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File: 61 KB, 220x147, FF8battlexample2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10374778 No.10374778 [Reply] [Original]

I had given up on the game like a month ago, because I realized that magic junctions stack to 100, and there was no fucking way I was gonna sit there and draw magic, 5 at a time, until I'd stacked 300.
I found a post that explained that you've actually gotta card monsters, turn the cards into items, and turn the items into magic. It works SO much better. Instead of repetitively casting draw, you just cast card and go through some menu hoops to stack giant piles of magic.
If you gave up on ff8 for the same reasons I did, give it another go. Figuring out which monsters refine to which items and which magic makes grinding more fun in this one than any other rpg I've played except FFT and FFTA.

>> No.10374786

just play the card battle game. you can get 300 tornadoes before ever leaving the first garden and junction it to attack. then get diablo asap and learn the avoid encounters skill and just steamroll through bosses and finish the game in 10 hours.

>> No.10374802

The only right way to """""""""play"""""""" FF is playing DQ instead which at least has charm and better pacing

>> No.10374803

I actually just restarted a new file to scoop up all the cards I missed first time around. Who do I battle to get tornado from? Not looking at guides, but I guess asking an anon doesn't violate the spirit of the thing

>> No.10374814

>samey nipslop
>vs 90s highbrow anime kino
DQ might as well be running in my subconscious, it contains so few novel elements that it's not much different from staring at a wall. Rpg equivalent of riding a fixed-gear bicycle or wearing a three piece suit. Outmoded

>> No.10374892

I have no idea what you’re talking about but does it apply to ffx? I just started it last night

>> No.10374907

No, it's just an FF8 thing. FF8 had a unique system where magic can be attached to your stats to buff them, and monsters can be turned into cards. It's like Pokémon, you damage the monster then use the card ability to turn it into a card. You can use these cards for the in-game card minigame, but they're more useful if you turn the cards into items, and then turn the items into magic spells (which are consumable). But none of this is explained. The enemies also scale to your level in ff8, so grinding makes the game harder unless you are saving up magic spells to attach to your stats.

>> No.10374913

You never had to repetitively cast draw OR card monsters.
I can 100% the game doing the following self-imposed rules aka "I'm enjoying FF8 but I'm lazy and don't enjoy the card game"
1. Only junction the Draw ability for the purposes of Drawing from the environment
2. Only junction a single GF per character at a time
3. Never run from fights, nor use encounter-none or encounter-half
4. Never touching triple triad or any cards

FF8 might not have the perfect RPG mechanics- I believe FF7's is one of the most fun and exciting on first playthroughs and romhacks to FF6's Brave New World shows an example of how you can blow a Squaresoft JRPG's turned-based combat out of the water in terms of design, but FF8 gets a prize for "play it the way you'd like."

>> No.10374929

Nta but iirc tornado can be refined with card mods from one of the common triple triad cards.though, it takes time to train your gf's to get these card mod refinement abilities.

>> No.10374950

You want the Abyss Worm card to turn into Windmills, and then you turn those into Tornados. As long as you don't try to get Lionheart disc 1 then the game is fine with just playing cards to get magic and learning Encounters None with Diabolos.

>> No.10374954

If you just want to make FFVIII easy you just speedrun that shit and leave all the enemies at level 5, unironically.

>> No.10374962

How do you keep the average enemy level at 5? Squall starts at 7, and everyone else joins at a higher level. Unless I'm being autistic, and you just generally mean a low level instead of 5 specifically.

>> No.10374990

The latter.

There is some logic to the system because FFVIII constantly forces party splits on you and doesn't use bench EXP so there needs to be a way for your B-team to not get dumped on but the implementation is not amazing and it's a game where you can get big level gaps even outside of a 3/3 split because of shit like temporary party members and flashbacks with forced party composition and the system really doesn't handle that well either.

>> No.10375054

That's just it—you need Abyss Worms, like >>10374950 points out. They aren't ultra rare, but they certainly aren't common. You can get all five within an hour or...several more.

This part of the challenge is the wackest. Grinding the fish on the nearby beach with autistic math calculations and unboosted Quezacotl summons before carding is infinitely more fun, even if it technically takes longer.

card grind slop is gay. The game itself is fun, though, but I can't be assed to every try to do this again.

no thanks

>> No.10375083

Carding monsters is slower than just drawing. FF8's system is relatively fast, and as long as you have decent magic junctioned to your magic stat you get 9x per draw. As long as there is a draw available, drawing is the fastest way to get magic. The other methods are useful for getting stronger magic earlier, but that's about it.

>> No.10375095

Really, the main tricks for 8 are not grinding for EXP by itself, and understanding the power of Meltdown. The only person I know who struggled with 8 was the guy who grinded to 100 before visiting the Fire Cavern.

>> No.10375104

I did pretty much just Draw max stacks of any worthwhile spell, even if it took forever. Got 300 Doubles off the first boss and put that on everyone’s Attack. Everything got fucked for the most part, it was great lmao. When I got Triple it was all over

>> No.10375107

The cool thing about grinding is that you get spells earlier, you can get meltdown in the Fire Cavern if you grind to level 30.

>> No.10375112

yea bro just play the card game as the main game for ff8. it makes the jumping between timelines and everything else just better.

>> No.10375114

y'all are so fucking retarded, you don't need to grind anything to enjoy the game and you def don't need to speedrun enc-none you just need to fucking NOT IGNORE THE ENTIRE GF ABILITY MENU like 99% of people who play (and shit on) this game and boom the game is enjoyable and well designed just don't ignore that whole menu for your entire playthrough
learn refine abilities instead of GFSummag+10% and use them, that's it

>> No.10375126

Yeah, that's true.
One time I used codes to say everyone to Level 100 as soon as they joined, and it didn't make the game that much harder, since I knew how to abuse the higher level draws and drops on combination with menu abilities >>10375114.

>> No.10375246

I love FFVIII but from a gameplay standpoint it's just structured in a way that it can't be reasonably balanced because of how incredibly unpredictable player stats are. Like the game is piss easy at low level because enemy strength scales based on the assumption you will have stronger junctions and certain stat boosts later in the game (which lots of people who actually level won't, lmao), but you can junction max your characters whenever the fuck you feel like it without leveling at all and it has so few forced encounters that you can just mash X through most if not all of the game without ever reaching the point enemies are scaled for you knowing what the fuck you're doing.

Really though when I played it like a retard as a kid I had pretty much the same issue as most old FFs (come to think this even happened in Atelier Ryza lmao) of not having a lot of trouble until getting cockblocked by the final boss, just instead of getting good equipment or grinding levels I had to go draw a zillion magic from the disk 4 draw points, but before that I was trying to speed replay without getting Squall's level way above the rest of the party and couldn't believe how much easier it was. Like there's tons of things in the system you can miss out on but the game lets you compensate so that's fine, but knowing that just not engaging with the game at all is so effective doesn't sit right with me, it feels like you're being punished for actually playing the game blindly.

>> No.10375290

>I had given up on the game like a month ago,
punctuating your sentences with 'like' is retarded enough to do in speech but to actually write it... weewww, fucking what????

>> No.10375358

Carding monsters is overkill. Enemies drop items when killed: just convert those and you'll be good.

>> No.10375373
File: 333 KB, 458x347, squole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "right" way is to do a bit of everything
>bit of drawing
>bit of item turning
>bit of card turning
>bit of source drawing

and NOT to be an autist who think

Because no, you don't, the game is never balanced in such a way that it demands it, and it's the equivalent of saying
>in 5 I need to teach every class ability to everyone before continuing to play!
>in 6 I need to teach everyone every magic from every summon before continuing to play!
>In 7 I need to max out every materia I get along the way before continuing to play!!!
>In 9 I need to teach everyone every ability before continuing to play!!

This is why some people think FF8's sytem is bad: they can't fucking keep their autism in check

>> No.10375401

"Like" is a preposition synonymous with "about" or "nearly", ESLnigger. It's not just a verbal tic

>> No.10375403

ctrl-f "slop"

>> No.10375538

I’m fucking insane and always try to collect the Red Dragons card from the same Triple Triad player with the Quistis card so that I can mod them into flare with Ifrit.

>> No.10375630

. its a presupposition to write a simile not remotely analogous to' about'. learn to write my language properly you retard. fight me.

>> No.10375673

How about just not grinding in FF8. What is it with you people and trying to grind FF8. Just play it normally, it's not a hard game until the last few bosses, there's zero need to grind anything until the very end.

>> No.10375679

Exactly, that's how I played it and had zero problems. It's not a hard game, you don't need to come up with grinding strategies.

>> No.10375689

>like a month ago
>about a month ago
Also, "presupposition" means "a thing you assume beforehand", not whatever the fuck you think it means, ESLnigger

>> No.10375695
File: 92 KB, 720x549, Screenshot_20231103_085204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case you decide to continue being a faggot

>> No.10375943

>you can just mash X through most if not all of the game
this is true for pretty much every ff

>> No.10375978

>all that talk about gfs
Which FF8 gf is the best gf?
>dog shooter gf
>tonfa gf
>teacher gf
>mindcontrolled witch gf
>Shiva gf

>> No.10375991

mommy edea

>> No.10376000
File: 149 KB, 165x520, xu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10376016
File: 180 KB, 997x748, LookinggoodMariopaint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10376101
File: 35 KB, 803x178, I don't like FF8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10376112
File: 2.85 MB, 240x180, Card Rule RANDOM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I post this every time someone references Triple Triad.

>> No.10376118
File: 141 KB, 641x481, What's that option there.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of the people who complain about FF8 have no clue what the game even offers. And they don't want to know. They just want attention from complaining.

Children & women.

>> No.10376126

You're not a Valley Girl.

>> No.10376140

>gee, having to draw magic over and over again to get strong junctions sure is tedious. I'm glad you can refine them instead, I wish it was more obvious
are you people even responding to this thread? The OP was pointing out how you don't need to draw magic a bunch if you use the magic refine abilities, and like ten of you guys have responded "lmao retard, you don't have to draw magic a bunch if you just use magic refine abilities"

>> No.10376236

nigga I ain't gonna fire up my emu just to take a screenshot

>> No.10376242

no the OP said he uses the card ability in battle which is tedious and redundant learn to fucking read, the only use for the card ability besides learning card mod afterwards is if you've opened up the map and want to quickly grab a specific card from its monster instead of waiting for someone to play it

>> No.10376361

The difference is that you get AP from everything in FF7, so you just naturally level up your material as you progress.

You can only draw certain spells from certain enemies in FF8. There's always that worry in the back of your mind that you might not be able to draw a certain spell later, so you better stock up now.

>> No.10376484

>they actually played the card game's minigame

>> No.10376572

it's a fun game and I enjoy collecting all the cards in my playthroughs both for practical reasons and the enjoyment of the card quest itself

>> No.10376598

In ff8 you can cheese the strongest spells in like 45 minutes. I like that ff7 gives a nice progression of availability, save a few nice things sprinkled throughout the storyline (stealable weapons, enemy skills). Somebody needs to mod ff7s battle square to have teirs kingdom hearts colosseum style.

>> No.10376608

Yeah that anon is retarded. FF8 is a card game with a JRPG minigame.

>> No.10376653
File: 89 KB, 640x480, more like Steal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squall is roma???

>> No.10376667


>> No.10376902

in ffvii all the cool materia combinations are after 40-50 hours of grinding at which point you've completed even the optional Weapons
it was a very well designed system but in practice ended up being completely barebones for the entirety of ANY playthrough
FFVIII ended up being a lot more entertaining

>> No.10377085

>lives in a mobile community
>takes things without asking


>> No.10377101
File: 1.50 MB, 1216x574, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10377116

Another good strat is to get Diablos’ mug ability and just mug things that can be refined into magic. There are many options, it’s just that drawing is the first one presented and ocd clowns get hung up on it.

>> No.10377119

Who tf is Squall? I thought his name was Ainz?

>> No.10377196

Roaming Balaambians?

>> No.10377297
File: 1.19 MB, 1033x634, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of FFVIII main problems is that it does an awful job at explaining how its system works. The way everything is explained is tedious and not very efficient. Once you understand everything you realize that it isn't very complex but it can be confusing at first

>> No.10377334

The funny part is that when they localized it they introduced forced tutorials. In the JP version the tutorials are there, but you have to go into the help menu to access them. The tutorials may be tedious but they definitely explain the systems adequately, people just don't pay attention. I mean there's an entire subset of people who pride themselves on skipping text in any video game.

>> No.10377340

I tried playing this piece of shit recently up to the second CD and hated every moment, this shit fucking sucks. You're incentivized to run away from combat, most combat is just getting enemies down to card HP, Squall talks like a retard, I fucking missed a GF because the one enemy I didn't draw from had it, story sucks. FUCK.

>> No.10377343

>You're incentivized to run away from combat
>most combat is just getting enemies down to card HP
You wouldn't know that in a first playthrough if you played blind. You defintely read that somewhere

>> No.10377350

>most combat is just getting enemies down to card HP
uttering such retarded words invalides your entire take
I don't even need to ask what about squall is so retarded to an idiot like you

>> No.10377358


I read that online because I almost gave up due to getting tired of the draw system. The game not teaching you about getting magic out of cards is bullshit. The scaling shit I'll give a pass because that was something I didn't need to know but once you know that it's really hard to ignore it.


What's wrong with what I just said?

>> No.10377376

>The game not teaching you about getting magic out of cards is bullshit
no it's not, it's right there for you to use
just read what the abilities do
you don't even need to refine cards, just refining the various items you find organically+field draws are enough so you never have to draw anything from enemies
>What's wrong with what I just said?
you're metagaming (and in a very retarded, ineffective way at that) and blaming the core game design for your experience

>> No.10377398


Read the OP, this is not a me problem, a lot of people have the same issue with this game, important mechanics are simply not explained.

FFVII, FFIX, FFX, loved them, this one sucks dick.

>> No.10377421

liking FFIX and disliking FFIX, especially in the gameplay department is as unhinged of an opinion I can imagine unless it is based on popular perception oh woops that's exactly what it is, you're just parroting what other people say
>a lot of people have the same issue with this game
what problem exactly? being unable to read? or not understanding what "this ability turns your items into magic" could possibly mean? in which scenario are you NOT a colossal retard?

>> No.10377425

and disliking FFVIII

>> No.10377429


I don't know what to tell you, I played FFVIII blind and felt like giving up after 3 hours, played FFVIII by "metagaming" as you say and gave up on CD 2. Finished FFIX and really enjoyed it though.

>> No.10377434

that's neither here nor there, maybe the setting didn't click with you at all or you didn't find the story interesting or the characters relatable