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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.43 MB, 2115x1190, >skipping Gameboy games.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4085442 No.4085442 [Reply] [Original]

>Metroid 2
>Super Metroid
>Metroid Zero Mission
>Super Metroid

>> No.4085461

sure has been a lot of metroid shilling lately

what are you up to, nintendo execs?

>> No.4085475

>shilling metroid in /vr/

>> No.4085513

>taking down ROMs from random websites
>invades forums to garner more interest
>suddenly start working on two new entries

We're onto you, Ninty. You can shove your overrated shite up your arse.

>> No.4085625

Back to /v/, shitposter.

>> No.4085639

Well Metroid 1 is pretty fucking dated these days and I think Zero Mission surpasses it in 99% of places.

The original Metroid 2 on the other hand I have a bit of a soft spot for, I'm a sucker for the thick atmosphere and ambience that they managed to pull off on a goddamn Gameboy. That said I also enjoyed AM2R a lot but I don't know if I'd rate it as high as I would rate Zero Mission compared to Metroid 1. AM2R is really good and it shows a ton of love from the guys who made it, clearly trying to emulate what Zero Mission succeeded in doing, but it really suffers in the atmosphere department.

It's a tough pick but ZM being better than Metroid 1 and AM2R being really good itself, even if I think I might prefer Metroid 2 to it, wins it out over original Metroid 1 mainly.

>> No.4085657

Zero mission is better than Metroid 1.
AM2R is better than metroid 2, but Zero Mission is better than AM2R, so I'd place my bet on Samus Returns for 3DS being the better metroid 2 remake.

>hostile towards on topic video game discussion
>ignores OP
>retarded premise (that nintendo would go on a slow board to sell games for a niche series)

you're stupid and it makes you stand out here. go back to your home board

>> No.4085659 [DELETED] 

Mad that your little game was called out, marketer?

>> No.4085758

Fuck off marketer scum.

>> No.4085995
File: 44 KB, 768x720, Metroid 1 vs 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>preferring Metroid 2 over 1
>tiny screen and soundtrack that makes your ears bleed


>> No.4086161

>>>4085442 (OP)
>Well Metroid 1 is pretty fucking dated these days and I think Zero Mission surpasses it in 99% of places.
>pretty fucking dated
Casual confirmed.

>> No.4086263

The second one. Zero mission is a really good remake and it even includes the first game. So it's no secret that's the best version. Am2r bringed a lot of improvement to the worst game of the series but unforntunately nintendo took it down and decided to make a shitty 3d remake.

>> No.4086286
File: 3 KB, 480x320, nesmetroid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gee, did Samus gain some weight?

>> No.4086664

Zero Mission is only good as an entry point. It fails at everything else.

>> No.4086719

I haven't been to /vr in months and I came here specifically for Metroid, thank you.

>> No.4086760

>listing fangames

>> No.4086772

>additional content
>doesn't spawn you at 30 energy
People who enjoy Metroid over Zero Mission are honestly masochists

>> No.4086792

>casual difficulty
>shitty tin can music

FDS Metroid saves. Passwords are fiNE anyway, the game is short.

Anyone who doesn't like Metroid 1 clearly wasn't around to play it and probably used guides to beat Zelda 1

>> No.4087126

Zero Mission is a better game than Metroid 1, as is AM2R (and likely Samus Returns) when compared to Metroid 2. In that sense, the remakes are definitely more worthwhile than the original releases and are rightfully considered the definitive versions of those stories.

But Super Metroid does a lot to build up on and twist the expectations of players who went into the game starting with the NES and GB games, something thats lost if you play the remakes that retroactively added and spoiled its more interesting stuff. It's a game made to end the trilogy started with the NES, while the remakes are made under the assumption you're already familiar with its final chapter. Kraid is the most obvious example but there's tons of stuff like that.

It depends on what you think is more important, but as an interactive medium I'd say gameplay takes priority in the end.

>> No.4087495

People who enjoy Metroid over Zero Mission are people who actually enjoy the Metroid series. Zero Mission completely fails at being a Metroid game.

>> No.4087606

How so? I was about to pick it up.

>> No.4087658

the handholding is kinda annoying yeah
>hard mode
In what fucking universe is GBA music worse than NES music?

>> No.4087669

The universe that gave up Harmony of Dissonance

>> No.4087673

Let me save that anon some time and respond on his behalf
>*rattles tits* UMMMM THE MAP UMMM UMMMMM UMMMMMMMM UMMMM *rattles tits* *rattles tits* AND ITS NOT RETRO SO FUCK OFF >>>/v/

>> No.4087901

Look, there's nothing wrong with it as a game. It's a fun game and worth playing.

The issue is that since it's in the Metroid series, there are a few problems with it. The game is far too vibrant and has cutscenes that look like they're straight from a cartoon. There's no oppressive, spooky atmosphere. The music is similarly light and upbeat, further making the game not scary or intimidating at all. There's no challenge to the game at all. Metroid was designed as a series for advanced players to sink their teeth into for extended periods of time that tested their mettle, whereas Zero Mission is a gonzo sprint to the finish.

Fusion does all of those things much better, but Fusion is also weighed down by being incredibly linear, so it's not a good Metroid either.

>> No.4087960

excellent post

>> No.4087970

Doesn't it have the same music themes as the is original Metroid, though?

Anyway just played through the first area on my friend's WiiU and it was pretty fun. I have my 3DS on hand, may compare it to the original.

I will say I quite like the concept of not having a map. I never look at them anyway.

>> No.4088007

It hasn't even come out and they only released a single trailer w/ a little treehouse gameplay, the hell are you on about?

>> No.4088016

Don't ask /vr/ for advice, okay? Everyone will be throwing their opinions at you for one reason or another, so just play the game yourself and make your own opinion.
Personally, I love the game, and think it's definitely challenging if you're trying to get all the endings, but still perfectly fun and challenging if you're not, especially on Hard mode. However, now that I said that, all the elitists will come rushing in to squeal about how I'm not a ""TRUE"" fan because I'm not bragging about how I wasted my life trying to play the dated, archaic original. You like the original more? Fine, go and enjoy it, but don't run around saying it's superior to Jesus Fucking Christ and the world beyond

>> No.4088024

>Doesn't it have the same music themes as the is original Metroid, though?
They're pretty much the same compositions for the same areas, but the arrangements are different.

Compare NES Kraid Hideout:
To Zero Mission Kraid Hideout:

>> No.4088362

Even the fact that they opted for that retarded graphic style it's already a red flag.

>> No.4088428

I see what you mean. It's still foreboding, but it's no longer spooky. It's more "grand."

>> No.4088517

Zero Mission is a game designed both for veterans and newcomers.

If you follow the main route it's absurdly linear and a joke to play, making it very easy for first timers to digest. But its also the only game that gives you unique endings for hard mode playthroughs, 15% or less item acquisition, and completely changes the final boss if you've achieved 100%. The game has so many hidden routes to bypass virtually every item, even ones that seem absolutely necessary like the long beam, screw attack and speed booster, that the developers were obviously doing their best to make the sequence as flexible to sequence breakers as possible.

I wouldn't say it reaches Super Metroids heights, but Super Metroid's sequence breaking is a result of glitches like mockball and arm pumping letting you bypass a lot of obstacles. Zero Mission the first game in the series to be built from the ground up to support these challenge runs and becomes a completely different game once you attempt them, so for that I think it deserves a lot of credit.

It's a shame the garbage Chozodia section and unappealing aesthetic of the game knock it down a point.

>> No.4088619

>The only people who actually care about Metroid are those who think the most obsolete, visually and audibly inferior, difficult and clunky game is the best one
So Super Metroid is shit?

>> No.4088628

The original Metroid is not scary, intimidating, spooky or oppressive. Literally the only retro Metroid that takes on such a personality is Super, and certain moments of Fusion
The only kind of person who thinks Zero Mission is a sprint to the finish are nerd speedrunners or people who've beaten the original metroid 5 times over. For a person who claims the exploration and atmosphere is integral to a Metroid game you obviously didn't spend any time appreciating the new areas and bosses that Zero Mission gave you, and just said "LET'S SEE HOW FAST I CAN BEAT THIS IMMERSIVE, ATMOSPHERIC GAME DUDE LMAO"

>Zero Mission is too vibrant!
>Fusion does all of those things much better
fusion fucking hurts to look at

>> No.4088746

I don't know, Metroid II spooped me as a kid.

>> No.4089026

>you obviously didn't spend any time appreciating the new areas and bosses that Zero Mission gave you
I really like Zero Mission but the only new boss that's memorable at all is the wasp you fight for the super missiles.

The worms and Robo-Ridley felt phoned in.

>> No.4089032

Theres only one good metroid game

>> No.4089092

The thing is, the extra "difficulty" of the original metroid isn't a test of your ability. Spawning you at 30hp so you have to farm health every time you die and the lack of a map so you have to map everything yourself are tests of patience. They don't make the game more difficult, they just make it more tedious.

>> No.4089148
File: 33 KB, 1920x1080, ZEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the original metroid isn't a test of your ability

Is patience, then, not an ability, a skill to be honed and mastered?

>> No.4089167

One could say patience is a virtue, but there's nothing fun about testing your patience.

A newcomer might quit metroid 1, but it's likely to be due to the fact that they have better things to be doing than farming health and drawing maps rather than because they're shit.

>> No.4089264

>The thing is, the extra "difficulty" of the original metroid isn't a test of your ability.
It absolutely is. Mistakes are punished. You have to be careful how you move and how you jump.

>Spawning you at 30hp so you have to farm health every time you die
So don't die. The 30HP is a punishment for dying and you can instantly fill it up by finding an energy tank.

>the lack of a map so you have to map everything yourself are tests of patience.
The lack of a map means it's actually possible to get lost. That's a good thing. Being lost means it's all the sweeter when you find something awesome.

>> No.4089332
File: 693 KB, 1297x2012, Metroid Poster Japanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's nothing fun about testing your patience.
To me it is a challenge, and overcoming challenges always brings a sense of achievement. I like playing games not despite them being hard and demanding at times, but because of it. (Although if patience was the only challenge, it sure would be a tad dull. Luckily, Metroid 1 has more to offer.)

But I see why it's not for everyone.
Still, it's a bit sad to see so many people shitting on Metroid 1 in this thread, it is an excellent game - design and and execution are nothing like anything else during its time. My guess is that a lot of people came to the franchise after playing Super Metroid back when it came out or ever since it has been hailed as a masterpiece. Rightfully so, it is a great great game in its place in time, but that does not devalue the qualities of the first game. It's like people forget where the franchise is coming from. Without Metroid 1, there could have been no Super Metroid; a lot of the aspects that made SM so great where already there on the NES.

>> No.4089424

I think the biggest problem is that people just seem in capable of understanding context, so they shit on Metroid 1 for things that came about as a result of limitations that were overcome with more advanced mappers and chips later in the NES's life.

>> No.4089439

I don't think many people in this thread are shitting on metroid, they're just saying that the changes in zero mission were an improvement.

>> No.4089571

Well, playing a little bit of the original, I can definitely say it's more engaging having to maneuver up the corridors without being able to aim diagonally or crouch and shoot. It's more about being deft and dodging. I like.

>> No.4089870

You sure do love flapping your tits around, do you?

>> No.4090284
File: 298 KB, 500x500, Samus Falling NES.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still it's weird to posit Zero Mission as the "definite version" of Metroid 1. It's basically a completely different game. It's like advising to choose Final Fantasy VI over I because it's an "improved experience".

If you're only in it for the (ridiculously bare-bones) story though, then sure, go ahead you filthy casual.

That vertical shaft right in the beginning feels a bit tedious even to me, though. I know else they would not have managed to fit Tourian in that upper left corner of the map, but throwing that at you right at the beginning is a bit of an uninspired dick move. Also it would not have hurt to have some more room layouts for those shafts. I know about memory limitations, but they still had space for unused rooms, so they could have given us some variety there. It's like they knew how to do horizontal platforming well, but forgot that vertical shafts could be more than just connections between the horizontal corridors.

>> No.4092351

Metroid 2 is shit

>> No.4092353

>what's better, the original games with good gameplay or some reimagined garbage for nugamers with laughable gameplay?
Come on, /vr/.

>> No.4092369

>It's bad because it's new