a 101 (jr, mini whatever) model a few weeks ago with all hookups, and an aftermarket controller for $65. It's not hard to find them, I could have paid less but I wanted it now. I actually think I overpaid a bit (there were cheaper ones), but this one was super clean and not scuffed up.

>> No.4429283
File: 9 KB, 593x365, jojotale.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4429289

According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little. Barry! Breakfast is ready! Ooming! Hang on a second. Hello? - Barry? - Adam? - Oan you believe this is happening? - I can't. I'll pick you up. Looking sharp. Use the stairs. Your father paid good money for those. Sorry. I'm excited. Here's the graduate. We're very proud of you, son. A perfect report card, all B's. Very proud. Ma! I got a thing going here. - You got lint on your fuzz. - Ow! That's me! - Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000. - Bye! Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house! - Hey, Adam. - Hey, Barry. - Is that fuzz gel? - A little. Special day, graduation. Never thought I'd make it. Three days grade school, three days high school. Those were awkward. Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around the hive. You did come back different. - Hi, Barry. - Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good. - Hear about Frankie? - Yeah. - You going to the funeral? - No, I'm not going. Everybody knows, sting someone, you die. Don't waste it on a squirrel. Such a hothead. I guess he could have just gotten out of the way. I love this incorporating an amusement park into our day. That's why we don't need vacations. Boy, quite a bit of pomp... under the circumstances. - Well, Adam, today we are men. - We are! - Bee-men. - Amen! Hallelujah! Students, faculty, distinguished bees, please welcome Dean Buzzwell. Welcome, New Hive Oity graduating class of... ...9:15. That concludes our ceremonies. And begins your career at Honex Industries! Will we pick ourjob today? I heard it's just orientation. Heads up! Here we go. Keep your hands and antennas inside the tram at all times. - Wonder what it'll be like?

>> No.4429290

Literary a shitpost.
It's not even a dumb argument to a dumb topic like this whole thread is. Just a dumb post.

>> No.4429292
File: 107 KB, 500x375, joseph victory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4429296

How can it be a literal shitpost when I don't see any poop?

>> No.4429302 [SPOILER] 
File: 76 KB, 512x512, 1511995433615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You thought it was a meme, but it was I, Dio!

>> No.4429305 [SPOILER] 
File: 16 KB, 100x100, 1511995496164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4429308 [SPOILER] 
File: 2 KB, 100x100, 1511995557815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4429315
File: 98 KB, 602x595, 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4429320
File: 97 KB, 403x392, DIO pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4429356

Gramps really isn't that bad of a poster. Tripcodes are stupid on an anonymous imageboard though so if you use one you're going to get hate regardless of what you post. I never got the justification for using a trip, but then again I have a very tenuous grasp on social relations so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

>> No.4429364

>Gramps really isn't that bad of a poster
Hi gramps, you took off the tripcode to bump this thread.

no one has a positive outlook on you.

>> No.4429376

Yup, it was so obvious.
This is the shit he does that makes people dislike him.

>> No.4429384

>According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly

Except that's not true.

>> No.4429387

I never claimed to have a positive outlook on him, you just have poor reading comprehension and are projecting your feelings onto others. I don't like the idea of tripcodes, but I'm not going to pretend that all trips are automatically awful posters. He's generally harmless, and if he is an attention whore like most trips making threads like this are only gonna feed his ego.

>> No.4429392


>> No.4429402

i already bought a snes two days ago at a local mom n pop store, no yellowing, slight (less than half a centimeter) chipping on a corner, for 59.99 with (3rd party) hookups. it works perfectly and nothing is rocking about on the inside, and no roaches.

>> No.4429418 [SPOILER] 
File: 112 KB, 1087x1080, 1511999714991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread.
Getting so far without being deleted.

This is a sign.

Gramps is getting BTFO in every thread he's posting.
Maybe this is finally the time we BTFO that faggot so hard he's tripp will actually fall off permanently.

>> No.4429464


nice samefag

>> No.4429471

Probably because he's a tripfriendo, and it triggers people here more than non-/vr/ games popping up in a shelfie.

>> No.4429475

Would muslims qualify as human?

>> No.4429480

>gramps still thinks there can't be more than one person here

>> No.4429498

this thread has been shadow-deleted.
nothing is bumping it. but at least it wasnt outright deleted. this is a start. this is good. i will continue the grampening tomorrow or something idk i dont fucking post on /vr/ all day like him

i could post a screencap proving you wrong but nah. just fuck off.

>> No.4429502


what of this can you impossibly not fucking understand get the fuck out of here you don pastrami ass kike

>> No.4429507

Did I hit a nerve?

>> No.4429512

Holy shit. Love the name.

>> No.4429520

Seriously man... this isn't about his posting habits, is it? He... touched you, didn't he? There's no shame in admitting it; as soon as you do, the healing process can begin.

>> No.4429523

you must be new

>> No.4429524

no you posted some retarded shit and got a response with the correct reasoning.

>> No.4429525

you must be REALLY new. like fresh off the boat from /v/ just because you have a playstation and want to see whats up about your childhood shit.
stay a while, this board is actually O-K.

>> No.4429532

sorry, last time I checked I didn't start a thread whining about how a namefag hurt my feelings.

>> No.4429538

is this really your first time on 4chan? stick around, this is benign compared to some of the shit-shows that go down.

head on over to /mu/ and lurk in a guitar general thread. you will see what i mean. just look out for any john fruciante pics.

>> No.4429586

Just checking into my thread. I'm done with the courthouse lighting event, picked up an advent calendar and some token candy gifts for her coworkers now I'm picking up ingredients for punch since they were out downtown when we got there. Cheers!

>> No.4429735

A thread died for this nonsense. And this nonsense is still here, completely ignored by the jannies/mods who quite obviously think this is on-topic, non-meta discussion for the board. If there were ever a valid reason for blocking ads and not buying a pass, this would be it.

>> No.4429814

I'm as surprised as you. They did bumplock it though so they definitely saw it and decided not to prune it for whatever reason. I can't really imagine why because it truly can't benefit the board in any way, I don't even think it works as a containment thread. It's just for OP and whoever else to blow off steam. Maybe they were truly concerned for his wellbeing and didn't want him to have a breakdown if they pruned his thread.

>> No.4429997

you took leave and watched tv/play video games for an hour because of this thread shut the fuck up guy we all know you post way too much to do any of that

>> No.4430000

>I can't really imagine why because it truly can't benefit the board in any way
you cant benefit the board anyway

>> No.4430508 [DELETED] 

Notice how they bumplocked this thread but my thread mainly shitting on Prince Sevenleaf was instantly deleted a while ago?

Come to think of it I also got banned for calling it a cunt a while ago too, more than once IIRC. I guarantee you that bitch is sucking the janitor's dick

>> No.4430543

Nice quads but like I said it only makes me appreciate my life more every time you are convinced that such a life is impossible, although it would be nice to have more time to actually play video games. I have today completely free until 230 though so I probably will play some video games even though I should really be mounting the LED light strips in the attic. We're going to be moving our bedroom up there since we're expecting another baby at the end of May. We find out if it's a boy or a girl this weekend. Now you have to decide if you're going to continue to insist this is all just fantasy role playing or if you"re going to suggest I got cucked and it's not mine. Oh who am I kidding I'm sure you'll do both. That's the beauty of being Anon!

>> No.4430578

It's so easy to lie on the internet.
Isn't it just wonderful?

If only people would believe your blatant lies.

>> No.4430579

You can't bump this thread.
The only reason why it's still here, is that there are actually janitors and mods who agree with OP.

Obviously a mod can't' just fuck a tripfag for being annoying these days, but they can ignore others doing it. It's half the battle.

>> No.4430589
File: 20 KB, 230x212, 1511252340393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>set 4chanx to hide all tripcodes
>never have any idea whats going on when people are complaining about specific posters
>prop hat

>> No.4430595

This will make 50% the contents of 90% of the threads so confusing.

>> No.4430645

See >>4429420

>> No.4430780
File: 359 KB, 1080x1528, He needs to go back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can this clown drop the trip and can we get Anonymous of Jacksonville back?


>> No.4430798

>wife had let me
Why is /vr/ full of cucks?

>> No.4430816

Have you SEEN him?

Despite his bragging about being some sort of stud-muffin back in the 90s (110 proof bullshit most likely), I'll bet he's desperate to hold onto any female attention he can find nowadays.

>> No.4430829

No, post.
I have no idea who you're talking about.

>> No.4431009
File: 137 KB, 826x538, Girls Smiley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4431038
File: 91 KB, 600x825, 1506650630473[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one from my slimmest days. As you can see I'm very tall and as you no doubt can tell I'm also confident and articulate so I have little problem attracting female attention. The picture he's no doubt fixating on is one where you could see a reflection of me in some bowed plexiglass on one of my arcade cabs that made me look wider than I am and then I acknowledged that I was getting a bit fat lately. That was some months ago and I've dropped a couple inches since then from eating more whole grains and encouraging certain gut flora an anon was nice enough to suggest to me, I tend to fluctuate a bit. Someone will probably also post a pic of me playing D&D that they seem to think I look fat in but I can't really see it but maybe if one was unaware of how tall I am. I'm also wearing white in every one of these pictures which started out as coincidence but now I think is a funny theme.

>> No.4431142

I like how his shitty tantrum troll thread about trips has been up this whole time with the mods clearly not giving the slightest shit about any of it.

But I bet if I call you out for helping to elect a fucking moron who is an admitted sexual molester (now attempting another lie to cover it up), ignorant about climate change and making jokes about starting a nuclear war... This will get me a nice big ban hammer.

There's nothing wrong with your tripcode, but holy fuck you stupid hillbilly pieces of shit are as close to anyone on this earth to being genuinely evil.

>> No.4431190

>I like how his shitty tantrum troll thread about trips has been up this whole time with the mods clearly not giving the slightest shit about any of it.
see >>4430579

>> No.4431194

I dislike that he starts US vs EU arguments randomly
Like out of thin air in a thread nothing to do with it

>> No.4431195

Nice hat baldy

>> No.4431197

>a fedora
you can't make this shit up

>> No.4431205
File: 19 KB, 300x300, 1ac0a28analintruderp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you censor your "wife"s face?

We already know what she looks like from that megaview pic you spammed left right and centre.

>> No.4431242

Not out of nowhere. There are certain kinds of posters specifically Nintendrones and Yuropooters whose perspectives are so completely erroneous I can't help but read their intent instantly and react to it sort of like how my big fat attitude can't let >>4431142 keep control from bringing up my political affiliations actually from nowhere the difference being that Nintendrones and Yuropooters are /vr/ related while /pol/ is /pol/ although it truly amuses me that people like him cannot stop crying.

Thanks, it keeps the sun off my dome

>> No.4431245

I know. Putting it on autosage is even worse. They know it's here, they clearly just don't give a shit.

>> No.4431252

I can't stop crying because your moron of a president affects the whole world. Your country is a racist shithole that is making the entire planet unsafe but you happily support it. Your idiocy puts us all at risk, so yeah I'm fucking pissed about it.

>> No.4431253

>Not out of nowhere.
You start shitting on yuropoors randomly sometimes without anyone saying they are from europe or the particular topic having anything to do with it

>> No.4431286

Good. Now try doing something about it, faggot.

I literally only get on that track when an Anon sucks Yuropooter dick and/or does the importance of the 1983 video game crash. Americans know the importance directly and Asians realize the importance to their ascendancy which leaves only Europeans desperate to be relevant which "coincidentally" is the theme we're ending this very thread on.

>> No.4431290

Wut? Market crash was irrelevant in Europe.

>> No.4431302

>I literally only get on that track when an Anon sucks Yuropooter
even when they are right?
you just hate it when anyone criticizes for america being worse?

holy shit that's some retarded soup

>> No.4431303

>Good. Now try doing something about it, faggot.

Typical subhuman response.

>> No.4431305

I have never heard the oposite