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3580061 No.3580061 [Reply] [Original]

What was it like back in the days when Nintendo and sega were still rivals

>> No.3580064

It was fun. I had both systems.

>> No.3580073

Sega is the poor man's Nintendo

>> No.3580079

I owned a Genesis and my best friend owned a SNES. Other than just making light jabs at each other for our choice, we loved to play each other's systems whenever we could.

>> No.3580091

A big thing to understand is that gaming rivalry wasn't as serious as it is today.
It was mostly a joke by Sega to promote the console and not much else more.
This was before the internet really took off.
Also videogames were mostly a childrens/teenager thing.

>> No.3580108

This. It was great because both companies had different kinds of games and the competition kept everyone trying hard.

This is true as well, I don't think it was ever serious. Then like now, only a few people really take it seriously and they're all a little crazy.

>> No.3580126


I remember the school bus feeling like a fanboy cancer warzone, but realistically, if you had a SNES and your friend had a Genesis, you'd usually go to eachother's houses and play both systems.

>> No.3580232
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>tfw you recognize this flash from years ago

anyway, i always preferred the SNES over the Genesis due to the library of games on the system and the hardware capabilities.

>> No.3580881

There was a genuine rivalry, as both systems were completely different, had almost entirely different libraries, and playing each was a different experience.

>> No.3580909


>> No.3580930

>Also consoles were mostly a childrens/teenager thing.

>> No.3580936
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the streets ran red with the blood of brother versus brother

>> No.3581068

It was a lot like the Michael Jackson / Prince rivalry.

Prince couldn't stand it when Jackson would go number one on a new hit, and would work furiously to try to top him. When Prince got a hit, Jackson would say "Oh, good for thim."

>> No.3581138



>> No.3581162


>> No.3581242

So Prince is SNES?

>> No.3581250

You argued with your friends about whether Genesis or SNES were better, but you both had Mortal Kombat and there was definitely a nude code.

>> No.3581253

Quite possibly the first time I knew for sure that Nintendo was a pussy.

>> No.3581254

Never really had any discussions. The commercials did all the "fighting" My friends has various systems, 3do, pc, atari, etc. We never fought over who was better.

>> No.3581259
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>> No.3581518

As others said, me and my friends played and enjoyed both consoles

However there was a rivalry because there was ALWAYS that one kid who had to make it a competition in which case you had to take a side, it was all in good fun at the end of the day I always liked both but if it came down to it Sonic was my childhood hero and so I stood with Sega

It was a lot like it is now whenever Nintendo vs literally any other console is brought up...."Sega is badass, Nintendo is for babies", Sonic had attitude and Mario didn't....Nintendo fucks could insist their console was the best all day but Sega had the cool factor and in grade school that was an equal if not better argument

>> No.3581519
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Yeah this flash was the big deal. But now it's irrelevant

>> No.3581680

same here. we all talked mad shit about whatever console we didn't have, but at the end of the day we'd go to the friends house who had whatever we didn't.

you think that would make that kids who had both consoles the most popular, but those kids were considered spoiled or disloyal.

Honestly though, we were just jealous little shits.

>> No.3581826


But Sega was the one that was furiously doing the "sega does!!!!" thing.
Anyway that analogy with prince and MJ was weird, I didn't get it. Anon was probably high.

>> No.3581971

I'm more interested in how Sega fans felt seeing the Dreamcast kill Sega's console business and seeing Sonic on Nintendo platforms just a few months later.

I can't imagine what it must feel like to see something you devote your entire being to suddenly get cucked like that. Like, how do you even cope with it? What keeps you going?

I've seen Sega hardcore fanboys on /v/ who claim they have never touched a Nintendo console to this day and are still fuming. I'm talking mad elitism.

>> No.3582136

It was fun to laugh at them while playing superior CD games on the PCE and arcade games on the neo geo.

>> No.3582175

>>No IS
>>Economy wasnt shit
>>Russia didnt want WWIII
>>Racial harmony
>>Good music

Basically all the problems of today can be traced to end of this rivalry

>> No.3582182

>Good music in the 90s
It has finally happened.

>> No.3582184

>good music
Not him but compared to the '00s and what's playing today, the '90s had better everything music related. Rock, pop, rap, and country were all overall better.

>> No.3582189

It seems like someone needs to watch South Park.

>> No.3582194
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I bet you think gaming has gone to shit too...

>> No.3582204

remember bobbys world?
it was a good show!

>> No.3582225
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I miss Rocket Robin Hood.

>> No.3582232

I didn't pay much attention to the console wars. I didn't even know about the "Nintendon't" or Sonic's shoes in the trash in DKC3 or any of the other warfare until well after Sonic landed on the gamecube.

The only thing I remember is a commercial where a kid bashes himself over the head with a dead squirrel to see colors in his gameboy. This was a Game Gear Commercial.

In any case, I liked both mascots and didn't know they were supposed to be competing.

I wish I could still be unaware of console wars, because that shit is the worst.

>> No.3582234

If you are among people who grew up in the 80s ad 90s, saying something like that outs you as maybe, 16-18

>> No.3583125

in 90s england,sonic was king

mario fans was seen as childish cucks

sega does what nintendont scrubs


>> No.3583138

I want to kill rich kids like you, none of your friends were real, as long as you know that.

>> No.3583150


>blast processing


>not for childish cucks


>> No.3583151

Zero people actually gave a shit about rivalry because both systems had good games and people gave a shit about the games.
Were there concessions on quality of games or opinions of preference about certain things like sound and graphics or genres- definitely but it was about the games not the companies or the individual systems.
While there were many games that had ports on both systems they catered to more different demographics and had their differences in library size to show for that and if you took an interest in both extremes you had both systems. Genesis for example had more variety but not necessarily super polished games often arcade styled and did exceedingly well for sports games. SNES had an emphasis on RPGs, action adventure and generally the better versions of fighting games as well as worse sports games for the most part.

I had both, most people I know either had both or at the very minimum liked both just fine. I've literally never met a person in my life who hated either system even if they had a preferred system.

My top favorite game and one of my favorites is on SNES, but I still notice that I emulate Genesis games far more often. Likely because I like RPGs less and I like arcade styled games more so that's just how it is.

>> No.3583168


He's right about what it was like in the UK. Everybody had a Mega Drive and they went on to Playstation. I only knew one person with a SNES.

>> No.3583169


We had both in our house too. It was really interesting then. Sega tried to do what worked and try to expand the box and tweak the box. Nintendo would think outside of it. Fun times indeed. I miss Sega and nintendo.

>> No.3583175

>playing superior CD games
You should pity him. He actually thinks that garbage was good.
Here's a taste of his "superior" games.

Probably spent all day playing Fighting Street, Turbo Golf, and JB Harold Murder Club, and Magical Dinosaur Tour anyway.

>> No.3583185

I never had a Sega friend we were all nigtendies.

Some bailed our when the gaystation came to town tho.

>> No.3583187

I could afford neither home console. Instead I was a handheld kind of kid all the way and had all versions of the gameboy and a game gear. God there were so many awful game gear games.

>Cousins had every system
>so jelly
>would stay up for days when they would come to visit
>Snes still works to this day
>genesis broke several times
>some gen games "rattle"

>> No.3583746
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>> No.3583749

Quite pathetic, because people thought the Sega was good. really they're just insecure because they were poor.

>> No.3583785
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Nintendo of America was gansta

They used their power to push the competition away from the big chain stores

They used the video game violence controversy to sabotage SEGA making them lose millions from all the Night Traps copies big chain stores returned and making them look like sick fucks that wanted to convert American children into spree shooters,

They openly shited on each other back in the day.

>> No.3583793

That sounds far more insidious than name calling.

>> No.3583802

in america at least sega was the preferred console of black folks, probably b/c it had some many feetsball and bakkaball games, I think most asian folk and caucasian folks had nintendo. some mexican folk had nintendo but idk they didn't play much video games they jsut looked at old 80's porn on vhs mostly

>> No.3583812


>> No.3583813

>Had an SNES
>Friend had Genesis and later got both a 32X and Sega CD for it
>Another friend was a bit poorer than us
>But he had some older systems their parents got for cheap or even free from other families when they bought the newer systems at the time, various Ataris, Intellivision, Colecovision
>Another friend was a PC fag like his parents so had the newest kind of PC at the time plus a collection of older systems
>Every weekend or break we all got together and play fucking everything

Good times. I remember the poor friend in the group actually being the first one out of us to beat Super Mario Bros, rest of us just could not figure out what order of pipes to go into and usually timed out the clock.

Our Sega guy was fucking glad that now he only had to get one console to get all the games he cared out, I think both MS' and Sony's exclusives at the time were still untested so we just stayed with what we knew which was Nintendo and Sega. We never cared what hardware the games were on as long as they were enjoyable. Crash and Spyro both pittered out on that gen so a PS2 didn't really seem worth it at the time and we didn't really care for FPS on consoles so no reason to get an Xbox for Halo.

>> No.3583839

>that one kid that had a laseractive

That kid's parents were weird and always got weird shit. Like instead of a Gameboy or Gamegear they got them a Game.Com and instead PS2 they got their kid a fucking Nuon.

>> No.3583842
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I dunno about mexican-americans but as a /lat/in I can confirm most of the territory was Nintendo's before Sony's arrival, the only regions dominated by SEGA were Brazil and Argentina.

SEGA didn't have an official magazine here, and I never meet anyone that had a Genesis.

>> No.3583869

Anyone that actually tried to start any console war shit was told to shut up and get called a faggot, or whatever the hot buzzword was at the time, and if they kept on they'd usually get their ass kicked. Anyone with actual sense just went over to a friend's to play the system they did not have at home.

>> No.3583924


>> No.3584096

Damn, I didn't quite realize how fucking obnoxious GENESES DOES WHAT NINTENDON'T is until you see it used over and over two dozen times.

>> No.3584103

Nintendo was popular in UK too. There really wasn't that much difference between them.

>> No.3585030

It was mildly annoying. First you went to xbox because jsrf and same windows platform until halo killed weird games. Then you got a gamecube but 2 worthwhile games every six months made you get a slim to fill the rest of the year and then you basked in the bounty of a massive backlog of cheap games.

We were in the high-water mark of dank shit so the only loss was the arcade ports and that sega would localize absolutely fucking anything.

>> No.3585031

We had both.

>> No.3585039

Nintendo with their family friendly Mario was like Disney with Mickey Mouse, Sega with sonic was like Warner Brothers with Bugs Bunny

Neither was better, it was a matter of taste

Nintendo was like Pixar and Sega was like DreamWorks.....

One was sterile and family friendly, the other has attitude and is more risqué

To me that's the best analogy

>> No.3585040
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I think people were confused because Jackson was the protagonist of Moonwalker, but what I was saying it was a one-sided rivalry (from a marketing perspective) and as far as Nintendo was concerned, other stable players in the game meant more legitimacy in games, hoping to wipe the memory of the '83 game crash from consumer's minds.

>> No.3585052

By the Dreamcast I had long quit on Sega.

I was a huge fan boy with the Genesis, but then was confused and disappointed with the Sega CD and 32x

Then I went to Nintendo 64,the Saturn wasn't even carried at any retailer around me, I couldn't find them at Best Buy or even Walmart so by the time the Dreamcast came out I was only thinking Playstation 2

I just feel that by that time people had moved on, Sega had fucked up too many times and I doubt there were a lot of hard-core fans left

>> No.3585059

Don't let the family friendly facade fool you, Nintendo was fucking brutally ruthless back in the day.

Look up how controlling they were of third party players back in the NES days

>> No.3585068

In my world at the time no one compared consoles, or even games for that matter. Me and my friends never even talked about genre preference. You just played everything you could nomatter what and occasionally got hype when something was especially cool. Gaming just ruled, and if you're cool, it still rules.

>> No.3585924



>> No.3585969

Back then i thought having both systems would be the coolest shit ever
Now that i have them i just feel like a manchild

>> No.3586340

>They used the video game violence controversy to sabotage SEGA making them lose millions from all the Night Traps copies big chain stores returned and making them look like sick fucks that wanted to convert American children into spree shooters,

>whining to the government to legislate away your competition

So in other words Nintendo were, as always, gigantic faggots.

>> No.3586346

Biggie pls go

>> No.3586347

did you know Hiroshi Yamauchi wasn't actually a human being? He was a vessel that enclosed 7 yakuza oni spirits from 7 different regions in Japan. These oni monopolized the gambling in Japan with the hanafuda Nintendo cards and put a spell so that no other company could produce cards, truly evil.

Yamauchi, often referred to as "大魔王 ティラノ天堂" (Great Evil King Tyranotendo), tyranized the video games market with his monopolic practises, it is said that the Master System or the PC Engine didn't actually ever exist, and that they were invented time after so hide the fact that the Famicom was actually the one and only console existing in Japan.

>> No.3586350

Memories of the war are flashing before my eyes

>> No.3586352

Also how they were the first major console to have propriety ports.

All others used generic serial ports for their controllers.

Nintendo is the Disney of gaming.

>> No.3586617

sucked dick for crack

>> No.3586620

Nintendo fans got to talk about all their good series and games and Sega fans were like "uhhhh I played Sonic 3 again that was pretty fun..."

>> No.3586691

it was my personal Vietnam

>> No.3586703

Competition was good, I owned both and enjoyed having a selection of two great libraries.

>> No.3586818

Basically just play your SNES and you'll know. The Sega half is only worth mentioning if you're desperate for more 16 bit games. I suggest playing on mute, however...

>> No.3586858

t. faggot who still believes robot fart meme

Sega fans got to talk about their great series while Nintendo fans were like "uhhhhh i played super metroid again it was pretty fun"

>> No.3586862

Please stop responding to them.

>> No.3586948

Name five. Hard mode: not sonic

>> No.3586987

I was always a Sega kid, but my best friend had a SNES, and we would play both. The only thing slightly console war related was when I'd go to best buy and they had 2 giant statues of Mario and Sonic on each side of the games section. I didn't really start hearing many people get serious about the console war til the late 90s, and by then it was PlayStation/N64.
I was really fuckin bummed about it at first. I didn't buy a PS2 out of spite for a while. After a while though, I got over it. And how do i cope? Sega is not the same as it was back in the day, so the fact we don't have a new Sega system today really isn't all that upsetting. And frankly it isn't anyone else's fault but Sega that they aren't in the console race today.

>> No.3587000

Please. Shinobi, Alex Kidd, Phantasy Star, Streets of Rage, OutRun, After Burner, Space Harrier, Shining, etc.
And that's just 16-bit and before.

>> No.3588172

Me and my friends had NES/SNES, so we didn't argue about it.

>> No.3588631

Those days never died, Anon. You can still see the warring here in /vr/.

>> No.3590839

sega was cooler and didnt totally censor their ports

>> No.3590867

They censored their ports, but not as much.

>> No.3593719

for real?

>> No.3593727
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>> No.3593761

According to Wikipedia, Sega had about 50 franchises on the Genesis. That's probably more than twice the number of SNES franchises you could name.

>> No.3594005


>European version

>Gotta get that German monies guys not matter how much content we have to cut!

>> No.3594063

I don't remember anyone ever talking shit about one console vs another. Some kids in school had genesis's, some people had Snes's, some just nes, some only pc etc.
even when newer consoles like the ps1/Saturn/n64 came out nothing really changed. Like most other people have said, people went to other people's houses to play different systems.
If anything I would say that any rivalry has been only Been prevalent in recent years. Only now do I see way more people saying sega sucks or nintendos better or whatever. Think it has a lot more to do with the way things are now vs then. Pre-internet era vs now? Or people today are generally a lot more spoiled maybe? No idea.

>> No.3596584

What about now?

>> No.3598689

So who was Bowie?

>> No.3600431

I'm twenty and my first Sonic game was Advance. For my childhood, Sega was essentially a Nintendo third party company. It's pretty hard to imagine a world where Sonic went head to head with Mario, despite the fact I have researched this heavily. Tbqh, it's hard to remember Crash vs Mario at that. Mario doesn't have competition anymore. My brother is ten years older than me and doesn't remember competition between Sega and Nintendo. He had a SNES and that was that.

Tbqh, the Atari vs Intel vs Coleco war seems more interesting. Of course Atari won but it was amusing nevertheless.


Their ads didn't feel comedic.


Tbqh, I barely know who Prince is and I'm black. I knew "The Artist Formerly Called Prince" was a thing but couldn't name a single song until after he died. He never seemed to be as big as a pop culture icon as Bowie or MJ.


My magazines show people didn't seem that surprised, but I am sure there are internet posts circa 1999 to 2001 full of whining.


Can people explain why Sonic is less childish than Mario? He's a freakin' blue hedgehog. He looks like a Mickey Mouse wannabe. If anything, that's super childish looking or at most family friendly. He had a ton of adaptations--all aimed at kids. Sonic wasn't mature at all.

>> No.3600530
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I am 31 and I can tell you it was a great time.

Not because Its my memories are clouding it, there was a genuine difference between the two and people forget it was a good competition, almost friendly.

I always leaned more towards Sega because I think they always tried more to be more crazy but I had a NES.

By the time I left both behind the Dreamcast was dying and I was focusing on PC.

>> No.3600561

don't feel bad man
sega didn't even GIVE us a release date until the system was in stores a month prior

they thought it would be a good idea to launch it the day of E3 back in 1995, when no one would know until a month later via magazines, so consumers were confused when the Saturn was on shelves and even retailers were fucking confused. i can still remember my EB saying "well, we had no idea it was coming, it was just in the boxes we got today."

>> No.3600562

all dead franchises now too, save for Sonic
which is sad as fuck