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File: 170 KB, 1280x720, 1697225651777285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10890478 No.10890478 [Reply] [Original]

Yea kids who can't afford a PC, have this.

>> No.10890482

k.. thx

>> No.10890493

it's the next best thing really, people rightfully didn't put up with sega's retardism

>> No.10890501

It's not bad at all. It plays better on real hardware than it does on emulator/snes classic for sure.

>> No.10890509

Kids generally couldn't afford a PC unless they had the world's most generously paid paper route. If you're lucky your dad was self-employed and had one to do his accounts or whatever. I finally convinced my parents to get a PC in 1997 for 'schoolwork' purposes.

>> No.10890516

anon, most american families had a C64 in the 80s that they had no idea what to do with that they then upgraded to a windows pc circa '93-'95

>> No.10890521

The resolution is asscheeks, but it’s an acceptable version to play.

>> No.10890535

The resolution is ass, but it’s better than nothing.

>> No.10890551

none of this is true.
Only about 12 million C64s were ever sold, worldwide.
A fraction of American families had PCs in the 90s

>> No.10890554

I'd play it over the Jaguar version. I don't care how good a port it is I will not play doom without music

>> No.10890556

i'm sorry you come from a poor immigrant family

>> No.10890579

Did they count all computer types, or just IBM-compatibles?

>> No.10890585
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>> No.10890593
File: 22 KB, 480x306, IMG_7129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not specified but by the 90s, PCs had taken over the US market

>> No.10890662

>mogs sharturn doom
How did the snezz do it?

>> No.10890740

It does not mog the Saturn port. The Saturn version is running the actual Doom engine, the SNES version is running a poorly recreated fake without even having different enemy angles. Even with a cheating and expensive helper chip running the entire game, the SNES was simply far too bottlenecked to ever be able to handle a game such as Doom. They should have made a Mega Drive port using the SVP chip instead.

>> No.10890768

PS1 Doom > Jaguar Doom > 32X Doom > Saturn Doom > SNES Doom > 3DO Doom

>> No.10890997

jaguar version was better

>> No.10891012

I don't want to insult you too much but this is such a modern z***mer take.

Used computers existed. By the time this particular release of Doom came out in September 1995 a used 386 PC was about $100. Used 486 maybe $150. A Pentium 1 about $200-300. PC's were not horrifically expensive to obtain.

>I finally convinced my parents to get a PC in 1997 for 'schoolwork' purposes.
You must have been pretty young or just oblivious of the used market.

>> No.10891028

I bought a Jaguar. Sold it for slightly less than retail a year later because obviously PS would get Doom later. Yeah I had no idea "retrogamers" would give a shit about the turd game with no boss and pay me out if I held on 20 years.

>> No.10891051

Literal cope. Keep crying, tranny. Sharturn doom is unplayable. Even GBA doom is better

>> No.10891064

crazy how aol was the richest company in the world for a hot minute when nobody in the 90s even owned a computer

>> No.10891067

AOL was a scam. They sent CDs to people that didn't know what an ISP is.

>> No.10891074

Sh-shut up!

>> No.10891083

Does a rom hack exist that makes this playable?

>> No.10891094

Why would you want that? that's like asking for a hack that makes the ZX Spectrum version of Street Fighter II playable. Just play better versions.

>> No.10891108

>nobody in the 90s even owned a computer
This is just flat wrong.
Please educate yourself.

>> No.10891134

Crazy how zoomers think everything they watch on YouTube is factual

>> No.10891160

Computers were bigger after 1995
First half of the 90s, they were a luxury item
Hell, even after 95, they were still luxury items, you didn't need a computer, and didn't need the internet.

>> No.10891213

>Does a rom hack exist that makes this playable?
Just get gzdoom and freedoom.
You'll thank me later.

>> No.10891240

what's the problem with it? i only played a few levels but it seemed decent. then again i've also never played the original so.

>> No.10891342

I want to play it on my SNES. I know there are GBA hacks that make it more playable.

>> No.10891351
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He's right tho, it's exactly what mine did. just swap out a c64 for a tandy 1000 and then in the 90's an acer aspire with a pentium.

>> No.10891358

35% of households by 1997 owned at least 1 computer.
Kill yourself

>> No.10891362

Yeah, you’re a data set of one.

>> No.10891379

True and a spanking new PII with a monitor would set you back about $1500. We had a K6-2 which ended up being $900 and we assembled it ourselves.

>> No.10891410

the rich people... and it was dads so you couldnt be gaming on it 24/7...
In the era of snes you paid like $150 for console controller and a game. A PC was proly $1500 at the time and the games were all shit for uber nerds or uber pervs.Early 90s 7/10 kids proly had a console.. no kid truely had thier own PC..
In the late 90s tho it came around abit more. You could get a decent emachine for like $600 or a cool PlayStation or N64 for $200ish.. The playstaion was also a cd player which was cool af but thr PC had MUCH more value now as many people were piling onto the internet to chat bullshit and play board games on yahoo.
Somewhere after 2001 or so PCs could be cheap af just as basic internet browser boxes and then just pop a gfx card in there and good togo.. but thr consoles had waay more going for it. Xbox and PS2 were dvd players at a time dvd players were abit more expensive. They both tinkered with online bit it was mostly shit.
By the era of 360 and ps3 there wasnt really any diffrence in building a PC or grabbing a console. You could do everything on all of them. The real deal breakers were exclusives.
Everything after has no soul.

>> No.10891413

This was a pretty common move. We had a c64, then in 88' got a 2nd hand PC AT with a printer for $200. We wanted a 486 in 89' but we were poor. Got a 2nd hand 386 $200 we put 16MB of ram and a cirrus logic svga card and an svga monitor, Doom was playable. We did jump onto the Pentium, with MMX, hype train.

For us we had little money to spend on this so we followed the 2nd hand sales.

>> No.10891561

Doesn’t matter if it was rich or poor. 35% of Americans owned a computer.

>> No.10891665

>console couldn't compete with a computer running a cpu that alone was twice the cost

>> No.10891763

>A PC was proly $1500 at the time
Just fucking no.
Stop this nonsense.
Used PCs existed.
They were nowhere near $1500.
This is peak zoomerism to assume that everything must be bought brand new of whatever came out that year.

>> No.10891771

Where would you buy used PCs in 1994?

>> No.10891784

Doom for SNES was released in September 1995. Not 1994.

Surplus Auctions from the government, schools, colleges, and businesses.
Used Electronics Store (who got a lot of their stock from said surplus auctions)
Classified Ads
Pawn Shops
Flea Markets and Yard Sales (80s stuff mostly)

>> No.10891802

>Used PCs existed
The 90s was the age of "You bought a top of the line computer at a store, and it becomes an obsolete joke once the receipt is printed", no one was buying used PCs then unless they were retarded. Maybe in the 2000s when thinkpad refurbishing was a thing.

>> No.10891935

The "I'm such an entitled 2024 baby with 5000 pirated games at my disposal that I laugh at ports" threads are really getting tiring

>> No.10891971

Ps1 was basically good as pc

32x would be OK if it had strafe (or did it?)

>> No.10892058
File: 2.03 MB, 1171x705, bestbuy95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PC's that could actually play doom in the 90's actually were incredibly expensive you dolt, since literally fucking nobody in 95 was selling anything even remotely capable of playing Doom fucking USED.

>> No.10892315

I played Doom on a used 486 a few days after release in '93.

>> No.10892328

Doom ran on a 386 with 4mb of RAM. Consumer setups capable of running it were avaliable in 1986.

>> No.10892440

Honestly this is a weird release. It feels more like a proof of concept than an actual retail game. Even the Super FX 2 was woefully underpowered for DOOM, clearly.

>> No.10892457


>> No.10892480

Doom was terrible on 386
I guess by late 1995 it was much more feasible to get something that would run it ok than 1993 though with business 486s being replaced

>> No.10892502

>TFT was a $700 upgrade over DSTN, for a smaller screen
Fuck me running. Admittedly, DSTN is a terrible display technology, but that's a massive chunk of cash, especially for the '90s.

>> No.10892638

32X had strafe, but it was a modifier button you held so you couldn’t circle strafe

>> No.10892927

The subject of this particular sub-thread is not limited to Doom.
>Kids generally couldn't afford a PC

>> No.10892930

You are an idiot and have no idea at all what you're talking about in regards to Doom system requirements nor in regards to the prices of used PCs at the time.

>> No.10892934

Most double-retarded post in the thread. The rapid progression of technology was precisely why you could buy a cheaper used PC from a few years ago for a fraction of the price it sold for new.

>> No.10893065

I dunno I remember everyone doing reports on word processors and most taking a floppy to school to print them around this time, with written papers being a minority. This is flyover US in a mixed middle class/redneck school. The "family PC in the living room" era didn't last long but it was common.

>> No.10893079

We were far from a rich family, but we had a PC since the early 80's.

>> No.10893106

3rd worlder here. Couldn't afford even buying the SNES port but at least I could still rent, the graphics were so shit compared after playing on the PC. The PC classes I had allowed me to play it in multiplayer on sundays with other people.

>> No.10893128

+Technical marvel for SNES
+First-ever console FPS with online multiplayer through X-Band support
+Has nearly all the content from the PC version
-no save system
-runs, looks, and controls like shit
-weird technical issues like shotgun not having spread and enemies always facing toward the player

+Runs reasonably well and looks nice all things considered
+Has a God-tier romhack that rivals PSX Doom
-no circle strafing
-music sounds awful
-missing large swathes of content including all of Episode 3
-again, no save system

+Looks, runs, and controls quite well
-levels are condensed or sometimes missing due to technical constraints
-no music at all
-password saves

+Looks and controls great, runs well for the most-part despite performance issues in bigger levels
+Includes Doom II in nearly its entirety as well as a few exclusive levels
+Awesome Aubrey hodges OST and redone sound effects
+Includes PSX link cable support for multiplayer co-op and deathmatch
-missing a few levels and enemies like the Archvile
-no memory card support so you get to deal with password saves once again

+Music kicks ass
+Retains most all PC content more or less
+Has a proper fucking save system for once
-runs and controls like utter shit to the point of being basically unplayable

+Impressive for the hardware
+Controls reasonably well and has a proper save system
-censorship for T rating
-music is out of order and not great though arguably not as bad as the 32X

+Basically the same as the PSX version content wise aside from lacking multiplayer
-runs almost as poorly as the 3DO version complete with input lag
-weird technical quirks like faster fire rate for weapons

>> No.10893149

Maybe it was regional, but almost everyone I knew had a computer that could run Doom and our schools all had computers with games on them. I remember my last year 1996 we got a suite of pentiums that were fast enough that we would all just sit playing games and if the teacher who was old and fat stood up we had enough time to hit reset and be back working in autocad by the time he waddled over. Good times.

>> No.10893152

I have the Saturn version and I had fun with it, I didn't think it ran that bad except in very busy moments

>> No.10893153
File: 83 KB, 419x800, 3do_doom_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best music
>worst everything else


Here, so you can enjoy the best part of the shittiest port.

>> No.10893157
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Doom ran like shit on a 80386 you dopes, it may have been the """"minimum"""" but it was BARELY playable even on one running 20mhz. Don't even try to bullshit me you zoomers.

>bu-bu-bu muh minimum detail, muh postage stamp sized screen space

Yeah, NO. Nobody was selling CHEAP "200 dollar" 386's in 94 or 95 and anybody who tried playing that shit on a 386 would have been fucking miserable. Im sorry your family was poor and that you had to dumpster dive for 8088's behind Fry's

>> No.10893162

>-music sounds awful

What do you mean? It sounds great.


>> No.10893168

You're a dimwit who cannot keep up with the line of discussion in this thread. And you also don't know anything about the prices of used technology in the time period.

>> No.10893179

>literally zero argument

You've never even tried playing Doom on a 386 you imbecile. And you can't even play Doom 2 on a 386. Im telling you that YOU know nothing about the prices in this time period, you're full of shit and have zero proof.

>> No.10893180

Amazing spectacle of coding but just a few months later you could have bought a 32X for $20 and DOOM for $5

>> No.10893190

>you could have bought a 32X for $20 and DOOM for $5

25 bucks to get farted at? Boy, what a deal! I usually have to pay at least twice as much for that.

>> No.10893191

believe it or not at 30 years old I've never played the original doom. What's the best console version out there nowadays?

>> No.10893192

if you keep posting with your trip I will post photos of my greasy & hairy penis just fyi

>> No.10893216
File: 3.52 MB, 1858x872, bestbuy92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, and a machine with a 386 (the neutered SX at that) in 1992 (the year before doom came out) was like 1k. You ain't getting a used 386 for cheap back then, and even if you could where would you get it, the classifieds? a pawn shop? lmao. the "used computer market" barely existed back then for 90% of the 'states unless you lived in Washington or Texas some other silicon valley adjacent, it certainly did not exist in the rural midwest.

>> No.10893220

>What's the best console version out there nowadays?
Just get the updated PC version on fitgirlrepack. The best console port is N64 and they reported for the PC too.

>> No.10893224

go nuts fucker I don't care

>> No.10893264
File: 83 KB, 1024x768, abusebox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doom ran at single digit FPS on a 386. I have a 486SX IBM abusebox somewhere, and it couldn't play Doom at all. Wolfenstein 3d and Heroes II ran great though, so did Dune 1, Volfied, Raptor, and Pinball Fantasies. I think I tried Red Alert on it too but had issues, I don't remember the details, it was 20 years ago (we got the computer for free because a family my mom had know was throwing it out).

>> No.10893282

That reminds me of the days back then when games were 10fps because computers still sucked

Watching quake on a fast computer was a big deal. Like when another kid landed a kick flip on their skateboard or did a bunny hop on a bmx

Good times

>> No.10893284

It's the worst version of doom by a country mile, at least the red cartridge is cool.

>> No.10893287
File: 621 KB, 1280x1773, 1694465521431266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That reminds me of the days back then when games were 10fps because computers still sucked
there was a time where 15fps were considered silky smooth

>> No.10893294

>Watching quake on a fast computer was a big deal.

Yeah, it was what sold 3dfx early on. You jumped from 320x200 30fps to 640x480 60fps with bilinear filtering.

FMV came a very long way, Dune 1 had a CD version with live action FMVs and it was jaw dropping.

>> No.10893298
File: 141 KB, 1218x549, doom fps on 386DX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doom ran at single digit FPS on a 386.
Completely a lie.

>> No.10893308

Doom running on a 386DX

>> No.10893361

I have played Doom on a 386 several times. It runs decently in low quality in a window.
It is very playable, especially in the context of the time period when being able to play *any* version of a popular game, even heavily compromised, was a treat.

>> No.10893363

You just proved that it wasn't a lie. Or do you somehow consider 10.79 frames per second to be the optimal videogame experience?

That's a 40MHz AM386DX-40, which was basically the last and fastest 386 released at a time when 486s were already dominating the market.

>> No.10893380

This discussion has nothing at all to do with 1992. It's about 1995. And you're STILL using brand new computer prices from a box store.
>lmao. the "used computer market" barely existed back then for 90% of the 'states unless you lived in Washington or Texas some other silicon valley adjacent, it certainly did not exist in the rural midwest.

This is sheer nonsense. STOP. Lurk moar. You have NO IDEA what you're typing. It's just a stream of bullshit.

>> No.10893389

>which was basically the last and fastest 386
And these were types of 386s that you could buy cheaply in the mid-90s. Those were the ones getting replaced and sold at surplus auctions. The older generation 386s had already gone through that process.

>> No.10893419
File: 2.19 MB, 250x185, 1713829375636257.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is absolutely no nonsense in even a single one of my posts, you're just shittershattered because I actually remember what it was like back in '95.

There was no "used" market outside of the classifieds or pawn shops for the majority of the country because the home computing industry was still relatively in it's infancy and adoption rates were below 50%. Just because YOUR little pacific northwest silicon valley adjacent hovel had a computer consignment/thrift store for PC's doesn't mean your average American did.

And as for Doom on a 386? Don't fucking make me laugh.

Yeah...Picking up a USED 386 is totally the move for 95! Keep in mind this is the newer Am386 at 40MHZ! A processor that was RELEASED the year BEFORE Doom and it still struggles.

Maybe next time zoomzoom will watch more retro tech yubtubber videos before trying to convince someone who lived through this decade that his memories are wrong.

>> No.10893429

>SVP chip
You mean the piece of junk that cooks itself?

>> No.10893452

Your post reeks of non-American who got all their information from youtube and reddit over the last ten years.

>> No.10893457

That's playing on high graphics quality in full screen. You're being intentionally deceptive and you know it. You've exposed yourself as a shitposter who doesn't ever want to admit when they were wrong about something and got called out on it.

>> No.10893481
File: 747 KB, 1280x762, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not looking good desu

>> No.10893508

NTA but we had adverts in local game mags as far back as 1993, and they indeed had used PCs for sale in these ads. Thing is, a full 386DX40 setup in late 1995 (november-december) cost 50% more than a Playstation... and the Playstation ran Doom better. A Pentium 90 setup cost 3x much as a Playstation, and a Megadrive (console only, no game) cost one fourth.

This was in eastern europe though. And around 1993 it was mostly C64 and Amiga ads.

>> No.10893519

They had a heat sink as part of the cart, you know.
Also, What major difference would have occurred if the 32X got canned, and most of its games became SVP-enhanced Mega Drive/Genesis games, with the rest being moved to the Saturn.

>> No.10893525


You two are being deliberately obtuse and completely disingenuous, I could literally show you someone selling a NEC with a 68030 at $1290 in 1995 and you would tell me it's somehow fake. I am sorry but I reject your insane buffoon revisionism completely because I remember the insane computer prices of the 90's as clearly as anyone else who lived through this time, buying a PC back then was like burning money and I remember people and institutions STILL clinging to outdated 386sx's even as late as 1998. Hardly anybody sold their shit used because they paid a metric fuckload for it and it was already considered "obsolete" anyway.

>> No.10893538

I don't take as much issue with people claiming there "was a used market" the main issue is these fools trying to tell me that you could pick up a 386 for absurdly low prices in 95, you simply couldn't. Nobody was getting a completely assembled 386 system for 300 fucking dollars unless that shit was stolen

>> No.10893546

>They had a heat sink as part of the cart, you know.
a shitty one

>> No.10893585

>This was in eastern europe though.
It mainly depends where you lived, who you knew, and who your parents were.
I remember some of my schoolmates having 386-es (not sure if DX or the weaker SX though, it's been over 30 years since) in their homes (circa '94-'95), because their parents worked for some ministry or tech institute and managed to "acquire" some PCs sent over from the US, originally intended to kickstart the digital infrastructure or something like that. And those computers "somehow" found their way into private homes.
Most people in my generation tended to have some sort of 8-bit micro clone (along the ubiquitous bootleg NES copy) in the early-mid-'90s, until around '98 when prices dropped low enough for their parents to buy them a PC, as a sort of reward for entering high school.
I was lucky since my folks were relatively rich, and bought me a PC (P133, 2MB S3 card, SB16, 16MB EDO) in late '96.

>> No.10893590

You simply cannot wrap your mind around the idea of buying a used computer, can you?

>> No.10893595

>replying with a screencap which had already been posted in the thread
>said screencap clearly shows playable framerates
Your next zoomer move going to be telling me 20 fps isn't playable?

>> No.10893603

Oh, sure I can! But I know for a fact that in 1995 the used computer market for machines that were capable of actually playing Doom the way it was intended was incredibly small.And you sure weren't getting anything capable for less than $900, sorry!

But Jim Bob over here sure does have a nice tandy 1000 ex for $300 bucks at his yard sale, maybe you can play some games on that.

>> No.10893605

The question here is at what point do you realize your preconceived notions you had coming into this thread were in error? How many anons telling you that you're wrong does it take?

>> No.10893608
File: 54 KB, 637x373, doomatscreensize1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 fps..at screen size 1

Get real lmao, this is worse than the snezz

>> No.10893609

You've now passed into the "trolling the thread" stage of grief over losing an internet argument.

>> No.10893616
File: 639 KB, 907x1044, 1675258461892125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't go into the bandwagon shit, if that's what you are going towards. SVP had its issues, I know, and there is a reason for the heatsink. What makes you so sure that even with the heat sink being inserted and applied as intended onto the cartridge board from the factories, the SVP still often risks being as defective as the launch and some Jasper model Xbox 360s, if not worse?

>> No.10893619

>chart clearly says 19.57 at screen size 3
So the take-away here is you don't have the ability to round up. Or even if you don't round up the 22.10 size 2 rating is right there. Which you ignore because that isn't convenient for you.

Still, screen size 1 acceptable if you had an older 386. It's still playing Doom. I played through about half of Knee Deep in the Dead on an old 386SL Thinkpad like that a few years ago. Felt like playing a handheld.

>> No.10893620

Im not the one saying "trust me bro" about a used market that doesn't exist, I presented proof of historical pricing and the shit performance of a 386 you two cried and shit your pants about it.

>> No.10893624

I see we've entered the cope stage of this thread.

>> No.10893748

By the mid 90s there were used 486 and 386 computers available for less than $200.

>> No.10893786

No there wasn't, unless you're buying them out of the trunk of Tyrones car

>> No.10893815

My dad bought a 386 running Windows for Workgroups 3.11 for $100 from a community college in 1996. That was our first family computer.

>> No.10893843

>$100 386, In '96

That I can believe, I remember seeing $800-$900 75 mhz pentiums by '96 and '97

>> No.10893856
File: 114 KB, 974x1000, 91pgjCTljxL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_DpWeblab_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We didn't get Doom until we had a computer that was running Windows 98. So it was Ultimate Doom.

>> No.10893961

PS1>32X Romhack update>SNES>JAG>GBA>32X>3DO>Texas Instruments Calculator>McDonalds Digital Menu>Wii Homebrew> HP Printers>Saturn
I’ve played all of these ports. My rankings are definitive

>> No.10894169

>Kids generally couldn't afford a PC unless they had the world's most generously paid paper route.
I don't agree with this.
You're probably thinking of new cutting edge PCs like a Pentium I.
But I grew up in a rural low-income community in the midwest and about half of more of the kids in my middle school had a PC of some kind at home by 1997.

Now, the caveat to this is that PC they owned might have been over 10 years out of date. I had a 386 (which I didn't use much because I was a big-time console player and had the newest systems) and my best friend had a 286 with a big plastic tray of 5.25" floppies with DOS games on them. When I'd visit other kids houses they often had similar what were then considered "old" computers that couldn't do much of anything very cool. But it was in fact a PC. And if we had known how to do so it could have done a lot of very interesting things like dial up to a BBS but we were just ignorant kids who didn't know much more than few DOS commands to get a game to run off a disk.

>> No.10894179

>most american families had a C64 in the 80s
Utterly false.

>> No.10894331

Atari 8-bit cope.

>> No.10894343

Apple II seemed far more common to me, even though they were more expensive.
Even in the middle 90s my entire school district was still utilizing Apple IIs

>> No.10894357

Schools had more Apple ][s than just about any neighborhood in The US or Canada.

>> No.10894381
File: 159 KB, 1024x768, IMG_2344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was nothing more baller than going to the PC Lab and printing out a banner with this beast

>> No.10894396

I have no real numbers but my gut tells me a huge chunk of the home Doom players of 1993 were playing on 386s.

>> No.10894402

One time I was grounded from my computer but was still allowed to use the consoles. Don't ask, shit was weird. During that period I rented this piece of shit and yeah, sure was Doom for single mom kids.

>> No.10894409

It's certainly not fucking ideal... is this your cope for having a shitty PC or this version of the game? Don't pretend that you weren't ecstatic with every PC upgrade running all your old games maxed out, as if you finally got to really play them. I'm over the hill, believe it or not, don't care but I'm tired of this "heh only zoom-zooms care about framerate heh" revisionist vr-tard bullshit. Dude, anyone who upgraded their PCs in the 90s KNOWS that's not true.

>> No.10894516

read the whole thread and the context of posts before rushing to reply next time

>> No.10894636

>Not understanding what minimum screen size on doom is like
I didn't like the other guy in the thread for being too aggressive but you are retarded

>> No.10895187

Shouldn't the minimum screen size be relative to the set monitor resolution? So for instance if you can set your monitor to 320x200 the full screen mode should run better than when set to 640x400 or 640x480. But both will appear to be in full screen mode.

>> No.10895224

Doom runs in 320x200 natively and gets line-doubled to display on VGA monitors. This is done via the VGA card's onboard scaling hardware and doesn't cost CPU cycles. Switching the monitor display resolution to 320x200 (assuming a monitor and graphics card that supports this mode) wouldn't provide any performance improvement. It might make the game look a little bit better visually since you'd have 1 pixel per line of the CRT raster. It would make the game a bit less blocky and pixelated looking.

However, I could be wrong about all of this. It's been a long time. *shrug*

>> No.10896946

Okay IBM

>> No.10897734

PCs suck for gaming desu

>> No.10898382

In 1997, more than one in three American households had a PC

>> No.10899902

So a minority of people actually had a PC in 1997?
It was around 30% for most of the 90's and even by the end they were just barely at 50% with I would argue about 10-20% of those computers being basically computers from the late 80's spec wise.

If I am being honest I wouldn't say the PC became mainstream until 1998-99 where it was only just starting and by 2000 and 01 they were really off the chain with affordable and powerful computers being everywhere.

>> No.10900034

>most american families had a C64 in the 80s
My family had like four and two C128s. I knew of exactly... zero of a dozen friends who had a commodore 64 and I never met anyone in school with one. I met one kid with an IBM PC in the early 90s, and then eventually other kids ended up with computer by the late 90s - of which who seemingly didn't touch them either especially for games anyway. I met maybe two other people in the late nineties in school who used their computer to dialup with AOL and chat/pron.
The only time I ever heard of other kids my age using a computer was during school or the library.

So I have no idea where you're getting this concept that "most american families" had a C64, most didn't even know what it was. Most kids during the 80s used an apple II in school to play Oregon Trail or SanDiego, between typing software or Logo/Turtle shit once in a blue moon that was basically never a thing. I could probably count the amount of times schools let us use computers on one hand at least - granted, I can count to at least thirty four on one hand without encoding shit, that still isn't very many times over 13 years of schooling.

>> No.10900064

If even 10% of households own something that thing is completely mainstream.

>> No.10900076 [DELETED] 

>Muh logical fallacy!!!
Imagine being this asshurt
Nigger alert!
Crispy/Chocolate Doom is better
You are a retarded faggot, go actually play the game on a 386.
Based beyond belief, tripfags are a dying species.
>10.79 fps optimal v-
Zoomer detected, get off my fucking retro board nigger.

>> No.10900087 [DELETED] 

You are onions.

>> No.10900090 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 220x278, Norton_Guide_to_PC_VGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing comeback anon, where'd you get it the comeback store? The "Cool Epic Hip Phrases to win Internet Arguments" handbook? Weep harder faggot I want your tears.

>> No.10901018

>Doom ran at single digit FPS on a 386.
Must of been close to what they had in ER S02E07 when they were playing Doom 2... it's a fucking slideshow. The sounds are there, and the footage seems to be legit playing but it's like 1 frame every 5 seconds. The fucking thing aired in 1995 and I have no idea how the fuck they found a computer that bad. I guess they pulled someone's 286 or something for two dollars as a prop or something and someone took that as a challenge to play Doom on it on set.

>> No.10901027

Well, one of the scenes was more of a slideshow.
This particular scene it's more like 5FPS.
It's suggested that they're playing against another hospital in Doom 2 at some point.

>> No.10901039

Here's the second part at least. The writing and acting for this scene is hilariously abysmal - yet it's far superior technically to other games on shows.

>> No.10901161

The strangest thing about that scene is seeing a real CRT screen instead of the usual green-screened replacement.

>> No.10901164

What percentage of households own a PS5? Is it not a mainstream console?

>> No.10901701
File: 7 KB, 200x283, 1458592552965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My first experience with Doom was the SNES version then the 32X version.
By the time I actually got into PC gaming I was probably 15-16 and finally played the PC version. I actually forgot how bad the SNES/32X were in comparison to PC until I watched comparisons years later. The 32X port could have actually been pretty good for standards of the time if the audio wasn't total ass and wasn't missing all of Episode 3 (meaning also the BFG without cheats), found it weird the SNES port was only missing 5 levels across 3 episodes while 32X was just outright missing all of Episode 3.

>> No.10901831

14 million people played shareware Doom in the 90s, how would that be possible if computers were still obscure?

>> No.10901838

Doom was notorious for being played on office workstations.

>> No.10901878
File: 456 KB, 754x560, Game_Doom_on_TI-83_calculator.png.26c35225b60f49b59d192daa3341ffd9[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In high school, I had this.

>> No.10901924

>it’s an acceptable version to play

In 1995 maybe. Not in 2024.

>> No.10902721

Mid to lower class kid in the 90s here. Had PC. Fuck you, zoomies, they're rewritting history and you're eating it up. And go back to sucking cock in /v/

>> No.10905216


>> No.10905226

1 person played DOOM 14 million times

>> No.10905316

>be kid with a PC and SNES in the 90s
>have and love Doom on PC
>oh look there's a Doom SNES game! I'll rent it
>it's just the PC game but shittier
I honestly expected it to have original levels or something.

>> No.10906826

2D SNES ports were superior to PC though.

>> No.10906840

I ported DOOM to the SNES from scratch and got it to run at 60fps full resolution no problem

>> No.10906848

That does sound disappointing. I miss the days when game ports on different consoles were often distinct versions.

>> No.10906854

You're the guy that made the Saturn Quake thread aren't you? Thanks for doing that and showing everyone what a great port it was. Glad you listened to my request for you to make one for SNES Doom next, hopefully people will be able to see what a great port this one is too despite the limitations of the system, still would have been nice if you made a few webms like the Quake thread. Why not make one about Duke 3D on the Saturn next?

>> No.10906864

Games worth playing on PC in the 90's were only very a few. Consoles had superior hardware at that time and many more games to play

>> No.10906892

I've just checked used computer ads in a 1995 magazine and you could get a brand new Playstation for less than a 386SX (which would run Doom like complete ass). Mind you that was a complete config with monitor included.

>> No.10906901

you couldn't switch it to non scaled 320x200 because VGA CRTs worked at 31KHz so 400+ lines minimum, hence the hardware linedoubling.

>> No.10906904

That was Doom 2 not Doom which iirc was slightly slower? Also they are running it at full screen, and what looks like high quality, so the low speed is not at all surprising.

>> No.10906907
File: 145 KB, 798x644, 1713600530722009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Games worth playing on PC in the 90's were only very a few
I'm sorry you're not mature enough for 90s PC gaming, anon.

>> No.10906916

complete bullshit

>> No.10906919

Post the ads for the 386SX prices.

>> No.10906924

PC was very limited in the 90's. There were only boring point and click and strategy games that consoles couldn't handle.

>> No.10906930

Anon I would suggest downloading old issues of PC Gamer.

>> No.10906937

please stop being so ignorant

>> No.10906968
File: 10 KB, 168x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SNES had better 2D ports compared to games on PC. N64 had better 3D ports. Games on consoles were better ported. This is the best Doom port and a PC could not handle at the time.

>> No.10906975

>no music
it's shit

>> No.10906982

if a PC couldn't handle it, how come they had to strip out several monsters and some weapon animations in Doom 64?

>> No.10906995

My dad paid 2000 for a brand new computer in 1991. he was an engineer.
I'm 37.
shut the fuck up

>> No.10906998
File: 85 KB, 416x416, tmpphotoroom2023012621365110-5702722522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because as I mentioned N64 was better at 3D graphics only. These monsters and weapon animations in doom are in 2D, but FPS games only require 3D graphics. Level design and gameplay were better on N64 because of this. Quake was a fully 3D game and even a better port because of this

>> No.10907051

>in 1991

So basically nothing to do at all with buying a used PC in 1995. Kill yourself, retard.

>> No.10907213

I always find it funny how angry and indignant third worlders get about the way their family scraped and scrounged when they were kids as if that's the only experience anyone had. Newsflash: Americans were buying new PCs back then and it's not some historical revisionism to say otherwise.

>> No.10907236

Anon, it's a miracle they got this to run on the SNES at all, with most of the geometry intact. There are better console ports but this one is a technological marvel.

>> No.10907265

your post is so vague I don't even know which side you're attempting to take

>> No.10907268

I actually like the sound font of the SNES port's music, I was surprised many people hate it.

>> No.10907274

just say you're too stupid to play 90s PC games you have to resort ti playing baby console games

>> No.10907291 [DELETED] 

Nothing about my post was vague.
>Americans say PCs were $1500
>Third worlders say no one bought new PCs
>Americans say yes they did
>Third worlders get angry and indignant because they can't imagine their own personal experience not applying to the whole globe

>> No.10907585 [DELETED] 

That's not what happened in this thread.

>> No.10907598

it's a very farty soundtrack.

>> No.10907647

It was most likely a 386SX with some terrible VGA card. A 286 wouldn't be able to run Doom since it's a 32-bit protected mode program. IMO, Doom really needs a good 486 with a VLB card to be playable, and even then, it's choppier than you might expect.

>> No.10907653

It supposedly used the SuperFX2 chip, though it also had XBAND support and I don't know if the XBAND cart had all the pins needed for the SuperFX2 in its passthrough connector.

>> No.10908307

Yep I did. Bought myself a loose copy at my local mall from a store called The Gamery. It was my first time playing Doom, so I enjoyed it for what it was thought the heavy pixelation made it kinda ugly. Love the SNES soundtrack though!

>> No.10908545
File: 3.87 MB, 640x348, snes-doom-uv1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the worst version of Doom I've ever played, and I've played the Saturn one.

>> No.10908587

*AHEM* >>10893961

>> No.10908601
File: 3.83 MB, 640x348, snes-doom-uv2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your ranking is retarded. This game has a full second of input lag on snes. Go back to sucking nintencock.

>> No.10908612

lurk more

>> No.10908613 [DELETED] 

You literally never played the sharturn version if you actually think it’s better than anything. Go back to fucking your asshole with with your Sonic dildo, your furfuck tranny nigger

>> No.10908615 [DELETED] 

>auster defending the snes port of doom

>> No.10908625 [DELETED] 

Fuck that paki lardass, and go fuck yourself. Nigger

>> No.10908636 [DELETED] 
File: 3.90 MB, 640x348, snes-doom-uv3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>auster the ESL thinks this puke version of a classic is remotely playable
>has a full second of input lag
>looks like stale milk
>sounds like farts
>will bend over backwards defending this shit
Jesus Christ this is worse than that one 45 year old virgin posting saturn quake constantly. /vr/ genuinely thinks this is good. The enemies drop inputs almost as much as you do. This is a poorly programmed joke.

>> No.10908639

Size-wise, you could not install Icewind Dale on a single one of these computers.

>> No.10908642 [DELETED] 

You’re a literal furfag cultist if you think the Sharturn version of DOOM is anything but a dumpster fire. You probably like it since it was programmed by a tranny. Literally kill yourself, faggot

>> No.10908645 [DELETED] 

Is that what you got out of this: >>10908545
Dumb ESL.

>> No.10908650 [DELETED] 

Glue your lips to a 12-gauge. You disgusting troon

>> No.10908691

>It plays better on real hardware than it does on emulator/snes classic for sure.

>> No.10908850

chocolate doom

>> No.10908891

God, I did the same. They had to get a high interest department store loan to get the thing. It was like $2600 financed. All I wanted to do was play games, but obviously I couldn't do that for a long while. Ended up reading like every article in Encarta 95.