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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.87 MB, 3264x2448, local donkey kong arcade machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3165325 No.3165325 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>3153482

This thread is for the spirited discussion of CRT displays - Televisions, monitors and projectors used for the playing of retro games!

>Try to keep it /vr/-related: Nothing past 5th gen(+Dreamcast). Slight OT might be okay if related to CRTs (E.G. 16:9 compatible models, flatscreens, etc.) Systems with backwards compatibility are also pretty safe territory, assuming you're focusing on the older games. PC CRTs are also a-ok.
>Produce OC! Get out your real cameras and take beautiful pictures of your CRTs displaying recognizable characters with the kind of beautiful accuracy that brings tears to the eyes of young and old alike! If you take 100 photos, at least one of them will turn out alright! (maybe)
>Try to be as detailed as possible when asking info on a specific model. As always, google is your friend, and we are your friends with benefits. Older archived threads aren't a bad place to look either.
>Share appreciation for others choice of technology and personal philosophy of gaming. As always show courtesy in your discussion and moderate yourselves first.

Discussion of video processing and scaling devices is okay, but try to keep the focus on CRTs and CRT accessories

CRT Pastebin (WIP): http://pastebin.com/1Ri5TS3x (embed) (embed)
S-Video Pasta: http://pastebin.com/rH2h6C7W (embed) (embed)
Thread Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1PhdXJYwA8xModrTV1Yt-i1tvNgwiagpeBx0m_xNIVtc/viewform?edit_requested=true&fbzx=9009823977812318933

Pictured: a local game store with a Donkey Kong cabinet I found last winter. Sorry for the glare.

>> No.3165334
File: 1.28 MB, 3264x2448, dem games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


VGA cables are unfortunately not universally color-coded in my experience. Maybe a few manufacturers will use the same color scheme, but it'll be up to luck.

>> No.3165341
File: 1.79 MB, 3264x2448, track and field.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still lots of glare, but probably the best pic of a CRT I got there that day.

>> No.3165359

shit alright. How did you go about figuring out which wire was which then?

>> No.3165365

8k 240hz OLED display is superior to CRT in every way

>> No.3165368
File: 863 KB, 3008x2000, DSC_0075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used a continuity tester and a female VGA socket I had handy.

The other way would be to cut away at the d-sub connector housing and check the wires like that, and then replace the housing with the screw-together type when you're done.

>> No.3165382
File: 3.90 MB, 3996x2685, phantasy star battle toshiba 27a42 4mb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit, uploaded wrong pic.

>> No.3165385 [DELETED] 


>> No.3165390

>burn in
>fixed resolution

>> No.3165391

alright cause I planned on using the cable out of an old pc monitor i have that no longer works the power circuit is busted. Pressing the Power button does nothing. It has one of the integrated VGA cables so it would save me having to cut an end off. I have a multi meter sitting around so i could check continuity as well I didnt think of that thanks.

>> No.3165393


>> No.3165395 [DELETED] 

Better idea - kill yourself.

>> No.3165404
File: 913 KB, 1518x1276, DSC_0091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to get a picture of how a CRT actually looks with their flicker and the moire patterns you get on cameras and all of that.

First attempt. Too blurry, but this shit's hard.

>> No.3165436
File: 2.11 MB, 1605x1122, DSC_0094_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lil' better.

Eh, thanks, but I think I'll pass.

>> No.3165459
File: 503 KB, 1600x1428, 20160423_0012_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So close, there isn't any moire in the center of the frame. Maybe try moving camera a bit closer and cropping less?

>tfw you are currently missing green but can still take waifu scanline photos via the power of revisionism

>> No.3165469
File: 548 KB, 1600x1428, 20160423_0012_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still don't have the remote for my BVM, so I am currently using this horror:
Hsync + Vsync -> Y
B -> B-Y
R -> R-Y
G -> ???

>> No.3165470

Experimenting with rotating my camera to eliminate moire.

What game's that?

>> No.3165471

>In CRT Thread
>Complains about burn in

>> No.3165474

You can connect Y to the green line and since it's a BVM I bet it'll sync to it.

Anyway, I don't know if you can toggle external sync without a remote.

Please do experiment with a data logger when you get it!

>> No.3165571
File: 1.19 MB, 3008x2000, DSC_0110-4mb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty gud.

>> No.3165585
File: 3.78 MB, 5472x3648, DSC02584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UFRaw as I'd like to avoid being stuck with Sony's offering(Play Home Memories).
Might have to try Darkroom.

I've done the defocusing stuff myself for the very same reasoning, especially for videos; Admittedly, it's a bit hard to do off the camera's view finder, but hopefully I'll be able to get something together that will let my use my tripod and the microHDMI out at the same time.
Is Darktable different than Darkroom, as I'd probably give that a shot as well.

I'm dealing with 21MP here(give or take depending on the camera setting and cropping settings) so I shouldn't have any problems with resolution should I actually get close enough to make use of it all.

For comparison, this was the camera's automatic conversion and baked in white balance/etc.

Pelican HD System Selector "PL-970"
or the version I have
Gamestop HD System Selector "BB-016"

It's still only on page 6. Also take of your name/trip when you do decide to start the thread so it doesn't get filtered out.

Also Also, if you are gonna make the threads, clean up the redundant (embed)s

>> No.3165596

reminder not to post in tripfag threads
Most likely why we didnt see anyone but tripfagging mc tripper here last thread.

>> No.3165659
File: 3.85 MB, 3038x2014, DSC_0033_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer UFRaw for the UI but darkroom has some really nice options - it's sharpening option was really useful for taking photos of my genesis for eventual listing.

Not using this pic in the listing, I don't think, but I'll use it as a sample for what it's worth.

21MP? What camera is this?

My point-n-shoot Canon SX160IS (which is higher resolution than my DSLR) is 16MP (4608 x 3456), and my DSLR Nikon D40 is 6.1MP (3008x2000). I mainly like the D40 for low-light photos and the fact that I can buy a lens from some film SLR from the 70s or 80s and put it on my camera if I'm okay with manual shooting and doing some trial and error. Even older lenses if I'm okay with fiddling with the lens internally.

My D40 can't record video, either, unfortunately.

You need to give me that component cable if you only use the GC for GC games. I have a GB Player in need of good video quality ;_;

Actually, I wonder if I could import a european gamecube that outputs RGB since I only need 240p.

>> No.3165661

whoops. Thanks. My bad.

>> No.3165668
File: 72 KB, 780x439, house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all like CRT's. An 'us and them' mentality gets us nowhere.

>> No.3165669

Fuck off tripfag.

>> No.3165697

Fuck off tripfag.

It's us an you.
youuu need to get the fuck out of the thread or quit using a trip.

You think we don't know? you making this thread prevents anyone who filters you. aka anyone with enough sense out of the thread.
Yes I'm a dumbass for not filtering you, but then I wouldn't be able to even browse the thread.
I probably should stop browsing because its not worth it with trip scum like you here.

>> No.3165702

>8k 240hz
and it only costs 2 billion dollars

>> No.3165732

I'm a tripfag because someone started impersonating me. Sorry if I upset you by contributing.

>> No.3165794 [DELETED] 

>someone impersonated me on an anonymous imageboard

Literally kill yourself.

>> No.3165819

Who here uses PC CRT('s) for daily browsing?
Can you use 60Hz?
Post Pics of your setups?
I'm using a shitty 17" but I'm hoping to buy a NIB 19" in august.

>> No.3166547 [DELETED] 


It's not hard. Just take it the fuck off (FOR GOOD WOULD BE BEST) to make /crt/


>> No.3166751

"it's shit" and "I'm right you're wrong" is not contributing

>> No.3166771
File: 85 KB, 229x269, Tesla Disapproves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore and report them, mate. The anti-tripfag brigade is infinitely more destructive than the most obnoxious of tripfags. I didn't even notice it was you until it was pointed out.

They're just newfags who sperg out in a misguided attempt to fit in.

>> No.3166810

very nice

>> No.3166812

I have noticed a sharp decline in the quality of these threads. I wonder how Kya feels about his thread being hijacked by some johnny come lately tripfag in desperate need of random strangers attention coming in and shitting up the place by posting after ever reply with a trip even when it's not needed for the discussion. I'm home on workman's comp after an injury and I post less than you senpai. If you put 5% of the effort into a job application as you do here defending your pride you could afford real components for your mods. Maybe even afford to move out of your grandparents or elderly parents house. And not be near the burden on society as you are to this board.

>> No.3166907
File: 2.07 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20160422_143245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using this little monitor, mostly as a secondary screen. Everything is fucking tiny.
2304x1440, 85Hz.

>> No.3166925

If everything is too tiny you should decrease the resolution or increase the icon sizes. I don't know where the option is on Windows 10, but on Windows 7 it's on the sidebar in the resolution options.

>> No.3166938

It's perfect or image manipulation though, and that's my main use for a second screen. This, and for my Le Mans watching battlestation.

I'm not sure if Windows can get monitor-specific with this kind of stuff either.

>> No.3166986

It absolutely can. When I had my laptop and a TV as a monitor they had completely different resolutions.

>> No.3167029


>> No.3167032

The ideal resolution for the FW900 is 1900x1200.

>> No.3167048

>Everything is fucking tiny.
>2304x1440, 85Hz.
At that resolution you should set your DPI to 113. This way at least your icons and other UI elements will be the proper size.

>> No.3167090

>One of the biggest PC CRT's
>using a cheap LCD for main screen over god of CRTs

>> No.3167104

Is there any beginners guide to setting geometry on a fd trinitron? I have been reading through this to try and get some basic knowledge.

>> No.3167105

I really would like a nice VA panel monitor to compare to my CRTs but I'm not sure where to begin searching for one.

>> No.3167106

I tried to set it with that CRT utility, wouldn't work for some reasons, I didn't dig further.
It's fine for anything but text, and I just zoom the webpage if I need to.
I don't have my color calibration tool atm, and I can't be arsed to try to set it manually. I just picked up this screen, this a temporary setup. I don't even have a house anymore.

>> No.3167124

Is it possible to get a PVM to work with an arcade Jamma connection? I want to start building an arcade bartop unit, but I want to be able to test it on a CRT without committing to one of those expensive arcade-designed CRTs. What hardware would I need to connect it to the Jamma harness?

>> No.3167137

gbs8220 and a pc crt.

>> No.3167140

Am I the only one who mistook this for Donkey Kong being emulated on a sweater?

I mean fuck with those LED clothes and a Raspberry PI board or something someone could probably do that.

>> No.3167142

Cant you just change the res on windows without using CRT utility?
the utility is only needed for interlaced resolutions

youre kind of shitting on our parade here senpai

>> No.3167149

It's an old /g/ copypasta meant to be as abrasive as possible, and is based heavily on hypotheticals rather than anything close to reality.

I mean

Someone had the idea of using one of Extron's RGB Interfaces to bring the levels of the RGB/Sync that tend to come off the Jamma connector down to something more reasonable. Whether that would actually work in practice, I have no idea.

>> No.3167165

Oh sweet, that looks even better, I can use a basic computer LCD/CRT for testing rather than move my PVM around. Thanks!

>> No.3167185

I'm not using VGA but BNC, Windows has no idea what the screen actually is. It only offers me shit resolutions.

>> No.3167242

Linux doesn't have this problem, senpai~

>> No.3167254

Darkroom is utter garbage and Lightroom shits itself with wine.
Also vidya

>> No.3167321

Contrary to popular belief you can create a custom resolution in windows.
Just not interlaced.

>> No.3167329

I have trouble understanding this picture.
Am I looking at a fat person with tiny legs?
Is it a person wearing an apron?

>> No.3167354
File: 2.07 MB, 2952x2196, shape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3167372

Still doesn't answer anything.
Why are the legs so tiny compared to the rest of the body?
Is he wearing an oversized sweater?
Is it the angle?

>> No.3167439

You have autism.

>> No.3167482

It's ok to say you don't know either, Anon.

>> No.3167502

pssst its obviously the angle who gives a fuck it doesnt matter
pssst you are autistic for being so obsessed instead of getting a chuckle out of 20L5 guys possible proportions

>> No.3167509

holy shit I lol'd

>> No.3167521

>new graphics card doesnt work with my CRT
>grow more and more pissed each day that i use a LCD
>screen tearing even watching youtube
why does this happen to me? damn second hand GTX 670

>> No.3167528

>GTX 670
Does it not have a DVI-I connector, or is it just fucked?

>> No.3167538

it has DVI-I and DVI-D
also hdmi but i dont have anything for that
the DVI-D works but the image is completely purple tinted, as if the yellow isnt being transmitted

>> No.3167539

forgot to say that this actually only happens when i use a DVI to VGA adapter, and it happens on any VGA screen CRT or not

>> No.3167580

Is it possible your adapter is fucked?

>> No.3167591

nope.. ive used it for many years now, and still works on other computers
is it possible for the graphics card to have a damaged analog signal so that it specifically doesnt send yellow with VGA adapters ?
i think the previous owner overclocked it but it works well in all the games i try with no artifacts whatsoever

>> No.3167638

I'm not sure but can't you just hook your crt to motherboard? or do you want to gaym on it?

>> No.3167641

i like having powerful 3D gaming
i think ill just switch to my old card for the sake of simplicity, new games dont attract me much anyway

>> No.3167657
File: 1.26 MB, 1076x756, JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3167680

winter coat and brown khakis.

>> No.3167689

Bro if you make the threads again don't use your trip. I couldn't find the thread.

I mean, you should drop it completely, but I don't think you will.

>> No.3167693
File: 48 KB, 425x480, brent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I recognized 20L5 from somewhere

>> No.3167701

Note in >>3165334 that the bezels are on an angle, and my camera is aimed at the CRT.

that's right, I think. I know it was a winter coat, and I was either wearing khakis or jeans.

>> No.3167708

a) The NES outputs anything other than composite
b) LCD is a type of video signal.

Before you mention NESRGB or HDMI NES, note that neither have accurate colors.

>> No.3167723

Oh, also that the HDMI NES completely replaces the PPU and the sound generator in the CPU and expansion audio carts - and that the NESRGB, while it does use the original PPU underneath it, generates its video almost independently of any output from the CPU - it only uses the video output to detect when emphasis bits are set.

>> No.3167740

*of the output from the PPU.

>> No.3167870
File: 3.11 MB, 4608x3456, 1460617371355[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop quadruple posting you fucking tripfag
you're cute kiddo
the entire site is anti tripdick

>> No.3167979
File: 361 KB, 1227x951, somebodys trying to sell me something.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will agree with you on needing to take what he puts up with a grain of salt, over the comparison of video signals across different monitors. Also a lot of parroting, but you'll get that anywhere.
Seem to get an especially high level of parroting here - I tend to blame 'Fudoh's Ode'/manifesto on the shmups forums and the retroRGB site for a lot of that. Particularly retroRGB - and I trust him on thigs like the RGB amp even less because he's trying to sell you something (his board with his preferred amp soldered down). Not to say there's no impact - I haven't tested. But his own comparison photos show zero difference between a SNES mini (assumedly with his amp) and the 1chip fat snes (presumably stock amp).

On the IRC channels I frequent I find a lot more diversity in displays and opinions. I even know two others who prefer the look of the JVC/Panasonic displays but have both them and sony monitors.

You don't seem to be bothered by Kya. Admittedly I'm more publicly opinionated than he is though.

Yep, that's my personal genesis since I don't have to please anyone but myself with it and it works fantastically.

>> No.3168319
File: 69 KB, 1000x1000, 61ExqxIH99L._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gleylancer, a comfy shmup.

... Nep?

I got one of these HDMI to VGA adapters for my RPi. Surprisingly, it works totally fine with odd modelines - currently, I'm using hdmi_mode=8 (720x240). I'll try an even wider resolution later - it's a bit annoying as the RPi firmware won't take modelines, only a full EDID blob or CVT.

There is a very subtle band that appears to be caused by power interference - I'm not sure if it's the adapter's fault yet.

Please stop responding to bait.

>> No.3168335 [DELETED] 

Not this tripcunt again

>> No.3168569 [DELETED] 

No one is bothered by kya because hes not a fucking retard like you

you piss everyone off in the thread and then think OOH ILL NAME AND TRIPFAG
when you should just faded into anonymity until everyone forgot about it

as far as im concerned we may as well shitpost all the way to a new thread that you dont make

>lot more diversity in opinions
so are you just admitting you're a contrarian?

>> No.3168576

>I trust him on thigs like the RGB amp even less because he's trying to sell you something (his board with his preferred amp soldered down). Not to say there's no impact
You say that as if it's something of his own design; It's just a simple circuit that has the bare minimum on it to properly work with said IC. He didn't start selling the board until later, and even then it's just a simpler drop-in installation(over the multiAV) rather than having it hang out in the middle of the board and anyone who actually felt like drawing up their own PCB design could make one that works equally as well and could even integrate something like the digital audio board and perhaps a sync cleaner or something if you really wanted to.

I don't have a OG 1CHIP to compare to, but as someone who has used the Mini with the basic RGB mod and then the bypass mod, there is a difference between the two but it's nothing massive and really only pertains to the vertical bar(which itself is something that should be taken on a case by case basis)

>> No.3168584

Why was the NES HDMI not the NES VGA
Why the conversion?

>> No.3168597

Because the point is to move it over to a digital space and so it'll work well with modern displays. VGA, while implying a higher resolution and technically increasing compatibility with said displays, would still require the conversion from analog to digital, leaving more up room for shitty conversion and processing depending on the panel in question. Having it done by hardware internal to the NES gives you a solid baseline and allows for it to be tweaked and troubleshot to give decent results across a wide range of devices.

You obviously wouldn't get all the enhancements, but a line doubler paired with the NESRGB would get you the same sort of thing as an "NESVGA"

>> No.3168726

What do you guys think of quantum dot?

>> No.3168796

>What do you guys think of quantum dot?
What about it?

>> No.3169085

>the DVI-D works but the image is completely purple tinted, as if the yellow isnt being transmitted
I don't want to insult you but if white looks purple in a RGB signal means that green is gone.
Yellow is just red and green in RGB.
The pin for green is the one between the cross and the 90° corner.

>> No.3169096

You are so mad it's not even funny. You might as well adopt a tripcode too so people can filter your tantrums.

>> No.3169097

Besides OLED do we have any hope at finding a CRT replacement?

>> No.3169130
File: 374 KB, 1920x1150, retrogamingcables cant spell summary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just drop name and wait for everyone to forget
I was off this board entirely for 4 months once. Didn't help.

>retrogamingcables can't even spell 'summary' right

>> No.3169140
File: 114 KB, 1920x1150, XRGB only _excepts_ JP21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also can't spell "accepts"

>> No.3169156

Honestly I rarely draw out my designs - I usually just use a DIP breakout and perfboard.

He found something that'll make him an easy profit and went for it. I just don't trust him.

>I don't have a OG 1CHIP to compare to, but as someone who has used the Mini with the basic RGB mod and then the bypass mod, there is a difference between the two but it's nothing massive and really only pertains to the vertical bar(which itself is something that should be taken on a case by case basis)

My original 1chip has no vertical bar and has perfectly clear RGB.

>> No.3169157 [DELETED] 

Not at all
you understand that everyone who has filtered this guy cant see the thread correct?
everyone shat on you and your mods for a few days
you then decided to start namefagging with your douchebad entitled contrarian opinions
go anonymous or fuck off.

>> No.3169161
File: 1.84 MB, 285x210, D95VIOt[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop triple posting
and no one gives one single fuck about typos

>> No.3169176

Then don't use filters and stop being triggered?

>> No.3169208
File: 2.99 MB, 3120x4160, tmp_1349-IMG_20160207_2239511623857216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently not.

I'd thought about going back to anonymous at the end of last thread, but the sheer amount of rage towards my using a name was enough to keep me doing it just so I wasn't 'losing'.

I'd probably stop if people stopped bitching about it to be honest.

pictured: composhit and shit translation.

>> No.3169228

whoops, that be me.

Moved from my desktop to my laptop.

>> No.3169314

guise, just don't give hime (you)s.
if you really have to respond, do it with single >

>> No.3169334


Yeah I agree, tripfags in general can be pretty OK, but this 20l5 guy is a bit annoying. His knowledge isn't as top-notch as Kya, and he has that whole hip on his shoulder about SCART connectors for no good reason.

Knowledgeable and wise sage posters should use trips, random douches who think they are the new expert of the thread need not. I've been posting in these threads for nearly a year, I've helped several people out with their problems, but I don't feel like the need to be recognised.

>> No.3169339

>I've helped several people out with their problems, but I don't feel like the need to be recognised.

hell i've sent kya a bunch of shit randomly just because he's helped me out.

anyways, fellas, once i get my fancy new C64 running i'll post some stellar shots from it on my d20f1u

>> No.3169359

>knowledge isn't top notch
(insert Trump joke. No one knows CRTs like I do.)

But really, I see myself as about on par, give or take a little.
Can you give me examples?

I mainly started using a name because I was being given shit and hoped I could clear my name somewhat by showing the help U was also doing as anonymous.

Doesn't seem to have worked.

>> No.3169370

>decide to try looking for CRT in charity shop today
>walk in, no one else is there
>cashier lady says hello
>'hey, just wondering if you have any CRT monitors lying around'?
>she gives me a confused look
>'Like an old television?'
>She continues to look baffled; 'emmm...'
>Before she says anything else I realise I'm in a clothes shop
>sprint out

I still haven't fully recovered

>> No.3169387

>(which itself is something that should be taken on a case by case basis)

>> No.3169478

What's the easiest way to separate RGBS (comp sync) to RGBHV. Apparently my rgb capture card only accepts separate sync and I want to connect a jamma board to it.

>> No.3169517
File: 48 KB, 425x480, brent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you tried just running a "T" from the sync output to both h and V? Seen it done both ways on projectors.

>> No.3169715

What Trinitron should I get? I need to fit in http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/30285153/

I'm planning on putting a flatscreen I have above it.

>> No.3169747

that's not going to be deep or strong enough to hold a decent size crt. My 27" is ~100lb and is one of the lighter ones.

>> No.3169752

>Max. load TV: 25 kg / 55 lb
a small one for sure

>> No.3169847

I haven't been coming to these threads since 20L5 faggot started with his tripfagging, and I was forced to realize that like, 75% of the posts in every thread are just him.

Maybe the others are right. Maybe these generals have no reason to be here. Ever since I finished my retro game set-up, I spend more time actually enjoying my CRT than coming here to circlejerk about it.

>> No.3169871
File: 62 KB, 425x403, brent5 guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People have said this general has no purpose before?
They're right I'm more interested in discussing CRT and displays as a whole than exclusively 240p ones.

>> No.3169969

>People have said this general has no purpose before?
Just the usual shitposters who claim that it doesn't belong on /vr/ because it isn't actually about video games.
>I'm more interested in discussing CRT and displays as a whole than exclusively 240p ones.
I suppose the argument would be that the threads should be moved to /g/, but I've never been to that board, but it seems to be mostly about computers software/hardware/ I feel like these threads would just die there. However, they're not even particularly active here, sometimes.

>> No.3169992

I'm on windows 7 and it used to let me set my monitor (trinitron) to 640x480 at 80hz, now I go to show all modes and it only shows it at 60hz and 59hz(?). I know for a fact it let me set it to 640x480 at 80hz before because this isn't the first time it's done this. I set it to 640x480 at 80hz when I first got it because I only intended to use it with emulators and applications with that native resolution but then I decided to use it for a while as a real monitor so I set it to 1600x1200 at 60hz (the only option at that resolution) but because of eye bleed and I just genuinely don't need extra space I went to change it back and 640x480 at 80hz wasn't an option so I just set it to 640x480 at 60hz (disgusting I know). On a whim I went to check and see if 80hz was an option and sure enough it was. Now after a power outage it's back to 1600x1200 at 60hz and 640x480 at 80hz isn't an option.

Any ideas?

>> No.3170015
File: 26 KB, 1323x165, atleastpostapicofagamefgt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/vr/ portion for your post.

>> No.3170024

It's ok I fixed it myself anyway, was just coming back to make an "nvm fixed ;^)" post

but since when is this not allowed? I haven't been here in a while but people used to ask questions here all the time, it's not like the kids on /g/ know anything about CRTs, I'd just get shitposted to death

>> No.3170031

Why would you want 80Hz when the game runs at 60Hz?
Try for 120Hz or 60Hz (It can do 480p at 120Hz)

Cant you make a custom resolution in windows 7?
If you have a graphics card you can use Custom Resolution Utility to make a custom res

how many inches is your CRT?

>> No.3170032

>no CRT discussion in the CRT thread!

>> No.3170041

Eye problems mostly, some times I can handle it sometimes I can't, depends on the monitor, I get migraines really easily

>> No.3170051
File: 431 KB, 1600x1200, DSCN0512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't anything to do with a monitor. It was your modern pc with a modern operating system not detecting the display properly.
I'm just being a shitter because there isn't enough retro game images on a retro game imageboard itt.

remember when /vr/ used to have neat pics to look at? dust off those folders and cameras and threads will be much more vibrant, colorful and get better responses.

I'll fucking post point and shoot pictures of 480i FMV games on a consumer set, I'll fucking do it. I ain't kidding Morty.

>> No.3170075
File: 3.29 MB, 2584x1935, tmp_19373-20160426_182555-11492168425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh ok sorry here's a picture

>> No.3170084

Use this to add the resolution.

>> No.3170149 [DELETED] 

Stop tripfagging, please. Generals with tripfags go to shit always.

"Clearing your name" is not a valid reason for tripfagging. All it does is turn normal, everyday posts into HEY GUYS LOOK AT ME.

If you don't like getting shat on for having stupid opinions, the solution is to STOP POSTING THEM.

>> No.3170158 [DELETED] 

"Clearing your name" is not a valid reason to start tripfagging. All it does is turn normal posts into the 4chan equivalent of HEYY GUYS LOOK AT MEEEEEE.

If you don't like getting shat on for having shit opinions, the solution is to stop posting them, not contaminate the rest of your posts.

>> No.3170162

Any recommended model?

>> No.3170196

Dunno if it's the easiest way but you can feed composite sync into the 'H' input directly, and run it through a LM1881 or something and use the vertical sync output.

Not aware of any pre-made (since you asked for 'easiest') solution for it, but thay's how I've seen it done.

I really wonder why some have this vertical bar but not others. All things being equal, I'd suspect that there's a way to eliminate it in the SNESes that have it. Maybe some capacitor is going bad or something?

Doesn't seem like any revision in particular is 'immune' to the problem from what little I've seen.

I'll admit, I laughed.

Tripfagging started when someone started using my name while posting. I don't like it either.

>> No.3170216

(I mean, some way short of replacing the entire amplifier)

I'll try not to triple post.

>> No.3170293

The only premade solutions other than maybe some older or harder to find extron stuff I've found are the Micomsoft XSYNC-1 (which is overpriced anyway and I think SCART is retarded), and supposedly there's the 'syncstrike' which is a lot cheaper but have not had the time to do much research on it. This thing also uses SCART for input, and while it does have screw terminals on the side I'm not 100% sure if those are for input or output.

When I said 'easiest' I guess I really meant 'minimalist', I suppose. If I went with any of those options I'd have to convert BNC RGBS to scart JUST to use one of those, then run that HD15 output to my capture card.

I'm not shy to DIY stuff and did see the LM1881 come up my search. Maybe I interpreted it wrong as I'm sort of new to video stuff but it seems that people were using this chip to separate sync from an actual video signal (i.e. separating sync from actual composite video or Gs), rather than actually splitting composite sync into separate HV sync. So does this chip actually work for splitting standalone composite sync into HV? If that works it would be a cheap and simple solution.

>> No.3170310

If you have composite video available you can use the top part of this circuit.

>> No.3170316

>I have noticed a sharp decline in the quality of these threads
Because people wont stop bitching.

Anonymize, you fucking newfags.

>> No.3170332

The supergun already outputs 15khz RGBs from the arcade board. I can connect this directly to a PVM, the issue here is also being able to connect it to a capture card that only accepts RGBHV (micomsoft xcapture-1)

>> No.3170334

Anything for you, my dear anon

>> No.3170336

Can the RPI downscale 720p/1080p content to 480i over composite?

>> No.3170340

"ASUS Smart Contrast Ratio (ASCR) : 80000000:1"
Srry for non retro but would this boil down to 8000:1 contrast?
If so could it be a CRT contender?

>> No.3170353

No, anon. It just means they turn the backlight off for dark scenes. Actual contrast between the lightest and darkest portions of a picture remains complete shit.

Also I suck cocks.

>> No.3170356


>> No.3170410

>parroting :D
I'm not talking about emulation

>> No.3170432
File: 490 KB, 563x1000, FW900 board.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what this component on the board of my fw900 is? it's lighting up extremely bright violet with a buzzing sound in a periodic manner until the monitor stops trying to start up and just give an orange blinking light. When I opened it and discharged the clip I didn't get any voltage reading on my meter.

It looks like a little light bulb or something, if someone could help me identify what type of component this is I might be able to find a replacement part.

Thanks for any input guys, I don't want my baby to die.

>> No.3170505

>Tripfagging started when someone started using my name while posting. I don't like it either.
So here's an idea: Stop being such a tremendous cunt that people are able to identify and imitate you on an anonymous fucking image board.

Or just leave.

>> No.3170515

A spark gap?
To be sure get the service manual. It has the list of all components and recommended replacements.

>> No.3170523

See if this helps: http://www.badcaps.net/forum/showthread.php?t=15248

>> No.3170526

just read through that. Turns out that both me and that guy had the same issue. there was arcing in the neck of the tube too, so I guess it's cracked and dead. Guess I've got replacement boards and parts now though.

>> No.3170539

>SG901 1-517-499-21 GAP, SPARK

>> No.3170575

>there was arcing in the neck of the tube too
Seems like the circuits that control the high voltage in the tube or the flyback transformer have failed. The spark gap's likely purpose is to reduce this high voltage by discharging.
I think it'd be dangerous to try and fix it if you don't have experience with CRTs. If the high voltage becomes excessive the tube may start to emit x-rays, though your monitor surely has protection circuitry that it's preventing it from turning on.

>> No.3170691

You're going to need to be more specific. Video players can of course downscale. What do you need exactly?

>> No.3170713

Is there any way I can playback a video file on my Wii and have the Wii output it in 240p?

>> No.3170714

well for example the wii can only downscale 640x480 to 480i
anything higher and the audio gets choppy etc

I'm wondering if the RPI can do any better so i can avoid buying a 240p compatible graphics card

>> No.3170717

Yes but the video cannot be larger than 640x480
Use WiiMC

>> No.3170718

Will it be in the options that I have to enable 240p? Or do I just need to encode the file at 320x240?

>> No.3170723


People have done complete recaps of various consoles with absolutely no change.

The best guess I've seen people come up with is that as it's in the same spot, every line and regardless of game/scene, that it's an issue of some sort of voltage droop/interference caused from the DRAM refreshing.

It becomes EXTREMELY apparent when I'm displaying component from my one SNES.

Not to my knowledge, no. Nearly positive WiiMC is limited to 480i or 480p.
The system also struggles with some video formats and even certain videos in general. DivX is fine, but is real hit or miss for h.264.

>> No.3170729

Yeah it cant even do
You think the RPI could do better?

>> No.3170732
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Local thrift store had this clear prison tv. I never seen one of these in person before. He said he will haggle a price with me if I am interested.

>> No.3170735

AFAIK everything on the RPI gets downscaled to 480i over the composite. There's no way to output 240p or anything else over composite.

>> No.3170740

I was one similar to that at a flea market.
I think it only has RF inputs and it's used as a security monitor.

>> No.3170751

srry typo

yeah i want 480i out
i just want to know if RPI can downscale 704x480p and higher

>> No.3170759

I have no experience with the Raspi, but I'd be willing to bet it'd handle video playback better under ideal conditions and so so otherwise, putting it in a similar boat to the Wii. Someone who's had the chance mess around with one would undoubtedly be able to give you a better answer.

If the video is a high resolution, it'd automatically get scaled down to 480i no matter what. How it actually handles playback is entirely dependent on the video file in question, and what it's encoded in.

>> No.3170841
File: 3.44 MB, 3872x2592, IMGP4627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My banged up PVM-1271Q and Genesis model 2.
I haven't made any adjustments yet to the monitor.

>> No.3170847

Wow, nice trip.

Not me though.

Yeah, only console where I've ever improved video quality with a recap was my Game Gear (but that's not displaying on a CRT, at least not until I finally decide to RGB mod it)

>> No.3171041
File: 2.89 MB, 1074x660, popfulmailtest-bth1390yn-2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got my camera to at least focus decently and stay that way by using some homemade LUA scripts in 'CHDK' for my camera.

Tiny video.

>> No.3171284

Thx man. It's a switch for the degaussing circuit of an arcade monitor chassis, nothing else. That said, I found a nice 250V 16A momentary button at the local electrical wholesaler, so that'll do for sure.

>> No.3171319
File: 494 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_1027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samsung SyncMaster 997mb 19" CRT monitor here, sorry for the shit camera quality.

Anyone have any experience with these monitors? Having trouble clocking it to anything above 60Hz, I read on esreality you can clock to 144Hz/max @ 800x600, which I have it set to but testufo.com is telling me my refresh rate is 60Hz. No idea how to get it to budge past that, using XP and an old NVIDIA card by the way. Don't know if it matters.

>> No.3171697

Why are you letting a website tell you what your current refresh rate is instead of using your eyes?

>> No.3171725

Yeah, the LM1881 is usually used by people here for extracting csync from composite video. BUT, it can extract the vertical component from composite sync as well - and since horizontal sync runs happily on composite sync, those combined will do what you want.

>> No.3171743

Depends on the browser 60 fps may be the limit.

>> No.3171779
File: 9 KB, 459x377, 1409707193138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any experience with scan converters? I'm looking at picking up an older Extron Emotia model to get 240p out of VGA for MAME emulation but they are a bitch to find. Anyone know how 480i is on the VSC models? they are way cheaper and easy to find but don't have 240p.

>> No.3171785

Looks like Wonderboy.

>> No.3171795

Popful Mail

>> No.3171809 [DELETED] 
File: 1.90 MB, 3259x2159, 0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is component on my 14 inches toshiba
I'm wondering why the lines/dots are so staggered, am I doing anything wrong?

The colors are great tbph

>> No.3171816

You meant the more advance RGB interfaces?

Good luck. Most the companies selling NOS caught on that retro gamers were buying their RGB interfaces.

Buying that kind of equipment used is almost always a bad idea. The application they're installed in usually means they're on 24/7 everyday.

>> No.3171827

you emulating?

The colors are wrong tbph.

>> No.3171836

No, this is Wii's VC

>> No.3171850

>wii VC is not emulating

>> No.3171859

I know the NES is stronger than the Wii but that's no reason to discriminate

It might be because the NES is playing 480i instead of 240p

>> No.3171861


Is there another solution that would work with a laptop? I'd probably use it with a dreamcast and VGA cable too.

>> No.3171868

Anybody handy with a soldering iron and isnt retarded can handle pert board and making their own circuit. He sells a prefab PCB with the recommended components. Who the fuck cares? What's not to trust?

>> No.3171869
File: 151 KB, 800x600, 1390955117305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Wii literally emulates an NES for virtual console games. Emulation. Official, but still emulation.

>> No.3171891

A laptop?
What are you trying to do 240p over vga?

I'm not a 100% so can't really give any advice.

>> No.3171906

get custom resolution manager
also ingame steam browser does not display refersh rate correctly if you are using that
does your monitor has a button to show you the current resolution and refresh rate?
you might want to try CRU (custom resolution utility)

basically what you want to do is
VSF = HSF / number of horizontal lines x 0.95
VSF is the refresh rate
HSF is the kHz
so for example if your monitor is 70 kHz and you want 1024x768 then you do

VSF = 70,000 / 768 lines x 0.95 = 85
so you know that 85 would be the maximum refresh rate on this case
you might still not reach this theorical refresh rate if you are aiming for a very high refresh rate at low resolution but you should be able to get pretty close.

>> No.3171914


Yup, that's the cool thing abut these things. It's literally plug and play.

>> No.3171924

I think the only opinion that Free20L5 guy respects is his own.

>> No.3171940

I think the design on RetroRGB's RGBamp is basically what TI wants.

The RGB is taken after the resistors on the board on the SNES and N64.

I think the only thing missing is TI wants ceramic caps between the RGB line in and the TI chip. Not really sure what that does.

But other than that and from what I see the RGBamp follows TI's schematic. In this application anyway.

>> No.3171941

You can try to use a higher end like the VSC 500 or 700

that being said i had a VSC 100 and it never worked on my PC with win10

look for an extron emotia

>> No.3172051

If this switch just connects the coil to mains then it might not work as you want it to.
The AC power on the coil must either fade out as it happens with PTCs (as the resistance increases by time) or cut off precisely during the zero crossing of the mains (middle of the AC signal, where the voltage is 0V) which is implemented in PC monitors with a relay controlled by the microcontroller.
If the coil is disconnected at the wrong time then it can induce a magnetic impulse and mess up the purity, also many external degaussing coils have the same problem which is solved by disconnecting the coil far away from the tube.

>I think the only thing missing is TI wants ceramic caps between the RGB line in and the TI chip. Not really sure what that does.
Video clamp, needed if the signal is AC coupled but optional if the DC offset is low enough.

>> No.3172054

>Video clamp, needed if the signal is AC coupled but optional if the DC offset is low enough.
I guess it's optional since design seems to work fine with out it?

I think the TG16 RGB mods needs it though. The guy selling the premade PCBs for that application seem to have it.

>> No.3172189

not really crt related but anyone know why my snes with a scart wired for csync wouldn't work with my xrgb mini din adapter with a sync stripper? I had to wire up the snes scart for composite video sync for it to work. I'm probably going to throw in a switch in the mini din cable for these situations but still wondering why.

My broadcast monitor with a sync stripper in the breakout cable doesn't do this.

>> No.3172209
File: 3.10 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20160417_000842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assumed this problem was because certain N64 games don't behave well with RGB (since it isn't native), but I just had the same problem with a Master System game via Composite on another BVM.

Anyone know why this happens or what I can do about it?

>> No.3172217

Some kind of convergence problem?
Maybe needs cap replacement? Or it's dying.

>> No.3172220

they both look great with 95% of the games I play on them. the only games I've had this issue with are Pokemon Stadium, Donkey Kong 64, Nascar 99 on the N64 and R-Type on the Master System.

now that I've had it happen in identical ways on two different BVMs, I don't think it's a failing hardware issue.

>> No.3172226

Problem in the wiring then or you're using the wrong setting. Ie forcing component.

>> No.3172232

actually, it seems to happen with all of my SMS games over composite, but my NES games over composite look fine. weird.

if that were the case, why would every other N64 game look fine?

>> No.3172238

Beats me.

The average knuckle dragger bandwagon collector just blows money on a BVM and smashes buttons and then wonders why shit doesn't work.

>> No.3172254

Adjust the Horizontal Hold.

>> No.3172257

I hunted down a laptop with a Radeon Mobility 4300 series... so there's always that option. That is, assuming the new crt_emudriver works with later Mobility cards.

>> No.3172262

not him, but yeah, most of the time DC coupling is fine, and you don't need those caps. DESU I prefer a slight DC offset as it bumps the signal level up, and the bias (base brightness) which can be handy. I actually prefer to breadboard out the amps first, to see what components are needed. Sometime it works best with none at all save 1K linear pots in the output lines.

>> No.3172278
File: 3.67 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20160128_181535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never seen that in the BKM-10R menu and I've tried all the other alignment settings, but it probably wouldn't address the problem anyway: this only happens sometimes. Changing the alignment for the whole set would screw up the set for every other time.

For Pokemon Stadium for example - the main menu is fine, the mini-game select screen is fine, most of the time the mini-games themselves are fine. But then you'll pick a mini-game and it looks like this. Pick it again later and it'll be fine.

>> No.3172296
File: 793 KB, 2048x1520, IMAG0449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is 240p on a 31khz CRT (IBM P260) over HD15 from a Thinkpad W510 with an Nvidia Quadro 880m.

All I did was set a custom resolution of 240x3840@120hz in Nvidia Control Panel to get the sync frequency up to something the monitor could handle and it just werked. Picture is sharp as fuck, probably a little too sharp in fact.

I assume you could achieve a similar result with a Radeon?

>> No.3172323

Might you be using a bad symc source? See what happens using composite video as sync or something.

Just a guess; I don't own a N64... yet. That'll change this weekend.

>> No.3172326

Oh, and if it happens on composite vodeo, make sure you don't have 'external sync' on - and try using a LM1881 to get a clean sync signal and putting that in as external sync if you are okay with building a small circuit.

>> No.3172334

yeah it's happening on straight composite for SMS too. I've flipped sync between internal and external for both with no luck.

The N64 is CVideo for Sync, but it runs through a SyncStrike, which I believe does the same job as the LM1881.

>> No.3172335
File: 2.02 MB, 4160x3120, tmp_15468-IMG_20160311_2114471450307560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a fat SNES? or a mini?

Also, I've heard but cannot confirm that the XRGBs don't like composite video as sync. Are you SURE you are using csync?

Also, the XRGB uses (I've heard) JP21 instead of european SCART pinout, so make sure you aren't using a european SCART pinout.

I don't own any SCART stuff or any scalers (well, none for use with old consoles anyway).

Sorry for rapid posting. But not sorry enough to not do it.

>> No.3172336

Try putting some ferrite cores on your cables.

>> No.3172337

I have no idea how the syncstrike works. Can you try s-video luma as sync?

>> No.3172341

also, it DOES look like something that could be fixed by adjusting the horizontal hold if you can find a setting for it anywhere.

>> No.3172342
File: 1.30 MB, 1536x2560, 20151207_230153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any disadvantage if im using a CRT monitor instead of a CRT TV ? i mostly emulate CPS2 and CPS3

>> No.3172343

That's a cool keyboard. Is it mechanical? what are the switches?

You should be fine if you're just doing that - I like my 15khz monitors more but I don't emulate on them.

>> No.3172349

keyboard is a FK-2001, supposedly Alps switches but im not sure if its genuine since it locks up with certain key combinations

>> No.3172350

just checked. Sync Strike has a built-in LM1881. I'm not sure how I would use S-Video Luma without an S-Video port.

>it DOES look like something that could be fixed by adjusting the horizontal hold
permanently? or would I have to adjust and reset the horizontal hold each time this pops up?

>> No.3172351

My cheap unorthodox fix was running 22 gauge cat5 wire from a female s-video port. Not sure how to best do it if your console is using a multi-out cable.

>> No.3172356

although this may not work with some laptops because of Nvidia optimus which allows intel HD graphics drivers to control the res while nvidia's GPU powers it

>> No.3172359

Thats a uh famicom

>> No.3172361

I mean not really

you can use it at 480p with a shader and have it look almost exactly like a BVM (possibly better)

or you can run 240p @120Hz

>> No.3172362

There's usually a wide range of horizontal hold values that'll sync properly to a large range of signals.

The only TV I've ever had to adjust this in was my Apple monitor, and I've never had to again after I chose a point in the middle of the range.

>> No.3172363

Yes, yes it is a famicom.

This was taken when I was replacing the power/RF modulator board with a composite video output amd power supply.

>> No.3172369

I run mine with the back cover off so I'll check how it behaves when I get home

Mind had focus pop issues and I replaced that entire board to fix it, good luck finding parts though.

>> No.3172374

model 1 snes

Yeah she doesnt like composite video sync which is why I have the sync stripper in the mini din male to scart female adapter that it comes with (and that I rewired correctly for scart)

so just to clarify with the sync stripper in the mini din to scart adapter and my snes cable wires for csync I get sync issues

comp vid sync snes> xrgb with sync stripper =works

csync snes> xrgb = works

csync snes> xrgb with sync stripper= doesn't work

again I never had this issue with any broadcast monitors since almost all my consoles are csync and the ones that can't (ex ps1) I end up using a sync stripper

>> No.3172375
File: 1.25 MB, 1536x2560, 20160117_190246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think im gonna stick to 480p ... i tried to run the arcade size on FBA (384x224) but i get an error that i have to check if my graphics card supports this, and on single size my monitor says that its out of range
the wierd thing is that i get scanlines even at 480p or 800x600, maybe they are not called that but theres some sort of lines with pic related running at 600p or below

>> No.3172458

mine doesn't light up/spark or anything so seems like you have an issue that is causing that spark gap?

can't find it but I remember reading the number of flashes might tell you which type of error it is?

>> No.3172518

Is the distortion stable when it occurs? If so, I will again say that the issue is most likely the horizontal hold. I don't own a BVM so I don't know what all the menu settings are, but it might be linked to a potentiometer. I will say that, even if it turns out it isn't the problem, trying it is your best and easiest bet for resolving the problem.

>> No.3172541

The NES does produce stronger video than the Wii, but the palette the wii uses is still wrong. You can fix the 'strength' by changing contrast, but you can't fix the shitty palette.

And the NES runs in 240p, not 480i - what the fuck are you talking about?

You can force the virtual console into 240p - I despise the retroRGB site possibly more than even 20L5 guy, but he explains it and is one of the first google results. http://retrorgb.com/wiivsclassic.html

Also, (obligatory) you're a fucking moron. The wii virtual console is an emulator.

>> No.3172556

I am not sure why this would be, if you are using the correct pinout. I have to suspect your csync-altered SCART cable is faulty or the sync strike is.

It's very strange, in any case. I'll think on it more when I get off work.

>> No.3172581


Wired up fine I use the same snes cable on my broadcast monitor, composite or csync

The sync strike also works fine because it will display with the snes wired for composite and also works fine with my saturn, ps1 all of which need a sync stripper to work

>> No.3172664

anyone have a 3000-4000:1 contrast level VA panel to compare to CRT?
Ive read online the human eye cant detect over like 1500:1 contrast

>> No.3172684

Advertised contrast ratio means nothing.

Compare ansi checkerboard. Any LCD should beat a CRT.

>> No.3172696

>any LCD
Gonna be pedantic. Two words: Game Gear.

>> No.3172703
File: 1.94 MB, 4160x3120, tmp_15468-IMG_20160311_205736912554297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops. that's better.

>> No.3172709

I'm less certain now, but I think you should look for horizontal hold settings. It may be in the service menu (if the BVMs have a service menu - I only have PVMs when it comes to sony monitors).

>> No.3172717

Follow-up because I was looking at that Wii VC page from earlier - he repeats his claim there about the mini putting out better video, without mentioning anything about the bar. He's high on something, I'm sure of it.

(Sorry to the people who hate me for triple-posting for quadruple-posting)

>> No.3172726

no the advertised contrast ratios that mean nothing are the ones that say 100000000000000000000000:1 and shit

>> No.3172738 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 178x200, 1354906009701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /vr/. I need help finding a game. All I remember is that it was 2D and you played as a boy wizard and there was a ridiculous cheat code that let you see some of the characters nude. I'm pretty sure the menus were plain text and in an annoying bubbly rainbow font. I think it was for the TurboGrafx or one of the more obscure 16-bit consoles. Anyone know what I'm talking about? I can't find it anywhere.

>> No.3172770

>no uh
CRT fanboy defense squad.

>> No.3172772

lcd fanboy defense quad

>> No.3172778

I speak the facts.

>> No.3172783

Yes, the distortion is stable. It's not waving or scrolling - the game just looks like that.

I'll look more into horizontal hold on BVMs tomorrow. Thanks, y'all.

>> No.3172817

do mitsubishi megaviews have a service menu?

>> No.3172851

You are just saying to not trust any form of LCD measurement to compare to CRT?
I'm against any form of bleed or glow so i despise TN and IPS
I'm looking into VA as they seem to have nice black levels, but im really not sure how it compares to CRT levels.
Anyone here have any experience with VA vs CRT?

>> No.3172863

>scart wired for csync
Don't have an XRGB, but unless your adapter is specifically wired otherwise, you NEED JP21 cables. The shape of the connector is the same as SCART, but the pinout is very different.

>don't behave well with RGB (since it isn't native)
The core sync information is still the same, whether it's composite, s-video or RGB, and that's where the issue seems to be; Though in this case, on the monitor's side.

Do you have a termination cap on the output of the sync line that you're feeding the RGB to/Composite to(in the case of the SMS)?

I vaguely remember reading something about them supposedly having one, but to my knowledge and experience, no. The basic menu has stuff for pincushion/barrel distortion, but it's relatively barren otherwise.

>> No.3172868

I think we should leave LCDs out of this and realize that they and CRTs both work well for different things.

Need weird exotic resolutions or signals to be viewable? you want a CRT.

Need crispness with a standardized and well-defined signal format? Don't mind the slight contrast inferiority? Want something really bright? You want a LCD.

>> No.3172874
File: 51 KB, 250x250, 1461783580519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you know if your CRT is shadow mask or aperture grille?

I feel like shadow mask CRTs are more blurry, am I wrong?

>> No.3172875

Since the colors in that screenshot look right (though I've not played the game), I think he's using a JP21, Kya.

But I totally forgot about termination on csync. Definitely should check that if it's not automatic like on my PVMs.

>> No.3172882

everything is terminated, yes.

just to reiterate since my info was spread out over multiple comments - N64, Genesis and SNES work great via RGB on the one monitor except for 3 N64 games (and even then, only sometimes). NES works fine over composite on the other monitor, but SMS is always skewed.

>I think he's using a JP21
I'm not.

>> No.3172898

You're putting words in my mouth

>> No.3172902
File: 3.67 MB, 4608x3456, shadowmask1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they aren't necessarily more blurry, but there's a wider range of shadow masks. It's a crap-shoot if you just pick any random shadow mask CRT off a shelf at goodwill if it'll be good quality. Also, the focus circuitry inside will matter a lot. the better ones had separate vertical and horizontal focus adjustments internally.

If sony made it and it's in color (so post-1950s) it'll be an aperture grille.
If it's branded as a 'DIAMONDTRON' or 'trinitron' or anything like that, it's an aperture grille.

pictured: shadow mask.

>> No.3172906

>this isn't a JP21
Then I'm confused how it works, and think you should be if this is a XRGB.

>> No.3172909
File: 3.78 MB, 5472x3648, DSC01569s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think he's using a JP21
You're mixing anons up, that was directed to XRGB anon, not the D24 anon(assuming they're different).

Aperture Grille

>> No.3172912

No, not the same at all. The Radeon HD 2xxx to HD 7xxx cards can use crt_emudriver, by Calamity. This gives you true 240p output. 120Hz on a PC monitor is never going to look or feel perfect - as you noted, it can be a little too sharp. And the motion effects at 120Hz can often be felt as well as seen.

The downside of crt_emudriver is that you need an RGB capable 15kHz set - i.e. an arcade chassis or a professional monitor like a PVM. If in Europe, a SCART set qualifies, of course.

And the V-hold, if you can't quite make H-hold work or don't have it. I had a PVM that needed V-hold tweaking to stop the top distorting like that.

>> No.3172919

d24 anon here. thought he was talking about me.

>> No.3172921

Well one thing to consider
Most people don't have decent CRT monitors
at least I don't
most people have the shit 70 Khz (1440x1080 @60Hz) ones like me, and 86-96Khz ones can be hard to find for some.

CRTs are dying no doubt about it so we can discuss alternatives.

also obligatory 'fuck off tripfag'

>> No.3172925

Goodwills do not carry CRTs typically.

>> No.3172928

Yeah, you're right.

Only CRT I've seen in one recently was a little portable black and white 5" one.

Still, substitute goodwill for somewhere that does have them, or a garage sale.

>> No.3172932

We're talking about laptops

I haven't read anything on CRT_emudrivers compatibility with moblile graphics cards

also you know that some old graphics cards can do 240p/480i without CRT_emudriver for example through Nvidias own custom resolution creator.

>> No.3172936

whoops, yeah. Got confused.


Anyway, BVM guy: I remember someone else had shit like that happening and it went away in 16:9 mode. Does that happen for you?

If so, it's almost definitely something like horizontal hold which is (assumedly) saved separately for 4:3 and 16:9 modes.

>> No.3172945

Pretty sure he was.

>>3172912 has a good point about V-hold; While it would be weird for it to only affect certain games(in the case of the N64), it's possible that the sync information is coming later than expected for whatever reason and causing the top portion to be out of sync.

>240p/480i without CRT_emudriver
I've been meaning to see how Crimson handles low resolution modelines.

>> No.3172951

Almost nowhere has CRTs
most places dismiss them as useless junk
and you have to realize CRTs above 17inches are pretty heavy so theyre more likely to be left in peoples basements instead of brought to pawn shops etc etc.

This is why it is important to discuss CRT alternatives also LCD's existed in /vr/ times.

>> No.3172953 [DELETED] 

Your image is further off and of a different game on a larger set.

shadow mask. Lost my old disc of the game so I had to waste a CD-R on it to avoid having to lug my 20L5 from the basement (or worse, the 1944Q, which weighs around 20 lbs. more)

>> No.3172956

>most places dismiss them as useless junk
They're hazardous material. So more than useless junk. Useless junk that costs you money to get rid of properly.

>> No.3172958

problem persisted when stretching 4:3 games to 16:9. never had an issue with X360 or PS3 in widescreen component.

didn't see anything like that in the 10R service menu, but I'll look again tomorrow

>> No.3172962

This too.
At least its less hazardous to use them than to dispose of them :)

>> No.3172969
File: 1012 KB, 3280x2460, 100_7591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your image is further off and of a different game on a larger set.
I just chose an image I like, since I don't have any of Popful Mail(or a copy of it laying around) and didn't feel like running up to take a shot of the 14M2MDU with a game of similar aesthetic.
That and any photos I do have of it aren't terribly good and with my older camera.

>> No.3172970

All my photos are either sharp but have the dark shadow over it (forgot what its called) or blurry but clear

phones are shit for capturing CRTs

>> No.3173015
File: 3.41 MB, 4096x3072, P_20160428_063101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3840x240@120 on a fw900
side note, retroarch ui is a fuken piece of shit

>> No.3173079
File: 768 KB, 2048x1520, IMAG0448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3172296 here. Now that's what I'm talking about.

How do you find motion at 120hz or are you using BFI to bring it back down to 60? I couldn't get that to work properly myself.

>> No.3173091

it's jumpy, probably because screen refresh doesn't match emu refresh, didn't bother going deeper. Quickly tried BFI, didn't made a world of difference besides dimming.

>> No.3173109
File: 12 KB, 313x412, 2422708-1666341-never.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vr/ what is the MAX you would pay for a 14" PVM?

I live in Canada and want to know if i'm crazy for considering paying $250 for one of these things on ebay. They will never be available within 300km radius, i don't know what choice i have.

>> No.3173113
File: 3.86 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_5361-4mb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, I posted prematurely and hoped you didn't see that since I was revising and adding info.

My point-n-shoot canon SX160 IS actually takes better photos than my DSLR because its lens can work with smaller focal lengths (down to around 5mm). If I were to invest in more lenses for my Nikon D40 I'd be in great shape - and it's from 2006 so pretty old too.

what I was going to post:

Your image is further off and of a different game on a larger set.

New shadow mask pic. Lost my old disc of the game so I had to burn a CD-R on it to avoid lugging my ~70 lb. 20L5 from the basement to take a popful mail pic on it (or worse, the 1944Q, which weighs around 20 lbs. more).

This image still isn't perfect a) because there's not a preset for the Canon SX160 IS in any programs since it wasn't intended to shoot RAW, so I had to make one and do some eyeballing and b) because my 13 inch CRT has some little convergence problems (un-noticeable over a foot away). But this is a better comparison.

Still, think the results are pretty good. Compared it (eyeballing) to my actual CRT next to my computer monitor and the colors looked accurate.

Higher quality image here:


>This is why it is important to discuss CRT alternatives also LCD's existed in /vr/ times
sure, but I don't think a CRT thread is the place for it - and "LCDs existed in /vr/ times" is true if you are talking about the game gear and other really shitty handheld LCDs, or counting the early 2000s when the dreamcast was still current and almost-decent LCD TVs were finally appearing.

>> No.3173143
File: 3.69 MB, 3038x2014, DSC_0163-4mb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No local TV stations?
It'd make sense that more remote ones would hold onto equipment for longer.

Anyway, you are a bit mad, yes - I may not be a great judge but if I did not already have a few broadcast monitors I'd probably be willing to spend around $80 for one at most.

I don't know if they actually ever sell that low or not, though - sorry.

similar pic from other camera - didn't spend QUITE as much time trying to get the color balance just right, but it's pretty good. Was able to use a far higher jpeg quality setting when outputting due to the lower resolution and less visible individual phosphors.

>> No.3173164

Do not ship a CRT
I would say theres a 99% certainty of your convergence and or purity/geometry getting fucked beyond adjustment
forcing you to go macgyver and take the entire neck assembly off for perfection

>> No.3173168

Your convergence is very bad

>> No.3173169

there's 1 local news station, nothing beyond that, hospital though...
Ebay is really warping what i value these at. Half the cost is shipping though. All for something that may or may not work properly when it arrives after traveling 2500 miles, bleh.

>> No.3173198
File: 3.84 MB, 4936x2818, AG-vs-shadowmask-1-4mb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, just noticed while comparing the two more closely that it was on a 14-incher. Sorry.

It's better than my 20L5's was. And I can't tell from over a foot away - and as it's 14 inches and not 5 I don't have to fog up the tube face with my breath in order to see details.

>I would say theres a 99% certainty of your convergence and or purity/geometry getting fucked beyond adjustment
forcing you to go macgyver and take the entire neck assembly off for perfection
Moving the yoke is 'adjustment' - but I get what you mean.

Thanks for calling me macgyver, because I did that to my 20L5 ;)

The experience was painful enough that I have no desire to do it on my panasonic here unless it becomes absolutely necessary. Since I either have OCD or am borderline (not sure), I spent 5 hours just adjusting the yoke before I really felt I could say "close enough".

eBay is also where S-video modded sega genesis model 1's go for around $160 pretty regularly (reminder: the mod calls for 3 or 4 parts). eBay is not a place for sane people unless they're sellers or have a lot of money and are impatient - though in your case since you sound like you're pretty far away from major urban areas, it might be your best bet. I'd definitely check the station and the hospital first.

I never even THOUGHT to check my local hospital when I was hunting for monitors. Huh.

>> No.3173230


Underrated battlestation

Gotten 3 Trinis and an HD Tau from my local Goodwill.

>> No.3173263

>50 posts (20% of the thread) is one guy
>nowhere does he address his insane puffy red clothes in OP

>> No.3173282

>>scart wired for csync
>Don't have an XRGB, but unless your adapter is specifically wired otherwise, you NEED JP21 cables. The shape of the connector is the same as SCART, but the pinout is very different.

xrgb anon here

My adapter is re wired for scart

I've seen posts about this on other forums but never really any explanation just people that ended up removing the sync stripper for the adapter

I guess I should try other consoles that output csync like the jaguar or something and see if it does the same.

>> No.3173371
File: 3.93 MB, 5081x3395, DSC02612ARW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What shutter speed/frame rate are you using there?

Obviously going to have a completely different look due to size, but I'll grab a photo of the Megaview from a similar angle as well.

Have a Keio 2 shot with some random-ish RAW conversion.

>> No.3173430

>We're talking about laptops
So was I.
>I haven't read anything on CRT_emudrivers compatibility with moblile graphics cards
For the most part the mobility series works well with crt_emudriver. Read the Arcadecontrols forum if you don't believe me. My X200 works really well, though it's not even on the compatibility list, and my Mobility 4330 does too - though being based on the 3330 (or something) it has the dot clock minimum of 8. 640x240 is indistinguishable from 240p though.

>also you know that some old graphics cards can do 240p/480i without CRT_emudriver for example through Nvidias own custom resolution creator.
But a PC monitor would still be 31kHz, and the modeline limit will get you, and, finally, if you need a card that old you're going to have issues with emulation down the track. I'm not saying if you have one lying around don't find a use for it, but spending $30 on ebay for a 5450 would be a better idea IMO.

>> No.3173471

Alaskafag here, know that struggle. 0% chance of a crt arriving in one piece. Medical or local broadcast are my only hope.

/r/ that jap ad with the big trinitrons.

>> No.3173587
File: 12 KB, 397x450, mitsu36er.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help identifying this set please All that is known is its Mitsubishi and 36"

>> No.3173715
File: 590 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_1034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the help m8 I got it working finally, i had to change it through the nvidia control panel and it's finally reading 144Hz, no idea why display properties wasn't setting it properly.

thats what i did but it's fuckin weird because it wasn't actually setting the refresh rate, had to change it through nvidia control panel.

>> No.3173932
File: 1.07 MB, 1536x2048, 20160428_172827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks buddy, ive changed it a bit on the past few weeks

>> No.3173963

I am told that flat screen CRTs like the Sony Wega series have geometry and convergence issues.
Do flat screen CRTs have any other disadvantages?

What about the black plastic Sony Trinitrons of the 90s that are vertically flat but horizontally curved? How good are they?

I'm looking for the newer flat CRTs because they have more video connections to attach more consoles although I dislike wading through their menus with useless features like "true" surround, edge enhancement, and parental controlls.

Older black plastic CRTs don't have that bullshit right?

What about a button on the TV that changes the video mode so you don't have to go in the menu or use the remote? Do semiflat black trinitrons have that?

And I do need a component video connector for when those retrovision cables come out.

>> No.3173985

>Do flat screen CRTs have any other disadvantages?
More sensitive and heavier.
>What about the black plastic Sony Trinitrons of the 90s that are vertically flat but horizontally curved? How good are they?
Good but the american ones are nowhere as good as the european ones.
>Older black plastic CRTs don't have that bullshit right?
Yep, they are more lightgun compatible than the new ones as they might have digital processing bullshit that fucks up the timing (lag+upscaling).
>What about a button on the TV that changes the video mode so you don't have to go in the menu or use the remote? Do semiflat black trinitrons have that?
I never seen one single Trinitron that couldn't do that, however I don't know if this applies to the american ones.

>> No.3174010

What do you mean by more sensitive?

Of course I am only looking at 480i flat CRTs.
They don't have lag and upscaling like hi-scan models.

Do semi-flat black trinitrons have component input?

>> No.3174110

I did not set a frame rate, shutter speed was 1/15.

I believe my camera captures at 30fps 720p, but I did not think to check when I did it. If the webm is 60fps, that's what it recorded at since I used ffmpeg to encode it and didn't mess with framerate.

>> No.3174127

because intel doesnt play nice with CRT

>> No.3174152

I did. winter coat and khakis/jeans.

>> No.3174162

Listen it makes zero sense to run a 60Hz game at fucking 80 or 144Hz

120Hz is a MULTIPLE of 60Hz so run it at that
not some random arbitrary number

>> No.3174167

no one can tell for sure how it will be

its very easy to find trinitrons that are fucked from 10 years of constant use.

>> No.3174169

i will try im sorry
but the dude thats playing cs1.6 should benefit from that right? im pretty sure you can change that game's refresh rate.

>> No.3174172

my screen actually supports 640x480 at 60 Hz but i dont know how to set the refresh rate for when i go fullscreen, and FBA sets it to 85 or something

>> No.3174197

Are you using retroarch? mame?
set the display to whatever horizontal res but keep the vertical at 480p and use CRTGeom or whatever the shader it is the kids are using these days

I suggested 120 because you said you had issues with 60Hz

Alternatively you can set it to 3840x240 at 120Hz but that has more issues and is harder to set up

>> No.3174217
File: 148 KB, 927x723, fba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use mostly FBA, wich stands for final burn alpha, and is bundled with Fightcade for online play
i really have no idea about setting resolutions here, normally i just choose "double size" or "quadruple size"

>> No.3174227

tick the arcade one.

try setting your screen to 380x224 at 144Hz (120Hz isnt enough in this case but at least youll have scanlines)

If that doesnt work or doesnt look right try 3840x224

>> No.3174231

It just seemed to capture pretty smoothly and without picking up any artifacts from the screen refresh.

Might have to do more work with 1/30, as 1/60 picks up too much for my liking.

>> No.3174274

>What do you mean by more sensitive?
A mechanical shock can knock out the aperture grille way easier than on curved ones.
>Do semi-flat black trinitrons have component input?
Usually not.
But it might be possible to hack an RGB input on some of them (requires soldering and tech. knowledge of video signal and CRTs).

>its very easy to find trinitrons that are fucked from 10 years of constant use.
Do you mean the consumer models or PVM/BVMs?

>> No.3174312
File: 23 KB, 527x135, FB Alpha Error.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, i tried the arcade size 380x224 and it brings this error
i wanted to see what happened with 3840x224 but the program only lets me choose from the standar supported resolutions of my monitor from 640x480 to 1792x1344

>> No.3174384

consumer models I mean
It wont let you make a custom res?

>> No.3174418
File: 8 KB, 384x224, 384x224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, i did try adding the arcade resolution 384x224 with CRU at both 60 Hz and 120 Hz but going fullscreen with the arcade res selected changes it to 1280x1024 and with black bars on top and bottom for some reason
i mean, if i take a screenshot it says its 384x224 but my screen says its 1280x1024 @ 85Hz on the menu and has black bars... its wierd

>> No.3174421

also isnt anything under 640x480 impossible with VGA computer monitors ?

>> No.3174439
File: 451 KB, 1354x720, TheGrail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone? It's on Craigs for $75 and quite a bit of a drive. No chance for a PVM here this may be as good as it ever gets.

I put this together for your help. 43" Multiscan PVM

>> No.3174441

You can get real 240p at 120Hz, but it looks ugly because the scanlines are too sharp.

>> No.3174447

Ask the seller for the model number.

>> No.3174456
File: 532 KB, 1354x720, TheGrail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3174460

You can't even comprehend know how dumb I feel. TY helpful anon.

>> No.3174502

224p wont work with 120Hz you have to use 144Hz to do 224p which is not optimal
but you do get authentic scanlines.

Try 3840x224 at 144Hz in CRU or 384x224 at 144Hz

so and 120 wont work for that low of a res (120Hz at 240p however would but your game is 224p)
d-did you say 43 inch multisync pvm?!

>> No.3174535

yes, found the user manual online. Can't find any pictures or other solid info but they do exist, or did.


>> No.3174572

I would get it regardless
the stand is cool as fuck

>> No.3174760
File: 13 KB, 300x251, mordflor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stronk floor required

>> No.3174794 [DELETED] 

I'm gonna, never gonna find another one up here.

better bring my own help to load it up,
How do you transport a 38 w x 45 h x 19 d tv without fucking it up? I live 7 mi off the highway in the country. I'm so excited!

>> No.3174808
File: 20 KB, 876x178, Capturemitsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna, never gonna find another one out here.

How do you transport a 38 w x 45 h x 19 d tv to the country without fucking it up?

Looks like I'm bringing my own help loading it.

>> No.3174812
File: 1.28 MB, 2048x1536, 20160428_233242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks a lot, i had no idea my screen could do this 224p
is 144 Hz harmful to the human eye
im gonna try 3840x224 now but i have no idea hows that supposed to work

>> No.3174832
File: 1.51 MB, 2048x1536, 20160428_233239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3840x224 doesnt seem to work
when i try to use it screen goes black and then it goes back to window mode
im pretty satisfied by how 384x224 looks anyway

>> No.3174842

Opinions. There's no such thing as 'too sharp'.

>> No.3175014

That is also an opinion.

>> No.3175027

>is 144 Hz harmful to the human eye
More hz = less eyestrain

>> No.3175058

Anything lower than 640x480 is internally scaled to double res on modern videocards, and by modern I mean anything made in the last 20 years. It might be possible to create custom resolutions that actually do display lower resolutions, but they are not useful for CRT monitors, unless perchance you dug up some old CGA monitor that uses 15khz input.

I have a Syncmaster 795MB. It was such a great monitor, beautiful picture, but started giving a lot of coil whine when I used it at 1280x960@75hz.

What I did for arcade games was to use the 4x resolution. So for CPS2 I used 768x448, for Saturn 704x448 or 704x480, etcetera.

For Megadrive and SNES I used 1280x960 in all resolutions, since 320x4 = 256x5 = 1280. Plus the emulators I used for those also had NTSC filters, which were super effective at that res (arcade emulators have yet to get it at the time, up till circa 2006 or so when I finally switched to an LCD).

>> No.3175064

no it isnt scaled if you dont want it to be

you can increase the Hz in order to run at lower resolutions

>> No.3175072

The refresh rate should be a multiple of the refresh rate of the system your are emulating.

>> No.3175089

Okay my niggers, needing some help.

I'm in the UK, is there a decent place to get PVMs that isn't ebay?

>> No.3175098

>4x resolution
but all those resolutions you listed are 2x native
also my monitor works with 240p at 120 Hz and 380x224 144 Hz
i think its just what >>3175064 said

>> No.3175174

While correct, that wasn't what he was asking.

>> No.3175181

Someone on the CRT thread a few months back was supposed to be importing one of those record size Trinitrons from Japan. An update from them would be amazing.

>> No.3175208

>Anything lower than 640x480 is internally scaled to double res on modern videocards, and by modern I mean anything made in the last 20 years
You're a fucking retard.

That's pretty neat. I'd expect it has thin scanlines and mile long blank areas, though, in 240p. My 20" ones are bad enough.

Do you have craigslist there?

Also maybe your area's BBC or ITV or some other station will be throwing stuff out. Though I bet most of the BBC ones will have gotten rid of their CRTs die to the sheer amount of money they get from TV license fees. I'm no expert on how beeb stations work there, though - my only inside look into it was some 'christmas tapes' some TV engineers there made in the 70s and 80s full of bloopers and pictures of the inside of Television Centre, which I understand the BBC doesn't even use anymore.

When I get home I'll post a screengrab.

I bet he didn't actually go through with it. I can only imagine how expensive that'd be.

Alternately, it could still be on a barge.

>> No.3175221

Here in burgerland, there's the occasional used medical supply company with warehouses full of medical PVMs. You could look for something like that.

Also I suck cocks.

>> No.3175229
File: 1.75 MB, 4160x3120, tmp_6504-IMG_20160311_2121581450307560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classy. Now I'm going to keep the tripcode for another thread because of that.

Still, the advice about medical ones is valid.

>> No.3175234

pick one

>> No.3175242

/vr/ raid?

>> No.3175250

As funny as this is, and I'm genuinely laughing, I feel the need to underline the fact we can all still tell who the real 20L5 is.

>Now I'm going to keep the tripcode
Don't sulk, and please let someone else make the OP so we don't start losing ppl.

>> No.3175265

>Alternately, it could still be on a barge.
Yeah, sea freight can take awhile. I collect laserdiscs and have long wanted the 50 LD Urusei Yatsura box, but will have to ship one by sea mail because of the weight and it can take months.

Hopefully he actually pulled it off and will return to tell the tale of scoring the largest CRT ever made.

>> No.3175271

And proceed to show us its fucked purity.
Imagine making yoke adjustments on that behemoth.

>> No.3175278

Are there Sony XBR models that have component inputs but that are still only 480i?

>> No.3175359

ive decided to use a 384x240 resolution for 384x224 games and 320x240 resolution for 320x224 neogeo games
am i smart or a complete dumbass

>> No.3175394

What emulator? GroovyMAME can take care of those things for you, you realise? Just saying.

>> No.3175395

Oh no, that'll learn us.

Anyways, why don't one of you other guys make the thread? Nobody is going to stop you. Tripfag doesn't have exclusive rights to these threads.

>> No.3175423

fuck off tripfuck
quit hijacking the thread

>> No.3175531
File: 2.87 MB, 2480x2016, DSC_0166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't necessarily make another thread, but I will do my posts with the trip.


I'd been on here a long time before I started using a name or tripcode. As anonymous I posted a ton, too. It's just more noticeable now.

No one ever contributes while telling me to fuck off - except that one guy who spammed around 20 pictures.

>> No.3175535

KV-36XBR200 and KV-32XBR200, I think.

Both have one component input and are 480i-only.

>> No.3175540
File: 732 KB, 2460x1755, 1412348745597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still wondering about the anon that was supposedly getting one of these a year or two ago.

>> No.3175541

>No one ever contributes while telling me to fuck off
I don't shit at the same time I'm eating, either? Is this also a problem for you?

>> No.3175565

is there any transcription of that picture in english?

>> No.3175736
File: 22 KB, 467x450, 01010_eyRnE6KJOCL_600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a 32" PVM just showed up on my craigslist

I thought the only PVMs that size were the widescreen BVMs.

>> No.3175740

Wow that looks nice. The stand too

>> No.3175749

Pricey but not absolutely ridiculous, considering monitors of that size arent too common. And it has all your signal necessities. RGB svideo Compshit

>> No.3175759
File: 157 KB, 1024x737, 1412531220210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None that I know of, no. Would be nice to get at least a bit of it done though.

>> No.3175834

>350 watts

>> No.3175892
File: 28 KB, 784x523, 5362f8c2-a5cc-46c7-a92c-78b426ff8d43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new switch will be needed and the BD player will only be composite. Also appears to be a console tv

>> No.3175895

Please tell I'm going blind and that display didn't cost $25k

>> No.3175905
File: 39 KB, 349x523, 644f7237-cad0-4cb5-b443-9901ab860fe6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any advice, volvo wagon and any way it will fit or a rented van?
his uncle works for nintendo
@450tvl I'd think it would be ~even
That's the one I was looking for, thanks Kya.

>> No.3175991
File: 48 KB, 600x600, 877114036_941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the luck of having an old laptop that actually had an S-Video OUT port, but finally the port stopped working.

I am now looking at the possibility of outputting through VGA to S-Video.

Are these chinese converters good enough or do I actually need something more expensive? I imagine the signal not being that hard to convert.

>> No.3176031

They are okay, any signal above 1024 x 768 will give you some problems.

>> No.3176090

my d20f1u was like 26k brand new

sony made such a killing in the broadcast and professional monitor business

>> No.3176104
File: 28 KB, 544x256, AWAKEN ANIKI.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright Anon thanks. I'm thinking of only doing 480p.

>> No.3176361

26k what?

It was half that in USD

>> No.3176489


>> No.3176506
File: 112 KB, 1182x764, audio_nonsense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help me /crt/ I just cannot for the life of me get both audio and video out of my SCART cables

This is an issue because I'd like to introduce a switch before I start buying more SCART cables for my other consoles rather than be swapping a handful of cables all the time.

I am wondering if I misunderstood how one of these components work OR if one of them is improperly wired?

>> No.3176509
File: 410 KB, 1600x1200, YEM CVS980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminded me of the beast I use to do that type of job-the Yamashita Electric (YEM) CVS-980 scan converter. It takes VGA in and downconverts it to everything from composite to RGB, component, and more. This industrial grade beast cost around $20000 in the 90's and still does a perfect job.

>> No.3176525
File: 834 KB, 1920x1425, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for clarity's sake: here is my retarded way of getting audio currently (A in the diagram)

>> No.3176527
File: 894 KB, 1920x1425, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here's the way I think this should work but it doesn't produce any audio (B in the diagram)

>> No.3176537

What's wrong with the audio cables coming out of your scart cable?

>> No.3176547

I think I answered my own question. That's the genesis cable, and they're used to get stereo audio from the headphone jack.

Why does it look like you're trying to get audio out of the INPUT of the converter? I think you have it backwards.

>> No.3176554

>What's wrong with the audio cables coming out of your scart cable?
This is actually my Sega Saturn I'm testing with. It just has built in RCA breakout. My other consoles don't have that built in breakout though.

>Why does it look like you're trying to get audio out of the INPUT of the converter? I think you have it backwards.

I see what you're getting at, but those pins are carrying the signal from whatever input I connect. Consider that it does successfully output audio that is input in this situation: >>3176525 which is why I am so damn confused

>> No.3176565

Ah, I see.
Maybe that cable isn't wired with audio going through the scart (only out the breakouts). Have you opened it and checked?

>> No.3176584

I can't say I have checked the cable itself, but it should, the pins are there and the RCA breakouts plug back in specifically so the cable can carry audio through the SCART (as in >>3176527).

That said I'll take a look at it just to be sure - but even if that's the case my PSX SCART cable which certainly does carry audio should work then but it does not either.

>> No.3176617
File: 3.45 MB, 3088x4160, IMG_20160429_135138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We arcade monitors now?

>> No.3176639

You seem to be over-complicating things. Why not just plug the RCA breakouts from your game system directly into your TV or audio setup? There is no need for audio to go through the converter at all.

Also, I bought one of those converters for when my PVM's RGB circuit was shitting out. The video quality coming out of it was absolute shit. How is yours?

>> No.3176669

the audio on the passthrough isn't connected to the right pins. Currently it's on 1 and 3, while they should be on 2 and 6.
Some are made that way because they're meant to be connected on Scart 2 where pins 1 & 3 are used (audio out).

>> No.3176674

Well I done fucked up, the Saturn's SCART cable is in fact not wired to carry the audio through the SCART header (though I can maybe wire it up to do so myself). That said, my PSX cable is wired up but still doesn't seem to output audio?

What a fucking mess this is.

>Why not just plug the RCA breakouts from your game system directly into your TV or audio setup?
The only thing is, only my Sega Saturn has the RCA breakouts.
My PSX cable for example, does not have RCA breakouts which is why I want to get this external audio breakout working.
>The video quality coming out of it was absolute shit. How is yours?
You mean the RGB to Y-U-V box? Honestly mine looks phenomenal, I'd wager that something's screwy in yours.

>> No.3176682

Oh shit

That explains wtf was going on in the saturn cable too

thank you you beautiful creature

>> No.3176709

Niko Bellic, is that you?

Also, what monitor is that?

>> No.3176747

thankfuly. Composite only 36 incher would have been an absolute waste

>> No.3176762
File: 3.42 MB, 3504x2968, DSCF0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my CRT. Wanting to replace it with a PVM but it serves me well.

>> No.3176763

how much does that adapter work? i wish the raspberry pi came with vga by default... after all its an extremelly budget computer and most of the people who want that probably have VGA screens instead of the newer ones.

>> No.3176768


As long as it's not HD yours is probably better.

>> No.3176770

I highly doubt my piece of shit is better than a professional quality monitor.

>> No.3176774

No he sorta is right. Most PVMs aren't that much better and most times worse than the later consumer sets from Sony. Especially the medical ones.

>> No.3176778

it is.

>> No.3176779

It's even by Sony so you already got the street cred covered. But I guess you also want the thick meme scan lines and mess up with your monitor's settings for whatever reason.

>> No.3176780

You have cute little legs now let's take that jacket off and see the rest.

>> No.3176786

>after all its an extremelly budget computer and most of the people who want that probably have VGA screens instead of the newer ones
I figure it's easier to have it output HDMI rather than have a proper RAMDAC for VGA output; At the very least from a power consumption point of view.

>> No.3176787
File: 174 KB, 786x1315, IMG_20160429_135021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the monitor in the cab. I'm assuming just some WG 19incher.

>> No.3176791
File: 1.45 MB, 2560x1920, tmp_27849-IMG_20160429_1624011560272117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im using that converter to connect my laptop to my tv through s-video, it looks ok.

>> No.3176795
File: 1.82 MB, 2000x1500, DSCF0028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But look at these puny scanlines.

>> No.3176809

What about them? They're perfectly fine, also they look pretty progressive to me. It's definitely an SD set.

People aren't into CRTs for the scan lines, never mind what this thread might tell you. Of course one might argue thicker scan lines make for a much more accurate image from a certain distance, but I don't really see the usefulness.

>> No.3176812

That doesn't look really OK, unless your TV isn't in top shape.

>> No.3176814

>People aren't into CRTs for the scan lines,
People buy CRTs exactly for image defects like that. Or for image defects to be more pronounced.

>> No.3176816
File: 25 KB, 300x300, photo-main-300x300[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3176817

>people don't have this certain opinion despite people expressing that opinion in this thread

>> No.3176819

Is it summer already?

>> No.3176830

Well they could just get an upscaler or just emulate with the appropriate shaders. If you buy CRTs for an alleged "image defect" (which is not really a thing since CRTs can look super sharp) then you're just retarded.

I said the thread, meaning the mental sum of the posts ITT, not the people themselves.

>> No.3176847


Ok, children. Stop.

>> No.3176868

It's far from working perfectly but it gets the job done I guess.
May I ask what's wrong with it?

>> No.3176881

Convergence is out the wazoo, and that's supposed to be s-video. But if it's fine to you then I won't advice fixing.

>> No.3176912
File: 1.06 MB, 1008x756, CRT-Power.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got ahold of an old apparently ex-NASA CRT. Made by Panasonic, used in the USA, and it didn't come with a power cable.
Anybody have any idea what sorta connector this is that I need?

>> No.3176921

3 prong computer/monitor power cable.

>> No.3176945

Tried one of those initially, doesn't fit into the socket. This one is rectangular and the pins themselves are round, as seen in the photo.

>> No.3176952

It might be necessary to replace the power socket with a common one, like the typical one mentioned in >>3176921
Or try to find a fitting cable.

>> No.3176970

looks like an old japan connector

>> No.3177003
File: 1.16 MB, 1008x756, CRT-RGB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, looks like that's the cable. Should be easy enough to swap in an IEC socket, thanks guys!
Interestingly enough it has an old digital RGB / 16 color output on the back too. Maybe an excuse to get some old computers to mess around with, assuming this TV even works.

>> No.3177050

>May I ask what's wrong with it?
It might be outputting 480i

>> No.3177063

That's for granted but I think he was outputting far over 640x480.

>> No.3177069

that's a rgb input. I forget the name of the connector, the switch is to select cvbs or rgb input.

>> No.3177091


I have one. It works just fine as long as you set your mode accordingly.

>> No.3177132

Why are some people so desperate to use a CRT with devices that can't losslessly connect to them?
LCD > CRT if using shitty converters

>> No.3177148
File: 2 KB, 181x180, 8PinSocket.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 Pin EIAJ, commonly known as 8 pin vtr connector. couldn't find the rgb pinout. maybe there is an adapter or you could rewire for bnc.

the six grouped pins are video signal and ground and the 2 others are l+r audio

>> No.3177175

1024x768 actually.
This TV doesn't support 480p for some reason anyway.
I tried using progressive on some games on my PS2 but it wouldn't work.

>> No.3177198

>1024x768 actually.

Figured as much, that's the maximum res most converters will ever downscale to 480i I believe. Because your TV isn't displaying 768p, but an approximation so it could be displayed on SD (either 480i or 576i), which is the target for color encoders.

>I tried using progressive on some games on my PS2 but it wouldn't work.

480p progressive scan only works with component cables. If your set doesn't have component inputs then it is most likely not compatible with 480p.

>> No.3177209

Thats the problem, my TV does have component connection and I have my PS2 connected through component.
Should I lower the resolution when using my laptop?

>> No.3177220 [DELETED] 

Then your TV is out of 480p support (then again you can farily easily check by displaying 240p content (like old consoles) If it doesn't flicker then it's actual 240p and yours is an SD set and only ever limited to 240p. But component is a really nice signal so you should be grateful.
Does it actually display anything at all? If not, you may live in Yurop and that enties switching outputs from RGB to YPrBr in the settings.

>Should I lower the resolution when using my laptop?

Nah, unless you find the excessive smudginess from the high resolution to bother you. It's basically SSAA in the form of video encoding. Too bad you can't get 240p outta there.

>> No.3177225

Then your TV is out of 480p support (then again you can farily easily check by displaying 240p content (like old consoles) If it doesn't flicker then it's actual 240p and yours is an SD set and only ever limited to 240p. But component is a really nice signal so you should be grateful.
Does it actually display anything at all? If not, you may live in Yurop and that enties switching outputs from RGB to YPrPb in the settings.

>Should I lower the resolution when using my laptop?

Nah, unless you find the excessive smudginess from the high resolution to bother you. It's basically SSAA in the form of video encoding. Too bad you can't get 240p outta there.

>> No.3177883

Is there anything to be done about my headphone jack making a loud "buzzing" noise that is so loud it makes wearing headphones a nightmare?

>> No.3177891

from what? a system?

>> No.3177901
File: 10 KB, 350x350, 31wgLLpOsLL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can find one of these?

>> No.3177904

From my TV? I don't know. I just plug my headphones into the headphone jack and I get this loud as fuck buzz/hum thing in the background that drives me mad. Wonder if I'm looking at a lost cause or a like huge restoration project to get rid of it.

Doesn't matter if it's my PS1 or NES.

I have tinnitus and compared to this buzz it's a straight up pleasure to have.

>> No.3177916
File: 112 KB, 600x335, 3_5mm-female-rca-female-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get one of these and plug the 2 RCAs from the console cable into here.

PVM have shit for audio. I doubt its a flaw even my LCD monitors have shit audio jacks.

>> No.3177925

Holy shit. Didn't even cross my mind to use the RCA cables for sound. Tried it, works perfect. You are my man, man. Thanks.

>> No.3178029

The tray? Because somebody has been trying to sell one on my craigslist for the last 7 years

>> No.3178157

when dealing with pro monitors and 600 and up TVL whats better, shadow mask or aperture grille?

>> No.3178340

TBQH I prefer shadow mask, from the little I've seen of it.

>> No.3178351

I think I remember you posting about that...? Hilarious, either way.

>> No.3178621
File: 32 KB, 816x491, RGB VTR.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*large scanlines.
That's desirable in my book, though a lot here seem to disagree. Closer to an arcade monitor though.

Try this for RGB, maybe.

It's a VTR connector. If you need to just get something connected, I suppose you could just poke test leads in or solder to nails. Not a solution, but a temporary measure.

This schematic looks promising.

>> No.3178632

What's the main difference between different PVM models of equal size? Are they all good?

>> No.3178678
File: 3.83 MB, 4488x3180, mpfc-4mb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the main difference between different PVM models of equal size?
Age, supported resolutions (all should support 240p/480i), supported inputs (very very early PVMs probably won't support RGB).
>Are they all good?
Yes. But PVMs aren't your only option for high quality monitors.

I prefer shadow masks but both can look good. See >>3173198 for a comparison. Aperture grille PVM on the left, shadow mask on the right.

>> No.3178684

Oh, also some of the later PVMs had more 'TV lines' - meaning you can squeeze a little more detail out of each line drawn. A side effect is that the black areas between lines is typically a little wider on the higher TVL levels.

>> No.3178690

FYI because of Tripfag's reign of terror CRT threads have been popping up on /g/ and /v/ lately. Maybe check those out if you are ok with board migration.

>> No.3178696
File: 3.65 MB, 4608x3116, montypython-joke-bth1390yn-4mb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been on /g/ in months and never used a name or trip there, let alone made a CRT thread. Never even been on /v/ since I don't buy new games anymore - DLC is cancer.

>> No.3178705

How many of them support component as well as RGB?

>> No.3178726

Yeah, that was more for people who want to be rid of you. Obviously if you went to the other boards this would be pointless.

>> No.3178731


>> No.3178776
File: 3.43 MB, 3038x1888, DSC_0176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The JVC BM-1400PN is identical to my BT-H1390YN, so just for lulz I'll post the service manual.

>> No.3178784


>> No.3178787
File: 2.91 MB, 4608x3272, snes to bnc crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. At least the threads will have less drama and more content now.

I've yet to see a PVM that supports RGB but not YPbPr component.
Of course, there's probably a couple that don't. But almost all of them seem to.

>> No.3178824

That's good, I want component for high quality DVD playback as well as high quality retro gaming. Though some players support RGB, I assume a PVM does a much better job of accurately converting from component.

>> No.3178876
File: 2.11 MB, 2048x1520, IMAG0455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still had to drop into the /v/ thread and introduce yourself via the magic of shitposting, right?

Utterly pathetic tbqh

>> No.3178929

yep, and then left again to let you have a good time.

I've not found consumer TVs to do a bad job with YPbPr. But it does look quite good on my PVMs and my other broadcast monitor.

>> No.3179142

Why did you go back?

Lonely much?

>> No.3179253

Hey /vr/, is this a good deal? 14" Sony PVM for $60.

I want to get into retro games and stuff.

>> No.3179262

>I want to get into retro games and stuff.

Don't spend that much money on a small ass CRT for starters, or at least look for a better not professional deal until you figure if the hobby calls out to you or not.

>> No.3179281

I'm mostly a late 90's / early 2000s gaming enthusiast, but I'd love to get into more retro stuff.

Any recommendations for if I want to set up a home system for retro emulator gaming?

>> No.3179289
File: 1.92 MB, 2340x4160, 20160430_141209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted it in /v/, figured I'd post it here too.

32" Sony KV32-FV310. $25 from a local Goodwill.
>2 Component
>2 S video, 1 front s video
>Variable volume headphone output
>Surprisingly decent audio with a bigass subwoofer enclosure next to the tube

I have literally no idea where to begin calibrating this thing. I've done everything I can from the standard menu, but I have no idea where to start with geometry and convergence.

>> No.3179292
File: 2.83 MB, 2080x1170, 20160430_141357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scanlines shot.

>> No.3179317

What's the story with the two PlayStations?

>> No.3179335
File: 330 KB, 1244x932, 2016-04-30_17-32-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've got some old Sylvania piece o' shit and the image is shifted up and slightly to the left, cutting off some of the top of the screen and leaving some black space on the bottom. Is there an easy way to fix that? Going through the tv's settings showed no offset option, but if an individual game has an offset option I can move the image around just fine.

>> No.3179343

Here's a DVD of test patterns I made:

For calibrating colors and black levels, use the SMPTE bar pattern. For convergence, use the crosshatch pattern. If you have purity problems a degauss won't fix, you need to adjust the deflection yoke which will NOT be quick or easy.

>> No.3179347

If it has a service menu, use it. You might have to google for directions or a complete service manual. You want vertical and horizontal position controls, which are usually hidden from the user.

>> No.3179353

The bottom one has a damaged motherboard and needs repairs. Probably just going to sell it on eBay as "For Parts" because my soldering iron isn't up to the task, They're both SCPH-1001s anyway.

I literally don't even know what convergence or purity are, honestly. This is a pretty new thing for me and I'm just starting to learn.

>> No.3179397

I've found this but none of the codes seem to work for me.


the same codes are on other sites too, do you have to input these retardedly fast or am I missing something here?

>> No.3179414

Depends which PVM. If it's a good one, in good condition, $60 is a good place to start.

>> No.3179437


are you starting with the tv off? on my samsung you have to press the buttons with a small delay in between at the right timing. i you do it oo fast it doesn't work. my sanyo you just hold the menu button with the tv on, unplug it and plug it back in. it's the easiest to access but the menu might as well be in hieroglyphics.

>> No.3179447

Anyone have any experience getting 240p out of a Raspberry Pi? It's theorethically in the HDMI modes, and I should be able to get a DAC for it ( https://www.pi-supply.com/product/gert-vga-666-hardware-vga-raspberry-pi/#reviews ) but I'd like to know if anybody has ever done it before me.

>> No.3179519

Pretty sure its easier to just use the composite port. (and I think you can configure that 480i to 240p in Retroarch etc.)

>> No.3179546
File: 720 KB, 3008x2000, DSC_0202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know what convergence or purity are.
Okay, I'll see if I can show you without fucking up my monitor too much.

I had to burn a VCD because I can't find my stack of recordable DVDs and the only DVD with the patterns I can find is missing the crosshatch (it's an older version). So the resolution's pretty shit, but it should work.

See this picture? this is a decent crosshatch. There's some MPEG artifacts because it's a VCD but it's still a crosshatch and does not exhibit too much of a convergence problem. Next photo will be a trouble spot, but in this one all the columns and rows are pretty much solid white.

what model is your sylvania?

>> No.3179551

Now here's a photo of a trouble area of my monitor. It's not really a huge issue sitting a few feet away from a 14 inch screen, but it was an issue on my (20") PVM-20L5. See how the bars are not purely white, but have a large amount of red off to the side. Some of the horizontal ones have a visible 'split' but that's actually the VCD's fault.

>> No.3179556
File: 738 KB, 3008x2000, DSC_0203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops, no photo again. Here's bad convergence for you.

>> No.3179559

I think it's a 6427GG, the PDF of the manual I found for that model has a picture that looks exactly like mine.

>> No.3179563
File: 813 KB, 3008x2000, DSC_0204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a problem that can be fixed with either convergence strips (small permalloy squares attached to paper or plastic strips that stick to the side of the tube) or adjusting the deflection yoke (if you need to do this I'll try to guide you, but it's tricky to do).

Now for purity. a solid red,green, or blue screen should be consistently that respective color. Here's good purity.

>> No.3179572
File: 777 KB, 3008x2000, DSC_0209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to induce the bad purity in this image with a pair of pliers since my CRT has good purity. You might have a blue or yellow or pink or some other color of distortion instead, or it might have great red purity but bad green purity. There's nothing for it but to put solid colored pictures of each primary color of light on your monitor, or if you have RGB inputs, show a white screen and disconnect two of your three color channels.

This will require either highly strategic magnet placement or moving the yoke, if doing a degauss on the screen doesn't fix it. Always try a degauss first.

>> No.3179583
File: 764 KB, 3008x2000, DSC_0210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you have a sticker or something on the back of the TV?

>> No.3179614

Sounds normal.
If you're ordering it shipped rather than picking it up yourself, you may want prioritize sellers with experience shipping CRTs over price.

>> No.3179665

oh shit I did, the back of the tv was against a wall, my bad

model's 6427GFG

>> No.3179672

You need to turn down saturation and probably fix red convergence - though that's so badly off on mario's cap in that pic that I suspect it has other problems.
I think you need a ground loop isolator or to properly fix your ground loop problem.

>> No.3179679

was meant for

>> No.3179685

Isn't there some shit up this very thread about doing this with an add-on board?

> I think you can configure that 480i to 240p in Retroarch
really? That'd be awesome. If retroarch can control the video mode though, surely there's other programs that can...?

>> No.3179697

I don't know about the pi, but if you want 240p your best bet is probably 'cvt' to generate a modeline for 15khz 240p ('cvt 320 240 59.94' should do it), and then xrandr to add it to your list of video modes and set it. Depends entirely on your video chipset, though. I know nothing about the pi except that it uses a pretty underpowered ARM11 chip.

I guessed, I'm hunting for it. Never had a sylvania set.

>> No.3179703

as soon as I actually got the model number I searched a bit for a service menu code and all I got was user manuals, with a bunch of them being from spanish website.

Thanks for trying to help a crt retard by the way.

>> No.3179705
File: 1.51 MB, 516x334, crt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the help so far. Once I figure out a way to display some test patterns on the TV I'll post in here with my results. I legitimately do not own a DVD player.

I have noticed one thing - on 240p content, brighter colors can cause "blooming" issues. Scanlines start to disappear as the brighter colors bloom out and to the right. I wish I could get a good picture of it, hopefully this is a good video example. You can see how it blooms out unevenly and kind of squashes the scanlines in the process, and also goes out to the right.

>> No.3179806

this is fairly normal for consumer tvs, but if blooming is really strong, it might need G2 adjustment

>> No.3179857

Yeah the tray

>> No.3179883

Here you go holmes, check this out.

And fwiw, I don't own a DVD player either

>> No.3179910
File: 1.68 MB, 960x540, bloom.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's a problem on my Toshiba 27A42, too. I need to open it up to fix a number of issues.

Note that 'G2' is the name for the screen grid of the CRT (in the vacuum tube itself) - there's usually a potentiometer on the flyback transformer labeled 'G2' or 'Screen'.
Just wanted to make sure everyone knew what you meant since I have no CRTs that label it as 'G2'. All of mine say 'Screen'.

video - bloom on the set - s-video source. The rainbow moire pattern is the camera's fault.

>> No.3179924

Boy that sounds like a shitfest to diagnose. Where do I even start with that?

>> No.3179925
File: 3.70 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_5349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you own a wii that can run the test suite?

You own a DVD player.
Same for any other modern console.

If you have a flash cart but not a $20 walmart DVD player I'm confused.

>> No.3179940

Looks great, FV series is Sony's high-end consumer Trinitron tvs, big screens and lots of options. $25 is a great deal, sumbitch was heavy wasn't it?

Don't bother with any more adjustments, that looks great as it is. There are inherent geometry problems with larger flat-screens, that's the trade-off for the bigger picture. Enjoy what you guy and take some more pictures, try something bright and colorful like mario world

>> No.3179954

No standalone dvd player. If I really needed to watch a DVD, I guess I'd use the PS2 or PS3.

Is there a homebrew that lets Wii's play DVDs? That's awesome Morty

>> No.3179958

You have no idea. I'm a literal trap and I had to get two men to carry it for me. They ended up having to use a handcart...

I thought it looked good though the geometry definitely needs work - it has a very strange unevenness when scrolling horizontally in games, where one part scrolls faster than the other. A horizontal geometry warp or something.

I have a PS3, PS2, PS1. I'm thinking I could burn your disc and play it in the PS2 actually.

>> No.3179981
File: 968 KB, 2688x1520, IMAG0196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Booted up the PS3 over S-Video. VERY visible geometry issues in the top right. See attached pic.

Looking at the lines on the screen, the bottom bar bows upwards and the top bar does as well. So geometry of the entire screen seems to be bowing up vertically, with the most severe example being the top right corner where it curves in accordance with the bow, and the top left corner as well. The picture is accurate, it really does look this "off".

>> No.3180001
File: 1.66 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, this will take some adjustment.

>> No.3180003
File: 455 KB, 1600x1200, DSCN0468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i believe the rubber band scrolling effect is linearity.

most of the problems are fixable via service menu but the horizontal bow is tough and may require opening it and making physical changes

my 27" was all kinds of screwy when I first hooked it up.

>> No.3180014
File: 818 KB, 2025x1509, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got the service manual, wrote down all the settings in the deflection menu and futzed with it for about 5 min. the picture isn't washed out in person, my camera is shit. I think I can get it pretty good with some more time.

>> No.3180020
File: 1.98 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about Klonoa? Sorry for the shit camera; My LG G3 is desaturated and my HTC One M8 has rainbow banding.

>> No.3180027
File: 35 KB, 412x703, sonytvmenu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be sure to write down (or better take a pic) original settings, as there's no factory settings reset usually.

>> No.3180031
File: 980 KB, 640x480, Klonoa Fan Loop.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Klonoa is always nice.

Rather, the factory reset is FAR from ideal.

>> No.3180042
File: 3.71 MB, 3038x1770, DSC_0240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 'screen' potentiometer on the flyback, maybe?

Thats a convergence issue, not a geometry one.

Drilled holes for easy access to focus and screen/g2 potentiometers on my Toshiba set. Fixed it up somewhat, but I'll have to play with the yoke to fix some of the convergence issues. Still, plenty playable now as-is.

Yeah, there are homebrew programs that'll let it play DVDs. On older firmwares you needed something called something like DVDx I think. In the most recent one, WiiMC or any of the mplayer ports should work fine.

>> No.3180059

When I said Geometry I was referring to the slant that the line has, not the color spreading. But I suppose the color spreading is a whole other thing I have to address as well. Hoo boy. I can't wait to jump into that. Gonna wait until I can get some good pics of the test patterns.

Please understand I don't even know what a flyback transformer is. I know what a transformer is, but my knowledge is limited to basic electrical components. My knowledge of the working of CRTs is near zero and I'd love to learn more so I could actually appreciate them fully.

>> No.3180074


>> No.3180085

>literal trap
no offense and all but if you are trans you shouldn't call yourself a trap, it's offensive when applied to transgirls, it's only a positive thing when applied to femboys.

>> No.3180137

It's an easy term to use. That's all. But that's really besides the point of the thread entirely. Let's not derail this like the /g/ thread.

>> No.3180165
File: 2.75 MB, 4608x3456, flyback identified label.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were you there on that /g/ desktop thread when that transvestite guy started posting dick pics?
Or is this a different incident?
I tend to avoid /g/ nowadays. That is one of many reasons.

The slant doesn't look very bad to me. I'd worry far more about convergence.

Also, use this pic to identify a flyback transformer. Be warned, the tube acts as a huge capacitor and can store very high voltages under that rubber cap.

>> No.3180168

oh wait, it was a battlestation thread, not a desktop thread.

>> No.3180173
File: 797 KB, 3008x2000, DSC_0278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some Monty Python VHS tapes at a garage sale.

>> No.3180176

No, that's coxwizards. I was in a battlestation thread where I posted myself in some socks with my CRT and it eventually devolved into a giant shitfling over terminology because I called myself a trap but am technically transgender. It's in the past.

What should I do to avoid killing myself opening it? Anyway way to safely discharge it, or just "avoid touching anything"?

>> No.3180184

These weren't rainbow striped long stockings right?

Anyway, yeah, you want to clip one end of a wire to a grounding point on the tube chassis, and the other end to a flat screwdriver that you poke under the rubber cup until you touch the metal clip in the middle. Use an insulated screwdriver (plastic handle, metal tip). I think I have a pic somewhere.

>> No.3180191
File: 672 KB, 2448x1836, discharge1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it.

The black clip is connected to a spring spanning the edge of the tube and connecting to the ring around the front.

This is a clearly sub-optimal solution - and make sure you actually have continuity before you try to actually use something this ugly. But it worked for me. Still be pretty cautious, don't put your free hand on anything metal, etc.

But you'll probably be okay. Use common sense.

>> No.3180192

No, they were just black socks. Pic related. It's whatever.

God that sounds scary... I'm not going to lie, I'm irrationally afraid of the tube exploding. I've dealt with electronics before but CRTs are a whole new scope of "will kill you dead", and idk how ready I am to deal with that.

>> No.3180194
File: 1.51 MB, 2340x4160, 20160421_134403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic.

brb, cracking this bad boy open. If I don't respond I died.

>> No.3180195
File: 911 KB, 2448x1836, knobs-dischargepic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, the tube won't explode on you.
That metal band around the outside of the face of the tube makes it REALLY hard to make it explode. You probably wouldn't be able to make it shatter if you did a karate kick on it (disclaimer: don't karate kick your CRT to test my theory).

The main danger is just the high voltage that runs the tube.

Ah, okay.
Nice legs ;)

Anyway, good luck. I went through the 'if I don't come back I'm dead' phase on IRC, too (where I was taught).

BTW, here's a slightly different photo with the location of the 'screen' and 'focus' knobs circled.

>> No.3180197

people are irrationally afraid of CRTs and idk why

I'm guessing some dumbass died? you have to be another kind of retarded to have a CRT discharge on you.

>> No.3180204

>Nice legs ;)

We've reached a new level of tripfagging tonight.

>> No.3180205
File: 99 KB, 433x450, d20-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, also, use a screwdriver if you adjust the knobs. They usually have slots for phillips' head screwdrivers.

I fixed convergence and purity by actually removing and replacing the yoke on my PVM with the monitor switched on the entire time. Not totally safe, but the lesson is that if you're careful you'll be okay.

You can be foolhardy but not stupid and die.

Most people just get really nasty shocks if they fuck up, it seems. I still don't care to try it and roll any dice by not discharging first.

>> No.3180208

I'm sorta afraid to open one up and do maintenance cause they seem complicated, they're fuckhuge, and if you bust it they don't make any more.

>> No.3180218

Managed to snag a kv-27fs120 for $10 the other day. Haven't fucked with the settings on it yet, but I'm pretty damn pleased.

>> No.3180223

They're less complicated than LCDs by far, and you are pretty unlikely to kill it outright just by opening it and adjusting dials.

I just opened a 27" set tonight - biggest yet. The flyback adjustments are some of the simplest do do.

I do recommend having a set of color bars and a cross-hatch pattern ready if you're adjusting brightness (the 'screen/G2' potentiometer changes brightness as well) and the focus potentiometer, respectively. But you can get away without it, probably. You just don't want your picture to look totally washed out with black areas that are gray instead of black, and you can mostly eyeball focus.

>> No.3180226
File: 2.59 MB, 4160x2340, 20160501_014132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know about that, but EVERYONE EVER warns you about how dangerous they are. They have a sort of history for being dangerous. I dont know how substantiated those claims are but I dont want to find out.

So I won't short something out, cause an extremely high voltage to hit the tube, and cause an earth-shattering explosion of force outwards? That's a relief. I dont care about getting shocked, I've taken 120v before, but an explosion would scare my pants off. Also, thank you!

Guts pic!

>> No.3180230
File: 1.04 MB, 1170x2080, 20160501_014147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the wire... and the copper wire I see is the deflection yolk? I noticed theres a little board with a few pots on top of it.

>> No.3180232
File: 1.09 MB, 2080x1170, 20160501_014230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I believe this is our flyback transformer...? (What does the flyback transformer do, anyway?)

>> No.3180234

Calm down lmao
Only dangerous thing about a CRT is the anode cap.

That speaker is pretty cool

>> No.3180237
File: 1.44 MB, 2080x1170, 20160501_014336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... and voila! The pots you were talking about! Right on the flyback itself.

Now, do you have any tips on adjusting these? What do the two of them do when turned clockwise/counter-clockwise? And is it safe to test and adjust them with the TV plugged in?

>> No.3180241

yeah its safe 100%

Seriously you dont have to be so cautious just test out the affects of turning each knob

>> No.3180242

It's the subwoofer for the 2.1 audio of the TV. I think it's exclusive to the FV series. It produces a pretty surprising kick for its size.

What's the anode cap? I'd rather avoid touching it.

>> No.3180250

Wow, that's a biggun.

Nah, these tubes operate at thousands of volts (at very very very very very very very low current). That voltage won't hurt it - in fact, you're removing the voltage by tying it to ground.

If any electricity were to do weird things inside the tube, you'd see arcs inside the glass. But it'd not make it explode or anything. Now, a hammer, that MIGHT. but especially with big tubes they're designed to withstand thousands of pounds of pressure.

I need to sleep now; I go to work in 7 hours -_-
I'll be back sometime before 9pm EST. tomorrow, if you want to wait.

Otherwise, I have confidence you'll do just fine.

In the meantime, if you decide to go ahead, this page can be really helpful.

>> No.3180256

The suction cup the red cord runs to

Unless you are trying to discharge it dont touch it imo.

>> No.3180257

Its ENORMOUS. I can sit inside the back shell of the CRT now that it's removed. Its that large.

I'll play around with it some tonight and see what I can do. I figured out I can use a flash drive on my PS3 to play movies and view test patterns. So I'm giving that a shot.

See you tomorrow!

>> No.3180258

Yep, thats the transformer.

Yep, that's the yoke.

I usually have the TV on either in front of a mirror or with my hand on one end and head on the other (looking at the screen). I use a screwdriver to adjust the pot and see which way has which result.

You were trying to adjust/decrease bloom, correct?
Because convergance requires messing with the yoke.

If you are skittish about having it on while in it, try turning it one way, turn the tv on, see how it looks. Then turn it off and adjust again. This gets painful quickly though.

It's mostly safe to do it while plugged in, but if you're really worried you can do it off the grid.

>> No.3180261

So a quarter rotation (90 degrees) either way on the pots isn't going to fuck it over, like laser voltage regulation pots?

>> No.3180263

I actually have the TV pointed towards a full body mirror. I might be able to use that. But yes, right now bloom is the priority.

>> No.3180264

LEDs (laser diodes are LEDs) are much more picky and suicidal than CRTs are. Don't worry.

>> No.3180281

Looks like we'll need a new thread soon, guys. Anyone else care to make it so I don't have to tomorrow evening?

>> No.3180290
File: 1.18 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0203[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have a bunch of stuff posted for you in this thread later tonight. Already taking pics now with the test patterns.

It looks like convergence (thats the colors separating, right?) is worst in the top right and bottom right but otherwise well within spec everywhere else. This is at the top right...

(sorry, I know I must be keeping you up)

>> No.3180292
File: 1.19 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0204[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... and this is in the dead center.

Honestly, the convergence isnt really that bad. Even in the top right corner its tolerable. So bloom and geometry are my top priorities for getting that beautiful retro look.

>> No.3180305


Played with the bottom pot. The screen went black, and as I started turning it back, it went blue, out of focus, and shut off.


>> No.3180310

Returned it back to its original position (helpfully marked by paint). Its working again. That one was a little scary.

>> No.3180315

If you don't have local convergence controls, it's usually advised to just get it good in the center.

>> No.3180405

Do scan converters like the Extron VSC 150 introduce screen tearing when downscaling from 960 to 480i?

>> No.3180592

Is there any reason why I can't use a jrok encoder for playing some of my rgb systems on component/s-video etc? (for when I'm not at home )

It's usually used for arcade boards but I was wondering if it would work fine for retro console rgb outputs. I'm not sure if the signals would need any type of amplification or what but there are pots on the board.

I was going to get one of these jrok boards for a supergun I'm building, and I was thinking that I could put the jrok in a separate enclosure just so I'm not forced to use an $80 chip in only one project.

>> No.3181326
File: 1.53 MB, 1533x2396, screen_issue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, not sure where to post, but I figure you lot might know better than the general /vr/ population...

What's going on with my screen? How come the NES image is getting cut off for some games, like in this example Double Dragon, but not for other games, like in Major League Baseball, at the bottom, which seems to fill the screen? Additionally, every other console I have fills the screen.

>> No.3181337

NES produces garbage graphics on borders, especially when scrolling. So some games don't use the border.

>> No.3181354

So, in this case, the NES is producing garbage because Double Dragon is a side-scrolling game?

Is there anyway to fix this?

>> No.3181360

Mirroring. Some games use horizontal mirroring to scroll horizontally, some use vertical mirroring to scroll vertically. The top and bottom of a screen on the NTSC NES are cut off in the overscan range, so games that required both vertical AND horizontal scrolling tended to use horizontal mirroring and rely on the overscan to hide garbage above and below - such games would swap tiles in in the 'game screen' above and below it, and use the hardware scrolling capability provided by mirroring for horizontal movement.

Final Fantasy and the Earthbound NES prototype are good examples of this.

Games that only scroll sideways usually can afford not to crop horizontally, and games that only scroll up and down can afford not to crop at the top and bottom.

>> No.3181362

Just deal with it, it's normal.

>> No.3181373

Oh, also, some NES games hide sprites on the side of the screen.

>> No.3181396

Oh also, I'm assuming you are pretty young and did not have a NES growing up and just graduated from emulators. If this is not the case let me know. But it's always been like this, I think.

>> No.3181402

Yeah, that's convergence. Middle right is pretty good? Then if you decde to try to fix it you'll be able to get away with permalloy convergence strips. Those are mainly to deal with corners. Note that they can also influence geometry though.

>> No.3181432

Thanks for the explanation, as Free said, I guess it's normal then, and I'll have to deal with it.

Actually, I had a NES growing up, didn't play it like all the time though. I also think I had "kid goggles" on, so I didn't necessarily see "problems or issues" as I do now. Got the NES when I was 6 (2000), so I've had it for a number of years.

Also, haven't ever played NES games through an emulator, rather play on real hardware (like the rest of my games).

>> No.3181435

I also think the difference was that I played it on a smaller Sony CRT, I forget the model, but it's black, got loads of controls for display and etc on a frontal panel, really good image (as I remember it), so perhaps that TV had something to do with me not noticing?

>> No.3181470

Hi again.

I played with the two knobs on the flyback. I think I've got focus in a good point but the G2 knob doesnt seem like something I want to adjust - turning it to the right cuts the picture out and turning it to the left causes blue images on the screen and shuts it off.

Should I just leave them as they are and move on to other things?

>> No.3181634

You can't fix it but you can increase overscan until you don't see it.

I graduated hs in 2000, it's always been spotty. But when we were kids, anything with decent color, the important bits on screen and anything better than an rf connection was perfect in every way.

>> No.3181695

why do i have to set my resolution to 640x480 @60 Hz in windows 7 to make my emulator able to do 384x240 @120Hz when i switch to fullscreen? if i dont do this the display stays at 1280x1024 according to the screen but screenshots i take like this are 384x240

>> No.3181784

It probably disables your card's scaling function for some reason.

>> No.3181918
File: 2.47 MB, 4096x3072, P_20160502_011740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GSM can force PAL/PAL60/NTSC non-interlaced mode
>result is stretched and half screen is missing

>> No.3181934

Does it _immediately_ cut out when you turn iy right? or does it go increasingly black as it turns?

and it sounds kind of like there might be a voltage limiter of some sort or a current limiter somewhere before the flyback if it shuts off.

Either way, that's pretty strange. Can we get a video clip/some photos of what happens when you turn it left/right?

I'll try to show what mine does when I adjust the 'screen' knob when I get back home in an hour.

>> No.3181938

GSM has fucked up with almost every game I've tried.

>> No.3181940

Aw someone who doesn't play fighting games, what is GSM short for?

also, that's odd Usually 480p on a 15khz monitor will look like the image has been cloned (so you get the same picture paneled next to itself and horizontally crunched).

>> No.3181989
File: 3.65 MB, 4096x3072, P_20160502_014409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read on that 0.23 actually has a 240p mode
>install and try
>it werked

>> No.3181992
File: 3.58 MB, 4096x3072, P_20160502_014519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3182002

So, what is this? 0.23 what?

>> No.3182073
File: 1.33 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When turned right, it just immediately shuts off. The TV doesnt shut off per se, the picture tube still seems to be running but the picture itself goes black.

Now when turned to the left, a blue subpixel grid starts to appear in the picture as well as some lines (pictured), and turning it further this way last time caused the blueness to eventually overtake the screen, go bright, and shut off -entirely-. The part where it goes blue is VERY sensitive and even slightly jittering my shaky hand to the left causes it to go much bluer. Heres a picture of the blueness... You can see a line in the picture. Theres about 15 of these lines, they go horizontally at an angle across the picture in even increments.

>> No.3182109

Wew, I basically played the NES through RF until I got an SNES and learned what composite was... yeah lol.

>> No.3182114

That's retrace line, you have to lower G2 until they're not visible anymore

>> No.3182134

Well in the default position, they aren't visible at all, and the blacks are fine. So I'm assuming that based on the information we've gathered here, left rotation increases G2 and right rotation decreases G2, and the set has some sort of low limit where it will shut the picture off if G2 gets too low.

>> No.3182156

Sony PVM 8044Q. Tell me about it.
Assuming the image and other image things are all good, and assuming I would want a cute 'lil 8 incher, is it a good get?

>> No.3182274

new thread (which I totally didn't have to make due to us being on page 10 and saging fast):

I'll reply to you there.

>> No.3182297

Also replied to you in >>3182290