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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 8 KB, 256x224, 23044_bf2968a0494edc5fba127af76ad82d5d7ec6bdc5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10509795 No.10509795 [Reply] [Original]

>That one impossible to beat retrogame
Any more?

>> No.10511048

If this is the snes one, I beat it and I beat space mutants on nes.

>> No.10511106


>> No.10511108

The gamegear one was 10000x worse. On God

>> No.10511409

This one is very possible, you just have to know the tricks to every stages. There's even 2-3 tricks to force a page spawn
The one that's way too tough is Virtual Bart

>> No.10511475

Half of Sega genesis library and a quarter of nes

>> No.10512323
File: 187 KB, 628x442, battletoads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10512476
File: 137 KB, 800x1032, black_suit_spider_man_by_ianjoswick_dbhwqr5-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That one impossible to beat retrogame
Out of all of the video games I've played during the last couple of decades, NOTHING messed it all up for me like Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin on Master System/Game Gear did, it was THAT bad.

I did manage to beat it on 2 out of its 3 difficulty settings, but the last one... called NIGHTMARE, I find to be quite an appropriate name by the way, it just couldn't be done, which is a shame too as its the only way to play with the Symbiote suit, I believe it was its 1st video game appearence too, anyways what really makes this hard, besides its controls and levels, is that you can't die... EVER.

ONE GUY? NO CONTINUES? Yes, it's one of those kinds of video games, you die ONCE and it's ALL over for you, back to the title screen. I mean, you can restore health by resting in your apartment, but you have an exact 24 minute timer to finish the adventure, and resting takes time, especially on Nightmare difficulty, it goes by in a flash, so you can't lose much health either, ever, I mean it.

So... how do you even beat this on Nightmare? I mean, it CAN be done, I've seen playthroughs by people that are far better at it than me, but it's clear that it requires a lot of time, not worth it.

If the level design and/or controls were good, I could see myself MAYBE trying to improve at it and finally finish it with the Symbiote suit, but it demands too much for such a mediocre title...

>> No.10512856

Pac Man

>> No.10512878

this game isn't that hard. The hardest is the Indiana Jones part, but once you figure it out the rest is pretty simple.

>> No.10512898

The TMNT game on DOS is literally impossible to beat without using a glitch to bypass a stage.

>> No.10512901

Well there's Maggie, can you help? no? Well suck my ass

>> No.10513436

What the fuck is up with this screenshot? Everything seems to look good but the toad is all garbled.

>> No.10513516
File: 449 KB, 1920x1080, battletoads-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

must be a romhack or something to make it look like the snes. picrel is what that stage actually looks like

>> No.10513521

>TMHT on DOS is beatable
Imagine paying for the pleasure of playing a DOS conversion platformer only to betatest it for a different continent.

>> No.10513543

I sucked so bad at this as a kid. I've never gone back as an adult. I wonder if it's any more comprehendible now.

>> No.10513609

I think it's from the Genesis version.

>> No.10513614

Bros I got filtered by the Itchy and Scratchy level so hard when I played this as a teen. I had to save state the fuck out of it to beat it. Literally everything oneshots you.
The Indiana Jones level was a breeze in comparison.
In the end I didn't even get an A. I completed everything and still got a B+

>> No.10513765

In case anyone shits on you for it, Battletoads was one of my favorites as a kid and I never knew about the Genesis version until very recently.

>> No.10515163
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Has there ever been some sort of explanation for this? As in, did any of the developers ever come forward, or were interviewed, and explained it? It still baffles me how this went through.

>> No.10515192
File: 338 KB, 1024x896, Fuck This Level.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was never able to do Maggie's Temple, I had NO idea how to fucking do that goddamn level. I could easily do both versions of every other level, did it dozens of times, but I could never figure out how to do even the first version of that fucking temple or last more than 10 seconds in that accursed place.

Oh well, that was still enough to win with an A, but I was never able to 100% that game.

>> No.10515206
File: 476 KB, 1920x1080, RobocopC64Level4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt they tested it that well, especially not without cheating with debug tools.

Not like they gave a shit anyway, there are many examples of developers intentionally making a game from the 80s and 90s unbeatable. Not hard, literally unbeatable, and on purpose.


And of course many many examples of it happening by accident too


The first one in that video always seemed laughably incompetent. A game with 100 levels and a boss every 10 levels... and it was impossible to get past level 30 because they forgot to include the boss for that level so you just load into a level with no enemies to fight and thus no way to get past it.

>> No.10515257

>The first one in that video always seemed laughably incompetent. A game with 100 levels and a boss every 10 levels... and it was impossible to get past level 30 because they forgot to include the boss for that level so you just load into a level with no enemies to fight and thus no way to get past it.
Holy shit that's fucking hilarious.

>> No.10515474
File: 440 KB, 596x466, impossible mission.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And of course many many examples of it happening by accident too

Pic Related.
>The Atari 7800 version of Impossible Mission actually is 'impossible' in that it is completely impossible to finish the game. A bug in the game's code made it so that some of the puzzle pieces you need to complete the game are placed behind computer terminals. Unfortunately, it is impossible to search computer terminals, as attempting to do so will access them instead of searching. The bug was fixed in the PAL releases of the game.

>> No.10515515
File: 124 KB, 719x540, Impossible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of which, what about games that intentionally make the hardest difficulty level actually impossible as a way to troll the player?

I recall that canceleld Pen & Teller game for the SegaCD (Yes, that one infamous for the Desert Bus "minigame") has a "Normal" and "Impossible" difficulty. If you choose Impossible the game lets you play for all of about ten seconds before you run into Lou Reed, who kills you both, and then mocks you for thinking Impossible was not literal by having Lou say "This isn't very hard, very hard is winning the Nobel Prize, Impossible is eating the sun"

Coincidently, I recall reading about a sci-fi game where in it's hardest difficulty setting (Which I think was also called "Impossible") it lets you play for a short while... and then the sun goes supernova and blows up everything.