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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3163724 No.3163724 [Reply] [Original]

is Grand Theft Auto 1 the worst mainline gta /vr ?

>> No.3163730

First game is great. 2, in other hand...

>> No.3163735

5 had the problem of too many roses and not enough time to smell them, making the entire subtlety of the game's other points go completely to waste.

In terms of overall mechanics, it's the weakest, but still a good game.

>> No.3163910

>too many roses and not enough time to smell them,

What does this mean?

>> No.3163918

Are you a shitposter?

>> No.3163923

The guy on the left looks unironically autistic. They all look lame but that white guy on the left looks like he has actual autism.

Was that intentional?

>> No.3163942

Calling the original GTA the worst of its franchise is exactly as calling the first Megaman or the first Final Fantasy as the worst.

They might not be the absolute quintessential must-play gems that everyone adores like SA, Megaman 2/3 or X, or FF7, but they're still a good game on their own

WITH THAT BEING SAID, as far as top-down view GTA go, GTA2 is superior in almost every aspect

>> No.3163946

I'm assuming it means like all the detail they put into making the game

>> No.3163949

GTA5 has a metric fuckton of minor details, and I mean an absolute mountain. You could fill an entire book with these details if you wanted. However, there is very little incentive to explore the game since you keep all your weapons on death/bust, the police give up at the drop of a hat, and the collectathon deals of the PS2 trilogy is utterly gone. You can go through the entire game without happening on any of these details.

Some are such minor details the game feels so shallow you don't notice them at all. It's like an ornament that got too many fixes and looks like a mess.

>> No.3163954
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you don't play online do you?

>> No.3163962


>games with expiration dates

One of the saddest things with non-retro games

>> No.3163967

The original 2D games had a lot of style, great characters and kickass music. The 2D games also had a fucked camera angle, a control scheme that necessitates spray-and-pray, and a whole lot of bugs. Further, they were released at a time when 2D games were dying out and thus didn't drum up a lot of interest.

>> No.3163983 [DELETED] 

Just wondering, what did you think of the writing in GTA5 compared to the rest of the series?

I know these games have always been pretty stupid, but somehow in the earlier games, all the way up to San Andreas all seemed to be appropriate to the theme, it never tried to be any more complex than it needed to be.

Somehow all the dialogue and character writing in GTA5 feel like they were trying really, really hard to do something more complex but everything about the entire game ended up being really shallow anyway.

Little things like that rant Trevor makes about the role of torture in the modern world when driving that guy they just beat up to the airport, it's comes across to me like whoever was writing this stuff just browsed the Guantanamo Bay wikipedia page for two minutes or something.

Also Trevor was a shit character, people can go on all day about how he's a deconstruction of the GTA demographic or whatever the fuck, but everything he ever said just sounded like "hey, let's just have Trevor say something crazy sounding so that people don't forget that he's insane."

GTA5 felt like the video game equivalent to that popular kid at school who knows he can say whatever dumb shit he wanted while knowing that no one is ever going to call him out on it.

>> No.3163993

I do, it sucks except for the racing.

>> No.3163997

You got it opposite, the characters represent different types of GTA players. Franklin represents the ones who haven't played the game, Micheal represents those who have already completed the game, and Trevor represents those who want tasteless humor and mayhem.

GTA was at its finest when it was a blatant mockery of America instead of a mid-life crisis.

>> No.3164003

>I was born in the 2000s the post.

>> No.3164007

... You're that guy on the left aren't you?

I'm sorry that you look autistic.

>> No.3164048

Ya kiddo. Still rocking the parachute jeans in 2016.

>> No.3164067

Quite honestly I wasn't even talking about his clothes. He looks autistic. His stance, the way he's holding his head, that look on his face.

Like CWC lost weight and became a thug.

>> No.3164069

You spend 8 hours a day on /v/ don't you?

>> No.3164070

Nope. But it is a Sunday.

>> No.3164250

>He looks autistic
Perhaps you should let medical professionals handle the diagnosis. You know, people who actually attended school.

>> No.3164367

You seem very offended that I pointed out how autistic he looks.

Did I hit a bit too close to home?

>> No.3164484

>GTA5 has a metric fuckton of minor details that serve no purpose

>> No.3164515

what are you talking about, glitches with flying cars, flaming people and cops, the Elvis or was it Krishna bonus, dump truck top speed wobble, it's my favorite /vr/ game to pop in and fuck around in with no direction or purpose. Playing the story mode is much easier if you have the map and memorize the save points.

>> No.3164570
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It's not a game that would survive in today's market, sure, but it was the game that pioneered open world games with vehicles. Well only because Body Harvest was limited by the Nintendo 64 hardware. Both developed by DMA Designs

>> No.3164583

You appear to have got it mixed up with GTA 2, mate.

>> No.3164617

It was the Hare Krishna; the Elvises were on GTA2.

>> No.3164641

No, Chinatown Wars was worse. It tried to capture the magic of 1 and 2 but all the cars went too fast for the tiny DS screen so you just crashed into everything.

>> No.3164657

What modern games most resemble GTA1/2 gameplay? Something like Hotline Miami?

>> No.3164858

>all the cars went too fast for the tiny DS screen
Sounds like you need to git gud

>> No.3164873

Pretty much just that. Still, a remake of GTA2 in the Hotline Miami engine would be pretty baller.

>> No.3164889

Retro City Rampage was born from an attempt to port GTA 3 to the NES. It's the closest you'll get to GTA 1/2 style gameplay (and silliness) in modern times

>> No.3164896

I had both and kinda preffered 2 although the character and menus have so much more personality in 1

>> No.3164989
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I still wear parachute pants in 2016, idgaf

>> No.3165449

fuck you, the drug dealing side-missions were fun as fuck

holy crap, dude

>> No.3166207

Ahh I gotcha. I still haven't played V, but I like these types of games for those little details themselves. I don't play the story missions unless I have to and have little care for collecting weapons. I mostly like exploring and looking at all those little details.

>> No.3166239

>Hotline Miami engine

That's just Game Maker.

>> No.3166245

2 is way better just because it zooms out when you go fast/

>> No.3166994

>playing GTA on a console

>> No.3167319

>didn't drum up a lot of interest
GTA was hyped as fuck, and even talked about in mainstream media.
The game was, and still is, fun. But it is very different from modern GTA

>> No.3167878

To be fair, the retro GTA games run badly on newer computers without tweaking. GTA on console runs just fine.

>> No.3168873

I like the fact that in GTA1 you only have a limited amount of respawns per level, and the fact that you could only take 1 bullet without armor and no ability to strafe, put you on equal footing with the AI enemys. So the pressure in combat made you feel like a real criminal risking your life in every encounter.
Aswell as the fact the bosses express dissapointment in you when you fail and praise you when you succeed, made you want to do the best you can.
Its almost a roguelike in some respects.

>> No.3168874

... But 1 zooms out when you go fast. I spent half my childhood playing 1 and it sure as fuck zooms out when you're going fast.

>> No.3168884
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Retro City Rampage is getting a sequel soon, Shakedown Hawaii, this time 16bit styled.

>> No.3168893

can you steal cars in this? looks fucking great

>> No.3168895

nice. retrocity rampage was okay at best though

>> No.3168993

>5'1 manlet trying to act hard for the camera

>> No.3169178

Cool part of GTA on PS1 was that after you load the game you could put in a music CD. Ever car you got in would play a different track on the CD, we used to play with Great Southern Trendkill. If I remember right, each car would play a certain track, like the style of the car would determine the track.

>> No.3169246

Holy shit. And the game can still play normally without the disc?

>> No.3169474

JNCO was on its way out but it was still common when this ad was made

>> No.3169525

Yeah until you wanna load the game again, it was cool because you get in a car and it was kinda like the radio coming on.

>> No.3169557

Can these people look anymore 1998?

>> No.3171530

I tried GTA1 for the first time the other day. I did not enjoy the Top down odd control style.

>> No.3171603

Yep. But it's still fun.

>> No.3171608

The London expansions were pretty good.

>> No.3171636

GTA 4 was the worst

>> No.3171638

What made it worse? Worse than V?

>> No.3171646

GTA1 seriously gives me motion sickness

the camera moves non fucking stop in that game

>> No.3172078


It's funny because GTA still is a mockery of America, but the real life America is so legitimately fucked up that people don't even recognise the satire, they just mistake it for realism.

My biggest complaint about GTAIV at the time was that it felt too dry and humourless, but I went back to it maybe a year ago, and in hindsight, that shit is actually mind blowing. The humour is easy to miss because it relies on a mix of low-brow violence and juvenile obscenity, laced with this pretty deep social commentary that only seems even more scathingly accurate when looked back on in retrospect.

GTAV played its humour a little more straight, by comparison, it's just that it's hard to portray America as this crazy caricature land of mass-shootings and vapid consumerism, when that's literally what America really is.

>> No.3172102
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>> No.3172123

GTA Online sucks dick.

>> No.3172134

Apparently you can also do this in Sonic CD.

>> No.3172826

PS games usually don't stream from disc, it's too slow for that. Instead everything that's needed is put into RAM. The games aren't big either. A large share of the discs was used for FMV and audio