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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1567734 No.1567734[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else struggle to find the patience with retro games as they get older? Mainly ones that make you restart the entire level again when you die or need some sort of crazy prerequisites to be able to save? They just ain't enough hours in the day man.

>inb4 git gud

>> No.1567738

No but i do hate passwords for saves though.

>> No.1567739

I don't find myself writing down passwords anymore, if that's what you mean.

>> No.1567778

Some games. I really don't like games that let you save at specific points, and passwords are kind of a pain for me. I really could not play Metroid because of the password feature.
So I got the Disk System version instead.
Even more recent games disallow saving all the time, it really bothers me.

>> No.1567804

If I don't want to play a game that requires repeated trial and error of me then I wont play a game like that
I'd play something else

>> No.1567849

Why would you bother with that?

Get a nakitek or mega ed. Save states are great for not dealing with that shit. And they can help you see parts of a game you never would have made it to otherwise.

>> No.1567853


It's a shame there aren't any snes flash carts with a save state function.

>> No.1567861

holy shit I never knew these existed. thank you based /vr/

>> No.1567870


Damn I don't think that nakitek thing works wth flash carts

>> No.1567874


Thankfully the nakitek is pretty good. Its compatibility isn't perfect but its worked alright with the sd2snes.

>> No.1567879

I can only speak for the sd2snes. Dunno about supereverdrive or chinese clones, but it works with it.

First the nakitek boot screen shows up, then the sd2snes menu. I haven't tried save stating the menu and it does occasionally crap out.

Was very handy for practicing some of the later axelay levels.

The slowmo works well on the dkc mine cart stages too, fwiw.

>> No.1567904

I mostly play games with a good saving system, like some old PC games, and I quicksave like every ten seconds.

>> No.1567994

Yeah, same here. Probably now we have so many other things to do with our time compared to back then when we can just play play play, any wasted time will feel a lot more precious. Just recently I tried to play the NES Rockman games, and boy even though I soldiered through them when I was a kid, I just can't stand some parts of it (like that Bubbleman underwater spikes).

I always replay old games with savestates now.

>> No.1569928

Yeah, I have absolutely lost the knack for sitting and mastering games which rely on memorization of minutia and are otherwise rather unforgiving with mistakes. Even, maybe expecially, games I absolutely dominated as a kid.

I chalk it up to having too much responsibility already on my plate, and not enough time, sure, but also not enough actual space in my head for that shit anymore. There's already too much information in my head, and almost all of it fucking worthless as it is. The diminishing returns of fun on the progressively higher challenge are just often not worth it anymore.

>> No.1569941


I have the opposite problem. New games just shower you with so much exposition and unskippable crap before you get to any actual gameplay. Retro games let me get in and start playing and testing my skill within seconds, rather than minutes.

>> No.1569953

I am mostly playing rpgs and plot driven action adventure games (eg odin sphere, not retro I know) so I'm not really having that problem.

Also helps that emulators pretty much eliminate loading times. You oldfags are too elitist about authenticity by ditching savestates and walkthroughs, goddamnit, lighten up a little.

>> No.1570043

Actually I think most of us in this thread agree the usefulness of save states now that we can't play like we used to.

>> No.1570056

Although checkpoints are a nice convenience, they're really doing more harm than good when it comes to games with a difficult pacing. Part of the reason why you should be forced to replay sections of the game is so you can improve your skills. If you respawn right where you left off, you're just going to be knocked out over and over by the same enemies or obstacles. You can't just rush at something kamikaze style and hope you have sufficient lives to win by brute force or sheer luck. If you find yourself having to do that, then it's probably a good idea to give up and start over from the beginning so you can get more practice in.

>> No.1570059

>Actually I think most of us in this thread agree the usefulness of save states now that we can't play like we used to.
Dude, that's disgusting. Speak for yourself.

>> No.1570070


Actually, let me back peddle for a moment. Although this is possibly true in some cases, I have played games that are just so imbalanced that a stockpile of extra lives is the only viable way to win. Case in point, Zanac's AI adapts to your play style. The better you do, the harder it gets. You *will* eventually lose ships. The only way not to is through extensive savestate abuse. Even if you go that route, I can just imagine how ridiculously hard the game would be on a no-miss playthrough. There would be enemy bullets covering every spare pixel of the screen.

>> No.1570087
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I struggle with patience for modern games, honestly. That's why I've gotten back into retro games. The only types of modern games I can stomach these days are addictive strategy games like EU or multiplayer games like GW2 wvw or Rome 2 (overlaps with category 1).

Other stuff just makes me feels bored. Too much talking, too much loading, too much walking around doing nothing. Modern gaming design honestly just kind of sucks.

>> No.1571063

I just started playing Contra III: The Alien Wars on the SNES...what a cheap piece of shit. There's no challenge, it's just "HAHA, HIT YOU WITH THIS NEW THING YOU DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WAS A HAZARD!" and rote memorization.

>> No.1571189

I've lost all patience now as I grow older. Save states are just a way of getting things done. I have too many responsibilities now to deal with the primitive shit of these games. Fun and colorful games are all I play at a casual level, and forget RPGs. I refuse to level grind any more and if there's a cheat, I romhack. Like using the billion gold hack for Ogre Battle.

Don't get me wrong, I do see the cheapening of the experience to some degree. But with all the things I gotta do and put up with, games are just stress relief and I don't have the same time or energy to invest in the pure gaming experience like I used to.

>> No.1571215

>Part of the reason why you should be forced to replay sections of the game is so you can improve your skills
Except the problem comes when you're forced to repeatedly replay a section of the game you can deal with no problem to get to the actually hard part. Starting at the hard part would let you just practice that, rather than spending five minutes to get to the difficult stuff and then dying in one.

>> No.1572000

I'm really surprised with the replies to this thread, because I though I was part of the majority.
I really hate games that auto-save or don't bother you with the trouble of saving at all. I like to play in short bursts, because most of the time I get bored quickly, so most of the time I want to progress in a game by reaching the next save point. Having auto save confuses me because now I don't have a short term goal anymore while playing. It kind of takes away the progression I'm making, as in it gives the illusion that you're not advancing.
Also auto saves remove all the danger because there are no dangerous areas anymore, everything is above a giant safe net.

>> No.1572017

true. It sucks too because all this new technology could make some cool shit. idk, games are sorta turning into $60, 70 hour cut scenes. Like, how the fuck are you gonna have a cutscene, let me walk around for like 2 seconds to an objective then POP another fucking cut scene. Its like writers take their shitty screenplays to EA when hollywood doesn't want them.

>> No.1572031

Hrm... no, actually. I don't have this problem all that much except for with battles in RPGs.

>> No.1572049

But that takes away the punishment. The good part about beating the boss at the end of a stage is how you managed to get there from beginning to end. When you start again at the end, you're just taking it piece by piece, and the whole achievement is lost. You're making the game easier by cutting shortcuts.
However if you enjoy that approach more than replaying then by no means keep at it, I'm just expressing my view because I accept the punishment the game gave me when I fail.
I'm not trying to be condescending or feeling superior. English isn't my language so I'm sorry if that came out with the wrong tone.

>> No.1572050

>last night
>playing Parasite Eve
>Defeat a boss
>Plane coming to crash into my building
>Running around not knowing where to go, since its my first time playing
>Figure I just have to jump in the hole, press action button at the hole
>Cutscene plays of me jumping as the plane comes crashing down
>Think I'm a super cop
>Game Over
>Have to beat boss again

It was unexpected, and I had to redo the boss again, but it wasn't a huge deal and it was funny as fuck. But realistically, would it have made a big difference if I had a "check point" after the boss for basically a QTE? Not really. I beat the boss once, I can do it again.

Its a bit different fro platformers/pure action games that are a bit more skill based, but the fact remains, you gotta adjust to the game.

>> No.1572201

Enough hours in a day to do what?
You dont need to beat the game, or even get half way through it to enjoy it.

Some of my favorite games I can't even beat now.

Its the process of playing that is enjoyable, not whether or not you win dumb-ass

>> No.1572205 [DELETED] 

"Its" is the possessive of "it".
"It's" is a contraction of "it is".

>> No.1572229

Haha, what a loser.

>> No.1572730

I don't think I should be punished for dying to a hard area by having to waste my time slogging through something I can already complete easily. It's just not enjoyable, it's a waste of time I could spend doing something more entertaining. It's not making the game easier. It's making it more tedious and longer.

And no, you're not coming across as condescending, we simply don't agree on things, which is perfectly fine.

>> No.1572951

>ain't enough hours in the day
Wut? You should have no problem finding enough time to play all the games you want unless you have kissed a gurl before or something.

There is. Why does it matter if it's a flash cart or some other device though? Is size/weight an issue for you? Unless you need to save state Earthbound on your retro duo while sipping a soymochalattefrappewutsit to achieve maximum hipsterocity or something another box on your console shouldn't make a difference.

>Knowing better than OP what OP needs to enjoy a game

>> No.1575135

It's a shame modern piracy tools are lacking features nearly every 20+ year old Chinese one had

>> No.1575186 [DELETED] 
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>ones that make you restart the entire level again when you die
>mfw i first discover a game has this feature

>> No.1575189

The only games that do that for me are ones that require you to look shit up on the internet, I'm talking about unexplained mechanics, obtuse level design and cryptic as fuck puzzles mostly. It's not that I don't like thinking, but the moment I have to leave the game even for a second to understand something within the game itself then I lose complete interest, the important thing here is the game having all it needs in itself if it does and I still don't manage to progress because I just plain suck that it won't bother me.

>> No.1576801

That's why we have quicksave and emulators

>but but you should play on the authentic consoles


>> No.1577060

>They just ain't enough hours in the day man.
School - 7 hours
Work - 8 hours

I don't think that 1 extra hour made much of a difference when we were kids

>> No.1577076

Then there's commute, hygiene, preparation, overtime, education.

>> No.1577083

You know while on the topic of savestates and save scumming, simply mapping your buttons to an actual controller and not the keyboard seemed to have toned down A LOT the amount of times that I use the turbo or save keys.

Just an idea.

>> No.1577176

That's a good point, I don't think the effects of auto-save are discussed too much.

>> No.1577185

buying groceries, preparing food