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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 176 KB, 800x800, CV LoD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10899559 No.10899559 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we post shit games some people pretend to like just for the sake of being contrarians

>> No.10899568
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>> No.10899571

CV64 and this one got good reception upon release. Thinking they are bad games because of the avgn video is the contrarian thing.

>> No.10899585

>it got good reception from paid shills!!!
oh fuck off am sure you did saw that one magazine article jerking off to CV64 while shitting on SOTN simply because the former is 3D while the latter is 2D, no one takes that shit seriously
the game was shit and the people hated it that's the reason Konami was forced to shit up LoD that very same year due to the harsh criticism but alas even LoD was garbage just like CV64

>> No.10899589
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>> No.10899592
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>> No.10899596
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>when praising the adventure games is too normie-like, so you praise this shit instead

>> No.10899606

>it's only paid shills when it suits my agenda
At least you are honest. But thinking this game was always hated and liking it is "contrarian" is ironically contrarian.

>> No.10899613

>not argument
i acccept your concession contrarian-kun

>> No.10899772
File: 58 KB, 323x308, Chronocrossbox (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a Chrono Cross thread.

>> No.10899776

It had ambitious ideas, but still rough in most corners.

>> No.10899825

I can’t believe I beat it. Of course I needed a guide but shit I never had this much trouble with Chrono Trigger.

>> No.10899837

I don't pretend to like it. I just do.

>> No.10899851

Everything on the GBA

>> No.10899861

Why don't you just play and talk about games you like? :)

>> No.10899870

i walked out during an important cutscene and got locked out of the remaining 20% of the game

>> No.10900040

the only non-overrated castlevania game ever made

>> No.10900053

most gba games are good THOUGH

>> No.10900062

This place has really turned into /v/ in the past month. I wonder where the raid came from. One of the resident schizos must have been sick of his shit threads getting deleted and advertised the board somewhere or something.

>> No.10900063

The past month? More like the past fucking decade

>> No.10900067
File: 91 KB, 256x258, mtr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

System with so many fucking ports and barely any original games.
Care to elaborate anon?
Drink your prune juice grandpa

>> No.10900079

well you should play the original games then because they're really good. metroid 2 is good too, perhaps the worst 2d one but still good. you wanna play a bad metroid go play other m.

>> No.10900081

I love Metroid and Super Metroid they're like two of my favorite games, I just didn't like Metroid II at ALL. I got halfway through the game but it was just not worth it at that point I was not having fun in the slightest. I even tried the fan remake back when it came out which was a bit better but it still had the problems of the original game, I just didn't care for it.

>> No.10900214

Other M isn't bad though, the stuff people complained about was story related shit that came straight from 'tendie.

>> No.10900437

Great art design and music but the plot falls apart if you think about it even a little

>> No.10900873

Not reading

>> No.10901024

oh anon so tell us which game you like is posted ITT and you are mad it's getting shat on

>> No.10901076

You could've posted games that fit the criteria but then you'd have to think up your own opinions instead of renting them from youtubers.

>> No.10901098

Final Fantasy 2. These are the contrarians I don't understand at all.
I'd like to note I don't mind the GBA version of it, it's easier and the stat and magic progression is faster. I still wouldn't defend it or recommend it though.

>> No.10901101

>youtubers hate this game therefore it must be actually good!
you are the definition of a ''contrarian''

>> No.10901104

>if you don't agree with my favorite youtubers then you are LE CONTRARIAN!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.10901109

>t. a hradcore defender of every game AVGN made fun of
so tell us again how Zelda 2 is actually good and better than Zelda 1

>> No.10901115

What's contrarian about liking these? They are well received games. Contrarian-core is pretending that some piece of shit like Mega Man X6 is good
That anon is most likely a /v/ tourist because he couldn't last a post without mentioning youtube but you are a retard as well for thinking Zelda 2 is a bad game

>> No.10901120

Don't care about Zelda. Why don't you explain how LoD is a bad game that only contrarians like? Or are you just a shitter who never played it and just parrot the opinions of others and thus have no arguments?

>> No.10901123

>you are a retard as well for thinking Zelda 2 is a bad game
just like Castlevania 2 for a NES game it's not bad but it's not good either
one thing all normal people can agree on it's the weakest link of the series only a contrarian will claim CV2 is better than CV3 or Zelda 2 is better than 1

>> No.10901129

No, Castlevania 2 is actual garbage. This is a game for contrarians, I agree. Zelda 2 though is a solid side scrolling RPG, I like it a lot and beat it like 5 times or so. Again, it was well received at the time and in that famous AVGN episode he said he liked it. So it's not particularly a contrarian thing to say

>> No.10901131

sleep inducing story (if you can call it that)
terrible gameplay
meh music
bland environments
sluggish controls
shitty cemera
awful graphics for a 1999 N64 game

>> No.10901189

>sleep inducing story (if you can call it that)
Few CV games had good stories but yeah that is a valid criticism
>terrible gameplay
Disagree, though not the greatest game i've played nor the most ideal 3D transition of Castlevania, it played fine for the most part
>meh music
It's servicable but compared to many others in the series it's nothing special
>bland environments
I thought they were pretty good aside from the first stage and has quite a few memorable places but each to their own
>sluggish controls
Leaves much to be desired but not completely terrible
>shitty cemera
This one is exaggerated, doesn't hamper the game as much as people suggest though the devs do made it worse in LoH than in CV64
>awful graphics for a 1999 N64 game
Not defending this one, there were better looking games out there by 99 and even 98 honestly

>> No.10901291

I actually stopped listening to people about 3Dvania, tried the game out for myself and found it to be a surprisingly decent 3d action game. Bosses with multiple locations to attack and you can destroy/cut off their limbs, interesting looping level design with shortcuts, fluid camera is actually more free flowing than even Zelda Ocarina of Time's rigid lock on. Why do people hate it? Also AVGN literally lied in his review you can set the two explosive materials in any order you like

>> No.10901301

This is genuinely one of my childhood favorites and I had no idea people disliked it growing up

>> No.10901456

Have you played it or are you just one of those faggots who spouts opinions on games you have never played.

>> No.10901489

Contrarian? I remember everyone loving this game back when it was released.

>> No.10901698
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I'm playing picrel right now having never played a Metroid game before at all, and I'm really struggling to see why people rate it so highly. I like the core gameplay, but the level and boss design are killing me.

It's a really hard game. I like a challenge so that's not a problem usually, but I think I'd have given up ages ago if I was playing on my actual GBA and not an emulator with save states.

I'm constantly having to refer back to walkthroughs because I'm supposed to shoot some random block halfway up a wall that's completely indistinguishable from the rest of the wall to continue through a level. At this point I'm constantly shooting every wall in the game just in case the way forward is hidden in it, which is ridiculous.

Pretty much all of the bosses are more frustrating than anything. I just did the spider one, and fuck me that was the worst. The only way I could beat it felt like I completely cheesed it.

>> No.10901714

>ITT I'm a faggot retard

>> No.10901979

The game had ass camera and controls to every normal person who actually played it back then. You also have to remember, magazines would rate games highly but when the game's reception turned out to be more controversial, future issues would dump on the game too for the sake of fitting in. FFVIII, MGS2, both extremely highly rated games pretty much universally, but in the next month you'd get mailbag responses that went something like "ha ha Final Fantasy VIII more like Final Fantasy Gay-t mirite?" or acting like Raiden was the worst thing since Satan. Point being it did not take long at all for those same magazines to acknowledge those games as turds anytime to which they bore alluding. .

>> No.10902045
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fuck /vr/ is that old now, feels like it was just created.

>> No.10902048

Well to be far, the producer wrote it and he never wrote for the series before that. The game play was shit. The story was just an extra kick in the nuts for me.

>> No.10902068

This is my pick. Nobody knew or cared about these games until the Legends 3 debacle.

>> No.10902076

Whether it was deliberate or not, Metroid Fusion likes to question whether the players actually want to explore or not. It's always the number one complain (too linear with constant marching orders from Adam), but the game's design is all about forcing you to explore more than you normally would -- just to progress. It's a little cheap, but that's how the game presents that question.

This was a horrendous first Metroid game to play. It's not a deconstruction of the series, but it does lean that way with how it interacts with the player differently than before. It also has a relatively big controversy surrounding it so you picking it for your first game comes off like you're deliberately trying to start shit and not have fun.
I will give you that the bosses are ludicrously tough and force you into these ugly scrambles.

>> No.10902135

People rate Fusion highly? That's news to me.

>> No.10902162

everyone who complains about "bad camera" in 3d platformers is a low iq that struggles with object permanence, without exception.

>> No.10902168

I'm so sick of this revisionist shit even my friends complained about cameras when we were playing together on split screen in certain games you're just a poser faggot.

>> No.10902173

what "revisionism"? i'm simply stating the eternal truth. it was true then as it is now.

>> No.10902176

so you saying there is no such thing as ''bad camera'' is platformers?

>> No.10902181

you must be one of those master baiters

>> No.10902758

I like it the little girl in it.
Better than the remake and AM2R, though it's not the same as other games in the series so it's an acquired taste.

>> No.10902872

Most people praising this simply played it as a kid. So did I but by that point I was already old enough to know it's shit

>> No.10902881

I don't understand what's there not to understand. It has a dramatic story, one of the best OSTs ever. Unlike FF1 it actually has characters and unlike most JRPGs it has branching dialogue mechanics. For a JRPG that's this early, that's more than enough. And I don't mind the leveling system personally, I grew up playing Morrowind, it fit like a glove. The hate seems to be focused entirely on TES style leveling (which everyone likes in TES somehow) and ignores all the great stuff about that game

>> No.10902923

I've honestly never seen any controversy surrounding it. I downloaded a full collection of GBA ROMs a while ago and have just been playing my way through them.

Is there any consensus on a best 2D Metroid?

I thought so, but I guess not.

>> No.10902959

Last month I could still open /vr/ and relate to many threads. Now it's like, everyone is shitting on popular games (some of these are bait but many responses aren't), countless people who will tell you "95% of every game is shit", or the now weekly "shit on all RPGs" thread, and to top it all off, many are starting to cross the boundaries to talk about 7th gen and beyond; which just makes me feel like something happened and all most of these are new posters who came from somewhere all at once all of a sudden. I just made a thread about King's Field and half the posters were obviously dark souls retards that came from modern gaming. Even the few decent threads now always have at least one or two answers by someone going like "why are you discussing this shit?". This wasn't like this even just a month ago.
My theory is that one of the resident schizos got mad his posts kept getting deleted and the baits wouldn't take anymore because we all knew, so he advertised the board somewhere knowing this would happen. Just a guess.

>> No.10903202

>Is there any consensus on a best 2D Metroid?
Super Metroid is far and away considered the best Metroid game ever made.

>> No.10903218

I guess there's not much discussion anymore, but I think it does have some unwarranted stigma.
Best 2D Metroid is Super Metroid. I think everyone will say that, but Zero Mission is also really good. It's a remake of the first game. You really can't go wrong with a 2D Metroid. Every one of them is good (1 being good for a first attempt, but rough around the edges)

>> No.10903268

>Zero Mission is also really good
This is the REAL contrarian position in Metroid.

>> No.10903285
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>> No.10903295

I prefer Dread, it has the most polished gameplay in the series.

>> No.10903303

Fippy bippy

>> No.10903331
File: 18 KB, 277x358, Neo_Turf_Masters_arcade_flyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, the spritework is impressive, but at the end of the day it's a fucking golf game. People only pretend to like it because it's on the neogeo and they want to larp as boomers.

>> No.10903336


>> No.10903346

Played MML1, Tron Bonne and MML2 in a row last year and had a fucking blast. I'm not even a Mega Man fan either. These games are genuinely great and that was a real surprise after hearing how awful they were for years.

>> No.10903370


>> No.10903473

CV64 wasn't even out when the britbong wrote that 2D vs 3D garbage, Konami didn't even show in-game screencaps yet.

CV64 ended up being the better game though.

>> No.10903478

>the producer wrote it and he never wrote for the series before that
Sakamoto has never beaten a Metroid game until Samus Returns.

>> No.10903491
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People liked this when it came out, but it’s been memoryholed, probably because people who were 6 at the time couldn’t get into it.

>> No.10903495

I feel like people liked it at the time it came out. It has a nice atmosphere and a lot of content but the controls and overall gameplay don't hold up at all

>> No.10903498

>after hearing how awful they were for years.
Spend too much time on /vr/ and you actually start beliving shit retards here say. These games have always been praised

>> No.10903640

If you posted Legends 2 then I would agree. The first game is peak comfy.

>> No.10903760

Tee it up, retard

>> No.10903776

Do it yourself, cunt.

>> No.10903784
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>CV64 ended up being the better game though.

>> No.10904286
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Cope and seethe.

>> No.10904538

This thread is pure /v/eddit, go back.

>> No.10904616

shit taste, it's goated desu

>> No.10904649
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>> No.10905201

ITT: We suck cocks

>> No.10905252

see >>10904616

>> No.10905329

I choose not to act like a flaming NPC faggot, no matter the recursive level of irony involved.

>> No.10905916

Doesn't this version of Castlevania 64 remove the voices from Reinhardt's and Carrie's campaigns?

>> No.10905934
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I first played this when i was a freshman in high school and friend of mine had a copy.
I also had never played a Breath of Fire game before this, so I had zero preconceptions of what these games should be. This game though is a truly unique JRPG; it actually has a pretty good story, it's a got great atmosphere and artstyle, and the game being designed around NG+ was ahead of its time. The worst you could say about it is that it does have a bit of a learning curve and will likely filter casuals once they inevitably reach 100% dragon gauge or reach a boss they aren't properly leveled for as it's expected for you to not reach the ending on your first run; I wouldn't recommend this game to casuals.

>> No.10906608

>I'm really struggling to see why people rate it so highly.
1. Age, people are nostalgic for it now
2. The existence of Metroid Other M and Metroid Prime Federation Force made peopel go "you know what Fusion isn't so bad"

That's it. If MOM and FF didn't exist people would still be shitting on Fusion today, but their existence retroactively rated Fusion much higher later

>> No.10907905

Metroid Fusion makes me appreciate why so many metroidvanias are easy. Imagine exploring for an hour only to hit Yakuza or Nightmare and lose all your progress. That's why I feel like the tighter and more focused design is justified, imo.

And just for the record, dumping on Fusion is definitely an internet, core Metroid fanbase thing. The layperson of its day loved that game.

>> No.10908023

Chrono Cross.

>> No.10908045

This was amazing and anyone who says otherwise is a massive cocksmoking dick huffer.

>> No.10908049

I think it helps that Fusion has the best boss battles of the classic 2D Metroids.

>> No.10908063
File: 50 KB, 256x327, Killer7boxnew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game that made me realize words like niche and cult classic are codeword for bad games for pseuds

>> No.10908065

is there a rom hack that combines everything from castlevania 64 and legacy of darkness?

>> No.10908075

This is basically Blame! the JRPG if you think about it

>> No.10908082

lol its like the star wars prequels

>> No.10908267

I thinkg you got it wrong, don't trust online forums.

>> No.10908287

>nooooo you can't enjoy games i don't like, it makes my tendies sour and my corn syrup salty
sorry that happened to you anon.

>> No.10908291

Thats my favorite childhood game you prick

>> No.10908293

it's a good game, it just filters the most autistic sonic fans.

>> No.10908360

This isn't contrarian. It was a huge hit with normies in the late 90s

>> No.10908362

Dragon Quest II is a recent one I see pop up all the time now. It was hated until a year ago.

>> No.10910187

The whole FF7 compilation is trash, how many more times are they doing the one black wing thing. It's exploitation and prostitution of the original game.

I do think the original it's overrated and normie, but the compilation is even worse fan fic tier trash.

>> No.10910210

>durr hurr I post popular game I don't like
Riveting. So glad I share the internet with you.

>> No.10910240

Castlevania 64 and Legacy of Darkness were reviewed quite well when they came out. Faggots only started crying about the game once AVGN did an episode on it.
And the biggest criticism of Legacy of Darkness? That you have to play through the entire game however many times to unlock the Castlevania 64 characters and story? A cheat code was discovered like last month that unlocks them from the start. So thats solved.

>> No.10910243

Stopped reading second sentence, everyone knew this game's camera and controls were ass right when it came out. You know people formed tastes and popularity was determined beyond just how magazines rated things, right?

>> No.10910248

And you know not only magazines talked about games, right? The internet was a fucking thing, retard. People who played the game didnt lock themselves into iron chambers, they obviously talked about it.

>> No.10910249
File: 105 KB, 1200x1033, 1569373423815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone who dislikes this game is parroting e-celebs, no one can actually play it and have similar opinions about it

>> No.10910251

Yes, and determined the camera and controls were ass.

>> No.10910280

Which does not make a game bad unless you're profoundly fuckin stupid.

>> No.10910396

Yes yes, your tolerance for bad things makes you oh so superior. Oh, how much smarter you are for tolerating video games most people think are bad.

>> No.10910503

stop samefagging you faggot

>> No.10910520

That was my first post in the thread. Check the IP count next time.

>> No.10910628

>Check the thing jannies removed next time.

>> No.10910716

When the fuck did that happen?

>> No.10910736

its about time

>> No.10910745

Cross is what happens when you tried to be Nomura/Takahashi but you end up pissing people off from many corners instead of hooking them into further anticipation.
Best to treat it as a standalone Chrono game.

>> No.10910768

It's a charming Dragon Warrior knock off with a fun setting and great soundtrack, what's not to like?

>> No.10910780
File: 66 KB, 550x606, d626ap-36f2c20d-fbbe-4bbc-8487-e14d3bd3ed2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Federation Force hate was due to massive retarded timing, the art style, and waifufags insisting they can't handle one Metroid game where Samus isn't playable in the flesh.
The most important thing is that it was Hunters sequel for the DSi but Tanabe was too desperate to keep the project alive at that point. I would have scrapped it and brought it back as a solid HD WiiU/Switch game.

That being said: It's a solid filler Metroid game to play with your buddies, Blast Ball...not so much. Could have been better, especially with the MOD chip system and mecha gameplay.

>> No.10910784


Found the virgin who nuts to smash bros porn with zero suit

>> No.10910785

I don't understand what this game is? it's a remake but it's also more like it's own game? I own this but I don't own Castlevania 64 is it ok if I play this first?

>> No.10910896

LoH has both campaigns from CV64 but with altered level design, a new story that serves as a prequel to Reinhardt's and Carrie's story and another one that's more like a bonus mode considering it hardly takes 1 hour to finish, both new campaigns need to be done to access the old ones. There are some minor differences but unless you are really curious then there's no reason not to play LoH first.

>> No.10910982


Legacy of Darkness contains Castlevania 64, plus new content. The order would be C64, then Legacy of Darkness for the new campagins, because you always want to consume media in release order. This was the reccomended order because the Castlevanis 64 campaign in LOD had to be unlocked. However, a cheat code was discovered like a month ago that just unlocks them right away. So if you dont mind losing voice acting, just play Legacy of Darkness.

>> No.10910993

>What's contrarian about liking these? They are well received games.
This is becoming more and more common as time goes on. I think the people saying it are children who are literally incapable of knowing how these games were received by consumer. Hell, earlier in this thread, someone tried to cope by giving the "muh paid shills" soundbyte as if thats what anyone is referring to.
They are simply ignorant of the common opinion from people who actually played the game, so when one of us eventually mentions it, they get caught off guard. They are also significantly more likely to apply modern standards to a game that wasnt published when those standards existed, because they have no idea how to consume media. This leads to buzzwords like "aged" and "dated" as if art is like milk and just expires.

>> No.10910995

>Nobody knew or cared about these games until the Legends 3 debacle.
Except for the fact that Volnutt and Tron Bonne fan art was fucking everywhere on the early internet and all the way up until 2005 when it began to taper off. Thats like saying Bridget from Guilty Gear wasnt one of the most iconic fighting game characters before the latest DLC. Just factually and historically incorrect.

>> No.10911005

>a decade has passed
Jesus shit fuck, I remember the day this board was made, and how pissed /v/ was for some reason. Just like when /vg/ was made

Since 2004. How ya holding up?

>> No.10911009

It didnt ruin the game for us, you dumb shit. We arent sub-human.

>> No.10911115

CV64 is garbage tho

>> No.10911412

A few weeks ago, when fags on /v/ started shilling stellar blade and fags on /a/ started shilling the blue archive anime.

>> No.10911628

Filtered, you will never be a woman.

>> No.10912013

go back to /v/ kiddo
contrarian is not allowed here

>> No.10912037

>The layperson of its day loved that game.
Do you think this is a forum for academics or something?

>> No.10912337

It's my fault. I wanted to be able to discuss PS2 era games, but it was a monkey's paw wish.

>> No.10912475

We respect N64vania and Konami Kobe in this household, zoomie.

>> No.10912491

no u