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10514892 No.10514892 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone getting through it?

>> No.10514915

too __boring

>> No.10514924

nope not interested. although i watched mandalore's video on it, and the level design does seem pretty cool.

if i'm gonna play teef, i'll just play teef.

>> No.10514992

Just completed the second mission. Its looks cool and all but the forest area is too mazey for me. I thought i looted a lot but in the end only got about 1300/2400 gold

>> No.10515194
File: 202 KB, 1230x738, THIEF_mi8FJJSRNA copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when a taffer says something so taffish you gotta hit him with the alert stare

>> No.10515272

>ywn plan an expedition with your mates into the sealed section of your city
>ywn sneak in past the patrols under cover of night
>ywn gang up on zombies and btfo them to pieces
>ywn go sightseeing to maybe see if ghosts are actually real
>ywn bring back life changing riches from old, long abandoned houses, mansions, and shops and divvy up the loot
This is the shit that men live for. THEY TOOK THIS FROM YOU

>> No.10515279

I'm up to mission 9 right now. It's fucking amazing holy shit.

>> No.10515334

shit ending
they should've had Hume accept the job from Victoria but imply he failed. would make the ending 1000 times better

>> No.10515704

on mission 7 currently, it takes time to complete any Thief game

>> No.10515719

I really hate how every level is basically pitch black

>> No.10515820

where the hell is the sword upgrade

>> No.10516025

Holy fucking kino. Yesterday I finished the Hawtrey manor mission. The work that went into this mod is insane. Although I gotta say I don't like the main character's voice, but the rest is solid.

>> No.10516072


>> No.10516241

ancient hammer on noirequier pedestal
food on balar pedestal
holy water arrow on grimworth sarcophagus
kneel before albrecht altar

>> No.10516280

how the fuck do you people even find this shit

>> No.10516339 [SPOILER] 
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I looked it up

>> No.10516505

I'm at mission 5 at the moment, and honestly so far it feels like a Covers & Remixes edition of the original Thief games.
>Return to the City is an Ambush! city crawl style map with some rooftop elements (reminiscent of Life of the Party) mixed in
>Where Old Faces Fade is obviously heavily inspired by The Sword, but the outside section is more similar to Lord Bafford's
>Trial of iron reminds me of Eavesdropping but feels surprisingly original
>Death's Dominion is obviously Bonehoard, but like all the other Black Parade maps it's much more claustrophobic than vanilla ones. This has the (un?)intended result of making zombies harder to dodge by just waltzing past them, which makes it more deserving of the complaint that Bonehoard undeservingly received - about being a combat-centric map. Oh yeah, and it has some Thieves' guild mixed in.
>The Brand - haven't started it yet but it's obviously inspired by The Haunted Cathedral
Overall the maps are denser, busier and more detailed than the vanilla ones, which, coupled with the map screen not showing you which part of the map you're in, makes it much easier to get lost in them. So far it's good, but rather exhausting to play.

>> No.10517103

I dont find them exhausting at all, i wish there was more, thankfully none of the maps clutter the stealth gameplay.

Loved mission 5, its exactly how my mind imagined the closed section in Thief 1. The stories you can tell from the environment in each house, the amazing revelation. BP understand thief completely.

I also love the initial town section in 5 its peak comfy and full of secrets.

>> No.10517196

Can somebody share the best fan missions for both? That actually feel like they are legit.
I have been playing some but feel fan fictiony.

>> No.10517271

>I also love the initial town section in 5 its peak comfy and full of secrets.
it's peak Thief, if they made a whole mission of just town stuff I would be in heaven. Town sections from Thief 3, and even Thief 2, look so amateurish in comparison

>> No.10517384

First mission was already good for this, and the second one also had nice secrets surrounding the mansion.
3 is more direct.

4 was already doing this lovely thing that opening sections before the descent into the tombs, And the things you could not open, well, the level ties it up perfectly.

Honestly I only found out about the sword upgrade now so Iam replaying mission 5 again.

Only played a bit of mission 6 and the rain comfiness was already great.

>> No.10517442

I really liked The Scarlet Cascabel for TG

>> No.10517593

>And the things you could not open, well, the level ties it up perfectly
It gave me a completely different impression. The instant I saw that the locked door at Ginny's wasn't a fake door and couldn't be lockpicked (and couldn't be blown up with a fire arrow), I immediately knew I would emerge from there by the end.

>> No.10517601

I like the small glimpse you get of the ending of the level when you rope arrow up those rafters in the tombs.

Would have made more sense if the briefing mentioned there was another way into the tombs but more dangerous.

>> No.10517972

The red thing in the Narquis tomb or whatever can fuck right off there's nothing down there.

>> No.10518207

Bro? Your holy sword?

>> No.10518415

I've read somewhere that initially the casino was one of two ways into the tomb but after some testing they decided to make it a way back instead.

>> No.10518850

I'm on Arcane Sanctum now
the only negative thing I can say about the campaign is that levels 2 to 5 were so good that 6 and 7 felt kind of "rushed"

>> No.10519328

You'll like mission 10, then.
I honestly cant help but wonder if they made it feel rushed on purpose to keep in line with Thief having disappointing final missions

>> No.10519375


I have not played BP to the end but I really loved Thief 1 final mission just wish it was harder.

Having to slog to a dimension of chaos just to steal from Satan is a amazing idea. And it feels just too linear, then again lgs had to have in mind not exploding 1998 pcs.

>> No.10520192

>the haunted painting behind the curtain in the docks
That's two times already, they can't spook me thrice with the same trick

>> No.10521163 [SPOILER] 
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I've got a piece of text stuck permanently on my screen. Reloaded, restarted the game, but it just wont ever disappear, even after interacting with other text objects. What do?

(Picture is from mission 8, so I spoilered it)

>> No.10521956

I actually love Maw of Chaos I just know some people hate it, I liked BPs final mission too but it does feel a little empty compared to the rest of the campaign

>> No.10522228
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>"with your mates"

>> No.10522276

does black parade with on FMsel?

>> No.10522965

just finished it, I expected a worse final level
bummer ending
all in all: 9.5/10 don't bother

>> No.10523227
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I have played many amazing fan missions over the years what I am most surprised by is how much the team understood Thief TDP, the writing is top notch, the level design great, the ambient sounds ripped from the best sources to the point they feel very at home in THief, and the amateurs VA for some npc is perfect.

Shit man I would really gladly pay to have more campaigns.

Many fan shit over the years has been super tight, Echoes and Field Intensity for HL, Alkaline and AD for Quake, etc.

>> No.10523290

>and the amateurs VA for some npc is perfect

I wish this applied to the main character as well

>> No.10523292

True he's the worst, but bearable, and he's a cool concept. Old Knights, rogues I always loved the archetype.

And i love the faction they choose as antagonist, makes you feel like a chosen Paladin but in a fucked up bizarre world like Thief.

>> No.10523353

This is my first time playing a FM. Can you recommend some others for afterwards? Thank you

>> No.10523360

>don't bother
>gives it a 9.5 out of 10

>> No.10523505
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From what I remember, larsene and the seven sisters were very good

>> No.10523510

Sound of a Burrick in a room and others made by Skacky (who worked on this)

>> No.10523531
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>> No.10523539

I should try some skacky stuff, Shit now that we have Garrett Ai voice I wish we had a new garrett campaign.

Better yet, old man garrett, stephen still sounds fine.

>> No.10523564

I've played a few but Endless Rain and Deaths Cold Embraces stuck with me

>> No.10523714


>> No.10524124

Yeah its a fucking awesome mission, from the comfy start, the details you find form the people who live near the walled section, all the secrets and the twist.

I bet i didnt find everything

>> No.10524448
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Excellent atmosphere.

>> No.10524471

im doing the second mission now its so fucking big. I feel like i will never be able to find anything. Also, i dunno what the heck is going on in a good way.

>> No.10524660

alright well i found the vase, now i have to try to find a way to logically get back to where i was so i can continue to explore.

>> No.10525057
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Reminder that he got away with everything and never faced any consequences

>> No.10525241
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>get to mission 2
>nice a mansion level
>sneak around fine for about 30 minutes
>get completed lost afterwards
Fuck me, this mansion level is absurdly huge

>> No.10525302

>Excellent atmosphere.

too bad most of the time you can't see shit

>> No.10525546

reshade that nigga can't see shit

>> No.10525556
File: 978 KB, 1280x1024, THIEF 2023-12-18 03-02-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The devs are pretty good with scenes you can almost literally smell.

>> No.10525970

agreed i honestly dunno how i am going to be able to find everything

>> No.10526110


Iam so used to Thief i mapped the only thing in two hours, it does have nice secrets.

>> No.10526117

Anything that can help the brightness outside well changing it?

>> No.10526131

ya i assume all of the things you need to steal are at distinct opposite areas in the mansion, so i just need to make sure i get back to where i broke off for the vase so that i can make sure i cover everything.

>> No.10526219
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I kept walking in circles on mission 4 for like 30 minutes before I could make my way back.

>> No.10526265 [SPOILER] 
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>"Translator Gamall" why is that familiar?
>Oh cool it's GOD NO
If I had a family I would woken them up at 4:00am

>> No.10526661 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10526903

bump i want the thread to be alive after i play again so i can talk about it

>> No.10526940
File: 2.04 MB, 1920x1080, dump008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey what do you know if you tweak the reshade a bit and remove all the ugly fucking shit, a little bit of sharpen and some touches to lighting makes shadows better and the game less pitch dark in darker areas. Nice.

>> No.10527049

this is kinda crazy ive hit the gold requirement on mission 2 and ive only found one third of the items i need to.

>> No.10527169

im retarded i didnt realize there was multiple maps

>> No.10527189

god damn it i thought i picked up the bloody key, but i dont seem to have it in my inventory. I have no idea how to get back to it.

>> No.10527237


>> No.10527256
File: 631 KB, 1280x1024, THIEF 2023-12-14 04-40-30 ui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use the eyeadaption shader to simulate your eyes adjusting to the dark. I posted pic related on that other thread.

>> No.10527262

ok getting the bloddy keep was pretty easy its kind of cool that the vault acts as an easy hub to get back to various parts of the level . I will say that i walked past the clock multiple times, and i dont think i would have realized that was loot without looking it up.

>> No.10527273

Nice i was already fucking with enb here in this post>>10526940

thanks, share the file

>> No.10527391

people in here probably dont need to be told this but the thief games are .98 cents on steam and gog right now. Just picked up thief 3 for myself. What are the mods needed to get it to run/ restore content?

>> No.10527447

good on you but I personally wouldnt pay for such an old game - all that money is going into the pockets of EIDOS who made the abomination that Thief 4 was

>> No.10527452

Just finished it and it was really great, I loved most of the missions except for Death's Dominion, I hate zombie-heavy missions

This was my first time playing a FM so I wasnt familiar with names but then I looked up who Lady Rowena and BBB were and that made me so sad. RIP

>> No.10527558

One of the keys from mission 2? Yeah I got the one from the skeleton but can't find the other

>> No.10527891

i found both of them i just somehow didnt pick up the first one apparently by mistake.
the first one is on the corpse when you descend down towards the gardens
the second one is is in the garden, which if i remember correctly you need to go through some traps to get to

ya thats fair eidos definitely does not deserve the money for doing nothing with the ip other than making a shit game. Diddnt someone else buy the rigths tho?

>> No.10528196

oh shit I must have missed that

>> No.10528289

It's in Endless Rain

>> No.10528328

>the second one is is in the garden, which if i remember correctly you need to go through some traps to get to
The same garden you get the key from the corpse from?

>> No.10528354

well now you are basically forcing me to play it, you villain

>> No.10528703

>What are the mods needed to get it to run/ restore content?
Sneaky Upgrade
it combines all the mods for thief 3

>> No.10529045

this is kind of after the fact so you may have found it by now, but if i remember correctly ya, but deeper in.

>> No.10529174

>Diddnt someone else buy the rigths tho?
You are right. Embracer Group owns it right now - but either way, I personally dont pay for games this old because the only reason to buy a game is to signal to the developers/publisher that there is demand, and they can use that money to fund a next game.

But the developer who made that game is long gone, the publisher too, and even in the case of a game whose developer is still around (like Pyranha Bytes/Gothic), the people who worked on the game are long moved on to work in other places, so even if they do make a new game, it'll probably be not what you want.

>> No.10529530

Took me a while to complete mission 7, although easier and not as wild as some of the previous missions, still great, liked the multiple entrances through the rooftops, that dog was a nice looking addition although not really good at his job, and that one guard playing his mandolin was soul

>> No.10530325

The entire fucking game is soul. Dark engine rooms are the peak of comfy.

Now there are other amazing fm missions many from Skacky as well, but the campaign feels super solid.

>> No.10530421

this is the best video game i have played this decade.

>> No.10530545

mission 7 felt more like Thief 2 than anything else

>> No.10530564

I ransomed a small child for the information.

>> No.10530771

is there a Skacky extended universe?
do I have to adhere to the extended lore while making my own FMs?

>> No.10530983

Thief is literally set in England though. Besides, the only cursed sections you have in your cities are the ones full of niggers.

>> No.10531104

mission three being a normal sized mission is kind of a relief to be honest.

>> No.10531486

TBP does connect to its authors' other fms in a lot of small ways, but it also draws from other authors. e.g. it references things from Melan's missions, which makes sense, but also Purah's missions, whose characterization of Garrett is totally incongruous with the OMs and most other fms. So I take that to mean things like Murkbell and the Larloch Society exist in TBP's world, but in some form where they make more sense for its setting and Garrett may not have encountered them. Point being: draw what you want from other fms, leave what you don't, but don't worry about adhering to what is really a tangled rat king of fanfic.
Something else I didn't notice at first: the very beginning of M4 is actually a section from Endless Rain.

>> No.10531542

It really is. The layout is much more sensible and easier to navigate compared to the clusterfuck that was mission 2 aka The Sword on steroids

>> No.10531687

Fuck really? I didnt notice that.
The gambling den at the end reminded me a lot of Dirty Money which I think was intentional

>> No.10531829

Is playing supreme ghost the ultimate autism?

>> No.10531967
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>mfw 5 hours into my ironman supreme ghost run when a spider slightly turns itself towards me

>> No.10532023
File: 249 KB, 1280x999, 1502528962567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I don't understand why people have fun playing this way. Ghosting (no knock-outs) is a fun challenge for experienced players but everything beyond that goes into the autism zone.

>> No.10532110

ghosting can be fun, supreme ghosting is pure autism since no stealth game ever was made for that kind of play style

>> No.10532115

what the fuck is ghosting? like the ghost car in racing games?

>> No.10532207

Ghosting is when you complete a level without being noticed and without knocking out or killing anybody.

>> No.10532231

But what's supreme ghosting then? When nobody even goes "must be a rat" at you?

>> No.10532238

yes. it's very autistic. and the community rules and decisions about it are even worse.

>> No.10532241

Supreme ghosting are people who take it to another level, like you pick a key from a table, use it, then you return and leave the key where you found.
Also guards cant even hear noises from you, its a lot of save scummers.

Thief created some stealth weirdos, which is fine.

>> No.10532306

The Haunted Cathedral took a guy something like 10 hours to do, about 7 hours were spent trying to light the keeper's statue without arousing the burricks and spiders. There was a buttload of savescumming and listening attentively for distinct "?" noises from creatures who obviously can't just say "what was that?".

>> No.10532324

i usully try to ghost as much as possible but i feel like sometimes gaurds seeing or hearing something is difficult to avoid so as long as they dont alert i let it go. Also if i need to explore a small room with an npc that walk back a forward i dont want to deal with that. Its cool they added an enemy you cant incapacitate in any way.

>> No.10532527

Its weird this is the best thing I played this year as well, and let's not fools ourselves, dark engine is 90s primitive although compared to other contemporary engines it really had some pretty pioneering advanced shit.

Its weird to see fms with such intricacies and amazing design, when the guards being slightly jank. Although I love the new animations\models\weapons they have in BP.

This has grounded me and made me reassess what I love in games.

My favourite way to play Thief now is one save, usually mid way. I dont mind black jacking some enemies although an alternative is always present.

>> No.10532576

ya thats fair . I dont mind the no saves in the old hitman games, but thief levels are to big to restart from scratch to me. Also, running away from the guards isnt really challenging, or fun, in my opinion. I want to replay gold, and 2 at some point maybe ill try to limit the number of saves for those playthroughs.

>> No.10532581

Thief is the only game i dont half ass with quicksaves and only play when i know i have 5 hours or more ahead of me for playing.

Playing thief with shitty sound is like half the experience as well. I just chill in shadows sometimes in places and just listen and memorize patrols if there are any.

There is a very proto VR element to Thief, one day when we nail cyber brain VR a stealth game in such a cool bizarre world like thief woudl be one hell of an experience.

>> No.10532671

>There is a very proto VR element to Thief, one day when we nail cyber brain VR a stealth game in such a cool bizarre world like thief woudl be one hell of an experience.

i too am excited for a really good vr stealth game, and i think it would work perfectly.

Also, im similar but i dont wait for 5 hour blocks more like 2ish hour blocks.

>> No.10532731

I take less in each mission but I when i say 5 i mean have the entire time dedicated to thief.

>> No.10533160

>Mission 1: Return to The City
cool, but based on mood alone, I expected a twist that never came, that the fence you were looking for had already been killed by someone or something
>Mission 2: Where Old Faces Fade
Overrated, it's obviously a rehash of The Sword but it can't top that mission off and it won't ever have the same impact. Pretty environments though.
>Mission 3: Trial of Iron
It's ok, probably the most forgettable map due to how mundane and disconnected from the main plot it is. But thinking about it makes me realize it's also one of the best maps gameplay-wise. I really enjoyed my time in this map, even if I can't really say anything about it.
>Mission 4: Death's Dominion
One thing I really dislike about this campaign is how blatant it has been in the first half about rehashing the original game. This map, just like the second one, is very pretty to look at and enjoyable to play but it's not going to top off the Bonehoard. The end section with you coming up via an underground casino was kino though.
>Mission 5: The Brand
The atmosphere and look of this mission is top notch, and this is one of my favorite two missions in this campaign. The corpse in the sewer disappearing was a great little section that was legitimately scary.
>Mission 6: Kept Away From View
Fanservicey and the pacing felt off because you don't actually have to trail the Keeper to find the compound, and you have this large, open, area to explore before you reach the place, but exploring before that feels wrong from a narrative pov, while exploring it after meeting the fucking Hag feels anti-climactic and you'd rather just end the mission.
>Mission 7: The Long Shadow Falls
Decent enough, but I expected it to be like Framed from T2 and it wasn't. I enjoy forced ghosting missions since I normally just blackjack the whole map and bunnyhop through the whole map.

>> No.10533210

>Mission 8: Jaws of Darkness
The other mission I really, really like.
I genuinely didn't know what to expect next and I was tense and nervous all the way through to the very end. Unique enemies for each section was a brilliant idea.
>Mission 9: Arcane Sanctum
Neat map, wasn't expecting that twist or that mutant, both were pretty nice.
In general this map is just fun to navigate.
>Mission 10: The Black Parade
I kinda rushed through it just to see how it all ends.
Kinda easy though, there were two main groups to avoid but since the second one is just human necromancers I just spammed my flashbombs and literally blackjacked all 9? necromancers and stole the key from the officer. The boss fight sucks dick, especially in comparison to The Dark Project.
Scenery and monsters are ok, but it doesn't feel that much like "Thief" by this point. Necromancers are fine by me, but Eldtrich or whatever you call it is everywhere now and I just find it to be a really cheap way to make things seem scarier or deeper than they are without putting in any real effort when designing the plot/ enemies.
Other things:
>Hume is an ok but forgettable protagonist, his death being the only thing that makes him stand out. He's too much of a snarky thief just like Garrett but not as charismatic otherwise, and I would've liked him to have an independent and different personality from Garrett. Him not reacting at all after reading that the fence was the one who sold you out when you were a kid sucks dick.
>The ending cutscene sucked balls in terms of audio quality and it almost ruined it completely for me.
>Not sure how to feel about the Keepers and Viktoria playing such a big role in the story, they should've been more marginal.
>All new mechanics and items are gimmicks at best.

>> No.10533226

>On the other hand, the new enemies are one of the best things about this campaign, providing some much needed variety.
Take zombies for example, which were piss easy to avoid in the original game and they still are, but now you got fast zombies, invincible zombies, exploding zombies and ranged zombies. Literally could make an RTS faction out of them with all that variety.
>Personal autism but I don't like the scale of it, since it doesn't make sense in-universe. Hume gets more gear, steals more loot and takes more dangerous jobs than Garrett, and survives them all, yet he's the less known, less skilled thief.

>> No.10533346

I didnt feel like mission 2 was trying to upstage Constantines, more like a homage.

The supernatural was eery and well done and the layout is great.
Trial of Iron is incredible, you work around the hammer buildings in a circle and the multiple ways to play are great.
I also found Deaths Dominion was more like a homage, tons of neat secrets and the sword upgrade. There is also a disappearing corpse in this one.

Loved the tomb with the wandering ghost.

I do agree with you the brand is fantastic, the comfy as shit city section at the start, the details of the people living on the edge of the walled section, the exploration, its peak Thief.

Also loved the overall dialogue and writing. Maybe the cutscenes and other details can be slightly improved in the future who knows?

If only we could have more thief campaigns like this.

>> No.10533354


In my mind it makes sense, I try to reimagine Thief missions with revised maps and how insane they would become and its clear Garrett took much harder jobs. From Bonehoard to Satans literal mansion to undercover etc.

And then in Thief 2 its evern worse

>> No.10533653

havent played this game since 2000

>> No.10533707

>If only we could have more thief campaigns like this.
Its a long way off and it'll probably never happen but it would be cool to have a fan campaign featuring a Pagan or Hammerite main character, just so we could have a POV from those factions. Should be done in Dark Mod though

>> No.10533715

im honestly surprised the thief series hasnt been remade yet

>> No.10533727

Seven Shades of Murcury was supposed to be this, but we only ended up with one mission and it got abandoned. Theres a bunch of concept art for it on some russian site though. The mission itself is really comfy.

>> No.10533857

Are you supposed to do anything with the Utterly Boring Prayer Book in mission 7?

>> No.10534029

I'm in the catacombs mission right now and I'm getting lost, I wish the map highlighted the area you're currently in.

>> No.10534160

who would you want to make it?

>> No.10534307

Yeah, but I don't enjoy homages that much. They're ok, but I prefer maps that are completely new/ unique. Personal prefference though, gameplay wise the maps are neat and they look pretty.
Tbh I'm surprised there isn't a "TDP Redux" campaign out there. Using the original voice lines, cutscenes, and overall layout and extending the map a bit, making the mission more challanging etc.
I have this pipe dream about a series of FMs where each character is a different twist on the rogue archetype and has different limitations, gear and objectives.
One of them was a Hammerite assassin belonging to a fanatical anti-mechanist faction.
Use the compass too with the map.

>> No.10534439

And that's a good thing!
Medieval-ish dark fantasy stealth simulators are not a really popular genre. Stealth games in general are quite unpopular
>b-b-but Metal Gear...
was carried by its writing and characters, not gameplay
>b-b-but Dishonored...
nobody in the history of this planet played it like a stealth game, they just blinked everywhere and stabbed mooks in the face

>> No.10534521

crystal dynamics

>> No.10534540

Wanted to play through thief gold first, but the fucking lgvid.dll error makes it so that the cutscenes don't play and I refuse to play the game without them. How do you have a modding scene so dedicated they make a new engine for the games and yet you can't figure out how to make a .avi file play in game?

>> No.10534541
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>> No.10534830

The reason I dislike the community rules is that they treat it way too much like a videogame, without considering any of its immersive implications. When a guard is distracted, checks something out and literally says "Must have been rats" and returns to zero alertness status, those players refuse to believe him. They refuse to take him at his word that he genuinely believes that he heard nothing suspicious. Therefore, not even inconsequential distractions are allowed. Meanwhile, you have Undercover, which is a mission where hammerites will immediately notice treasures having been taken, and the main objective has a mandatory alarm. That doesn't bother those players, because TECHNICALLY they weren't detected. Also, spiders having their vision cones reversed is something they factor in rather than ignoring as a bug, and will go out of their way to not be seen by the butt of a spider even though those enemies were placed by the level designers with the assumption that they would be looking in the correct direction and it's not feasible to pass by undetected without exploiting savescumming. It's madness.

>> No.10535080

i played dishonores like that

haha anon but for real

>> No.10535092

>just blinked everywhere and stabbed mooks in the face
Who chooses to teleport in front of enemies in Dishonored to fight them head on? Why would you do that? Everyone blinked around and stabbed them in the back. Yeah that's a stealth game. Like a lot of stealth games it lets you go full action too, so do Splinter Cell, Hitman and MGS

>> No.10535173 [SPOILER] 
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>Mission 09
>lured the escaped ettin up to the dining hall
>use him to slaughter everyone, archmages included
>didn't kill anyone
>get im'simmed nerds should've handed over the pendant

>> No.10535231

I dreamt one time of a side prequel story where you play as a Hammeritte novice during the undead uprising and it has stellated elements but your dude is shit at stealth and its more of a ambient survival horror game.

Make the enemies extra hard and fast.

>> No.10535238

>Tbh I'm surprised there isn't a "TDP Redux" campaign out there. Using the original voice lines, cutscenes, and overall layout and extending the map a bit, making the mission more challanging etc.

Kind like deus ex revision minus the shit models. Yeah it would be neat.

I would actually love a demake of Thief deadly shadows in the dark engine with better writing but keeping the main story beats.

>> No.10535323

Until Black Parade I couldn't imagine a Shalebridge cradle in the Dark Engine, now I believe. Thief 3: Deadly Shadows is a clean name

>> No.10535371

fucking kek

>> No.10536417

considering how many people hate spiders in Thief, making mission 8 spider themed seems balsy

>> No.10536762 [SPOILER] 
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Why is it always this specific Beksiński?

>> No.10536820
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has anyone played Filcher yet? is it any good?

>> No.10536949

goes hard

>> No.10536960

Thought about this painting as well.
I captures a very profound feeling, that's why.

>> No.10537545

best indie stealth game currently on steam
it's good because it copies thief

>> No.10537917

Gloomwood and Brush Burial are also heavily inspired by Thief and available on Steam

>> No.10538109

Gloomwood is great, played it a year ago to just check it out, but I will only play it again once it's finished. It really is great, and I'm glad TafferKing is making a standalone game instead of a FM like Skacky did.

I've heard of Brush Burial, but I was put off by the trailer on the Steam page focusing too much on combat. If you've played it, does the game allow/encourage stealth/ghost gameplay?

>> No.10538175

Haven't played it yet since my only gaming equipment currently is an old laptop that can barely run Gloomwood, but I've seen Gloomwood developers promoting it on twitter and reviewers talking about it's stealth mechanics.
There is another Thief inspired game in development called Serpens: Eternal Thievery, so it seems like a good time to be a Thief fan

>> No.10538207

Didn't knew about this looks cool

>> No.10538296

Oh yeah I've had this on my wishlist for ages. Checking out Tafferking's twitter is worthwhile because he often tweets about other Thief-like games (including Serpens).

I just hope this new interest in The Black Parade doesnt spring the Embracer Group into starting a new Thief reboot.

>> No.10538923

Anon please, its just a slight peak of interest mostly form mandalore babies.

>> No.10539171

The success and interest this mod generated clearly proves that there is still interest in the IP, and a few publications also covered it. It is entirely possible this might get some suit at Embracer Group excited over the IP again - afterall, you dont just buy IPs with no plans for them...

>> No.10539462

i dont want to buy and play gloomwood until its finished but the wait is killing me

>> No.10539891

>just finally finished the catacombs mission
>the very next mission is another fucking undead level
Are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.10540047

I just started mission 4 and I'm already spooked, easily the scariest Thief mission I've ever played
is it true there's a new enemy in this level that is fast and aggressive?

>> No.10540146

Yeah and unlike the other zombies holy water arrows don't work on it.

>> No.10540171

Get dark project'd kid

>> No.10540473

anyone know what the credit's song is?

>> No.10540493

it's listed in the credits you fucking cretin.

>> No.10540530
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>> No.10540650

not too much a fan of gloomwood since its level design is super cramped

>> No.10540695
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Nah dont believe it.

The Brand is probably the best mission in BP. Its no entirely undead. It has a good twist.

>> No.10541114

you can kill anything with the holy sword?

>> No.10541268

>there's a sword upgrade to kill undead without holy water
Good thing I kept a save right before finishing the catacombs, guess I'll backtrack and get this upgrade.

>> No.10541408

Its even related to Alarus so its the best easter egg ever. And it fits the story.

The stuff to do is on the mural.

>> No.10541896

Did you only play the demo?

I didn't find all that cramped.

>> No.10542067

thematically, black parade is very similar to TDP. the pacing of the plot is similar, and hume is the same type of reluctant hero as garrett. that being said, hume felt more like an underdog type. he feels like he could be one of the thieves in bonehoard who died from his greed and impatience. the ending was cruel, but also fitting and poetic.

even the ending of BP has an interesting similarity to TDP in how it goes from "high" to "low". one moment, the mc is saving the world, the next, he's lying in a gutter

>> No.10542081 [SPOILER] 
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I'm doing Jaws of Darkness rn, I like the King's Field 1 reference. Not really gonna read much of the thread cuz I don't want to be spoiled though.

>> No.10542108

You are not wrong.

I want a world with more BP style campaigns, the dark engine is so comfy.

>> No.10542652 [DELETED] 

What exactly am I supposed to do?
I got the hammer but I have to actually keep carrying it, do I have to drag it around the map or do I place it somewhere?

>> No.10542675

What exactly am I supposed to do?
I got the hammer but I have to actually keep carrying it, do I have to drag it around the map or do I place it somewhere? Was the pedestal you're referring to where I got the hammer or is it somewhere else and i put the hammer on it?

>> No.10542758

Well I found out the sword pieces spawn when I did the holy water arrow part but there's nothing showing up when I leave the bread on Balar's tomb and I placed the hammer on that hammer shaped pedestal but nothing showed up either.

>> No.10542835
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Finished TBP yesterday, some general thoughts

It feels like a complete, cohesive expensive which is damned rare for mods. I'm glad it has more a pagan focus as I never really cared for the steampunk shit in TMA.

The use of ambient sound is great, I can't think of any games I've played that use it in such an overt and stylised manner.

Hume's VA wasn't bad enough to detract from the overall experience, but delivery of lines was rarely not distracting.

Many areas were excessively labyrinthine for my taste. Mission 4 and 8 in particular were absolute slogs.

What the fuck is this thing?

>> No.10542895

Mission 8 is practically linear, thoughbeitever.

>> No.10543128

>What the fuck is this thing?
Pagans onahole

>> No.10543335

Its obvious after you look at the mural.

Grimworth: shoot his sarcophagus with a holy water arrow - a hilt will appear near the exit of the Grimworth tomb

Noirequier: retrieve the ancient hammer from one of the sarcophagi near the fire pit below his tomb - place it on the pedestal next to a statue of the Builder near the Noirequier tomb entrance and a pommel will appear

Belor: Find a piece of food (I used a loaf of bread I found somewhere along the way but I suspect any food item will do) and drop it on a pedestal next to a Builder statue in the small chapel-ish area south of the Belor vault. A jewel will appear.

Albrecht: Go to the upper NE area of the lower tombs, above the entrance to the Albrecht tomb. there's a small altar with a hammer icon and a Builder statue next to it. If you kneel down (ie. crouch) in front of the hammer icon and wait for a bit, a blade will appear. Quite liked this one, reminded me of a puzzle in Keyhunt.

Take all of these back to the plaque which has opened to reveal a new room, stick the sword pieces into the corresponding slots and enjoy your brand new undead slaying weapon.

>> No.10543351

I missed this place. which mission is it in?

>> No.10543614

>nooooo why can't I sprint around a big right-angled building booping idiot guards on the noggin nooooo

>> No.10543649
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how do you get into this place? I feel like it should be connected to the factory somehow

>> No.10543661

Look up.

>> No.10543674

damn, can't believe I missed it

>> No.10543769

Hey man I would've preferred if it was one of those 'ghosting' missions like in Thief 2 where you're not even allowed to knock out a guard or be seen by them.

>> No.10543775

Thanks for the full explanation.

I've noticed that after the Albreach room with the ruby there was a sewer area from its back exit that took me to a industrial looking area, was that the way to the gambling den I heard about in the catacombs mission? I ended up in a deadend after climbing the chains to the top.

>> No.10543806

There is a way, its up that metalic structure yes. The ending gambling den is kino.

>> No.10543836

Was it the ceiling hole with the beams? I've tried shooting rope arrows but they just disappear and don't even making the clanking sound if you hit the wrong surface.

>> No.10543841


There is a side room in the metallic structure with some wooden beams just rope arrow into it.

You can actually take a sneak peak at the den much earlier in the tombs, in that room with bones and wooden rafters going way up.

>> No.10543893

I think I know what room you're talking about, I tried climbing to see if there was anything hidden up there but I guess I didn't see it.

>> No.10543896

I can take a screenie

>> No.10543921
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So you get past the baby burricks go up the ladder

>> No.10543926
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Fire here, go up., you get into a small sewer section, unlock the door, and you are there.

>> No.10543938

I'm fine for that but can you take a screenshot of the Albretch altar? I've been searching the upper NE area but I can't find find the altar with hammer icon.

>> No.10543941

You passed by it for sure, its a small quaint altar with a small hammer and a builders statue. its funny most people try to go for the big extravagant hammers.

The builder was not vain man.

>> No.10543963

Do you mean the actual Albretch area where the light arrow traps were or do you mean the upper floor of south lower tombs?

>> No.10543968

No not inside. From the front of Albrecht tomb dont enter, go left and go up some stairs.

>> No.10543985

again can you just screenshot it? I dunno what I'm doing wrong but I can't find it. I tried going left into that area with the ghost and lever but still nothing.

>> No.10544007
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>> No.10544020
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>> No.10544030

nevermind I found it, I thought you meant a wall hammer icon, not the small statue.

>> No.10544135

Sorry I was doing christmas stuff, thats it. enjoy the sword.

>> No.10544203

Played KF1 in the past 2 years but I didnt get that reference. What is it?

>> No.10544208

I saw so many people being disappointed by the ending, but I think it's fine. I did not expect him to have a happy ending. I actually did not expect him to come back from "Hell" even

>> No.10544276

I thought this locked door in the catacombs level needed a key but you just need to be at an angle to use the picks, I could've raided the den a lot sooner if I didn't give up and go back earlier.

>> No.10545942
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>> No.10546039

how do you get into the bailiff's house in Arcane Sanctum?

>> No.10546103

who else found the easter egg in the keeper sanctuary?

>> No.10546337

mission 5. check the sewers after you're done in the manor

>> No.10546385

Holy shit great Thief art.

>> No.10546554

I consider myself a """"high level"""" (whatever the hell that means in context of a singleplayer game) Thief player, I have beaten hundreds of retarded pixel-hunting FMs at this point and am adept in the obscure art of fully detected forward lean slight shadow blackjack knockout exploits and I still somehow managed to miss like 500-1000 loot on every level in The Black Parade, fuck me.

I like that I was autistic enough to pick up on so many of the references to other FMs that I've played, pretty much every other readable was laden with little in-jokes and references.

I also missed the Alarus Sword upgrade because while I recognized the name Alarus from the Alarus Extension in Bonehoard, and knew about the Bow Upgrade meme, I didn't realize how fanservice-heavy Black Parade was until later in the campaign with the Snakebeasts and Ettin showing up. I reckon if I realized earlier I probably would have thought about Alarus having something to do with a Bow Upgrade at least and tried to figure out whatever puzzle that was (wouldn't have guessed sword upgrade).

>> No.10546570

In King's Field 1 (JP, not KF1 US, which is actually KF2) you use a magic harp to raise segmented stone bridges to cross bottomless pits.


I think it's even the same sound effect that plays in The Black Parade, not sure.

>> No.10546576

>I think it's even the same sound effect that plays in The Black Parade, not sure.
Wait no, not even close, I just rewatched the original footage I took for that soundless webm, lel. Still, pretty sure it's a reference. If it was one of the magic harp or the segmented stone bridge then maybe it could be a coincidence but because it's both I reckon it's intentional.

>> No.10546615

the one by the river with the un-pickable door?
iirc I just rope-arrowed a piece of wood by the open window but you have to shoot it from a good vantage point because of the water

>> No.10546637
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I liked how some plot points are referenced in unused dialogue in Thief 1

>> No.10546741 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10546819
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where the fuck am I supposed to dump Father Berthold's body? is there a specific location inside the wine cellar? or is there another wine cellar and I'm looking in the wrong one? or is the torture chamber behind a secret door?

>> No.10546850

One of the wine caskets has an interactive faucet that opens up the secret torture room.

>> No.10546879

damn, thanks

>> No.10547079


>> No.10548013

ok finished mission 3. It was pretty fun, i like that its kinda a rope arrrow tutorial on the second floor because looking up helps a great deal. Not super excited for a tomb raiding mission going in but i hope its not as complex a layout as mission 2.

>> No.10548441
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>hope its not as complex a layout as mission 2.

>> No.10548454

>but i hope its not as complex a layout as mission 2
hu hu hu hu

>> No.10548484

That's a alien

>> No.10548801
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I fucking wish missions were even more complex.
I was so in love looking at the map and finding secrets in 2 and all the others. Its like being blind playing modern games for so long and then seeing again.

>> No.10549702

>the best game of 2023 was a fan expansion for a 25-year old game belonging to a dead series
says a lot about our society

>> No.10549902

my hard drive where all of my savefiles for this isnt cooperating with me. If i was to move thief to another install location i would lose all of my progress right?

>> No.10550050

If you can copy the save files too then no, everything should be fine except maybe having to edit some config files to point to the new directories.

>> No.10550643

is this a bad time to mention these levels creep me the fuck out because im a lil bitch. The premise of this level is cool i barley scratched the surface so far but i like it.

>> No.10550910

I can't find the last two portraits in The Brand mission, are they up in the attic because I didn't see any up there.

>> No.10550921

I don't know which ones you found, but I recommend mapping out the mansion. Some of the doors are impassable, but if it looks like a room should be there, there might be a way to reach it.

>> No.10550952

The last one I found that had me stumped for a bit is in a room that is only accessible through a hole in the floor of one of the rooms in the attic. And there is one up in the attic itself too, so that might be the two you missed.

>> No.10550974

Some of the ones I enjoyed are
Endless Rain
The Sound of a Burrick in a Room
A Short Night's Work
Heist Society
Trail of Blood 2

>> No.10551014

ok the undead thing after you get the necklace from Noirequiern scared the shit out of me. The hammerites made something like that? Wouldnt peg them as people who would fuck with undead like that.

>> No.10551052

nah it is creepy. Especially the lowest level where it's a copy of the lobby but some kind of nightmarish version of it with all the moss and the cloudy void outside and the fountain head drips blood instead. Then there's the footsteps after you grab the key.

>> No.10551058

no one knows. The main reason these levels get so eerie is that very few things are explained so your imagination takes over to fill in the blanks and you try to come up with the creepiest headcanon that you can.

>> No.10551171

This map was really nice and atmospheric, but that being said shit had me put gamma up and gamma down on keybinds

>> No.10551185

>find out you can upgrade the sword
>don't want to redo all those missions

>> No.10551190
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I have an ultrawide screen and can see statues turn in the corner of my eye

>> No.10551235

>in the library
>get what I came for
>the hag is coming up the stairs
>feel cornered and get tired of crawling slowly on marble
>"fuck it I'll just run past, I'm not planning on coming back here anyway"

>> No.10551320

There's been some levels where I've looped around and scoured every spot leaning into and behind barrels etc, looking at every roof, spamming interact in random places to get all the loot and still missed out on thousands. I assume there's just really, really well hidden secrets worth a ton.

>> No.10551453

Which attic room is it? The only two floor holes I can find takes me to the 2nd floor rooms I can access from the 2nd floor normally one of them being the bedroom and the other the bath full of corpses.

>> No.10551514

Also there seems to be a room next to the bedroom that has both doors block on the second floor but there's nowhere on the attic that lets me drop down to it, I think its also below the attic room that had the portrait in it.

>> No.10551730

i found it, now I can get the hell out of this haunted house.

>> No.10552007
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>> No.10552530

Holy shit it won Moddb Mod of the Year

>> No.10552545

didn't have much of a competition

>> No.10552553

Thanks a lot.

Its a bit sad really. But there are things worth perserving.

>> No.10552586

literally just hang on a rope senpai

>> No.10552654
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>now that he's done with tbp, skacky is going to spend the next 4 years slaving away on arkane's capeshit game
>the campaign director of said game is digital nightfall, who went from literally cofounding ttlg and spearheading cosas to drinking the game industry's kool-aid and becoming a washed up middle aged tranny at arkane who goes by """dana nightingale"""
i am continually astounded by just how cursed virtually everything associated with post-closure looking glass seems to be, so the black parade actually getting released and doing well for such a niche mod is honestly a minor miracle, and i hope it's a sign of more positive things to come rather than a compensation prize for us living in such a gay fucking timeline

>> No.10552661

>not saving your game in a separate file before you finish every mission so you can enjoy the scenery at your leisure at a later time
esh ehm eych esh ehm eych

the spider-golem-statue thing in Jaws of Darkness looks so cool

>> No.10552671

Your post is fucking sadness incarnate, and i know you are not lying, fuck arkane.

Jesus Christ.

I think its cursed, I dont expect anything game related to get better. At best we get slightly better indie here and there.

>> No.10552769

honestly impressive considering how late in the year it was released

>> No.10552992

Of course all of the insufferable people from there are troons and troon-adjacent.

>> No.10552994

>Digital Nightfall
I remember that faggot from ttlg right? Fucking hell this era favourite sin is vanity for sure.

>> No.10553248

kek I almost believed mission 9 was going to be that easy

>> No.10553462

Mission 8 turned out to be kino, I was skeptical since it's quite linear but it's great. Made me want to replay Arx Fatalis. That wind elemental is my new favorite npc.

>> No.10553495
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I finished mission 6 and went back to get the sword.
I dont want the campaign to end. Shit man.

>> No.10553523
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>splash the fire elemental a few times
>oh look a custom death animation
>OH N-

>> No.10553582

Skacky please quit Arkane and go work with WolfEye or something. Nobody wants to see you waste your time on marvelslop.

>> No.10553587

I basedfaced irl when I saw it was daylight outside at the end of Jaws of Darkness.

>> No.10553614

I fucking second this. You too good man, I would pay for BP twice.

>> No.10553628

Anyone else find the secret in the water temple in mission 8?

>> No.10553729

so in mission 4 theres no objectives in belors tomb right? its just grab the gem in the chest and run from whatever the fuck that mummy is? the map makes it seem like there is more

>> No.10553741

i swear to the builder if these statues come alive and chase me or something

>> No.10553750
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they turned to face me when i walked in

>> No.10553754

ofc not anon and btw definitely DO NOT worry about that skeleton with the sword and shield in the alcove it will certainly not start chasing you at 9999mph to wherever you are when you complete all the objectives you can surely just take your time and keep your guard down as soon as you're ready to leave. you got this one bro

>> No.10553890

damn i got all the objectives except the loot because i didnt explore all the upper caves. i found the gamblers den but this seems like it will be harder to rob then just going back

>> No.10553940

grab the hammer down there

>> No.10553947

the sword upgrade seems like a lot of work how necessary is it

>> No.10554131

It makes the very next mission a lot easier, I just finished it but I'm sure it'll be useful in the other levels as well considering what happened in that mission.

>> No.10554196

The holy sword upgrade is basically an in-game difficulty slider.

>> No.10554269

>good news
the gamblers hideout links back to the top of the mission

>bad news
i am still 110 ish gold short

Honestly im suprised on how linent the gold requirments are for these first 4 missions are even on expert

>> No.10554323

Gold requirements are a lot more reasonable than TG but I still noticed they could feel tight on Expert. Then I'd finish the mission and discover I found only like half the gold. Where was it all hiding??

>> No.10555194

Fuck me this second mission filtered me hard. Spent 2 hours running around looking for the expert objectives and even so I managed to miss 900 loot. I am sure the other missions will be less convoluted... right?

>> No.10555254

No, not really. These missions are all designed for veteran players and have a lot of verticality the original games did not. A lot of the better missions made in the last 20 years surpass the originals in design by a lot and force you to look up and consider climbing or rope arrows.

>> No.10555361

Other fan missions that have levels as densely detailed as Black Parade's best, do they exist? The sense of place I felt wandering around the streets & ruins portions of The Brand is stuck in my head, high detail+low poly is a special kind of surrealism.

>> No.10555619

Does it ruin later levels?

>> No.10555627

Maybe I am really so hardened at playign Thief I found them at expert reasonable.

But being overwhelmed by Thief levels is a great phase to be in gameplay.

>> No.10555636
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I love the details of common life outside and inside the ruined part, reminded of the og mission in TDP.

Loved the notices on the walls , the day when the dad rose must have been quite an apocalypse.

That is the thing I love about the writing in BP its not fan fictony. Its well done, they captured the medieval yet surreal steampunk vibe.

I like they call the Baron Monsegnor like a late medieval early modern European town. Trier in Germany has the romanesque vibe iam talking about.

>> No.10555715

So, how long until we get AI generated Stephen Russell Garrett in FMs? We have over 20 years of bad Garrett imitations in FMs to look back on at this point, surely someone has thought about the potential of using AI for this by now?

Even Hume which is meant to be a different character entirely just comes off as a bad Garrett impression at the best of times, and his voice acting is probably the worst part of The Black Parade as a whole (which I've seen a lot of people mention, that must feel pretty shitty for the guy that voiced him).

>> No.10555752

he sounds like a 20 year old trying to do an old man voice, it's very amateurish

>> No.10555768

There's nothing stopping anyone here from making an AI generated Garrett voice, Dagoth Ur from Morrowind only had a few actual lines of dialogue but it was more than enough to make an Ai voice for him that's being used for all those Dagoth Ur meme videos now.

>> No.10555776

yeah it should be pretty easy


>> No.10555789

Is this from the new baconhero video?

>> No.10555804

There is already an AI voice.

Hume is not bad, I just dont think it fits an old man dick ass thief. He shoudl be more world weary, more spartan, less cocky.

>> No.10555806
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>> No.10555903


>> No.10555920

Into the Odd
Lost Among the Forsaken
The Whistling of the Gears
The Sound of a Burrick in a Room
The Chalice of Souls
The Scarlet Cascabel V.2
Rose Garden

>> No.10555973

i didnt get the impression he was an old man his voice doesnt reflect that i agree. I like how cocky he is though, its certainly different than garret.

>> No.10555980

No, it's just AIslop people created within days of AI voice generation being available and because people did stuff like this or David Attenborough urban anthropology voice clips they started neutering the AI so that people couldn't have fun.

>> No.10556069

>other missions will be less convoluted... right?
yes if you can read maps, because unlike the second mission the rest have useful maps

>> No.10556146

Call me a casual but I don't like how the map no longer highlights what part of the level you are in and which parts you explored already

>> No.10556237

Ironically, his VA is actually a retiree.

>> No.10556318

big if true

>> No.10556356
File: 16 KB, 250x219, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic rel

>> No.10556372

>tfw he didn't put on a crappy voice, he just boozed and chain smoked for 50 years

>> No.10556558

Get the fuck out of here. Really?

>> No.10556575

Unless I see a video of this old geezer doing Hume's voice into a mic I will not believe that is his voice actor.

>> No.10556624
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Man i havent even started mission 5 proper and i already already have 700 gold. Also, I found picrel by accident but its cool that there are multiple ways to get into the old quarter

>> No.10556641

It is him, although TBP's readme annoyingly doesnt say who does which voices, and his site isnt updated to mention TBP, so i guess you'll have to trust me on the fact that he also did a Garrett voice for all the TBP authors' 20th anniversary missions.

>> No.10556719

He was locked up in prison for 7 years so he isn't exactly young.

>> No.10557107

im must ask are the rest of the levels spooky, or do we get another mansion esc level?

thats true i didnt think about his age much.

>> No.10557289

I assumed him to be 30-something which isn't particularly old

>> No.10557389

he looks like he's based

>> No.10557589

Well, tis true, i've just checked out some of content on YT:

>> No.10557740
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>> No.10558708
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Seriously the sound design in thief 1 and 2, bp lifted the perfect stuff to emulate it.

There is something about the dark engine that dungeon synth does the same for me.

>> No.10558773

why did you sage the thread?

>> No.10558780

oh, it wasn't you, it's the fucking jannies. wtf is wrong with these fags?

>> No.10558853

I think threads autosage after 15 days.

>> No.10558878

It works significantly worse than that of the original games though, at least from my experience.

>> No.10559238

Where do I find the key for the upper office in the 2nd floor central library at the Keeper's Hideout? I'm guessing the key I need for the restricted library is in there.