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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10586017 No.10586017 [Reply] [Original]

Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy

>What to know about brands
Retroid: Well built, powerful, but expensive (100$+)
Anbernic: Balance between price, power and build quality. Many available products
Powkiddy: Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes (square, clamshell, big screen)
Miyoo: One hit wonder
Game Console: Copycat popular products with low prices

>How do I get games
Google: cdromance, tiny best set

>What do I buy
Post your preferences: Money (20$ - 200$), Shape (horizontal, vertical, clamshell, square), Pocketable or not, OS (Linux, Android, Both), Systems (Pre PSX, PSX with extras, 5th gen + Dreamcast plus some PS2/GC, PS2/GC capable)

>Recommended devices
Prices depend on when and where you buy.
- Retroid Pocket 4 (SOON)
- Retroid Pocket 3+ (150$, horizontal, 4.7" 16:9 Screen, can play some PS2/GC, android)
- Anbernic RG405M (150$, horizontal, 4" 4:3 Screen, can play some PS2/GC, android)
- Retroid Pocket 2S (100$, horizontal, 3.5" 4:3 Screen, can play some PS2/GC, android, pocketable)
- Powkiddy x55 (90$, horizontal, 5.5" 16:9 Screen, PSX with extras, linux)
- Powkiddy RGB30 (90$, horizontal, 4" 1:1 Screen, PSX with extras, linux, pocketable)
- Trimui Smart Pro (60$, horizontal, 5" 16:9 Screen, PSX with extras, linux)
- Anbernic RG 35XX Plus (60$, 3.5" 4:3 Screen, PSX with extras, linux, pocketable)
- Miyoo mini plus (60$, 3.5" 4:3 Screen, PSX with extras, linux, pocketable)
- R36S (40$, vertical, 3.5" 4:3 Screen, up to PSX with extras, linux, pocketable)

>Things I need to know
- Handhelds come with low quality SD cards. Throw them away and buy new ones.
- It takes some tinkering, specially linux devices.
- Overall quality of these products is very cheap.
- Reviewers get free handhelds, caveat emptor.

Previous Thread

>> No.10586020
File: 11 KB, 279x295, 14322335_1691241681196789_7279271401773263476_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best handheld is the phone you already have + a controller

Buying a controller is cheaper than any of these sketchy retro handhelds and your phone is also more powerful than any of them, allowing you to play more games, with shaders as well.

>> No.10586078

My phone doesnt have active cooling, and I dont want to change it in 2 years because of the constant charging cycles and overheating.

Once replaceable batteries are back? Sure, why not

>> No.10586103

If you have a spare android you aren't using anymore sure, but if you're actively using the phone as a phone, sounds like hell.

can't store videos cause your storage is full of tons, can't really store it portably in any secure way as most controller clips don't neatly collapse, your phone and gaming device share a single battery meaning you're gonna drain it fast, and when you do start playing, you either get texts and calls interrupting your game, or you miss texts and calls because you're in DND mode.

also a good controllers gonna run you $50, a good clip $15, and an 128gb SD card (from.a decent brand) will run you another $10, so youre spending $80 min just to get this experience.

just spend the $100 and get a 2S ffs

>> No.10586115

I hate this product i was never going to buy because it isn't exactly like the thing i already have

If it was i wouldn't buy it anyway because I already have a thing but it still should be because everything should be for me even if i don't want it and also if you like a different thing you're wrong

>> No.10586127 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10586157

You're american, right?

The 3+ was under fire because they released it shortly after the 3 with a much better chip and button membranes.

>your phone is also more powerful than any of them
No, it isn't.

>> No.10586170

so tired of poor people having to cope in these threads, I thought they were supposed to be happy with less :/ how are they even using their phone to post if they're emulating games on it?

>> No.10586180

give me a Razer Kishi alternative that doesn't cost as much as the handhelds listed and I'll use my phone

>> No.10586205
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what are u guys playing (& on) in 2024??

>> No.10586206

Someone convince me to not buy the rg nano for $40.

>> No.10586217

do not buy the rg nano

>> No.10586218

Big Motha Truckers 2 on the Odin 2


>> No.10586220

Obviously you shouldn't, but I don't give a damn. Waste your money and post pictures of your disappointment for clout.

>> No.10586221
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Super Mario Bros, on Game Box Plus, mostly

>> No.10586223

I'm going to buy the rg nano so I can shove it up my ass and post pics here to become a legend in this general

>> No.10586230
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>> No.10586232
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Don't ask me.

>> No.10586236
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>> No.10586237
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>> No.10586241
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>> No.10586247

I don't have a phone

>> No.10586249

What does the stands button do?

>> No.10586254


>> No.10586257

buy a real phone instead of a fashion accessory

>> No.10586285

Lol, then but a real phone instead of a handheld that just runs Android anyway

>> No.10586312

also here is protip from me. most ps1 games can run at 222mhz clockspeed as well if you select exactly 6.0 firmware in poploader. not all games gonna work as some require 3.x for compatibility. but most will. not many people realize that and think pops needs 333mhz or else audio gets glitch. that's not true. the only thing i noticed about 222mhz though is that it seems to lack vsync so you get screen tearing

>> No.10586356

>Giving a shit about goyslops2 and nigcube games
I scoof at odin 2 and retr*d buyers for the same reason.
>Updooting your tool gor emulation instead of of work purposes/bank apps
Is there a reason you NEVER shill kino mobile games? Why waste all that power on emulation when phones can do so much more?
Trollstore, bro
>He says, when most androids mimic apple anyway.
Notch > Hole punch

>> No.10586370

the only game worth a damn on mobile is hitman go

>> No.10586376

>Hitman go instead of splinter cell conviction or hitman sniper.
Dont even use the "delisted" excuse. You're below applechads if you can't install a simple apk.

>> No.10586383

i use cracked apk that requires you to manually put data files inside data/obb dir
itoddlers dont know what file system is

>> No.10586385

>Itoddlers don- [What is the files app]
Are you buttmad the backbone was an appke only controller for the longest time?

>> No.10586392

no, im buttmad that pozdroid only has one or two games that worth a shit as everything else is trash. just like arm in general. arm ruined computing

>> No.10586398

i give iphone this. it had english translation of smt1 based on gba version so that was pretty good.. for a mobile platform. but people already backported that script into actual .gba rom so it's worthless now

>> No.10586408

>1000 points less than a RP4 pro in multicore bench
It's over.

>> No.10586420

>clicky d-pad and mushy buttons or vice-versa
Why the fuck do they keep doing this? I hate it.

>> No.10586431

>jelos on trimui smart pro is happening
Happy days

>> No.10586445

Not as much as you'd think, especially since most people are playing low spec stuff, but yes.

What is even considered clicky face buttons for handhelds? Haven't found anything like Xbox's.

>> No.10586449

>What is even considered clicky face buttons for handhelds?
Vita, og 3DS and GBA SP are some examples. They use those small metallic dome switches instead of rubber domes.

>> No.10586453
File: 357 KB, 474x444, captcha select the following images which contain yellow miyoo minis to continue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$40 USD
For ten dollars more I can get an actual Miyoo Mini Plus.
Also the Miyoo Mini V4 is back in stock for $64. No more smoked plastic yellow units though due to how fucking inconsistent they were across the few they made.
Now that they're keeping them in stock, nobody will care about them anymore though.

>> No.10586454

Actually my bad, the Miyoo Mini Plus is $20 more than the R33S. I guess that's fair.

>> No.10586459
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The one thing I like about the 3DS and New 3DS is that d-pad. They were improved + shaped d-pads that weren't just flat surfaces like the Wii and DSlite, and they click.
The best clicky d-pad of all time tho being the original phat DS's.

>> No.10586460

I see, rubber it is for me then. Do chinkhelds even use metal domes?

>> No.10586463

I unironically want a controller/chinkheld with the Xbone's clicky d-pad and the Dual Shock's analog face buttons.
Also, that reminds me; What the fuck does one do for Playstation family games that utilize the analog buttons, like Metal Gear Solid 2 and GTA3? Just play the Xbox versions instead, kek? I imagine they're hard to play without proper analog face buttons.

>> No.10586492
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Could any vitabros out there lend me a hand?
I finally dusted off and charged up my ancient vita(was on firmware 3.15), updated it and hacked it.
But I can't for the life of me get nonpdrm and nof00d working. I put the files in ur0:tai/ and update the config file and reboot but nothing happens. The guides mention a nonpdrm folder thats supposed to be there but its not for me. So I don't really know what to do at this point.

>> No.10586498

Were you supposed to update to the latest firmware...?

>> No.10586501

The guide I was following said 3.6 is the preferred firmware so that's what I updated to.

>> No.10586528

iirc you need to create the folder yourself

>> No.10586551

Do you? The guide doesn't mention that but maybe its out of date?

>> No.10586587

>playing on shitty chink handhelds that are always monkey pawed instead of a deck oled
Defend this

>> No.10586594

>old static interface games on defective by design screen

>> No.10586607

deck is dogshit for low end emu
just because it runs well doesn't mean it's pleasant to play

>> No.10586609

enabling wi-fi drains my phone battery like vacuum for all i know. same for even my laptop as i noticed it lasts way longer on ethernet
i dont get zoomers. are they really willing to sacrifice battery life to get spied on? if so, i feel sorry for that generation

>> No.10586612
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>deck is dogshit for low end emu

>> No.10586617


>> No.10586625

Post hands. I don't think you're human or adult.

>> No.10586637

sorry if i upset you bro
i just think it's a terrible idea to pay 10x the price for a worse ergonomic experience when it comes to low end platforms

>> No.10586642

Yeah well, your phone is mining you 24/7. Linux just works.

I get the idea behind retrocheevos, spreading a game's culture in random bullshit people used to do and whatnot, but crippling the whole thing from the start with online checks and not even giving you the option to run it locally AT ALL exposes the real intent here. There's also no rush to fix it despite increased demand by handheldfags.

>> No.10586645

>literally a wide gamepad
>worse ergonomic experience than the flat bricks most smaller handhelds are
sure thing buddy

>> No.10586673

>we have miyoo mini at home
jesus christ this looks fucking cheap

>> No.10586676

yes, playing something that is 4 times heavier and larger is worse ergonomics when the platform you're playing doesn't get any real benefit from the extra size
my friend the steam deck is larger in length and width than a house brick

>> No.10586684
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>> No.10586702

>playing something that is 4 times heavier and larger is worse ergonomics
I guess all consoles that can be run on it should be played on an RG nano then, smaller and ligher = better ergonomics amirite?

I was referring to the shape dummy. The Steam Deck has ergonomically shaped handles while most handheld are just flat slabs.


>> No.10586714

>xbaux hueg
>not pocketable
>shitty corner placement of d-pad and face buttons, meant to be mostly used for twin stick FPS or TPS titles
>800p screen that's seven inches
>weighs almost two pounds
>literally anything I would ever want to play on it I would rather just play on my PC
I would genuinely sooner recommend someone just getting a controller grip for whatever phone they currently have than ever getting a Meme Deck.
What Valve needs to do is sell more Steam Controllers.

>> No.10586724
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Hyperkin is working on a modern day Sega Nomad called the Mega95. Can toggle between 4:3 to stretched 16:9, 5 inch display, and a battery that can last reportedly 10 hours. Also comes with a USB-C dock to connect to a TV.
It probably wont be anything worthwhile since any chinkheld should be able to run Genesis games fine. Plus, Hyperkin never said how the device runs Genesis games off the cart, it could just be another form of software emulation. But it looks novel at least.

>> No.10586725

I can usually fix whatever issue I have with a chinkheld, if I have one, by myself.
I can't fix all of the issues with the Steam Deck.

>> No.10586726

>shitty corner placement of d-pad and face buttons
Why are people that have never held one always trying so hard to expose themselves?
The only inputs that are kinda awkwardly positioned are the touchpads.

>> No.10586727

>smaller and ligher = better ergonomics amirite
as long as it doesn't impact the platform you're playing, of course it does
the deck is dogshit for low end because it's advantages are wasted on low end platforms, all you're left with are negatives because all that power doesn't mean shit if you just want to play SNES and GBA, you've paid 10x the price for no reason

>> No.10586736

My guy, your thumbs rest on the sticks and you would comfortably reach for the touch pads like you would sticks on a Playstation controller. Meanwhile you gotta give a thumbs up to reach the d-pad or face buttons. Holding a thumbs up is not a natural resting position for your hand.

>> No.10586738

>all that power doesn't mean shit if you just want to play SNES and GBA, you've paid 10x the price for no reason
This might sound crazy but you can buy a single device to play GBA and SNES as well as more modern shit. I know, it's wild.

>> No.10586740

>as long as it doesn't impact the platform you're playing, of course it does
nta but a handheld device needs to be a certain size and weight. There is no one-size-fits-all perfect solution, but smaller and lighter is most definitely not of course better ergonomics, let alone better anything.

>> No.10586742

i'm glad you have come around to agree with my first comment that the deck is dogshit for low end
i hope for more agreement in future

>> No.10586745

The more you post the more obvious it gets you've never had one in your hands.

>> No.10586747
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We're getting into fire truck/pickup truck argument territory again here, which is what Steam Deck arguments always boil down to. We get it. You think it's cool to own a fire truck. But for the average person, a pickup truck is more than sufficient and having a fire truck would not only be retardedly unnecessary but also be a larger inconvenience to have than anything.

>> No.10586749

I don't.
Your argument is literally that it being good for high end somehow makes it bad for low end which is nonsense. It's good for both. Yes, that's possible.
>but it big
Yes, big and comfortable just like a gamepad. There's a reason we don't make them slabs like the fucking NES anymore.

>> No.10586753

Two trucks, playing games
Two trucks, playing games
The visual, the concept,
Is "driving" me, insane

>> No.10586760

I mean I've only held it once at a convention, some dude was trying to sell his at his table, and much like you he kept insisting I just wasn't playing it long enough/I was just lacking experience. He sounded like a shitty used car salesman lying about a piece of shit he's desperate to get rid of. You're not trying to sell yours (probably) so for you, it's more like social fomo where you insist everyone else does whatever you do so you don't regret doing it. Go buy your Stanley mug.

>> No.10586764

>social fomo
When "that guy" asks you, "You don't play Smash?" like you're the idiot before insisting he gets you into Smash Brothers.

>> No.10586775

>I mean I've only held it once at a convention
at least you admit to your ignorance. Now you just need to learn to stop arguing based on it.

>> No.10586780

I've played one and made my decision to own on based on that. The vast majority of Deck owners never held one before deciding to buy it, and then have to justify the purchase once they have it. Proven moreso by how feverishly they demand everybody else needs to get one as well. Otherwise they might feel pretty stupid if nobody else they know are interested.

>> No.10586784

There was a fox and grapes comic about the iPod back in the day where a fox spends $10,000 on an apple and then demands everyone else, who are eating grapes, that they need to buy a $10,000 apple as well because it's SO GOOD AND HE'S NOT AN IDIOT HE'S NOT HE'S NOT HE'S NOT

>> No.10586786

>The vast majority of Deck owners never held one before deciding to buy it, and then have to justify the purchase once they have it.
I don't know how it is in your shithole but here in yuroland we are allowed to by law to send anything we order back for a whole month if we don't like it no questions asked and for two years if it's broken.
I don't see how people that don't like the deck's ergonomics would have to justify their purchase when it's so easy to just refund it.

>> No.10586792

>People have a month to return anything if they simply do not like it in Europe
How the fuck does any business function there?

>> No.10586795

Outside of automotive which is lagging behind the rest of the industrialized world, businesses don't function in Europe. Thanks, Germany!

>> No.10586801

Doesn't Amazon at least have a 30 day money back guarantee worldwide? They seem to do fine.

>> No.10586805

>The UK
>"They said a mean thing to me on the online web."
>"Alright, we'll put them under arrest."
>The Europe
>"They didn't say a mean thing to me or even about me, but I still felt sad feelings later after reading what they said."
>"Alright, we'll enlist them."

>> No.10586807
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>> No.10586809

Providing you pay the shipping costs to send it back. You then get refunded the cost of the item and original shipping, but not for whatever shipping costs you paid to send it back. In some countries, depending how big they are, this could be $20-40 which Amazon will still get a profit from.

>> No.10586819

>A European is demanding everyone else makes the same decisions that he did
Checks out

>> No.10586820
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*Decks out*

>> No.10586825

That first post wasn't even mine.
I just reacted to some retarded points like a high-end handheld somehow becoming bad for low-end emulation or ergonomics of larger handhelds being worse somehow.

>> No.10586827

every time you buy a low end device to play low end platforms a deckie cries

>> No.10586829 [DELETED] 


>> No.10586849
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I want a low powered horislop device. Is the new rg35xx h the solution? I heard the firmware was fucked (as usual coming from shitbernic).
The chadkiddy q90 is so fucking low powered and it’s insulting the fact the rg350p is still so expensive. The rg300x design is SHIT.
Should I just buy a rs97 again? Had one 5 years ago or more and gave it to my nephew.
I just want it to play up to psx (mainly 2D shit).

>> No.10586858

If you don't want the rk2023 then probably.

>> No.10586872

>Once replaceable batteries are back? Sure
Do you have an iphone or what? Nigga you can change that shit right now

>> No.10586879

That’s more expensive (and bigger).

>> No.10586884

You know what he meant.
Stop being buck broken over chadpple

>> No.10586895

He was right, you deserve Brother Zhou.

No, it can't run Wacky Taxi full speed. RP2S.

>> No.10586960

Then yeah unless you want to wait for something else to come out the 35xx h is probably the way to go. And I think there are rumblings about it getting some cfw at some point. Most likely not a lot though.

>> No.10587018

i wish we lived in a world where there was a version of the TSP with a PS2 capable chip

>> No.10587036

I don’t want wackytaxi to run on it, I have an rp3+ for that.

I guess that’s it then.
They should do new devices for psx and below again, they could make them so much cheaper now, FUCK.

>> No.10587148
File: 139 KB, 1500x1500, ANBERNIC-RG35XX-GREY-DONE__LISTING-IMAGE-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got my RG35XX, installed GarlicOS, but whenever I exit a game and try to resume it (Recent menu > A-button) the save state fails to load. The screen just goes black for a second and I'm back at the GarlicOS main menu.

Does anyone have an idea what I could do to resolve this?

>> No.10587164

Does the rg nano have fast forward for gbc?

>> No.10587167

Thinking of grabbing one of the rg35xx. Should I go with the base for it's cfw or the plus for the chance of cfw? I'd wait but there's a sale for them on ali.

>> No.10587174

bought a used one for 50 bucks. Not hard to find cheap v1s

>> No.10587232
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I'm playing all the 3DS titles that I missed, currently playing samus return, it's been a blast so far, I'll probably play some zelda game after I finish it

>> No.10587236
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Think the 150 USD model of the RP4 would suffice for Saturn and Dreamcast games? People seem to only want to test the fancy pants Pro model. But since PS2 and GameCube emulation isn't my thing, the heavy hitters for me are just the Dreamcast and Saturn. And yes, I know the green tinted screen is a software bug that'll (hopefully) get patched out soon, since Retroid said they're aware of it.

>> No.10587237

lol no

>> No.10587241


>> No.10587256
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Uhh, RP4 sisters?

>> No.10587282

Do you mute whenever one of these videos says the green tint is a software bug that'll get patched out? I don't understand all the anger, the consoles aren't even out yet for consumers, just shills/reviewers.

>> No.10587285

Dreamcast yes. Saturn, mostly yes but some of the harder stuff will still struggle.

>> No.10587317

addressed last thread. Spoke to Retroid people. Its fixed in retail.

>> No.10587339

Literally go ask Reddit, nobody here fucking does that Garlic/Onion meme shit here and it's exclusively what they do over there, so everyone will actually know.

>> No.10587360

Never had that problem so im not sure what to tell you. What happens if you dont use the favorites menu?

>> No.10587390
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Here's your handheld, bro.

>> No.10587406
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>a fucking numpad

>> No.10587420

Well, how else would you play Atari 5200, Intellivision and ColecoVision on the go?

>> No.10587426

The paddle and trackball are cool, but I just cant see a purpose for the numpad.

>> No.10587474

And the R33S has a better chip.

>> No.10587475

trimui smart pro

>> No.10587484

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong thread. Homebrew general is two pages down.

>> No.10587501

It seems my custom ROMs directory was causing the issue here. I usually have my ROMs and savefiles in a specific folder structure which I try to maintain across all my emulation devices, but GarlicOS doesn't seem to like custom paths.
Resetting both the ROMs and save directory to the default paths, and placing all files in the default directories has resolved the issue.

>> No.10587518

Damn dude get off the bed and lose some weight.

>> No.10587526

this is an emulator solution right? they are gonna make that thing at least reasonably easy to hack, right?

cuz besides the numpad, any handheld that includes an analog spinner and trackball could be a pretty nice system.

>> No.10587531

if miyoo doesn't announces the flip this week i'll buy a rg35xx+

>> No.10587532 [DELETED] 
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It's pretty obvious the people who talk bad about the deck are either
A. Poorfags, this is why they get excited for garbage like the miyoo mini. They finally can afford to buy something """"new""""
B. Limp wrists who've never lifted anything heavier than a nintendo controller and never lift their arms past their mouths
Its sad to see people playing on old repurposed cell phones but bums will be bums i guess

>> No.10587534


>> No.10587537


>> No.10587540
File: 1.91 MB, 1870x910, MyArcade Shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unfamiliar with MyArcade
This is the typical line of shithelds you see at Walmart and on Amazon for $20 that are a bunch of terrible java-based "edutainment" titles along with a bunch of random NES romhacks made to be 16-bit. They're all the fucking same no matter how many variations they make of it. It's like the Western version of the Gameboy Famiclone. Their officially branded Namco, Capcom, and Taito ones are total shit as well.

Though I do find the novelty of Waddle Doos in Bubble Bobble and Goemon in some surfing game to be amusing enough to warrant the $4 I paid for one at ValueVillage.

>> No.10587541

Oh yeah, I forgot C. Contrarians.

>> No.10587546

I wish Steam Deck enjoys would spend more time actually using the their Deck instead of insisting on evangelism.

>> No.10587558
File: 277 KB, 640x640, todos-21-984ad524bd3259ab1316724119469770-640-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would consider buying one of these if they weren't $20. That's more than the average Famiclone and with no Mario

>> No.10587576

Cant help but feel like this was written by one of them chinese.....

>> No.10587593
File: 634 KB, 4032x3024, 20230706_095523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so bad

>> No.10587595

Ironic considering it's the chinese who can't compound words properly. I'm Scottish.

>> No.10587601

Expected size?

>> No.10587629

5-6' i bet

>> No.10587638

Oh so you're just drunk

>> No.10587671
File: 1.22 MB, 220x198, smartguy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Valve Steam Deck is manufactured by Quanta Computer Inc, a company from Taiwan with production facilities in China

>> No.10587721

Thats what the chinese are good for

>> No.10587749

Odin 2. /Thread

>> No.10587756

"I just wanted to play Atari 2600 and intelivision for free for preservation and archival purposes. I always support the good developers like Xi Xingping. "

Sure ya do

>> No.10587770

Needs an oled screen. Sorry chinks its time to dump the unused lcd lots.

>> No.10587779
File: 485 KB, 1000x1080, Steam Deck Mini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I will buy your Steam Deck touch pads moved to the back, kind of like the Vita.

>> No.10587791

enjoy your burnt hands lol

>> No.10587794

Those aren't front shooting speakers, they're air vents for two of the Steam Deck's eight fans.

>> No.10587797

to be fair, the odin 2 screen is about as close to oled as you can get without actually being oled. the colors are on par with the switch oled panel, I own both :)

>> No.10587803

post proof

>> No.10587806

I assumed there would be more vita users around here.

>> No.10587861
File: 3.86 MB, 1510x1283, professional photographer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The black levels obviously aren't as good as an OLED, although still very dark for IPS. The colors, however, are very close in my opinion. There is a script to increase saturation even further for the odin 2, but I haven't used it yet.

>> No.10587875

Nintendobros our response?

>> No.10587879

You have violated ethics

>> No.10587880

I'd like to add that I would've used a /vr/ game to test but I don't pay for the $50 super-deluxe-golden nintendo pro expansion subscription that lets you emulate games, so I couldn't

>> No.10587884

I feel incredible.

>> No.10587889

Rarely anyone plays retro games on their Vita except maybe PS1 titles.

>> No.10587890

Your plugins are the latest versions? You're sure your vita loads plugins from internal storage and not the sdcard? Did you make the folder like anon told you?

>> No.10587921

lol u buggin chnk shiller

>> No.10587929

Sumimasen Mr. Furukawa, all hail Nintendo

>> No.10587932
File: 43 KB, 400x411, 1639270590346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the best you could come with? really? not even trying to deny it?

>> No.10587965
File: 1.21 MB, 2918x3024, PXL_20240110_030825547~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my RG35XX today and after a couple of hours of trouble setting up the cfw and getting the Retroarch settings fine-tuned, I'm now in love with this thing.
Game Boy and GBC games look great on this, but sadly GBA doesn't scale pixel-perfectly, but with bilinear filtering disabled it doesn't look THAT bad. Preferable to the tiny 1:1 scaling at least.

I started Dragon Quest 3 on this, and the GBC version seems great. It even has animated enemy sprites for attacks!

>> No.10587970
File: 142 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_20231217-143209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly tip, in retroarch's video settings you can set the filter to "Normal4x" and the scaling looks a LOT cleaner

Pic related, screenshot from my Retroid 2S (same screen resolution)

>> No.10587976

i know this is MyArcade and all. but still i want to believe because one handheld with a spinner and a trackball could be incredible for arcade emulation.

>> No.10587978

if the black levels arent as good its not as good as a oled. enjoy your cope device while the buttons still work.

>> No.10588013
File: 127 KB, 836x716, marioworld1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love when the people on this thread get elitist about having the highest quality screens when they're just gonna play shit like this

>> No.10588020

>>10585989 (in reply to >>10583530 )
Thanks, I downloaded ps1 games in chd and got them working just fine but PC Engine CDROM2 still refuse to work.

>> No.10588024

I’m 155 pounds though my doctor said it’s my ideal weight for my height or whatever

>> No.10588027

>talking down a classic to cope with your low quality cheap shit
it matters

>> No.10588038

>low quality cheap shit
Obviously, shit displays are shit displays. But you can't act like these games look distractingly bad just because you aren't playing on a fucking OLED panel

>> No.10588046

so mad kek, is gabens penis not entertaining enough, you have to use the other hand to post here?

>> No.10588056

They do.

>> No.10588062
File: 434 KB, 1400x1050, Mega_95_Media_Image_Smaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just don't get it, do they?

>> No.10588071

is there a consensus best 3ds model?

>> No.10588075

japanese New 3ds for the higher ppi with the lenovo mod for the nub

>> No.10588084
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>> No.10588085
File: 2.73 MB, 479x600, 64f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pardon me, but it's a little generic looking.
Aren't there plenty of horizontals like this?
Also, I already sent a 'track pads on the back' design to Valve. Hopefully they will make a more pocketable design. But without compromising screen size like a bendy clamshell.

>> No.10588149 [SPOILER] 
File: 453 KB, 2048x2048, 548378A3-37E0-4BB2-81A6-1BC4BBD3DFC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it supports the sega cd everdrive games i would be lowkey ok with it
assuming they fix the buttons
have some decent shaders
dpad is atleast genesis tier
and 4:3 is fuckin in it
not thrilled with the ppi (pixel density)
but i think this is exaggerating quite a bit
for free I would absolutely play the shit out of a steam deck

>> No.10588153

Nevermind this. I found PCECD roms in .chd format as well. Finally able to play Castlevania. Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.10588181

are use a special program to convert and create the folders with all the files for PC engine CD I'll try to find the link when I get home

it was on github
basically drag and drop easy

>> No.10588187

My favorite aspect of gaming is how every time a new technology comes out, suddenly some people claim the previous technology was always unplayably bad, even though we'd happily used it for years prior. It's what they said about 720p, it's what they said about 30fps, and now it's what they say about OLED.

I can't wait for seven years from now when the new hotness comes out, and you suddenly can't stand the thought of playing on a screen that you'd called "so good it's a necessity" only a few years prior.

>> No.10588195
File: 87 KB, 600x600, 1631034442651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long until iPhone 10 screens become cheap enough for chinkheld recycling? It's clear that OLED is the next evolution in the chinkheld market (it's not like we're getting playable Xbox/PS3 anytime soon), but other than the Vita, I can't imagine any other sources for cheap OLED screens.

>> No.10588258

When apple doesn't need them anymore. I'm only assuming this since vita screens weren't used for anything else until after the vita was discontinued.

>> No.10588261

Yeah the plugins are the latest. I seem to have a problem with any plugins working at all though. I installed noled through autoplugin and its not working either so I have no idea what to do here.
GBA works pretty well if you use the right core.

>> No.10588321
File: 36 KB, 590x553, big smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I want a low powered horislop device. Is the new rg35xx h the solution?

I dunno. I'll tell you in 10 days or so. I ordered one just because I wanted to see if the 35xx+ is really better than or even close to the MM+ but can't be arsed t get another vertical.

I felt a tinge of mild regret not opting for the x55 or the Trimui Smart Pro for just a few more dollars, there's supposed to be a sizeable gap in performance. But, my next and final handheld purchase after this is going to be steam deck tier. So it doesn't bother me that much.

>> No.10588336

>t. giga boomer who grew up with black and white blurry crt tubes

>> No.10588341

That Dpad looks awful.

>> No.10588357
File: 388 KB, 1179x595, IMG_2521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no trackball
why even live

>> No.10588359

I still have my black-and-white sets :,(
fyi zoomer, the top grossing games of all time were in black-and-white
tetris, pokemon? you might've heard of them lol

>> No.10588373
File: 299 KB, 2048x1536, E5D6F5B3-EC04-44CC-8E28-58DCAABA6663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New year, new /v/ immigrants.

>> No.10588375
File: 996 KB, 500x379, 1690695343308713.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody know where I can get a patched English rom of the wizardry games on GBC? I can't find a tool to patch my japanese roms

>> No.10588401


>> No.10588413

wow thanks dude, this will keep me busy for a while. any recommendations?

>> No.10588416

but there's a trackball on the bottom left?

>> No.10588432

well, i agree with your sentiment but 30fps can be accurately described as less than ideal for playing many games. 720 simply isn't necessary. Still, I don't go over 1080 if I can avoid it. I will never own an OLED display because it is an actual tech industry meme. The OLED push reminds me of dolby 5.1 hype, or motion controls. can't predict when or if OLED will actually replace LCD displays, I don't know enough about the technology; just enough to know it isn't for me.

>> No.10588495

How come anbernig stopped doing big face buttons after the retro mini and rg300? Hell, why are thr face buttons on most chinkhelds so small anyway? There's a shit ton of space.
That numpad is perfect for j2me
Get the gbc ultima 3 homebrew port.

>> No.10588532

>your handheld is too good and comfortable, make it more shit
Just get one of the dozen chink UMPCs with no battery and inputs.


>> No.10588538

Provided it has some wonky low end forked Android OS like many of their recent products, it's possible it could receive a hack/jailbreak to play actual roms. Even then it's only worth it if it's cheaper than the actual RG Arc

>> No.10588620

Move on

>> No.10588629

It's called a new standard. People like you and most people on this board like to put their heads in the sand when new tech arrives because they're too autistic to adapt without huffing and puffing about it for a decade but yes, once you've been exposed to a better standard it is hard to go back, especially when you're not even talking about high end lcds on these handhelds, they're mostly low quality shit, no matter what time we're in.
Or maybe you're like this loser >>10588359 still turning on a black and white set just to cling onto a worse time with a worse standard but hey, at least it isnt that dang new tv the kids won't stop talking about!

>> No.10588634

>too good and comfortable
yeah holding a wii-fit board with buttons on it is so comfortable

>> No.10588636

Wouldn't know, I like videogames. But you know what, do keep whining, eventually they'll realize they can charge a tard tax for a crippled version and subsidize the real thing.

>> No.10588643

another autistic valve fan with no sense of humor

>> No.10588650

Only in picoarch

>> No.10588651

Rp3+ runs dreamcast 100%

>> No.10588702

You're going to have a bad time emulating Saturn on Android regardless the hardware.

>> No.10588721

>green tint is a software bug
People actually believe this? For all we know it could be a hardware issue and yellow tinted screen have been a common problem in the past

>> No.10588747

>People actually believe this?
Android, like your television set, has four or five different light settings that change the colours of your display. I don't know if your iPhone has it or not.

>> No.10588750

This has been a common thing on most displays for twenty years, if not more. Even some GBA titles have it as an in-game option.

>> No.10588765
File: 1.02 MB, 1179x1577, IMG_9960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it do
but its buried under faggy settings submenus
only autismo fags fiddle with that on a per game basis
its more of a "warm/cold" than a tint modifier though
its meant to fuck your eyes up less in the dark
i like putting on nightmode on android and letting everything be greyscale
if eink was quick enough i would use an eink android display and spend my team reading instead of doomscrolling
more of a /g/ post at this point but maybe someday we will have some type of phone/controller setup for nice b&w jrpg goodness
or maybe just MAYBE color e-ink android devices with even slightly above toaster specs in 2024

>> No.10588770

>only autismo fags fiddle with that on a per game basis
Nobody has ever suggested at any point that the fucking warmth settings on your display needs to be a "per game basis", you illiterate fucking retard. It's one setting for the display, like on your television. You go to menu, display, and change it there. It's done forever for everything.

>> No.10588771

I read this and immediately thought of the DMG Game Boy. Idk about modern displays

>> No.10588772
File: 22 KB, 256x239, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Tetris and Dr. Mario. I could play these forever.
Any puzzle games you guys like? I'm looking for games that I can just pick up and play for 5 minutes and stop at any time, and it doesn't matter.

>> No.10588773
File: 308 KB, 835x524, IMG_2535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are u retarded? kek
b&w sets have higher clarity than color
esp for vidya designed to be played in such a way
again, if you werent underage you would know this
my b&w set was bought NEW in box for $15
3 years ago
suck muh balls son

>> No.10588778

Box Life is DSiware that I found extremely relaxing to 100%.

>> No.10588781
File: 1.05 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i meant when gaymen ON AN actual iphone though anon
i think my macbook has some type of warmth adjustment as well
but again, i dont fiddle with it in openemu

>> No.10588785

if you know even the slightest thing about screens you know that yes, incompetence at the factory can result in retarded default color balance that is trivial to fix
it reflects poorly on retroid that they thought it was a good idea to ship review units straight from factory to reviewers though

>> No.10588787

>youre underage!
>just got a b&w set as a new toy a few years ago and is still enthusiastic about it in 2024
No, you're a child larping and you're easily amused. Your parents likely waved keys in your face to entertain you when you were younger. Have fun playing your colorless primitive shit but damn i sure am jealous of how clear those sprites look!

>> No.10588794
File: 384 KB, 960x593, IMG_2536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok dude
i also specifically bought a color kill-switch modded apple monitor for atari & other vintage computer shit
i grew up with monochrome monitors at school
my dear old grams kept her b&w set until it finally blew up in the late 90s
i played nes on it for years
the tv isnt a "toy"
none of them are, as i need crt to play without shitty lag or uglyness on screen
the rf/composite blur might be subjective
the input delay is not

try using a paddle on a flatpanel even on "muh gayme mode!!!1!!"
it will feel like shit

i have a 1ms 240hz alienware monitor but rarely use it for gen 2 (or gen1) outside of specific capture card instances where i need footage

i recommend everyone get a battery operated tv of some kind
the apocalypse could happen at any moment
what are you gonna do live without Sega? huh?!
fuuuuuck that

your perspective is ironic for /hhg/
as these threads are filled with nostalgic oldfags unironically spamming real hardware in 2024

>> No.10588801
File: 2.73 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_8430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

the text is hard to read in color bro

>> No.10588805

This shit's blurrier than a jpeg from 1995

>> No.10588810

>Gets a shitty black and white modern analogue display and is amazed that colours don't look as good on them
>Concludes that black and white must have higher clarity than colour in general
>Also can't locate either of his two shift keys

>> No.10588813

That's because there is no greater contrast than black and white. Literally any two other colors is not going to contrast as much as black and white do. The image isn't any more clear.

>> No.10588818

kek i get roasted every crt thread too
my phone is a potato and refused to properly photograph tube screens
sorry guise

youll have to take my word for it
when i activate the "color kill" it cleans up to godtier standards and gets crazy sharp
this may not be true as a generalization but for the specific (borderline autistic) use case
it does make a huge difference
even over composite

fave b&w games
space invaders

>> No.10588871

Controls and shape looks sick but that screen aspect ratio is a miss and I don't want to use carts anymore.

>> No.10588912

Its pretty obvious from the way you post you're not all there lol maybe from lying to yourself too much.
Fucking moron really does live in the past, a battery operated tv of some kind? We have phones retard.

>> No.10588916

>being elitist about sharpness in atari games
>as if it makes any amount of difference
Boy... you uh... you really don't have anything going on, do you? You're literally drooling at the mouth over sharp blocks on a dusty old set and you've been doing it for ages.

>> No.10588923

modern post-rule change /vr/ everyone

time period accuracy means nothing to these people

>> No.10588960
File: 120 KB, 1203x724, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based or cringe?

>> No.10588967
File: 492 KB, 1179x984, IMG_2569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringe for 200 alex

>> No.10588970

I'd like to see Brother Zhou buried under his pile of Rockchips. And Anbernic never had particularly good screens anyway.

>> No.10588996

Paid £18 for a "RG35XX" off of TikTok. It has shipped. Bought from "Anbernic Direct". 4.2/5 stars from 67 reviews.
Taking bets on what arrives.

>> No.10589002

Any news on when Xenia/X360 compatibility will be added to the spreadsheet?

>> No.10589010

probably an actual RG35XX because tiktok subsidizes new buyers like temu

>> No.10589014

You should go live in a museum kek

>> No.10589016
File: 281 KB, 611x433, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, no one posted it yet, so here: RP4 screen unpissed.

>> No.10589019

it will probably show up
i do dodgy ebay/alie/temu/dhgate orders several times a year
even neo fuckin geo
mvs carts are $30 or less if you dig kek

>> No.10589020

Controller hardware is one thing, but I would never trust software from them. They're the ones who released stolen emulators through shell companies.

>> No.10589026

>They're the ones who released stolen emulators
oh nooooooooo that sucks.

>> No.10589029
File: 1.84 MB, 1179x1597, IMG_5177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>emulators steal vidya for free
>guys put emulators on shitwave device to sell
i laugh every single time
fuck emulator devopers
fuck piratefags

its like when the chinkheld manufactures get mad that people are stealing their designs / knocking off the knockoff

nintendo is guilty of it too
cant get mad that people decrpt roms if you are selling stolen warez emulation software and reselling it

i think we should all enjoy it now
dystopian future is nearly here
those bootlegs will be destroyed at customs within our lifetime
you will be locked into a subscription service to play
you will own nothing, and you will be happy

make backups of the backups of the backed up backups anon
this is your 2024 reminder

>> No.10589041
File: 1.46 MB, 1179x1304, IMG_6260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make backups of the backups of the backed up backups anon
poorly typed sound advice there

>> No.10589070

Look up Happy Chick and Egg NS and see for yourself. Always online, needs account and location data, and Egg NS had DRM to only work on a Gamesir controller.

>> No.10589108

what're the best handhelds for larger hands, besides the steam deck

>> No.10589112

rg arc

>> No.10589114

Newfag detected.

>> No.10589117

Powkiddy x55, Odin 2.

>> No.10589180

usb duke xbox controller and 14" tablet kek

>> No.10589232
File: 1.12 MB, 1179x1263, IMG_2575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek ok son
some of my gear could live there in the next couple of decades probably

>> No.10589325

No one's saying the new stuff isn't objectively better. But acting like 20+ y/o games look unplayably horrible on anything other than the most modern displays is absurd.

>> No.10589364
File: 1.18 MB, 2048x1879, 1676388403078814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up with a ridiculously small CRT as my 1st TV, then I got a 24' one that looked a lot better, I also loved the 29' one in the living room, a while later we got some plasma TVs and then LED ones a few years later. I love LED, but I can watch stuff on our older plasma TV just fine, I also use more budget smartphones that don't use LED screens at all, and it's fine. It's all still useable... just fine.

>> No.10589427

The point is that users on here are saving their money to buy leftover SHIT lcds pasted on leftover SHIT phones with crappy chinese made controls that fall apart with heavy use.
If you got old shit you enjoyed before, obviously you're gonna still like it.

>> No.10589469

>Dsi XL
Absolute chad

>> No.10589495

Tfw have 3 but only one is acceptable enough to play on.

>> No.10589614
File: 1.10 MB, 1893x4096, GDesVI1bsAAFVGx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New year, new week, new day, new Ayaneo handheld.
Only thing that really stands out though is that the Next Lite has been reported to come with SteamOS by default, so at least it beats navigating with Windows on a handheld. Who knows if it'll help the battery life much though, and since it's supposed to be "budget friendly" who knows if the specs would really be worth it over buying a used Steam Deck LCD. For all we know it'll probably just use Mendocino chips or old Vega APUs, none of which would really make it worth it in that case unless you really crave that form factor.

>> No.10589667
File: 329 KB, 1588x1191, 1684952021141406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Very good reversible case/grip for Retroid Pocket 2S, gives some needed leverage to the system without pushing dicks into your hands the way the official rubber grip does

>> No.10589691

>users on here
Everyone in first world countries does this, not just people on here.
>chinese made
Almost everything is made in china now, sorry to be the one to break it to you.
>heavy use
I'm not a toddler, I take care of things I buy. I don't throw my stuff across the room when I'm angry because I have impulse control. If something breaks and it isn't my fault, I contact the company and get a replacement. For free. If they refuse I charge back the purchase, legally. Sorry it's different than how you grew up, but it's just how things work now. You can get mad and cry over it, or you can accept change and move on.

>> No.10589742

daedalian opus looks cool, gonna try it out at work later this week

>> No.10589776 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 236x173, i nut on my nut outside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so uhhh....
a certain handheld turns 20 this year
hehe uhhh...
and hey uh mods if u could just
be bros and uh update
that icky sticky a bit early
that be a real G move
you know just like randomly one day be like
like tomorrow or later today be perfect
just a thought hehe....

>> No.10589795

It'll be twice the cost of the steam deck without the support, build quality or reliability.

>> No.10589803

This is one of my problems with chink shit. If you need grips and cases to make your device comfortable its a cope device and a waste of money.

>> No.10589815

Damn, 3DSbros, our response??

>> No.10589824

The fact little babby grips in the back like on RG ARC, LG Wing Handheld, A1 Unicorn etc aren't the standard is weird to me. It's such a small change that makes such a big difference and doesn't affect silhouette or size generally speaking. They are seriously perfect for anchoring your middle finger.

>> No.10589837

my response? not being extremely fat and needing "grips" in the first place.

>> No.10589846

The 3DS sucked to hold, and this was a known fact for games like Monster Hunter where tons of third party accessory manufacturers churned out tons of grips for it.
Hell even Nintendo on some level seemed aware of it, they released a stand for Kid Icarus Uprising and the Circle Pad Pro only a year after the console came out.

>> No.10589847

The 3DS sucked fucking ass to hold, Smash Bros. was not comfortable at all without a grip.

>> No.10589871

I haven't emulated since highschool like decades ago, what are the sites I can get roms/isos? I have an rg35xx h(?) soming in.

>> No.10589878

cdromance is good for most stuff I want.

>> No.10589879

It comes preloaded.

>> No.10589886
File: 718 KB, 3128x1826, IMG_7482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vr/os, the A1 Unicron is a hodge podge idiotic piece of shit with this d-pad idiocy and the LG Wing is just not feasible for me to buy.
Should I just get the Powkitty RGB30?

>> No.10589894

Thanks brothers I know nintendo has been trying to crackdown in recent years and I guess I will just copy whatever comes on the default card since I don't fully trust their cards.

>> No.10589896

you can just google shit still, ROM sites aren't hard to find and aren't going to magically vanish if you do find them

most of these devices if they come with an SD card also have a chinky gallery of ROMs already loaded too

>> No.10589897

I usually meme hard on Etsy shit but this is genuinely nice, almost looks like it's made out of a nylon material and I had to watch the video to confirm it was a solid piece of plastic. I just question if the sudden cliff-dip handle grips on the back are actually comfortable to hold when playing.

>> No.10589901

The handles do what they need to, gives you something to hold onto while the system is in your hands. It's comfortable in a different way than the official grip is if that makes any sense, feels kinda like holding a 3DS with a grip

>> No.10589903
File: 119 KB, 960x720, 1650163498610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in \hhg\
im not mad, but what the fucking shit?
how did you even manage to get one????

>> No.10589904

Even with discount and free shipping, the one I want (yellow, no card) would be $84.99 USD. And I feel like at that price I might as well spend the extra $65 on a RP4 (non Pro).

>> No.10589906
File: 604 KB, 1096x952, RGB30 official store.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgot mug image
>can't blame captcha

>they do what they need to
That's a 10,000% no thanks from me then, the handles need to add to it or they are not worth it.

>> No.10589907

>extra $65
extra $80 after shipping tbf.

>> No.10589908

The lack of carpal tunnel while using the sticks is plenty of adding to it

>> No.10589916

I beat MH, Zelda, Kid Icarus, 3D Land, and DDD on 3ds. You sound like you have low test soyy hands.

>> No.10589924

i have logged hundreds\maybe thousands of hours on my 3ds's
none died, none fucked up (besides circle pad wear)
my little cousin and i went hard as fuck on smash bros as well kek
i play dungeon crawlers and old jrpg though
i though the launch ds was godtier

>> No.10589927
File: 475 KB, 1280x1280, nintendo-switch-microsd-family-yoshi.png.wdthumb.1280.1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Order a proper Sandisc, etc quality micro SD card (or two, one for OS and one for games), and download some bullshit like tinybestset off of archive.org.
Or just download redump romsets from same. Your rg35xx H will come with all the standards on it, but the sd card(s) are pretty low quality.
And, like poster above said, cdromance stays on top of the scene pretty much with the fan translations, hacks, and strange weird shit. Can highly recommend.

>> No.10589942

>cdromance stays on top of the scene pretty much with the fan translations, hacks, and strange weird shit. Can highly recommend.
Yes, I third this

>> No.10589961

The d-pad is unusable without a grip.

I'd get it for $60 as a side chinkheld. If you're considering a RP4 might as well do it, this is just a RK3566 after all.

What the fuck, no, get it from Ali.

>> No.10589980
File: 556 KB, 2685x2443, 1000021075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was anyone here able to apply the screen protector to their RG35XX successfully?
I usually have zero problems getting them perfectly and without trapped dust, but for some reason this thing doesn't seem to want to settle on the outer edges at all.

Did I mess something up, get a bad protector, or is this an issue with the displays themselves (like curvature or coating)?

This looks like shit lmao

>> No.10589996
File: 478 KB, 1079x1671, 1000021076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, this seems to be an issue with the display, as I thought.

Man I wish these devices would just come with flat, slightly recessed plastic screens and an included or factory applied glass screen protector.
Handhelds should be rugged so you don't need a case for them.
Also what happened to iPod socks? Anyone remember those? These protective socks you'd slip on your iPods or Nintendo DS to protect them without needing a case with a zipper that takes forever to open?

Bring those back please. Can't even find them on Aliexpress anymore

>> No.10589997

Yeah, that doesn't look like it fits the black bezel part at all.

>> No.10589998

Response? Dsi-xl > Brick ds > 2ds >Everything else in the dsline is shit
>Low test soi hands
He said the THREEds was shit to hold, not the 2ds

>> No.10590008

Very curious about the SteamOS claim.

>> No.10590016

yet another reason anbernic and miyoo suck and need to die off already

>> No.10590017

My cousin had the 2ds
I played on it for quite a bit
Something about it I just didn't really like
Not going to say it's not comfortable though

>> No.10590018

Please don't use the included ROMs. Try and get proper "nointro" romsets from people who actually care.

>> No.10590026

Does it really need a screen protector? I never use one on my phone, but I can imagine cheapo chink glass being soft as butter.

>> No.10590041

Anbernic made the only good looking emulation handheld that exists (the RG35XX).
Everything else I've seen has super weird Fisher Price looking devices with colorful buttons and odd design choices.

Though even Anbernic went back to the shit looking rainbow ABXY with the RG35XX Plus, so maybe you're right.

>> No.10590050

I like putting screen protectors on all my devices besides my phone, just so I don't have to baby them all the time and can just toss em in a bag or pocket without worrying about it anything could scratch it.

Even though the RG35XX is only 45€, I wouldn't want to play with scratches on it, so a screen protector would be nice

>> No.10590053

Anbernic's too big to die even with their dumb decisions lately, but miyoo's pretty much only alive with the mini line. I don't see them staying alive if the flip doesn't sell well.

>> No.10590058

Videocardz has their source from Ayaneo's weibo account, but there's also an article on Ayaneo's website.
>Since entering the field of Windows handheld gaming, AYANEO has captivated more players with its art-grade aesthetic design and top-notch texture, allowing them to experience the charm of Windows handheld gaming. Among them, the groundbreaking AYANEO NEXT stands out as a milestone product in the history of Windows handheld gaming. AYANEO NEXT, with its perfect appearance design, vibrant color options, comfortable ergonomic experience, unique texture crafted with high-end craftsmanship, and innovative Hall sensing joystick for gaming control, has pioneered various features, making it a new species in the exploration of the future of Windows handheld gaming, providing unprecedented leading experiences for numerous players.
>Now, this forward-looking flagship handheld, AYANEO NEXT, returns in full force with the rejuvenated AYANEO NEXT LITE. Building upon the foundation of top-tier flagship design and texture, AYANEO NEXT LITE comes pre-installed with the SteamOS gaming system for the first time. AYANEO NEXT LITE integrates outstanding cost-effectiveness, lowering the entry barrier while further popularizing numerous flagship features, offering an upgraded experience to more players, and allowing them to enjoy the endless fun and convenience of gaming handhelds.

Whatever "cost effectiveness" means for Aya isn't clear. They promised that with the Mendocino and Intel i3-1215U models for the Ayaneo Air Plus, and that didn't really pan out. I'm just expecting $400-$500 as their take on "cost effectiveness" to save myself any potential disappointment.

>> No.10590153

Shit, meant to reply to >>10590008

>> No.10590171

It's amusing how miyoo stays alive with only one (4) device on sale.

>> No.10590194

the rg405v screen is sucken in just enough to make the screen protector practically impossible to remove
i happened to get a huge bubble stuck under it so i had to pick at it for 10 minutes

>> No.10590201


>> No.10590251

I want something small.
Aren't the new miyoos shit?
Does anyone think the r33s is going to be better? The rg35xxs might be a little too big.

>> No.10590275

>Aren't the new miyoos shit?
only the miyoo mini stock line specifically, miyoo mini plus line is fine and R33S is a clone of the MM+

>> No.10590316

Please post if you find a better screen protector. I'm not having much luck and ordered a 35xx+ a few days ago.
Miyoo Mini Plus? It fits in the palm of my hand plus a bit. I can't imagine going smaller and still be able to play games. I have a Game Boy Micro and it is a cute novelty but pretty tiny to actually play a game with text on. All of these greymarket emu devices are pretty cheaply made, so temper your expectations.

>> No.10590363

I know "reddit bad" is the popular take here, but the archive they have from their r/roms section is unironically probably the best available one. No ads, no "please wait ten seconds before you can download", etc. Just a link to archive.org pages


>> No.10590397

I use grips on every official jap device. It's just better.one that protects your screen is better than a soft shell case.

>> No.10590539

It does run burnout 3 but it looks bad and tiny imo


>> No.10590561

If you buy it in the first place, then you're willingly sacrificing screen size for pocketability. That's why I don't get this complaint, the RP4 has a clear place in the market.

>> No.10590581
File: 3.23 MB, 3024x4032, 1689773623721919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not as drastic but the miyoo mini and plus have rounded edges that cause this too

similar to curved edge screens, there's shit called "white edge filler" that you can get cheap on aliexpress or ebay that's a bonding oil you can fill into the lifted portions and the screen protector will fit flush

picrel is my mini plus after i got some and filled the edges, worked perfect

>> No.10590601
File: 196 KB, 1500x1500, megaboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not make the Megaboy instead? Seems an obvious concept.

>> No.10590602
File: 44 KB, 738x984, 1688109459518260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

similar to curved edge screens on phones**

picrel pulled from plebbit of the same problem

>> No.10590737

Why does your Miyoo Mini look so good? Are the buttons,.shell and d-pad stock, or did you replace any of those?
All the Miyoo Mini colorways on Aliexpress look atrocious, which is why I went with the old RG35XX

>> No.10590768
File: 38 KB, 368x451, 1000020657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh also you rock for sharing that white edge filler tip. I was gonna remove the screen protector, but decided to leave it on until I see it in daylight tomorrow and maybe still find a fix.
Didn't expect a miracle solution like this to exist.
The most painful part is gonna be living with this ugly screen protector until the Aliexpress delivery gets here haha

>> No.10590814

i replaced the ABXY buttons for third-party black ones to be concave/convex a la north american snes controller, considering erasing all the keys under the buttons to go full stealth too but maybe i'll just wait to do so for when the keys start smudging off on their own from use
gl anon, i did the same thing and thugged it out until my order came in from china too but as you can see from my pic, it was fully worth the wait upon applying the fix

my order came with like 20 packets of the edge filler too and it's definitely come in handy just hitting little corners of shit like the tempered glass protectors on my laptop and phone, i'm really anal about clean applications so this stuff was kinda godsent

friendly tip: i dunno if you'll get the kind that comes with a very narrow-tip brush or the applicator tip on the filler liquid, but if you get the brush kind, just cut the top of the liquid pouch and dip the tip in the solution and trace around your protector; don't go overboard and squeeze it in directly onto your device as it'll leak under the screen potentially damaging it or just get into your chinkheld

i had to tear mine apart fully to clean but did the edge filler fix on two mini pluses so knew what to do the second time around

>> No.10590870

Oh damn, thanks for the heads up!
I bought two different kinds, but dipping a brush into the liquid and applying it carefully sounds like a good call here.
I've swapped so many Vita screens obsessing over getting the perfect one, I'm happy to avoid having to open this thing.

>> No.10590930

a little sincerely goes a long way here in terms of the fluid which is really like an oil in consistency, i just dragged it along the edges after dipping and watched it fill the lifted portions satisfyingly

after that just used a microfiber and pressed to secure/squeeze any potential excess and voila

>> No.10590987

>Aya neo
>Cost effective

>> No.10591007
File: 34 KB, 474x610, OIP (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>users on here are saving their money to buy leftover SHIT lcds pasted on leftover SHIT phones with crappy chinese made controls

I read that in my head like the Charlie's grandma from smiling friends

>> No.10591049

Well you also have to remember, "cost efficient" by Ayaneo standards. I think people are speculating that they may be resorting to Ryzen 4000 APUs, which is still VEGA graphics and not much of a downgrade from the 5000 series, but again still not within Steam Deck territory at all.

>> No.10591053

Personally, I'm saving my money for a deck oled.

>> No.10591068

Any good vertislops with decent buttons under $50 (including shipping/taxes/etc)? Doesn't have to be too powerful, mainly just want something strong enough to do all the 2D consoles

>> No.10591107

After watching Russ RP4pro video, I'm convinced it's the only sensible option. These ecelebs lamers are shilling hard on the Odin2... Why spending almost as much as a SD OLED for chinese quality? It's nonsensical

>> No.10591146

>chinese quality
the steam deck is manufactured in china retard
>These ecelebs lamers are shilling hard
maybe learn how to speak english too

>> No.10591153

So you're telling me Valve quality control is the same as fucking retroid? Stupid nigger, enjoy your plastic toys and your squeaky buttons

>> No.10591157

The R36S is your only option but I’m not sure how expensive is it nowadays.

>> No.10591161

I trust my credit card company to give me a refund if I lose the OLED lottery on a deck and Gabe tries to buttfuck me, not so much on something you need to buy off aliexpress.

>> No.10591167
File: 2.48 MB, 1060x1325, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny you say that, the steam deck actually has squeakier and cheaper feeling face buttons compared to the odin 2. I know because I own both :) both have their strengths and weakenesses but I prefer the odin 2 most of the time

>> No.10591168

Time stamp?

>> No.10591172

if anything chargebacks would be easier with chinese companies because they have less resources to contest the chargeback compared to a huge company like valve

>> No.10591174

>le retroid... has better quality control than... le valve???!!1

>> No.10591176

What? Fucking why? Valve can contest the charge back, chinkheld sellers can't. You sound like a child who got his first credit card yesterday.

>> No.10591180

That's not how it works. If valve says "lolno" then I call my credit card and tell them valve is trying to rip me off and then my credit card company or bank eats the cost or valve settles up down the way later. For a chinese company, they can say "lolno" and I complain to my bank and they can just say "caveat emptor" because I'm doing business with chinks.

>> No.10591182

>t. never had to do a chargeback except for product not received on ebay

>> No.10591184

Okay zoomer.

>> No.10591186

I own a RP3+ and the thing feels like it will break in two if I play it too rough

>> No.10591190
File: 3.68 MB, 1726x1292, 2024-01-11 03_11_37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the switch lite face buttons are the best out of all of these desu, chinese companies should just copy those

>> No.10591192

That's what everyone would get if the hardware wasn't ass. Nice fucking gash, though.

>> No.10591193

I'm not a fan of the click on 3DS and Switch buttons, the og phat NDS is best. Sadly no handheld has come close fucking since in twenty years. Not even Nintendo themselves.

>> No.10591195

I didn't even realize that was a New 3DS, I thought it was the red DSlite until I had to figure out why the bottom was green.

>> No.10591197

2 and i send the email to cancel my rp4p order and refund the money towards a steam deck oled
3 and i get a sex change instead

retroid review videos really got me disillusioned

>> No.10591204

>nice fucking gash
I've hung out with too many euros and laughed at this kek. luckily its just on the screen protector
I agree, the clicky switch buttons suck, but specifically the switch lite on the bottom right in the pic has really nice rubber membrane face buttons. theyre a tiny bit too close together but they feel amazing

>> No.10591207

looking to get a miyoo mini plus on ali from either ampown or miyoo official store. which one should i go with? iirc ampown is currently selling it for $20 less. are they reliable? do they sell in open box if you chose to with the no sd card option?

>> No.10591229

Honestly whatever costs less. They should all take 2-3 weeks to arrive.

>> No.10591235
File: 1.39 MB, 3000x4000, 20231103_131127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Miyoo Mini and Miyoo Mini Plus come inside of a Miyoo case, they don't make boxes.

>> No.10591236

rp4 pro seems like a good idea, the green screen is confirmed fixed and it runs a lot of fun games while still being way more portable than a deck/odin 2/handheld pc. the only issue ive seen thats actually bad is the loud ass fan, but fans always sound super loud in reviews compared to real life so it might not even be that bad

>> No.10591286
File: 364 KB, 1702x1276, MIYOO-Mini-Plus-V3-Retro-Handheld-Game-Consoles-3-5Inch-IPS-Screen-3000mAh-WiFi-8000Games-Portable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10591289

They ship the Plus in the case if you buy one with the case. No need for personal insults because you were personally confused.

>> No.10591293

>>All Miyoo Mini and Miyoo Mini Plus come inside of a Miyoo case
>>they don't make boxes
giga retard

>> No.10591298
File: 31 KB, 425x459, 1685926972852542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

conGratulations on Winning the internet argument

>> No.10591383
File: 43 KB, 686x386, hq720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given that everyone wants the rp4 as a ps2 machine, it should have had the d-pad and stick inverted
Change my mind

>> No.10591401
File: 18 KB, 342x205, 1704973845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

>> No.10591421

why on earth would anyone want the dpad in the wrong place

>> No.10591425

Stick should always be on bottom, your thumb is flexible enough to control it without exactly being on the tip, with the dpad is a different story though.

>> No.10591440

hiveminders always say the dpad should be up top, but it actually is pretty uncomfortable to play small devices like this while using both analog sticks if theyre both on the bottom. especially if you need to use triggers at the same time.

>> No.10591457
File: 1.44 MB, 1080x824, dmg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive had it for nearly a decade
sorry i havent gotten famous yet

>> No.10591461

this nibba shows up to band practice with gameboys

>> No.10591474

But... the PS2 has the DS2 controller with the d-pad above the analog stick? What are you even talking about?

>> No.10591476

t. Xbot

>> No.10591486

sorry grandpa, we're talking about ps2, dreamcast, and gamecube, two of which had the left analog stick, you guessed it, on the top.

>> No.10591490
File: 713 KB, 1440x867, currentROSTER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how'd i do?
12" android tab for everything these devices cannot run
im low-key ok with not having EVERY system on mobile though

>> No.10591518

Which were wrong.
I can never stop meme'ing on how awful the GameCube controller was in every single way. The spongy teensy d-pad, the "c-stick" and analog stick trapped in octogon casings to force eight directions with fucking analog controls, the Fisher Price face buttons, the springy shoulder buttons, the asymmetrical stiff Z button, everything about it is such comical, laughable ass.

>> No.10591549

Yeah, but that one is actually ergonomical. In a small device that rest on your pinkie you force your thumb to overstrech and your hand to bend.
I usually dont mind, but I never had a ps2 and I was planning to play all the good titles in this while I conmute. Using it like that for tens of hours doesnt seem feasible.

>> No.10591580


>> No.10591591

The function key (middle one next to select and start) on the R36S has been correctly implemented:

You have to edit the config file, as well as change the hotkey mapping from within Retroarch and Retroarch32 both.

But holy shit, it's functional! It actually does work now, happy days everyone.

>> No.10591737

You'll also need to invest in a bt controller...and look like a retard playing it

>> No.10591781


Just got GB300 in the mail and did my usual test. Super Punch Out.

It's not good boys. It has the same slowdown as the sf2000 but the trick of starting and then quitting out doesn't fix it.

The L and R buttons are a lot more sturdy than they look though.

>> No.10591812


Even GB performance is blurry and stuttery trash. Unless someone decides (against all odds) to fix this firmware, this thing is a flop.

>> No.10591823


I normally don't complain about screen tearing but the tearing on the nes roms hurts my eyes,

>> No.10591843


GBA Roms are playable and not terrible... weirdly.

>> No.10591925
File: 1 KB, 96x90, 1655177254202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like that SteamOS announcement for the Ayaneo Next Lite was too good to be true. Turns out the CEO said they meant "Third PARTY SteamOS, not official SteamOS".
In other words, probably just ChimeraOS.

>> No.10591975

Figures. Wonder if the ChimeraOS people were contacted about it.

>> No.10591986

How is the d-pad, it was literally the only thing about the entire device that looked any decent.

>> No.10592004

>How is the d-pad

A bit loose in the case, passes the contra test, but is not hadoukenable.

>> No.10592052

> It has the same slowdown as the sf2000 but the trick of starting and then quitting out doesn't fix it.
Surprising since it's a clone of the SF-2000's internals. Have you tried putting the SF-2000's CFW on it?

>> No.10592083

That doesn't make any sense. Banks do not have any nationalistic tendicies whatsoever

>> No.10592087

Not true; They're loyal to each nation's individual laws. Did you know you can scam Japan for hundreds of thousands of dollars and they can't do shit all about it if you're in North America? Not that I would ever recommend scamming the Japanese, as that violates ethics, but you legally could and there's nothing Japan can do about it except try to avoid dealing with you specifically in the future.

>> No.10592092

Okay, maybe hundreds of thousands is an exaggeration, but you can definitely get away with like fifty grand worth of scamming out of them.

>> No.10592093

>it runs Burnout 3
Aaaaaaand ordered

>> No.10592113
File: 469 KB, 1120x720, The Anbernic RG35XX H Plus Mini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm conceptualizing ways to improve the Steam Deck Mini that either doesn't just literally just shrink the device down to be a literal smaller version of the original (which would be awful and require Valve to completely redesign new sticks which would likely just replicate the Vita's) or isn't a modified version of something else with Steam Deck aesthetics. I just don't think a SteamOS/Windows based handheld is feasible unless in a clamshell/"netbook" form.
Meanwhile, I unironically want an RG35XX-H that's a little smaller.

>> No.10592116

It just seems like basing a smaller Steam Deck off of the Switch lite makes the most sense; >>10587779

>> No.10592198


>Have you tried putting the SF-2000's CFW on it?

Thought about it. Might try this weekend. The menu music is the same as the sf2000 and some of the icons but the layout is different.

>> No.10592238
File: 789 KB, 4032x3024, 20231022_131632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely only praise the SF-2000 so much because it is so inexpensive but has such a high quality, ergonomically designed shape and build despite its software. The GB300 truly seems to be taking away the one thing that makes the SF-2000 nice, its shape and plastic quality.

>> No.10592283
File: 401 KB, 1001x790, Xbone Controller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it feel like a cheaper Xbone d-pad?

>> No.10592292

This is really nice, suprised it happened.

>> No.10592348
File: 2.99 MB, 3024x3791, 1000021161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make GBA games with the stretched pixels not look like actual ass on the RG35XX?
Some anon in here said that he made GBA games look good with the right overlay/filter, but I'm struggling to find a full-screen LCD grid that doesn't turn the entire image super dark, or has a border graphic that covers half the screen for integer scaling.

Anyone have a recommended overlay pack that includes some LCD and CRT grids?

>> No.10592369


Yeah the form factor is a huge selling point for the sf2000. The buttons on the GB300 are smaller, and mushy, too. It's a few notches above a chinabrick for about twice the price, so it's not *that* terrible. It's just not as good as the SF2K.

>> No.10592373


A bit, yeah. More mushy and springy though.

>> No.10592389


NTA, I live in Canada and all my aliexpress CC payments are processed through Alipay Canada which shows up on my statements as Alipay Canada and is registered with an address in Canada. I imagine the US has a similar arrangement.

>It's just like dealing with eBay


>> No.10592446

which of these is the comfiest to use for extended periods of time

>> No.10592450

Just use the bandlimit pixel shader with the smoothness to 0 or 0.1. That's what I use on my r36s

>> No.10592467

Is that a proper shader, or an overlay or filter?
Because the shader menu option seems to be disabled on GarlicOS. Probably not powerful enough, I've seen this before on Retroarch on the 3DS I believe.

>> No.10592575

You're a fucking retard if you think the place of manufacturing is what people mean by chinese quality. QUALITY moron, as in, the quality of the whole process is shit because it's not done by people with high standards and the workers are not being paid enough/work under people who give enough of a fuck.

>> No.10592578

What are you actually playing though?

>> No.10592579

Something horizontal really. And unfortunately, something like the Odin (not pocketable and not cheap) seems to be about the peak of handheld comfort.
I'll stick with the sub $100 hand cramping but cute sector.

>> No.10592586
File: 2 KB, 640x427, anonsGBAoverlay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a combination of these for any 640x480 screen I want to play gba on

1- 3:2 non-integer scaling
2- pixellate shader or sharp billinear 2x prescale, both found in the interpolation folder in the retroarch shaders
3- the overlay in picrel, but you have to make a .cfg file for it in the same location with the same filename as the image otherwise retroarch won't load it, and the .cfg file must contain the following:

overlays = 1

overlay0_overlay = SameFilenameAsImage.png

overlay0_full_screen = true

overlay0_descs = 0

>> No.10592589

MM+ if you have hands large enough to one hand it

>> No.10592594

side note, if the overlay looks fucked up when you add it, make sure Auto-Scale Overlay is set to Off

>> No.10592602
File: 204 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_20240111-154348[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here's an example of how it should look when you're done

>> No.10592665

ebay is hard to fuck with when it comes to chargebacks because their process is shit. If valve fucks me over, I can just call my bank and they take care of it. I bought something off ebay and tried to charge it back for non-delivery like I did something I bought from Nordstrom's (a jacket) that didn't show it and they told me I had to go through their "process" that took three weeks. When my jacket didn't show up and Nordstrom said it did arrive, it took me 15 minutes.

>> No.10592675

God, I wish I could spend 50 more bucks for a rg35xx/mm handheld with a screen as nice as the analogues.

>> No.10592693

if you don't have the ability to use shaders, a lot of lower end devices will have some filters in retroarch>main settings>video

>> No.10592784

Can the rg35xx+ handle neogeo arcade games?

>> No.10592793

lowkey we may see such devices soon enough, all these VR headsets with square or 10:9 ratios, mini displays on the outside of foldable phones with similar specs, all will end up in a shenzhen tech dump

>> No.10592861
File: 2.36 MB, 2560x1440, Bsp-d9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For phone bros, asus is making a backbone/kishi 1 style controller. (It can fold in half, keeping it safe)
For tablet bros, the rebranded hello gamesir x2s fits tablets and the bsp-d9 was made for tablets in mind. The d9 also has hall sticks and the only telescopic controller where the sticks are diagonal (I think)

The sf2000 being the only Snes controller shaped chinkheld with big face buttons will never not make me laugh

>> No.10592889

Their screens are already nice, you dont need the anal log density

>> No.10592927

Perhaps it can out of the box, and maybe more of them with Garlic OS or somethingI know that it can handle PS1 and Dreamcast at a 5-6/10 at best. Definitely not most later stuff which uses analog sticks. IDK about 3DO, and Saturn, though.

>> No.10592935

It should, it's around RK3566 level.

>> No.10592973

You could do a lot with that kind of ppi and overlays, there is definitely a reason Apple shills their retina displays.
Been considering getting one of those boards to convert a iPad 3 screen into a mini monitor.

>> No.10592978

Making ugly peripherals should be a crime.

>> No.10592985

Unfortunately because people liked the way that the PS Portal looks enough to buy it, this is going to be a new standard of sorts. I dont know who those people are though because it looks worse than any Ayn or Ayaneo product.

>> No.10592987

in video settings (not shaders) set the filter to normal4x. it'll look something like this >>10587970

>> No.10593009

>people liked the way
Which people made up most of who liked it by that much, hmmm? Gen Z and Gen Alpha virtual autist ipad children and early teens?

>> No.10593020

Thats the thing, it would make perfect sense for it to be just zoomers or ipad kids, but there seems to be a weird mixture of gamer dad-types who seemingly wanted despite it being a streaming only device. I just dont understand it when its worth less than a Vita or a PSP.

>> No.10593030

based swordcraft story enjoyer

>> No.10593038
File: 260 KB, 1080x813, new-to-emulation-devices-100-obsessed-v0-ce7v1phrmwac1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got 2 of the most astroturfed gadgets on the site

>> No.10593050
File: 7 KB, 231x218, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had my 353m for over a year. It gets a fuck ton of use. Also own the 351m because im a huge gbafag. I assume I'll get the rp4 for some portable Viewtiful Joe and Simpsons hit and run some day but my ds/3ds has a backlog I got to catch up on.

>> No.10593068


>> No.10593078

can you post your cat?

>> No.10593185

so how's the OS situation with rg35XX plus? stay on the default/upgrade official chink or install other CFW? mine was $80 shipped to EU, for the record.

>> No.10593243




>Garlic 2.0 Alpha is out
>It's a full release but he's going to keep calling it alpha until he gets hardware acceleration working
>Problem is, it runs slower than the last release at 1.4 on some devices

That was on Jan 4.

I think you have to sign up for the patreon to see the repo and commits, but I'm not sure.

>> No.10593249
File: 3 KB, 292x219, cfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried it, but it doesn't look quite the same. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

>> No.10593250
File: 504 KB, 761x583, He actually bought it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10593252
File: 134 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_20240111-203442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, wrong pic

>> No.10593257

Truth, as my Japanese improves I have been importing more weird ds games to fuck around on.
Min UI and Batocera are also both in alpha/pre alpha releases, so we are in the great if you like to fuck around with unfinished projects stage. Otherwise, stick with stock firmware and wait. MinUI is what I am going to use for bit personally.



>> No.10593286
File: 3 KB, 640x480, anonsgba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like the overlay isn't scaling correctly for whatever reason, it should just cover the game and not the black bars on top and bottom. it could be due to the overlay settings or retroarch video settings, but it might be easier to just use this version of the overlay I made just now. the size is now a full 640x480 but the filename is the same as yours so it should just be drag and drop replacement. you might have to load a different overlay, then load this one again to have it apply though.

>> No.10593320


>> No.10593325

What is?

>> No.10593331

I can't believe Anbernic actually used the shitty old d-pad on the RG35XX H. Which means they probably plan on making an RG35XX H+.

>> No.10593339

Yeah I was so close to picking one up.
Can you swap the dpads yourself?

>> No.10593343

Russ, if it bothers you that much get a grip.

>> No.10593345

You don't have any right to call anyone buckbroken while simultaneously defending the most locked down shit company in all of existence.

>> No.10593352
File: 105 KB, 720x656, IMG_20240111_220346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, 299 USD
>steam OS (HololOs)

>> No.10593360

Not sure how good that CPU selection is compared to a Steam Deck, but AYANEO's finally figured out "budget" means "around $300-$500" and not "$12132u7987238942342"

>> No.10593369
File: 80 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_20240111-221530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ty, looks a lot better no

>> No.10593371

Anon, do you not remember what happened the last time they promised a cheap, competitive price?

>> No.10593392

>299 USD
>four year old cpu

>> No.10593393

nice, glad it worked!

>> No.10593403
File: 158 KB, 1024x960, Ripple Island (English v1.0)_018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It always amuses me when people get assblasted at other people enjoying retro gaming.
Sure the consumerist/fetishist/collector aspect can be weird, but that applies to hoarders of vintage machines too, not just china made retro handhelds.
Playing old videogames IS preserving their cultural heritage.
The only way a game can truly die is if no one plays it.

>> No.10593410

One question for the R36S
When you put roms in it does it have to be a specific format? Don't feel like fucking around with different formats. I just want to slap some games on it and play

>> No.10593414

will get a rg35xx h if it gets cfw

>> No.10593415
File: 174 KB, 1244x1244, 1000020658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon. I saved your comments and png and will try it out tomorrow! Seems like GBA games still look fairly decent given the constraints

>> No.10593429

I've only added N64 and Dreamcast roms to mine, it was as simple as dragging and dropping the files with no converting.

>> No.10593439

don't listen to the anbernigs and cavemen who can't wield the miyoos without dropping them and destroying the screen, it may be their one-hit wonder but it's truly well-rounded which is rare in this chinkheld space

>> No.10593442

It's a proper shader, im not sure if garlic os exposes the rg35xx's gpu.

>> No.10593445

You sound identical to the Nintendo apologists about the DSlite's hinge.

>> No.10593450

no i'm just a functioning adult who hasn't dropped their phone or equivalent in over a decade
has nothing to do with a device with a poor hinge design that gives out with use lmao, to equate that is a stretch but do you

>> No.10593453

>i'm a functioning adult
You really aren't.

>> No.10593459

I mean it's sort of tempting in its own weird way as an experiment, but I'm just wondering whats stopping them from printing out more Mendocino or i3 1215u models since those were what Ayaneo originally hyped up as the "budget" models last year. Or even just putting out more regular Airs with the 5560U and 16GB of RAM.

The CPU might be a tiny bit better the Deck due to having 6 cores (?), but the GPU as always is the killer because it's still Vega graphics. It wont even come close to the vanilla Ayaneo Air models probably. Only thing interesting is wondering if SteamOS will slightly help with battery efficiency any.

>> No.10593493

good one

>> No.10593558
File: 613 KB, 640x960, overlays.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know overlays already exist but I wanted a go at whipping together my own Gameboy one for my 2S, paired it with the gameboy_pocket shader that comes with Retroarch. Thoughts?

>> No.10593569

Looks good.

>> No.10593579

jelos for the TSP

>> No.10593631
File: 1.67 MB, 1280x960, filters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the topic of filters, tried tweaking until it felt like a proper composite CRT. Was never super happy with a lot of the "good" crt filters cause they always felt way more clean and polished than the actual TVs and cables people used back in the day so I wanted to nail that semi-grimy vibe

>> No.10593664

Different anon here, thanks for the overlay. It looks much nicer than tossing on the scanlines filter.

>> No.10593747 [DELETED] 

no problem! I didn't make it, I just found it in a pack on reddit when digging for overlays a while ago and I just removed the logo, here's the originals if you guys want them, and there's even a gameboy overlay there too


>> No.10593750

no problem! I didn't make it, I just found it in a pack on reddit when digging for overlays a while ago and I just removed the logo, here's the originals if you guys want them, and there's even a gameboy overlay there too. The one I posted is the second link called GBA_3x_pixel_alt


>> No.10593868
File: 64 KB, 960x1280, photo_2024-01-12_13-42-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12 months after getting the RG351V, the R2 button is failing and only registers when pressing it hard. I don't use it that frequently.

I expected buttons to fail like that and I don't care that much since 99% of what I play is GB/C and PCE, but it's odd that the second least used button would fail first (Fast Forward).

>> No.10593885

9 month after getting my RP3+, the battery begins to fail (even if I take good care of it). These chinese toys are really crappy

>> No.10593890

I probably should have gotten the Steam Deck first instead of going through an Android controller and the Anbernigga. But I knew what the risks were, so no crying allowed. I still use the RG when I am not carrying a backpack.

The flaw on the RG351V that I can't forgive is the lack of shielding. Depending on the earphones, It's impossible to hear anything when playing on a packed train because of all the interference from smartphones and BT headphones..

>> No.10593971

That sucks. How common are these issues?
Maybe phonefags are right.

>> No.10594009

yup, phonefags are right, better go spend $600 on a phone and $100 on a controller to play SNES and GBA

>> No.10594049

No shielding? Extremely common. Funny enough, the OLEDeck seems to be suffering from interference too so might want to wait for HW revisions.

>> No.10594051

>Implying you don't have a smartphone already and that there aren't controllers cheaper than most handhelds.

>> No.10594104

>just keep carrying telescopic garbage around and putting it on and off
No. You need to dedicate a phone for this comparison to make any sense and it'll still be inferior by virtue of being fuckwide and having dodgy button quality.

>> No.10594107

>You need to dedicate a phone for this comparison to make any sense
Implying you don't have an older smartphone laying around that hasn't seen any use for a while

>> No.10594116

>just keep carrying telescopic garbage around and putting it on and off

This is why I stopped using it. It's ok if you are at home or on a long trip, but putting it and removing it every 20 minutes was the worst. I have the Gamesir X2 USB-C, and since it lacks an ON-OFF, switch, it keeps draining the phone battery if left attached. And When the spring folds back after removing the phone, The analog stick's cover flew across the bloody train.

I like how clicky the gamesir is, but the RG351V fits in my coat's pocket.

>> No.10594126

Well, I don't. Besides, I prefer budget phones for their less power hungry chips, bet my aging current one benchmarks significantly worse than my RP2S.

>> No.10594140
File: 226 KB, 1280x576, photo1695233728(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe phonefags are right.
We always were.
I'm glad you're all finally seeing the light... jokes aside, stuff like faulty buttons and battery issues can happen with anything, that goes for most of these smartphone controllers too, at one point mine started to have issues with it's battery LED indicator, it still does really, so I have no way of knowing wheter it needs charging or not, and it keeps blinking every few seconds, it just sucks.

I still think it's a good method though, but only if you don't mind playing on it, or have an older one you don't use anymore, since a controller can be cheaper than a cheap handheld, at least mine is.

Also, it's not very portable compared to an actual handheld you can fit in your pocket, but if you're looking to play in bed/at home, or always carry a bag with you, then sure, it does work fine really.

To be fair, a flagship smartphone is likely to be able to emulate stuff like PS2 quite well, and it doubles as a good smartphone too for daily use, so it can be worth it, while emulating SNES and GBA can be done in pretty much any cheaper model or older one you might still have around.

Indeed, it really is too wide, I measured mine once and it was almost as wide as a Steam Deck, that's mostly due to new smartphones always going for 19.5:9 or even 21:9 aspect ratios, which is frustrating, 16:9 was fine, anyways you get a lot of negative space even if you stretch it to 16:9, again this solution is only good if you can find a controller for very cheap like I did really.

>> No.10594151


>> No.10594168
File: 256 KB, 800x800, photo1692022435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess, but then again calling Chinese handhelds that have tons of new models, every single year, due to a recent spike in popularity is hardly SOVL either, the only way for an emulation handheld to feel SOVL would be maybe something like a Vita or 3DS, but either way those are older hardware and you're still emulating at the end of the day, I think it's best to not overthink this, and just play.

I was able to finish a lot of titles thanks to this, a few of them at my GFs place even, sometimes at night when I can't sleep and go to the living room for a bit... it's easier than taking a console there.

Also, it's got a DualShock D-Pad, despite it being 4 buttons, and has a symmetrical layout which reminds me of the Wii U, all positives in my book, so it works for me despite it being SOVLLESS.

P.S. One advice I can give for people with this as their setup, if you emulate Genesis, use the core "Genesis Plus GX Wide" as it lets you have it in widescreen without stretching, that way you can have less, or even no negative space at all. I think SNES has a core for that too, but it's harder to run, so only stronger smartphones might be able to make it work. Anyways, this core is a blessing.

>> No.10594197

NTA but I actually don't. I either trade in my old phones or just give them to family. Also by the time I stop using them the battery is usually shot making them significantly worse for gaming than an actual chinkheld.

>> No.10594218

I know it's still shit compared to a Deck but I'm glad we're finally getting some other cheap options besides the Loki Zero.

>> No.10594227

>looks bad
>and tiny
that's the point innit? ps2 in ur pocket.

>> No.10594239

phones overheat, good android handhelds have fans built in, just like the switch and steam deck, that allow them to play ps2 for more than 10 minutes before throttling

>> No.10594243

Phonefags and chinkheldfags are friends and I'm tired of pretending they're not
Chinkhelds tend to have fans, but flagship phones tend to have the better copper for heat dispitation

>> No.10594250

>better copper for heat dispitation
And then you strap a controller to the back to hold the heat in.

>> No.10594258

i own a controller for my phone, but usually only use it for android games, and rarely at that. I have a flagship from about 3 years ago and it just can't run ps2 for more than about 10 minutes without slowdowns. I occasionally play gb games on my phone but with touchscreen since they usually don't require much precision (pokemon etc)

>> No.10594262

>267mm wide
into the trash it goes

>> No.10594265

Is it all that shit? If the battery isn't bad and HoloISO works out, I can see this being a decent option for indieshit and VNs.

>> No.10594282

>Phonefags and chinkheldfags are friends and I'm tired of pretending they're not

>> No.10594306

>Newest version of duckstation for android added shaders support
Aww shit boys

>> No.10594308
File: 1.40 MB, 1978x1434, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RG556 apparently coming out after Chinese New Years (feb 10 - 24), RG406 in april. People are now saying the anbernig 6th gen chip is a unisoc t820, which is on par with the d900 in the RP4 non-pro if geekbench is to be believed. a smidge better in multicore and a smidge worse in single core. also has wifi6 just like the d900. What makes it interesting is the power efficiency: t820 has a tdp of 5w, half of the d900's 10w tdp.


Both of these phones have the same 120hz 6.6" 1080 x 2408 IPS screen (biggest power draw aside from chip), but one has the t820 and the other has the d900. the one with the t820 is listed at 13.5 hours on a 4500mAh battery, and the one with the d900 is listed at 19 hours on a 10,800mAh battery. That's 3 hours for every 1000mAh in the t820 phone vs 1.76 hours for every 1000mAh in the d900 phone. obviously there are other differences affecting power draw besides the chips, but this gives a general idea assuming the battery life figures are even reliable.


>> No.10594314

oh and the rg406 is listed as 4:3 1280x720, but obviously that's wrong. Either it has a 4" 16:9 panel (less likely imo), or they meant to type 960*720 for the resolution (more likely imo). Could also have meant 1280*960, just depends which half they got wrong assuming it really is 4:3.

>> No.10594414

Isn't it more expensive than a refurbished deck though?

>> No.10594415
File: 30 KB, 828x362, 17d509a1cd11728bacbea41a8efcc3cec2fd2c49-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10594416

The Anbernig fears the PowCHADdy

>> No.10594417
File: 22 KB, 580x542, cf2223529822720e68c7cac23dcb0a46f31fabd7-2-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10594418
File: 113 KB, 757x531, 1704500864520793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10594420
File: 78 KB, 420x240, Drop it on a child.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10594421
File: 135 KB, 600x585, 1565821523342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The butthole must be destroyed, garbage

>> No.10594426
File: 96 KB, 792x558, 1463070235151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brother Zhou, calm down
>stop it, Brother Zhou
can anyone stop this madman?

>> No.10594474
File: 100 KB, 242x238, 523bf11ac0b0b194230500efa20af905a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an iPhone and have access to DS/GBA emulation and I'm not jailbroken

>> No.10594665

What the hell is going on here?

>> No.10594691

why are your fingers so gouty

>> No.10594695

Literally no better indicator of "I have no real-life friends" than phone controller dildos

>> No.10594704

How come?
I have a lot of real life friends, and a GF.
I got a controller instead of a handheld because I had an old phone that I wanted to find new use for, and I got a controller for cheap.

>> No.10594707

Embarrassing attempt.

>> No.10594720

That's the Deck actually

>> No.10594725


>> No.10594730

Attempt at what? I'm just being honest, your point makes no sense.

>> No.10594740

I can be your friend, but you must apologize first.

>> No.10594759

Zhou's shitposting became straight unhinged late 2022 for some reason.
>Literally [Headcannon]
Telescopic controllers BROKE you.

>> No.10594775

>Street Pass NEVER existed!
Literally couldn't step outside in 2012 without getting dozens of Miis.

>> No.10594828
File: 196 KB, 364x494, 1693968611084925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking based

>> No.10594879

When will Brother Zhou cease to wage his chinkheld jihad?

>> No.10594908

Not until Zhang's butthole is prolapsed

>> No.10594950
File: 383 KB, 800x800, 12341251561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone gotten the chicken SMB romhack off of the M1 chicken boy yet? If not how would one go about it?

>> No.10594975

Impossible, they coded it behind multiple layers of chinese runes to ensure people play it the way it was intended.

>> No.10595114
File: 263 KB, 1280x720, 1689089975541770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, has anyone bit the bullet on trying the funnyplaying fpga kit? I'm a little wary of the screen, I heard that 4x integer scale doesn't fill up the whole thing which is absolutely retarded for something thats supposed to be a gameboy replica

>> No.10595141

Real talk I don't get the point of this kit.

>"FPGA, it's just like the real thing!"
Cool, how do you use it?
>"Get the actual real thing and throw away it's internals"

>> No.10595159

a real gameboy in the same condition would be way more expensive. and thats without a backlit screen

>> No.10595173
File: 129 KB, 900x446, Wideboy now with Wide Screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if
The Wideboy actually had a wide screen?

>> No.10595186

Looked more into it, and didn't realize that the kit came with all the goods you need to make the gameboy (besides buttons), I'd just assumed it was a board replacement for an authentic GBC.

Yeah for $100 or so that's not terrible actually

>> No.10595210
File: 473 KB, 1050x749, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fug, wish there was something this cheap for us gamegear bros.

>> No.10595238

Yeah. Funnyplaying has everything, and the kit has the usual shit youd want with a gb mod (usb c battery, better speaker, backlit screen, etc)
Part of the appeal to me is that its basically a way to get a fresh gameboy in modern times.

>> No.10595242

It's actually kinda funny that you have the Anal Log shills talking about how it's such an "authentic experience", meanwhile someone made an actual fpga gameboy color clone with authentic form factor with obscene levels of customizability for half the price.

>> No.10595271

The d-pad is probably better.

>> No.10595325
File: 80 KB, 640x400, GameCube Portable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking WHEN

>> No.10595338

Brother Zhou will make this happen

>> No.10595342

is there any reason to gett an RG35xx H instead of a RP2S? i like how it looks but if i can get an RP2S shipped for like $20 more than the H, why wouldn't I just do that?

>> No.10595353

If you don't like Android.

>> No.10595359

that looks really cool. gives me flashbacks to playing SNES PS1 and N64 in my friend's basement, i can almost feel the beanbag chair.

>> No.10595360

No, not only is it weaker, you're still stuck on the shitty official FW.

>> No.10595362

No, not really. Linux is better, but the chip is garbage and the buttons are much worse.

>> No.10595369

What company does brother zhou work for anyway?

>> No.10595397

Why target Zhang instead of waging chinkheld hackerman Jihad against the Great Firewall of Red China that keeps the bulk of the population ignorant and closed-up as to many things to varying degrees, depending on topic.

>> No.10595402

having it be more plug and play would be nice i guess. i'm about half retarded on a good day

but i've seen youtube tutorials and read the guides and it doesn't look that hard to set up

>> No.10595410

I just want to know if there's screen tearing. An anon in past threads mentioned screen tearing on LCD replacements for GameBoys and now I'm paranoid by the lack of documentation on it around the internet. I don't know if only some screens have it, all screens have it, or if anon was just unlucky. I also wonder about how well they all scale. I don't want any non-integer scaled shit.

>> No.10595429
File: 139 KB, 900x446, Wideboy Plus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can go further

>> No.10595436

It isn't, it just takes time and can be weird if you're not familiar with RA. Distros like ArkOS and JELOS throw shit your way to fix too anyway.

>> No.10595447

I think shell is a bit different from an actual shell. The screen size is an obvious difference.

>> No.10595449

Thanks! It's a combo of the artifact colors shader (in the ntsc folder) enabling the blargg_ntsc_snes_composite video filter in the main video settings, and a custom scanline filter I made specifically for 480p screens so that you don't get any weird scaling patterns

>> No.10595456
File: 56 KB, 1014x430, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if i can get an RP2S shipped for like $20 more
what the fuck man, how is there only a $25 difference?

>> No.10595471

Retroid unironically just fuckin mopped the floor with every mid level handheld with the 2S, and the RP4P looks like it'll do the same with the high level ones (I know more powerful options exist but not in any practical sense)

>> No.10595476
File: 194 KB, 900x666, Wideboy Plus Flip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10595506

Anbernig's own prices are fucking absurd, it's probably cheaper on Ali.

>> No.10595515
File: 80 KB, 474x237, GameCube Portable Online.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10595548
File: 114 KB, 600x591, 1674814571845078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're no good
Can't you see
Brother Stinky Chinky Weenky

>> No.10595559
File: 335 KB, 1027x625, Z Pocket BBG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guys who fucked up the ZPG A1 Unicorn are making a more horizontal handheld using the exact same fucked up retarded d-pad design, what is fucking wrong with them? Apparently they brag that it replicates an arcade stick in the way the 360's d-pad was supposed to. They deliberately chased after the fucking Xbox 360's d-pad.

>> No.10595565

How do you change settings when using steam rom manager? I'm trying to play a PS1 game and it's made it widescreen with some glitches. Is there a button combo or something? I'm dumb.

>> No.10595571
File: 646 KB, 620x700, final build.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual fuck are they fucking thinking? Both of their world premiere handhelds as a sister company to GKD and they're just making the most fucking stupidest shit I have ever seen.

>> No.10595584
File: 392 KB, 984x1384, ai unicorn dpad disaster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For reference, the d-pad is a plastic circle with a metal rod on another plastic circle.

>> No.10595589
File: 127 KB, 626x572, When the A1 Unicorn drops her D-pad in class next to you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all have no idea how genuinely upset I am about this d-pad. I would have bought both of these devices if it weren't for it.

>> No.10595592
File: 365 KB, 1101x640, GB300 sf-2000 clone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fucking GB300 has a better d-pad than ZPG's devices, holy shit

>> No.10595593

Ive never had screen tearing on my funnyplaying gba ips. Just google it

>> No.10595619

>Apparently they brag that it replicates an arcade stick in the way the 360's d-pad was supposed to. They deliberately chased after the fucking Xbox 360's d-pad.
Oh my fuck, whyyyyyyyyyyy.

>> No.10595639

>Just google it
I've had no luck finding info about screen tearing on the CGS GBC screens.

>> No.10595641
File: 22 KB, 1080x420, The A1 Unicorn D-pad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the single most stupidest fucking design for a d-pad I have ever seen in my life, and I've seen the inner workings of the Xbox 360 d-pad.

>> No.10595665
File: 583 KB, 518x646, final d-pad design is true.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean in the sketch, the space in the handheld's shell for the d-pad's metal bar is far wider and not nearly as thin, you can see how thick it is here; >>10595584 But holy shit how the fuck are you supposed to do any diagonals with that thing? It brute force locks you into four directions and it doesn't even fucking return to the center when released.

>> No.10595674
File: 425 KB, 1280x720, gkd_pixel34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, parent company GKD's Pixel is doing gangbusters in China already with international stores going live soon(tm). God damn the Pixel is so fucking sexy despite being a nano/micro handheld.

>> No.10595683

It looks sexy but it just looks like it'd be a bitch to use

>> No.10595702

Is it even possible to go smaller than a classic Miyoo and be functional?

>> No.10595707

Google it

>> No.10595713

It looks tiny as heck, but the buttons are bigger and better spaced than the Miyoo Mini's despite the whole device being smaller. My only two concerns are how hot it gets and those shoulder buttons looking lame.

>> No.10595719

I'm not a fan of micro handhelds but the Pixel does look like the RG Nano done right.

>> No.10595724

I'm less worried about the buttons and more worried about actually holding it for longer than 10 minutes

>> No.10595727
File: 2.65 MB, 3024x4032, 1000021236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got around to trying your overlay just now! Looks great, and I've set it as the default for all my GBA games on this. Thanks!

Now if only there were a way to make the games sound a little less bad on the RG35XX, though the GBA never had great sound to begin with tbf

>> No.10595741
File: 1.09 MB, 3000x4000, 20231103_131145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Miyoo Mini V4 owner. I have never played this thing for more than five minutes.

>> No.10595745

See if you have low pass filter to enable on the core, there's also audio filters on RA.

>> No.10595753
File: 838 KB, 1800x2371, IMG_7605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too small... too small for me...
But at least it isn't the FunkeyS with the clamshell removed like the fucking RG Nano was.

>> No.10595775
File: 368 KB, 3265x3180, zprvidc20lr91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't get to voice or animate for the Hazbin pilot
>Don't get to voice or animate for Smiling Friends
>Consolation prize is getting the raw, uncensored first season of Smiling Friends before it aired
Thanks for reminding me about the bit I still have to do where Mammon and Asmodeus are knocking on Fizzaroli's door.
"This is going to be great, Ozzie. I love owning Fizz. I own Fizz, Ozzie! I OWN FIZZ!!"

>> No.10595782
File: 2.90 MB, 3024x4032, 1000021239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually have one of the lowpass filters on for GBA, but they can only do so much. No lowpass filter on the gbsp core though, sadly.

>> No.10595787

The GKD Pixel's buttons don't look bigger than the Miyoo Mini's, but they are less recessed.

>> No.10595806


>> No.10595809

wtf are you talking about?

>> No.10595821


>> No.10595898

>Pretending that in our year of 2011+12 that every individual's Google search isn't both restricted and "optimized" by the algorithms so some people literally cannot find the same things as others
Welcome to Web3.0

>> No.10595906
File: 34 KB, 1265x406, Bear paw Gamecube six buttons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we're going all-out asking, six face buttons.

>> No.10595909

or you could just use a different search engine/incognito instead of being a blackpill spouting defeatist loser

>> No.10595918
File: 383 KB, 719x1024, Rainbow Friendship Twinblade Final Form Omega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck am I looking at

>> No.10595924
File: 37 KB, 947x828, 1687707307663525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"C button"

>> No.10595940

Holy fuck, what a blast from the past.

>> No.10595959

someone fill me in?

>> No.10595961

Looks nice anon

>> No.10595963

I, too do voice work/ comics.

>> No.10595969

You changed the power led? Looks a bit better.

>> No.10595994

yeah, took it from an actual photo of a DMGs light

>> No.10596021
File: 126 KB, 860x420, The A1 Unicorn D-pad further.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.10596026

Before Original The Character(tm) there were emo furries and Kingdom Hearts fans who made tons of OCs on deviantart with the running themes being every original character was just covered in as many rainbows, wings, belts, scars, and clashing colours as possible. But unironically. It's what Coldsteel the Hedgehog actually makes fun of originally before it became all about Sonic OCs.

>> No.10596028
File: 294 KB, 1388x518, anbernic dpad perfected.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw I've actually developed d-pads

>> No.10596036

CAD file in Blender?

>> No.10596037

There are ways around it but it doesn't matter if literally nobody on the internet is talking about the specific issue/subject.

>> No.10596046

Which one actually lasts and doesn't fall apart when you look at it wrong

>> No.10596054

Weren't they gonna make a clamshell hybrid RG Arc 4" with 6 face buttons, sticks and a chip commensurate to the D900. This chip sound better.

>> No.10596057

Where the fuck did you hear any of that?

>> No.10596058

>Weren't they gonna make a clamshell hybrid RG Arc 4" with 6 face buttons, sticks and a chip commensurate to the D900.
man I want to go to your timeline.

>> No.10596059

I remember the general "culture" of the time, I just didn't know if the sword was a specific callback to something

>> No.10596061

Anbernig got mogged

>> No.10596087
File: 1.40 MB, 1440x1080, Powkiddy Operation Dogfucking Transformer edit.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zhou seems crazy, It may happen. Unless Powkiddy steals their thunder..

>> No.10596134
File: 668 KB, 852x724, Donut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10596141

>And with that, the Batarang was born...

>> No.10596162

You have a pink arm tattoo and you don't play any games at all

>> No.10596176

And which one of them do we all use today?

>> No.10596196

You're thinking of the second r36s owner.

>> No.10596219


>> No.10596334

Its true. google and every other search results/personalized algorithm is completely broken nowadays

>> No.10596412

New Gachimuchi dropped in, boys

>> No.10596424

i bought a v2 mini over a year ago cause i thought it'd be cool and despite being an absolute twig, the mini was way too small for me to comfortably use too, so i ditched it shortly after and it's been in storage ever since

only when those temu scams popped up permitting mini pluses to be picked up for ~$30 did i get one, and i'm actually glad i gave the plus a chance, as i wrote them off despite being into the idea

>> No.10596437

I use mine all the time. Stop death gripping it like an Xbox nigger

>> No.10596467
File: 552 KB, 760x724, Donut steel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what you ask for/ want. But this is probably what you'll get..

>> No.10596487
File: 420 KB, 634x724, 'Nig RG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10596498
File: 1.59 MB, 1280x960, ps1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same filters applied to PS1 games and I really dig this

>> No.10596519

Bring the sticks a little closer and I unironically might be interested. Plus, upside-down it looks like a cute bat.

>> No.10596526

can you make JELOS boot straight into RetroArch?

>> No.10596549

Whoa....... you said a slur....... right this way, sir, you are now welcome to the underground society of 4chan. heh........ youre playing with the big dogs now.

>> No.10596819

Thank you, now clean my shoes slave.

>> No.10596864

Can you teach me how to do this please? I might have missed it.

>> No.10596869

Thanks for the stardew valley.
Any other portmaster games that i can download?