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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 103 KB, 960x540, agdq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3422715 No.3422715 [Reply] [Original]

This is what made the pricing bubble go insane in 2013 on yes?

>> No.3422728

the internet in general made the price go up.

>> No.3422729

was pretty stable until 2012, nice meme

>> No.3422741

dont meme runner usually play on emulators? guess they are smarter than you.

>> No.3422742

I would really prefer if you'd be quiet

>> No.3422865

GameGrumps is the most likely cause. I recall some time back a poster pointing out how particular game prices would tend to spike after GG played them (James and Mike seems to have a similar effect). It makes sense since they have a a lot of online attention and their fanbase probably consists of middle class teens and early twenty somethings who can blow parental money on old games that they never knew about until their big brother simulators told them about it.

>> No.3422873 [DELETED] 

How young are you fags?

AVGN made prices go up.
All the kids wanted to be like him with a 10000 retro collection

>> No.3422881

James and Mike probably have older fans than the grumps due to being around longer and being more mature than them.

>> No.3422884

no they are not very mature. I would say they have the same fanbase.

>> No.3423363

Prices have been on the rise since dramatically since about 2006 or around the time the Virtual Console became a thing.

>> No.3423379

Prices started getting ridiculous around 2010, some games were always expensive. Prices started raising progressively, it wasn't from one year to another.

A relatively small and obscure event such as GDQ can't be responsible for a social phenomenon like retro gaming. In fact, you can't really attribute it to anything in particular, people who are now in their 20/30s started getting nostalgic about their old games and they have the income now to please that itch. You're another one of those, either that or a younger guy interested in older games, but in that case, get in the line, there's been people collecting ever since you were a baby.

>> No.3423386

GDQ is the collective autism in video games and also a giant source of people wanting to get internet famous. People watch this shit and think that they will do it too, to learn that their new world record run is only valid if they play the official game released on official hardware. These band wagon jumpers flock en mass to eBay thinking that they are the special snowflake that will take that Mega Man X2 record next year. I've seen prices on games jump after they get played at this and it only makes sense from a seller point of view to follow and abuse gullible retards.

See also this guy >>3422865

>> No.3423391

Honestly speedrunning rules are probably the single most autistic thing I've seen.

A new skip is found that makes your Any% run obsolete? Well, you've just created a new category where you're still the WR holder.

>Any% No this specific glitch
>Any% Glitchless (but some glitches are allowed, what the actual fuck Ocarina of Time)
>Any% MST
>100% Glitchless

It's fucking retarded.

Then you have huge cucklords like Cosmo who get really fucking obscure "official" hardware like the iQue and it somehow counts.

If you want to get the fastest time possible, emulator should be the way to go, but that's cheating.

Same thing with things like turbo.

>mashing text is a skill
>turbo is technically a TAS despite never being able to be competitive to a real TAS

Speedrunners... not even once.

>> No.3423406

Fuck memerunners

>> No.3423408

All categories are arbitrary.

>> No.3423543

>Honestly speedrunning rules are probably the single most autistic thing I've seen.

FFS, don't lump all speedrunners together as if they're all the same people. Speedrunning is a natural extension of normal gaming... just trying to get through a game faster this time is the start of speedrunning. You don't have to be on youtube practicising for thousands of hours to speedrun, you can speedrun against yourself. Also you are retarded and don't understand anything about speedrunning or videogames if you think emulation is the same.

>> No.3423570

>FFS, don't lump all speedrunners together as if they're all the same people. Speedrunning is a natural extension of normal gaming... just trying to get through a game faster this time is the start of speedrunning. You don't have to be on youtube practicising for thousands of hours to speedrun, you can speedrun against yourself. Also you are retarded and don't understand anything about speedrunning or videogames if you think emulation is the same.

>muh cycles
>emulation is allowed but only THESE emulators
>the goal is to go as fast as possible, so let's ban stuff that's actually able to play the game faster.

Listen fag-lord, "speedrunning" as it exists is not you just trying to get " a good time" from the comfort of your own time.

"speedrunning" is the kids sitting there fucking grinding strategies, and attempts at games praying for a good time. It isn't about improving, or mastery, it's about grinding out attempts in some route that some other autism-afflicted soul mapped out.

Then someone comes along and changes the game, fucks up the route, and breaks the current conventions so everyone instead goes and learns that new route until the next route is developed.

Speedrunning is shit. You playing your game slightly faster than average or intended is not speedrunning.

>> No.3423585


>> No.3423598

There's a bit of mastery though. A lot of people sucks and can't pull off the same strategies/tricks than speedrunners and they're the ones that are normally entertained by this kind of thing.

I don't see the problem with speedrunning being a cooperative effort though. If someone with intuition, knowledge or luck finds about a trick/glitch that allows him to remove a significant portion of time I think the achievement is undeniable

I can see a problem if someone tries over and over to scratch 2 or 3 seconds off the WR by sheer luck of trial and error. That's autism.

>> No.3423608

I saw a complete copy of Xenogears for $38 the other day. Wasn't Xenogears selling for $80 to $100 a few years back?

It would be nice to have one of those Funcoland price lists from each year for the past 20 years.

>> No.3423612

What you just described basically sums up the entirety of WarCraft 3's Ladder.
Man, I really fucking hated Human vs NightElf matches, they drag on for eternity.

>> No.3423653

That's not true. I'd say kids watch game grumps more than Mike and James Monday

>> No.3423673

>Wasn't Xenogears selling for $80 to $100 a few years back?
It was selling for whatever people were willing to pay for it. Nobody dictates obsolete video game prices

>> No.3423689

>muh cycles
I don't know what this specifically is referring to but if you mean cycles like things tied to timers that move on a cycle, I don't understand why this would make anyone mad. If you're trying to go fast through the game, you want to catch the earliest cycle of thing possible so you don't have to stand around waiting for the next one.
>emulation is allowed but only THESE emulators
because otherwise you could play on an inaccurate emulator and save time over people playing on console due to stupid things like lag and loading times. Some emulators are accurate and lag like consoles, and some communities don't really give a shit if you use an inaccurate emulator anyway, so I don't see why you'd get mad over this either.
>the goal is to go as fast as possible, so let's ban stuff that's actually able to play the game faster.
I assume you mean different categories, where different tricks are allowed/banned? Consider the following: at the end of the day, it's all just to have fun playing the game. If a trick is found in a game like 0-star in SM64, most people don't find it fun to play that because even though it is the fastest, it's only five minutes long, and reliant on grinding out an extremely hard trick until it eventually works. So people play with other restrictions, like getting all 120 stars, or beating the game without using the BLJ glitch (which means collecting 70 stars). Sure, in some communities, turbo autists make up increasingly restrictive/arbitrary categories to keep their meaningless records (LTTP) but most games are not like that.

Anyway, at the end of the day speedrunning is just competitive single player. There's plenty of skill involved, it is definitely about improving/mastery in any non-meme speedrun.

Definitely part of it. Whenever a retro game gets seen by 100k people, the price is going to go up. But LPers, nostalgiafags, and other stuff caused it too

>> No.3423718

That was me. It was a game I was playing. Pick a random somewhat expensive game, look at the historical prices on vgpc, then look up an e-celeb talking about the game around the time the game price makes a jump upwards. I found very few that didn't have a price jump from the e-celeb bandwagon crowd.

>> No.3423742

If your speed running vs yourself only. Emulation is not an issue.

>> No.3423798
File: 31 KB, 192x452, 1456023159864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bought my first copy of Earthbound for $50
>It sells for $150+ now
>Bought my copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga for $200
>It sells for $400+ now
>Bought my copy of Gotcha Force for $15
>It sells for $120+ now
>Bought my copy of Skies of Arcadia Legends for $15
>It sells for $60+ now
>Bought my copy of Tales of Destiny II for $20
>It sells for $100+ now
>Repeat these insane price inflation for almost every retro game
There is literally no reason to buy retro games anymore. It used to be a fun hobby but now you can't get your hands on anything unless you're rich. Just mod your disc-based systems to play backups and get flash carts for your cart systems. Same experience with only a fraction of the money spent.

>> No.3424804

I think you can find local deals at better prices, but yeah if you hit up ebay or some shop the prices seem inflated. I don't really get it because aren't there notionally millions of these carts around? Who's buying them?

>> No.3424864

I'm actually pretty certain it was Wreck-it Ralph tbqh famaroni.

Released in late 2012 shortly before the bubble really began. A Disney movie about retro games got TONS of exposure and probably stroked a lot of nostalgia-boners.

>> No.3424870

Nah, prices started going up towards the end of 2011, Wreck-it doesn't explain that.

>> No.3425086

Most kids today don't even know who Mike or James or AVGN is...

Game grumps on the other hand... different story.

>> No.3425312


Nah, it was probably just a simple combination of youtubers showcasing retro video games (ESPECIALLY the flea market videos showing bargains) that attracted scalpers, along with kids growing up on retro games now being able to afford them.

>> No.3425419

Prices started bubbling in 2012, 2001-2011 was pretty damn stable

and yes some games were expensive, like Earthbound being 60 even in 2006, but it blew up in 2012 as did almost everything else.

>> No.3425428

I think people, including myself, underestimate the size of the "of-age" millennial crowd buying this stuff up.

>> No.3425431

Of age Millennial crowd has been here since like 2001

someone born in 1980 was 21 in 2001.

>> No.3425443

I blame the price charting websites.

>> No.3425450

The long and short of it is the old game market is fucked relative to where it was years ago. No, the old guard who were collecting games from since they were new or started at any time up to the early/mid 2000s aren't the people fucking it up. Yes, the people who are fucking it up are newbies who probably started due to e-celebs, muh nostalgia, and various sources extolling the wondrous investment value of L@@K RARE WOW InTheAss-001 games. Yes, scalpers and resellers are contributed to the problem. Yes, a good portion of today's buyers don't really know what the fuck they're doing and need to be led to the next hot thing. Yes, people who buy games as an "investment" are part of the problem. Yes, little hipster faggots who follow GameGrumps are likely part of the problem. No, you can't do anything about it short of riding the wave of bullshit and hoping it dies down.

Nothing good ever lasts. If you like something today, in ten years time and the masses will have fucked it up. The market might decline some over time as fad followers move on to the next thing, but the days where we could go to a GameStop and pick through junk bins of SNES games are done. The days when people just sold old games as old games are through. Next time you see a 20 year old wearing an NES belt buckle and an Earthbound shirt, you might want to kick him in the nuts to see if it makes you feel better.

>> No.3425454

Baseball cards and comics died down a bit, we'll see if retro gaming does, wont be for a decade or two if it does tho

>> No.3425974

epic funny dude

>> No.3426170

Plus the fact that GG sucks,Jontron is painfully un-funny,and James and Mike are entertaining.

>> No.3426202


>> No.3426751

T. Vince Vaughn

>> No.3426979

Lots of bitterness itt.

If you want something, as an adult, you just budget for it. You make concessions in your daily life. You don't go to starbucks every day and you buy a video game.

You brown bag your lunch for a few months and you buy a video game.

You either make sacrifices to budget for stuff you want, or you didn't want it that much in the first place.

There are games I'm actively looking to purchase that are 400, 500, 600 dollars. It doesn't matter how much it is. If I want it, I'm going to adjust my spending to be able to comfortably afford it.

That's all there is too it.

>> No.3426994

No it's mainly just people who were old enough to play the games as kids finally getting a job and are able to purchase them driving up prices.

>> No.3427010

>James and Mike are entertaining.

their show was garbage a year or so ago, did they improve?

>> No.3427020

it's gold and blue

>> No.3428253

hmm yes, you definitely sound open-minded towards speedrunning and you will definitely reconsider your stance if my arguments are good enough.

>> No.3428492

Absolute pleb detected, hardware is always preferred due to less input lag and no issues with inaccurate slowdown like some emulators.

>> No.3428496

>fucks up the route
No they improve it you fucking obnoxiously stupid cunt, speedrunners aren't really in competition with each other and tend to have a community attitude that is collectively working towards the best times so a glitch/optimization discovery is always received with open arms as it progresses the possibility for a faster run. No idea why you're such a butthurt cockhole with the most abysmal understanding of the hobby i've seen to date.

>> No.3428529
File: 96 KB, 216x203, 1460149868887.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their big brother simulators
chuckled heartily

>> No.3428538

>trivializes something meaningless and often just done for the sake of having fun
>responds with complete and utter hostility when it's pointlessness is brought into question
I don't have anything against speedrunning and the other guy might be wrong in some ways because people have fun doing this, but man if this doesn't make you look like a complete sperg I don't know what does

it's speedrunning, calm down

>> No.3428547

Youtubers, Wreck-It Ralph and Pixels all contributed and still contribute for a renewed "interest" (which is just a passing fad while its still ~cool~) in retro and people are going to take advantage of it. If the prices are bothering you so much then hold out for two, three years. I doubt most of the people are going to hold their interest and they will be the ones selling their "collections" to jump in the new trend shit of the moment, you will get good prices again. Fluctuating interest and variable pricing, that's how markets work.

>> No.3428559

Did Roadblasters, Q*bert and Street Fighter spike in prices in 2013?

>> No.3428585

No. I don't even know what this is and I'm a collector. It was people who up with consoles aging into a position where they had some wealth, or like my self loads of wealth.

>> No.3428613

>Youtubers, Wreck-It Ralph and Pixels all contributed and still contribute for a renewed "interest" (which is just a passing fad while its still ~cool~) in retro
No it didn't.

>> No.3428661

That is the furthest thing from what his post was like and you don't even appear to know what the word "trivalize" means. Almost like you just wanted to call someone a sperg.

>> No.3428705

Just because you don't like them or you're not their target demography doesn't mean they didnt influenced a lot of younger folks to pay attention to "old games" around, sorry.

>> No.3429824


I'm going to disagree.

The amount of times I've seen individual speedrunners get mad, or rant about things that they should be doing to save IGT or if a new trick comes into play that is faster but is hard to do and fucks up their route is very high.

So you can say the community as a whole accepts it, but it seems like a majority of the people within that community also hateit.

>> No.3432315

not at retail prices.

fuck shops, fuck ebay

if you want retro games, go to flea markets.
though, it depends where you live, i keep finding a lot of 6th gen shit. i found a ton of copies of melee over the last 5 months. more n64, GC, and thankfully some sega cd games

>> No.3432407

I'm with you on all of this. Maybe we don't belong here anymore...

>> No.3432409

It's kind of painful to watch James actually playing a game though.

>> No.3432419

>I'm willing to spend an insane amount of money on a product that isn't worth it because there is a bubble.

>I'm so much smarter than your goyim because I have high time preference while I display I have low time preference and make bad investments.

Not buying while the price is artificially inflated is the answer. Pirate it until the bubble bursts.

>> No.3432967

>I disagree with you so I'm going to say you don't know what you're talking about
Nobody cares about how emotionally invested you are into speedrunning, it's all pointless and feigning superiority over people for not putting in the time you have is spergish, for lack of a better word

other people have priorities in life, you have nothing

>> No.3432994
File: 135 KB, 640x480, RSCN0536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sir are a turbo autist defending your sub-hobby on a hobby board on a weaboo imageboard.

when do you think we start getting stable households and decent enough jobs to start collecting things? mid 20s-30s

people more successful than we are is what is driving prices up a few hundred is nothing if you make enough

>> No.3433060

Most of those runners got more than even 1 copy of their beloved game.

>> No.3434151

Speedrunning in general is absolute degeneracy

>> No.3434187 [DELETED] 

What about her?

>> No.3434193

Don't deadname Narcissa.

>> No.3434198

AtariAge, NintendoAge, and other such websites of hoarders and resellers discussing "the next rare game"

>> No.3434304

>spending hundreds of dollars on one old video game you'll barely play


You really bum me out. Your priorities in life... They... You just ruined my afternoon. This is pitiful.

>> No.3434878

>k-k-k-k-k-kill yourself

Most of the stuff I'm spending hundreds of dollars on are all rare arcade boards that I play on a regular basis.

I almost always get my money's worth. The only games I've bought that I haven't gotten at least 1$/hour are like Rule of Rose and Metal Wolf Chaos.

Every other expensive game I own I've either replayed multiple times or I enjoyed my time with it so much that it was worth it despite the cost.

>tfw you plebs will never know the joy of actually playing Haunted Castle on an actual arcade.

>> No.3434890
File: 995 KB, 1268x1507, ballmount.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haunted Castle

>> No.3434923 [DELETED] 


Whoah-whoah-WHOAH there cuckaroni and queso. Looks like we got ourselves another ARCADE COLLECTOR in the house. What up, senpai? Us legit PCB hoarders gotta rep-WRYYYYYYY-SENT, nahm sayin'?


Chill dawg, or should I say CHILI DOG (toot toot SANIC WARRIORS, lol). Don't be all hopped up on that Hatorade, unlike milk that DON'T do a body good. Y'see, spending a lot on like arcade PCBs or preproduction or limited shit... I feel that, cuz. That shit was either ALWAYS expensive (originally them arcade stuff was werkin' to pay dem billz), or never had a price to begin with. THAT bein' said, there SHOULD be a limit. Like, I don't get why lil' peckerooskis pay like $400 for Turtles in Time PCBs, that's just WHACK. It ain't dat rare, bro. Or newbie-kidz who hop up and pay SEVERAL HUNDRED for some run-o-da-mill prototype. Like cool yer jets, boyo, do you even KNOW whatchu' buyin'? But whatevs. Can' make people do wut u WANT them to do.

>> No.3435684

Guess I should feel glad for having never heard of Game Grumps. Also only watched two PewDiePie videos ever, the second last week to understand some old Japanese meme game that's getting an animu now.

Most of the used shit I buy today are old Xbox games, which all cost pretty much nothing unless they are called Steel Battalion, as well as some DS and 3DS stuff.

>> No.3437778

Do any of you guys actually speedrun or do you just shitpost about it?

>> No.3437972


The oldest millennials, like myself, are IN our 30's, dude.

>> No.3437996


Ever since the AVGN 'movie' finally got shit out, they've been producing better content.

It's still very much hit or miss, but I feel that at least the cinemassacre gang are talking about and playing games they like. They also devote more attention to atari 2600 games than most LP/review channels, so that's a thing.

>> No.3438000

>implying shitposters on /vr/ or other places do more than that at any time

What do you think?

But yes, I agree with you. It would be more interesting to read some commentary from real speedrunners here instead of idiots who don't know anything of it or like OP try to call out on them because of more expensive retro games.

>> No.3438039

I got my copy of Gotcha Force for 15 bucks, bought a second copy for 30 later on because my first copy was kind of scratched up and I wanted a backup. Couple years later sold the one I got for 15 for 150 and put that towards and SD2SNES. That moment made me decide that for any cartridge based consoles, a flash cart would do it for me, I can't be bothered to spend 60+ dollars on games like Skyblazer. I can't be bothered to be told I'm "the 7th person today to ask about games" at a garage sale. It was fun while it lasted, but people who actively buy games just to sell them ruined the hobby. I'll be content playing Gotcha Force on my Wii off of a hard drive, I'll keep my other copy of it until I find another flash cart to put it towards.

>> No.3438074

How is such a shit game so expensive?

>> No.3438081

Gotcha Force or Skyblazer?

>> No.3438087

Gotcha Force.

Don't think I've ever heard of Skyblazer so far. My mind misread that as Soul Blazer at first.

>> No.3438091

Gotcha Force has good gameplay.

>> No.3438103

Wow thats fuckin nuts senpai
I started collecting super fami and genesis within the past year and havent paid over 20 for a cart
>600 dollars game

>> No.3438110

>actually playing games
Idk senpai what u think

>> No.3438149

I live on the east coast and most flea markets match or go about 15-20 ℅ over eBay prices. Anything cheap gets suckedup by resellers at 6am

>> No.3438152

Are /vr/ items really that expensive though?
Obviously theres been a price increase, but if you think a new game these days costs £45, i think its relatively cheap.

That £45 could buy you a megadrive or a PS1, a gba, a dreamcast, all with a decent selection of games (okay the dreamcast is debatable). Nintendo consoles are pricier but still affordable.
If you keep your eyes peeled it's easy to get good deals, and anyone with a job can afford most of the better games.
Obviously the rarer games are very expensive but they have always been, to any owner with half a brain at least. It's just people are more away these days (due to the internet as a whole), and so less knowledgeable people are harder to find.

>> No.3438159


>> No.3438179

It's less rare shit and consoles that are the problem, it's mostly the games normies want to play. I got contra for $12 and all the Castlevania games boxed for about $20 each a few years ago. Now contra is $30 and boxed Castlevania games go for around $100.

Yeah the rare shit is rare and always will be but common shit has inflated "rarity" and price now.

>> No.3438185

>Muh miliseconds

>> No.3438198

Maybe for US releases.

>> No.3438309

Started playing Skyblazer in ZsnexBox after the anon mentioned it and I'm afraid such a slowdown is he reason the current stage (Tower of the Tarolisk) is pretty much unplayable.