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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10579836 No.10579836 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so beloved when there are literally no good games for it? I've been searching for one hour. The only good one is Skies of Arcadia.

>> No.10579851

You had to be there

>> No.10579857

dreamcast 2 never existed, it has no games

>> No.10579864

Crazy Taxi
Crazy Taxi 2
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure 2
Shenmue 2
Jet Set Radio
Cosmic Smash
Chu-Chu Rocket

I know this is a troll thread but the Dreamcast was great stuff

>> No.10579868

Cannon Spike
Tokyo Xtreme Racer
Tokyo Xtreme Racer 2
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (at the time, the best version)
Blue Stinger
Soul Reaver
Metropolis Street Racer
Zombie Revenge
Dynamite Cop
Frame Gride
lotsa shmups

>> No.10579870
File: 237 KB, 1600x900, 1702092759276926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the fun bags on that hose hound.

>> No.10579885

Shenmue: Origins
Alex Kidd Rebirth
Shinobi X-2
Dragon Force 3
Ecco Adventure

the list goes on

>> No.10579896

It's soulful and not very popular. The perfect combination for the /vr/ contrarian

>> No.10579898

Sonic 4, too

>> No.10579902

"I don't have that money"

>> No.10579904

Soul Calibur
Skies of Arcadia

That's it. But man, what a triple threat

>> No.10579946

looks like average breasts on the smaller side, do you live in Asia or something

>> No.10579962

This. Some of my most treasured gaming experiences were on the Dreamcast, but they were a product of their time. Somebody trying, say, PSO today just isn't going to have the same sort of mind-blowing experience I had with it over 20 years ago.

>> No.10579965
File: 115 KB, 640x480, sadv1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for dreamcast this is not a meme

>> No.10579985

I skipped over Crazy Taxi because you can just play GTA.

Shenmue 1 and 2 are already available everywhere.

>Jet Set Radio
>Cosmic Smash
>Chu-Chu Rocket

those are like those generic wii games no? segaslop doesn't quite count

>> No.10579986

No im just heterosexual

>> No.10579994

>console dies after 2 years
>every game gets ported
>hurr durr no good games this one is available elsewhere!

>> No.10579995

Phantasy Star Online, Shenmue, Sonic Adventure, Power Stone

>> No.10580000

These graphics were honestly mindblowing at the time, it was a huge step up from PSX

>> No.10580001

Counterpoint: There are many, many good games for it.

>> No.10580008
File: 31 KB, 496x288, xbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dreamcast 2 never existed
Yes it did.

>> No.10580014 [DELETED] 

>that beak

>> No.10580017

Wrong, the dreamcast was a true 3d console, whilst the xbox was an obsolete 2d triangle accelerator.

>> No.10580021

>I skipped over Crazy Taxi because you can just play GTA.
You're a fucking retard. Its arcade gameplay design makes Crazy Taxi completely unlike GTA. The only thing those two games have in common is that they both allow you to drive in city traffic while breaking any and all traffic rules, but it's not like they are the only two games series with that feature either.

>> No.10580025

other way around, Dreamcast didn't even have a T&L unit, it did everything in software. Xbox had T&L and hardware pixel shaders, it was two generations ahead of the Dreamcast.

>> No.10580027

>all games with cars are like GTA
Dumb take, maybe dumbest take

>> No.10580028

>what good games are on a Sega console
>hurrrr segaslop doesn't count

Unironically off yourself, then apologize to God for wasting the breath of life he gave you.

>> No.10580036

I was, and it was shit.

>> No.10580045

Shaders were a mistake. Modern gpus are completly brain dead and can't render 3d properly, the z-buffer is completely worthless as it does not work for transparency. The dreamcast is a proper 3d system, that actually draws polygons in the correct order.

>> No.10580061

did you forgot to take your aspirin today? modern gpus had order independent transparency since 2009.

>> No.10580075

They're all available everywhere via emulation so all old consoles are bad. Nice argument

>> No.10580078

They absolutely do not. You can simulate on modern cpus at enormous expense though.

>> No.10580090

I'm tired of people who pretend arcade games don't exist. You were clearly brought up by a certain philosophy of games and can't conceive of anything else. Your taste and age betrays you. It's fine to have a certain taste, but at some point you shouldn't be teaching newer generations about gaming "history".

>> No.10580102
File: 935 KB, 630x630, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was fun

>> No.10580137

maybe dreamcast should have had more non arcade, games with an actual soul, games from multiple genres, games that can make you feel emotions, games with mature story lines. Instead of all these quarter munching cheap thrills

>> No.10580152


>> No.10580167

I think It was gta vice city that basically let's you play crazy taxi but I still get what you're saying anon

>> No.10580169
File: 133 KB, 800x788, EGG - Elemental Gimmick Gear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10580178


I love the Dreamcast, but fuck this game.

It's absolutely nothing. There is literally nothing to do or see beyond the final boss. There's no additional challenge, there's no additional music, there's fucking nothing. That one mode that "changes enemy patterns" barely changes shit. I've 100%ed this dogshit and I'm tired of anyone recommending it.

>> No.10580181

>There is literally nothing to do or see beyond the final boss
Yeah, there's nothing beyond the end of the game, you fucking idiot.
>beats game
>why is there nothing beyond this point

>> No.10580191

Boom, this. It will filter the midwits.

>> No.10580197

I can tell you've never played it retard.
It's not a start-to-finish game, it's a scoring game, but since there's no way to ramp up difficulty in any way it just expects you to repeat the exact same 30 minutes of piss-easy gameplay dozens of times.

Even Star Fox has a hard mode.

>> No.10580225

>It's not a start-to-finish game
>final boss
You're bad at this

>> No.10580238

Shmups have final bosses too. Stop being a disingenuous faggot.

>> No.10580271

You're the one being disingenuous, criticising the game for ending once you've completed it. It just makes no fucking sense, what the hell do you even want?

>> No.10580280

a chaining score system with battle garegga rank system

>> No.10580281

I love her tits and how she always shows them off but she is a scammer like most YouTube retro personalities.

>> No.10580283

So they have a start to finish dumbass

>> No.10580286

Sounds like you prefer to watch movies than play games

>> No.10580289

Get better reading comprehension.
Otherwise go 100% Rez and you'll understand. But you won't be able to last through it.

>> No.10580295

A start-to-finish game is like Zelda, or a Sony movie game; there are no additional challenges or replay value. They exist to be beaten an forgotten.

>> No.10580305


>> No.10580402

The taxi minigame is nothing like crazy taxi. There's no crazy boost or anything

>> No.10580403

No a start to finish game has a start and an end, where you finish it.

>> No.10580410

I thought Dreamcast had T&L but it wasn't industry-standard so DC had to waste RAM and CPU cycles on realtime animation conversion.

>> No.10580438

>I skipped over Crazy Taxi because you can just play GTA.
What the fuck is this nonsense? Crazy Taxi is an over the top, pure arcade experience. It isn't even remotely comparable to any GTA game.

The Dreamcast version is the one worth playing too since every future port butchered the iconic soundtrack and removed all real world product placement.

>> No.10580445

>allow you to drive in city traffic while breaking any and all traffic rules
Not so fast, scumbag.

>> No.10580464

These are all good, but I also want to add:
Marvel Vs Capcom 2 (still one of the best 1:1 ports of the arcade experience)
Samba de Amigo
Space Channel 5
Toy Commander
Power Stone
Power Stone 2
Frame Gride
Daytona USA 2001
Evolution 2
House of the Dead 2 (Typing of the Dead as well if you have the keyboard attachment and don't want to play the PC port)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1 port has an additional story mode, but the Dreacmast version is a 1:1 arcade experience)

my nigga
OP seems like the type that would be too stupid to figure this one out though, judging by his clown logic of considering Crazy Taxi and and GTA as being the same game.

>> No.10580482
File: 874 KB, 1195x1017, Crazy Jump High Score.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no crazy boost
>no crazy drift
>no chain scoring
>no crazy box
>no real-world businesses
>different soundtrack
They're more different than similar because they're different games

>> No.10580557

>no crazy boost
>no crazy drift
You can drift in GTA
>no chain scoring
The entire minigame is about chaining passengers without failing the time limit
>no crazy box
>no real-world businesses
These should all be removed regardless
>different soundtrack
You can play custom music in certain versions of GTA

>> No.10580591 [DELETED] 
File: 171 KB, 1000x750, s11_taxi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can drift in GTA
It's mechanically different and doesn't add to chain score
>The entire minigame is about chaining passengers
That's not chain score, GTA taxi has levels and a timer. There's no ranking either
>These should all be removed regardless
Having actual locations in a taxi game is the rare occasion where branding adds to the environment.
>You can play custom music
You'll either be stuck with it when you're not playing taxi or you'll have to constantly add and remove it just to make a facsimile of crazy taxi.

Nobody bothered playing the GTA taxi minigames once they clear the unlockable, it's not the point of the game unlike crazy taxi, your special pleading amounts to nothing. Crazy taxi > GTA taxi. Williams Taxi > GTA taxi

>> No.10580595
File: 171 KB, 1000x750, s11_taxi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can drift in GTA
It's mechanically different and doesn't add to chain score
>The entire minigame is about chaining passengers
That's not chain score, GTA taxi has levels and a timer. There's no ranking either
>These should all be removed regardless
Having actual locations in a taxi game is the rare occasion where branding adds to the environment.
>You can play custom music
You'll either be stuck with it when you're not playing taxi or you'll have to constantly add and remove it just to make an imitation of crazy taxi.

Nobody bothered playing the GTA taxi minigames once they clear the unlockable, it's not the point of the game unlike crazy taxi, your special pleading amounts to nothing. Crazy taxi > GTA taxi. Williams Taxi > GTA taxi

>> No.10582534

It was the last console where arcade and accurate ports were a priority, after that it all started going in the direction we are at now... which is why /vr/ should've kept the Dreamcast as the limit for "retro" afterall.

>> No.10583112

>no good games
holy shit you must have the worst taste even then