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10597184 No.10597184 [Reply] [Original]

At what point in the story did they jump the shark?

>> No.10597185

when cloud gets raped in the hot tub lmao

>> No.10597203


>> No.10597234

At no point. The over-the-topness is what makes it great. If you take FF7 seriously you're doing it wrong

However, this is very different from something like FF16 where it's just as stupid but still really wants you to take it seriously

>> No.10597254

After Midgar there are simply too many retarded moments to count but it just wouldn't be the same without that stuff. I don't think it ever lingers too long on the ancillary stuff, and you're always excited when the main plot comes back to progress a little more. For a 90s JRPG I think its incredibly well paced. I don't mind random encounters but sometimes you JUST wanna explore or try to comprehend the path forward in the pre-renders and the relatively moderate encounter rate can get quite aggravating in those moments.

>> No.10597398
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never. you start our with a supersoldier and a bunch of terrorists blowing up a nuclear reactor. that sets the basis for the rest of the game.

>> No.10597415

What the fuck do you even mean?

>> No.10597428

At what point in the story did they jump the shark?

>> No.10597431

When they introduced aliens on the plot.

>> No.10597498

FF8 has always been the superior game

>> No.10597510

I don’t think it ever really does. The games title is Final FANTASY, so there’s supposed to be a lot of suspension of disbelief. If I had to point out a particularly dumb aspect that makes me question the game it’s the Super Nova attack being used more than once in the final battle.
>that Sephiroth bastard blew up my sun

>> No.10597541

When Sephiroth threw the Gravity materia at Cloud in the Mansion basement

>> No.10597572

What do you mean “jump the shark”? The story is consistently weird.

>> No.10597582

It was a dolphin, not a shark

>> No.10597753

Reminder: Tifa knew Cloud was lying the whole time and never said anything.

>> No.10597763


The huge materia shit. "Sure Sephiroth is launching a meteor at us but we have to stop Shinra from trying to stop him because...reasons. Shinra bad!"

>> No.10597764


>actually that was heckin jenova pretending to be sephiroth!

>> No.10597780

The first time they meet after the disaster, Cloud was acting as if he were catatonic. She must have realized those lies helped him cope with his unknown problems and were holding him together. Because it was such a horrible experience and she didn't have the full picture, aside from the fact that Cloud knew lots of things that only someone who was there could have known, she probably also doubted her own memories.

>> No.10597834

I thought it was solid all the way through, you're thinking of final fantasy 8. 8 was cool when it was just about a love triangle and cool kids traveling the world doing secret missions for a mercenary school, the witches and time compression orphanage stuff ruined it. Laguna was cool but also contributed to the messiness of the story.

>> No.10597904

I havent played in a while but didn't the party know that launching the huge materia with the rocket wouldn't work so they had to get the materia back so it wasn't wasted?

>> No.10597961


>> No.10598736

Cait sith 1 being replaced by Cait sith 2 in 5 minutes

>> No.10599032
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not quite. she doubted her recollection of events just as much as she doubted Cloud's, because his memories were so vivid and accurate. There was a good chance she was mistaken, and she didn't want to give Cloud a hard time over the subject when he clearly needed her support first and foremost.

>> No.10599038

When they tried to make me feel sad that Cait Sith was gonna get crushed. What the fuck was that about, he's a fucking robot.

>> No.10599116

The part were you'll notice the Xenogears elements

>> No.10599119

Why are Italians like this?

>> No.10599235


>> No.10599239

That was Destruct (Death), you fucking fake fanfag.

>> No.10600406

i don't understand how anyone could think this actually happened. Cloud is stronger than every one of those bodybuilder guys, and he could have sent them flying out the window at any time if he wanted to. No raping happened. He simply tolerated being in a packed hot tub with a bunch of other guys as opposed to making a big scene over it.

>> No.10600705

There is no shark in FF7.

>> No.10601369

When they introduce bestiality into the game

>> No.10601689

When they drop the eco terrorist plot in favor of a generic adventure where you gotta stop da bad guy from doing bad guy things.

>> No.10603146

It would have been cooler they remain terrorist

>> No.10603151

bro he literally gets put in a hot tub with a bunch of naked men, says "it hurts", then the screen fades to black and he also gets mating pressed by a strong man on a couch. this same guy dresses up as a woman in the game. i hate to tell you bro, but cloud got buggered.

>> No.10603252

Way else would it fade to black lol

>> No.10603261

She didnt want beta Kuraudo

>> No.10603315

planning to play this soon, but I’m mostly interested in the story. Are there any good guides that would help that kind of playthrough?

>> No.10603365

haven't played a ff game but this looks like the most maximalist game in history so i wanna check it out.

>> No.10603382

Nice gay fanfic you got there homo.

>> No.10604781

there was not a shark in final fantasy 7.

>> No.10604936

Jumping the shark is what makes FF stories fun.

>> No.10604938

>new game is different because uhhhhh it just is okay!?!?
Yeah the game where the main character transforms into a giant dinosaur and Kamen Rider kicks a mountain while screaming obscenities definitely wants you to take it super seriously at all times.

>> No.10604946

After you save Priscilla heh

>> No.10605010

Do you seriously believe him blowing up the sun even once is supposed to be more than a metaphor?

>> No.10605020

It's honestly the most reasonable starting point into the series by far, not that this matters as the games are all totally independent things that happened to be made by Square employees.

>> No.10605023

I'm sure you'd enjoy knowing that the game's MAP is homeomorphic to a torus.

>> No.10606120

Can someone explain to me the appeal of Final Fantasy as a franchise? Seems like every fan is a drooling retard and I don't want to -actually- think it's for retards. There's got to be some underlying appeal. What in particular about VII made people want to play it? Was it good advertising?

>> No.10606269

Nice looking backgrounds, decent sense of adventure. Pretty animations in combat. The combat is pretty boring though.

>> No.10607201

When they conceived the setting. It was the least Final Fantasy-like Final Fantasy (until the Spirits Within happened, what the hell was that)

>> No.10607208

Never. It's genius the entire way through

>> No.10607456
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ai generated hundreds of tifas, but most of them are too ude for this board.

>> No.10607497

Would have been cool if they destroyed every reactor they come across.

>> No.10607554

>Can someone explain to me the appeal of Final Fantasy as a franchise?
It has the most profound gameplay in the genre. Did you know that stone monsters can be killed by the same item that is used to heal stoned characters?

>> No.10607568


>> No.10609408

story and adventure as a kid. tifa is my eternal waifu. cloud is my eternal self insert. to group together with cool friends (Cid, Kain, etc) and beautiful girls (Rosa, Tifa, Rinoa) and save the world together.

10/10 music.
10/10 graphics and unbelievably charming scenarios and characters and creatures

everything after ff8 is useless uninspired trash though.

>> No.10609418

when tetsuya nomura made the half hassed remakex4tm

>> No.10610563

after consideration, i think my answer is when they introduced the weapons.
if the planet has this defense system, why wasn't it doing anything about Jenova? or Sephiroth? or Shinra?
why was it just letting all this stuff happen? what a shitty security system.

>> No.10610595

underrated post

>> No.10610597

From the point in which you learn the company you're fighting is called the "God Company" and the energy being harvested is literally called "Evil Light".

>> No.10610598

The talking dog.

>> No.10610652

Any part of the story that doesn't take place within FF7.

Crisis core, Advent Children, Remake, etc make the story bad by adding in or retconning things that don't fit.

Take the story of FF7 as it is within the game and just pretend everything else isn't canon.

>> No.10610658
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>> No.10610663

>everything after ff8
lol nice revisionism.
FFIX through XII all shit on VIII. And that's only counting retro.

>> No.10610814
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It's your loss. I have have infinite tifas to fap to.

>> No.10611395

Infinite Tifas with melting faces and discoloured eyes, great...

>> No.10611398

Why aren't the flags Italian?

>> No.10611486

It does, though. That's the problem. It does absurd and goofy things, but it carries itself as le epic movie film game, unlike FF7 which knows it's just a silly '90s JRPG with a bit of edge here and there for flavoring.

>> No.10611497

When they started making a bunch of shitty sequels and prequels.

>> No.10612643

this shit blew my fucking mind the first time I was playing it

>> No.10612742

Rip Cait Sith 1

>> No.10613262

Cid pulling the "turn into a plane" lever

>> No.10614846

sephiroth should have been lvl 99 so you can grind for the ruby weapon and not make the last fight irrelevant and anti-climatic

>> No.10615469
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>all this shizz for a couple thousand and a miss
BTW 2024 is going to be extra hot, the sun goes through a 12 year period of activity and it's gonna PEAK