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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3340792 No.3340792 [Reply] [Original]

My 7yo nephew only has access to really easy games with no real challenge while at home, and when he comes here to play whatever I have (which he says are his favorites), he just gets disinterested or upset since there's actually a level of difficulty involved, and he's god awful at games because he doesn't get enough experience with real ones. How do I save him?

He's a fan of platformers or anything Nintendo, really. In fact, I think SMB1 is the only game he'll keep attempting, but he never incorporates running.

>> No.3340804

So the games he says are his favorites are the ones he gets disinterested in? What??

>> No.3340807

Yeah, it's really weird. He'll beg me to play Pokemon, so I put it on, but he'll want to turn it off 10 minutes in because he doesn't like to battle (which is the largest component of the game).

He actually does like Star Fox 64 as well, but he gets discouraged and won't want to play the second level since he has difficulty with it.

>> No.3340810

He sounds like a 7 year old to me... Maybe just let him try what he wants and when he doesn't like them just do something else with him.

>> No.3340814

Yeah that's what I've been doing. It's just frustrating to see him give up on a challenge that can be overcome in 3 or 4 tries just because he couldn't get it on the first or second.

Seems like I'm just gonna work on Star Fox 64 with him, with more Mario and some Kirby (he calls himself the Kirby Master).

>> No.3340817


and you're enabling this sort of "ADD" by letting him just turn it off and pick something else. tell him if he wants to play something this is what he gets for today and that's it. discipline.

>> No.3340827

Again, he's 7. That's not super atypical. It's probably better that he's not obsessed with them.

>tell him if he wants to play something this is what he gets for today and that's it. discipline.

That sounds like a fine way to make him not like video games.

>> No.3340834

The secret to making casual gamers into hardcore gamers is to get them excited then challenge them without frustrating them so much that it overcomes their excitement. My son isn't even three and a half yet and he's so good at Skylanders I've managed to get him interested in Phantasy Star Online and he asks to play it. We've gotten him past losing his shit over Hildebears and he can now get to the dragon on his own. We're working on him killing it.

>> No.3340837

Imply that if he can't finish the games he might be a girl.

Show him what it looks like when the game is played properly.

>> No.3340839


He sounds like a typical ADHD kid. Put a book in his hands and have him read for an hour, no excuses. Then allow him to play one of those "difficult" games, but do NOT let him quit or switch games.

Combat that ADHD "laziness" and do the job that your aunt and uncle will not do.

>> No.3340841

Also try hitting him

>> No.3340843

>The best thing to do with a kid with ADD is pretend it doesn't exist and discipline it out of them.

Holy shit this place sometimes.

>> No.3340846

Seems pretty effective. It worked in South Park.

>> No.3340856

Although it may exist, statistically speaking it's almost a sure bet OP's nephew doesn't have it. By and large it's a conspiracy by pharmaceutical corporations to which the education system is complicit because it makes their jobs easier and guess what it all comes down to. That's right, it comes down to no one being willing to discipline children anymore.

>> No.3340860

The best thing you can do with any child is talk to them and force them to reason with their problems and the things they don't understand.

If they throw a tantrum you need to hold fast with the stance that you will not negotiate with terrorists.

>> No.3340861

>>The best thing to do with a kid with ADD is pretend it doesn't exist and discipline it out of them.

Take a look at today's shitty and yet overprotective parents, and you'll see why cases of ADHD keep rising.

It's not a surprise that many kids cannot focus or keep an interest in mildly difficult subjects. They'll quickly hop from one item to the next, just as easy as switching between games and cartoons on their iPad.

It's a SOCIETY problem caused by numerous factors, and it's only worsening.

>> No.3340868

>That's right, it comes down to no one being willing to discipline children anymore.
>It's a SOCIETY problem caused by numerous factors, and it's only worsening.

That sure didn't disappoint.

>> No.3340878

Whatever, Bro. Your kids will just be the drugged up zombie slaves of our kids and that's cool by me.

>> No.3340895

And your kid will be gay.

>> No.3340923

Blame schools for that. Six subjects in a six hour period, excluding period changeovers and breaks? If they had functioning brains they would devote an entire day to a single subject to remove disruptions and greatly increase flexibility in what can be done in the classroom.

>> No.3341009

>How do I save him?
how about you realise that video games don't fucking matter and allow him to enjoy the games that his peers play instead of turning him into some 'le born in the wrong generation' memer with no self awareness?

our time has come and gone. let him play cowadoody with his friends and be normal, you fucking idiotic manchild. i would never force my video game preferences on my kids. if they take interest then sure i'll let them play but it's not like I'd go on some crusade to 'save' them from modern video games.

/vr/ is a painfully autistic board. I feel sorry for your children 2bh.

>> No.3341081

I feel sorry for all 4chan regulars' children.

I wonder what percentage of every board even manages to reproduce, kek.

>> No.3341085

4chinkers shouldn't be allowed to reproduce. It should be a human rights violation on account of the suffering of the poor kid anon manages to bring into this world.

>> No.3341089

Precisely why I put it in quotes. He probably doesn't have it but what he's doing is an obvious sign of not concentrating on one task and seeing it through to the end. Best to nip that in the bud or whatever.

>> No.3341096
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But it's important for him to learn that the things of his parent's generation are objectively better than the garbage that gets made today. If OP doesn't teach the kid some taste, who will????

>> No.3341106

i'll do it but only for a fee

>> No.3341113

he's 7 anon

I'm sure he has a wii or something too

>> No.3341439

nah nigga

parents are shit and retarded these days and completely lazy. they can hardly be called "parents".

>> No.3341449
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Mine's cool. He just got a new Skylander for pooping in the potty so he's pretty stoked at the moment.

>> No.3341657

heehee :D

good luck to you and him anon. wish you the best.

i'm petrified of making one of those 2bh. even dread getting married. dont know how people manage to do these things. i dont ever want a greater commitment than a girlfriend but what the fuck? gotta grow old with a family right?

>> No.3342924

Tell the little bitch to man up and git gud. Problems solved.

>> No.3343697

My half-baked theory was to have a baby with some trashy bitch who'd already previously lost custody of some or who maybe I had dirt on or something so I could be sure to have full custody as the game is pre-rigged against dudes but then when my family started dying off I knew I needed a traditional one like they had been to feel whole so I took a risk and got myself a nice little churchy teen. It's been great.

>> No.3343734

>My half-baked theory was to have a baby with some trashy bitch who'd already previously lost custody of some or who maybe I had dirt on or something
I'm glad you didn't end up taking /r9k/'s advice. Ffs anon.

>> No.3343747

I came up with that one on my own but it turns out you actually CAN trust some people.

>> No.3343851

> thread filled with autistic basement dwellers bitching about the modern generation

Never change /vr/.

>> No.3343932

They're just video games. Everyone here telling OP to try to force his nephew to have certain taste in games is a fucking faggot.

>> No.3343981

I'm in the same situation, but he's 5. The only game he will play is Mario Kart Wii because you can't get a game over. And motion controls, button combinations are too hard.

Maybe just let him watch you play games? I know I used to watch my older brothers play when I was a kid.
One day I did a quick Mario 3 playthrough with warps and he was glued to the tv.

>> No.3343991

Show him how it's done and tell him if he can do it too then you'll buy him ice cream.
Maybe that'll work.

>> No.3344024

Hey OP, although you are probably long gone, my 4 year old daughter seems to enjoy Harvest Moon on the GBA (not retro I know fuck off), the Sonic games, and Warioware Inc, and the dragon warrior series. Sure, she sucks mostly, but she gets progressively better each time she plays and she has FUN. Hope this helps someone.

>> No.3344051

>Sure, she sucks mostly, but she gets progressively better each time she plays and she has FUN.
Yeah that's the thing about OP's kid, he stops having fun real quick which makes it hard to get him to be better. Maybe retro games are just too hard for him to play.

>> No.3344082


>ADHD is a societal problem

Wew lad where did you get you psychology doctorate

I admit it's over diagnosed though.

>> No.3344096


Yes and no

Teaching a kid to like what you like is retarded

Teaching a kid some perseverance is a requirement.

>> No.3344118

kek that's what they all say at first

>> No.3344129

Maybe get him some new games that are challenging, indie games and the like

>> No.3344169
File: 34 KB, 600x330, Aattp-alex-jones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wew lad where did you get you psychology doctorate

>> No.3344190

As a couple of other anons mentioned, show him how it's done. to this day, nothing gets me more driven to beat a hard game than the competition of a friend attempting the same/if they already beat it.

>> No.3344471

Been together seven years now. It's cool.

>> No.3344496

My sister in Law's kid has been visiting. He can't even hold his own in the early level of Mario... not even old school Mario. The casual NSMB and 3D World Mario.

I just refuse to believe the average 8 year old can't do a single Mario level on their own.I know I could at least make it to ice land in Mario 3 at that age.

Also he seems to get butt hurt when the end of the levels talley our score and he ends up shit while my marker touches the roof. He almost cried when he started begging me to let him jump on the flag pole first.

He seems to want to play all my games but he wants me to do everything that requires basic hand eye co-ordination.

Pretty sure the only thing this kid plays at home is fucking minecraft.

>> No.3344523


>"let him play what he wants you dumb shitlord"
>op literally says he wants to play OP's games

>> No.3344648

Appeal to his ego with some slight mocking. Nothing cruel, just joke that that a real man wouldn't give up so easily. He'll then decide whether he's a real man or not. So you'll know then and there whether to give up all hope and disown him.

>> No.3344663

tfw completed metal gear solid 1 when i was 9 or so

>> No.3344902

I'll give you an internet for that. I am 31 and I never played it longer than 10 minutes. I guess my Friday night activities have been decided.

>> No.3344912

Oh and of course she likes Pokémon. But while I do realize your underling doesn't like random encounters, keep in mind there are grown ass men that don't like them either.

Yes. Maybe he just isn't going to see fulfillment without some sort of instant gratification. My kid does get frustrated when games start getting hard, to the point where she refuses to fight robotnik because it's too hard and she gets scared. So she'll either just turn off the system or beg me to pass it for her.

I mean, she is only 4 so I'm really not worried about her liking or hating the games I have available. Like most things in life, a lot of my lessons boil down to "this is what we got, take it or leave it." Now she has been asking me for a tablet for hwr birthday because her friend at school has one. I am considering it, but I would rather get her one of those old netbooks that convert to a tablet because learning to type is important. On the other hand, I can see her getting embarrassed of her dorky dad getting her OLD tech when she gets older. Sorry for the blog, if you don't like reading you're a faggot.

>> No.3345531

Try a 3D platformer maybe? That's a pretty good compromise.

ADD is a hell of a disorder

>> No.3345538

I beat it, but it wasn't very much fun. 2 and 3 I can take but the gameplay is so fucking awful most of the time in the original. Past the initial sneaking sections, the story is the only part that got me past the quite literally broken combat sections.