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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2449342 No.2449342 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a WipEout / F-Zero thread going?

>tfw always picked Auricom

>> No.2449361

Qirex is where it's at. Who needs agility when you have excessive thrust and airbrakes?

>> No.2449374

What's the wipe out on Saturn like?

>> No.2449394
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I can't get good at the Master difficulty on F-Zero X.
I remember some time ago some anon posted tips, such as destroying your rival as soon as you can in the race, and not using boosts when you're near other machine... can't remember too well.

The best I could do was getting 3rd place in Mute City (Jack Cup) with Black Shadow, but I generally end in places 8 to 13. And while I can take out other machines, I feel doing so kills my speed and momentum.


>> No.2449682

Stupid games.

I played the superior Ridge Racer.

>> No.2449684

not much fun. Gravity's too high, so you constantly scrape the track, and the dense atmosphere means you can't see shit.

>> No.2449686


>Ridge Racer

>not playing the superior Daytona and Sega Rally

>> No.2449719

I'm a huge Sega fan, but I really do think the RR games are better than Daytona and Sega Rally.

I usually ended up picking Auricom as well.
Qirex was pretty cool too.

>> No.2449736
File: 138 KB, 900x506, wipeout_hd_teams_collage_by_feisar_csy-d325eo8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I first played part 3 on ps1, then the almost workable ps2 version i got on amazon for $00.35 plus 6bux shipping. after that i picked up a psp and got pulse. pulse is wipeout nirvana.

i made a few custom skins for the psp Pulse version and spent countless hours on "zone"

Piranha for life, followed by AG systems (or icarus)

>> No.2449745 [DELETED] 

>my game is better than your game
yeah, fuck off

>> No.2449749

>a post disusing mostly PS2 and PSP games
ummm.... you might not be on the right board...

>> No.2449760


psygnosis is one hell of company who made only games i like. there are no exceptions.

wipeout is the most "pure" racing game because not even the ground can get between you and the race.

what made wipeout and its many sequels truely amazing for me was the variety of weapons and in later installments, the really good weapons were unlockable ONLY. this gave even more incentive to play more. shaving seconds off of lap times became more than its own reward, it now included powerful weaponry.

also, check this out if you have the time, it may include newer games but i think a retrospective counts as retro. its in the goddamn word after all.


>> No.2450087
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>In the storyline, Qirex and Auricom are supposed to hate each other.
>Auricom is an American team, Qirex is a Russian team.
>yfw the fornation of those two teams could've been during another Cold War.

>> No.2450090
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Great arrange album or greatest arrange album?


>> No.2450093


learn the layout of the map, the most important thing to know is where to boost without loosing all your energy and where all the difficult turns are.

just play practice mode over and over again until you start getting good time. The enemy AI matters very little when you're blazing at first place 99% of the time.

It's all about BOOST POWA!

>> No.2450449

Captain Falcon looks like an Auricom kind of guy.
>tfw no F-Zero/Wipeout crossover

>> No.2450764

feisar is fair.?

>> No.2450954

God no after xl,64 and 3 everything went to shit, the psp games control like utter shit and completely lost the feel that made the earlier games so great.

>> No.2450956

I really liked the modern ones before Liverpool died

Which ones should I try if I want to go /vr/?

>> No.2451079


>> No.2451402


I played Wipeout HD for the PS3, and I really enjoyed it.

Although, I'll admit I've never played the originals. Perhaps I should give them a go.

>> No.2451421

The only truly bad modern Wipeout game is Wipeout Fusion.

Drop off your nostalgia goggles and/or stop being a hipster.

>> No.2451425


What makes that one bad?

>> No.2451434

It tried too hard to be F-Zero.

Fun fact: in Wipeout lore the Fusion years are considered the "dark ages" of AG Racing, full of corruption and shady businesses, where the eventual exposure led to the fall of AG Racing as a sport until it's revival in the Pulse years.


>> No.2451436 [DELETED] 


>> No.2451439

>until it's revival in the Pulse years.
I meant Pure years, my bad.

>> No.2451445
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>> No.2451493
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There are two very distinct physics, for the original trilogy and the PSP/HD games. They require different ways of playing and judging the crafts and tracks. If you do give the original trilogy a try, prepare to re-learn even the basics.

>> No.2451495

I wouldn't be so harsh. While the PSP games indeed control very differently, it's a new kind of challenge. You got to work a lot to maintain momentum. What definitely has changed is the difficulty. in XL and 3 Rapier used to be challenging, and Phantom used to be cruel. In the PSP/HD series however, Rapier is downright relaxing, and Phantom is entertaining. Neither of them is "oh shi---" fast. Though as I said, the challenge in the PSP series is a bit different.

>> No.2451496

wip3out (SE) represents it best, in my opinion. However I would also suggest 2097/XL. While they share at least some of the tracks, and the platform, both represent almost opposite interpretations of "futuristic". TDR had quite a thing going on aesthetically, and for that alone it's worth to see both.

>> No.2451501

also 2048, forgets what series is in, and totally fucks it up. I mean, wider tracks and more weapons? really?

To me the essence of wipEout is Pirhana in 2097/XL. No weapons, just pure uncompromised agility and speed, twitch racing at its best. It requires almost zen-like controls, and once you achieve that state, you literally outrun the competition (instead of shooting them down).

>> No.2451519

I thought 2048 pulled off the not-so-distant future setting quite well tbh. In 2048 wider tracks are justified because you race on futuristic city streets since actual racing tracks are yet to be built, and the various ship versions with different stats and balances make sense when you bear in mind the Pirhana prototype featured in 2097/XL.

In any case 2048 wasn't as offensive as Fusion was, that's for certain.

>> No.2451530

the wider tracks were a gameplay decision to support more gunplay, the developers said as much. The wider tracks also take away from a core principle of wipEout, which is navigating tight tracks with floaty jet engines.
The game takes place a few years before wipEout, yet the crafts look like stuff belonging into the time of Pulse or HD (a century later), and despite the uncertain future of the league they have many teams (a few of which would magically "disappear" for a couple years in between) and even multiple craft classes.
Pirhana was practically unknown and appeared in 2097 as a radical prototype design, with emphasis on speed, yet in 2048 for some reason they're one of a couple times, providing 3 crafts, with one of them focusing on guns.
2048 didn't give a flying fuck about heritage or history of the AG tech. They just went with shiny decoys. If they were interested in actually doing an early AG league, they would have had no or very limited weapons (after all, the intro kind of hints at the racing heritage), a lot of manual energy or temperature control (limited boosting and hardly more sophisticated than the original prototype a couple years before), makeshift tracks (prototype run for AG tech was in the desert, they don't need shiny tracks), or even just retrofitted actual race tracks.

To me 2048 is highly offensive, since it betrays the history, origin and spirit of wipEout in such a fundamental way.

>> No.2451540

>they're one of a couple times
One of a couple TEAMS, obviously.

Really though, if 2048 would have emphasized the "early daredevil" aspect of it, maybe it would have been different. As it is, it just doesn't fit at all. Too polished, too focused on weaponized conflict resolution, too "big"

>> No.2451546
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I give it to you about Pirhana and the manual energy/temperature control parts.

>> No.2451664

>[2048] features weapons capable of destroying ships, barrel rolls, and Mag-Strips before they became available in the previous entries (2097, Pure, and Pulse respectively), meaning they were probably banned when the AGRC ended in 2050.
It's likely Studio Liverpool were planning on re-doing the original trilogy to make it more in-line with 2048, before Sony decided to pull the plug on them. I'd love a remake of the original Wipeout trilogy with modern graphics as long as the original physics are kept intact, personally enough.

That said, Wipeout 3 NTSC best retro Wipeout and Wipeout Pure best modern Wipeout. Wipeout 3 SE would've been GOAT if not for the PAL framerate.

>> No.2451667

lower framerate, but handling's still very tight, and you get all the tracks of wip3out and XL in one package

>> No.2451702
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Don't know about remakes, the games work well as they are and I tend to look down on remakes as being lazy cash-ins. Though I admit I'd be interested in the original design concepts, unencumbered by the hardware limitations of the platform. Track designs, craft designs, environment designs.

While physics in HD might be so-so, compared to the old trilogy, the models are absolutely gorgeous and would fit right in.

With XL being such a neon colored techno future though, I bet the crafts of that era have a very distinct style, that's only hinted at in the PS1 models.

>> No.2451737

None of the other versions of 3 come close to the special edition. You can try and make it out to be flawed because of the framerate, but it's not detrimental to the game at all.

>> No.2451738

The physics engines are also different so it isn't just a framerate based argument. Personally i like both.

>> No.2451739

how do the physics differ between 3 and 3 SE?

>> No.2451742

>Drop off your nostalgia goggles and/or stop being a hipster.
I actually played them all extensively with some pretty decent phantom times so it definitely isn't nostalgia, the psp ones just killed everything i loved about the originals when it comes to control.

>> No.2451743

I played vanilla 3 for years and was taken aback by the amount of changes in SE. Stuff like the music getting quiet when you go through a tunnel was really cool.

I think SE is the only version with the classic mode? I recall hearing that the Japanese release of 3 had extra tracks compared to the vanilla version, but I might be wrong about that.

>> No.2451750

>pretty decent phantom times
Easy on the PSP, really tricky on the old trilogy. It's odd how "slow" the games have become.
Also, barrel rolls are just a distraction because you're bored out of your mind going so slow. In the old trilogy you were already on the edge of your seat just keeping your craft afloat.

>> No.2451773

Fucking hell I always wanted this game but could never afford it.

>> No.2451792

>I remember some time ago some anon posted tips, such as destroying your rival as soon as you can in the race, and not using boosts when you're near other machine... can't remember too well.

That was me. You can boost near the other machines, but whatever you do, make sure you don't boost into their back. It gives them a boost and gimps your speed.

>> No.2451806

It's kinda hard to explain but the biggest thing is non of the track leaving short cuts are possible in vanilla 3, it feels less floaty in general and a bit more brutal if you hit the ground and bounce etc.

>> No.2451810

Aye i know i was talking about the old trilogy when i said decent phantom times. 64 is the one for raw speed for sure, underrated imo.

>> No.2451820


Aye, thanks guys.

Any machine you'd reccommend?
What about accel/max. speed adjustment?

>> No.2451852
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For machine, try to use one with either good boost or good grip. Good boost is helpful on the lower difficulties, as the tracks are generally straighter. Good grip is vital to not sliding, which kills your speed. If you do start to slide, stabilize yourself with a side attack, which should also be your method of making sharper turns. Never use L or R for anything else.

I recommend setting your speed to where the red mark is in this picture. Doesn't matter which course, this setup generally works well.

Lastly, if it helps, these are the machines I beat Master with on my first time through:

Death Anchor
Iron Tiger
Space Angler
Sonic Phantom