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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 501 KB, 3071x1727, FyPS35p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3074928 No.3074928 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a gaming setup thread going

>> No.3074948

Not bad for a modern history teacher.

>> No.3074990
File: 74 KB, 640x480, 1456788916171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loft in the cabin

>> No.3075016

That looks comfy as fuck.

>> No.3076230

Cabins are the coziest.


>> No.3076394

>Master System 2
>THREE NES/Famicom systems
>PAL SNES hope it's moded
>that sideways Mega Drive
>three TVs
You have some upgrading to do.

>> No.3076402

Black shelves in the middle, but brown ones on the left and right? Have you heard of color coordination? Make it all black or brown!

>> No.3076437

Black matches anything, nigga.

>> No.3076529
File: 1.42 MB, 3264x1836, grendel dark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not just overdoing it completely in some unused subterranean space

>> No.3076536

Bro, you better plug a controller in

>> No.3076542

u have 3 tvs

>> No.3076597

Can you show another angle on those chairs in front of the projector? Looks way cramped from the pics I've seen

>> No.3076614

Did you rob those seats from a bus terminal?

I never realized how many N64 games have "No Controller" screens. I don't think I ever turned on my N64 as a kid without a controller in it, only just recently when I started building my retro battlestation.

>> No.3076637

I've seen that basement before, it's evolving. Good job.

>> No.3077090
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 8000_series_thumb-300x300[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look like this. It's actually nice with my new short-throw projector you can sit much closer to the wall without being in the beam, unlike with my old projector. Or did you mean like if you have a huge ass? I fit fine and I'm 6'6" 250.

Yeah, I'm sure they came from some public place before I got them. I wouldn't say they're comfortable but they are padded at least and very rugged. The tan leather sectional is more comfy but it's getting musty.

>> No.3077110

Ah, cool. Do you often have a lot of friends over? I feel like, if I had that setup, I would look into a few super-comfy, used recliners on craigslist.

>> No.3077115

I used to but since I had a kid I rarely have more than one or maybe two people down there so I've considered making that switch. The stairs down are pretty narrow though. Plus my cats hang out down there a lot and they like to tear up shit like that.

>> No.3077134

Given the fact that your basement seems to be all about function over form, some torn-up recliners wouldn't be out of place at all. Who cares if the cats go at them? As long as they're still comfy.

>> No.3077147

every time we have one of these threads, the same people post the same set ups. enough already...

>> No.3077292

Always love the simplicity of these setups.

>> No.3078090
File: 437 KB, 1161x1752, 20160320_135237_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post a recent picture of mine, seeing as how I've finally gotten everything actually working, now, after months of troubleshooting, part-swapping and system-modding. Apologies for the PS1 on top of the set, I don't have anywhere else for it to go right now. I'm keeping my eye out for a smaller audio receiver/amplifier so I can have more shelf space down there. I can finally continue playing FFVII for the first time!

And before anyone asks, I did not pay for those SNES game boxes. They're just actually mine from 20 years ago. I still have the box to Super Mario Kart, but it's not in such nice condition.

>> No.3078124
File: 397 KB, 1161x2064, 20160319_160202_resized_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And on a related note, although not relevant to the thread, I also have the RECEIPT for my copy of Super Mario Kart. It was bought at K.B. Toys on 10/27/93, which is actually my sister's birthday, although I remember Mario Kart being just a random gift to my brother and I. Perhaps it was to appease us for suffering through a girly birthday party.

>> No.3078129

They're not though if the stuffing is all torn out.

>> No.3078132

Post yours then, Faggot.

>> No.3078137

Put the amp on top the PVM it's shielded.

>> No.3078151
File: 573 KB, 1161x2064, 20160319_160146_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That receipt was stapled to another one from around the same time. A Sega Genesis bundled with Sonic 2 that I got for Christmas of '93. It was bought from a motherfucking CALDOR. Back when 99% of video games were sold at department stores. There's a senior citizen discount applied, which means my mom had either her mother or father buy it. I remember her doing that all the time. Fucking memories, man.

I thought about that. It looks awkward, and I don't like having the wires hanging behind the monitor, but if it comes down to it, it's certainly an option.

I imagine actually tearing all of the stuffing out would take a lot of time and effort. Unless your cats are actually jaguars or something.

>> No.3078184

you bloody bastard, give all your games now you fucking cock blocker

>> No.3078838

I've posted mine several times, and it would go against what i said. Faggot.

>> No.3078860

$65.62 inflation adjusted.

>> No.3078990
File: 677 KB, 2048x1152, 20160320_153417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go buddy.

>> No.3079014
File: 220 KB, 1024x768, IMG_0019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see your controller tangle, /vr/

>> No.3079043

>see your controller tangle, /vr/

Why would my controllers be tangled? They're individually bagged so I don't have to deal with that shit.

>> No.3079063

It's like you don't even save the twist ties that keep your bread from drying out.

>> No.3079072
File: 185 KB, 1024x735, Saturn controllers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3079076

>senior citizen discount
why am I laughing at this.
>that feel when I can get senior discounts on steam in 40 years

>> No.3079203

Maybe the idea of a 70-year-old man or woman buying a Sega Genesis with Sonic 2.

Why would I even have a controller tangle? I wrap the cords when I'm done with them.

Also, why is some of /vr/ triggered by wrapping cords around the controllers? I've been doing it since before most of you people were born, likely, and have suffered no ill effects.

>> No.3079218

Depends how tightly you wind them, I guess. I know from my time working at Gameslop that wires get pulled out of the contact points when they come in wrapped like that. If I wrap mine, I wrap them with plenty of slack.

>> No.3079221

Dunno, the controller in >>3078990 has been wrapped when it was put up since Christmas 1992 and its fine.

>> No.3079234

>It was bought from a motherfucking CALDOR.
god damnit finally

been trying to remember the name of this store. it replaced a "hills" in upstate ny i used to go to and it just broke my heart that hills. i used to get icees and cheese pretzels and shit and that all disappeared when it turned into a caldor. it was so lifeless.

>> No.3079240

Yes, we've seen it 100 times anon

>> No.3079451

I hate how everything needs to be justified when somebody posts an image here. Dude, who cares if you paid or not for the snes boxes? It's a choice, it won't actually make you an idiot except for the retards around here that try to make a standard for people.

>> No.3079475

Comfy, sit on the floor and play?

>> No.3079518
File: 114 KB, 1000x893, HE-4726BK (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude, who cares if you paid or not for the snes boxes?
I care, actually. I don't want anyone thinking I'm collector scum that blows hundreds on boxes and encourages resellers to overcharge for 20-year-old cardboard.

Right now, yes. I do have pic related on the floor in front of my LCD to the left, it's really nice, and occasionally I slide it over to use with my CRT, but for most games, I find I'd rather sit closer to the screen than this allows. I'm looking into buying some sort of cushion or bean bag chair that I can just sit/lay/prop myself up on in various ways, but god damn, good bean bag chairs are not cheap.

>> No.3080674

>that Nickelodeon clock
My sister had that. I remember it having a super-annoying alarm.

>> No.3083134

What size TV is that?

>> No.3085135

What's your favourite console to play on and why?
Which on do you play the most? In case you play something else more than your favourite console.
Also why did you match black with brown? If you did it out of need it'd be ok, but if you wanted to match things you failed. Black fits every fucking colour except for brown.

>> No.3085194

>Black fits every fucking colour except for brown.
The odd thing is that unless it's just a lighting trick, even the two brown units are different shades.

>> No.3085240
File: 599 KB, 2048x1536, DSC_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to beat this

>> No.3085251

mfw, now the left one seems to be slightly red..

>> No.3085296

Was wondering if anybody could show me an RGB comparison of a 1chip or mini SNES vs a model 1 SNES. Please don't use scan-lines, as I want to see how different the colour bleeding is.

>> No.3085460

>Please don't use scan-lines
So you obviously don't want it on a CRT right?

In my experience, the only place I notice a difference is on a CRT. I recently bought a Framemeister and hooked up my 1Chip, then switched the my model 1, and I couldn't tell the difference. You might be able to tell side by side, but at that point, who cares?

>> No.3085493


In fact, just bookmark retrorgb.com

>> No.3085513

thats a pic somebody posted on reddit in 2014.

yes, the alarm volume isn't adjustable either.


>> No.3085541

Your setup looks like a set straight out of the movie Brazil, especially with those tubes running everywhere. Its impressive how brazenly proud you are with your subterranean room in your danky ass basement. Lols.

Please tell me you don't sleep there too.

>> No.3085551

>I have more money than you

post some images on an image board fgt.

>> No.3085585

mfw, i never browse fucking reddit, neither did i expect someone to start a retro station thread with someone elses set up

>> No.3085594

Me neither, I did a RIS because I wanted to ask OP some questions. that was the source. Just letting you know op is a fake and any replies you got would be fake as well.

here's some conversation for you though.

my favorite is Snes, it was the first console I got new.

I play playstation 1 the most because it's got the biggest backlog

all of my shit is mismatched because I'm not an interior designer and it does it's purpose. maybe after my toddler is grown I'll upgrade some of the furnishings.

what's your favorite console?

>> No.3085747


>> No.3085782
File: 2.92 MB, 3264x4896, BST_3.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made some small changes to mine since I last posted it. The most obvious change is the new shelf and the figures strewn about.
I plan on getting a proper display cabinet for them soon though.

>> No.3085792

gorgeous, anon. I wish this thread got more posts. I need a good sauce for retro setup p0rn

>> No.3085806

I keep fucking reporting you and you don't go away, are you ban evading?

>> No.3085809
File: 49 KB, 623x800, we-po.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my poor man's setup

>> No.3085856

Who's that green-haired girl?

>> No.3085861

Draco Centaur, she's from Puyo Puyo.

>> No.3085889

Thanks. I can only recognize Arle, really need to get into series.
That's a 6 inch PVM next to Saturn, right? How do you like playing on it?

>> No.3085901

As for the PVM it's actually an 8 incher, and I think it's fantastic. It's small size and high line count make it really great for desktop usage.
I've had it for a year now and haven't had any problems with it.

>> No.3085958
File: 1.28 MB, 2560x1440, IMG_20160323_195113233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day I will have a proper setup, but for now I move the CRT in when I want to play using the stereo, otherwise I just use the mono speaker and put the CRT wherever I feel like playing

>> No.3085991

The idea of taking a CRT where ever and playing vidya on it sounds oddly comfy to me.
Anyway, what kind of amp are you using for your stereo? Been wanting another one for a while now.

>> No.3086014
File: 360 KB, 941x530, 2016-03-23 19.20.18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top 2 drawers are NES games, bottom 2 are SNES and PS1 games and controllers and a gamecube
There's an apparently invisible PS2 on the bottom shelf, all the PS2 and GCN games are behind the books on the bookshelf.

>> No.3086634

Why do you put 2 TV's on just one shelf?
Pls give me a good reason or this will mean shit to me

Nice. For me it is the opposite way. I love my ps1 the most, because it was my first own console. My brother had a snes before, which i played on, but it was not mine. Nevertheless i like the snes the most because of ist awesome rpgs and the decent graphics

>> No.3086906

What's with /vr/ people and putting every console in it's separate compartment. It looks ugly.

>> No.3086935

Because I live in a small 1 bedroom condo.
No room to put them anywhere else.

>> No.3086946
File: 2.13 MB, 2448x3264, 1217152105b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not much, but I got you..

>> No.3087031
File: 9 KB, 167x170, 1456788695592~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty cyberpunk

>> No.3087046
File: 29 KB, 368x368, 1458113138035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not even tangled, they're just sitting on the floor.

This is tangled>>3079072

>> No.3087049

console wars

>> No.3087060
File: 2.80 MB, 7153x3120, vrbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3087061
File: 75 KB, 1000x750, media.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, here you go.

>> No.3087063
File: 1.34 MB, 2016x1512, DSCF1344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3087065
File: 1.37 MB, 2016x1512, DSCF1333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is were i store games and stuff

>> No.3087069

>nip game boxes angled on display
>sealed SNES games on IKEA shelves
Kill yourself please.

>> No.3087091

>games hidden in a cabinet
But anon, if guests can't see your game collection, how will they know how much of a total retro nerd you are!?

>> No.3087119

But why dont you just use one tv instead of two?

>> No.3087160
File: 293 KB, 667x1000, IMG_1539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much all my games played are ports / emulated roms on a ps2 wii and gc

>> No.3087234

They're not sealed though, and they're display only boxes that house the NFR carts. And the shelves are from Target. Guilty as charged on the Parodius games, though.

>> No.3087245

I keep all my games that aren't on my bookcase in Rubbermaid totes in the closet. And the shit behind those 'nip games' is game genies and GameSharks and stuff. Not really appealing to look at all the time. A mix of utilitarianism and aesthetics.

>> No.3087832

That looks like a Jr. High kids room.
I love converted attics and assorted rooms with angled walls.

>> No.3087841

can someone PLEASE explain the point of these glass display cases, there is always so much fucking room inbetween each shelf, seems like such a gigantic fucking waste of space, look at the top one, he has tons of little shits in there, and so much room on top, in fact, he has to stack his figures ON TOP of the display case itself because of the lack of shelves

who designed these fucking things, and why WHY

also move your fucking pvm from the top of that shelf, therse no way you can comfortably play that shit at that angle... im mad yes, because you have a multiformat and youre just wasting it by putting it in an awkward spot like that. is it even fucking plugged in?

anyways... I'd post pics but I already did in the last thread, and everyone got buttman about my snes complete in box collection, and the fact I use an upscaler with my hdtv.... I'll post more pics when I get my PVM which I acquired yesterday all hooked up~, should be about next week since I'm waiting on breakout cables

>> No.3087846

just realized how small that stand actually is, I was honestly thrown for a loop because I didn't realize that the PVM is actually tiny. is that a 9 incher? I didn't realize they made 9 inch multiformats... in any case... I still think your glass shelves are stupid.

>> No.3087863

what is a multiformat?

>> No.3087885

Put down the Kragl president business. That's his shit, not yours.

>> No.3087914

Special brand of PVM line by Sony that can support 480p

>> No.3087934

It looks like a 14L5 so probably a 14 incher.

>> No.3088046


Did someone say tangled cords?

>> No.3088051


>> No.3088052
File: 1.58 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3088062

You still haven't vacuumed?

>> No.3088068

Looks comfy, I was always a fan of the video rocker myself. I was thinking about spring for one with all the bells n whistles but I'm not sure it's worth it/necessary until I check em out.

>> No.3088082

Nope! Dust = retro

>> No.3088090


He is overcompensating, he clearly paid $37 for both of those boxes just to restrict supply and artificially inflate the price before cashing out.

>> No.3088095

God damn. how good is Goemon's Great Adventure?

>> No.3088103
File: 11 KB, 150x150, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So good dude, best 2d platformer, a genre criminally lacking on the N64 because it wasn't considered "Coolio" at the time.

>> No.3088113

Nice amplifier, mate. I used to have this great old brushed steel amplifier I found on the side of the road when I was a kid.

No idea what I did with the thing but goddamn do I miss it now.

>> No.3088228
File: 1.50 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see more messy retro gaming setups! You know who you are....

>> No.3088265
File: 168 KB, 640x480, 20160325_102612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3088273

stupid thing posted in on its side

>> No.3088276

This isn't a troll picture is it?

>> No.3088348
File: 149 KB, 960x540, 1449710938598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh... thanks? I HAVE slept down there on the engineering deck many times, or "passed out" may be more accurate but no I have the woke rest of the house for somewhat more respectable appearances/comfort/etc. Here's the main bridge display.

>> No.3088386


No troll pic, legit collection posted. Post your gaming setups people!

>> No.3088395

I don't care what you're collecting. When you have to clear a path or have walk ways through the shit you got problems.

>> No.3088398

I'll take a pic tomorrow. All my untied cables really triggered some folks here last time I posted my battlestation.

>> No.3088404

I think you meant "D'oh!"

>> No.3088410


We collect differently and IDGAF! Love you my friend, post your retro setup regardless of what you think others will think of it!

>> No.3088419

didn't you know that devs intended you to have two or more tvs to play retro vidya? you must be new here.

>> No.3088425

>wii u
god tier redundancy, love it.

>> No.3088572
File: 118 KB, 600x750, DSCF0653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got into this a year~ ago. Still a work-in-progress

>> No.3088787

i have that same middle bvm as you
can you tell me the models of the ones on the top and bottom of the stack?

so which do you use for horizontal games?

>> No.3088815
File: 2.18 MB, 1920x2560, 20160325_215121 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My setup featuring my custom built arcade (made it myself, super proud of how it turned out). Opposite the blue couch is a couple CRT tvs for PS1/PS2 setups etc. Sorry for potato quality, my phone is shit now.

>> No.3088819
File: 2.29 MB, 2560x1920, 20160325_215516 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Annnd view from the couch. Picked up the smaller CRT on the left recently. Gonna use it for a NES or SNES that I'd love to get soon. Currently just using it for PS1/2 goodness.

Everyone here seems to have waay nicer CRT's. Harder to find good ones my way.

>> No.3088904

I like it

>> No.3088910

Awesome job.

>> No.3088921

I will never understand the urge to replicate the discomfort of playing in an arcade. We have controllers and chairs for a reason.

>> No.3088960


GameCube = GBA player
Wii = tons of virtual console & component cable cube
Wii U = everything else

Space is an issue and Intry to keep console redundancy down. The only useless console I have is plain TG-16 was made obsolete with the region modded PCE Duo R.

>> No.3088963

Dat date tho! Amazing setup man, you should be proud!

>> No.3089252 [DELETED] 
File: 3.27 MB, 3840x2160, tmp_3859-DSC_00661280103199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maximum comfy set up. Wii emulators and CRT, so I can play Meme Wing in bed, just like the old days.

>> No.3089265
File: 2.95 MB, 4810x2000, me room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3089268

Going to have to ask what Gunpla you have aside from the F91, Anon.

>> No.3089296

Top, Bottom: PVM-14L5, HDM-1730
I practically use the tate'd 20F1U for everything. Was using the middle as a perma-tate until the sync busted. And I use the HDM-1730 for DC games in 480p since it's an HD screen. The 14L5 is new so I'm trying to figure out its place.


>> No.3090067

what is the fascination with those tvs? i have 2 sony vega trinitrons, one of them being widescreen. am i missing out?

>> No.3090323

I definitely get tired of sitting on my ass all the time though. Nice to swap between.


>> No.3090434
File: 191 KB, 649x1232, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3091163

>dat ps2 slim

truly, the most beautiful console ever designed.

>> No.3091178

>Hi I'm 16 years old and the PS2 was my first console the post.

>> No.3093668


Tep kok.

Nobody deleted my post when I've posted emulator setups before. I actually have a SNES and MegaDrive from when I was a kid, they just live in a box in the attic now because I have a tiny box flat and a girlfriend with tonnes of shoes and crap to accommodate.

I think the mods just be butthurt.

>> No.3094031

THAT POSTER I NEED IT I can't tell what it's from though can you help a nigga out?

>> No.3094036

Toyota Supra

>> No.3094045

Just found it thank you so much!

>> No.3094051
File: 159 KB, 796x597, ygZvoKw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ps2 slim behind the small monitor.

>> No.3094070


>> No.3094567

yeah that was quite rude, I mean the game you were playing was an old game from the /vr/ era, I thought that was acceptable here.

>> No.3094572

that BENQ moniter looks nice

>> No.3094718
File: 3.31 MB, 1956x1314, Screenshot_2016-03-27-16-51-03-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3094743

that could be really nice if you organized it and did some cable management. do you have teenage boys? how does it get like that?

>> No.3094749

Haha no, I'm in the middle of rewiring a new bnc switch and routing all power through a power conditioner

>> No.3094758

lol for the record it should be pretty obvious you're rearranging - or this is a photo for the insurance adjuster after a robbery or earthquake or something.

Comedy is lost on many of these people.

>> No.3094774

nice, I didn't even consider filtering the ac input.
this guy is great at parties.

>> No.3094798

name of switch?

>> No.3094917
File: 664 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-01-19-19-16-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inline IN3808. 8x4. I have an IN31608 as well but it's been acting wonky so it's headed to the bench for troubleshooting. I hope I can get it working, it was hard squeezing down to eight inputs. Excuse the screenshot.

>> No.3095014

nice, I want to get an extron rgbhv + audio switch

unfortunately none have the connectors with them and I can't find a consumer source for the csr 6 adapter. could I use captive screw to rca adapters? or would this create interference


my work around.


and some rca cables to cut up for the screw connections.

any help welcome.

>> No.3095118
File: 2.68 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-03-27-20-23-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat, I didn't know they made those. I just happened to have three term connectors so I diced one off of half of them. This was setting up the 16 input switch before it wonked. You can see the audio rca input to 3.81mm terms on the right

>> No.3095213

cant that be simplified somehow?
and where'd you get the scarts with the green audio outputs?

>> No.3095221

dont know if troll. they are bnc breakouts for scart cable red,green,blue, and sync. his audio connections are the little green plugs at the bottom.

only way to clean it up is to make your own bnc cable for the console you want to connect..

>> No.3095258

>dont know if troll. they are bnc breakouts for scart cable red,green,blue, and sync. his audio connections are the little green plugs at the bottom.
um i know
ive never seen scart cables with green audio connectors
im asking where he found them

>> No.3095265
File: 3.32 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-03-27-21-23-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I made them from heavy duty shielded vga cables, female SCART connectors, and the Frankensteined audio connectors. Terminate with bnc connectors and Bob's your uncle. I ended up beefing up the sync line, the switch didn't like the tiny gauge.

If I source connectors at a reasonable price maybe I'll make some to sell. (The same reason I had tons of SCART connectors, still haven't sold one)

>> No.3095275
File: 1.77 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-03-27-21-25-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had them, but in three position. I cut one screw term off and glued the, now two position connector, to an unaltered three position connector to make a five pos.
As they say in /ck/
>wa la

>> No.3096996


>> No.3099006


I'm curious too

>> No.3099053

>what is the fascination with those tvs?
If by "those tvs" you mean "professional video monitors", the fascination is that they're very high-quality monitors capable of accepting and displaying an RGB video signal, which is the highest quality analog signal you can get, and most consoles are capable of producing it right out of the box, or with some modifications. There are other brands beside Sony's, but they were certainly most prevalent.

>> No.3099102
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Nice Parodius collection!
Easily my favorite series by Konami.

>> No.3099349

>and displaying an RGB video signal
It's just about having RGB?
An american thing?

>> No.3099370
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My current setup is pretty small, but I really love it. It feels comfy as shit.

>> No.3099415

That a 14"?
I've been thinking of getting a CRT around that size.

>> No.3099434

Am I the only one who stands a majority of the time while gaming? Keeps me focused for shooters and fighters.

>> No.3099463

standing up for long periods of time is a lot better for your health than sitting down for long periods of time.

>> No.3099491

This. I literally cannot sit down when playing NES games because of the difficulty. I have to stand close to the tv with one foot in front of the other like a wide receiver stance in football.

>> No.3099510


Don't get them started, Anon. The American insecurity on 4chan is at dangerous levels these days.

But basically yeah, most US video equipment was shit tier composite only for a very long time, with component only being found on high end models, and SCART simply non-existent. RGB display was therefore something of a holy grail for Americans, if they even knew what it was; rather than the norm it was for Yurp kids, who only had to go to the store and get a cable for ten eurobux.

>> No.3099528

No offense meant, i'm just curious.
I guess that professional monitors, in addition to RGB, must be also better than the average TV.
But they usually are too small and they must be expensive as fuck too.
How american gamers didn't just import foreign TV's?

>> No.3099529
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The main set up

>> No.3099531
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Second tv station

>> No.3099534
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A little more storage

>> No.3099552


110v electrical mains. Most foreign stuff runs 240v and is therefore unusable without an expensive step-up transformer.

This is the same reason electric kettles are not commonplace in the US.

>> No.3099553

Only the Wii and PS2 are going into this tv, both using component.
>The Wii outputting a smoking hot 480p
>Metroid Prime actually looks great...

>> No.3099561

Nigga where you at?

Somerset here.

>> No.3099564

I went to UK for undergrad, on a swimming scholarship.

>> No.3099568

>I guess that professional monitors, in addition to RGB, must be also better than the average TV.
That as well. They're designed with longevity in mind, and even with many thousands of hours, they can still produce a good picture. They also offer a lot in the way of adjustments that a standard TV wouldn't. They are expensive in a relative way. If someone knows what they have on their hands, they'll charge a couple of hundred bucks, maybe more, but I picked mine up for free from some guy.
>But they usually are too small
The average biggest size is 20", which is a pretty fair size for a dedicated gaming monitor, especially a CRT. You could maybe go to 24 or 27 inches at the most, because after that they just get too fucking big and heavy. I swore off anything bigger after lugging a few 32" CRTs up and down a flight of stairs by myself.

>rather than the norm it was for Yurp kids, who only had to go to the store and get a cable for ten eurobux.
Some faggot in the CRT thread was trying to convince me that RGB wasn't widely available in Europe at all. I'm not sure who to believe, because all I know is that SCART was prevalent, although that doesn't mean anything because SCART can carry a lot of different kinds of signals, and I know not all Euro TVs with SCART plugs were actually wired for RGB, but I'm not sure how common it was.

Not like it would have mattered to me as a kid. I couldn't tell the difference between RF, composite, or even S-video until I was at least 15 or 16 and saw a good side-by-side comparison.

>> No.3099612

>Electric kettles
Fantasy, do not exist.

>> No.3099617

>RGB wasn't widely available in Europe at all.
As far as i know any TV except some old shit was able to do RGB. But at that time we didn't even know about that and we just used RF. RGB cables were rare and expensive, probably just used to play import stuff.

>> No.3099619


Yeah, not ALL TV's with SCART are wired to take RGB. However, I can say from personal experience that the vast majority of them are. I remember getting a mod-chipped console in the early 90s, and it would output in black and white if you tried to play imports on it. The solution to this was an RGB SCART cable, which gave you a proper NTSC display, and that worked even on the crappy little 10 inch TV I had in my room as a kid.

The other guy may well have been getting confused by a couple of things. Yeah there are SCART cables wired for composite only- For example, most 6th gen consoles here came with a SCART adapter that physically only had about 7 or 8 pins in the plug. And secondly, on most TVs, it would only be the first AV input that took RGB. So you'd have several SCART sockets, but only one of them was RGB comatible

This is all from the UK though, so for all I know the peasants over in France or Germany may have had a totally different experience. I can't imagine why that would be the case though.

>> No.3099627


>RGB cables were rare and expensive, probably just used to play import stuff.

Not really m8, I had a PS1 RGB cable that cost a £5 at most from some market stall (you know, the kind of ones that used to sell you copied floppy disks and burned CDs because nobody gave a fuck about piracy in those days) and it still worked great right up until some point last year.

>> No.3099643

Maybe in the UK they were cheaper. Actually any videogame related stuff it's cheaper there, even today.

>> No.3099686

I like this

>> No.3100114

I like the asthetics but it seems akward with all those consolses under the flat screen with only an xblox and ps1 under the crt. Also the retron when you have both snes and nes hardware? Do you hook consoles up individually when you want to play?

>> No.3100230

props on not having a fucking green n64 like every other pleb

>> No.3101373

nice tv.

>> No.3101407
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Rate my setup.

In that brown box below the TV is about 50 NES games and a few Famicom multicarts with an adapter. Behind that is a shoebox full of Atari games and a smaller box full of N64 games. All my PS1/2 games are on a shelf on the opposite end of the room.

I want a SNES but I don't know where I'd put it.

>> No.3101458

Oooh, putting a handle on a CRT and building the console into the case would be neat. Just to put it wherever and play some comfy vidya before putting it back, or moving it to the next place.

>> No.3101515
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My crt with Sega Genocide

>> No.3101517

holy fuck dude, rotate it

>> No.3101521

Sorry :( didnt know it was like that when i posted

>> No.3101531
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>> No.3101559

Don't cut yourself...on that edge.