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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 104 KB, 1280x720, it's bullshit i did not hit her I DID NAHHHT oh hi mark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3514284 No.3514284 [Reply] [Original]

You're in the club and this guy slaps Truxton in your Sega Genesis.

What do you do?

>> No.3514286

Show him how to 1cc a shmup like a real man.

>> No.3514320

Slap Eliminate Down in his Sega Genesis.

>> No.3514401

Pour a glass of Hefeweizen and get to playin.

>> No.3514449

Why do Americans always say the name of the brand that sold the product in the name of the product? It's called Genesis, well it's called Mega Drive but you call it Genesis, so call it that.

>> No.3514483

I would drink a beer with Mark as long as he gives me a little of that sweet patreon dosh and let's me play with his joystick.

>> No.3514582


Because as funny as the mental image is I don't think he's gonna shove a game cart up Phil Collins's rectum

>> No.3514592

Why don't you call them "Virgin Music presents Genesis"?

>> No.3514594


Who says I don't

>> No.3514607

What other petty inconsequential things do you get upset over.

>> No.3514608

>Why do Americans always say the name of the..
Why does the rest of the world bitch so much when an American does something?

stop crying for 5 seconds and just be glad your ass hasn't been nuked for fuck's sake

>> No.3514616

Le 60% face

>> No.3514796

>Phil Colins band

>> No.3514932

i switch on my voice processor and go, "TTTTTTRUXTON for YOUR SEGA GENESIS!!!"

>> No.3514940

Put a sharpie in his jap eye

>> No.3514948

To his defence, late Genesis was led by Collins and it's the mainstream version most people know of.

Only old prog fans know about Peter Gabriel.

>> No.3514964

Ask him to bring back Undertow

>> No.3514974
File: 165 KB, 850x1187, 60144801[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ask if he's up for a round of this bad boy instead for a change. ;^)

>> No.3515008

Not act surprised at the fact that he brought Truxton along to a club,

>> No.3515035

undertow was a bit shit Tbh
and why don't they just set up their own channels

>> No.3515042

Because Nintendo is always putting the name of their company in their shit to the extent that most people just call every Nintendo thing "the Nintendo."

Also Genesis is a book of the Bible, so it differentiates it that way, too.

>> No.3515047

>called their audience "Undertoads"
>long-haired host had traces of the bigword self-masturbatory SJW academe disease
Yeah, I can see why it never got big.

>> No.3515063
File: 41 KB, 457x416, cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Undertow was decent little show before Derek "attention whore" Cuck became the focus and flaunted his sjwness.

>> No.3515065

Undertow was shit once Kevin left.

>> No.3515142

He just launched a Kickstarter for long review of MUSHA. I'm not joking. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/classicgameroom/classic-game-room-feature-review-of-musha

>$10 for a single review
>$30 for the review on a flash drive
>Main Patreons don't get access
>Also has separate Patreons for his shitty comics
>They don't get access either
>Possibly destroying Genesis clamshell cases to stick a USB drive in

So glad I unsubbed from his Patreon recently.

>> No.3515156


You, I still like Mark and CGR is still good to watch every now and then, even if it gets boring after having watched so many reviews. This shit is just rediculous though. I can't blame the guy for trying to make money off idiots, I suppose. Hard not to lose a little respect for him when he pulls shit like this.


Derek's reviews were okay. It only got bad with him when he started filling his videos with more and more of his unfunny skits.

Also, I don't seem to remember him saying anything that'd make me think he's an SJW. Are you guys just calling him an SJW because of his general personality and attitude, or did he actualy harbour SJW beliefs?

>> No.3515159
File: 9 KB, 346x344, 1406412768067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He doesn't even make video game reviews anymore. It's just nonsense now.

Oh well. It was cool while it lasted.

>> No.3515164

The sad part is, you can't say anything like that on his YouTube channel without getting flamed by legions of blind fools.

I also recently unsubbed from Patreon and even more recently his YouTube channel. I just could not stand getting so much spam versus regular "reviews."

>> No.3515165

>Possibly destroying Genesis clamshell cases to stick a USB drive in
Nigga wat?
You can get repros anywhere.

>> No.3515169
File: 62 KB, 600x327, smug batman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>commenting on Youtube

>> No.3515170


Britbongs are so damn obsessed with us just like on /sp/ and /pol/

>> No.3515173


Basically this. I just watched CGR for the first time in a while the other day. It was his review of Tekken 2. Basically, he spent the entire video talking about how it reminded him of his college days, getting drunk and playing Tekken 2 with his friends. I mean, Mark is the kinda guy who can sit there and talk about anything and it's always easy to listen to him, but at this stage he's just run out of shit to say. What else can you say about Tekken when you've already reviewed a bunch of other Tekken games and given your thoughts on the gameplay itself? He's just a victim of the massive amount of content he's put out. It's really a case of quantity over quality with CGR, and the well is running more and more dry as he continues to make shit tons of videos.

>> No.3515225

>mocking youtube comments in a 4chan post

I unsubscribed when he began spamming that versus shit. I hadn't watched a video of his in ages before that, but at least it didn't bother me.

He's never been a reviewer and never had anything to say about games, so the only reason to watch his channel was the vast amounts of footage from old or obscure games (that he didn't bother hunting or reading about; all he does is go through the stuff that people donate to him) and his positivity towards almost everything, while other channels were still playing the angry reviewer angle.

He's also terrible at dealing with criticism.

>> No.3515252

Nice blog I guess?

>> No.3515263
File: 734 KB, 1727x2086, 1461264354165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, I don't mind that. I think it's quirky to handle a video review of a game like that. I mean legit videos reviews about video games.

It's been about peripherals, toys, and unboxings and stuff. Not really video games. Earlier he was doing those x VS. y videos asking everyone to debate which is better, with no real part from him.

Just an annoyance of mine.

>> No.3515267

Tell him he can play over there. I'm too busy fucking up in DDPDOJ.

>> No.3515332
File: 182 KB, 1200x900, cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, you weren't kidding.

>> No.3515339

keep politics out.

>> No.3515367

poor derek rip

>> No.3515373

Go shitpost elsewhere kid.

>> No.3515442


>derek is a hill shill

>> No.3515630

Discussing the OP and things related to the OP is not a blog post.

>> No.3515669

Well when you've only got Amiga games to entertain yourself, can you really blame them?

>> No.3515710

Play it with him and get a round of beers.

>> No.3515717

>Also, I don't seem to remember him saying anything that'd make me think he's an SJW. Are you guys just calling him an SJW because of his general personality and attitude, or did he actualy harbour SJW beliefs?
He does whatever Emma Watson says and believes whatever she believes.

>> No.3515737

Normally, I'd agree. But that post obviously didn't answer OP. And you obviously didn't get the joke. And this matter is now over. *click*

>> No.3515856

I put this in it's containment thread along with /b/'s epic memes.

>> No.3516825

wonder why I suddenly have a Sega genesis

>> No.3516830
File: 31 KB, 540x423, 1469254519063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you can hook it up to your CRT and see a stupid waterfall as devs intended!


>> No.3516853

It's not a brand, it's a company. Like a Ford Mustang. Ford is the company that made the car while Mustang is the model of that specific type of car.

>> No.3516917

Who gives a shit?

>> No.3516930

He's trying to kick some sand at Derek because he got to bask in the limelight and got there just on personality and likability alone. That anon probably knows nothing about the dude and is clutching at the one thing that he thinks gives him leverage over Derek, political withstanding. I don't care who the hell you vote for man, as long as you treat me like a human being we'll get along..

but that's not how a lot of people function. Idiots always want you to come down their level instead of coming up to yours.
>I'm totally and utterly incapable of logical discourse! I win because I can come here and call him an SJW.

>> No.3517898

Ah fuck the haters. I legit liked the show and Derek. He reminded me of Charlie from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and he had some decent taste in games.

>> No.3518389

I tell him:


>> No.3518393

tell him hes a nigger that lives off internet welfare.

>> No.3518394
File: 96 KB, 1024x575, denzel handy truck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he get to tap that granny ass though?

>> No.3518402

What sucks is i used to watch CGR back in 09 up to 2013. The moment the youtube incident where they cut off the funds for awhile to get rid of the huge amount of signed partnerships from various companies like Machinima etc and keep guys like Mark on is when i left and i unsubbed.

Mark and his fanbase where such crybabies when it happened and even Mark moved all of his reviews on a website that no one was going to watch or go on anyways.

Also i noticed his quality began to drop and it would always be the same joke of "well it doesent work on the commodore 64 der hur" it always annoyed me though that it was starting to be junk reviews than actual reviews full of his own humor.

I didint know it was this bad actually. Thank god i left when he started begging for Patreon.

>> No.3518406

Mark is guilty of that but i think its more worse when he repeats the same thing and unfunny joke after awhile. Hes cool and all but its sad to see hes not as good as he use to be.

>> No.3518479

lmao what the fuck there is to review in MUSHA? piss easy overrated game.

>> No.3518487

Mark went to shit a few years ago when youtube got overpopulated with shitty reviewers with contrarian opinions, and jewtube started to pay more money to people with long shitty videos than short but quality ones. Also he doesnt have anything else to review. Irs pretty fucking sad, because Mark videos were cool not for being informative, but because the only thing he cared was about having fun.


>> No.3518512

not him but derek was a total faggot, he never cut his finger nails, his reviews were pretty bad considering he would suck shit at most games and not even be able to give a good opinion on what the game was actually like. Fuck derek

>> No.3518541

>Thank god i left when he started begging for Patreon.
Technically he was going to call it quits but his fans convinced him to join Patreon

>> No.3518543

He already reviewed it years ago which makes it really redundant...especially since he's not reviewing a different version/port