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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 22 KB, 384x256, rtype image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10393048 No.10393048 [Reply] [Original]

>bro just remember and learn the position and (inconsistent) hitbox of every single enemy, bullet, and terrain in the entire game along with the highly specific strategies in order to overcome them
>btw you die in one hit and if you die then you lose all your upgrades and basically have to restart
legitimately, what the FUCK were they thinking? It's like they designed the game to only be tolerable with save states before save states even existed.

>> No.10393051


>> No.10393052

git gud

>> No.10393053


>> No.10393057

Why does gen z post here? Why do they think they belong to a board discussing things before their time? Just go play movie games "bruh fr fr"

>> No.10393067

You haven't even beat OP pic yourself.

>> No.10393071

>bro just remember and learn the position and (inconsistent) hitbox of every single enemy, bullet, and terrain in the entire game along with the highly specific strategies in order to overcome them
this but unironically

>> No.10393072

If it's too hard, you're too young.

>> No.10393073

For any genre, there are always those nerds who are too bored to play the "normal" games under "normal" conditions. They always want it to be cranked up ever higher.

Hence why speedruns and no damage runs were invented.

>> No.10393075

My point stands.

>> No.10393076

Reflexes, OP.

>> No.10393080

Git gud, that's all i am going to say

>> No.10393084

And yet 6-year-old kids could beat this game with no problem when it came out.

>> No.10393086

None of you retards have cleared even just the first loop. Fuck outta here hypocrites.

>in a game that is almost entirely muscle memory and strategy
Confirmed never played it

>> No.10393096

did anyone else somehow not even know most of these classic shmups were arcade games as a kid? i grew up in the 90s and the only one i remember playing (or even seeing) was raiden. i played gradius and r-type on the snes and figured they were just console games. i lived in the midwestern US and just dont remember seeing these games despite spending a lot of time in arcades

>> No.10393097

its like 6 stages of a 20 minute game. r type is not difficult whatsoever and can be memo'd in a couple days. you are just miserably shit at video games and should fuck off.

>> No.10393098

Six year olds could beat Contra or Super Mario Bros or Castlevania with enough practice, but you could probably count the number of kids worldwide who cleared R-Type in the arcades on one hand.

>> No.10393107 [DELETED] 

Oh shut the fuck up you poser, and post those clears shitter.

>memo'd in a couple days
With save states? Sure, but not on original hardware. There was literally not even a single two loop clear of R-Type recorded in all of Japan until 1990, THREE FUCKING YEARS after the game originally released.

>> No.10393118

Oh shut the fuck up you poser, and post those clears shitter.

>memo'd in a couple days
With save states? Sure, but not on original hardware. There was literally not even a single two loop clear of R-Type II recorded in all of Japan until 1990, OVER SIX MONTHS after the game originally released, and this was when the STG community in Japan was at its peak, with superplayers who would spend many dozens of hours in arcades every week just cramming in runs.

>> No.10393127

Maybe play a game for preschoolers?

>> No.10393129

Post clears shitter

>> No.10393132

Anon I'm in bed with my wife.

>> No.10393135

you literally described every non rpg 2d game

>> No.10393136
File: 285 KB, 265x371, Thunder_Force_IV_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I never played R Type but you're criticizing the entire genre more or less. I played other similar games, like Thunder Force and Hellfire and liked them.

Also muscle memory has to do with reflexes. You're saying a game is bad just because you can't beat it, and that is the definition of a "skill issue" and you should probably "git gud" or just play something you actually enjoy instead of crying

>> No.10393139

>Fuck outta here
I know what you were doing in 2020.

>> No.10393157

i have 14 1ccs. if know you know. irem clears are fucking free with memo.

>> No.10393162

And you both are shitposting on 4chan?
What a nice couple you are.

>> No.10393172
File: 3 KB, 256x240, Dragon Fighter (U).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sorry for niggers who can't even comprehend a satisfaction a kid was getting after completing such a hard game without saves.
Yeah, I literally grew up believing that games are not supposed to be completed unless you are GOD.

Now you get it?

>> No.10393181

faggots just want to be handed shit and clapped for without having to invest any time into it.

>> No.10393182

I'm the person you're attempting to mimic, so no, you don't.

>> No.10393205

This genre is for extremely autistic freaks only and they don't understand the concept of fun, it's best to just leave them alone desu

>> No.10393216

>btw you die in one hit
Don't get hit
>almost entirely muscle memory and strategy
Truer words have never been spoken. The game is so basic I used to beat it blindfolded. Got busy with work and family and didn't play for 20 years. After a few tried I was able to pass the first level blindfolded again.
ok zoomer

>> No.10393250

Post clears shitter

>> No.10393252

Post penis.

>> No.10393265
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>> No.10393282

no one plays shmups

>> No.10393528

Anon it's high-speed puzzle solving. Not to mention that reflexes and common sense (dumb luck too) can get you pretty far in R-Type -- which has extremely high strategical depth for a shmup thanks to the detachable Force Pod btw.

>> No.10393714

You're not a hardcore guy, it's ok to be someone who plays shit like Mario but don't pretend you aren't, you know.....

>> No.10393787
File: 2.93 MB, 640x640, 1694236160092287.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you really overestimate the video game skills of a 6-year old. Kids who barely just learned how to read weren't magically skilled at video games just because they were born in the early 80s

>> No.10393854

There are people on this board who complain about Sonic being too hard. Are you nuts?

There is absolutely a case of people who grew up with harder games as a standard having a much higher threshold for difficulty and much more of a willingness to get good at games that might take more time than beating it in one sitting, and thus having a much higher level of skill than people who grew up with newer games.

>> No.10393859

Sonic is much, much, much easier than R-Type though. It's not even comparable

>> No.10393869

Is it really too much to ask that you actually play the games you are talking about? You have never cleared R-Type, especially not on original hardware without save states (which are especially helpful in this game due to the extreme restart syndrome and extreme focus on memorization over reflexes/on-the-fly strategies).

>> No.10393878

Oh look. It's the post clears faggot.
You know "she" has one

>> No.10394038

I was a six year old kid who was beating games that zoomers think are impossible, and back then no one was even impressed. It was not a big deal.

>> No.10394073

>he won't post em
typical of the faggots on here to talk shit but can't back anything up

>> No.10394076

I used to post them but people would just cry that I was lying so I stopped.

>> No.10394105

I don't understand this memorization vs reflex/skill debate going on with shmups.
Is it something people who actually don't play the genre talk about?
Every game in existence is about memorization and grinding them to be good, nobody has ever been good while starting a game, so why is this argument a thing?

>> No.10394117

Because gen z was used to movie games, shit with auto targeting, quick time events, etc.

>> No.10394129

Sure, but why do I see old people talk about this too here? Anyone who cleared a single hard or somewhat hard game in their life should know that every game are about memorization,
The amount of boomers I see talk about how they can't play X because "I'm too old", "My reaction time is too slow", etc, are way too many.

>> No.10394132

Play. The. Fucking. Game.

Then you will understand, it's really that simple you stupid fucking shitter. Yes, basically all games take a combination of strategy, reflexes, execution skill, and memorization. But R-Type is almost entirely about routing and memorization and very little else. If you try to improvise or flail, you will quickly die and then be at base power level and it's time to restart. Due to the extreme penalty on death, it makes the game very front-loaded where you will frequently be practicing the early levels and have very little practice on the later stages as you will rarely ever reach them with proper power level (which they basically require)

>> No.10394141

I already beaten R-Type 2-ALL, and my post has nothing to do with what you said, every game are about memorization.

>> No.10394142

Dragon Fighter kicks so much ass.

>> No.10394147

Post clears you dumb frauding shitter.

>every game are about memorization.
some much more than others. It's not binary you fucking smoothbrain.

>> No.10394153

I cleared more games than you and I'm higher rank in every online game we might have in common, I don't think it's useful to talk about this, I don't want to shame you.

Every game are about memorization, I never said they are all about memorization the same, so you're arguing with yourself, please stop hitting yourself.

>> No.10394159

Let me guess, you're that faggot that tried to lie about DDP 2ALL and Ketsui 2ALL Ura. Lmao, fuck off retard.

>> No.10394163

Are you okay, are you some famous schizo who always reee about the same things each thread?

>> No.10394169
File: 393 KB, 788x1576, 995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no clears posted
stop wasting my time shitter

>> No.10394220

>It's not binary
Wow, this terminology. We know you're a Gen Z fuck who can't play retro games, just leave.

>> No.10394230

Are you really this /pol/brained? Binary has been used in this context for decades you fucking imbecile.

>> No.10394241

Who the fuck is just learning to read at 6 years old

>> No.10394498

>h-h-he won't
Typical of insecure faggots projecting their lack of skill and experience
No one here owes you anything. No one here needs to prove anything to you. No one here gives a fuck with an angsty confused little child thinks.

>> No.10394512

>Who the fuck is just learning to read at 6 years old
You think that's bad. Some people are still just learning to read at twice that age. I saw this one 12yo kid who didn't know that learned is past tense while learning is present. You can see what the dumb kid said right here: >>10394241

>> No.10394658

I'm not buying a capture card for you.

>> No.10394880
File: 11 KB, 320x322, whatastory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BASED mariax obliterating shitters once again

>> No.10395227

Yeah we get it you suck, go play Fortnite

>> No.10395230
File: 147 KB, 480x360, Japanesekid1985.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The skill level of the average player got lower and lower with each passing generation

>> No.10395235
File: 75 KB, 480x360, Japanesekidsin1987.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10395241
File: 500 KB, 480x360, hudson2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kid with the cap looks like he's 8 years old, not sure if the video is referring to him specifically when it says 20 shots per second

>> No.10395253

Spoken like a true poser with no actual scores of any kind.

>> No.10395279
File: 25 KB, 480x503, 1699535618657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks at this thread
Gee I wonder why the shmup genre died.

>> No.10395296

yeah fuck this thread

>> No.10395315

Why is Touhou so shit?

>> No.10395364

>I grew up replaying the same few levels in every game over and over again
Sounds like a magical experience, I grew up playing PC games that didn't have to pad out their length with difficulty, they just had enough content to be worth the price, that was their trick

>> No.10395389

>remember and learn the position and (inconsistent) hitbox of every single enemy, bullet, and terrain in the entire game
None of this is necessary if you've got working reflexes.
Why do archaeologists think they deserve the clout that comes with studying things millions of years older than them? What gives them the right?

>> No.10395410

You're not entirely wrong. I recently got back into shooters and a lot of the opinions are batshit autismo level. There are legit people that somehow believe 1CC is the only way to enjoy these games. It's like they don't realize that there was literally only a handful of people in the entire country that could 1CC anything back in the day.

>> No.10395414

Attempting 1CCs is the only way to enjoy the games. You don't have to succeed. Credit feeding is gay.

>> No.10395456

tbf many archaeologists are retarded historians who can't into historical studies, i.e. they only have surface-level knowledge of historical texts to make sense of their archaeological finds so it's an apt analogy.

>> No.10395490

Credit feeding is essential in getting a 1cc

>> No.10395613

Spoken like a true child who wants an oompa loompa now
Keep throwing those trantrums little man

>> No.10395850 [DELETED] 

You're a literal ESL retard trying to correct proper spoken English.

>> No.10396089

>There are legit people that somehow believe 1CC is the only way to enjoy these games
Now wait until you learn about those who think 1cc is for shitters and scoring is the only way to enjoy these games.

>> No.10396106

Just wanted you guys to know I played Super R Type on babby mode, died a million times but beat the last boss, was very cool and fun and good. I really liked the music, especially in the water stage! Video games are fun and I'm glad we can all discuss them together and share in these fun experiences.

>> No.10396156

Scoring is indeed the only thing that matters in arcade games. R-Type has no special scoring system though so survival = scoring.

>> No.10396168 [DELETED] 

He'll never be president again.

>> No.10396173 [DELETED] 

rofl you're actually fucking retarded.

>> No.10396181 [DELETED] 

Fortnite takes more skill.

>> No.10396243 [DELETED] 

Cope harder kiddo

>> No.10396252 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 601x508, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10396425

Why is it that everyone who says this is a shitter who has neither decent survival clears nor decent scores?

>> No.10396506 [DELETED] 

Still one presidency more than Hilary.

>> No.10396509 [DELETED] 

Bot reply.

>> No.10397489

R-Type is seriously hard but it offers a lot of satisfaction if you are able to complete it. I played it on the Wii Virtual console (the PCE port) and I think I made it as far as level 6.

>> No.10398393

A lot of the genre specifically requires 1CC to fight the real final boss or get the real ending, it is absolutely the intended way to 'beat' the game.

I will say though that I find the 'reflexes' shit silly. It can definitely help but freestyling past a certain level of difficulty in these games just doesn't work because failure is so punishing. Wider strategy/memorization is where consistency comes from in most cases. There's nothing wrong with that, it's how most genres are. No one goes into beat em up threads and pretend 1CCing is all about intuition and reflexes and there's no need to memorize enemy movesets/wakeup properties or whatever.

>> No.10398704

>legitimately, what the FUCK were they thinking?
profits. arcade game designers would spend months of their lives tweaking the difficulty to maximize returns to arcade owners. they don't design games so people can easily complete them. they design games to inhale coins out of kid's pockets.
>None of you retards have cleared even just the first loop. Fuck outta here hypocrites.
welcome to /vr/. the place where people make wild claims about 1cc'ing the most difficult games yet never have any proof it, not even a screenshot of a highscore table. that's how dedicated they are to gaming.

>> No.10398709

i've found every port of rtype to be equally painful to progress through. getting as far you did is a great effort.

>> No.10398983

Haha this faggot thinks he's an archaeologist because he plays old games... get over yourself Trandiana Jones

>> No.10399125

Young people are going to continue playing old games and there's nothing you can do besides mald on 4cuck

>> No.10399175

You're not an archaeologist, though.

>> No.10399176

>Trandiana Jones
I would have said Indiana Troons.

>> No.10399559

both funny

>> No.10399595


>> No.10399601 [DELETED] 


>> No.10399606
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>> No.10400280

You just described most pre 1995 games. I don't like pre 1995 games mostly desu with a few exceptions.

>> No.10400292

Of all shmups to complain about..R-type?

It's like baby's first shmup.

>> No.10400304


>> No.10400318

This thread makes me glad shmups died

>> No.10400405

No, that's 1942 and Twin Bee.

>> No.10400426

nobody cares what people born after the 90s think about retro games, quite frankly.

>> No.10400479

What rtype is you guys' favorite? For me its rtype 3 on snes. I use the shadow force pod because its cool

>> No.10400962

R-Type is probably the best (worst) example because it's extremely memo-heavy, has very little way to intuit how to do sections because of bullshit hitboxes, and is basically a one-life game due to power loss.

>> No.10400967

truly the thinking man's genre