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File: 119 KB, 1200x675, ff7r2-1487455253234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3812274 No.3812274 [Reply] [Original]

>FF7 Remake is just a FF7 skin over FF15 gameplay

Whelp nothing to see here.

>> No.3812281

I can't stand turn-based combat so personally I'm on board with this.

>> No.3812283

I'll be amused if it turns out you can only control cloud at all times
what a shitfest

>> No.3812285

How the fuck did you ever play RPGs before 2010?
Oh my God, that would kill the game so so many old fans IMO.

>> No.3812289
File: 395 KB, 1920x1080, final-fantasy-vii-remake-guard-scorpion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like a good end fight for episode 1. Can’t wait to spend these 30 euros. Joking aside, this fight looks too busy I can't tell what's going on. Why in the holy hell do they feel the need to add in EXPLOSIONS everywhere? There is way to much shit on the screen.

Hey, at least the HUD is clean.

>> No.3812307

I didn't, really. To this day FF6 and the first Golden Sun are pretty much the only RPGs with turn-based combat that I ever actually finished.

I do play the shit out of action RPGs though.

>> No.3812316

>I'll be amused if it turns out you can only control cloud at all times
>be in mideel arc
>rock back and forth for three weeks ingame

>> No.3812317

I imagine there isn't this much shit happening at all times and they just wanted as much crap going on in a screenshot as possible.

At least, I hope that's the case.

>> No.3812378

The amount of stuff happening onscreen is one of the worst things about the combat in FFXV. Half the time I can't even tell which character model is mine, and then the other half of the time the lighting is so goddamn abysmal (any dungeon, or any location at night) that there's no hope of actually being strategic and you end up just holding down dodge and hitting attack a few times hoping you'll kill enough enemies to thin things out to the point where you can see again.

>> No.3812392

It's actually FF15 skin over FF7 story and gameplay

>> No.3812409

>Golden Sun

How the FUCK did you get through that?

>> No.3812418

Because I spent my early teenage years trying to convince myself I liked turn-based RPGs before realizing a few years later that I didn't.

Being 13 and being blown away by a handheld producing graphics like Golden Sun's didn't hurt either.

>> No.3812423

My friend always complained about number inflation and I never really cared, but looking at this screenshot I see what he means. Why can't they reduce by a factor of 10? Why do the numbers have to be in the millions?

>> No.3812430

Am i supposed to buy a memestation 4 to play this crap, or should I wait till musterd race version?

>> No.3812441

you're not on /v/ right now, it's ok to post like a regular human

>> No.3812446

>checks board
>its /vr/

>> No.3812451

Disable the whining "voices" and get good djins.

>> No.3812474

I have yet to buy FFXV becuase I have OCS and I'm waiting to buy a non DAY ONE EDITION HELL YEAH BUY ME DAY ONE.

Is the combat system really that fucked?

>> No.3812495

>nothing to see here

But you could say the same thing about FF7s gameplay.

>> No.3812498

it certainly isn't completely fucked, but it's not perfect either. Fighting a few enemies in broad daylight is no problem, but when you're dealing with a crowd of magitek assassins on the road at night and literally the only light source is the dinky ass flashlight attached to the front of your character it can get really frustrating. The combat itself is fairly intuitive but when it puts you in certain situations it becomes almost impossible to fight effectively.

I'm hoping for the FF7 remake they'll polish it up a bit, because it's very close to being something great. When it works you feel like a badass darting all over the place real quick and fucking shit up, but when it's broken you might as well be playing blindfolded.

>> No.3812520

I don't understand why they couldn't make it turn based but make it look like they were moving. For example Cloud is selected to attack a solder, he runs towards the soldier and attacks him and stays there. Barret or Vincent would attack from long range, another enemy would move towards Cloud or Vincent etc.

This action shit has killed any interest for me. And after watching Advent Children as a kid and see how Nomuya directed that I have no faith. He also ruined Kingdom Hearts story, KH1 the story was simple and light, it was fun. Now it's a mess, the dude is a fucking hack.

>> No.3812528

FFXV is the gaymost game ever. It could be a good otome geemu. It is a gay road movie actually.

Why in the fuck cant squareeeeenix understand, we are playing games because tfw no gf, we don't want a sausage fest in our canonical virtual worlds.

>> No.3812535

I liked FF15 but I have literally no hope for this. It's become pretty apparent they have no idea how to maintain FF7's particular atmosphere outside of a prerendered trailer, it just looks like any other modern game in motion.

>> No.3812536

Squenix is transforming all games into Kingdom Hearts

what I don't understand is that ever since FF12 sales have been declining but they still put those action games thinking it will lead them to infinite money, even though reality tells otherwise

>> No.3812548
File: 10 KB, 320x207, 2791038-screen+shot+2015-10-17+at+8.43.48+pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss them.

>> No.3812564

I am cautiously optimistic about this game. I think it can be fun, but there are also a lot of ways to mess it up. I am not too critical of games regardless, so I will probably enjoy it when it comes out.

>> No.3812575


>Whelp nothing to see here.

Except the impending train wreck.

>> No.3812579


Then why in the world would you hold enough affinity towards ff7 to care about the remake?

>> No.3812581


It's just a composite shot. They don't even have 1% done yet.

>> No.3812592


Not sure what ever happened to that high up exec at Squeenix that accused the entire dev team of making fashion sim games only they would ever want to play but I'm assuming he was shit canned because shit hasn't changed in ten years of hemorrhaging money and fans.

>> No.3812603


You should probably ask Square that bro, it's like if the guys developing the Crash trilogy remake announced it was becoming an Uncharted clone. They're directly undercutting the reason most people love the game and remember it fondly yet still expecting to make money. Worse yet, when Nomuya was asked directly about this he justified it by saying the original version is on the PSN store and those people should just play that. Oh that's right Nomuya-san, what I actually wanted from my remake was a 240p upscaling of the original, arigato very fucking much.

>> No.3812610


I can't wait for this to come out but for all the wrong reasons. They've been running on good will fumes for years if KH3 sucks too they might as well just close the doors.

>> No.3812639

What about gay guys who tfw no bf? What are they supposed to play?

>> No.3812642

I don't hold any affinity for it. I've never played it before because it's turn-based, but everyone seems to revere it as this amazing pinnacle of RPG storytelling. So I'm looking forward to trying it for the first time.

>> No.3812648

cho aniki

>> No.3812650

But you won't be trying it for the first time.

>> No.3812656

okay, let me rephrase that: I'm looking forward to actually experiencing this story in a form that doesn't bore me to tears.

>> No.3812661


Eh it's literally just another flavor of 'an ancient evil awakens' but at least had a good villain. Remake will be the very definition of retcon if history is anything to go by.

>> No.3812664

I enjoyed FFXV so if they're basically reskinning FFVII with XV's paint then I think I'll be pretty happy.

>> No.3812668


They couldn't fucking miss. Literally shat out gold up until 2000. I wish we could live in an alternate timeline where Spirits Within never happened.

>> No.3812720


Getting an ego and a wallet so big you pull a stunt you can't possibly recover from is how all the greats go out, anon. The whole thing's fucking baffling in retrospect: the no-name director, the budget, the going OVER the budget, they clearly had this crazy confidence whatever they tried would work but that's why they had that consistent quality too.

>> No.3812730

Their fuckup was giving the Final Fantasy name to something that had nothing to do with Final Fantasy. It is a good sci-fi movie and it could've stood on its own but noooooooo.

>> No.3812746

me too :(

>> No.3813458

I think it looks epic, the graphics are maybe some of the best I've ever seen. This is going to be a steal at $60.

>> No.3813492

Didn't Squeenix say at some press conference a couple of years ago that they're gonna lower production costs and try to decrease dev times by acting like western devs and using recycled angines and shit?

Also it's a fucking Xbox game now. It's an action game meant to pander to the Xbox crowd who openly refuse to even try to appreciate a good JRPG and want the JRPGs to play out more like western action games.

People like you ruined JRPGs.

FF12's gambit system is perfect. You can have a single-player action-based system while everyone else runs on gambits or disable all gambits and micro-manage all on turn-based. It's a hybrid system that allows the player the choice. But the Xbox fanboys don't want you to have that choice; they want it THEIR way or no way at all.

Me too. Fucking Enix takeover.

>This is going to be a steal at $60.

Good God you're a sheep. Originally you got the whole game for $50. Now it's $60 + DLC per installment of a game broken into parts.

>> No.3813656

I'm okay with this actually. If I want the old game I'll play the old game.

>> No.3814276


Sony shills get out

>> No.3814340


>> No.3814563

Most of the important people who worked on the development of FFVII still work at Square Enix. Kitase, Nomura, Yusuke Naora, Hiroki Chiba, Keisuke Matsuhara, Kazushige Nojima, Motomu Toriyama. They're pretty much still the same company they were then.

Unlike others like Capcom and Konami who have literally no one from 15 years ago

Hell even Kazuyuki Ikumori still works there

>> No.3814597

>TFW you actually liked spirits within and thought it was the shit back then
>TFW people being pretentious cocks fucked the entire franchise.
I honestly thought at the time the next FF game was gonna be based on the movie and that was gonna be a prequel, it would have been sweet as fuck, but no, people had to hate.

>> No.3814612

I really hope you die.

>> No.3814614

what have you got against xbox and enix?

you realize that one of the best turn-based JRPGs is an xbox-exclusive, right?

>> No.3814615

man i miss early Xbox and Xbox360 before it went full dudebro,
Shit like blue dragon and Lost Odyssey were great.

>> No.3814624
File: 10 KB, 190x210, Enix_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck SquareSoft, Enix was so much better without them.

>> No.3814634

don't really see a problem here. they weren't really exactly secretive about the FF7 remake being a hack & slash game to begin with unless you felt a PS3 tech demo was definitive of gameplay

>How the fuck did you ever play RPGs before 2010?

by not being a weeaboo and only playing JRPGs

>all this mad

did something happen at school?

>> No.3814658

I love FF7 but it's been obvious for a while now that the remake is targeted towards people who never played the original.

Secondaries have ruined the game's image beyond repair, and a big part of that is square pandering to those secondaries. Fuck Kingdom Hearts's emo pussy Cloud, fuck advent children and fuck anything else that supports the game's false image. The original game was a solid adventure story, it felt like Indiana Jones meets Akira with an ensemble cast, but literally everything since the game itself has marketed it as this faggot deviantart trash. Yes I'm mad.

I wouldn't mind as much if they at least kept the old gameplay as an option. It would be easy since they've already made all the models and animations for the new play style, it wouldn't take a lot of hours to just redo the old game's combat system and use the new resources. Admittedly I probably still wouldn't be interested in it because of the change in tone, splitting up the game, and adding awful anime dub voice acting, but I'd feel less like the original fans have been completely forgotten.

>> No.3814836

Why not, though? I think most of the people here especially would've played the original to moon and back anyway. I'd play it if I had a PS4

>> No.3814838

>both were better without each other
capitalism is scary. like marriage.

>> No.3814845


>me and my wife's son: the post

>> No.3814846

Enix didn't develop games fagget, they just published them.

>> No.3814848

Why did it have to be like this.

>> No.3814854

> he thinks action games were the reason for declining sales
> not the FF12 series of games in general

that's cute

>> No.3814862

You have to expand the audience, anon.

The people who don't know shit about videogames who run the videogames industry all know this, why don't you?

>> No.3814865

But what you say is not really relevant to what they did. It's FF, it sells even when they make awful garbage like the 13 ganes.

>> No.3814867

You have to expand the audience so it sells even weller.

>> No.3814871

I still don't think it does.
I don't think a normie sees thes and goes "wow I'm going to stop playing Madden and Skyrim and instead play FF7"
To me they are just shitting on their current audience.

>> No.3814882

>Bringing a sword to a gun fight

The enhanced graphics makes the game look even more retarded.

>> No.3814890

don't worry, it's not like a stormtrooper ever hit anything

>> No.3815034

If you can play 13-2 and still call it garbage, you're wrong. That game was pretty much perfect and corrected every "mistake" the predecessor made.

>> No.3815106

Turn-based combat is infinitely better than ATB or whatever action garbage they're pushing out now.

>> No.3815424

This looks awesome. Why the hate? Turn based games are slow and very boring.

>> No.3815430

>he didn't see this coming
called it the day they announced a 'remake'

>> No.3815506
File: 28 KB, 475x343, 1413145695921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baww why are they attacking me before my fat fingers can push buttons I'm having a panic attack

t. Wait mode user

>> No.3815603

>quickly press attack
>Guard Scorpion raises its tail before I get to attack

>> No.3815616

Why are there so many shills in this thread?
>it looks great! I'll buy it
>turn based is the worst system ever! This is definitely an upgrade
Back to /v/

>> No.3815618

they're pretty dumb if they're trying to shill it here considering how slow this board is

>> No.3815638

Then what's the ATB for?

>> No.3815645

final fantasy has been dead for 15 years

>> No.3815646

>gambit system is perfect
Almost. It really pissed me off that some of the conditional tactics you had to acquire were intuitive shit that any moron would know on their own.

>> No.3815724
File: 87 KB, 377x260, justguysbeingdudes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


t. fag

>> No.3816553

Pointless reference. Whatever it is, it certainly doesn't stand for Active Time Battle anymore.

>> No.3816557

>Whatever it is, it certainly doesn't stand for Active Time Battle anymore

That's exactly what I was thinking. They threw it there as a little HEY LOOK REMEMBER THIS

>> No.3816572

Where is the comic of the JRPG players first time playing Halo?

>> No.3816591

I am not going to say it was a bad movie, but compared to Final Fantasy, up until that point, that movie was so disappointing I could have cried. It was absolutely nothing that I wanted from a Final Fantasy story

>> No.3816604

there was a thing in anime, where the creators were all fans of other anime. they would rip off each other's tropes and basically create stuff only they would like. great for the otaku, but shitty for anyone else who didn't want moe harems and self referential in-jokes. Anime is shaking this disease, but it seems like JRPGs have just caught it.

Final Fantasy 12 had characters that looked like Shibuya cosplayers, but the game didn't play like it. sadly, that was the last one ;_;

>> No.3816610

At that pace the complete game will cost over $500

Fuck Squarenix, they won't get my money

>> No.3816615


>I love FF7 but it's been obvious for a while now that the remake is targeted towards people who never played the original.

This. This is aimed squarely at people that never have and don't care to play the original, yet have heard of it. Any actual fans that are holding out hope for this are completely deluded.

>> No.3816807

>>FF7 Remake is just a FF7 skin over FF15 gameplay
why are people so dumb?
There's literally an ATB bar in the other screenshot
If anything this battle system will be some hybrid of FFXIII-2,LR:FFXIII,Versus XIII or KH.

>> No.3816810

>> not the FF12 series of games
I wish, you're thinking of XIII

>> No.3817085
File: 30 KB, 316x202, 147678687767876687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking Enix takeover.
>Implying it was Enix that ruined Square and not the other way around

>> No.3817086

>tfw Terranigma was awesome
>tfw Quintet vanished from the face of the earth

>> No.3817089

Why does Barrett look like the hunchback of Notre Dam?

>> No.3817126

>first boss
>1692 hp

>> No.3817129

Go play X-2 faggot

>> No.3817767

I play RTS, TBS, and FPS. Don't pretend these shitty action games are reflex intensive in any way they're just mindnumbingly boring.

>> No.3817865

You mean when gaming went full dudebro. Xbox 360 and PS3 both tanked on exclusives after COD kept becoming more and more of an unstoppable juggernaut.

>> No.3817874

Did this completely ruin FF7 for anyone else? Not at all how I pictured the game in my head when I first played it

>> No.3817880

FF1-10 = good
FF11-15 = shit

if it isn't stationary turn based combat, it belongs in a spin off title, like Tactics.

>> No.3818004


>> No.3818014

yeah i got my roman numerals mixed up

>> No.3818035


What a fucking idiot.

>> No.3818045

>not even a JRPG
>in a JRPG franchise

That'd be like Call of Duty Modern Warfare being a TPS.

>> No.3818907

It had a TPS mode actually.
It raised the difficulty a bit since you couldn't use sights as well

>> No.3819531

Welp.. more than likely FFVIIR is going to come out on PC at some point just like FFXII and FFXV, so as long as you don't mind waiting, you can wait for it. Remember that FFVIIR is a timed-exclusive though, so the different episodes COULD come out 1 or 2 years after their PS4 Release.

>> No.3819536

Not the same Anon you're answering to, but you basically wanted a remasterization, right? Didn't they released that on PS4, iOS, Android, PC and prolly some other platforms? That's basically what you're looking for, considering the circumstances, or am I wrong?

>> No.3819558

I can't wait to see that scene in HD with voice acting.

>inb4 he's just in a coma

>> No.3819609

ATB. Looks like it might be a mishmash of Final Fantasy XIII-2's battle system meets Lightning Returns. Battles could be seamless the way it were in XII which will let you sneak around if you have to. Honestly, my imagination is going wild from what we've seen so far. It looks HYPE as fuck but also pretty susceptible to massive fuck ups.

About this kind of gameplay "killing" JRPGs: this is just a way to appeal to a wider market and try something different. JRPGs were never defined by turn-based gameplay. Turn-based gameplay is understandably boring as fuck to some people and while I don't personally mind it, why not switch it up? I prefer to judge both old school turn-based gameplay and gameplay like X-2's and the XIII games on their own merits rather than act like a manchild screaming "this isn't what I'm used to!" and play into baby duck syndrome. Are the Tales of games not real JRPGs because of their battle system?

You should have gotten all Gambits from the start. I plan to just "cheat" and do that when the HD remaster comes out. I had fun programming character into everyone, like making Fran not give a fuck about anything else if Balthier was in danger.

>> No.3819651

this desu senpai

>> No.3819652

>FF7 Remake is just a FF7 skin over FF15 gameplay
>OP wanted FF7 Remake to be FF7 with FF15 gfx

>> No.3819658

>OP wanted FF7 Remake to be FF7 with FF15 gfx
who didn't want that? and why are we getting this shit instead?

>> No.3819752

Why does he need a gun? He can shoot lightning out of his ass.

>> No.3819757
File: 126 KB, 322x297, 1486734641397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1419 hp at lv1
>and that's not even the full hp bar

>> No.3819760

>9999 health at level 20 without any HP+ Materia


>> No.3819764

ATB, though very novel, ultimately isn't that good. There is little skill to it, and it grants far, far too much player agency to where most difficulty and challenge is nullified.

It tends to form a binary, one where fights are trivial, or where an enemy has to assfuck the party every attack to be a challenge. Neither of these are fun or engaging. Only two enemies throw major curveballs at you in FF7; Reno 1 and Carry Armor, because both screw up your party by taking someone out of the fight until you do something about it.

I'll admit the New Threat mod does some beautiful things but being handed absolute control over the turn order breaks any RPG to pieces.

>> No.3819769
File: 19 KB, 470x540, 1479309805366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll admit you're a fucking homosexual, go back to /v/


>> No.3819770

Things change in development. I wouldn't be surprised if that entire image was a mock-up.

>> No.3819771

>still caring about the remake after they've already given so many hints it will be shit

You are very stupid.

>> No.3819775

>implying hp limit will be 9999
Even FFX had 99,999

>> No.3819785

dumb frogposter

>> No.3819958

>>inb4 he's just in a coma
oh shit

>> No.3819973

With a specific item trait, yes, but very, very few attacks could be brought below 9999. Also the fact that healing items couldn't heal more than 9999. Better to go with the quadrality of auto-haste/life/shell/protect than give one up for BHL.

>> No.3819978


>> No.3819983

>who didn't want that?
I certainly don't. I've played the original more than enough to not want the same thing again.

>> No.3819989

Shit I can't play ACTION gamus while sipping muh tea and ramen! Shit game!

>> No.3820046

what makes the battle system in XV (for example) better?