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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4084484 No.4084484[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>hey let's include full 3D remakes of classic games in the retro category, despite them being completely different gameplay mechanics, and completely different dialogue.

>> No.4084485

If the game is really popular like deus ex, the mods will allow it on /vr/.

>> No.4084489

Sorry didn't realize RULE BREAKING NON-RETRO GAMES HAD TO PASS A POPULARITY CONTEST FIRST before mods would allow them to break the rule freely

>> No.4084495

I don't make the rules, but sometimes if it's super close to being retro and the mods like it they'll allow it on /vr/.

>> No.4084501

>if it's super close to being retro
>super close to being retro

>retro now is a certain time peroid

>> No.4084516

>full 3D remakes of classic games in the retro category, despite them being completely different gameplay mechanics, and completely different dialogue
Which game? I don't pay attention to current news.

>> No.4084517

Final Fantasy 4 is the one that pisses me off the most, that and Tactics

>> No.4084531

It's a fuzzy boundary. but there has to be an arbitrary cutoff point enforced somewhere, or else the boundary will creep "little by little" until we're talking early 360 titles or some shit. Whether we can discuss modern remakes of retro games is a simple yes/no, and let's be honest, most threads about them have enough discussion of the original and comparing/contrasting it that it's solidly /vr/.

>> No.4084532

A thread had to die for this shit? Go fuck yourself, OP.

>> No.4084540
File: 24 KB, 188x202, 1456644121641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>allowed to discuss certain games
>not allowed to discuss games that are directly connected to certain games

>> No.4084559

Welcome to the shitty moderation of /vr/.

>> No.4084567

It shouldn't be "IT'S ONLY RETRO IF IT'S PRE 2K"


>> No.4084571

all this fussing over the word retro would be solved if this board was called "20th century games" instead of "retro games"

>> No.4084581

So V20?

>> No.4084582

Ok, what about the GBA then?
The GBA certainly doesn't fit in with the 360.

>> No.4084586

What do you mean? GBA doesn't fit with the 360. If it was allowed, it'd be alongside PS2 and the original Xbox.

>> No.4084598

Mario Tennis isn't retro.

Diablo 2 isn't retro.

Final Fantasy 9 isn't retro.

>> No.4084601

I reckon any year 2000 game that doesn't have any reasonable prospect of a successful thread on /v/ should be allowed here.

So Deus Ex and Diablo 2 should fuck right off. But Evergrace should be OK.

>> No.4084618

so now it's /vr/ for /v/ rejected titles?

>> No.4084625

You could unkindly put it like that.

I'd like to think of /vr/ as a place to discuss games /v/ is too young to remember.

>> No.4084631

It must be hard to live with mental illness.

>> No.4084641

>adjusts augments

>> No.4084654
File: 257 KB, 848x473, cavestorygenesis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So Deus Ex and Diablo 2 should fuck right off.

Remember though that our rules don't go by date of the game's release, they go by what platform the game runs on. That's why stuff like Pier Solar and Cave Story on Genesis are fine for discussion here.

And by extension, because Diablo 2, Deus Ex etc ran on Windows9X and NT it makes them "retro" by the definition of the board.

It's only PC games released for XP and later that don't belong.

>> No.4084672

>I found all the numbers at Powerball, but the numbers came three months after I bought the ticket
>I had sex with this child but it's okay, she was going to be legal three months later

>> No.4084676

>it's okay when the authority does it

>> No.4084690

I would argue classics mean games that came out during those times. Pier Solar and Cave Story will never be classics in that sense, and so aren't discussed here.

>> No.4084694
File: 249 KB, 1542x923, img_5068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And by extension, because Diablo 2, Deus Ex etc ran on Windows9X and NT it makes them "retro" by the definition of the board.


>> No.4084695

That's not an "adapter" that lets GBA games run on the console, it's a GBA emulator running on an embedded computer inside the cartridge. The console is basically only being use to supply power (and the input buttons on the controller are being read through the console). Typically those sorts of things even require you to plug in a video cable directly to the cartridge, since they have no way to access the console's video outputs.

>> No.4084696

>Pier Solar and Cave Story will never be classics in that sense, and so aren't discussed here.

While I agree with you that they don't belong here, they technically do and there have been threads about them. I think the rules should go by game age, not platform. But I didn't make them.

Now there's a fun loophole!

>> No.4084698

>This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games. Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier. With the release of the 8th generation of consoles, the Sega Dreamcast will now be considered "retro", though the remainder of the sixth generation (Xbox, PS2, GameCube) will not.

Is it so hard for you to understand monkey boy?

>> No.4084705
File: 80 KB, 540x507, smug frog endboss rare pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's expansion hardware. Last time I looked, we were cool with expansion co-processors in Nintendo cartridges.

>> No.4084706

In practice Pier Solar belongs here while Cave Story doesn't. Neither one is a retro game, but there's no hard and fast rule that will handle throwback styled fan-made games for dead consoles.

>> No.4084710

/vr/ where the release dates don't matter and the consoles are all emulated

>> No.4084713
File: 138 KB, 1110x1005, Nintendo-Super-Game-Boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to mention that the original Super Game Boy was basically the same thing: An embedded device using the console for interfacing with input/output channels.

>> No.4084714

It's not an "expansion co-processor." It's completely independent hardware that doesn't transmit any program or data bits through the console bus at all. It's a separate console that was designed and built long after 2000.

If I take an NES and clumsily attach its expansion port to a brand new 2017 computer, 2017 PC games don't suddenly become retro.

>> No.4084716

Super Gameboy came out in 1994, so it's retro. What's so hard to understand about this?

>> No.4084720

Fuck you

Fuck you

And fuck you

>> No.4084725

Fuck this boards shitty dumb rules, faggot.

>> No.4084730

If it interfaces with a retro console, it is by definition a retro peripheral, which is allowed to be discussed on /vr/, such as flashcarts and third party controllers (even if produced after 1999). A regular game cartridge also just interfaces with the console, it just does so differently and using different resources, while still using the same input/output channels.

>> No.4084735

>people only want to talk about things only they remember

>> No.4084737

>If it interfaces with a retro console, it is by definition a retro peripheral, which is allowed to be discussed on /vr/, such as flashcarts and third party controllers (even if produced after 1999).
Read the rules and the sticky. That is not true.

The example is a gameboy advance console made to interface with a super famicom. The gameboy advance is a hardware platform released in 2003. The superfamicom is a bona fide retro hardware platform. Gameboy advance games run on the gameboy advance platform, not the SFC platform.

>> No.4084738

To me Pier Solar is a very modern fan game that only uses being on Genesis as a cheap gimmick, if it was just an android game it would clearly have no place. It doesn't really bug me, but I think it's inclusion is the rules are weak.

Still, main point is that Diablo 2 is no less "retro" than FFIX and according to our own rules it's just as allowed. So people really need to stop arguing about that.

>> No.4084742


That's LITERALLY why /vr/ was created in the first place you newfucks. /v/ would shitpost any thread about retro games to death instantly, because "haha wow this looks like shit! who would waste their time playing it xDDD" or because they just straight up didn't know what it was. Take a look at their crying about the SNES mini, for example. They legitimately think you could buy an SNES and all of those games for the same price as the console. They don't know shit from fuck about retro games.

PS2 era and on, though, they have nostalgia for, so they gladly allow it. Therefore, because it already has a place to be discussed, it is necessary to allow it on /vr/. In short, this thread is the same stupid bullshit we go through every day, and it's probably not gonna change for a while, ideally forever.

>> No.4084743

>only uses being on Genesis as a cheap gimmick
Programming a game for a system as old as Genesis isn't an easy fucking parlor trick.

Last time I checked there weren't any Unity builds for 16 bit consoles.

>> No.4084746

That doesn't make it good.

It makes it collector-fag bait. People who need -every- release for a system, even if it's after the system's lifetime.

>> No.4084748

>i'm close minded and can't accept that times change and that there could potentially be more classic games in my timeline

You're like those guys at the car shows that have their 1967 Nova with a 350 small block on a 350 turbo, that would look down on a Wankel powerd 78 RX-7 with twin turbos.

>> No.4084751

Yeah, yeah. The rules are arbitrary and you are being pedantic, you can't deny that part.

Still, if any console currently not included in the definition deserves to be included, it's the GBA. It's very close in spirit, graphics and gameplay to other retro consoles. Much more so than the dreamcast, which plays SANIC in smoothly rendered 3D. So fast. So retro.

>> No.4084756

>it's okay to talk about DS rehashes of games
>it's not okay to talk about the DS.

>> No.4084757

True, it doesn't make it good. But it does make it retro.

Any game that has to be coded in 6800/Z80 assembly and has to manually access shit like VDP registers is by definition retro.

>> No.4084759


>I'm literally retarded and didn't read the whole post before crying that "M-M--MM-MY CHILDHOOD IS RETRO TOO YOU BULLIES! BAWWW"

This is why nobody takes you retards seriously. Do you need me to write it in greentext so you can understand it better? Here, let me help you.

>/v/ doesn't know anything about retro games
>/v/ shitposts threads about retro games to death
>therefore /vr/ was created
>/v/ still loves PS2 generation and onward
>/v/ will happily discuss that gen
>adding newer games will quickly push threads about actually retro games off the board
>retro games once again have nowhere to be discussed

Does that make it easier for your little retard brain to understand?

>> No.4084774

This isn't about the PS2, dip shit. It's about mods breaking their own rules for the board.

1999 is 1999, unless the mods want to allow it because of a popularity contest, and that doesn't sit right with me.

/v/ aside, this is a retro gaming forum not a whatever the fuck the mod wants to allow forum. So, either ENFORCE THE RULE ACCURATELY, OR CHANGE IT.

>> No.4084775

Cave Story at least has a (surprisingly competent) Genesis port these days that's almost finished.

>Programming a game for a system as old as Genesis isn't an easy fucking parlor trick.
writing a Genesis game in C with SGDK is extremely easy -- performance might be slightly less than ideal because C's overhead is a little rough for a 7MHz 68k, but it's more than doable, and in many cases, it won't matter
and even before then, BasiEgaXorz made it trivial, barring some low-level bit banging needed (mostly FM -- having done this sort of thing, it's not hard, it just involves staring at a datasheet for a few hours)

merely existing on the Genesis isn't hard, unlike certain other platforms

>It makes it collector-fag bait. People who need -every- release for a system, even if it's after the system's lifetime.
as a marketing decision, that's a guaranteed market of people who will buy things at massively inflated prices
same reason why NG:DEV.TEAM exists

there's high startup costs (producing physical stuff for long obsolete hardware) but there's also a fairly decent minimum ROI because of collectors

>> No.4084776

Fuck off FAF.

>> No.4084778

>writing a Genesis game in C with SGDK is extremely easy
Yes, writing with C and a library isn't too difficult.

But Pier Solar actually pushes the hardware in a few places (not talking about sound here), so I doubt that luxury was available to them.

>> No.4084784

Don't forget the cunts who call anyone who prefers older games a nostalgiafag or some hipster.

>> No.4084785

The rules aren't any more arbitrary than any other rules. More importantly they work. Luckily the 4chan moderation team (mostly) understands that you don't change what ain't broke. It's not about maintaining ideological purity, it's about walking the narrow path between the seas of shitposting.
Furthermore I'm not being "pedantic." The anon who "cleverly" posted a picture of a modern SoC embedded computer that can crudely be jammed into a cartridge slot as an example of a "loophole" for no purpose other than stirring up disagreement was being pedantic (reading the rules overly literally so as to make them seem absurd and meaningless--"if this contradiction is allowed, everything is permitted," see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principle_of_explosion).).

GBA doesn't seem like it carries any huge "traps" that we need to avoid (the way, for example, PS2 and Xbox do), and with releases like Mother 3 it's already treated as an "honorary retro" platform in some ways by some on /vr/. However I don't think it's more retro than dreamcast. You could say more of the DNA of GBA games survives in modern gaming than of Dreamcast games, because Dreamcast was an evolutionary dead end. Like many on /vr/ I do prefer 2D games which were a much higher proportion on the GBA, so even though I don't see it as having the retro-making historical context of defunct sega consoles, I don't find your feelings irreconcilable.

>> No.4084787

There are tons of TI calculator games coded directly in Z80 assembly. To be honest I would love it if we talked about that kind of stuff here, but even I can see that is far outside the intended purpose of /vr/.

>> No.4084794
File: 51 KB, 700x537, GBA-WdeboyAGB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Furthermore, there is official hardware for running GBA games on retro hardware.
Nintendo sold these to gaming mags and developers.

This means that GBA games fall under the purview of "and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier"

>> No.4084796

The TI calculators are retro though...well most of them.

>> No.4084798
File: 27 KB, 601x607, 1498096544491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The rules are arbitrary
>No hardware from 2000 on
>No software that isn't on the allowed hardware, with the exception of remakes / ports under the same name

Just because you don't see a PS2 or GBA thread on /v/ doesn't mean discussion is dead.

>> No.4084803

I sure am hype for FF7 to come out again soon!

>> No.4084806

>GBA games fall under the purview of "and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier"
GBA is the platform. The picture that you attached to your post shows a GBA console, see that? GBA consoles didn't exist in 1999. This is a picture of hardware from the 2000s sitting next to (and in some electrical contact with) hardware from the 1990s (the N64).

If I put a raspberry pi inside an N64 cartridge, attach it to the console, and then use the raspberry pi to stream remote desktop of my Steam client, is Steam retro? Since I put some plastic on top of an N64, those steam games are running "on" a retro platform, right?

>> No.4084814

>the nintendo ds is retro

>> No.4084816

The hardware came out after 1999. So it isn't /vr/ related.

>> No.4084826

Why should it be? "Classical" poetry refers only to poetry from the period of history known as Classical Antiquity. In the 18th century, classical antiquity's decline was about 1400 years ago. But we're not in the 18th century. In the 21st century, classical antiquity was well over more than 1400 years ago. A thousand years in the future, the late middle ages won't be classical antiquity just because they were 1400 years ago.

>> No.4084828

God can you shut the fuck up

>> No.4084830

>a food analogy

>> No.4084838

At some point it will be, after a hundred years they will all be

>> No.4084841


The game is running on the N64.

The GBA is just a controller and isn't even needed for the Wideboy to run, like how you can plug a GBA in as a controller on the Gamecube Gameboy Player.

>> No.4084845

The hardware used to run the GBA game on the N64 was made after 1999. It's not /vr/ related.

>> No.4084848

I always thought "vintage" would be a better term to use.

Honestly I know some hate me for saying this but I think allowing the dreamcast was a mistake. I like the console fine but it really is kind of shitty to allow only it and no other sixth gen console. Hopefully nothing else is added though, or if anything just the gba I guess.

>> No.4084849

>The game is running on the N64.
Fairly sure it would be a stretch for a 93 MHz MIPS CPU to accurately emulate a 17 MHz ARM chip, a Z80 chip, a PPU 2D graphics chip, a sound chip, etc.

Sure it could probably do it crudely, but not in a way of any value to developers to game magazines.

>> No.4084852

>three (3) generations not allowed to be discussed on /vr/
>people whine about muh PS2 being retro
10th gen is when we should even consider the 6th gen to retro

>> No.4084878

The cart contains a FPGA and a few other chips to support the GBA/GBC games, but the majority of the work is done by the N64.

And yes, it does have limitations, mostly that the sound is pretty bad.

>> No.4085021

I mean, it has to creep, that's how fucking time works. Having the boundary sit at a fixed point is really dumb.

>> No.4085029

>the 80's ended at the end of 1989

>> No.4085035

they're remaking Metroid 2 for the 3DS, that's a big one that keeps coming up

>> No.4085040

Is... Is that not accurate?

>> No.4085048

Should rename it to /vr/ - Arbitrarily Retro Games.

>> No.4085052

Is that post-2000 computer inside the wide boy cart needed to play GBA games on the N64? (Of course it is.) So it's not retro.

A more interesting bait question would be to use this example of a proof-of-concept GBA emulator for Dreamcast:
Sure, it probably has low compatibility and is unplayably slow, but does the fact that someone ported it as a proof of concept suddenly mean that GBA has been retro since 2007 (when that demo came out)?

>> No.4085056

I just want to point out that the fucking remake of Final Fantasy VII that plays like XV is going to be allowed on here because of the rule about remakes.

Isn't that strange?

>> No.4085057

How about
>/vr/ - Retro Videojuegos of the 20th century

>> No.4085060

And everybody here will hate the game, so what's the problem? It's not going to derail the board because the people who want to talk about it will end up doing so on /v/ or /vg/ anyway.

>> No.4085070

I don't mind, per se, I just found the thought amusing.

I'm in the camp that thinks it might be good, even.

>> No.4085131

By post-2000 processor your mean the FPGA, right?
That FPGA is from 1996.

The other processor in the Wideboy 64 is the GBC's CPU, which is from 1998.

>> No.4085139

Is a new machine built in 200X from off the shelf components that have been available since 199X a machine from the 2000s or a machine from the 90s?

>> No.4085460

>retro now is a certain time peroid
it didnt say it was, its clearly using retro as a synonym to "/vr /-rules"
what the word retro means is irrelevant, this board is for discussion of certain games, not a rolling chart of games as they celebrate sweet 16yo prom
if its a PC game close to being /vr/, specially if its a sequel, and is discussed here often, janitors seem to leave it alone.

diablo 2 = janitors dont mess with ur thread
but dont try starting one about Halo

>> No.4085478

>Having the boundary sit at a fixed point is really dumb.
think what you will, this is not a board for discussion of 50yo paintings, aka "vintage" paintings, but a board for discussing games from 1900 to 1950 (roughly), we just happened to call ourselves the /vintage paintings/,

even if the cuttoff date being flexible on a painting by painting basis, it does not mean the cutoff date will move over time, in a hundreds years from now, we will still be discussing paintins from roughly 1900 to 1950.

if you really need to discuss GBA pokemons, go to /vp/

>> No.4085538

At least this thread isn't full of people whining about how "2000s" video games should get their own board too ("/v2k/").