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File: 127 KB, 1129x1070, Tifa is great.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10557325 No.10557325 [Reply] [Original]

I know pic related is meant to be bait from a Facebook troll, but I have seen some people (especially on this board) act like Tifa just gaslit and manipulated a vulnerable Cloud. Total BS.

Cloud knew things about Nibelheim that he shouldn't have if he weren't there, and simultaneously DIDN'T know things that he SHOULD have known HAD he been there. Cloud obviously cannot have been there while at the same time not having been there. Nothing added up.

Tifa had to entertain the possibility that SHE was crazy, and this became a very likely conclusion when they returned to Nibelheim five years later and found no evidence of any sort of disaster.

Tifa employed him under AVALANCHE in order to keep an eye on him and figure out what's going on; he told her he was planning to go far away for work and she didn't want this. Her aim was always to help Cloud through this.

Cloud was clearly mentally unstable, showing fits when met with gaps in his memory. He was unstable enough as to be dangerous (at the Temple of the Ancients, the City of the Ancients, and of course at the Whirlwind Maze). Tifa wisely avoided poking the bear and opted to figure this out slowly, because do you know what happened when the bear got poked? Cloud got mindbroken after realising he wasn't le badass SOLDER First Class, and gave Sephiroth the Black Materia.

Tifa is a gem and a great friend to Cloud. She knew something was up with Cloud and stuck by him so she could understand it. She knew Cloud was volatile and made sure not to send him into a depression. And then Lockhart of course finally unlocks his heart (heh) by helping him realise what really happened. Last Order of course fucks this all up, but that's not the game nor is it considered canon.

>> No.10557330

>Taking bait when you know it's bait.

>> No.10557373

There's a great website called reddit where your ilk converge.

>> No.10557378

I mean, if you're recruiting people to blow up a power plant then who better than a level 1 schizo

>> No.10557390

Good post, too bad your wit and creativity will be lost on this shithole board.

case in point

But since everyone else is gonna be a fag and not give your 10/10 topic a proper reply or contribute in any meaningful way, I won't either, and will botpost and say simply: Last Order wasn't canon (and as I type this I just now realized you already said that but eh too late to go back now).

>> No.10557391

Don't post an image more interesting than your tl;dr blog post if you expect people to read your fanfiction.

>> No.10557394

I get Tifa. She needs daily dickings. That's it.

>> No.10557398

uhh, why did you think she hung out with barret

>> No.10557539

He has a daughter you blacked retard

>> No.10557608

>Tifa wisely avoided poking the bear and opted to figure this out slowly, because do you know what happened when the bear got poked? Cloud got mindbroken after realising he wasn't le badass SOLDER First Class, and gave Sephiroth the Black Materia.
Which is why she had Cloud give a full blow-by-blow of what he remembered about the massively traumatic event in both of their pasts shortly after leaving Midgar, because she didn't wanna poke the bear. Which is why she stuck someone with obvious PTSD back into combat, because she didn't wanna poke the bear.
If anything, she went out of her way to make the situation worse. Remember when he was about ready to quit fighting against the most powerful and dangerous company in the world, and she pressured him to stay and keep fighting by leveraging a childhood memory he may not even remember?
Ive heard your theory before, but the evidence doesn't support it. I dunno why some people have a hard time believing someone who could run a bar in a ghetto might not be a good person, or be capable of some cold blooded shit.

>> No.10557669

Taking bait isn't creative or witty.

>> No.10557673

You need to fully understand Japanese and Hebrew with lifelong study of the Zohar to grasp the complexity of ff7 story

>> No.10557742

>Which is why she had Cloud give a full blow-by-blow of what he remembered about the massively traumatic event in both of their pasts shortly after leaving Midgar
She let Cloud tell what he thought, without shutting him down.
>Which is why she stuck someone with obvious PTSD back into combat
Cloud presented himself as a badass ruthless merc and showed no signs of PTSD, and if he was going to be employed in that field it may as well be with her. Never mind that AVALANCHE was her only means to get him to stay with her and thereby help her. Never mind that Cloud is clearly able to compartmentalise the Nibelheim incident due to assuming Zack's personality, so PTSD is irrelevant to his suitability as a combatant.
>Remember when he was about ready to quit fighting against the most powerful and dangerous company in the world, and she pressured him to stay and keep fighting by leveraging a childhood memory he may not even remember?
Firstly, Cloud did remember. Second, Cloud was talking about money first and foremost in his protests, which Tifa ended up promising to him. Thirdly, the well flashback was an important reminder of a promise he made, a promise he remembers, and it's unsurprising that he remembers it—he wanted to join SOLDIER in the first place to impress Tifa enough so that he hid his face to her during the Nibelheim mission as he failed to qualify so of course he'd remember her parting request for him to come save her. Tifa was going to embark on the bombing mission regardless of Cloud's participation, so she wasn't exactly putting herself in danger just so Cloud would be forced to tag along and save her from herself (never mind that the money got sorted).

>> No.10557756
File: 35 KB, 680x383, 1661943470573316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine spending time overanalyzing a retarded rpg story hastily written by japanese salarymen that was just a bare minimum excuse to make the dumb video game.

>> No.10557758

>and thereby help him*

>> No.10557774

TLDR. Cloud is literally a gay rape victim. He dabbles in faggotry. Memory problems. Attachment issues. Delusional. Chicks feel sorry the gays and try to make them their accessories.

>> No.10557784

>showed no signs of PTSD
She literally found him on the streets gibbering nonsense. Please tell me what part of "I found my childhood friend on the streets sitting there rambling nonsense" says "Yeah, he's perfectly fine."

>> No.10557812

Why should Tifa conclude the only logical explanation for Cloud's stupid moaning outside the train station is PTSD? Most people would sooner assume Cloud was having a bad hangover or comedown.

>> No.10557813

>Lots of people don't get Tifa
well no shit the localization fucking sucks

>> No.10557815

>bad hangover
Hell, she even gauges Cloud's penchant for alcoholism by offering him drinks on the house.

>> No.10557819

>well no shit the localization fucking sucks
No it doesn't. I've never played the Japanese version and yet I'm still able to make this reading of the game because this is just what's in the transcript.

>> No.10557835

Fuck Tifa.

>> No.10557843
File: 270 KB, 493x800, 1585341606675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind if I do.

>> No.10557881

>a fucking bartender can't tell if someone is hungover or crazy
That's one hell of a reach.

>> No.10557893

>couldn't tell
Cloud was clearly in some kind of stupor, so it would be difficult to differentiate alcohol poisoning from Mako poisoning (the actual cause of his stupor). Never mind that your assumptions don't narrow the logical conclusion down to PTSD.

>> No.10557895

it sucks that FF7 had such a gay and retarded story. imagine if they had just made the same game with most of the same cool character designs and pre-rendered backgrounds, but without the broken english """story""" and plotlines such as cloud being anally raped by a team of strongmen

>> No.10557918

the gay rape if completely optional and depends entirely on the player's choices. so if you saw that scene I'm afraid that only reflects badly on you

>> No.10558135

>t. ESL
the english translation was perfectly understandable, and this was all very plainly obvious to my 14 year old self when i played it back in 1997. you just have poor reading comprehension.

>> No.10558138
File: 229 KB, 1169x1654, 4b6fecb00e011abd323c7fdd655deb98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, an OP that isn't a faggot, and actually understands the nuance to Tifa's cahracter.
9/10 thread. minus a point for the reddit spacing.

>> No.10558156

How many FF games had gay sex on the plate? Yep, they made cloud gay. Just deal with it.

>> No.10559212

Literally all this trouble could have been avoided if she admitted to her feelings sooner via paizuri

>> No.10559468

He was level 6

>> No.10559572

>hottest girl in the universe
>wakes you up after a coma and asks you to kill the big bad WITH HER, not FOR her
Sometimes, I wish I could be Cloud.

>> No.10559629

Good analysis, but I always thought this was self-evident... Did people not make this connection?

>> No.10559635

Everyone except for the completely batshit insane did, which is why OP (who is the exception among the batshit insane) felt the need to spell it out for his batshit insane brethren.

>> No.10559678

>anyone taking anything in this shit thread seriously
>not batshit insane

>> No.10560218

Tifa was an eco-terrorist who killed wage slave randos and only kept Cloud around because he mad her tingle. Tifa is a bad person.

>> No.10560306

Cloud is literally a Sephiroth clone experiment, he is the strongest guy they could recruit

>> No.10561914

if it turns you on that's your problem, go get conversion therapy. the rest of us knew it was intended as dark humor

>> No.10562009

A woman trying to empathize and help in a dumb way that makes the damage worse tracks fine, she doesn't need to be schemer evil

>> No.10562253

He used the word "mindbroken" which is a tranny bnwo phrase which shows he belongs here though.

>> No.10562391

Isnjtmindbreak a hebtai thing

>> No.10562586

>muh gaslighting
fuck i hate zoomers

>> No.10563035

A lot of the world's problems could be solved via paizuri.

>> No.10563557

Other way, buff Tifa have bigger cock.

>> No.10563581

Hear, hear!

>> No.10563643
File: 14 KB, 577x359, 1702989993112791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The planet is literally dying
Amazing priorities

>> No.10564986

>"Here Cloud, put this orange reflective vest on, we're going to sit down on the roads!"

>> No.10566168


>> No.10566320

Are you trying to say those mental conditions don't exist or are you trying to say reddit is the only place to talk about them? Genuine confusion what your intended message is here

>> No.10566323

>can’t make soldier first class
>can beat le ebin super villain of the world
Why didn’t he just level up more before trying to join SOLDIER again?

>> No.10566345

He failed the psych exam.

>> No.10566361

Tifa is sexy and therefore most of her behavior is excusable.

>> No.10566380

Yeah, that's a fair analysis, your choice of wording is gayer than cloud, but I agree with most of it. It's quite strange how most people can't connect the dots, though the average IQ doesn't act as a qualifier either.

>> No.10566867

doesn't really help much when you can't afford any half decent materia these days, maybe if he was born back when shinra was on the GP standard