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439206 No.439206 [Reply] [Original]

How do the first 2 Metal gears compare to the Solid games? Is it worth it if I want to do a complete chronological run of the series?

>> No.439214

I've played the ones that come with Peace Walker in the HD collection and they're fun but require a lot of memorization.

>> No.439232

Metal Gear on the GB and Metal Gear 2 on the MSX are good games.

>> No.439254

seriously, the first metal gear is a unplayable pure shit. didn played the second one but doesn't look different.

>> No.439264

Do they come with peace walker or snake eater? Are Is GB the best version?

>> No.439269
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Metal Gear 1 is more like Zelda 1 in a military setting. There's really not much of a plot and you have to use the codec a lot if you want to get anywhere without a guide. The MSX version is the true version of the game, since the NES one was a crappy port.

Metal Gear 2 is pretty much an 8-bit prototype of MGS1 and its plot is pretty important when it comes to understanding Big Boss and Gray Fox. You'll need to read the online manual to get through a few puzzles though.

>> No.439294

Metal Gear GB was non-canon though. It's basically Metal Gear 2.5.

>> No.439308

MG1 and MG2 come with MGS3 Subsistence and the HD edition

The GB game (Ghost Babel) is a seperate (noncanon but still good) game

>> No.439331

To avoid any confusion, do not play the NES games. The first one is a horrible port and the second one was made by different people and isn't canon.

>> No.439342

They're not "puzzles" so much as "points where the game wants you to check the manual for a codec frequency". Which happens like ten times for some reason.

And I thought everything you needed to know about Big Boss and Gray Fox could be ascertained from other, better games? Games that don't have you kill Big Boss with a fucking aerosol flamethrower, and don't have a boss fight where Fox runs around in a circle while you punch him?

And that's not even going into the backtracking...

>> No.439351

I think I saw GB on the 3DS VC, so I guess I could get that even if it is non-canon, though I should probably Zelda 2 at some point.

>> No.439368

both are long and pretty much shit
kojima just didn't have sufficient technology to bring his ideas to life until the PS1

just watch these if you are interested in the gameplay:

>> No.439369

It's not on the VC.

>> No.439405

I dare you to show me another 8-bit game that's as ambitious as MG2, or improved as much on it's predecessor.

>> No.439403

This guy's got the right idea, although their LP pretty much skims over MG1 (although it probably didn't have much to it plotwise).

They also cut out the hours of backtracking bullshit.

>> No.439398

I thought Metal Gear GB was confirmed to be part of Raiden's VR Training.

>> No.439417


Ambition doesn't mean shit if the game's still mediocre, and improving on MG1 really isn't that big an accomplishment.

>> No.439421

I didn't say it wasn't ambitious, in fact I think it probably is one of the most ambitious.
The problem is it didn't succeed in its attempt to revolutionize video games.

>> No.439464

can you elaborate on why it's mediocre?

>> No.439510

>and its plot is pretty important when it comes to understanding Big Boss and Gray Fox
Didn't Portable Ops retcon Gray Fox's backstory from MG2?

>> No.439701


Portable Ops wasn't written by Kojima, so it's only quasi canon (at least that's my understanding of it).

Of course, making heads or tails of a Metal Gear plot outside each individual game is just asking for headaches.

>> No.439729
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Lord, Jesus deliver me from this evil!

>> No.439745


>No, seriously. The boy is clueless about Outer Heaven, yet, he is informed about it in the supposed VR Mission he plays. Ok, what about the SPECIAL MISSIONS? Same thing, No. 4 explains some crap about Outer Heaven. So either Raiden is the biggest dumbass in the world or he did not go through such a VR Mission.

When you're in doubt, assume Raiden is a dumb ass.

>> No.439759

It tastes more canon to me than 2030 technology with AI and quadrupedal nuclear capable mecha in the 70s. PW was one of the best games in the series, though.

>> No.439781

Metal Gear 1 even on the MSX is not that good. Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake is really good. You can skip Metal Gear 1 entirely. There is very little story in it if that worries you.

>> No.439792


I hope so, Still have yet to play it even though I have the collection.

That one was written by Kojima I believe.

>> No.439790

Play Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake.

>> No.439812

That's because those aren't the MSX versions, the NES versions the first one is butchered and the second one isn't canon.

>> No.439858

Metal Gear Solid is basically a remake of Metal Gear 2.

>> No.439861


I played and beat both on the Subsistence discs for MGS3 and I had a lot of fun with them. Playing through I could recognize that MGS1 was a combination of the first two games. So honestly, everything is covered plot-wise by MGS1 and Hideo did this on purpose. You don't need to play them to enjoy the series as a whole, but they are there for you if you want to witness Metal Gear history unfold and grow before your eyes.

I would say play them if you wanted to see great/clever game design and the birthing of stealth games.

>> No.439865
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>> No.439875
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>> No.439879

>I would say play them if you wanted to see great/clever game design and the birthing of stealth games.
Wouldn't you play Castle Wolfenstein for that?

>> No.439902

I really wish I was a Japanese boy who played 1 and 2 before Solid. Could you imagine how mind blowing it would be when it was revealed that the cyborg ninja was Grey Fox? For us it was an exposition dump. For them it was an awesome plot twist.

>> No.439925


What game is the guy on the right from?

>> No.439935

Metal Gear 2.

>> No.439931

...Metal Gear 2.

>> No.439937

>people are still unaware that MG1 & 2 are primarily MSX games and that the NES Metal Gears consist of a bad port and an unofficial sequel

How do I into faggot?

>> No.439942

Metal Gear 2. It's Kio Marv, the inventor of OILIX.

>> No.439951


Imagine me who played MGS2 first.

>> No.439976

Still doesn't change that the first good game in the series was Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake.

>> No.439979

>played MGS2 first
What the fuck is wrong with you? Why do you people do this, why don't you play the first game in the series first?

>> No.440004

Because no one wants to play the original Wolfenstein games, and Wolf3D is the best.

>> No.440015

I was a northern european boy who played the nes games first. I knew about Grey Fox. He was important in the first nes game, too.

>> No.440042


Because my friend let me borrow it after I had fun with it.

>> No.440045


Maybe he got a PS2 for Christmas and his parents just nabbed MGS2 off the shelf? Try doing some thinking sometime.

>> No.440048 [DELETED] 

Left, unknown doctor talking to BB. Middle, Subsistence remake portrait of Kio Marv. Right, original MSX2 version portrait of Kio Marv.

The resemblance is undeniable, and the man in the trailers seems to have an accent similar to what Kio would've had. However I can't think of any reason why Kio would suddenly be a medical doctor.

>> No.440049

Does anyone know of any good step by step guides for getting metal gear 2 to play on a psp?
I've tried getting multiple msx emulators to run it on mine but it just keeps resetting the msx loading screen.

>> No.440051
File: 87 KB, 650x300, marvinv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left, unknown doctor talking to BB. Middle, Subsistence remake portrait of Kio Marv. Right, original MSX2 version portrait of Kio Marv.

The resemblance is undeniable, and the man in the trailers seems to have an accent similar to what Kio would've had. However I can't think of any reason why Kio would suddenly be a medical doctor.

>> No.440058

Guy looks kinda like sokolov too.

>> No.440063

Maybe he started off that way. "Oh, while I was rooting around in your skull, I got this great idea for this microbe thing." He makes OILIX, and then BB kidnaps him.

>> No.440073

Now you're just being silly. The Wolfenstein sequels did not have a meta narrative to comment on the original games.

Fuck fun. Fun is for faggots. The entire point of the game was lost on you because you didn't play MGS1, I am so rustled by that.

Terrible parents. Also, you're wrong, try doing some thinking next time.

>> No.440087

My point is that with some series', you don't need to play the first game, first. Your initial statement should have included a qualifier about the "plot based" quality of the series' that should be played in chronological order.

>> No.440090


>Terrible parents

Spoiled shit detected. And I was giving you a potential hypothetical situation, not what actually happened. Retard.

>> No.440116

>My point is that with some series', you don't need to play the first game, first
No, but with MGS you do.

There is no need to get so mad.
>Spoiled shit detected
Nah, my parents just weren't morons.

>> No.440134

And read the rest of my post. Make sure you specify that games with overarching plots, it's important to play them in chronological release order. Your initial post, due to the lack of specifics, makes it seem like you think that all games need to be played in release order.

>> No.440139

That... sounds surprisingly likely.

>> No.440163

I don't know about you, but I always check out the previous games in the series before I start playing any game in a long running franchise.

>> No.440201

I really wish I had a physical copy of the Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake operations manual, even in moonrune.

It just goes to show Kojima was full-on autistic for world design and detail even way back then.

Online version: http://gtinter.msxnet.org/Operate.htm

>> No.440207

Maybe it wasn't readily available.
I mean I had to look for a bit to find a copy of mgs around my town because I lost my original first disk.
It took me a couple weeks.
Barring Internet purchases, which I wouldn't have been able to do around the time mgs2 came out finding mgs1 could have been difficult.

Not playing a sequel because you haven't played the original and can't find it would just be stupid.

Quit being an asshat please. Not everyone has had the same experiences or opinions that you have.

>> No.440225

>Nah, my parents just weren't morons.

Well they gave birth to you, so I'm not so sure. Parents grab games off the shelf that they think their kid will like. It's luck of the draw. You shouldn't expect parents to be expert at video games. Most probably don't care about the hobby.

>> No.440224

>Quit being an asshat please
I'm not being an asshat, you're the asshat!

>> No.440213


The part on the physical exams required by Fox Hound personnel is interesting, and so is the Zanzibarland briefing file.

>> No.440238
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>> No.440245

Shut up, all of you! You're not even talking about anything relevant, fuck!

>> No.440257
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>see the table explaining different Fox Hound camouflage configurations
>realize Kojima had wanted to do camouflage since MG2

Apparently the translation of that manual is not perfect though. It was made by the same people who made the very first english version of MG2.

>> No.440261

OP here, consensus seems to be that MG 2 is much better than 1 and that it actually has more story value too. So I think I'll skip the first and stick with the second.

Plus, I want those feels of killing the character I've played As for 2 (or three) games.

>> No.440294

The only thing you need to know about MG1 is that Snake was sent into Outer Heaven, he rescues Schneider, Madnar and Grey Fox, his contact who's called Big Boss turns out to be the bad guy behind it all and he tried several times in the game to lure you into death traps through codec calls, and you destroy the TX-55 Metal Gear prototype.

>> No.440309

prepare for backtracking

>> No.440323
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>Apparently the translation of that manual is not perfect though. It was made by the same people who made the very first english version of MG2.
Yeah. I wish there was a PDF copy of the JPN manual. The closest I could find was this dead website from the late 90s, but it's only contains transcripts of certain sections.

>> No.440341


Comparing some of the sections of the english translation and the jap text, the translated manual actual doesn't seem as bad as I had thought.

The general consensus is that the fan translators took quite some liberties with it.

>> No.440351
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MPO is pseudo-canon at this rate. It's not longer counted as a "Metal Gear Saga" game by Kojima Productions.

>> No.440361


Thank god, Null was the worst thing Kojima has every done.

>> No.440391

Kojima needs to stop with MGS. Why not develop some new franchises?

Oh right.


>> No.440382

What was so bad about him? I haven't played the game myself, but explaining more about Fox's backstory seems only like a good thing to me.

>> No.440421
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>The general consensus is that the fan translators took quite some liberties with it.
Some of his liberties were done to make the game's story more consistent with MGS, like changing some of the non-standard name spellings from MG2 (Roy Kyanbel and Frank Yeager) to the ones used in MGS1 (Campbell and Jaeger)

>> No.440436

Kojima has expressed his wishes to stop making Metal Gear games more than once.
But Konami brainwashed him every time. It's all about the dum dum dudu-dum.


>> No.440438


Why? We already have enough backstory without Big Boss having fucking met him and raised him and stupid shit like that.

He was Frank Jaegar, a soldier/merc who found Naomi after he kill her parents. That's all we fucking need to know. MGS' problem (as a series), is that it dives too deep into the backstory of characters and how they all relate to other characters. It's almost a rarity for someone in MGS to not have a connection with another character, usually Big Boss.

>> No.440440


It simply made no sense.

If PO was canon, Fox would have been a experimental child soldier Ninja already before MGS, and then for MG1 and MG2 he would have reverted back into a normal soldier just to become a Ninja again in MGS.

>> No.440443

Marv couldn't speak English, though.

>> No.440461

Yes he could.

>> No.440465

And Big Boss knows a lot of languages. MGS3 had him auto-translating Russian for the player, so why couldn't that be the case here?

>> No.440481

Because he didn't trust you.

>> No.440472


yfw nearly the entirety of Snake Eater has Naked Snake speaking Russian but with English VO.

They take liberties, brah.

>> No.440471


Wonder if it'll be Madnar who gives BB the prosthetic arm? They have been teasing it for long enough, especially with the MGS4 database.

>> No.440470

Then why did you need Gustav to talk to him?

>> No.440521

The worst thing about the Null retcon was that Frank Jaeger was supposed to had been a teenager when he met Naomi, but with the Null retcon that would mean he was actually in his late 20s.

>> No.440528

Then why did everyone else tell you he couldn't speak English?

>> No.440540


Had you ever paid attention to the plot you would know it was because of nanomachines

>> No.440574

Could the nanomachines speak English?

>> No.440637

Snake's Revenge was good, nigga.

>> No.440642

He actually does talk to you in Czech when you contact him. Then you get Natasha and she and him have a conversation in Czech.

>> No.440665


It's a much better game than the Ultra Games port of MG1 on the NES, that's for sure.

>> No.440964

Um not OP but I was about to play the NES port?
What's so bad about it?

Don't they all become the same game?

>> No.440978

the MSX and NES games are completely different
MSX is way, WAY better

>> No.441312

There's no Metal Gear in the NES version of Metal Gear.