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File: 102 KB, 768x1024, Thief Gold - TBP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10463839 No.10463839 [Reply] [Original]

It looks Thief: The Black Parade, the long-awaited fan-mission campaign for Thief Gold, has finally been released! It's been 7 years in the making and it features 10 expansive FMs, covering an original story with its own protagonist. Thoughts, fellow taffers? Been waiting a while for this one, gonna reinstall T1 to try it out.

Here's the TTLG thread about it:


Release trailer:


>> No.10463847

Best Jewish game and one of my all time favorites

>> No.10464303

Holy shit it's finally out

>> No.10464350

Is this of vanilla mission quality or better?

>> No.10464353

nigger it's just been out, people didn't even play it yet to form an opinion

>> No.10464358

I saw a thread on /v/ several days ago about this saying it was out so I assumed enough people have played it by now

>> No.10464442
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>> No.10464451


>> No.10464756


>> No.10464817

Why it's just harmless rust, anon. You're not afraid to get a little iron in your diet, right?

>> No.10464968

All I'll say is to keep in mind that they promised 10 missions with classic gameplay and that's what it is. They didn't turn it into an open world rpg or something transformative like that (which is not a bad thing).

>> No.10465327

how do I install this thing, just extract it in Mods or Usermods folder?

>> No.10465426

nm, figured it out

>> No.10465620


>> No.10465872

I finished the first mission and it's quite large and detailed. Definitely high quality Thief 1 experience.

>> No.10466095

I was expecting a string of high quality missions but this is the real deal: New intro cinematics, new models and apparently new tools.
Looks like the real deal, like T2X but for Thief Gold.

>> No.10466118

would this appeal to someone with the "wrong" opinion of the series? e.g. T3 >= T2 > T1

>> No.10466124

There's a lot of connections to TDS, one mission especially. But it's mostly rooted in T1's aesthetics and design, use your own judgement

>> No.10466183
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, dump001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with the fuck ugly low detail character models with triangle feet? Why are they forced when these maps would bring any toaster to its knees?

>> No.10466191

Closed out of the game when I tried waiting for two guards to pass by only to have to inch towards them to trigger another conversation.

>> No.10466195 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, dump003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck the second mission is kino already

>> No.10466430

Any new mechanics?

>> No.10466439
File: 45 KB, 677x680, 1000083862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well from w

the levels are alright, but the writing is shit as expected.

>> No.10466463

It honestly would have been better if they had spent less time working on it.

>> No.10466548

Yes, with new AI for enemies

>> No.10466583

Just started the first level, it's huge, the atmosphere is on point

>> No.10466710 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x1080, dump010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played the first three missions and the second one was certified kino. Really the only issue I have so far is the player character's voice acting.

>> No.10467689


>> No.10467784

gulping those health potions with a lot of passion

>> No.10467861

i just heard the sound in my head

>> No.10467943

>that guard just not giving a fuck as a torch gets blown the fuck out and strutting along
What a chad. And then he got gassed up.

>> No.10467951

Man, yours is definitely a wrong opinion. It's actually T3 >= T1 > T2.

>> No.10467986

I don't want to be an ungrateful asshole complaining about free content... i've played the first 5 missions and so far it's fantastic... but IMO the story doesn't live up to the hype built up in the missions that preceded TBP, like Chalice of Souls, Sound of a Burrick in a room, Lost among the Forsaken, Whistling of the gears, and a lot more I'm missing. there was a lot of intrigue and conflict between the crime lords, powerplays, conspiracies, stuff like that. there's not much connecting the missions (so far) and the political background/intrigue definitely feels a lot more distant

>> No.10467993

>iT dOeSnT lIvE uP tO tHe hYpE
thank god I never heard of this mission before and I can play it without pissing myself over retarded expectations

>> No.10468175

T2 had better fan missions and and modding scene, but if you compare base games T2 is just severely lacking in atmosphere

>> No.10468326

That's fair enough. I think BP's story was laid out before any of those missions so they would've had the benefit of building on top of that. Writing is rarely a strong point in mods, and good standalone missions play to their strength by focusing on plots that would be background material in a longer campaign.

>> No.10468330

>T2 is just severely lacking in atmosphere

>> No.10468417

it's just an opinion man
but it's almost universally acknowledged that tone and atmosphere of t2 is dramatically different from both t1 and t3, while the later two are much closer

>> No.10469065

T3 is like a fisher price version of TDP, fuck off.

>> No.10469742

>T3 is like a fisher price version of TDP

>> No.10470331
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>Burrick's can give blowjobs
Oh no...

>> No.10470662
File: 680 KB, 2592x1936, sotn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thief aarch64 when.

>> No.10470695

Burricks are CUTE and innocent and don't deserve being a part of some sicko's wet fantasies. This mod is confirmed unplayable shit.

>> No.10470821
File: 21 KB, 400x275, WHEN I WAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

came here to post this, glad someone beat me to it

>> No.10470931

shit opinion but you are in luck, there is a fan mission contest coming up for Deadly Shadows' 20th anniversary, expect quality TDS themed missions for T1,2,3 and Dark Mod next year

>> No.10470938
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>> No.10470962

First one isn't true, had a hammerite bump into me and nothing happened

>> No.10471030

the script sometimes malfunctions.

>> No.10471149

This is a bit unrelated but why is Dark Mod the only total conversion mod for Doom 3 AFAIK? If you could accomplish all that with Doom 3, why don't other people make mods with it?

>> No.10471153

It's a shame that people generally only work with forks of the Doom engine or Quake 1 if we're lucky. There's a lot of potential in completely open source engines that can now run on a potato.

>> No.10471174

There were other TCs back in the day.

>> No.10471316

Just completed the second mission, kino

>> No.10471591

I guess there are just plenty of options that
a - much easier to get into
b - are relevant so people can fool themselves as if they were doing it as relevant project for a resume

>> No.10471879
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x1080, dump083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck was this thing

>> No.10472002
File: 301 KB, 472x407, 1671368627995169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first missions was a nice classic, nothing out of the ordinary
>start second missions
>the mansion seems nice, I wonder how deep it go-

>> No.10472147
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>> No.10472165

After the clusterfuck of Thief 2014, a lot of people have given up on the Thief franchise's future. I hope Nightdive Studios does a Remaster of them, like what happened for System Shock.

>> No.10472208

I hope niggerdick studios goes defunct

>> No.10472227

the best possible thing is for the dark engine to just go GPL

>> No.10472319
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x1024, dump000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else playing with reshade? I have eye adaption on to make the really dark places easier to see around and bloom on top of that to make the lights pop.

>> No.10472324

>If you could accomplish all that
But The Dark Mod is kinda trash

>> No.10472326
File: 223 KB, 1050x1080, Thief Gold 2023.12.03 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10472328

They really never heard of that song? I don't even listen to pop punk and that song came out when I was very young and even I know about it because it's so famous

>> No.10472336

And I hope you gonna get raped by a pack of wild monkeys

>> No.10472340

Are there any other similarly big projects for Thief in development?

>> No.10472381

Spoiler that disturbing shit bro.

>> No.10472403

for Thief no but there's Broken Goddess for Thief 2 which is also well into development. It's a sequel to Feast of Pilgrims and Godbreaker

>> No.10472557

Kill yourself. Night Dive's KEX ports are awful.

>> No.10472648

mission 4 down.
Another huge map but also great, especially if you enjoy tomb raiding

>> No.10472661

Is Broken Goddess shaping up to be of similar caliber to TBP with new mechanics, huge levels, voice acting, story, etc.?

>> No.10472797
File: 75 KB, 640x436, christmas_poker_by_chiefdreams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy belated taffin' anniversary you fucking faggots

>> No.10473340

>finish mission 1
okay that was pretty well made but nothing too super special so fa-
>mission 2
holy fucking shit

>> No.10473869
File: 331 KB, 1089x652, 1684981889372024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hammerites have giant spider in their attics
Nice faction, hammerkeks

>> No.10474143

I'm on the second mission and holy fuck it's huge.

>> No.10474154

It's a reference to David Cameron doing some weird shit for a frat initation iirc

>> No.10474618
File: 853 KB, 1280x1024, dump001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else find the haunted painting in m2?

>> No.10474824

No, but then again I also missed 1k worth of loot

>> No.10474931
File: 506 KB, 1920x1080, dump047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you find this chest?

>> No.10474936 [DELETED] 

Black parade? Do they have to put nigger dicks into everything!

>> No.10475097

after playing black parade a bit, I can say that, this is a masterpiece.
If you never played any fm before, DON'T play it. nothing is the same after this one.

>> No.10475130
File: 2.02 MB, 1920x1080, dump045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the second mission is genuinely some of the best shit I've ever played

>> No.10475210
File: 237 KB, 640x2398, merge8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Black Parade
Fucking cringe. Join me in awaiting a REAL fm campaign (pic related, any day now)

>> No.10475843

first one for me, although I'm planing to play T2X after this one

>> No.10476093
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>literally a door

>> No.10476105
File: 181 KB, 1920x1080, burrick liek carrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

expectations = subverted

>> No.10476823

>there are plumsies
>there are also grapes
downwinder's gonna have a seizure

>> No.10477853


>> No.10478053
File: 263 KB, 1920x1080, friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks you're path

>> No.10478254
File: 448 KB, 220x165, Andre.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>catacomb mission
>find the necklace
>looks like the most obvious bait ever, but taffing's my job
>pick it up
I managed to luckshit the correct path the first time and bolted the fuck off, I'm not even going to bother looting that maze

>> No.10478315

that moment alone was scarier than most would-be horror games manage to be

>> No.10478454
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>> No.10478498
File: 2.01 MB, 1920x1080, THIEF_qbJmgONmre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10478514

How hard is it to datamine thief? To find out what the fuck this things name is, at least.

>> No.10478528

Bros pls no spoilers!!!

>> No.10478537

You can open any mission up in dromed and click on objects to see their names. That one is only generically named "An Apebeast"

>> No.10478597

Just downloaded thief gold. Is there anything else I should download before playing, like essential mods and such that might be required to make it operational on modern systems?

>> No.10478607

Installing tfix lite as described here will take care of it (for the base game, as well as fan missions if you play those)

>> No.10479425
File: 3.98 MB, 1400x4537, Thief FMs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there anything else I should download before playing
TFix Lite. It's the fan-patch that adds full compatibility with modern systems. Adds modern resolutions, mouse options, modern control presets, and lots of other configuration stuff.

TFix Lite is essential to get both T1 and T2 running on modern PCs. It comes pre-installed in the GOG versions but not in the Steam versions. If you got the game from GOG you don't need to install anything. There's also an optional version called TFix Full but its controversial since it does changes in the level design.

For Thief 3, the essential patch is Sneaky Upgrade, adds modern compatibility and also much-needed gameplay settings (they're all optional tho).

To play Fan-Missions (in T1 and T2): install any FM loader program and load the FM zips from there. It will install the FMs to your game directory and you can boot them from there. I use AngelLoader myself but the game comes with its own FM loader (fmsel).

Picrel is a list of recommended FMs

>> No.10479449
File: 1.10 MB, 1269x1089, 1614910766421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also: most Thief 1 FMs assume your game only has TFix Lite installed. TFix Full (T1 version) modifies item and character models and textures to match the ones in Thief 2. It also makes changes to maps, terrain textures, and lots of other undocumented shit (!), which might cause problems when booting FMs. For this reason it's recommended to have T1 with only TFix Lite installed.

Thief 2 has its own TFix Full, but its safe to use it since its from a different creator who documents his own changes while respecting the vision of the OG game, and doesn't add random shit just to add shit. A fully patched T2 doesn't cause problems in FMs, unlike T1.

>> No.10479461

I really need to make another version of these pics. Not that they're wrong, but they drop off in 2014.

>> No.10479526

>talking severed head
>angry star


>> No.10479554

Thanks for all the hard work anon!

>> No.10479681
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>> No.10479890

Voice acting in the Hammerite mission is a huge improvement, it almost sounds like the original

>> No.10479974

I wish the protag's voice acting wasn't Skyrim mod tier

>> No.10480180 [SPOILER] 
File: 289 KB, 1000x1000, Thief Gold 2023.12.05 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spook alert!
not for the faint of heart!

>> No.10480352
File: 374 KB, 542x675, sheen_martin[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still, I think it's impressive they were able to get him for the role

>> No.10481358
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>> No.10481375
File: 901 KB, 1680x1050, GAkCp6tWAAMvKQt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of Dromed.

>> No.10482142


>> No.10482151
File: 3.59 MB, 3840x7826, t1 hd pack shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one time the HD mod creator put his girlfriend in the game

>captcha - ARHDH4

>> No.10482161
File: 49 KB, 456x454, Captura de pantalla (5275).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are the odds...

>> No.10482167
File: 3.03 MB, 963x1564, T1 NPC Model comparison - TFix Lite vs TFix Full2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10482174
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>> No.10482271

luckily this does not affect the black parade, no matter which patch you use.
I've checked

>> No.10482320
File: 159 KB, 445x289, Tdm_wiki_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reminder that The Dark Mod gives to you free Thief gameplay with Doom 3 graphics.

Show some love to a dedicated crew who continue to support a completely free Thief-like game.

>> No.10482659


>> No.10482917

Is it really a Thief gameplay? I never played it, but I remember anons in previous Thief threads used to dismiss it

>> No.10483013


>> No.10483016

its very similar to thief in some respects, and very different in others.
the biggest advantage it has is that its built using the doom 3 engine which is extremely powerful and very easy to customize. you can do lots of crazy things with it.
try Iris, its the by far the best fanmission released for it and showcases what the engine is capable of.

>> No.10483338

TDM is great but it isn't exactly the same gameplay. 90% of the same mechanics are there, but they're subtly different in a way that makes the game much slower and punishing. So, it's good if that's what you're looking for.

>> No.10484159

someone post the boomer playing Thief pls

>> No.10484163
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>> No.10484170
File: 90 KB, 1024x576, garretthievesguildthief1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished mission 8. Every mission has been a minimum 9/10 so far, the worst part is simply that it's never enough; I always want more.

>> No.10484192
File: 426 KB, 220x213, 1692279828700773.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes! thank you

>> No.10484202
File: 594 KB, 1280x720, 107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally me playing through Black Parade
They could sell it as a standalone expansion and I would buy it full price. It was worth waiting 7 years. Once you get to the second mission, you know you're playing the mod of the year. And the crypt missions is, in my opinion, much better than the originals Done in the Bonehoard.

>> No.10484240

>mod of the year
very true
dont forget to vote, brothers

>> No.10485069

Just finished the last mission. Wow, what a perfect prequel to TDP. It's as good as if not better than the official games, when I replay the series in future I'm including TBP. It kinda makes me hope T2X gets a remake.

>> No.10485203

It hasn't been Doom 3 graphics in years.
They've implemented optional soft shadows with both the doom 3 stencil shadows and modern shadowmaps.

IMO it's the best Thief gameplay that exists. Just a natural improvement of the original system.
TDM > Dark Engine > T3 UE

>> No.10485227

Also, basically all of the new features in The Black Parade are just lifted from TDM.
That makes it even crazier that people are still making FMs for Dark Engine rather than moving to TDM.
Why would anyone want to go through all that extra work? Just to suffer dromed instead of better mapping tools?

>> No.10485289

Dromed isn't that bad despite the memes. Even with TBP's extra features, the two games have a very different cadence to their gameplay, and the clean low poly look is decidedly nicer than the waxy Doom 3 look. TDM's real downfall is its sound design. The everpresent player footsteps still sound like they were recorded in a tin can, and where Thief's npc voices and footsteps ring loud and clear to project their position, TDM's are murky and indistinct. Not to mention, TBP uses a shitload of assets swiped from other games, music, and films, which probably wouldn't be allowed to be distributed through TDM's fm repo since they are (understandably) more touchy about copyright issues. This would either add tons of development time, or kneecap the audiovisual aspect.
Still want to try making a TDM mission sometime.

>> No.10485296

>with Doom 3 graphics.
this is a bad thing

>> No.10485316
File: 75 KB, 208x202, 1453293977660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw returning to the forest

>> No.10485381

TDM doesn't run properly on AMD or Intel. Devs just say to buy an Nvidia card.
Newdark runs on everything.

>> No.10485385

Only slighty ruined by my having to go right back down to spend another half an hour trying to reach the loot goal.

>> No.10485405

Why? t2x was great.

>> No.10485449

I agree, but if I'm replaying the series in chronological order, ie:
TBP -> TDP -> TMA -> T2X -> TDP
T2X is definitely going to feel outdated after playing TBP thanks to the pre-newdark limitations placed on the mapmakers, especially the big open areas like the outdoor part of the pirate cove could really make use of the increased brush limit.

>> No.10485627

I think T2X takes place before and during the early part of TMA.

>> No.10485950

>Doom 3
I thought it was literally unreal tournament engine

>> No.10485963
File: 3.90 MB, 1920x1080, 1693225795306.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Für mich, it's Endless Rain

>> No.10486203

TBP sucks

>> No.10486218

>TDM doesn't run properly on AMD or Intel.

>> No.10486586

I've used both dromed and radiant and I can confidently say dromed is worse. Not dark radiant nor Thief's dromed, but still.
>low poly look is decidedly nicer
lol no
>sound design
I don't know about your sound setup, but for me Dark Mod footsteps project their position realistically while Dark Engine footsteps are waaaaay overdone in that regard, they are too clear and easy to pinpoint. It worked great on shitty desktop speakers back in the 90s but with nice headphones it's just so embarassingly overdone. The acoustics in Dark Engine rooms are just too clean and the engine doesn't support reverb. But ambient sound design is usually better in original Thief games than TDM or any of their FMs.
>TBP stolen assets wouldn't be allowed on TDM repo
Yeah that's fair. But even if unavailable from the in-game downloader, it's still more convenient for end-users than T1/2/3 FMs that require modding the outdated base games and FM loaders.

What do you mean? It runs even on low power intels or ancient graphics cards. TDM has a pretty nice resolution scaling + sharpening that allows it to use modern heavy effects like SSAO on very outdated hardware and still look good while running at 60 fps.
I wonder why they went with their own resolution scaling + sharpening solution rather than FSR2. Maybe FSR doesn't play nice with something in id tech 4.

>> No.10486648
File: 108 KB, 564x542, 1556856781719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuuuhhhhh what were those footsteps when you pick up the second key in mission 2?

>> No.10486838

Don't worry about it :)

>> No.10487032
File: 155 KB, 260x187, 1434490960863.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I skedaddled right out of there when that happened

>> No.10487064

are you using reshade for that bloom?

>> No.10487096

do i need to play skacky's older fms (endless rain, burrick in a room, etc.) to understand the black parade's storyline or am i good
>Why would anyone want to go through all that extra work
tdm is cool and it's probably the closest thing to a competent thief successor in the entire industry which makes aaa devs look even worse, holy shit, but it'll always be a weird great value bootleg version of thief that can't legally reference the original series' lore in any way, and at the end of the day it inherently *feels* different mechanically, so of fucking course people are still interested in making thief 1 and 2 missions using dromed. even if we miraculously got a game that mogged thief in every single way, i guarantee at least a few diehards would still be playing it and torturing themselves with dromed
nta, but search for ";postprocess 1" in cam_ext.cfg and uncomment it. i personally think the bloom effect looks tacky unless you tone it down by tweaking the parameters under it like bloomscale and bloom_threshold, but it's there if you want it

>> No.10487263

you're good. Just play the campaign.

>> No.10487475

Thief 2 Campaign: Death's Cold Embrace
The Broken Goddess (sequel to T2: Godbreaker)
The Black Frog
T2: Godbreaker

>> No.10487645
File: 206 KB, 706x1060, iris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try Iris, its the by far the best fanmission released for it and showcases what the engine is capable of.
That's the one with the glasses right?

>> No.10488131

How in the Builder's name do you do mission 5 without using rope arrows?

>> No.10488149

Why would you?

>> No.10488153

I don't know how to get to the spooky mansion without them. There seems to be a lot of ways to soft lock yourself if you don't have rope arrows in TBP

>> No.10488156

easy GOTY 2023, jesus christ

>> No.10488163

How could you ever run out of rope arrows when you can just reuse them?

>> No.10488198 [SPOILER] 
File: 485 KB, 1500x1480, Jacopo_ligozzi,_vanitas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahah I shat myself

>> No.10488223

Glad they thought to use the new banner pulling mechanic for such a spook, very well thought out.
Also the little shithead drinking from the fountain at the start. It's both a clever use of existing dialogue, a funny bit, and good cover to get inside through the front while the guard is distracted.

>> No.10488245

I'm at the 8th mission, did I miss this?

>> No.10488253

All the way back in mission 2 my brother

>> No.10488258

It's on the 2nd mission, in one of the two dozen rooms you can easily miss because the game is overwhelming with its level design (in a good way, mind you)

>> No.10488262
File: 813 KB, 1920x1080, dump014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and I thought I was thorough :(

>> No.10488270

Where do you see the Ivan painting?

>> No.10488280

It's behind one of the curtains you can walk through in the upper floors of the mansion, around the vault and the upper way into the "inner" mansion area

>> No.10488284

up in the attic area near the vault

>> No.10488320

fourth mission is overwhelming, jesus, and I can't read that map for shit

>> No.10488321

his older fms are better than tbp so play those

>> No.10488348

Where is the hammerite treasury?

>> No.10488354

basement area where you also turn off the alarm

>> No.10488584

>he didn't find the sword upgrade

>> No.10488751
File: 630 KB, 742x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't expect a Beksinksi and a fucking Berserk reference in the same sequence

>> No.10488834

>found 6/7 hawtrey portraits in the manor
this is hell
also, are those sword zombies even possible to kill without holy water? not even permakill just regular zombie knockdown

>> No.10488931

I'm on the Trial of Stone hammerite cathedral mission and I can't find the fucking Tale of the Stone book. I've knocked out every guard in the level and have been running around looking for the damn thing but it's nowhere to be found. I even checked a youtube playthrough to see where it was, then went to that exact area in my game and it wasn't there. Does anybody have a clue where to find this fucking thing? I'm on expert if that matters.

>> No.10488982

It can spawn in two different spots, council chambers being one of them

>> No.10489013

yeah that's where I checked. Any idea where else it could be?

>> No.10489027

Scriptorium or Father Cruciger's chambers

>> No.10489042

Found it. Hadn't gone up to the area with Cruciger's chambers. Thanks!

>> No.10489076

>game includes deadly shadows lore

>> No.10489138

Did you find the one by the hanged man?

>> No.10489270

I found it, in a room that could only be reached by descending with a rope arrow. Didn't expect that, you could get softlocked pretty easily in there...
Just managed to hit the expert loot requirement after exploring a whole bunch of new areas on ground level. Christ these levels are elaborate, I could go a different path and it would feel like a completely different level. Hell just leaving the sealed area I ran into so many little nooks and hidden areas. I'm floored by this shit.

>> No.10489739
File: 168 KB, 500x486, 7g7j1w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's absolute kino when you fuck up and the hag notices you in the keeper hideout

>> No.10490521
File: 907 KB, 1920x1080, 1696235531831536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how do I open this door?

>> No.10490524

Search the rest of the house for a key- or just find another way into the sealed quarter. There's multiple ways in. Sealed my ass

>> No.10490532

Oh, so it's just another way in, I though it was a cool secret. I already found multiple other ways.

>> No.10491189

does anyone have the pepe/viktoria booba pic?

>> No.10491234 [SPOILER] 
File: 918 KB, 1920x1080, 1681811647462523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very funny...

>> No.10491393
File: 7 KB, 93x208, arch lurk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That whole segment was creepy as shit, she's way faster than she should be everything is covered in the loudest marble tiles, so you can also hear her rapidly approaching.

>> No.10492303

pleb take

>> No.10492387

It's pretty good, but you're not going to be completely blown away.

>> No.10492392

Why, Thief Gold on gog runs fine on modern systems

>> No.10492406

Now play past the first mission

>> No.10492417

keepers should have remained within the realm of prophecy and fate, them becoming just another type of mage's guild was lame.

>> No.10492473

I feel like I've barely found any secrets. Each missions I was missing like 700-800 treasure.

>> No.10492823

Thief games are made to be replayed

>> No.10493450

Just finished it, 10/10. The finisher was tragic, but fit in. If they sold is as an official expansion, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

>> No.10494005

city levels>horror levels>dungeons>high tech levels>manors
talking about Thief in general

>> No.10494093

The second mission in Black Parade is a manor and it's amazing

>> No.10494441

>If they sold is as an official expansion, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
You are a retard, and a huge fucking faggot. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.10494935

Maybe it's just that I just finished it and I'm stocked, but I cannot shake the feeling that this is peak stealth gaming. Like in nearly every great stealth game there's always one thing I didnt like, or a shitty level, Thief 2 included.
I cannot find a single fucking flaw in this mod, you can fucking tell it had good time in the oven. Holy shit every mission was at least a 95%.

>> No.10495045

>single fucking flaw
the voice acting is atrocious and most of the recording quality of voices is extremely poor. Two different guards have voice lines that were recorded without a pop shield and peak with plosives. Given this took 7 years, whoever managed the sound did a shit job there. Rest is fine.

>> No.10495194

>Muh VA

If anything, its just like the original. Where they just got random people from the office to do 90% of the bits. If the VA or sound quality was too good, it would be poorly juxtaposed onto a 30yo game.

>> No.10495261 [DELETED] 

Kill banners. Behead banners. Roundhouse kick a banner into the concrete. Slam dunk a banner baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy banners. Defecate in a banners food. Launch banners into the sun. Stir fry banners in a wok. Toss banners into active volcanoes. Urinate into a banners gas tank. Judo throw banners into a wood chipper. Twist banners heads off. Report banners to the IRS. Karate chop banners in half. Curb stomp pregnant banners. Trap banners in quicksand. Crush banners in the trash compactor. Liquefy banners in a vat of acid. Eat banners. Dissect banners. Exterminate banners in the gas chamber. Stomp banner skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate banners in the oven. Lobotomize banners. Mandatory abortions for banners. Grind banner fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown banners in fried chicken grease. Vaporize banners with a ray gun. Kick old banners down the stairs. Feed banners to alligators. Slice banners with a katana.

>> No.10495263

Kill banners. Behead banners. Roundhouse kick a banner into the concrete. Slam dunk a banner baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy banners. Defecate in a banners food. Launch banners into the sun. Stir fry banners in a wok. Toss banners into active volcanoes. Urinate into a banners gas tank. Judo throw banners into a wood chipper. Twist banners heads off. Report banners to the IRS. Karate chop banners in half. Curb stomp pregnant banners. Trap banners in quicksand. Crush banners in the trash compactor. Liquefy banners in a vat of acid. Eat banners. Dissect banners. Exterminate banners in the gas chamber. Stomp banner skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate banners in the oven. Lobotomize banners. Mandatory abortions for banners. Grind banner fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown banners in fried chicken grease. Vaporize banners with a ray gun. Kick old banners down the stairs. Feed banners to alligators. Slice banners with a katana.

>> No.10495275

I don't pay attention to which assets they're using from other games, I only found out in the credits.

>> No.10495403

A 30yo game with randoms doing voice work has far better audio quality...

It's not like voice recording/acting was invented in the recent decades. Both have been solved problems longer than you've been alive. Zero-budget mod/game projects often fail at both (TBP is far from the only one) because there is no pressure to make a commercially viable product, no unified quality control. They just take whatever bedroom recordings they can get.

>> No.10495437

TDP doesn't have better audio quality retard, why don't you go back a replay unmodded TDP. If you're complaining about the Voice talent themselves, then you are in denial about the original also being just as campy. They were on the same level.

Either way, my point is that the quality and voice acting fit right in. It's very close to the original, regardless of the quality level of both. I wouldn't be surprised if it was intentional on their part either because the similarities are actually uncanny.

Its better this way, you would be complaining about the voices being too different from the other sounds/fx in quality and contrast if they had gone too high fidelity.

>> No.10495438

I don't think the way Doom 3's lighting looks, and to my knowledge, creators still haven't made any Dark Mod FMs that are as big and complex as the biggest Dark Engine FMs.

>> No.10495439

Does anyone know how to deal with the gas in the Church treasury? I haven't found any info or people mentioning it at all.

>> No.10495454

But TDM doesn't have Doom 3 lighting anymore.
The pixel-perfect sharp stencil shadows are still an option but there's now also smooth shadows.
You should check it out some day.

>> No.10495461

third floor, a room with a hammerite sleeping in it, look on the top of the bedframe for the switch. There is a note mentioning it, but then again there are bunch of notes in that level so you probably missed it

>> No.10495646 [SPOILER] 
File: 531 KB, 1920x1080, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else catch this apartment in mission 1? Spooked my socks off.

>> No.10495653

Considering how both good AI voices are, and how great fans are at making missions, has anyone ever thought about making a fan Thief 2 Gold, and polishing that game's rougher edges?

Or a Thief Gold Gold, fuck Thieves Guild

>> No.10495664

Thief 2 gold was in the works with lgs prior to the company going under. The ideas they had for extra missions were released. I think one idea was to have garrett break into a necromancer mansion.

>> No.10495669


Good morning saar

>> No.10495697
File: 112 KB, 1022x765, 1684549496216645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing my first playthrough without quicksaves and its 10x more immersive that way

>> No.10495743

Nothing wrong with quicksaves. Quickloads are the problem.

>> No.10495795

there were some attempts but there isn't much to go with, maps and story would've been mostly fanfiction, so those projects failed. If you are spending time making stuff up, may as well make something new

>> No.10495804 [SPOILER] 
File: 173 KB, 1920x1080, Suprise Zombie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one of their favorite tricks. Still gets me everytime they do it.

>> No.10495841

AI voices may have many controversies, but they are a Godsend for modding, particularly for older PC games.

If you can get the OG voice actor and they can still do the voice perfect, that's great and obviously superior. But for most modding projects, that's outside the realm of possibility.

>> No.10495845

Can you name any old game mods that have actually done this?
I think you've just heard some voice deepfakes and mistakenly think AI voice is the hot shit. They're not.

>> No.10495872

Is it in the hammer abbey?

>> No.10495896

When I did my no loading playthrough of T1/2 I disabled my quicksave binding but I still hardsaved before going down ladders.

>> No.10496223
File: 1.67 MB, 1920x1080, dump002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Each mission has been so amazing, its blowing my mind.

Only on mission 5. Love all the new models and sounds they got from various sources. Arx ones fit like a glove.

Even the writing and tone is perfect which is usually ont the case on fan stuff. My only gripe is Hume voices which is a bit try hard.

>> No.10496229

Morrowind mods are using them.

>> No.10496272

Can't tell if my monitor settings are fucked or if the game really is dark as shit.

>> No.10496279

They nailed the feeling of playing TDP really well, its like doing it again, I wish the OG levels had a revision type mod with all levels being slightly remade.

I love the ogs but just for fun.

I usually just use the keyboard buttons ingame to change brightness.

>> No.10496304
File: 6 KB, 128x128, Hooded_Lantern_On.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's dangerous to go alone, take this

>> No.10496306

I have gamma up/down bound to PgUp/Dn, that way I can see iin corners when I want too but also quickly switch back to a better ambience. TDM not having bindings for gamma is another reason I don't care for it.

>> No.10496334

Oh and TDM's lockpicking, I forgot how bad TDM's lockpicking is, even on the auto mode the lockpicking alone is reason enough to never touch TDM.

>> No.10496352

it is darker than the official games

>> No.10496360

Yeah it's not very good but at least it's better than Thief 1/2 passive lockpicking.

Honestly they should have copied Thief 3 lockpicking minigame but with the lock innards hidden. That would keep the audio focus of the lockpicking and also actually make it an engaging gameplay mechanic rather than lame "hold button and wait" system.

>> No.10496369
File: 1.86 MB, 1920x1080, dump000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking great experience, I would gladly pay for more.
Sometimes fan stuff does not really nail it.

Sure there are tons of other great FMs, but campaigns are always nice.

It was a nice year for me to try this kinda of stuff, Field Intensity and Echoes for HL, Ashes 2063 for Doom. It goes on.

>> No.10496380

>Yeah it's not very good but at least it's better than Thief 1/2 passive lockpicking.
Hard disagree, the purpose of the orignal lock levels was that locks would be timed around guard patrols, requiring tense timing/repeat visits to complete, just because shitty FM authors put level 6 locks on chests in attics no guard will ever visit doesn't mean the system itself is bad.

At no point during the thousands of hours I've put into Thief have I ever thought; 'You know what I'd really like? To experience a simulationist recreation of what it's actually like to pick a lock every time I come across one in a Thief level.'

>> No.10496391

There is nothing tense about holding a button for a predefined set amount of time.
When there is a skill challenge to solve under that time pressure, that adds tension and unpredictability to the timing.

>> No.10496419

>There is nothing tense about holding a button for a predefined set amount of time.
>timed around guard patrols, requiring tense timing/repeat visits to complete

As the continued output of Thief FM's compared to, 'the guy making our main story missions literally died of old age'– game FM's continues to prove, TDM remains enjoyed only by a tiny minority that has failed to grow in the last decade of total obstance from it's grey-haired devs over widely hated mechanics that it's self-blinding shills, who step into perfectly good Thief threads on /vr/ and shit up the atmosphere of celebration over a landmark Thief ONE release, with fucking aids posts like this, >>10496304 (yes we all know TDM has a latern thank you, WE DON'T FUCKING CARE) continue to pretend aren't the cause for TDM's perpetual unpopularity.

Now last time I checked TDM wasn't /vr/, so maybe fuck off before you get Rule 1'd.

>> No.10496456

Yes, that is the exact scenario where there is nothing tense about holding down a button. You know how long the picking will take, nothing you do will to affect the timing and the mission is probably designed with that in mind. You don't even have to focus on the actual lockpicking at all, it doesn't take any of your attention so you're completely free to listen to guard footsteps for example.

I'm sure you can see how waiting out an invisible progress bar is less tense and immersive than actually putting your own skill down on the line, even if you are too upset to agree. TDS lockpicking is the best of the bunch and TDM is an unfortunate compromise.

Maybe chill down before you get yourself Rule 2'd. Why you heff to be mad?

>> No.10496501

Where in the fuck is the torture chamber I have to drop the body in?

>> No.10496526

check the wine caskets

>> No.10496631

soul VS soulless

>> No.10496659
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1080, 1473314632296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can just disable all mods in angelloader, since BP already comes with certain mods active by default.

I like AM16 vanilla missions with no gold levels, since gold ruins the lost city, but I wish i could use the og models on it.

>> No.10496676

Thanks bruv

>> No.10496715

What FM is that?

>> No.10496762

Its not a fm i think its an old screenshot of mine of the haunted cathedral.

>> No.10496816
File: 211 KB, 1920x1080, boom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember a part that looked like that, guess it's time for a replay

>> No.10496820
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x1080, dump002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck was wrong with this guy

>> No.10496890


I uninstalled regular tfix fuck it.

I am trying to use tfix lite and i have weird bug on BP menu.

Everything else in BP seems to work fine any ideas?

>> No.10496905

What bug? TBP works fine for me on TFix lite.
In fact it works straight off the GOG version of Thief Gold, don't have to update or install anything else if you're fine with fmsel.

>> No.10496936

Too on the nose my ttlg friends.

>> No.10497006

Nah its fixed. Dont know what happened

You see i was already on mission 5 on black parade but when i went to check on TDP i just realized all the disgusting shit TFix installs, so I went back and installed tfix lite something must have gone wrong the first time.

>> No.10497045

Okay so tfix full for 2 is fine?

I see some enhancement packs on its install notes it does not ruin the game like TFIX for 1?

>> No.10497210

I think it's Bloodstone Prison, the ceiling rings a bell.

>> No.10497429

the problem with playing really old thief 1 FMs in newdark is that unexpected bugs might occur.
"Shadow of doubt" is a good example of this, because the moment you start mission 2 a guard will be alerted as soon as you start it.
Tfix comes with a folder called "FMdml" which includes tons of fixes to make the missions compatible with newdark.
Luckily you can copy over the DML folder to your Tfix lite install as any regular mod
everything is optional in T2fix and doesn't forcefully change anything unlike tfix, so yeah It's fine, some mods might be good to enable though like the bugfixes, and I personally like the enhanced skies but you do you.

>> No.10497482

Which ones do you recommend for thief 2? I dont mind better textures if its teh vanilla ones just better.

>> No.10497502

I didnt knew FMdml were fan mission fixes, Tfix lite does not have this, while i saw it on the mods list in tfix full.

I suppose one can donwload FMdml stand lone

>> No.10497562

Honestly the only thing I dont like in Tfix full now that I am trying are the forced models. The sky is fine, I dont like the water.

It says it changes the AI ? I think its only the models that said I now see how i can mix and match.

>> No.10497589
File: 454 KB, 2560x2876, Thief 2 The Metal Age Screenshot 2023.12.11 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ultimately It's up to you, I'd say enable everything except the enhancement pack.
If you use Angelloader It's super easy to enable/disable mods at any time so you can compare.

the thing about the EP is that it only effects certain objects (eg. bottles, plants) but it leaves the environmental textures alone. So 90% of the game will have the same old textures as vanilla, but then you'll stumble upon a ultra high definition wine bottle that sticks out as a sour thumb compared to Its surroundings

>> No.10497620
File: 582 KB, 1920x1080, dump006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah i dont want that fucking second bottle.
I am having some issues with the menu still. When I install tfix lite and dont try to add any other mod like say carrybody, the FMdmls, the main menu options look fine and everything is fine, vanilla game etc.

If i try to add a mod like say carrybody the menu gets fucked up. It does not happen when i use tfix full.

the menu is also fucked in the regular game or fms.

>> No.10497854

I'm still playing on normal, anybody completed it on the higher difficulties?

>> No.10497868
File: 83 KB, 1064x325, Namnlös.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a mandatory mod for the interface that needs to be loaded too, It's in the "patches" folder, make sure you add that to the load order in cam_mod.
a "+" goes in-between every new folder/mod you want to add

>> No.10497874

Yeah I found it right about now

I wonder does the osm script mod also need to be disabled?

>> No.10498116
File: 1.30 MB, 3600x3619, 1696682552894252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the dust has settled, what do we think about Father Karras?

>> No.10498516

I have a lisp and look egghead retarded, ITS OVER ! Millions must die to rustgas.

>> No.10499206

Mechanists did nothing wrong. Rust gas merely solves the problem of disgusting weak flesh.


>> No.10499383
File: 175 KB, 479x425, 1000083697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my problem number 1?

I can't see shit.in this game!

>> No.10499523

I have the Gamma set to 40% higher by default and still have trouble sometimes. It was straining my eyes squinting in the dark parts but now the screen is too bright. You just can't fucking win.

>> No.10499590

Buy better monitors in the future. And it doesn't necessarily have to be expensive. Even some old cheap-ass LCD panels had excellent black levels and white saturation, you just gotta test before buying and choose one that fits your needs.

Basically, any monitor that can pass both of these without touching contrast/brightness/gamma settings is a good one for taffingabout.

>> No.10499749

I'm not op, but I use my motor for games as well as graphics, and I chose a monitor with really good color accuracy, but with one flaw, bad blacks. I can't see the difference between top 5 squares on that test.

>> No.10499779
File: 266 KB, 1024x555, 1617132665049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have HDMI black level on my monitor set to "low"
>can literally only see the bottom row of squares
>set black level to "normal"
>can see all squares fine but everything looks sort of washed out/grey

What's the solution to this? I've been using low this whole time because the colour generally looks better and more vibrant but I can't see shit in dark games like Thief

>> No.10499790

Heretic, will answer to The Builder.

>> No.10499791

>can't see the difference between top 5 squares
Oh wow, I don't think I've ever had an LCD panel THAT bad.
>can literally only see the bottom row of squares
Jesus christ how horrifying.

These revelations are too much for me, I'm bailing out.

>> No.10499794

>Oh wow, I don't think I've ever had an LCD panel THAT bad.
well actually, when i turn sRGB, it all looks fine, i can distinguish all, but I feel colors are more mellow, so I guess I'll be switching depending on what Im doing

>> No.10499809

>using some fucked up color space that oversaturates everything
Is this a zoomer thing?

>> No.10500543
File: 49 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well it just makes me respect Catholi.. I mean Hammers more, his extremism was cringe.

>> No.10500553

How do I grab the loot in the treasury in the third mission?

>> No.10500585

Love this fucking mission. its so fucking amazing. Crossbow dudes, the big ones that cant be BJed
Beautiful mission is a bit of Lecard Chronicles music.

You have to find a note to figure the secret of the treasury. The note is not hidden

>> No.10500617

theres a large hallway with a bunch of bedrooms. one of them has a note explaining that the treasury is trapped and that the real switch is in the cardinal's room.

>> No.10500784

took me three days but I finally completed the fifth mission and I can't praise it enough, masterpiece

>> No.10500941
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x1080, dump005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am only on it now, only at the beginning. The early stages are super peak comfy, there is something about dark engine and bedrooms and houses.

Holy shit i wish the mod had a sequel. Jesus fuck.

There is something about the movement as well that i cant put my finger on it, but makes me spooked in thief.

Man I love all the ambient sounds they picked off other games, its like they belong in Thief.

>> No.10500960

Btw any cam_ext.cfg experts here?

Any tweaks in it that are worth it, I kinda like the bloom.

>> No.10501107
File: 40 KB, 250x185, beeldeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like the rust has settled lol btfo nerd
i sure didn't hear any bitches in any of those wax cylinders you recorded, droopy dog soundin ass

>> No.10501116

lets women join his ranks and STILL no game, just plain sad

>> No.10501583
File: 268 KB, 421x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the shadow guards inside the mage tomb
Holy shit, and I thought there wasn't anything spookier than the library initially.

>> No.10501654

so glad I bought holy water for that mission, I don't want to know how I would deal with that shit properly. FUCK those guys.

>tfw finally knocking out the entire population in the castle because I'm stuck at 2200/2500 loot
>tfw I'm sure there will be 5000 on the mission stats at the end

>> No.10502119

How are you supposed to use stairs in this game again? Like 90% of my reloads are stairs related

>> No.10502142

You mean ladders, right? How could you possibly have any problems with stairs

>> No.10502148

dark engine ladders are an absolute blight

>> No.10502152

Yeah I mean ladders

>> No.10502162

Quicksave and hope for the best like everyone else

>> No.10502186

>DromED has the same controls as System Shock 1
i knew being autistic and playing with the original controls would pay off

>> No.10502242

last time I had problems with ladders was before newdark. Now you snap onto them pretty reliably. You can hit crouch to de-attach yourself as well.
What's so bad about them to most people? Maybe it's just years of experience but I find Dark Engine ladders more safe than for example the ones in Source engine games

>> No.10502272

We must be playing different games or I must be doing something horribly wrong
Am I missing a "use ladder" key somewhere?

>> No.10502287

there's a setting that enables snapping onto a ladder only when you jump on it.

turn it off

>> No.10502393

what does the spirit potion do in the black parade?

>> No.10502394

It's a less cheesy invisibility potion

>> No.10502683
File: 116 KB, 1080x1080, 1680718904148039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old 1080p monitor with more than a few dead pixels
>can see the entire top row
>new 1440p monitor
>can barely see 5

>> No.10502909

It's likely your HDMI black levels setting.

>> No.10502928

You do realize that you can't have good colors without good black and white levels, right.

>colour generally looks better and more vibrant
It doesn't look better, it looks wrong.
Bad color mapping like that doesn't change the limits of the monitor, it just reduces available color space and color accuracy by making mediocre tones overblown at the cost of extremes.

Settings like that are basically targeted at extra retarded consoomers. Mainly intended TV and for shop window use.
Imagine a bunch of monitors sitting side by side in a shop and playing some handegg or football or whatever shit normalfags watch. Now imagine a retarded karen trying to choose which one to buy. She sees one where the colors are "omg soooo pretty and vibrant" and doesn't have the slightest neural impulse to consider that the scene wasn't supposed to look *that* vibrant, nevermind having the knowledge to understand how any of this technology works, what qualities and drawbacks to actually look for. It's just a magic surface that shows pictures.
And that's the level at which most consoomers make their purchase decisions.

Could also be nvidia driver settings.
They have limited dynamic color range setting for limiting your colorspace to 16-235 out of 0-255 for some fucking retarded reason. It just ruins your color accuracy across the entire gamut and completely kills black/white levels.

>> No.10503004

>You do realize that you can't have good colors without good black and white levels, right.
tell that to hardwareunboxed, you passive-aggresive looser

>> No.10503231

>So 90% of the game will have the same old textures as vanilla, but then you'll stumble upon a ultra high definition wine bottle that sticks out as a sour thumb compared to Its surroundings
Black Parade does this with paintings rather than bottles. It's super jarring when there's a window that's blurry barely recognizable mess from 4 meters away and next to it you have a painting with 16-64 times higher texture resolution.

>> No.10503408

They are much better now if you can believe it, its about getting used to it, walk slowly while facing them even downwards and you will latch on.

Worse thing about the engine honestly.

>> No.10504125
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>climbing out of catacombs back to the forest to see it's covered in sunlight now
yep, it's ludokino

>> No.10504307
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>go into a spooky haunted forest
>descend into a pitch black hell of madness
>spend more than an hour fighting unknown eldritch horrors in said hell
>it just keeps getting worse
>get everything I need and run back taking the shortest way possible
>climb up to see the bright of day welcoming you in it's warm embrace
>and everything is peaceful
That mission and moment will be etched into my memory forever.

>> No.10504891

what's ARHDH4 anyway

>> No.10505561

what shaders for the bloom and eye adaption? could you share your preset?

>> No.10505601

The catacombs map makes no sense to my brain

>> No.10505656

the parts on the right are always a lower level, use the big main octagon room to orient yourself

>> No.10505783

Really wish there was a flare or some other way to light up a room

>> No.10505956

Would that even be possible in dark engine?
I mean, the lights/shadows are all baked in to the level geometry, aren't they?

>> No.10505963

Night vision ability, like in the Dark Messiah

Thief 2 has flares

>> No.10506029

There are some missions that have had toggleable torches/lanterns like TDM's. The effect is a bit junky but functional.

>> No.10506110

That's a missspelling of drug junkie.
The word you're probably looking for is janky.

>> No.10506204

I missed 1000 in mission 9 and I really thought I scoured that entire fucking level

>> No.10506251
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I missed 1200 in the catacombs mission 8. In my defense it was spooky and I was more focused on fighting for my life.

>> No.10506470

What do you appreciate in Thief maps? What makes a map good for you?

>> No.10506645

Most were fine but Hume himself was a bit over the top and inconsistent. Sometimes he sounded like a decent Daud impression, sometimes just a generic edgy rogue, and his hurt sounds didnt fit either.

>> No.10506650

Happened to me on mission 5, even replayed to see what I missed and only found barely more

>> No.10506661

Based fellow Burrick fan
Everytime I read something in FMs about baby burricks I want to order a custom plushy somewhere.

>> No.10506701

I like variety and subverted expectations. Shipping and Receiving for example, one of my favorites, you have to rob a warehouse but it isn't just a warehouse, a lot of spaces are used as offices, living quarters, there is a music studio, and then there is a pirate ship at the end. Simple, yet effective.

>> No.10507054
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>I want to order a custom plushy somewhere

>> No.10507105
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Yes, its even possible to have dynamic shadows in the dark engine, they just didnt cause it make pentiums explode.

LGS were the real deal, people talk a lot about id in that time with quake with good reason, build engine etc, or even more a bit overrated valve, but LGS were legit MIT wizards.

>> No.10507115

I know how that sounds, but come on, a baby burrick plushy might just be worth it.

>> No.10507137

interconnectivity - discovering alternative paths is fun
good guard placement that makes navigating a challenge yet at the same time allows a ghost playthrough
also ambient sound/music and atmosphere in general

>> No.10507153

I realized that now in BP in mission 3 and 4 but I already knew in TDP with Cragscleft mines.

Cragscleft mines is a perfect mission, it has exploration but a progression of ambients and sounds that makes you immersed into the thief world.

I guess its pacing, exploration, and atmosphere.

>> No.10507212
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Some of the later missions were mid, and our new protagonist was poorly written and voiced. However most of the missions were excellent and it was cool to have someone other than Garrett learning about the Keepers. 8/10 much better than T2X which doesn't hold up that well.

>> No.10507759
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Arcane Sanctum might be my favourite mission in any Thief game ever.

>> No.10507869

Mission six, they made a much, much better Keepers mission than the original team did. Yet, the same criticism remains: breaking into their headquarters and sneaking around shouldn't be that easy. Still, a great mission, easier than The Brand, except for that one part.

>> No.10507992

It was great, but it felt very sleepy considering that the alarm was raised and they knew a thief was there. I feel like they should've at least made an effort to lock down some chokepoints or something.
Also I didn't like how there was so much loot in the archmage's quarters that you can't snatch in a smooth and satisfying way

Also the restricted library was kino, I remember getting caught by the hag on the way down, and running away figuring "whatever, I can run faster anyway, who cares". I was not expecting that.

>> No.10508346

Is anyone elses tab key temperamental? Sometimes it turns run off and sometimes does nothing at all. Can't figure out why it doesn't work consistently...

>> No.10508353

sorry, caps lock*

>> No.10508630
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>> No.10508635
File: 1.39 MB, 1280x1024, THIEF 2021-10-16 23-54-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna dump a couple other screenshots fucking around with reshade while I'm here.

>> No.10508636
File: 1.84 MB, 1280x1024, THIEF 2021-10-17 00-17-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10508727

Is there supposed to be some secret in the circular chamber with the fast ghoul in the Noirequier extension?

>> No.10508857

The ancient hammer is used to get some sort of sword upgrade.

>> No.10508859

i dont believe you this is some "mewtoo under the truck" shit isnt it

>> No.10508865

It's real

>> No.10508867

i demand proof
im not going down there with that fucking thing again

>> No.10508873

just jump into the pit and kill him with holy water arrows iirc 6 did it for me

>> No.10508878

ah shit thats what i did but i blew him up with fire arrows lmao
oh well ill remember that for my next playthrough

>> No.10508887

thanks anon

>> No.10508957

the main guys voice is generic af

>> No.10509036

I am big dummy. All I want to do is dromed through the levels I've played for autism purposes.

I clean installed thief gold, tfix 1.27 with default options in the correct directory, and a sanity check confirms that dromed can open the original missions at this point. Then I use the built-in tfix fan mission loader to install TBP, and that also works. Trying to open any missions gets a "too many brushes" issue, which is strange since dark.cfg is TBD's version and has some big numbers.
What step am I missing, guy who was here over a week ago?

>> No.10509039

trenchbroom really makes every other brush editor look like shit. it would be neat if you could block out FMs with it then do the rest in dromed since brush manipulation itself is a pain.

>> No.10509045

I post and crack it like 2 minutes later. It's even in the install instructions for tfix.
The dromed that tfix installs is not the one you want. You need to download newdark and copy the editor from it into your install, and use that.

>> No.10509454

Playing this game on a sunny day is impossible, I literally can't see shit

>> No.10509474

I'm not knowledgeable at modding but is there a reason Black Parade was made for Thief Gold and not For Thief 2 like T2X was?

>> No.10509565

From the readme file that come with the mod
A: Because we like THIEF GOLD more than THIEF 2: THE METAL AGE. The latter also received an unofficial expansion in THIEF 2X: SHADOWS OF THE METAL AGE, which we highly recommend. It made sense to us to do the same for THIEF GOLD.

>> No.10509629

Need some help anons, I installed thief 2 2x but when I click the exe I get an error message that says "your video hardware is not supported or no supported video mode was found". is this particular fan mission(s) supposed to be ran using a loader or what?

>> No.10509670

Not sure on the exe but I'm currently playing it through Angelloader with no issues.

>> No.10509703

I downloaded it from here but I'm guessing there is a zip file version out there for FMsel, the loader I'm using

>> No.10509708

I'm using the one with the HD mod and invisible rope fix, you can find it on moddb. It came in 7zip. I unzipped it and re-compressed it as a .zip, then loaded it into Angelloader and installed/play. Try that if you're still having issues.

>> No.10510850
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>> No.10510906

>reinstall thief gold
>: Failed to find/load lgvid.dll, no movie playback possible
WTF wasn't this shit fixed over 10 years ago?

lgvid.dll is right where it should be and replacing it with the statically linked version from tfix ttlg thread threw a different error (probably because that dll is old as hell) which completely prevented the game from starting

>> No.10511232

there rnt any rope arrows in the first level right?

>> No.10511248

They only snow up from the third mission on.

>> No.10511260

I think the version on taffersparadise is a zip that can be installed lime a normal fm.

>> No.10511292

>playing black parade
>get into third mission
>it starts snowing
>snowflakes turn into rope arrows
>the lag is horrible
>thief.exe has stopped working
>fucking rope arrow snowstorms

>> No.10511330

Holy fuck Mission 8 is so fucking good. Prolly the spookiest shit I've seen yet.

>> No.10511336
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>> No.10511352

damn that doggie is aggressive

>> No.10511407

ok just wanted to make sure i wasnt going to miss anything

>> No.10511479

For anyone else's reference, I wrote these steps to install newdark and dromed entirely without tfix (starting from a steam install, but should work for other sources)