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4286343 No.4286343 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone ever come across new old stock? Any stories? There's probably boxes of old games just forgotten about in huge retail warehouses.

>> No.4286393

I have an entire pallet of Earthbound games that I bought direct from the manufacturer.

>> No.4286401

The worst part is this faggot is probably telling the truth.

>> No.4286415

Thank god for emulation. I can fit the entire SNES library on a card that is no bigger than a fingernail.

>> No.4286416

I also have 10 boxes like in the OP of Frogger for the Atari 2600.

I'm pretty sure those aren't going up in value, though.

>> No.4286420

He could easily be. My Earthbound came right out of a sealed case that some dude traded in to the shop I was working at in 98.

>> No.4286446


I know right? I'll never get these faggots that swear by original hardware and old CRT tvs.

>> No.4286465
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>> No.4286471

50Hz is still like 50fps.

>> No.4286529

The human eye can only see 18fps

>> No.4286532

I had a shit load of American Saturn stuff at one time. Sold all for a profit. Got it in the early 2000s well before the bandwagoners and hipsters. Controllers, games, save carts, etc. Nothing super rare just all good stuff.

Also there isn't probably nos laying around. There definitely is. Most is probably headed for the dump though.

>> No.4286552

>being poor
>not owning your favorite games

Go back to /v/ neet.

>> No.4286560

How the fuck do you even find these anyway

>> No.4286561


You look around.

>> No.4286562

These days you don't unless you get lucky/word of mouth. Or pay a lot on ebay.

>> No.4286641

That feel when some warehouse clearout team probably thrown out a bunch of old cartridge games because they think they have no value.

>> No.4286648
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Somewhat related. I work at a thrift store and have stolen:
Crash Warped
Crash Team Racing
Gran Turismo 2
Pac man world 1
Spyro collectors edition
from the trash compactor because they were about to be thrown out and crushed. What im trying to say is that games get thrown out daily and it hurts

>> No.4286703

I gotta story for ya'll.
Alright, guy walks into the store I work at with a box with marker scribbles all over it. Put the box on the counter saying he wants to trade it in. Found it in his mother's attic he says. You can see through the scribbles the Nintendo logo & the words "Super Mario Bros. 3" & "Qty. 24"
Inside the box is 4 sealed cases of Super Mario Bros. 3 for the NES. We had to open one just to check if the shit was legit, they were sealed with regular brown tape but yea sure enough inside were 6 sealed brand new copies of Super Mario Bros. 3.
This guy found a Master Case of Super Mario Bros. 3. The case a big box store like Wal-Mart might've ordered or the distributor would order then ship off to their clients.
We asked him how his mom got them & he said she worked for the Nabisco company, made sense they had a factory just a few miles away. & they had a promotion where if you mailed in enough proof of purchases you would receive a free copy of SMB3. Well when the promotion was over she took the left overs home with her, probably stole them but hey she's long since retired now.
We have the guy a few grand a some other shit for the master case.

>> No.4286718

I got three new copies of Megaman 64 from a local rite aid for $9.99 each right around 2010, not sure if that counts.

>> No.4286720


>> No.4286758

Around 96 or 97 I was at K-mart and found a beat up nintendo powerglove for sale. Box looked like it was kicked around for years, and there was a graveyard of price stickers on it. I forget it was priced down to either $10 or $20 and I asked my mom to buy it and she did!

Always wanted one ever since watching the Wizard. Inside the box it was mint, but I think I used it twice before it broke on its own. Still have it.

>> No.4286787
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I found this at a garage sale a week or two ago.

I should have asked where it came from and if she had any more games, but it took all I had to contain my autism.

>> No.4286790

That may be a reseal.

>> No.4286795

I've considered it, but the box looks like it's never been opened.
Is there any way to know?

>> No.4286796

No idea on NES. At least Sony and Microsoft have fairly authentic seals on their media. Nintendo I thought had a Nintendo logo on their seal like Sony.

>> No.4286805
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nes games have an H style seal. check the back for a seam going right across the middle.

>> No.4286809

Some time in the late 90s or early 2000s Walmarts here suddenly had a bunch of NES and SNES Advantage, Super Extendo cables and maybe a few other NES/SNES/Genesis accessories for $5 each.

>> No.4286812
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Yes, it has an H seal.

>> No.4286814

walmart is really good about misplacing merchandise for years on end before they find them.

i saw a Skylanders Spyros Adventure cardboard display fully loaded after the 4th game came out.

i have no reason to doubt this, it looks legit to me (i have over 250 nes games and a few sealed myself)

>> No.4286816

I work with a distributor that's been dealing with Nintendo for 20+ years now. Nintendo hasn't changed much in that time with getting orders out of them & your lucky to be allocated a couple of cases of cases from them, let alone “a pallet” which isn’t something you can order. Not to mention the poor business decision made by anon.
>Earthbound was a flop. It was not anticipated to sell well & Nintendo tried to counter this by selling it in a Big Box with guide to help hook in buyers. Much like anon's bait here. Unfortunately this big box & guide added a cost to the MSRP. Instead of $59.99 it was $69.99. Anon would have had to have the foresight to know this game sealed would be worth more in the future to order a ton of them & hold on to them & also know that a game like F-Zero which did sell well & was well loved is worthless sealed today.
>Now cost as a distributor has risen since 1994 but you could get it for 40% the MSRP if you bought say “a pallet”. Wouldn't get much better than that for the manufacturer would be putting themselves in a hole, PCB & plastic 'aint free ya know. So lets say anon bought each of these at a 40% the MSRP so that's about $27.99 each sealed Earthbound here.
>With an inflation from 1994 to 2017 that's roughly $46.55. Now annon has a “pallet” a semi-standardized thing which is 40” x 48”. They didn’t specify half or double so 40x48 is a safe assumption. Now if they ordered a “pallet” then that’s probably an amount of cases containing more cases. Now Nintendo has always had cases of 6 games, with cases of those being 4. Earthbound is less than 10 x 9 x 3 so a single case would probably measure roughly 18 x 12 x 10, with a case of those measuring 24 x 20 x 18. This tells us a pallet would only fit 4 each layer.

>> No.4286818

>Now to find out how high the manufacturer would be willing to stack. The main thing here is the crushing weight of the bottom layer & how usually manufactures would rather be safe than sorry. Probably only stack 3 high to prevent damage to the bottom layer & because any higher would be more than the average person’s height & then it’s a safety hazard & the union gets involved & nobody wants that.
>That’s 12 cases of cases which come to 288 sealed Earthbounds. Which anon would have paid $13,406.40 for them all, that’s with inflation of course.
>Let’s not forget storage. Now I’m sure our anon here owns their own warehouse but we can’t put a price on that without knowing the value of their property & the potential they could have had for that space instead of this “pallet” so let’s base it on how much it would cost to store just a pallet like that in public storage. You could rent a small unit for $20 a month, big enough to store just a pallet. Not going to take into account inflation here because of how it would change over time but that comes to about $5,520.00. Bringing anon’s invested money to $18,926.40 & because this pallet would have been shipped via freight let’s just round that up to a nice $19,000.
>While there are plenty of sealed Earthbounds on the market they only sell maybe once or twice a year & when they do they sell for about $2000. So if anon decided to cash out today they have the potential to make $576,000, even with their almost $20,000 investment their still making $550,000.
>Now like I said a sealed Earthbound only sells maybe once or twice a year on eBay so anon would have to work other markets & make private deals to move these but all at the same time preventing the world from finding out they have almost 300 of these because then they’d flood the market, causing the price to plummet & their investment be worthless.
Good luck anon!

>> No.4286827

Actually it only cost me like $8k and it was purchased for resale but it never even got unpacked because I never even made it through my first shipment.

>> No.4286834

Yes annon "purchasing for resale" is what distributors do...

>> No.4286836

I actually know someone who is a distributor & actually does hoard products.
If your them word of advice. Stop stacking more shit on top of your cardboard boxes. Use totes, or shelves. Your crushing your "investment" that your keeping to "cash out" when you retire...
That is...if your who I'm thinking about.

>> No.4286840

Hey faggot, don't put words in my mouth. The software as roms play the same but it just plays so much better on the original hardware and proper TVs.

>> No.4286845

None of the big publishers ship anything in pallets. That's on the actual manufacturer side. Not sure what the wall of greentext was for.

>> No.4286846

You didn't steal it if they were throwing it away... but yeah, non-Nintendo retro stuff is treated as garbage by 95% of people. Sad.

>> No.4286847

this is so untrue, you must be trolling. you mean you cant tell the difference between jerky 80's cartoons and Disney feature animation? you must be just misinformed

>> No.4286848

Underageb& phoneposter takes the bait.

>> No.4286882

You're right. According to the US Air Force, an ace pilot can only see about 12 FPS. The average person is less than half of that.

>> No.4286917

give it back jamal

>> No.4287109

I have quite a few times. Having a huge retail warehouse doesn't mean it's disorganized and full of random shit. In fact it's usually the opposite. I usually find NOS at smaller companies. I've found hundreds of individual items. Things that were on the shelf, discontinued, dumped in the back and forgotten about. But I've also found a few cartons of retro stuff. I didn't really get into buying old warehouse shit until about 10 years ago so most of what I've found isn't that old.

>> No.4287258

I think you did too.

>> No.4287259

Good find, anon.

>> No.4287280
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I have these two. Left is sealed box of Space Channel 5.

>> No.4287283

Not retro, but I found a brand new PS2 controller in the discount section at Walmart a few years ago.

>> No.4287287


>> No.4287293

Just because it appears more "fluid" doesn't mean the eye can see it, saying how many "frames" the eye can see means more like when can the eye see the frames changing and not the illusion of motion

>> No.4287404

How much would a box of say 6 SNES games cost a retailer back in the day? Just for argument's sake lets say those games retailed at $50 each. How much profit would a retail make after selling all six?

>> No.4287731

I just got a sealed Jap copy of Fighting Vipers recently; there were a few floating around on eBay for cheap so I thought why not. No intention of opening it, it's not worth anything really but I like having it.

>> No.4288549

Assuming your not lying, I'd totally buy one if it was good deal. I'm too poor to get one any other way.

>> No.4288780

Not my story, but my buddy found a fully boxed tubrografx 16 lying at the side of a road in a box. Had Bonks' adventure too. All working condition.

>> No.4289216

>a “pallet” a semi-standardized thing
Not, a "pallet" is a standard. Actually, a bunch of standards.

>> No.4289230

For what purpose?

>> No.4289232

>but it just plays so much better on the original hardware and proper TVs.
This is your nostalgia talking.

You're not playing competitive retro fighting games. The TV does not matter at your level of play.

>> No.4289410

The Vegas Stakes box was $30. Too bad a sealed copy of Vegas Stakes isn't even worth $5. As for the Space Channel 5 box, I collect SC5 stuff. Also, I have more money than sense.

>> No.4289575

Using a tv and original console becomes pretty important for anyone playing at any level higher than subpar. As someone who plays Kaizo Mario hacks, I can tell you the difference is huge. I'm not saying everyone needs to have the original console, but its definitely not the same.

>> No.4291735

>not emulating on crt screen

>> No.4291759
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wow im gettin mad

>> No.4291773

These days a retailer only makes 10% at best, but back in the day getting 40-50% wasn't unheard of.

>> No.4291834

Legit question, why are there warehouses out there with palettes of old products going back to the 90s, maybe even older? I see Storage Wars-esque TV series where people go and raid these kinds of things, I mean what business can afford to just keep old products lying around for decades in valuable real estate space? I work in a print factory and it's already a challenge to find floor space all the time moving paper in and out. I can't imagine leaving palettes of old CRT's lying around collecting dust yet i see them for sale all the time online.

>> No.4291850

You could keep those in the shipping box. It's literally worth shit.

>> No.4291884

Yes, but it just doesn't have the same magic for me anymore. I only really enjoy discovering NOS when it contradicts one of the many bullshit stories the "Collector's Cabal" over at NA has cooked up over the years to artificially value their stock.

>> No.4291890
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>> No.4292249

>You didn't steal it if they were throwing it away

How does it feel to be a neet

If you looked in the dumpster of a dentist's office, and took expired pain killers, is that stealing? Just trying to put it in perspective for you bud

>> No.4292251

That box was factory sealed dumb ass ruined it's value

>> No.4292257


...In what universe do you inhabit where that's even legal, Anon?

>> No.4292521

What do you do for a living?

>> No.4292907


Are you NA? Cause..umm..we have a ton of land. You see how big us burgers are on buying then literally not giving shit. theres rotting packed warehouses, cars, trucks, boats, and random belongings everywhere just rotting to shit as we speak. Its our subconcious society.

>> No.4292926

Actually you did. When something goes in the trash, it's being transferred to another. If it's just dumped in the middle of the street it's fair game as it's abandoned.

>> No.4293653

I'm a computer tech for the local school district. Why do you ask?

>> No.4293787
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This used game store in MO had a bunch of sealed copies of F-Zero for the SNES in what I assume was the box they were shipped in originally. It was shoved in a corner next to the box of loose $1 Genesis games and if I remember correctly they were only like, $5 a pop. This was back in 2006-9-ish? No idea how he got them, never thought to ask even though I was close to the owner. I just remember thinking it was interesting or possibly fake somehow.

>> No.4294273

It actually would be stealing, cause the trash still belongs to the thrift store.
Stealing trash is (as stupid as it sounds) also illegal.

>> No.4294456

Sealed cartons of Player's Choice F-Zero were fairly common finds until 4-5 years ago. They probably made a ton and weren't able to sell them. I remember seeing a few on ebay for ~$30.

>> No.4294485

Somebody hasn't worked for a moving agency
Where people will literally pay you to move 90% of their apartment to another place, and then pay you for throwing again the last bits.
Its fair game in most cases, so long its in good condition in the first place.
And i have trashed at the least 20 good CRTs already, don't even know if they where worn

>> No.4294505

He probably figured you were a poorfag or autistic, even though you're neither.

>> No.4296863
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sealed copies of pic related are undergoing a similar phenomenon currently, or at least they were several years ago. You could find a shit ton of them on ebay for a couple dollars a pop. They must have found a big warehouse full of unsold ones.

>> No.4296898

>several years ago
meant to say one year ago*

I bought one off eBay around then