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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 31 KB, 240x320, you will never face this boss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4027513 No.4027513[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you agree with the conclusions Gus reached in his enlightened essay "The Superplayer's Manifesto"?

Said essay:

(/vr/-related cause most of the great shmups, many of which he mentions, are retro)

>> No.4027628

If you want to dedicate yourself to a single game to be the top dog then go ahead, but that isn't appealing to a lot of people that play video games and want to experience a wide assortment of games.

>> No.4027640

No, scoring sucks and he is an aspie for defending it.

>> No.4027646

>he is an aspie
That's an understatement when we are talking about gus

>> No.4027667

Jesus Christ that's hard to read. What a pompous sack of shit. As if "shmup" wasn't a fucking awful shorthand to begin with, his constant use of "shmupper" makes me want to vomit.

Is being a massive faggot something that's exclusive to Westerners when it comes to competitive video games? Japanese skilled players generally seem like cool guys that wouldn't type out this kind of horse shit.

>> No.4027668
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>he can't play for score!

>> No.4027675

They only seem like cool guys because you can't fucking understand them. Shmupfags are inherently autists.

>> No.4027737

t. gus

>> No.4027751

>you will never face this boss.png
It's the first boss of Bee Storm!

>> No.4027757

It fucking is but all his function in that game is a glorified milking spot and power up dispenser

>> No.4027771
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>playing korean bootlegs

>> No.4027782

i wish i was good enough at shmups to care about a single thing he's ranting about

>> No.4027784

I had fun once and it was bad.

>> No.4027791



>> No.4027872

>dissing based igs

>> No.4027897
File: 40 KB, 480x360, cabdba041a3c16e44db71a74c7e8dc44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this fucking bullet vomit spam.

>> No.4027943

That is ironically more autistic than the people it attacks.

>> No.4027975

It isn't about the fun, it is about the pain.

>> No.4027978
File: 21 KB, 500x316, 480cd553862d6297ee8b5018ff533d51f4a0aeef1fcf2b5ec197a0cabf3022b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agree. if you play games for challenge, you're a sperg.

>> No.4027983

git gud lmao

>> No.4027987
File: 62 KB, 428x358, 81d9c477262e5c430c1a2612166291090983f90056b8dd8b9df78809b71384f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

challenge has never made a game more interesting, and anyone who spends autismal amounts of time analyzing the design of the game doesn't deserve to enjoy their hobby. go to college.

>> No.4027992

>anyone who spends autismal amounts of time analyzing the design of the game doesn't deserve to enjoy their hobby
But why? On some level you have to understand some of the design concepts of a game in order to be competent at it. It is the rule set of that game.

>> No.4027996

you don't need to "git gud" to enjoy FFVII, sonic the hedgehog 1-3 & S&K, or any given JRPG, a genre that tends to elevate games rather than make them about primitive competition and exhibition.

>> No.4027998

I never said anything about "git gud", what I am pointing out is that it is important for the player to understand how the game is designed to actually progress through it. It is only natural to want to explore how the game is designed in any medium, if it is a board game, card game, or a sport.

>> No.4028002

FFVII guides you through it. it does not demand you understand some autismal design theory. games are for entertainment.

>> No.4028005

figuring out how to beat the weapon bosses is about as autistic as figuring out a shmup's scoring system, tbqh

>> No.4028014

that's hardly the point of that game.

>> No.4028037

>you don't need to "git gud" to enjoy FFVII, sonic the hedgehog 1-3 & S&K, or any given JRPG
Yeah and that's why they are games with poor gameplay that you will never touch again after clearing.

>> No.4028042

bullshit, i've played through FFVII several times.

>> No.4028045

I'm sorry for you.

>> No.4028046

>games are for entertainment.
Storygame faggotry like FF7, maybe. Arcade games are about competition.

>> No.4028050

You don't even need to play arcade games competitively to enjoy them 2bh, as long as you keep improving at your own pace you are good

>> No.4028069

I find most arcade games boring if I'm not playing for score or 1cc.

>> No.4028076

Which isn't necessarily competition but self-improvement, scoring is more related to competition but 1cc is just how you beat a game

>> No.4028078

>playing for 1cc

get a load of this scrub

>> No.4028091

Nice putting words into my mouth cunt, my point was there's no entertainment to be had in arcade games when you credit feed them.

>> No.4028095

post your gradius 3 1cc, scrub

>> No.4028158


Im sorry I couldn't 1cc that read.

>> No.4028181

But Gradius 3 is an easy game.

>> No.4028195

Either you've played the Snes port or you REALLY don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.4028209

That guy's just a glorified shitposter. The author of the OP actually has some vidya accomplishments.

>> No.4028213
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the version of the game was not specified

>> No.4028215
File: 18 KB, 240x200, 1470287263207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4028218

People always mean the arcade version when talking about shmups

>> No.4028707

>(/vr/-related cause most of the great shmups, many of which he mentions, are retro)

IMO "bullet-hell" patterns destroyed shooters. Hipsters who call them shumps destroyed shooters. And it's kind of surprising because the 2D shooter genre had so much room, so much potential for innovation. And all they did was adding more projectiles on screen and shrink the player's ship hitbox. EEEDIOTS...


>> No.4028713

Beats being a pathetic lazy excuse ridden shite like you that has never put effort into anything in his life and portrays negativity towards those whom possess every quality he secretly wishes his feeble existence was capable of.

>Japanese skilled players generally seem like cool guys that wouldn't type out this kind of horse shit.
How do you know? do you speak japanese? Why don't you look into the donpachi team if you want to see unrivalled elitism from your fav nationality.

Autist is nomthing more than a lazy buzzword used by abysmal westerners like you who have to shun anything resembling dedication and effort and frame it in a negative fashion to make yourself feel better about being shit at everything.

>> No.4028715

Fucking wrong you low i.q untermensch faggot cunt, people with high i.q and deep passion get FAR more out of their hobbies by precisely what you describe, you on the other hand don't have a brain capable of high logic, dedication or perserverance so fall back on presenting a subjective version of "fun" as objective to alienate the rest, the reality of course is you're a pea brained fuck pig who plays with his iphone whilst balancing a fidget spinner on his cock.

>> No.4028726

That's a whole lot of projecting there. Do you have autism?

>> No.4028785

fuck off icycalm shill

>> No.4028843

>oh and btw jrpg's (putting aside the fact I already mentioned one)
>elevating games into an art form

Is this a joke post?

>> No.4028845

>into an art form
He never said that.

>> No.4028857

Furthest I can get in gradius 3 arcade is the 3rd level (the homage to the first level of gradius 1). Level 2 is insane on the arcade version

>> No.4028861


>> No.4028870

>Furthest I can get in gradius 3 arcade is the 3rd level (the homage to the first level of gradius 1). Level 2 is insane on the arcade version
Jesus christ what a joke, use type b and use your fucking brains to find level 2 is a cake walk. The first challenge in the game is the stage 3 boss.

>> No.4028892

He didn't have to

>> No.4028902

You added that line in to make him seem more like a hipster.

>> No.4028917

>In order to proceed further, it is crucial to shed the notion that shmups are only a hobby and nothing more

Stopped reading right there. Dunno how the guy can see what he's typing with his head that far up his ass.

>Vidya is more than a hobby
Fuck right off

>> No.4029035

not always and not just shmups, it depends on how much home port was altered, for example if someone mentions final fight he means arcade, if contra gets mentioned, it's most likely NES, if it's UN squadron, probably SNES version and so on.

>> No.4029042

>if contra gets mentioned, it's most likely NES, if it's UN squadron, probably SNES version and so on.
But the arcade versions of those are so much better.

>> No.4029058

that's not what i and probably most people think, but it's ok, i think donpachi is better than dodonpachi, but i don't seriously expect everyone else to agree.

>> No.4029075

>i think donpachi is better than dodonpachi,
It sorta is, it's less bullet hellish

>> No.4029085

Dodonpachi announcer is a fag

>> No.4029094

It's literally a black guy announcing in Donpachi

>> No.4029096

I like the moe announcer in saidaoujou. It's so gay.

>> No.4029139

Yeah the first thing I want from my maniac action games is a moe girl squealing KYUUUUUN in a high pitched voice.

>> No.4029672
File: 797 KB, 812x806, 1462822274268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SHMUP threads

SHMUP fans, can you tell me why you insist on coming to this board and behaving like animals? This thread is an incomprehensible mess of slurs and mud. There's even some guy unironically posting Icycalm (stealing money from grandmas via wire fraud is ubermensch as fuck apparently). Come on, you can do better than this. These threads are a blight on this board.

>> No.4029708

>most autistic fanbase
>most autistic genre
>most autistic threads

Who'd have thought?

>> No.4029737

Seconding this.

>> No.4029917

What game has the easiest counterstop?