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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10795270 No.10795270 [Reply] [Original]

Does the MiStEr actually matter or is just a meme to satisfy autistic neckbeards? I see YouTube videos of manchildren all praising the sound quality, color accuracy, and input lag of the MiStEr compared to emulation but I’ve never noticed any problems with emulation. So what’s the deal?

>> No.10795280

It's being shilled here hardcore.

>> No.10795284

It's only really got the input lag factor over using software emulation and even that can be mitigated on pc.

Not worth the money if you already have a decent PC.

>> No.10795298

the best thing you can say about it is that it just werks. if you don't know how to configure retroarch you can save headaches by using it.

>> No.10795352
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Emulation version of an audiophile

>> No.10795360

If you care about accuracy enough to be interested in a MiSTer then you should just get original hardware.

>> No.10795383

>Does the MiStEr actually matter
None of this matters. And I don't mean that in an edgy nihilistic kind of way. Well not completely. But at the same time it's a hobby. It's about amusement. The only thing that matters is your own enjoyment.

>> No.10795401

If you're the kind of person who doesn't see anything wrong with Retroarch or phone emulation then MiSTer is not something you will appreciate. It is a niche device but a very good one if you're in that niche. If you have to ask yourself if you're in that niche then you aren't and should just use software emulation.

>> No.10795405

It's snake oil. If you actually care about authenticity just play on original hardware

>> No.10795408

>no 6th gen
Who cares? Boomers can waste money on it if they want I guess.

>> No.10795443

>It's snake oil.
So when they tell me there is no audio latency and no input lag with SNAC it's a lie? Or that it can run transistor accurate cores like for NeoGeo and MegaDrive that wouldnt run at 5fps on the best available desktop CPU, that's a lie too? The improvements and discoveries the devs have made, are they lying too? Is it not incredibly easy to hook up to a CRT with original refresh rates etc, more lies?

> If you actually care about authenticity just play on original hardware.
You can get all the consoles MiSTer supports plus a scaler, with flashcarts for every system for $350?

>> No.10795449

A couple sure but not everyone wants to be a hoarder. If I could have a basement full of arcade cabinets I would but that's not feasible

>> No.10795453

>but I’ve never noticed any problems with emulation.
That doesn't mean something isn't doing it better. I can't count the amount of times people have told me ZSNES is fine becuase they can't see any problems with it.

>> No.10795489

Tell me explicitly what’s wrong with ZSNES.

>> No.10795490

It can't play ClayFighter 2.

>> No.10795493

Luddite moron lmao

>> No.10795496

It has a very simple UI with no bullshit and very good CRT output support, it's much nicer to use than something like RPi but if you already have an emu solution you're satisfied with and see no problems then there's no point to trying to get one.

I don't think many people care about "transistor accuracy" unless you can produce a comparison of what it means gameplay, graphics or sound wise.

>> No.10795604
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>> No.10795606
File: 34 KB, 150x150, FUCK JANNIES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get a wii, a N64 with a flash kart, and a ps1. Boom you are now playing everything the mistr can play and you dont look like a massive faggot when a woman shows up at your house. When she asks why you have a crt in your house tell her its so you can play wii sports and not worry about throwing the remote. 9/10 chance upon hearing wii sports she will want to play it with you so make sure that shit is installed and youre 100% getting pussy. You know what youre getting with a mistr? A bunch of neckbeards on the internet telling you how your setup still isn't good enough and you will continue sitting there chasing the dragon but not in a cool way like with meth, more like in a autistic nerd way trying to get "the most accuracy" out of a community driven FPGA project that STILL has issues with psx and n64 games.

Either emulate and accept the not 100% accuracy, or dont and use OG hardware with all the pitfalls that comes with. But don't sit here on 4chin and act like this overhyped raspberry PI is any better than a wii for your social standing in life or your mental health. Just play games dude.

>> No.10795612

False. I have a mister and the first time I brought a girl over who asked what it was, I said “it’s like a raspberry pi and can play famicom” her eyes lit up and she played Final Fantasy VI (Final Fantasy III in the US) with me that night and we fucked later.

>> No.10795615
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there is more to life than pussy

>> No.10795623

>using youtube to determine if you like a product
>instead of us faggots on /vr/
It's good. Highly recommend if you can afford it and like retro games that much. If you dont, it's kind of expensive when software emulation gets the job done
Also maybe worth waiting for other fpga options. Kind of sucks atm where there's like more fpga options coming out but who the fuck knows when. if i didnt already own one, i'd consider waiting

>> No.10795626

You said the word famicom in front of a woman and she knew what you meant? You sure that "woman" wasn't just a man? Did everybody clap after you were done playing?

>> No.10795629

Yeah like playing cycle-accurate retro games.

>> No.10795631

Settle for less, become miserable when you're expected to abandon what you enjoy. Chasing the dragon is a heroin metaphor by the way

>> No.10795632

I live in Japan and she was Japanese. So to be fair she was more likely to have been into games like Final Fantasy as a wee lass.

>> No.10795705

>emulate and accept the not 100% accuracy
That's what I'm doing on mister

>> No.10795717

Imagine making decisions based on what women want

>> No.10795723

Yes it just works. Yes it requires less fiddling with settings than your favorite emulator. Yes it works great with CRTs.
Mister has defenders here because the people who attack it sound like thirdies coping that anybody spends money.

>> No.10795732

Mister (and kevtris and even analog) have resulted in patches to software emulators as people find long standing mistakes in cores like bsnes. This has had actual measurable gameplay benefits in some games, especially the Kirbys due to how their weird code works.
You don't need to buy a mister, but it's where all the work is being done now that software emulators have hit a wall.

>> No.10795743

>even analog
Completely closed source, nothing has been learned or fixed in emulation from what they have done.

>> No.10795745

>Yes it works great with CRTs.
Since groovymister came out it ranked up in my view from a neat emu box to the GOAT CRT accessory.

>> No.10795939

I'd never buy one because I have no use for it, but it's a cool project from a nerd perspective. I enjoy reading about how they squeeze every cent of performance out of the aging FPGA and seeing them progress so fast.
It's just that the people who buy them tend to blow their capabilities out of proportion and flat out lie about it that I don't like.

>> No.10795949

low lag, stutterless video, no audio glitches, can force my plasma tv to run at native speed of every console core. no emulator can do that shit.

>> No.10795958

It's just a meme for one very small subset of autistic neckbeards. Most normies don't care about old games, those that do don't care if they have to use garbage touchscreen emulators on their phones, most autists are satisfied with good emulators, and turbo autists demand original hardware. Only semi-turbo autists want perfect emulation (oops, I mean "FPGA hardware simulation")

>> No.10795960

The MiSTer is an emulator, so by definition an emulator can do that shit.

>> No.10795973

Mister lets me have the equivalent of every pre-Dreamcast console I own hooked up to my CRT with a single RGB video cable and no A/V switching, in a small space. That makes it worse the price to me.

>> No.10795974

Worth the price. Am a phonefag

>> No.10795982

I heard that the Mister is even more accurate than original hardware. Totes. For real dudes.

>> No.10795994

>stutterless video
why does software emulators have this problem? a lot of the other problems i get, but this one makes no sense to me.
the difference between watching SMW romhack streams on a emulator and hardware/fpga is insane

>> No.10796008

I always figured it was because they’re running on multitasking computers and competing for CPU time and screen refreshes with other processes, including any ungodly number of system processes that spin up in the background.
On a handheld emulator box it might he a different story.

>> No.10796020

It can't run games for consoles I'm interested in, so it's pointless for me.

>> No.10796026

That's only true for systems that constantly do a lot of shit in the background like Windows. On Linux you're almost guaranteed to have a parked core available at all times unless you explicitly run a heavy workload with as many threads as your CPU has.

>> No.10796090

Not true, kevtris and byuu were passing information back and forth during the development of Super NT, so knowledge gained developing bsnes benefitted the Super NT and likewise, a few things kevtris found whilst developing Super NT were passed back to byuu to improve bsnes accuracy.

But you are right, Super NT being closed source has no benefit to other developers overall

>> No.10796116

There are SO many options for retro gaming--this is just one of them. On a capable PC, you're right--software emulation is very, very good for the most part. You'll run into fringe issues here and there but it's mostly great. The MiSTer is probably as close as you can get to "perfect", has lots of options and accessories, and I think most of all--people are seeking a dedicated device for emulation. You can emulate old games on a raspberry pi, you can use mame, retroarch, other emulators, you can buy a steam deck or a chinkheld--they're all just options. I really was fixated on buying a MiSTer for the last couple of months but when I had the opportunity to buy one for myself without too much guilt, I ended up just buying a BT/wifi card for my PC and ran a real long display cable under my floor to my TV. I'm really happy with my setup but I do still see the appeal of a device that:

>is its own separate thing
>performs exceptionally well
>can easily run arcade platforms without the MAME config headache (not THAT big of a deal but still annoying)
>can be plugged into a CRT (which I thought was a big deal to me but do you know how many times I've used my basement CRT in the last six months--zero)

but I think I'll wait it out for now. Maybe in a few years MiSTer is even better than it is now, maybe MARS is actually a worthwhile option, maybe something comes along to replace the MiSTer or become the next version of it. It's all just options to play old games but people can't help themselves sometimes because a device like the MiSTer not only attracts the ire of "purists" but also attracts the ire of people who are stuck on the "free" aspects of PC emulation. The MiSTer project is exceptionally cool imo.

>> No.10796128

a computer can really only do one thing at a time. It can do that insanely fast--but it's handling one thang at a time. I always close everything when I'm playing a game, even an old game. And of course Windows is running 10,000,000 little things in the background all the time but that doesn't place the same amount of load as having two storefronts and firefox and chrome and discord and zoom open and shit.

>> No.10796136

I don't think software emulators have hit the wall at all. Emulation on pre-3d era systems has been so close to perfect for so long that it's just been a question of getting it from 95% perfect to 96% perfect and these tiny, tiny, tiny changes are going to take forever to get ironed out because they are so functional. Look at the strides that PS2 emulation has made in the last decade. When I checked into PCSX2 in the mid-2010s, that shit barely worked at all. Now it's crazy how many PS2 games I can run well. It's a long ways away from perfect but so many games basically work well.

>> No.10796142

>a few things kevtris found whilst developing Super NT were passed back to byuu to improve bsnes accuracy.

Such as? I saw Byuu was very bitter because Kevtris promised to give stuff like the PPU timings in exchange for Byuu’s help but never did. It seemed to be a pretty much one way exchange of info from what I read.

>> No.10796146

ehhh. You're right that it's a small piece of the pie overall but there's clearly enough consumer interest to support this stuff. Between MiSTer and Analogue devices and everdrives and chinese stuff--I mean there must be at least hundreds of thousands of people who are in the market for at least one of these things. Worldwide though.

>> No.10796168

What are those huge eel-looking cables called? Thinking I might need those to fully appreciate my VGM vinyl collection.

>> No.10796185

They just look like regular audio cables with a ton of shielding. Maybe the wire gauge is bigger in the fat parts, but I don't see how that would help anything.

>> No.10796325

now im incredibly curious if that problem goes away on a handheld emulator thingie. or maybe an SNES Classic? i have one, would be neat.
the video stuttering to me is more annoying than any other problem software emulators have

>> No.10796364

i dont play arcade games so i prefer real hardware with flashcarts/ODEs

game prices are too much so it pays for itself easily after a few games

>> No.10796530
File: 112 KB, 688x1434, no grapes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I see YouTube videos of manchildren all praising the sound quality, color accuracy, and input lag of the MiStEr compared to emulation but I’ve never noticed any problems with emulation.
Yes, people who have a MiSTer notice the difference. People who don't make all kinds of excuses about why they can't just STFU and enjoy the shitty emulators that everyone else uninstalled the day they got a MiSTer. It's a genuine fucking mystery why this happens.

>> No.10796582

Can't imagine the whole site is infested with the same retards who're still stuck in HS. Or Zoomies who think it's the 80s still.
It's about time this chan has it's burial.
No and yes. You'll live your life, eventually die and you'll be forgotten apart from family members or besties. Then they'll eventually die.
The sooner you accept this the better.

>> No.10796586

it's turnkey emulation for turkeys

not a bad buy if you want to easily play all the B-tier platforms

>> No.10796618

What platforms are A-tier?

>> No.10797263

What’s turkey emulation?

>> No.10797372

>stutterless video
I've only time I encountered this was with one of the saturn cores in RA, and that was fixed by just using beetle-saturn instead.
For the rest I've never encountered stuttering video for a wide range of systems.
I really feel Mister owners are making shit up at times, same for the 'muh accuracy' claims.
E.g. I myself cannot tell the difference between a real genesis or nes vs pc emulation. Only reason I play real HW on those is because I like the physical aspect.

>> No.10797389

why don't the jannies remove these blatant shill threads? they constantly hit page 10 and then get reposted with the exact same OP image pretending it's not him shilling this overpriced garbage

>> No.10797426

cringe fake and gay. or you fucked a tranny

>> No.10797442

it's for people who think only zsnes and nesticle exist for software emulation

>> No.10797453

What does her being a trans woman have to do with it?

>> No.10797551

>threads about thing I don’t like are shills

>> No.10797561

threads repeatedly spammed by a single poster to promote a product are spam

>> No.10797585



Burned to extinction by nukes, cockroach White pig racist Yankee! jew dog
You want another Pearl Harbor?腐れ池沼毛唐ワキガゴキブリ

cockroach White should kill themselves.

>> No.10797946
File: 18 KB, 360x261, Ronald says kys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FGPA Everdrive>Steam Deck>>Aya Neo pro>>Aya Neo Air>Recalbox>Ayn Odin 2>>Ayn Loki Max>>Asus ROG Ally>Retroid Pocket 4 Pro>>Retroid Pocket 4>Win600>Retroid Pocket 3/3+>>Ayn Loki Max>Anbernic RG552>Odroid>>Ayn Loki>Homebrewed and CFW-injected PS Vita>>Raspberry Pi>>Powkiddy A13>>KT-R1>>Powkiddy X28>Caanoo>Bactocera>Aya Neo regular>RP2S>>Miyoo Mini Flip>>Anbernic RG505>MARS>Miyoo Mini +>Trimui Smart Pro>Powkiddy A12>>Ayn Odin>Powkiddy X18S>>Powkiddy RK2023>>Anbernic 353p>Anbernic Arc S>Powkiddy RGB30>Anbernic ARC D>Anbernic 405m>Anbernic 351p>>Retroid Pocket 2/2+>Powkiddy RGB 30MAX>>Anbernic 35XX+>>Lakka>>Hacked and CFW injected 3DS>>Miyoo Mini>>Game Park 32>>CFW-injected PSP>Minisforum>Anbernic RG35XX>>Revo k101>>Dingoo 330>Powkiddy RGB 20S>>Powkiddy RGB 10 Max>Dingoo 320>Pocket Boy R36S>>BittBoy>Anbernic RG 405v>Trimui Pro>Powkiddy v90>Anbernic 353v>>Analouge Pocket>>Retroid Pocket 1>Pocket Boy R33S>Playdate>Data Frog SF2000>>Powkiddy q80>Gamebox SP>>>Powkiddy q20>Powkiddy q90>Evercade>>Coolboy rs-97+>>>Powkiddy v90>>Pocket Boy R35S>RG300X>Pirate multicart>>>Dingoo 380>MiSTER>>Retroid Flip>PolyMega>Powkiddy a66>>Coolboy rs-97

>> No.10797962

Who’s promoting what? MiSTer is open source.

>> No.10798112

nice bait

>> No.10798798

Edge magazine did a massive feature on them a while back. They said yes they're good however their 3 major claims are all horse shit:
1 - "It's not emulation trust me bro". It is emulation
2 - "It's more accurate than software emualation" - It's not. In fact, it requires updates in order to fix glitches and compatibility issues just like a software emulator.
3 - "It's got less input lag than software emulation" - It doesn't. In fact retroarch has less emulation.

The real kicker is, they cost a shitload, and software emulators are just as accurate and don't cost a single thing.
FPGA/Mister etc are also extremely limited in what systems they can emulate too.

>> No.10798804

>retroarch has less emulation.
**Has less input lag.... sorry my brain stopped working.

>> No.10798808

>3 - "It's got less input lag than software emulation" - It doesn't. In fact retroarch has less emulation.
runahead is a shitshow and a scam. this post smells of chimichurri

>> No.10799259

>>stutterless video
>why does software emulators have this problem?

I can think of two main reasons (barring that the computer is so potato that it can't even run the emulator properly)

1. The system originally did not output video at 50/60hz. The SNES is one example, it's refresh rate was slightly off at 60.01Hz. Analog CRTs could generally handle this just fine, modern digital screens... not so much, and especially modern digital video recording. This can result in stuttering if the emulator is accurately outputting the video at the SNES's native refresh rate and the display can't handle it.

2. The person is using run-ahead, especially if it's jacked up high. Since run ahead basically is the emulator running multiple copies that each are running a frame ahead and savestating every frame, with the state from X number of frames in the past being loaded every time you perform any input, this can result in stutter if you have it set high, especially with increased input lag. (also can result in stutter if your system just plain can't handle multiple instances of the emulator running at once, especially for high-accuracy cores)

>> No.10799330

Literally the only /vr/ consoles it can't run are 6th gen (and even then it still does GBA and Wonderswan), so you mean you are only interested in 6th gen consoles and nothing else? Or incredibly niche stuff that had practically nothing worth playing on it like the CD-I or 3DO which also have practically jack-all in terms of emulation on PC anyway?

>Why are people shilling this device that you literally can't actually shill? I am definitely not using the word shill without even knowing what it means just because I hate thing and want to try to make it sound like nobody is legitimately talking about it.

>It is emulation
You clearly know damn well there is a difference between software and fpga emulation, people generally mean software emulation when they say emulation, everyone can tell you are being pedantic just to argue in bad faith.

>it requires updates in order to fix glitches and compatibility issues just like a software emulator
So you're trying to argue that if something isn't done flawlessly and perfect the first time, it can never end up perfected later? I guess by that argument every emulator is shit then since all of them were nowhere close to accurate at launch.

>It doesn't. In fact retroarch has less emulation.
It does, software inherently will have more lag than the original hardware by design. I love how you were so caught up on having sour grapes over the MiSTer that you couldn't even English properly there.

>> No.10799426

>the best thing you can say about it is that it just werks
Pretty much. I can hook it up to my crt monitor, crt tv, and via hdmi to my flatscreen with minimal fuss. The accuracy thing is a bit of a meme; it's the versatility and convenience that makes it good. For most people software emulation is probably the better choice, especially if you don't care about analogue output.

>> No.10799513

>compared to emulation
it IS emulation

>> No.10799536

hardware emulation :^)

>> No.10799605
File: 2.95 MB, 3759x1820, 171054320395199119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s hardware simulation ;)

>> No.10799730

Wow all the hardware is free?

>> No.10799751

Not free, but you could print out the pcbs and populate them yourself if you wanted to. You have to pay for the de-10 nano, obviously.

>> No.10799980

they can preserve games on mister.
just in case everything else breaks.