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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3316271 No.3316271 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who doesn't like Super Metroid?
>This block's breakable
>That wall's fake
>This man-eater plant is actually a tunnel
>You're supposed to speedboost into a wall to get those missiles
>There's another 2 missiles behind the one you just grabbed. Sorry if we didn't tell ya
>Pull off this weird jump trick to get there early.
>Oh, and to taunt you some more here's a shitty x ray visor, just so you stand there checking every room instead of playing the game
>are you having fun yet?
No, I'm not.

>> No.3316274

overrated but not bad.

>> No.3316275

Just don't sequence break or go for 100%, nigga. Play the game however you want.

>> No.3316279

>Sorry if we didn't tell ya
You want to be told where everything is?!

That happens once in the game anyway, if I recall. And it's pretty obvious if you know how to read the terrain.

>> No.3316287

Never said it was bad, but I shouldn't have to play it with a walkthrough open just because every upgrade's hidden in some fucking wall.

>> No.3316302

I don't think I've ever used a walkthrough and I got everything, I think. At least every major item. One that evaded me for a while was the Spring Ball (behind that sandstone wall) and I was kicking myself after finally discovering it.

>> No.3316309 [DELETED] 

You the reason fusion and zero mission hold your hand like a baby.

>> No.3316312

You the reason fusion and zero mission hold your hand like a baby.

>> No.3316321

I enjoyed the GBA games more.

>> No.3316338

Metroid was heavily criticized for its lack of direction when it came out due to everything looking the exact same.

>> No.3316342

>Never said it was bad, but I shouldn't have to play it with a walkthrough open just because every upgrade's hidden in some fucking wall.

You really...really don't have to.
In fact, my first play through of this game I came here to ask if it was one of those types of games because it sure seemed like it, but I was assured it wasn't and went in without a walkthrough and....guess what, I beat it with only having to look up shit once or twice.

Beating a game 100 percent is another story, and is meant to be for perfectionists but not required. If you get every item the game will be easier, but if you want that it requires the extra effort....and if you just want a perfect score in a game that's totally your own fuckin' choice, in which case you're the kind of person who probably likes guides to begin with.

Not that I don't sympathize by the way, I could never get through a single fucking Zelda game without a guide, but for me Super Metroid did not end up being one of those games. I only ever got really stuck where the little koala monkeys are and the first part you need the speed booster for

>> No.3316346


[citation needed]


>I shouldn't have to play it with a walkthrough open

Then don't. I finished it when I was fucking 9 with no guide. I only used a Nintendo Power afterwards for a 100% completion run.

>> No.3316354

>I could never get through a single fucking Zelda game without a guide

Really? I find Legend of Zelda to be way easier to follow than Metroid.

Have you tried Wind Waker? It's like the Metroid Fusion of Zeldas. It holds your hand a lot, but it's an incredible game anyways.

>> No.3316357


Wait, I meant Minish Cap, not Wind Waker.

>> No.3316358
File: 2.48 MB, 720x480, rhythm game.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3316361

I couldn't do the first boss in WW, despite being more than competent at Super Metroid, Link's Awakening, LTTP, etc.

I think I was put off the game from the start - not because of the graphics (which I liked) but it just felt shitty and clumsy.

>> No.3316363


>> No.3316367


I mean Minish Cap, the GBA one. It's pretty fun and easy to just pick up and play, but still has a lot of optional exploration and side-quests if you're into that.

It's a shame that you felt like that about WW, I like it a lot too. Sometimes I still pick it up just to sail around the overworld.

>> No.3316371

3000 frame perfect inputs in the span of 2 minutes

>> No.3316376

So is that gubbins going on in the top left some kind of tool assisting shit?

>> No.3316381

>Metroid was heavily criticized by today's retro game reviewers for its lack of direction when it came out due to everything looking the exact same.

That is what you meant to say right? This sort of shit went on all the time during that era. It was no more cryptic than Zelda.

>> No.3316384

That clip was done in real time on console

>> No.3316386

Well I don't remember the keypresses being indicated in the top left corner like that.

>> No.3316391

It is showing you what is being pressed. Also, Phantoon's life. Don't know the context of the webm, so it could be tool assisted, but I do know that plenty of speed runners use overlays like that while streaming / recording.

>> No.3316396

>Have you tried Wind Waker? It's like the Metroid Fusion of Zeldas. It holds your hand a lot, but it's an incredible game anyways.

I had more trouble with the final boss in Fusion than I did at any single point in Super Metroid.

>> No.3316397

It's a modified rom that has input display and built in save states for practicing

>> No.3316401

Professional motherfucker.

>> No.3316403


I wasn't talking about difficulty, Fusion is a challenging game, definitely. I meant in the sense that you always know where to go next and will never get stuck.

Minish Cap and Fusion are similar in that way, that's all.

>> No.3316410

Typical mindset of the average trophy hunter attention whore millennial.

>> No.3316452

Lotta buzzwords there pal

>> No.3316461

Well you gotta catch 'em all. Ironically...

>> No.3316475

>> It holds your hand a lot

That was the reason for me why I dropped Minish Cap. I mean, getting some instructions periodically like in Ocarina of Time or other 3D Zeldas is one thing but getting nagged about it EVERY! FUCKING! MOMENT! becomes a nuisance fast.

>> No.3316491


Eh, I didn't care. It was good for a portable game.

I used to play it a lot at school in short intervals, so it was nice to always be able to remember where I was supposed to go next.

>> No.3316492

I like Super Metroid and it's my favorite game in the series but that's not saying much considering I don't like any of the other Metroid games.

>> No.3316497

You're not the only one. There is a sizeable portion of the young population that's hypercasual and despise games like this.

>> No.3316507

Oh, yeah idk I never had much of an issue finding where to go in Super Metroid...probably because the only things you can do is move and shoot, in RPG type games you never know when you're supposed to talk to some NPC or revisit an area that has changed or something and you end up wasting time with tons of non gameplay without a guide...I just don't like RPGs in general, but for me Super Metroid was a game that did adventure well....I didn't mind exploring now and again because I knew there were only so many things you could possibly do to find anything, while in RPGs it can feel endless

>> No.3316572

> Plays the game wrong
> Complains about not liking it
Gee, sure is summer in here.

>> No.3316589

>Am I the only one who doesn't like Super Metroid?
>No, I'm not.

Literal autism.

>> No.3316592

I think Super Metriod is just okay but not for any of the reasons you've listed. I find that a lot of the standard platforming is dull, enemy placement and how enemies look like along with their patterns isn't very engaging until you actually get to some Metriods which actually do harass you. Due to this the game mostly takes time because you are going back and forth among areas seeing if your new power up's will be of use in those previous locations while you are traversing many of the same rooms that really don't really engage the player. I can see why the rooms are simple because they are built with people visiting them multiple times but the level design is just dull and I would rather play a short linear game than this.

>> No.3316601


People like OP just have a rare brain disorder that forces them to play every game as completionist as possible even when it isn't necessary, and then they blame the game for it because they don't know any better.

>> No.3316695

I'd hate to tell you to get gud

but get gud

>> No.3316781
File: 17 KB, 500x482, 1454800540149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like someone read a guide and used save states on their first play through. Which is a bloody shame because you only play a game first once. The game is easy, so missing items isn't a huge problem, unless it hurts your ego.

What is up with Millennials insistence that they 100% a game the very first time, and that everything is completely obvious? It's mind boggling. Are people so ADD these days they don't understand the concept of replay value? What's the fun in a hallway simulator that for every hidden wall has a goddamn neon "Eat at Joe's" sign and a cutscene that plays like a fucking MKUltra training reel to make it clear to the player that they need to check shit out THERE and NOW.

SM teaches you to be suspicious of the surroundings through its excellent level design. The game makes it very clear what it expects of the player, all without a single word. I can't think of many games that do it so well, and it's partially why I respect the game so much.

>> No.3316812

Hey man, I'm a millennial and I only had to look up a walkthrough once.

It was the part where you have to use a superbomb to blow up the catwalk

I felt more than a little retarded.

Other than that, having to explore and investigate shit in order to progress was a blast.

>> No.3316819

As long as you tried for a few hours, and then did that, I think that is forgivable. The tube is one of the few things in the game that the X-ray scope doesn't do shit on, and other things like super missiles have no indication of interacting with it. Also you are in Maridia for 3 screens, and it's easy to miss that you ever left Brinstar.

>> No.3316852

The real problem is the door transitions. I know the SNES has a slow CPU, but other games managed much shorter load times. It's either bad programming or deliberate trolling of the players.

And fuck the item fanfare too.

>> No.3316886

I didn't enjoy it as much as Zero Mission or Fusion (which is not a popular opinion amongst purists).

I remember the controls feeling a bit more finicky than the other titles, because there was more nuance and fidelity to how Samus controlled, in the sense that momentum was accounted for in the game engine. It definitely felt a bit dated when I played through it a few years ago.

>> No.3316887

Spot on.

The door transitions could have been largely sped up. Clearly the transition is to disguise room loading. Some fancy tricks actually disable the screen below a door when things are dark to give the hardware more time to manipulate VRAM and load graphics. However the biggest chunk of work is the decompression of the level data, which is done even before the game begins to scroll. This is obvious when scrolling into larger rooms, as the game hangs a little longer before scrolling. The programmers should have made an effort to make room decompression occur during scrolling. My memory is rusty, but the music pack is probably uploaded before the scroll too, which is another wasted opportunity for optimization.

The fanfare is just annoying, and for a game that doesn't say a word otherwise, it loves to remind you about how to shoot missiles the 46th time you've picked them up.

The room transitions would take a substantial effort to reprogram, especially on the music front, but the fanfare could probably be disabled without too much effort. It wouldn't surprise me if there were a patch to do that.

>> No.3317093

>100% a game the very first time
They have zero attention span and even less tolerance for repetitive work. Their time is so valuable that no one is even willing to pay them minimum wadge for it. So they spend it bitching for a hour on the internet about "grinding" that would take them 5 minutes.

>> No.3317163

"I don't know how to play games" starter pack.
The first one maybe. Super Metroid wasn't.

>> No.3317268
File: 70 KB, 162x248, 1464662249736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a /v/ plays a /vr/ cult classic for the first time and then proceeds to complain about it because the game doesn't hold their hand episode

>> No.3317272

Honestly, I can't handle any of the 2D games. The only Metroid games I've beaten are Prime:3 and Other:M

>> No.3317351

>x ray visor, just so you stand there checking every room instead of playing the game
ive always felt that part of the appeal of metroid games IS checkin rooms

>> No.3317362

even if a player has never touched a metroid game prior to playing Super, the pattern of touching and shooting and bombing walls in order to find items & paths becomes quite clear early on

and of course, thats how you beat the game
>tldr basic search patterns, man

>> No.3317391

>Super Metriod
>Cult classic

>> No.3317442
File: 37 KB, 640x480, 1463773994744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a habit of playing a game, delving into it, then stopping, only to come back much later (several months or even years) and start from the very beginning, making a bit farther than the last time, then stopping until the next time I pick it up, restart, in an endless cycle until I beat the game.

Using a walkthrough or a guide helps speed up the process if I just want to get through it for the sake of beating it, because I've most likely already played the game several times before in past attempts to the point where I've formed a firm understanding of how I feel about the game. Of course, your feelings are never set in stone, and will change in some way (big or small) everytime you play it. This can also occur when playing other games and forming a comparison between each other.

This has been the case with some of, if not most of my favorite games, it's just the way I've experienced them. Others, I use a guide in past playthroughs, but the first time I ultimately beat it is without a guide, such as Symphony of the Night (I got ~195% when I beat it with no guide, but I've used them in past playthroughs).

I honestly hate newer games that hold your hand. It's not necessarily about knowing what to do/where to go, but because it limits the sense of freedom and control you have in the game.

Maybe I lack discipline and fall into the category of "ADD" as you were referring to, but that's how I've enjoyed games.

>> No.3317615

Psychiatrists have a term for this. You should see one so they can tell you what it is.

>> No.3317618

This isn't like Circle of the Moon or Binding of Isaac where you can logically deduce the location of a hidden item. There is no logic to the hidden items. It's literally spray and pray.

>> No.3317640

You may not like it but it absolutely is.

>> No.3317676 [DELETED] 

Is there a diagnostic term on playing video games the objectively correct way on how to play video games? I'd think you'd be more versed on the subject.

Psychiatrists don't play games.

>> No.3317683 [DELETED] 

Please tell me about your experiences. It sounds like you've been through this.

>> No.3317743
File: 106 KB, 459x476, 1464851424288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>super metroid
>not a cult classic

>> No.3317768

cult classic implies it never had mainstream appeal even upon release and that fails to be the case as it was quite popular when it initially came out. So there's hardly anything "cult" about Super Metroid's notoriety, even to this day

>> No.3317884

So you don't like super metroid because your autism is forcing you to 100% it? Well it's not the game's fault that you have autism.

>> No.3317886

>Am I the only one who doesn't like Super Metroid?


>> No.3317902

The room transitions literally never bothered me.

>> No.3317909

Super Metroid is about exploring. You're not really meant to beat it in your first sitting. You're meant to play it for a while and explore the locations, beating it in a couple months.

You also don't need to uncover every little secret to beat it.

Also the internet now exists so you can just run through the game with a walkthrough.

Oh and bonus also you're a dumbass.

>> No.3318036

>> The real problem is the door transitions. I know the SNES has a slow CPU, but other games managed much shorter load times. It's either bad programming or deliberate trolling of the players.

You actually think it takes long to get from one room to another? It's faster than let's say going in or out dungeons/houses in Zelda games like LttP or OoT. Heck, even loading a level in Super Mario World or travelling to different areas in Final Fantasy IV takes longer than those door transitions. Are you seriously telling me it gets on your nerves to wait 1, possibly 2 seconds?? God forbid you would ever play a game on a CD based console like the playstation where loading a file takes longer than several door transitions from Super Metroid after eachother ...

>> No.3318120

I'm a millennial and although I admit I used a walkthrough for a only a few missiles and possibly a power bomb. It wasn't anything that prevented me from beating the game. However I did know wall jumping prior to my first run and had a hang for it relatively early when starting so the journey did seem a little easier for places that I was stuck in. Like for example the speed booster. I never knew the "proper" way of how to get it until like my 9th playthrough when I was curious enough. I'm usually against walkthroughs because it inhibits any form of challenge and wonder. I'm fine to a degree if a person is stuck and have absolutely no way of understanding what to do. But relying on it all the way through is just a waste.

>> No.3318176


fucking this

100% is unintuitive but everything you need to just beat the game is there in plain sight.

>> No.3318185

What's the "improper" way of getting the speed booster?

>> No.3318201

when in front of the save room jump right and wall jump to get up to pic related by killing the Cacatac.

>> No.3318202
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Sorry don't know why pic didn't load

>> No.3318213

No man, metriods totally underground, man. It's like the "fight club" of video games.

>> No.3318224

So you get up somewhere in this room you're not supposed to be able to reach at that stage?

>> No.3318231
File: 54 KB, 564x570, 1425234337864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's another 2 missiles behind the one you just grabbed. Sorry if we didn't tell ya
>millennial confirmed

im sorry super metroid didnt have tutorials, arrows, or highlights pointing out everything on the map for you.

bless your little heart.

>> No.3318232
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>> No.3318261
File: 84 KB, 517x706, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see the wall on the left side of where Samus is? You wall jump on that wall to get to where she is standing.

>> No.3318269

So is that a sequence break then, or are you meant to wall jump there?

>> No.3318282

It's a sequence break. There is no point in the game where you are required to wall jump aside from item collection. I was just never able to find the intended way of getting up there so I wall jumped instead.

>> No.3318294

Actually yeah if memory serves, you are meant to come out of that green door, then swing across - so it's a grapple beam only route, under normal circumstances.

>> No.3318313

No actually. Your supposed to go through the blue door on the right and go upward. The green door on the left leads to a missile expansion and a reserve tank.

>> No.3318317

Oh yeah. It's been a while.

>> No.3318669

>Sorry if we didn't tell ya
You don't actually need them. You can beat the game with no difficulty using significantly less pickups than they give you.

>Pull off this weird jump trick to get there early.

>Oh, and to taunt you some more here's a shitty x ray visor, just so you stand there checking every room instead of playing the game
You don't have too, but it can speed things up if you're new to the game. That's the games version of hand holding without taking hand holding too far.

So all I'm getting is you hate secret stuff and advanced techniques. You never made a valid argument against the gameplay, the well designed levels, controls, atmosphere, music or anything. All you said was - this game has stuff - fuck stuff.

There's an argument to be made for why secrets without indicators is a poor design choice but it's not enough to suggest the game itself is in it's entirety bad.

>> No.3318731

Am I the only one who doesn't like Super Mario Bros?
>This block's breakable
>That pipe has a plant in it
>Ground is actually swiss cheese with endless pits
>You're supposed to run non-stop to avoid getting fucked by the cloud asshole
>The princess is in another castle. Sorry if we didn't tell ya
>Pull off this weird warp trick to get there early.
>Oh, and to taunt you some more here's an endless stream of fish flying all over the goddamn screen
>are you having fun yet?
No, I'm not.

>> No.3318754

>>Sorry if we didn't tell ya
>You don't actually need them. You can beat the game with no difficulty using significantly less pickups than they give you.

He's just being snarky. Stop being an autist and taking everything literally

>> No.3318757


Am I the only one who doesn't like Doom?
>This barrel's breakable
>That wall's fake
>Creepy skull on a stake is actually a switch
>You're supposed to shoot a rocket into a wall to get that secret
>There's a chainsaw hidden in a maze in level 2, sorry if we didn't tell ya
>Pull off this weird wallrunning trick to get there early.
>Oh, and to taunt you some more here's a shitty automap, so you stand there pressing tab every five seconds instead of playing the game
>are you having fun yet?
No, I'm not.

>> No.3318808

it's a really annoying game imo

i can never play it for longer than 30-45 mins

>> No.3318823

>i don't like a classic game with awesome gameplay but i'll play the shit out of the newer pseudo-fps garbage with bad gameplay version
I don't get modern gamers, I really don't.

>> No.3319571

Its a masterpiece

>> No.3319581

Yes, yes you are.

>> No.3321226


Am I the only one who doesn't like Crash Bandicoot 2?
>This level is backwards
>Those Nitros are fake
>This random platform is actually a warp
>You're supposed to backtrack to break all of the crates
>This gem is only obtainable if you don't break a single crate, sorry if we didn't tell ya
>Pull off this weird spin jump off a penguin's head to get the Red gem early
>Oh, and to taunt you some more here's a few levels where you can't get the 100% crates gem until you play it later, causing us to do the same level over and over looking for those last few crates instead of playing the game
>are you having fun yet?
No, I'm not.

>> No.3321284

I think the only boss I had trouble with in fusion was Nightmare

Wait no there is that one reactor core boss with little suicide ditches, I might have fallen in one of those before and felt serious pain before I got out

>> No.3321336

No accounting for taste. Happy 15th birthday and please get the fuck out as soon as summer ends.