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File: 181 KB, 456x544, mr-strife-goes-to-midgar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4410097 No.4410097 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most stupid /vr/ jRPG character design?

>> No.4410104

The ones in IX are so off-putting I never played the game.

>> No.4410107
File: 83 KB, 680x800, Cait.Sith.full.135186[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or Chu-chu (Xenogears)

>> No.4410110 [SPOILER] 
File: 245 KB, 500x350, 1511186933926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rpg with a wanna be serious story
>plot turns that are noticly forced and scripted
>child hero that is supposed to save the world
>with a sword that looks impractical, stupid and looks like it has more character as the guy wielding it
>hero looks like an failed abortion rockstar baby
you found it, realy hard to top that

>> No.4410114

7 is the best jrpg ever

>> No.4410125
File: 12 KB, 200x400, HAVEYOUHEARDTHEGOODCHUS[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe, but cait sith still looks goofy

>> No.4410130

Once the people that grew with FF7 stop giving a fuck about games no one will consider it a good game.

>> No.4410136 [DELETED] 


I will never not think of TheDarkId when I see that absurd picture. Pity how far the guy has fallen.

...Ah well. Hopefully someone saves his work from the LP Archive, before he up and decides all that shit is "problematic" too.

>> No.4410137
File: 2 KB, 80x86, Rance_III_(8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could name more bland RPG characters, but its hard to come up with one where they tried really hard but it turned out abysmal...

Rance is pretty stupid design, but at least its on purpose and on point. So its actually good, just a matter if you can chug it...

>> No.4410139

What happened that upset one of the vr baby trolls so much that we've been getting all these FFVII whine threads? Did he finally play the game or something?

>> No.4410156
File: 46 KB, 400x653, 9-zidane-c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I love the game but I definitely wasn't a fan of the character designs, especially zidane's and quina's

>> No.4410160


Kuja is actually what did it for me.

>> No.4410174

What's stupid about it? It looks like an aggressively generic standard jrpg knight (I'm actually asking, I've not played this game; maybe he wears parachute pants and nipple tassels only at some point)

>> No.4410176

at least you don't get to see kuja very often
for the majority of the game you're stuck with zidane in your main party whether you like it or not, and he doesn't even have a good skillset to compensate for his design

>> No.4410191

>a cat wearing a crown and cape riding a buff robot moogle and commanding it to attack with a megaphone
Some day you'll grow up. Not everything has to be edgy and badass with swords or guns. Cait Sith is fucking awesome. I'd use him more if it weren't for the fact that he sucked so hard.

>> No.4410201

>haha I ironically like shitty things xDD
stop wearing thick rimmed glasses and shave the beard, you hipster nu-male

>> No.4410204


Ugh, this. The low-poly characters in FF7 were at least forgivable since Square wasn't technically experienced with 3D gaming. FF9's character designs are ugly on purpose.

>> No.4410205

i disagree man people are SUPER HYPE about FF7 remake...
is 9 ever gonna get that treatment?

>> No.4410208

>Cait will be utterly annihilated
>Cait is going no matter WHAT you say.

>> No.4410210

you spelled xenogears wrong

>> No.4410213

he looks stupid and out of place though

>> No.4410214

But Cait Sith isn't shitty. I'm sorry you're so insecure that you can't allow yourself to find appeal in something that isn't traditionally stylish or cool.

>> No.4410218


In no universe is that statement true, Anon. Xenogears is bad in every timeline.

>> No.4410221


I thought Cait Sith was so Japanese he shits eggrolls, to be honest. Like, everything about him is shit Nipps do in their RPGs.

Can't really be "out of place" at that point, can you?

>> No.4410224

That's not even BAD for a cute boy in the morning to get a mainline SEE you were there you'd just be burning me the whole time and I don't know what a great guy was looking through my window and when that happened my ceiling fan was moving so fast it made the lever you gotta pull swing by the end of my life not even being born so I can wear this time so people will finally remember this series beyond that game where the chick is a lesbian this time I won't mind cause I don't know what the heck is like a huge idiot sending you to do me a favor and let you know what guy who did the designs FOR THE first time since we were gonna be pleasing the best opinions of this is your fault in the end.

>> No.4410230

I almost didn't play the game because if him and Steiner looking like Buzz Lightyear in a tinfoil hat with mascara. Turns out they're two of my favorite characters in the whole series and 9 ended up being my second favorite game.

>> No.4410231
File: 37 KB, 280x500, NeoFio1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be intellectually honest here. Nearly half of Chrono Cross' massive roster alone is dumber looking than Cloud.

>> No.4410235

>spiky-hared soldier in a purple jumpsuit with sword bigger than himself
>burly black man with machine gun for an arm
>ninja girl with 3-foot shuriken
>talking mountain lion with tattoos and an indian headdress
How exactly is a cat riding a moogle (a fucking FF staple) "stupid and out of place"?

>> No.4410241


A challenger appears.

>> No.4410258

He's just a dude in a speedo. And that's it.

>> No.4410261

Played it for the first time last year. A little dated, but still a fun game. Easy to see why it blew minds 20 years ago. Gameplay is tight, Materia system is still fun, music and atmosphere are stellar. Kill yourself.

>> No.4410269


Isn't that the point? He's picked up at the Golden Saucer. He's basically a retired amusement park attraction.

>> No.4410270

David Bowie as Medieval Sayajin demands respect!

>> No.4410282

Steal alone makes him worth using, the fuck? You can get so much good shit by stealing from bosses.

>> No.4410295


None of the characters are really obsolete in battle, except those who can't easily hit the damage cap like Eiko. Zidane, Freya, Quina and others all have skills whose damage formulas are based on trivial shit like completing minigames. You can work them up to the damage cap in no time, and you don't even have to level up your characters.

FF9 is truly a shit RPG.

>> No.4410301

>None of the characters are really obsolete in battle
>FF9 is truly a shit RPG.

>> No.4410315

There is absolutely no fucking way a giant stupid-looking chicken would chop half your health in one attack

Fuck you Dragon Quest/Warrior

>> No.4410317


It's shit because of how easily battles can be trivialized. As soon as the frog catching minigame becomes available, you can have Quina hitting the damage cap within a couple of hours because Frog Drop's damage formula is based on that. I believe you need to catch around 250 frogs in all.

Statistically, the game stores enemy HP in a way that wouldn't allow any given enemy to have more than 65535 HP. This means Quina at initial level with 250 frogs could solo the final boss.

>> No.4410412
File: 73 KB, 400x300, G2NTqVD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giant birds are pretty fucking dangerous, anon.

>> No.4410435

Same here. Still never played it. but apparently it's really good. Might give it a go round. maybe

>> No.4410464
File: 420 KB, 640x448, 1451278086978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not Liking Princess Midget Orange Butt

Well fuck you too.

>> No.4410473
File: 51 KB, 446x774, justinjustin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Justin from Grandia looks like a jackass. It's like a perfect storm of random absurd pieces of clothing

>> No.4410475


No need to get buttflustered. My opinions should have no bearing on your chosen fap material.

>> No.4410476

Fuck sake he looks like a girl.

>> No.4411109
File: 105 KB, 600x450, legend_of_mana_001[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4411249
File: 213 KB, 1024x768, FF7 Cait Sith 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, love his design.

He's completely in place where you find him, the Golden Saucer. Given his role as a Shinra spybot, it totally makes sense for a combat ready and surprisingly helpful animatronic to join up when they visit the biggest amusement park on the planet. Also love that they can easily use him on a suicide mission due to just being a drone.

>> No.4411261

>out of place
FF7 has one of the most wildly inconsistent worlds ever made you can't really be out of place in it. For fuck's sake you got cyberpunk eco terrorists, ninjas, and even a god damned vampire some robot secretly controlled by someone by a large mega corporation is hardly out of place.

>> No.4411480
File: 90 KB, 229x600, ZfEIPwR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody's too busy arguing over Cloud vs Zidane that they forgot Edgelord Mc6belts here.

>> No.4411482

>Pity how far the guy has fallen.

What happened? Do tell.

>> No.4411484

I actually rather like his design. It's his personality that's atrocious.

>> No.4411487
File: 590 KB, 900x1200, Vyse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks like a typical anime kid going on an adventure.

Pic related on the other hand I don't know what to make of besides faggiest pirate wannabe ever.

>> No.4411542
File: 438 KB, 1000x714, Sephiroth-FFVIIArt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, nothing in FF7 holds a candle to Sephiroth in this department, and the reason for this is that the stupidity of his design is somewhat insidious.

His dead eyes and the brutal way he uses his sword are intimidating, but the outfit is just so awful, it's like this trenchcoat that's 3 sizes too small for him, and it doesn't make sense that the shoulder armor is part of the coat rather than the SOLDIER uni underneath. The collar looks like shit, he's slightly too much of a bishonen, and last but not least the two jagged bits of hair in the front. I mean Cloud's hair at least looks like a fair dramatization of a real style, but Sephiroth's just makes no sense. Imagine him without those and he looks 10 times better.

Oh, and his name doesn't help.

>> No.4411549

>Implying Squall has a personality.

>> No.4411567

Sure he does. He's a cunt.

>> No.4411569


>> No.4411598

That's just like, your opinion man

>> No.4411605

What's with the leather straps on his chest? Is he wearing suspenders? Why is his sword longer than his own body? How does he even carry it?

>> No.4411608
File: 62 KB, 624x351, p02xyqyb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were probably based on the prehistoric terror birds.

>> No.4411640

A cassowary isn't even as big as a chocobo and can easily kill people.

>> No.4411661 [DELETED] 


Guy went full SocJus, to the point he inserts lectures about identity politics into his latest LPs. Because I always wanted a lecture on casual racism against Japs with my Nier Automata LP.

>> No.4411665

That sounds like a good fit actually.

>> No.4411672


Not the Id I knew. But whatever floats your boat, I guess,

Would you like to donate to his Patreon?

>> No.4411730

The only real issue I have is with the retardedly long sword. There's the fact that it's flat out impossible to lift and control for anyone without magical super soldier animu strength, but the thing would be really fucking inconvenient to use indoors and in close quarters; it would constantly get stuck on the walls, ceiling, floor and any nearby objects, and would be easy as fuck to parry which would leave the user wide open due to not being able to retract it in time. It makes Cloud's huge airplane wing sword look feasible by comparison. I know Nomura gets a lot of flak for his animu as fuck designs but this sword is literally something that only teenagers and otaku manchildren would find "cool" regardless of how little sense it makes.

>> No.4411734

Sounds typical of Something Awful. A site known for ruining people's lives for shits and giggles suddenly becomes super anal about race and gender politics.

>> No.4411735

The guy who would make those animated shorts making fun of embarrassing internet forum posts turned out to have drawn babyfur porn. And the site founder is a pill popper. You can't make this shit up.

>> No.4411739
File: 181 KB, 378x562, Aeris-FFVIIArt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and last but not least the two jagged bits of hair in the front. I mean Cloud's hair at least looks like a fair dramatization of a real style, but Sephiroth's just makes no sense.

It's from an abandoned concept where Sephiroth and Aeris were originally going to be siblings, hence the similarly styled bangs.

>> No.4411741

You'd be surprised at how many male SJWs and "nice guys" are really just wolves in sheep's clothing. Just look at neogaf.

>> No.4411748
File: 108 KB, 617x459, padlife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the pirateish flag with a fucking belt buckle as an eyepatch; it could double as the flag for early 2000s embarrassing rpg costume design

I'm more fond of the shoulderpad craze of the 90s

>> No.4411753

This. A lot of people are the opposite of what they preach and their public images are the reverse of what they actually are in private.

>> No.4411760 [DELETED] 

Fuck, just look at all the rape/grope/sexual harassment accusations against so many so-called male feminists like Al Franken and countless Hollywood hacks.

>> No.4411763


>Id is given prime material (Automata) to make fun of weird Japanese shit, his old forte.
>Uses it to tell us about how offended the glorious Nipponese are by our microaggressions.

Taro would subtly insult him for being such a pussy-whipped faggot that can't take any jokes.

>> No.4411773
File: 1.05 MB, 305x280, challonge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking a design like Cloud or Sephiroth's is at all bad in a series with Sir My Little Pony in FFIV literally covered with glitter and sparkles
>his counterpart is a mean face on a helmet

amano snowflakes aren't you like 50 now? give it up

>> No.4411781

That sounds very different from the guy who savagely ripped apart Dirge of Cerberus.

>> No.4411787
File: 96 KB, 820x1000, Ff6gauart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you know? The SNES FFs are all perfect and flawless and if you say otherwise you're just a FF7 nostalgiababby lmao

>> No.4411791

*rages* You have a good point sir :)

>> No.4411796

I’m pretty sure this thread was started by some autist in an earlier Panzer Dragoon thread. He started ranting about FF7’s story and characters exactly the same as both of the posts you responded to.

>> No.4411807
File: 94 KB, 655x1000, 4a-cecil_harvey_v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this big of a pleb
kys my man

>> No.4411814

Red Turnip, Peco, Jogurt, or Turnip from CC.

>> No.4411815

Those are some fat titties

>> No.4411818

You mean this guy?


Sounds like every other SNES nostalgiatard bitching about newer games while mindlessly worshipping oldschool ones despite having many of the same flaws.

>> No.4411819
File: 478 KB, 470x700, Gilbert_(LoM_Artwork).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came here to post that. Centaurs with boots just seem really weird to me.

>> No.4411848

>Dat "quality" art.

Squaresoft was really scraping the bottom of the barrel when they were looking for an artist.

>> No.4411853

t. hackira trollyiama fan

>> No.4412009

Omg, this is genius. FF7 would be great if would use his stupid sword as multitool mc guyver thing. He would use it to glide from one side of a canyon to another, use it more as a shield than a sword, as a snowboard and as a mirror in camp to style himself... man those designers at square are lacking FANTASY, what a FINAL mistake!!!

>> No.4412018

9 is fun for speed running/low level runs. 7 and 9 both both really.

>> No.4412021

Fuck off. Belts are fucked but he is no where near the worst. Also, he isn't edgy or emo. He is just introverted and independent. Squall is the best lead in the series. Get kekt kid.

>> No.4412036
File: 86 KB, 350x658, Shining Force fantasy race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we counting SRPGs? If so there's a treasure trove of questionable design.

>> No.4412045

Vyse isn't nearly as bad as some of the others in this thread. The only thing bad about his outfit is the detached sleeves.

He looks young but that's kinda the point of most JRPGs.

>> No.4412048

Cloud's sword is probably much heavier than Sephiroth's though.

But both are impractical.

>> No.4412067

>Grandia protagonist gets a pass for being "typical anime kid"
>bitching about Vyse

>> No.4412101 [DELETED] 


I know, right? Reading his twitter (yes, yes, I know "CAAAAANCER!!!!11" and all that), it seems he became convinced at some point that people who weren't SocJus had it out for his daughter, who is apparently gay. And if you've ever watched Id drunk while streaming talk about his kids, you know he really does love them dearly.

The perfect crowbar to manipulate him with.

>> No.4412121

Every weapon Amano draws seems to be a pointy stick, its bizarre

>> No.4412172

That's kind of the definition of a spear, what Kain uses.

>> No.4412303
File: 85 KB, 491x650, A93D6EC3-3804-44B3-966B-B109648D03AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but that’s a picture of Dark Knight Cecil, who uses swords. And really I think it’s just that one image, which Dissidia based Cecil’s design on resulting in a stick sword. Looks far more swordlike here

>> No.4412314

Worth it.

>> No.4412342

It has weird proportions but it actually doesn't look too odd to me, the clothing itself is pretty simple and I feel like it'd similar to something I'd find on the cover of a Redwall book or something.

>> No.4412361
File: 687 KB, 1920x1080, ffviterraface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta throw out a special mention for all the godawful character sprites in the HD remakes of 2D FF titles. Take the FFVI remake for example. Most of the monsters seem OK, character portraits likewise, but those (human) character sprites are just plain horrible. Too glossy and cutesy, and they don't fit in at all with the rest of the game's graphics. Shudder.

>> No.4412368

It's weird they went back to the old style for them. I agree it doesn't fit at all.

>> No.4412369
File: 304 KB, 677x998, BoFIV_Ryu_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly. I feel like a better question is what jrpg heroes don't look stupid as fuck. Most honestly do, it's almost like a staple of the genre sadly.

>> No.4412394
File: 188 KB, 369x400, ErdrickArmor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still the single-greatest JRPG protagonist design ever.

>> No.4412396
File: 66 KB, 572x359, FF1_Job_Classes_Nintendo_Power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original FF art was pretty classy, too, but I don't know if this was actually official art. Square didn't have a house style back then.

>> No.4412397 [SPOILER] 
File: 751 KB, 1393x1382, 1511287927565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating Chu-Chu
She may be the worst character in the game, but there's nothing wrong with her design. She's just a Furby with a few extra bells and whistles. I can think of at least five other "token cutesy characters" from retro JRPGs along that are far more offensive.
Or maybe you're just upset she got over you.

>> No.4412406
File: 90 KB, 448x880, shin_megami_tensei_strange_journey_conceptart_m1HmL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4412423

just look at this design, FF7 is when the series went full weeb

>> No.4412442
File: 593 KB, 958x840, goblin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is magazine art by Katsuya Terada; the original designs were done by this other guy >>4412303 >>4411807 >>4411787 and they usually required visual "translation" to be usable as workable basis for spritework. But they looked classy AF, which was the core idea.

For big monster sprites though his drawings were perfect

>> No.4412447
File: 41 KB, 506x512, ff5psone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Though the weird irony is, if ffvi had been originally released in higher resolution that's what the sprites likely would have looked.

Even in ffvii the overworld sd models look like that style in 3d.

>> No.4412510

Looks like jrpg mega man

>> No.4412635

>not recognising Goku in armor.

>> No.4413128 [DELETED] 

Who's to bet he has sexually assaulted somebody and he is trying to cover his ass.

>> No.4413142

but xenogears is just okay. I was so bored to tears as I hit the second disk I didn't even finish it. Humongous waste of time. Many such cases. Sad.

>> No.4413143

I never understood the FF7 deformed design with big forearms.

>> No.4413329

Japanese style called superdeformed.

>> No.4413380

>but I don't know if this was actually official art.
It's not. It has a female WHM. The white mage is a MAN, baby!

>> No.4413426

You just described Chrono Trigger and Cross, minus the sword part.

>> No.4413584

He described the jrpg genre as a whole.

>> No.4413659
File: 382 KB, 689x732, 1453329956617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this is a bad design
Squall Leonhart is pretty /fa/ honestly, and I would 100% let him buy me a drink.

>> No.4413704

He forgot about the braindead outdated gameplay mechanics that only existed due to hardware limitations.

>> No.4413725

The fact that I'm at least having to think about it means none of them have design as bad as more modern and recent JRPGs

I mean I think 'worst JRPG character design' and my brain is immediately flooded with horrific PS2 garbage like Magna Carta and Dawn of Mana

>> No.4413726

Luckily for everyone, this wasn't the case. High resolution 2d graphics require more detail or they look like low effort flash garbage.

>> No.4413752

>but he is no where near the worst.

he wears a jacket that serves no function beyond calling attention to his midriff if zippered

>> No.4414116

The mechanics of jrpgs have very little to do with the hardware. What are you talking about.

>> No.4414118

While I agree, that's a style Square has always liked for some reason. I'm not surprised it's how they made them look in hd.

>> No.4414134

Have you seen any character from X?

>> No.4414153

That's not a bird that's the sheriff

>> No.4414158

How would he even put on the hind boots?

>> No.4414167
File: 277 KB, 545x759, D0928902-A1B0-48CB-AFA5-ACD477C674C1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plebs will think this is bad design

>> No.4414550

>people wear jackets
>more at 11

>> No.4414584


I know, right? Reading his twitter (yes, yes, I know "CAAAAANCER!!!!11" and all that), it seems he became convinced at some point that people who weren't SocJus had it out for his daughter, who is apparently gay. And if you've ever watched Id drunk while streaming talk about his kids, you know he really does love them dearly.

The perfect crowbar to manipulate him with.

>> No.4414585


I'd hope not.. Dude has a wife and like...3 kids?

>> No.4414597


Nomura designs are almost universally terrible. The only exception to this is his monster designs and his designs for VII (though I am quite sure he was told to restrain himself for that one, hence why they turned out half-way decent).

>> No.4414648

People like >>441312 think the whole world is like them. They literally can't imagine someone standing up for the justice of others without having an ulterior motive. While at the same time they believe themselves to be morally superior. It's surreal.

>> No.4414691
File: 204 KB, 437x772, 919308AB-D745-4F2F-9ECF-6DFA78BC03BF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree. He has some extreme cases, but generally has interesting and cool designs that are memorable.

>> No.4414767


I am >>4414584 and >>4411661 . You have a few unwarranted assumptions of your own, perhaps.

>> No.4414771


You just posted the only good character (in any way, shape, or form) in that entire pretentious and vapid pile of crap.

>> No.4414792

Meh, I can understand your not wanting to hear it as much as him wanting to say it. I'm much more on his side that this is an important time to be vocal, but I respect you not being interested in his videos because of it. I think that's in a fundamentally different category than assuming anyone who does speak pit for others is doing so because they have something to hide.

Though that said, sone obviously do. Wolves in sheeps clothing are a thing which is why this is such a crucial time.

>> No.4414893


The only reason I even got into his LPs was because he kept any political beliefs he may have had out of it. It's all about the venue man, and that's before you even account for the fact that several belonging to the same crowd he seems to have fallen under the sway of are mentally ill or flaming hypocrites.

>> No.4414936
File: 298 KB, 461x600, Jecht_Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To each their own, I think X is one of the best games in the series.

>> No.4415003
File: 65 KB, 640x480, frontier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever play Saga Frontier? Every character, 99% of every other npc/enemy looks fucking atrocious. And that's before you realize how much of a smudgy piece of shit it is on top of all that.

>> No.4415006

I don't watch lps myself, just saying that I can see where both of you are coming from.

>> No.4415007


Ah. Gotcha.

>> No.4415862

X is stale garbage. The entire cast is horrendous minus Yuna and Kimarhi who doesn't even talk. Progressing through each zone amounts to fighting reskins of monsters from previous zones and using the appropriate character to counter. Sphere grid is a snooze, Wakkas constant preaching and bring a dick to Rikku gets old fast. I guess the overall story is alright and seeing the ruins of Zanarkand is neat. The only lead in the series worst than Tidus is Cloud.

>> No.4416514

They were cutting corners. The superdeformed style has less polys and is easier to animate.

>> No.4416547
File: 55 KB, 1024x739, maxresdefault[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about it. No wonder I ended up on 4chan jacking off to traps every single day. Fucking ridiculous. Look at those hips.

>> No.4416581


How am I supposed to take a villain like that seriously?

>> No.4416604
File: 324 KB, 853x1000, Amano_Chibi_Kefka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How am I supposed to take a villain like that seriously?

>> No.4416626


Kuja isn't crazy, though.

>> No.4416647
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All the main characters, except maybe Riki, look good. Other playable characters aren't bad either. What's your problem with those designs?

>> No.4416654

I like Nomura's Parasite Eve designs.

>> No.4416830

Nomura generally sucks but Squall, FFVII Cid and Aya Brea are his most realistic and functionally dressed character designs of the psx era.

>> No.4416839


He looks so much better without the jacket.

>> No.4416953

I feel the same.

Well I'm approaching 30 and I've just played FF7 for the first time in my life, expecting a mediocre game, but it actually was everything I expected and more.

The worst thing about it is the ending, having all these characters you're invested in (Cloud, Barrett, Tifa, Marlene, Aeris, Nanaki, Cid) or not (Cait Sith) have no resolution at all.

>> No.4416964

>expecting a mediocre game, but it actually was everything I expected and more.

So it was mediocre?

>> No.4417236

>Honestly. I feel like a better question is what jrpg heroes don't look stupid as fuck. Most honestly do, it's almost like a staple of the genre sadly.
VIII's cast is pretty stable looking imo, both dress and looks wise. Zell's face tattoo is pretty stupid though.

>> No.4417524


Some of them are ugly, but Vivi and Steiner are adorable.

>> No.4417550
File: 1.91 MB, 720x404, youloveit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel the same.
>I've just played FF7 for the first time in my life

So you just played it the first time and you agree that it is the best jrpg. Its either the only jrpg you ever played or you love bad games.

As pointed out in this thread, the characters are bad and as stereotype as they get, the story (please check wikipedia and read it if you disagree) consist in the second half of one scripted plot point after the other and is meaningless.
The best example how scripted and cheesy the story is is the popular aerith death scene. A game that shoves something like that so hard down your throat and you liking it, makes you a titanic/avatar fanboy.

>> No.4417554
File: 80 KB, 500x667, OAsDLEc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry your favorite game will never be as well-loved as FFVII anon, seems like it's taking a toll on your mental health

>> No.4417562

woah dude! As we all know most people are stupid. THings like Titanic, Avatar or FF7 beeing a huge success is no suprise to me. I just like to point out to people how stupid they are and what a smart guy I am. I only love the best of the best games.

>> No.4417571

Why does FFVII trigger people so hard? I'll never understand it. If you don't like it move on, what's so hard to understand about people loving a game that offers tons of exploration / secrets / golden saucer/ materia combos and looks like a series of beautiful paintings?

>> No.4417591


>Plot turns that are noticeably scripted




>> No.4417596

because derps cluster around it like moths around light. When you attack it you hit a massive combo

>> No.4417785

I know Amano's work is pretty hit-or-miss, but his art of Firion and WoL are some of my favorites from any video game

>> No.4417789
File: 512 KB, 1200x795, Amano_Firion_III.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image

>> No.4417793


I find Amano's artwork delectable, Anon. Yeah, he's got a bit of the ol' sameface, but so do half the boyos in the industry.

>> No.4417829

I'd love to see a modern game with actual Amano-stylized graphics

>> No.4417836


Same here. That would be a real treat!

>> No.4417838
File: 109 KB, 655x918, latest[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fund it

>> No.4417843

>child hero that is supposed to save the world
The only child PC is optional.

>> No.4417846
File: 97 KB, 800x565, teedus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT everyone is gay for Squall

>> No.4417849
File: 121 KB, 320x320, 438368-tidus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jecht and Tidus are pretty much douchebag characters IMO Tidus is a whinny crybaby douchebag and his dad is an asshole

>> No.4417858
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aruon is the BEST character in FF history. Igaf what any cuck says about him. Despit him being an introvert and cold hearted most of the time and a man of a few words its due to his back story which made him the way he is. He's basically like a veteran who came back from the war and has seen shit. Auron will forever be my most favorite FF character of all time!

>> No.4417864


>> No.4417868

I meant to type cunt but cuck happened lol

>> No.4417881

>Cait Sith is fucking awesome. I'd use him more if it weren't for the fact that he sucked so hard.
Cait Sith can literally one-shot every enemy in the game (counting multi-stage bosses as multiple enemies). There's a reason "no slots" is a category.

>> No.4417885

Red XIII is also a child.

>> No.4417962

He's in his 40s, his species is just incredibly long lived.

>> No.4418032

Come back in a few years when you've played more than ten games

>> No.4418037

>General JRPG thread
>Almost nothing but fucking Playstation Final Fantasy

>> No.4418065

>sucked so hard
Imagine caring about minor statistical differences between characters in a game this easy and where most of your battle prowess will come from how you decide to combo materia. And, about Cait Sith sucking, when I was younger and didn't really find a lot of the best materia, I got a miraculous win over Ruby Weapon by rolling that one Cait Sith limit break where he becomes a giant and the enemy becomes small. Most fun character to use in the whole game.

>> No.4418067

FFX retards are the worst. Auron is the definition of generic and his design is shit. There literally could not be a more generic and boring character in X than Auron.

>> No.4418069

They have the worst designs so it makes sense

>> No.4418137

Cankle warrior.

>> No.4418139

If he's so generic then find, say, three other characters who look just like him.

>> No.4418271


I hate Final Fantasy X and still think Auron is awesome.

>> No.4418273

anything FFVIII

god damn that game was unaesthetic

>> No.4418279

Amarant from IX and Eiko with them crotchless pants Square WTF

>> No.4418390
File: 209 KB, 634x1000, finalfantasyix_character_playable_amarant_1_by_yoshitaka_amano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eiko has on a body suit, whats wrong with Amarant?

>> No.4418469
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>> No.4418479
File: 128 KB, 290x401, Amarant-ffix-battle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His in game model looks nothing like the concept art, for starters.

>> No.4418481

You're correct
though that design is still stupid

>> No.4418487

he actually looks like the most normal of the series (this is a world with FE style armor).

>> No.4418493

taking the "retro FF" to the logical conclusion

sure the artwork shows them normal human proportions but when you look at the spites it's big heads/small bodies

>> No.4418495

186 posts and nobody says Ashley Riot and his assless chapped cargo shorts, wow.
I would have thought this was the obvious answer.

>> No.4418498

looks like a normal high school kid

>> No.4418509

>As pointed out in this thread, the characters are bad and as stereotype as they get
And all they proved was that they don't know shit about the game.
>the story (please check wikipedia and read it if you disagree)
No I won't and neither should anyone else if they've already played the game
>consist in the second half of one scripted plot point after the other and is meaningless.
Well no shit einstein, almost fucking plot point in every fucking piece of fiction is scripted. All you're proving is that even you don't understand your own arguments.
>The best example how scripted and cheesy the story is is the popular aerith death scene. A game that shoves something like that so hard down your throat and you liking it, makes you a titanic/avatar fanboy.
Still better than all the fake deaths in FF4, which you SNESfags constantly wank over while shitting on FF7 despite being way less flawed in that regard.

>> No.4418516

Because SNES FF nostalgiatards can't get over the fact that FF7 is more popular than their own favorite game despite trying to convince everyone they don't give a shit about a game's popularity. They're the biggest hypocrites ever.

>> No.4418527

That shops exclusively at Hot Topic

>> No.4418534

so yeah normal high school kid

>> No.4418538

Only if the "normal" high school kids you hung out with were emos

>> No.4418561

Or he's just projecting.

>> No.4418571


>> No.4418596


This is another serious contender.

>> No.4418596,1 [INTERNAL] 

What does this do?

>> No.4418880 [DELETED] 


>> No.4418882 [DELETED] 

Kil yourself.

>> No.4418939

Just there isn't much detail given the sprites are small. Kobayashi does do some decent art for the characters though. They served the purpose well for the game they were for.

>> No.4418975

He doesn't need abilities at all because they made the character pretty OP. Also Steal is maybe the most important ability in the game.

>> No.4419129

I would have much preferred a team of Steiner/Freya/Amarant(or Vivi)/Quina from a pure gameplay perspective. I never stole enough to make Thievery worthwhile so Zidane was the only party member who couldn't consistently hit 9999.

>> No.4419398 [DELETED] 

what the fuck happened to SA?

It's like after trump got elected they did a 180 and turned into insane liberals

>> No.4419408 [DELETED] 

they were always like this, man

>> No.4419409 [DELETED] 

The same left that defends japs from microaggressions is the one that accuses for apologizing for nanking and comfort woman

>> No.4419421 [DELETED] 

No they weren't. They were trolls before we were even using the term to describe that behavior. The very name of the website was to find someone's personal homepage, declare it to be awful and presumably the goons would try to deface it or mass email the owner or whatever else struck their fancy.

>> No.4419427 [DELETED] 

>standing up for the justice of others
Does that include becoming a gatekeeper for Japanese things?
Or any none white race?
He is just like the rest. Wants to control everyone.
>You can't go to a bon dance you are not japanese
>You can't eat pizza you are not Italian
You want to live in a world like that? keep supporting this asshole. But know this one day they will turn on you.
The fucker should stick to LPs leave politics to the big boys.

>> No.4419434 [DELETED] 

Ex-goon here, this is not a new thing, it's been like this for about ten years now

>> No.4419450

It's just some /v/ermin crossboarders. I'm afraid there's nothing we can do about it.

>> No.4419509
File: 64 KB, 596x596, i understood that reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4419512 [DELETED] 


You should listen to the ex-Goon. They've been this way for quite a while. The only reason I even bothered with Id and his LPs, though, was that until he wasn't. Not in his LPs, anyway.

>> No.4419518 [DELETED] 


You should listen to the ex-Goon. They've been this way for quite a while. The only reason I even bothered with Id and his LPs, though, was that he wasn't. Not in his LPs, anyway.

>> No.4419756 [DELETED] 

It was similar to 4chan's earlier days. Most of the "non-pc" stuff being said abd joked about was with a heavy dose of tounge in cheek irony.

But slowly the culture started to shift and people who weren't being ironic worked into the mix. So then when O45 got in it caused a rupture. Here there's been a battle with them convinced 4chan is their 'safespace' but SA is much more tightly moderated so it flipped the whole general culture.

The last two years have been massive global cultural shifts and it's really only just getting started.

>> No.4419760 [DELETED] 

Do you really think social justice and multiculturalism means you can't eat pizza if you're not Italian? Lol! I am from the most multicultural city on earth ( Toronto) and it's wonderful and one of the truly great cities because of it's diversity.

>> No.4419768

>It's another thread gets derailed because of 'MUH FRANKFURT SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT OF WIZARDRY' episode.

>> No.4419771

What a tragic loss for this fascinating and erudite discussion of what the stupidest looking rpg character is!

>> No.4419810 [DELETED] 

Toronto used to be beautiful when I was younger. Clean, low crime, it was shocking the first time I went to NYC and seeing how dirty and menacing it seemed compared to Toronto. l went back there last year to visit my aunt and it's become an utter shit hole. And the prices, my goodness, normal hardworking Canadians have been priced out by foreign money.

>> No.4419941


I'm fucking sick and tired of both "sides" of this retarded culture war. They're equally filled with poisonous nutters only seeking greater power and influence.

>> No.4419991 [DELETED] 

>Do you really think social justice and multiculturalism means you can't eat pizza if you're not Italian
According to your most vocal spokespersons no.
That is called "Cultural appropriation" remember?
Don't complain to me about your batshit insane rules. Remember eating none white food while white is a big crime to Social justice faggots. You better hope none of the more prominent members of your cult don't catch you eating something that your race did not invent. Even then better sit down for the big lecture about how your oppressing people by eating a "white food".
You made the rules, i am just making sure you faggots follow them.

>> No.4420024 [DELETED] 

Ypu don't need to tell me about Toronto, I've lived here since I came for university in 95. It's not petfect but it's one of my favorite cities and a wonderful example if the glory of multiculturalism.

There is of course extremism on both sides which is never good. Cultural appropriation is really only problematic when there is a dominant monoculture that does it with little regard for where it's coming from. In a truly multicultural society each of our differences are celebrated. That's what it's actually like.

>> No.4420123 [DELETED] 

>That's what it's actually like.
No it is not. It is only used as a bat to hit whites over the head with for dressing up as a fucking native for Halloween. The fucking natives don't give a fuck, but because you have to be constantly offended for other races it is suddenly a big issue. No other race gives a single shit about fucking "sacred headdress" other such bullshit. There to busy having lives to micromanage what whites do with there fucking clothes.
No fucking Japanese person would be offended if a white dressed in a kimono, but your side is more racist than fucking storm front when you tell me what a Japanese person thinks.

>> No.4420195 [DELETED] 

The reason why it's different for native Americans than Japanese is because of the oppressive monoculture I described. They have been severely fucked over by us white settlers and even now they get violently assaulted by police for protesting (which us theoretically legal) the destruction of the tiny bits of land they are still supposed to have.

So yeah I can understand why some of them might think it's insensitive to wear their religious garments as Halloween costumes.

>> No.4420331

ooh... soft

>> No.4420363
File: 303 KB, 369x925, Kuja_Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a lot of people misunderstand some of the design choices behind these characters. For instance, I'm pretty sure Kuja isn't intended to be a crossdresser, even though that's the impression he's likely to make with a Western audience. In Japanese media, power and beauty are often conflated; a male character with strong feminine features is likely to be intended as one of the more powerful characters in the setting. There are similar design choices to be found in your "manlier" series like DBZ (Frieza) as well.

But yeah, it still looks pretty ridiculous.

>> No.4420405

this is exactly it
in nip media, beauty and strength are one and the same

this is why you see so many soyboys in media as the "strong" characters, and even the ripped ones tend to be toned at best.
the flipside of the same coin is why you find so many "cute" characters as the heroes, rather than cool or beautiful ones. cute is justice.

>> No.4421162

>within a couple hours
Except tadpoles take anywhere from 10 minutes to 6 hours in-game to respawn/grow, and at 8 slots per pond you're not getting 250 frogs in a few hours.

>> No.4421963
File: 125 KB, 444x763, Vs-guildenstern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get why Ashley has such a dumb design when the other designs in the game are all fantastic. Why couldn't Ashley get a respectable suit of armor?

>> No.4422481
File: 1.60 MB, 288x242, Nigger realizes something.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4422481,1 [INTERNAL] 

i like cloud