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1058358 No.1058358[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So i'm thinking about playing ffv. So what version should i play? I played it a long long time ago and got pretty close to the end but never finished it.

>> No.1058367

I like the GBA version, has an extra dungeon at the end too

>> No.1058370

Is ffv worth playing?

>> No.1058372


>> No.1058386

These days, yeah play the GBA version. Extra content and nice portraits, though at the expense of music quality.

>> No.1058393

its the FF for people who hate FF.
The story is throw away and no one cares about it.

The class system really shines. There are dozens of classes, many available right from the start. You can change your characters classes whenever you want and carry over 1 trait of any other class (so you could make a black mage that also has the knights ability to wear heavy armor, or a white mage with the fist power of a monk).

>> No.1058407

All I can say is job system. This game has a damn good one.

>> No.1058447


>> No.1058495

GBA version with sound restoration patch. It has a couple of new classes, bonus dungeon and bosses. Oh, and Atmos is much easier now... I almost forgot how much of a pain he was in the snes version.

>> No.1058514

Atmos was one of the few fights that was actually hard even once you developed a good party set up and thats what made the fight awesome.

You needed 1 heal bitch and 3 damagers that also sometimes used phoenix down when the healer had too much work

>> No.1058519

Atomos is easy. I've completed a bunch of job fiesta runs in the last two years and he wasn't even an issue for most of them.

During a regular run, Atomos can be put to sleep, IIRC. FFV has some bizarre boss weaknesses. And even without putting him to sleep, You can topple him easily by making sure you have enough damage output to kill him when he starts sucking in on of your characters.

>> No.1058621

It my second favorite FF (IX being my favorite). It doesn't focus on story and the characters are really bland. But the Job System is by far the best in any game. Every Job has it's uses while not having one amazing Job. It really allows you to play in the style you like. The GBA is most likely better because of the bonus dungeon. But only if you can patch it so the sound quality is better (it was on the GBA). If not then the SNES is the way to go. The PSX has really annoying loading times. Even the menu suffers from it. Don't read a walkthrough if you are the type that does. Since they will tell you to use one class over another and the game is really about you finding the best way to play.

>> No.1058670

Fucking this, those sound patches for the GBA FFs are fucking mint.

>> No.1058790

Does anyone have that jpeg of the bracketed list of which FF games you'll like? I think the beginning of the list separates those who like FF6 and those who like FF7 and then spreads out from there.

>> No.1058815


>> No.1058820


I guarantee no bracket would predict this order of preference.

>> No.1058870

FF1: You pick 4 people to be one of 6 different classes. About half way they get an upgrade
FF2: The more you do something the better you get at it (hit things to get stronger, use magic to be better at the spell, ect.) Sounds nice but there's a lot of things off about it in my opinion
FF3: The first time they go into the Job System. The more times you stay in the Job or their upgrade the better you get in that type of class. In the end it's best to pick a class and stick with it until you get their respected upgrade.
FF4: It plays out more like a D&D game. With some characters class change as the story is being told. Pretty interesting and nice way to start because it doesn't have much in micromanagement and it gives you a nice idea of what each class does.
FF5: As you level in a class you gain abilities that you can "equip" if you are in a different class. Like a monk that can heal, or a fighter that has black magic. There's a ton of different combinations and they all have their uses.
FF6: Every class is a character. Because of that most of them have little to no story. You learn spells by "equipping" summons and battling until you learn the spells it teaches.
FF7: You equip gems on your weapon and armor to use their spells and abilities. They get more powers as they level up.
FF8: You "equip" summons that lets you junction your spells (can only hold a max of 100 of a certain spell for each character) to your stats. Some people like it some hate it. I love the idea just feel it wasn't properly utilized.
FF9: You have no control over what each person be. It's basically a throwback to the NES/SNES style of Final Fantasy in tone and style. You learn abilities/spell from the equipment they are using.
FF10: As your character levels up you move them across a grid to gain abilities/spells and stats. You have no real control what each person is but heard the HD remake starts everyone at the center so you have better control over where each person can be.

>> No.1058879

FF10-2: The game is so fucking dumb. The characters are moronic. The story makes no sense. But my god I love the battle system. Basically FF5 but the ability to switch classes on the fly (with some restrictions). The only problem with the battle system is that there's no real balance like in FF5. In FF10-2 there are easily classes that are WAY more useful and some classes that are completely useless in my opinion.
FF12: As you kill enemies you can unlock things from the license board. Lets you use the abilities/equipment that you bought. Also the game lets you give the ability to give the characters an AI. Like tell a character to heal another character that gets below 30% health. Or cure a status effect.
FF13: As you fight enemies you gain points that you put into advancing in a grid like FF10. The problem is that you don't have the opinion of picking what each character will become until MUCH later and by then you most likely going to stick with the path they are already following.
FF13-2: Never played so I don't have any comment.

>> No.1058971

>FF11: MMO

FF11: Catgirls showing dem ass everywhere. Everyone turns them into thieves because holy shit, Mithra's agility and dexterity stats are off the roof.

The rest of the game is just meh.

>> No.1058981

Played FF14? Heard nice things about it...if you can actually get online.

>> No.1059460

Atomos is a n00b trap boss like the Golem Sisters in CT. If you try to brute force through him he's easily the hardest non-optional boss in the game, but once you recognize and adapt to his behaviour he's a piece of cake.

Atomos spams rapid-fire Comet as long as nobody in your party is dead. Once someone is dead, all he does is slowly suck in the dead character and occasionally cast status spells like Slow and Old.

Solution: don't bother reviving the character Atomos kills, or better yet, go into the battle with your lowest-DPS character already dead. If the dead character is close to getting "eaten" then you can revive them and let Atomos kill someone else, otherwise just let the dead character lie there and keep attacking (but do cure Old when he casts it because being left in Old status for a while really decreases a character's damage output).

>> No.1059472

its possible to beat him while ressurecting party members.

Depending on your party set up keeping members alive may make your win actually easier

>> No.1059539

In 10 you have lots of control over your characters. You pick which node on the grid to go to. You can make auron a better mage than lulu if you know what your doing.

>> No.1059582

you only get any meaningful choices about the characters development until the game is half over.

>> No.1059639

Each character has a predetermined class at the start, but as soon as you get a character there are ways to break them out of that section of the grid.

>> No.1060064

I know once you finish you can basically go anywhere. I just wish everyone started in the middle and we had the choice of what character goes where. Since I normally like having males be the mage and females be the melee.

>> No.1060090

The PAL version doe.

But what >>1059639
is saying is even though the end of the game is where most people start getting characters halfway across the grid, if you plan out your nodes you can b-line straight to another section. Yuna for example starts right at all the white mage skills. Instead of following that path go to opposite direction. Right from the start of the game you are preforming an endgame act. .

>> No.1060104

Want to beat this game on easy mode?
Master the ranger and ninja class. Become a freelancer and dual wield some strong weapons. Get into battle and use rapid fire. 8 attacks per character. With the blood sword that is 4 heals per turn.

Want to bring more rape to the fight? Use spell blade then rapid fire.

your welcome

>> No.1060117

A Spellblade with X-Fight and the Blood Sword can solo pretty much anything, especially if your gear gives you immunities to the more debilitating status effects (Sleep, Paralyze, Old). At that point you don't even need a healer.

>> No.1060151

ribbon, spell blade, blood sword, Excalibur, x-fight (rapid fire) Solo mode.

>> No.1060687

FF10 International has that Expert Sphere Grid. I would've killed for it the second time I played the game, but I just can't get myself going to play through it another time.

It moves some things around and removes a lot of locked nodes while bluring everyone's grids together at different points. Essentially, there's points where you can branch off earlier and more often, so you don't nearly finish the grid you start in before you get the ability to try somewhere else.

>> No.1060894

Now I kind of want to get the HD remake since it's based on the international version.

>> No.1064526

Do it son.

>> No.1064726

>having VII first
>having V second
Are you me?

>> No.1065224

I think !X-Magic + !Dimen + !Summon is stronger, eventually. You can use Quick on the first spell to move twice and your preferred spell on the second, then you will move twice from Quick and can use four spells, for up to five Bahamuts per turn. With a decently powered character, every boss should die in 4 turns of fire at the most, so if all your characters have the combo you can blow anything up on the first turn before they get to do anything but use their starting move, if any.

Sure, dual-wield !X-Fight gives you eight attacks. but you will need to waste a turn using !MgcSword to get decent numbers, and you'll still deal less damage total than a 5-Bahamut burst - not to mention a few bosses are immune to !X-Fight, (Neo-Exdeath only on SNES, I hear some of the bonus bosses on GBA also are immune but I haven't played that version). Though hypothetically, with a high-level enough character, you could replace !MgcSword with !Dimen and use Quick to slam a guy for 9999 16 times on one turn, but I don't know if it's possible to reach that level of power. Maybe with DragonLances against Shinryu?

>> No.1065240

It's worth it, and so is X-2. The amount of content in the International release of X-2 is staggering.

>> No.1065248

>its the FF for people who hate FF.
You mean it's the FF for people who enjoy the classic FF games.

>> No.1065442

That's a good point, but it's a late game type strategy. The x attack is something you can do rather early

>> No.1065463

Weapons like the blood sword are considered magic so they dont suffer a damage loss. Even in the back row, so you can X-attack, back row with a bloodsword and it would be like 8 normal attacks from the front row.

>> No.1069060

FFV has to be the only final fantasy I still haven't played

>> No.1069074


Are you both me? I'd just swap FF1 with FF12

>> No.1069130

Xmagic + Dimen + Summon eats up mana like a sponge.

X-Fight and dual wield gives you 8 attacks and iirc full power from back row, and it is purely physical. And since it does 8 hits, you can get up to 79993 damage, while 5 bahamuts only does 49995.
It's true that you sometimes need Magic Sword to deal damage against those baddies who have no physical weak points, only magic, but if you have, say, Hermes Sandals on, that won't be a problem.

In late game with Brave Blade and Excalibur you can do 4-5000 damage per hit on anything that doesn't have specific physical damage resistant - and it doesn't drain your HP.
And finally, watching your character rip and tear the enemies is more satisfying and also much quicker, than casting Bahamut five times.

Bahamut s better against multiple enemies though. But against single enemies, x-fight + dual wield rapes. Still: you have 4 characters, so no reason why you can't use both! With the other characters being mimes with White and Black or White and Blue spells for healing/buffs and mimicking your x-fight or penta-bahamut rape machines.

>The x attack is something you can do rather early

Yes but early on you can't use it combined with dual wield, unless you are sticking with ninjas or using Freelancer, and wasting AB points. So you have 4 attacks total. Also; you don't have access to strong enough swords either, so X-Fight gives you roughly double damage and not much else. It only really shines when used in combination with other skills, such as dual wield, and magic sword.

Anyway, everyone already knows that the best combination is dual wielding berserkers with hermes sandals.

>> No.1069196


I have nothing to compare it to since it's the only FF game I've played longer than 10 minutes, but going by >>1058870 's description it sounds most like FFV. I really like being able to change class at will and being able to do anything, but the actual game itself is boring as hell.

>> No.1069196,1 [INTERNAL] 
