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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 21 KB, 757x382, MM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10230197 No.10230197 [Reply] [Original]

MM decompilation soon. Do what you will with that information.

>> No.10230203

Meh, oot decomp is dead in the water so this will be even deader.

>> No.10230207

Still waiting on a proper port of OoT that isn't just emulating the N64's graphic/audio pipelines.

>> No.10230214

What's the problem with that?

>> No.10230410

are you retarded? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AmXLmkFJEE



>> No.10230413
File: 1.73 MB, 639x346, IMG_0057.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Made by the same team that did the shit OoT port
Hard. Fucking. Pass.

>> No.10230429

Still find it embarrassing there was an anon close to release that claimed it would be revolutionary and we'd get better enemy AI and combat. Kids are fucking retarded.

>> No.10230430

what's wrong with it?

>> No.10230432

More like Majora's MESS

>> No.10230451

There is nothing wrong with the Ship of Harkinian port itself, maybe if you went to their Shitcord you'd find a lot of questionable subhumans, but otherwise the port itself is very adequate. Very, very adequate in fact.

>> No.10230502

>Missing effects
>Out of sync sound effects/music (entire credits audio is out of sync)
>"Retro Mode" doesn't work
>No 4:3 aspect ratio (devs said people have to beg for it)
And a whole lot more: https://github.com/HarbourMasters/Shipwright/issues
This port is not for newfags.

>> No.10230907

It's just going to be another shit babby QOL port locked behind someone's discord circlejerk again, and no one will care because of it just like what they did with OoT.

>> No.10230915
File: 369 KB, 638x476, this ain't my sword.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking forward to playing MM again, I liked some of the shit added in the OoT port like extra buttons for items and making dropped rupees look the same as the ones you get from chests. Not looking forward to the months of slapfighting and discord screencap posts here.

>> No.10231957

4:3 is contrarian nonsense. Defeats the point of a port.

>> No.10231965

I hope it's finished soon. I want to analyze that faux lighting effect they did by messing with vertex colors.


>> No.10232069

The OoT port really turned me off to these. Why play this shit when the better version is on N64?

>> No.10232110

- Because I don't have a Nintendo sixty four.
- Because I want to play 60 frames per second.
- Because I want to use the mouse.
- Because it's free and convenient.

>> No.10232123

Not him, but 60 FPS looked pretty damn weird with OoT, though locking it to a steady 30 FPS was really nice. I also argue how convenient it is seeing as you need discord and to join their burger king cool kid's club to download it, arguably a small issue in the grand scheme of things, but locking downloads behind a discord server is very dumb.
Of course that last bit isn't a problem if you have a friend who already took that one for the team and hooks you up with the files instead, bless that man.

>> No.10232131
File: 156 KB, 1379x1037, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Retromode" AKA N64 mode works, and it forces 4:3 aspect ratio.
Credits audio is fixed
Which effects are missing? cause if there are any soomeone (or you you lazy fucking cunt) will fix it in a few days.

>> No.10232135

No, it doesn't. What an idiotic thing to say.

>> No.10232137

Looks like 4:3 support has been added anyway.

>> No.10232140

You don't need discord at all https://github.com/HarbourMasters/Shipwright/releases

>> No.10232145
File: 162 KB, 247x257, Cunt destroyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well fuck me, you're right. I only checked their website, which doesn't bother posting links but instead tells you to go to their discord.

>> No.10232147

wrong about everything actually, congratulations

>> No.10232148

>the better version is on N64

>> No.10232149

Reading this is painful.
Users want to recreate N64 glitches.
That is not how this works.
This is a PC port. Not N64 emulation.
100% replication of the N64 experience is not the goal here.
Obvious and game-breaking glitches should be fixed.
I don't care if speed runners use them.
Speed runners exist to exploit mistakes made by devs.
It should not be the other way around with runners telling devs what to keep in and what not.
The game for them would be finding whatever exploits exist within the new PC port.
(of course those would get patched out in later revisions, but runners tend to conveniently not use later revisions anyway, so where's the issue?)

>> No.10232150

Ship of Harkinian port:
- Less input lag than real N64
- freedom to choose 20fps, or 120fps.
- freedom to choose 240p or 8k
- freedom to choose to fix various n64 bugs or keep them in
- Change the difficulty by disabling heart drops, increasing enemy damage, make bosses act faster
- Equip boots and tunics to buttons
- Extra buttons
- Restore read blood
- Restore music

>> No.10232151

zomg le discord amiright bros

>> No.10232152
File: 94 KB, 541x694, fixes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they do both, you can easily toggle speedrun glitches on and off.

>> No.10232154

right on, if anyone wants to speedrun they can just edit their inventory and go to hyrule castle to fight ganon

>> No.10232156

Oh wait a second. Checking this github, there's only one release. What about the older versions? I'm currently on a version from may.

It's not even about discord. It's about locking content to a chat room that requires a specific program to join. This would be annoying if it was locked behind a Skype server or any chat program.
I just also personally hate joining servers or communities just to grab a single thing and then either go completely silent or immediately leave. That's just my own weird autism flaring up though.

>> No.10232157

I cant wait to see Nerrels texture pack ported to this, and also hopefully some 3DS QoL fixes ported over, the Journal was nice IMO

>> No.10232161

You can download the source for older versions here https://github.com/HarbourMasters/Shipwright/tags and then compile them.

>> No.10232163

you type in the web address and it loads up the page, and there is a page that says downloads, you click that, and then you click the download link.

lets have a conniption

>> No.10232164

So I'm a little out of the loop here, is this the first time they've put a compiled version in their releases or do they just remove older versions and leave up the source code for them?

>> No.10232167

>3DS QoL fixes
why did that retard make a patch that didn't even fix what was wrong with MM, shit like playing the elegy of emptiness over and over

>> No.10232170

Settle down, Beavis.

>> No.10232171

They remove old binaries because their userbase is absolutely retarded and WILL download old builds and WILL report bugs for said old builds.

>> No.10232173

That makes perfect sense, and answers my own stupid question, thanks. This whole time I had no idea this shit was just available on their github. I feel foolish for asking my friend to help with this.

>> No.10232174

cant blame them, since OOT is a massively popular game and hence attracks loads and loads of normies who have never heard of github or emulation in their life.

>> No.10232180

I’ll donate if you start it.

>> No.10232182

My god... Do i fucking hate zelda!
Overrated shit like no other.

>> No.10232187

I did this too. The games animations were absolutely not meant for 60fps. I locked it to 30 myself. NEEDING 60for everything is such a meme.

>> No.10232190

I play it at 120fps

>> No.10232193

40FPS is the ideal way of playing it right now if possible. It greatly smooths out the motion, but only adds exactly one derived frame in between each keyframe, and so does this with the minimum possible disturbance to the game's animations.

>> No.10232204

240fps here

>> No.10232206

I prefer 480fps myself

>> No.10232207


>> No.10232215

Just wait until you tried it in 960fps

>> No.10232216


Stfu you're just wrong

>> No.10232227

This. This is why I’m glad the 3DS port was 4:3 instead of native aspect ratio. Using the whole screen? It’s borderline heresy.

>> No.10232231

So how long until someone optimizes this piece of shit so OOT can run at 30fps, or MM running without the ram pack?

>> No.10232232

OOT PC Port runs at 360fps @ 8k MSAAx8 on my machine doood

>> No.10232238

yeah but 244hz would be ideal

>> No.10232239

I think he means the actual N64 ROM on real hardware

>> No.10232240

I dont even get out of bed for less than 1gfps. It should be the standard by now.

>> No.10232246

Ohh you mean like what this guy did for SM64

>> No.10232251

You can see right there 'N64 mode' runs the game in 240p. You and the devs (probably one in the same judging by your tone) know exactly what he means, there's no way to run it at 4:3 with anything but native res. It's fucking retarded, like so much about the port.

>> No.10232252

All of this stuff does work actually. It was a bit buggy really early on but its come a long way.

The PC port is literally perfect and has become my favorite way to play it, and I usually don't care for things like this or stuff like QoL mods. Has a lot of granular settings and sliders for things like difficulty, toggles to enable/disable changes made between the 1.0 and 1.1 versions of the original game, gyro aim with PS4/PS5 controller, full camera on the right analog stick, and new different ways to play like mirror mode or playing with no item drops. Supports Master Quest now too.

Not sure why so many people are dogging on it for no reason. Im sure there's probably troons on the dev team and their discord is filled with toddlers, but its a rock solid feature filled port and I wont be going back to the original any time soon. I really enjoy playing with 4x damage and no item drops, completely transforms the game imo.

>> No.10232253

It does verifiability fuck up enemy AI though.

>> No.10232259

just check the 4:3 option

>> No.10232262

Ive finished the game like 8 times on the PC port since its come out, usually whenever a new major update or feature I wanted to try out released. I haven't noticed anything different or broken about enemy behavior.

>> No.10232265

why do you keep playing the game over and over

>> No.10232269

Because I think its a great game and all the stuff the PC port keeps adding has made it feel the freshest its been in over 20 years.

>> No.10232272

>literally perfect
I don't hate it at all but who the fuck are you kidding with this? If it was literally perfect we wouldn't be having this discussion. Off the top of my head the credits timing and Dark Link AI are still inaccurate as seemingly no one there understands their own code enough to fix them. No other source port has had such a history of bungling the base game. The fact the team is mostly mindbroken discord gremlins that prioritize randomizer/speedrun shit over the base game is the cherry on top. It's a good port, but this is /vr/ where autism reigns, so people expect better.

>> No.10232279
File: 2.72 MB, 3840x622, 219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, the game dynamically adjusts the aspect ratio by just resizing the window.
So if you wanna play in 4:3 either set your monitor to a 4:3 aspect ratio and go fullscreen, or resize the window to be 4:3. its that simple, there is no option in the settings needed.

>> No.10232307
File: 1.02 MB, 3124x1968, hires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leaked hi-res textures from iQue version

>> No.10232452

They're from the manual

>> No.10232459

yep i always rip textures from a physical manual aswell

>> No.10232590

The manual source leaked

>> No.10232669

>the end credits has the same minor audio problem the GCN/Wii version of OoT
>the AI of an enemy is wrong
This is your most bungled source port of all time? You're not autistic, you're just retarded.

>> No.10232704

>If it was literally perfect we wouldn't be having this discussion.
Judging by the thread, people don't know what they are talking when they talk about the pc port.

>> No.10232712

Get back to work on it and stop coping, tranny. If it's wrong, it's wrong.

>> No.10232753

>He thinks this is "minor"
At this point you should feel ashamed for recommending this to newfags over emulation or real hardware. Way to give them the wrong impression on highly touted piece of vidya history.

>> No.10232805

I'm still baffled what this "fix" was supposed to be, they just slowed the animations down some and hoped for the best? It's still at least 10 seconds off.

>> No.10232812
File: 477 KB, 1920x1080, CD1AF799-0883-4EB2-B8D5-CB9D1C5DB204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Retromode" AKA N64 mode works, and it forces 4:3 aspect ratio.
Can it work independently without forcing the shitty resolution too or did people not beg hard enough for them to implement the OG aspect ratio back?

>> No.10232820

u mad
That's pretty minor. It's a music problem at the end of a video game, which Nintendo themselves run into when they try to rerelease the game.

Let's go back to context: You are claiming that one of the most bungled source ports of a video game ever is cause of that.

>> No.10232823


>> No.10232829

By the end of the video the music is only 4 seconds off. but this is /vr/ so its expected someone would be ultra autistic about that small detail in an otherwise superior version of the game

>> No.10232834

3-4 seconds, did you not watch the video?
Or are you too blind to read where it says that the top left is the fixed version as of 10 months ago?

>> No.10232836

>By the end of the video
Nigger who cares what it is at the end of the video? Imagine watching a movie that's completely out of sync and thinking "oh, well, at least it was almost back in sync at the end there." Stop the fucking copium. They've had over a year to fix this.

>> No.10232839

>They've had over a year to fix this.
Okay. And? It's still a minor problem.
Ever notice how these words almost always apply just to whoever first says it?

>> No.10232840

you got it the wrong way around idiot.
It starts out completely in sync, half way through the music is 2 seconds out of sync, at the very end its barely 4 seconds out of sync.

Besides its just the music dude, its not a big deal.

>> No.10232845

lmao, muh dark link lefts when he should right, it's ogre
>he doesn't realize no one cares about this ""bug"" enough to bother with ""fixing it""

>> No.10232851

What am I supposed to be 'coping' about? There's a million ways to play this game perfectly, I'm certainly not contending that. This debate that's cropped up is about whether or not this source port in particular is 'superior' and as far as I'm concerned it isn't, because it gets things wrong. Yes, it's minor, but minor errors count for something, you can check their github issues page for plenty more. The problem I have with SoH isn't that these errors exist, it's that no one's interested in fixing them. Literal anons on here have done more to fix bugs just out of spite than the actual 'team'.

>> No.10232854

>What am I supposed to be 'coping' about?
You are loud, wrong, and crying about a perfectly good port of OoT.
>Literal anons on here have done more to fix bugs just out of spite than the actual 'team'.

>> No.10232905

It's clear at this point you have no earthly idea what that word means, so I guess you are about the sort of retard this 'perfectly good' port is intended for. But hey, enjoy it, no one's stopping you. My two cents have been given.

>> No.10232929

I crave perfection for most stuff emulation related.
But the features the PC port offers outweigh the couple of issues it has.

>> No.10232969 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 400x449, 1540431502358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The scenes go by so quickly and are so out of sync with the music it skips the emotional beats tenfold
>That's pretty minor.

>> No.10232974 [DELETED] 

Don't start crying when Gen Alpha's old enough to shitpost on here, complaining OoT is "buggy" only to reveal they've played the PC port.

>> No.10233029 [DELETED] 

when those cinematics play, man, I just start tearing up because it's just so moving

>> No.10233040 [DELETED] 

No need to act facetious because of your insecurity. Either suck up that you were wrong and be quit or keep acting a fool.

>> No.10233146 [DELETED] 

its pretty minor to most people.
or it atleast outweighs it because the PC port has many nice enhancements such as lower input lag than N64

>> No.10233164 [DELETED] 

No excuses -- the criticism is warranted. It's either real hadware, emulation, or bust for newfags as they don't have these issues. The PC Port isn't for them nor should it be recommended to them as their first experience.

>> No.10233168 [DELETED] 

*as the OG doesn't have these issues

>> No.10233172 [DELETED] 

why shouldnt their first experience be widescreen 4k 120fps with bugfixes and modern controls?
Because the music that plays during the credits ends 2-4 secods too late? Because dark link is easier to beat?
those 2 things arent worth playing at 240p 20fps with shit controls and higher inputlag.

>> No.10233180 [DELETED] 

see >>10233164
Learn to accept criticism.

>> No.10233185 [DELETED] 

I am just criticizing your criticism, learn to accept it

>> No.10233193 [DELETED] 
File: 184 KB, 750x850, IMG_0276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am just criticizing your criticism, learn to accept it

>> No.10233215 [DELETED] 

What a female-tier retort. Go cry in a corner, insecure queer.

>> No.10233235 [DELETED] 

only autistic spergs care about the music being 2 seconds misaligned and dark link being easier, when they can have widescreen and higher fps the entire playthrough

>> No.10233249 [DELETED] 

see >>10233180

>> No.10233258 [DELETED] 

see >>10233180

>> No.10233260 [DELETED] 

>Only autistic sperges care about games working properly as intended over a shoddy port who's devs can't implement something as easy as the OG aspect ratio without enough e-begging

>> No.10233263 [DELETED] 

if its so easy why dont you implement it dipshit.
not that it isnt implemented, because it is, just resize the window.

>> No.10233273 [DELETED] 

>Excuse me, dev. You're product isn't up to playable standards. Would you mind fixing these issues or at least doing a better job next time for me to consider purchasing your products in the future?
>"Herp let's see you do better derp."
You've already agreed with me >>10233258 that the port isn't for newfags, so I accept your consession. Learn to take criticism.

>> No.10233284 [DELETED] 

You completely skip over the fact that your "criticism" is factually incorrect because you can do 4:3 at any internal resolution.

>> No.10233293 [DELETED] 

>not that it isnt implemented, because it is, just resize the window.
Get over yourself and fix your shitty port Ship of Hypocricy. You can count that as a vote towards wanting the OG aspect ratio back.

>> No.10233301 [DELETED] 

>for me to consider purchasing your products in the future?
It's a free opensource project you absolute mongoloid.

>> No.10233313 [DELETED] 

I see the SoH AGPs are pulling the dense, pedantic shitposting card when critisized like usual.
Must be a slow day today.

>> No.10233315 [DELETED] 

Not an argument. Fix your shit. Learn to take criticism.

>> No.10233316 [DELETED] 

>Complain about a feature not being implemented
anon, you are wrong, the feature is implemented.
>"get over yourself" + continues complaining about wanting a feature to be implemented that is already implemented

>> No.10233338 [DELETED] 

That guy clearly has fetal alchohol syndrome, Just stop trying to reason with someone who clearly lacks reading comprehension.

>> No.10233345 [DELETED] 

They don't send their best to do damage control. It's honestly grating at this point and just goes to show how up their own asses they are thinking they hold the keys to a game that by all means isn't theirs when met with complaints. Going as far to say "Do to yourself then!!" just screams insecurity. People who ran PR Twitter accounts got fired over this type of behavior.

>> No.10233349 [DELETED] 

>Has to one-up himself with ad homs
Fix your shit. Learn to take criticism.

>> No.10233373 [DELETED] 

>Cried to the Mods
Like I said: Insecure

>> No.10233386 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 176x176, channels5_profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would i ask mods to delete the replies where you utterly embarrass yourself?

>> No.10233389

Are you being purposely dense or is it really THAT difficult to implementing an option? That half-assed solution is no excuse when the port already plethora of customizable options, yet can't even implement a basic bitch ratio. The dev team can't be THAT inept, can they?

>> No.10233407

>The dev team can't be THAT inept, can they?
Apparently not if all they can muster up as an answer like "Just do our job for us, bro!"
It's clear they don't get a shit about maintaining the game's quality over their egos on top of being hacks.

>> No.10233413

see >>10232279
Theres 4 ways to make the game 4:3.
You are crying because there isnt a 5th way to do it.

But fret not you whiny little shit, someone started working on it 3 weeks ago:

>> No.10233417

The few people who would be able to do that are working on their own personal projects so probably a while.

>> No.10233418 [DELETED] 

There is nothing wrong with wanting options and fixes, especially proper ones, dev. Learn to take criticism. I'll bookmark this thread for future threads as an example of your behavior when handling complaints.

>> No.10233427

Ok, but will there be good mods or do i have to download it at some faggy Discord?

>> No.10233430 [DELETED] 

The only ones who embarrassed themselves are you and your gang. Serious, imagine taking criticism in such a way you can't even answer it without acting purposely dense and/or smug loke a carbon copy of dealing with the Mods on IRC.

>> No.10233435 [DELETED] 

its ok, i dont expect you to understand how opensource community projects work.
but keep thinking i am "the dev of Ship of Harkinian" that is "handling complaints" about a github repo on a 4chan thread.

>> No.10233436 [DELETED] 

Dude you can look at almost any OOT thread here in the past year+ for the exact same timeloop. They've been sending their discord goons to do sloppy damage control since the damn thing first came out (back it was outright shit instead of just flawed), they have the thinnest skin I've ever seen.

>> No.10233437 [DELETED] 

you are delusional

>> No.10233442

gamebanana.com hosts mods for the OOT PC port.

>> No.10233448 [DELETED] 

Long-winded way of saying "take your meds", queermo. If you're going to shill your shoddy projects on the vidya boards: Get over yourself and learn to take criticism.

>> No.10233478 [DELETED] 

And I don't expect you to be subtle about your insecurity over being pressed for implementing simple, yet supposedly difficult, options to an ancient game being run on a port made by inept coders for a system known for giving users access to a wealth of customizable options, tailored to their preferred experience, but fuck me, RIGHT?
I don't know how opensource community projects work, so it must be a pain in the ass to deal with on top people who complain about such things. Guess they'll just have to resize the window instead in the meantime, covering up what wasn't intended from a 2 decade old game >>10232812

>> No.10233494 [DELETED] 

>take your meds
yes, please do.

>Guess they'll just have to resize the window instead in the meantime
Yes anon, resizing the windows LITERALLY changes the ingame rendering resolution to be 4:3.

>> No.10233516 [DELETED] 

I know, this isn't unfamiliar to me. I've dealt with them before in these threads and I'll continue to do so until they either just outright not engaged the criticism or they fix what's being bitched about proper.
I'm just tired of devs being "scared" to openly engage with 4chan as to not be "associated" with the site because no, not every board is /pol/ like the 2016 election would have people believe, when you look at 4stats.io and see it's anything but a secret club anymore on top of normalfags posting screencaps of 4chan shitposts on 4chan and Twitter.
Devs can even outright fucking LIE and say they're a playtester of sorts if they're THAT skittish being on here. I'm not even asking them to doxx themselves, just be genuine and open about your shilling or buy a fucking ad, cunts.

>> No.10233523 [DELETED] 

If you seriously cannot implement a 4:3 ticker option then you must be that inept and your port's code a mess. SM64's port team runs circles you.

>> No.10233539

There's not point in arguing with them. They'd pull the same shitty excuses for something as overzealous as asking for ultra widescreen support if it weren't already a thing.

>> No.10233545 [DELETED] 

>Cried to the Mods again
Let's see if they'll ban evade again too.

>> No.10233546

The port code being a mess is something they openly admit, it's why it took a year for even the most basic mod support to be implemented and why they've largely taken the 'figure it out lol' approach to custom content with zero documentation. I knew the situation had to be fucked when the /vr/bro who was adding date events for all the girls threw his hands up and said he found it easier just hacking the rom.

>> No.10233548
File: 1.60 MB, 1920x1080, AspectRatio-MenuOption.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or they fix what's being bitched about proper.
its a community driven opensource project.
if you want to have it fixed, open an issue on the github and patiently wait for someone who wants to spend his free time writing code to do what you ask them
or learn to code and do it yourself.

lucky for you, as stated before, its already being implemented(see video), because someone who isnt a lazy whiny fuck is actually working on it except complaining on 4chan.

>> No.10233562

The project being open source is its saving grace really, lots of randomers on github have done a lot of the heavy lifting in terms of bugfixing while the main devs add layer upon layer of goofy randomizer shit lol

>> No.10233572

>its a community driven opensource project.
S'not my problem.

>if you want to have it fixed, open an issue on the github and patiently wait for someone who wants to spend his free time writing code to do what you ask them
They already know. They wouldn't otherwise keep coming back to these threads damage controlling their ineptitude when criticized.

>or learn to code and do it yourself.
Not an argument. Get over your ego, fix your own shit and learn take criticism better.

>lucky for you, as stated before, its already being implemented(see video), because someone who isnt a lazy whiny fuck is actually working on it except complaining on 4chan.
Cool. About fucking time you guys got someone with technical know-how to reimplement an ancient aspect ratio in a 2 decade old game. They ought to be awarded a medal for such a difficult feat.

>> No.10233579

>I am too retarded to set the aspect ratio to 4:3 in any of the other 4 ways. I need a checkmark that says "4:3" otherwise i will complain about it on 4chan and accuse anyone of being "the ship of harkinian dev"

>> No.10233606
File: 372 KB, 1341x1036, 69880CFA-C2FB-4758-B6C7-227C557365F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what I find funnier:
Criticism over something as simple as an 4:3 aspect ratio or the ones sent into a tizzy over responding to said criticism.

The port has all these customizable options, from basic to unnecessary-but-neat for anyone who wants it, that PCchads could ever want/expect in a port, especially for an older game, and yet asking for a properly implemented 4:3 aspect ratio sends the shills over the edge. This is about on par of a shitshow when criticizing EGS for not having a damn shopping cart.

>> No.10233614

Don't pretend like you ain't anyone else getting bent out of shape over customer criticism, friendo.

>> No.10233635

What fucking idiot calls himself a "customer" for a free fan project

>> No.10233653 [DELETED] 

Shooting for the "Well let's see YOU do better" is childish and essentially telling someone to "Shut up", making their entire stance moot.
>Complain about the quality of a game
>"Don't like it, don't buy it!"
>Complain about the quality of a movie/TV show
>"You don't have to watch it!"
>Complain about the quality of children's media
>"It's for kids!"
>Complain about the quality of older piece of media/adaption being remade for modern audiences
>"It's not for you anymore!"

>> No.10233672 [DELETED] 

A costumer doesn't strictly apply to economics, Zoom Zoom dev. You come here, shill your project with info to entice potential users who might be interested in checking it out.

>> No.10233685 [DELETED] 

>Zoom Zoom dev.
>You come here, shill your project with info to entice potential users who might be interested in checking it out.

>> No.10233692

Majora's mask or Mega Man?

>> No.10233785

What fucking idiot gets bent out of shape over someone's criticism for a free fan project

>> No.10233804
File: 108 KB, 598x188, 911DE216-7D3B-4799-9236-9D46BCB86B09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a free project, FAGGOT.

>> No.10233927


>> No.10234380


For anyone who'd actually interested in helping fix the Dark Link issue, this in large part should thankfully be a 'highly crowd sourceable' problem to tackle that would require virtually no understanding of the code for the people who want to do it.

Anyone who is able to build older versions of the project, from between the 1.0.0 and 3.0.0 tags:


should be able to contribute. All you'd need to do is to make a build off some random commit between the latest build with accurate Dark Link behavior and the earliest build with broken behavior, and then test what happens when you fire arrows into DL's face while locked on.

Turn on debug from the SoH menu and load up the Dark Link debug room from the debug menu after creating/loading the save in the first file slot to get a fast standard testing arena. If you find he dies to arrows in an earlier build, or defends himself in a later build compared to the best known guess, report the commit here. If enough people do this it should be possible to fairly quickly narrow down to problem to a specific commit and complain to the devs to get that buggy code reverted.

These videos should show what to expect:

>> No.10234583 [DELETED] 

>>10234380 You come in here on MY board, as the dev of the Ship of Harkinian project, and tell us to do your work for you because you are to incompetent to do it yourself?

No, You devs should just fix your shitty project and not have their customers fix it for them.
Devs: fix your shit, learn to take criticism, get over yourself. Stop making excuses.

>> No.10234623

>t. I have no idea how to work a computer

>> No.10234651 [DELETED] 

Discord is legitimately killing the internet. I would go as far to say that it's worse than what reddit did with essentially ending forums.

>> No.10234664 [DELETED] 

>t. I have no idea how to work a computer

>> No.10234701 [DELETED] 

>zoomers think downloading a plug-and-play app is complex
worst generation

Discord is shit because it's a misused platform.
Retards keep trying to use it as a knowledge base and don't realize how fucked that sentiment is regardless of how it's explained.

>> No.10234703 [DELETED] 

You're acting as if "people of olde" didn't use IRC to develop and discuss things.

>> No.10234705 [DELETED] 

no argument and seething responses.
i guess you must be right anon. 4:3 is the way

>> No.10234706 [DELETED] 

>you need discord and to join their burger king cool kid's club to download it

complete with wheels, the disabled tard in the wheelchair. seriously fagschord is full of disgusting trash

>> No.10234708 [DELETED] 

i can also easily toggle your mom; on and off.

>> No.10234709 [DELETED] 

you have to admit github looks like a homo website for gen alphie to post feet, orcs and other perverted things

>> No.10234716 [DELETED] 

it's just a chatroom hosted server-side, you faggots act like it's the end of the world. if this is the worst generation then you guys are fucked beyond belief. I do not believe it

>> No.10234718

I love having less field of view! I fit in now yes

>> No.10234719 [DELETED] 

they're just salty because they get banned from discord chatrooms for being extremely whiny unlikeable cunts outside of 4chan

>> No.10234727
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, 43455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Field of view isn't the issue, the problem is the game's prerendered assets were made for 4:3. There's no way around stuff like the inside of houses or certain areas simply not having enough art to fill the screen. Not everyone wants this weird hybrid ratio switching back and forth when they could just have the one the game was made for.

>> No.10234739 [DELETED] 

I miss the good old irc days.

>> No.10234875

Just installed the OoT pc port project. 120 fps is WEIRD, but I suppose it's much preferable to 20 fps.
I do like the faster loading and text scrolling, the game did get really annoying with that. Wish there was a mod to get higher quality music, but does it even exist? the 3DS port had the N64 music.

>> No.10234908

I've been watching this guys videos, he is fucking insane. There is a video of him making the sound more efficient to save literal nanoseconds of cpu cycles.

>> No.10234925

why don't (You) add it then? You turbo faggot.

>> No.10234954 [DELETED] 

I can't stand seeing people acting like they do here on steam forums and the like, you can immediately tell they're from here and are just as unlikable everywhere else.

>> No.10234956

Great argument.

>> No.10234957

that's so hilariously stupid, you don't like that there's a single concession, momentarily, in select places, so you want the entire game to just be crunched the whole time through.

bahahahahaha, I believe it.

>> No.10234963

why would I argue, it's so hilariously stupid
what a joke!

>> No.10234964 [SPOILER] 

I accept your concession. Moving on.

>> No.10234971

>Because I don't have a Nintendo sixty four
>Because it's free and convenient
Not my problem. Just use an emulator if you’re that poor.

>Because I want to play 60 frames per second
>Because I want to use the mouse
Game was designed for neither of these and they both play like shit. What a dumb fucking post.

>> No.10234994

Have fun playing at 20fps 240p 4:3

>> No.10235070

I hate that pussies won't use these in texture packs

>> No.10235081 [DELETED] 

>it's just a chatroom hosted server-side
Exactly, so why are YOU faggots acting like it should be treated as a repository for information?
>they get banned
Do you honestly think most people even have the level of engagement necessary to be banned or that they can't hold their shit together outside of 4chan? Literal child. A child whose world revolves around the concept of one's online presence. Probably why you niglets think being the first to publicly call for a shunning gives you some kind of bonus points.

One day you'll realize how stupid it was to try to make a bloated VOIP into more than a ramshackle clubhouse. I'm honestly looking forward to the day when we can both laugh about how retarded you're being right now.

>> No.10235287
File: 22 KB, 746x376, MC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And minish cap looks almost finished.

>> No.10235312 [DELETED] 

>so why are YOU faggots acting like it should be treated as a repository for information?
Because they're Discord trannies that've been here damage controlling their shit coding skills.

>> No.10235323 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 1024x749, 59C45198-E1F7-4D6A-8134-6DCD996B5088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scared you're one the losing side that gets called out or something?

>> No.10235341 [DELETED] 

they will call me out? oh no! call the police!

>> No.10235342 [DELETED] 

gee wiz professor, maybe because that's where everyone you can interact with congregates.

>> No.10235356 [DELETED] 

Fags in here aren't even trying to hide that they came from discord anymore. What are you even here to use this thread for now, just to gloat and bully autists like you're not exempt from that? This was originally about MM's decomp, but maybe since it's the same devs working on it and OoT's port being criticized in this thread, you're trying to protect your reputation as inept coders on a semi-slow board for whatever fucking reason. You trannies would have better luck shilling your shit on /v/ without any hassle because with the constant back n' forth for several hours yesterdays over wanting 4:3 shows no one gives a shit about your port and the thread would've archived by then.
How much are the Mods on your payroll for protecting this thread?

>> No.10235370 [DELETED] 

SoH isn't sending their best.
How'd you like Pedosauce's stream advertising you port the other night, sister? Did you get an influx of potential underagedb& after the stream visiting your server to groom?

>> No.10235380 [DELETED] 

>ecelb drama
you have to be 18+

>> No.10235385 [DELETED] 

you dropped your tinfoil hat you self admitted autist

>> No.10235408 [DELETED] 

>Projecting tranny admits to being familiar with Vinny
Was getting caught part of your plan?

>> No.10235439 [DELETED] 

Can you stop being ironic shitposters for a minute and answer this question earnestly: What's it to you to get defensive over criticism towards a fan project that's not related or directed at you?

>> No.10235445

nothing will happen with the Minish Cap decomp except some randomizer mods

>> No.10235456 [DELETED] 


>> No.10235463 [DELETED] 

Because they're either autistic, the devs, insecure or all 3. They can pretend all they wait against the contrary, but it's clear no one but insecure devs get upset and go on the offensive when their work's shat on on 4chan.

>> No.10235469 [DELETED] 
File: 2.09 MB, 320x240, 42C23D0B-AB50-45A4-A54A-519B9D0BCC13.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10235478 [DELETED] 

Not entirely untrue but all the lazy assholes on this site do is complain while the dreaded trannies and they/thems are far more likely to actually make things. Then they complain about ports, mods and whatever else being pozzed. As someone who mods and is not a they/them prog I'd love for more chuds to get involved and tip the balance. But they don't.

>> No.10235540 [DELETED] 

Its obvious you are send from the SoH discord to do damage control, stop pretending you are not.
On top of that, you are Actually suggesting your customers should pitch in and fix the bugs in your shitty port project, because you are too incompetent to fix it yourself?
Stop making excuses, fix your shit, learn to take criticism.

>> No.10235551


>> No.10235553 [DELETED] 

>Not entirely untrue
It's entirely true, dumb nigger. Those retorts, "Let see YOU do better" in this instance, don't ad anything to the discussion and is essentially blurting out "Fuck you" with no recourse. Are you a bio woman?
Still waiting for an answer to my previous question btw.

>> No.10235572 [DELETED] 

>As someone who's Trans who's pronouns are not they/them prog I'd love for more chuds to get involved and tip the balance in our favor.
FTFY, sister.

>> No.10235590 [DELETED] 

Enjoy nigger trannies in everything forever because you'd rather seethe on an anime forum than learn to make things you apparently care about.

>> No.10235602 [DELETED] 

>Its obvious you are send from the SoH discord to do damage control, stop pretending you are not.
Whether they're scared a few dozen regulars will spread the word elsewhere about their shilling or they're just this stubborn, the fact they damage control on slow boards it beyond me. Even some Literal Who kickstarter indie-but-not-really RPG that released last week had marketers on /vrpg/ damage controlling and was the fastest thread on that board to reach 500 posts and that board's speed is SLOWER than /vr/'s while having MORE user traffic.

>> No.10235639 [DELETED] 
File: 439 KB, 220x144, 9FC0F7AC-7E2A-46FE-AD51-5052497DFF60.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10235642

This is the only thread you're gonna see on the RETRO VIDEO GAME board right now where someone's claiming playing a game in 4:3 is "crunched" and you're an autist for wanting it. I know anons on here have dealt with some of the devs personally and the truth is this is just how they are - insecure, glory hogs, inept at coding and full of excuses. There's one or two that seem fine but I've no doubt they really think damage control like this will change how their work is perceived.

>> No.10235674 [DELETED] 

Game decompilations and reverse-engineered ports are the way of the future, CHUD

>> No.10235704

its not that, its that 4:3 works fine, but anon is too embarrassed to admit he was too retarded to figure out how to enable it, after he had already complained that 4:3 wasnt supported atall.

>> No.10235743

4:3 only got actual/selectable support added three weeks ago, https://github.com/HarbourMasters/Shipwright/pull/3130
Your choices before that were changing your desktop resolution to something archiac or resizing a window, which are both workarounds at best. In this case you can't exactly blame anon for not knowning about a feature that still isn't in the main release build.

>> No.10235761 [DELETED] 

literally who, retard.

>> No.10235767 [DELETED] 

defensive? this is why I called you schizophrenic. I'm not defending anything, I am calling you nuts, fucking retard I swear lol.

>> No.10235774 [DELETED] 

god forbid that anyone with the skills contributes to an open source project

>> No.10235776


>> No.10235782 [DELETED] 

you want a feature no one else cares about, lmao
why is crunch in parenthesis you literally want to smash the field of view down into a box on your widescreen monitor

>> No.10235838 [DELETED] 

Yes...no one else on /vr/ cares about playing in 4:3, absolutely NO ONE here on the retro gaming board would ever want to do that....
Go back, you stupid faggot. Do you really have no idea how out of place you look posting this shit on here?

>> No.10235852 [DELETED] 

the feature he's talking about isnt 'enable 4:3', its a 5th way to enable 4:3, when there are already 4 other ways to enable it.

>> No.10235864 [DELETED] 

What he said is "smash the field of view down into a box" which is inherently 4:3 any way you activate it.

>> No.10236106 [DELETED] 

Nice to see the selective post deletion from our lovely, unbiased staff at work again.

>> No.10236128

I haven't been keeping up with updates is why my initial list of nitpicks, so I'm at fault on not knowing, but like you said, the "options" were workarounds, not true 4:3. But again, fuck me for not keeping up to date 24/7 with the latest, not knowing how open source projects work, should probably learn to code myself and "enjoy niggers and trannies in media" for being "lazy". Nice fuckin' customer support.

>> No.10236265

it is true 4:3. what makes you think it is "fake" 4:3?

>> No.10236294

>credits out of sync
lmao who fucking cares? I have literally never sat through the credits for any game. You people will complain about anything just to appear to have "superior" taste.

>> No.10236331

There is nothing wrong with wanting more options, especially ones that existed in the game prior and aren't tied to a shitty resolution. How goddamn difficult IS it to implement an option to change the aspect ratio, let alone one that's existed in the game prior?

>> No.10236339

>I have literally never sat through the credits for any game.
You didn't beat the game.

>> No.10236382 [DELETED] 

>There is no 4:3.
there is
>yes but its a work around its not real 4:3
what makes it not 4:3?
>its ok to want options OK???
yes, keep dodging the question anon.

>How goddamn difficult IS it to implement an option to change the aspect ratio
Its not difficult to implement, its just that almost no one needs a special 4:3 button like you do, they just input a 4:3 resolution and go fullscreen or resize the window which achieves the same thing.

You cannot seem to fathom that not everyone is going to go out of their way and spend time writing code to please you and your specific need. And because you cant you go on delusional rants about trannies (rent free).

>> No.10236415

Does Ship of Harkinian support ROM hacks yet?

>> No.10236425 [DELETED] 

see >>10236331

>> No.10236450 [DELETED] 

You're just reiterating what you keep saying, but in a slightly less harsher tone so you don't get slapped by the janny. You've already shown to me and the rest of the thread you and your ilk cannot handle criticism well and continue to stubbornly double down with each reply. Again: Keep digging your grave because this will be bookmarked for future decomp threads you work on when you decide to act out.

>> No.10236451 [DELETED] 

No and it wont, because they only extract assets from the ROM, not the code. It would require reverse engineering every romhack individually, which no one is going to do.

The romhack creators can just recode their romhack code into SoH's codebase.

>> No.10236480 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 237x213, image_proxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you lead a very sad existence, bookmarking every argument you have with people on 4chan. fucking embarrassing, get a life.

>> No.10236481 [DELETED] 

>You cannot seem to fathom that not everyone is going to go out of their way and spend time writing code to please you and your specific need.
Pretentious drivel.
All I said was for the devs to stop making excuses, take criticism and to fix their shit.
Still waiting on that answer to the question I asked earlier on why this matters to you so much btw.

>> No.10236485 [DELETED] 

>Gets into internet arguments with strangers
>Tells them to "get a life"
Irony: LOST

>> No.10236491 [DELETED] 

>you lead a very sad existence, bookmarking every argument you have with people on 4chan.
Again with the pretentious drivel.
Can you AGPs ever come up with a consistent comeback without projecting?

>> No.10236496

In theory you can do that but the modding side of SoH is completely dead as there's no documentation and I don't think even they fully understand how it works, the mod channel resembles headless chickens running around. There was an anon on here and /v/ working on a story mod that adds more events and he just ended up moving it to a romhack, since there's actual know-how there and no need to worry about anything breaking with each update.

>> No.10236556

well yeah currently there is atleast 21 years of experience with romhacking N64 OOT roms.
And v1.0 of SoH was only just released Mar 22, 2022.

Features like replacing level geometry haven't been implemented yet, so any romhack that wants to do that just isnt possible currently.
but once it is, it will allow for much more expansive romhacks because it wont be held back by romhacking limitations.

Replacing textures was implemented a while back, replacing models was just implemented, and more is being worked on by people in their free time.

>> No.10236570

Yeah, I expect it will become the de-facto way to mod the game in time if people stick with it and document their experience but it's not there right now.

>> No.10237298

I prefer to play on real hardware.

>> No.10238649


>> No.10238691

No because it doesn't work that way.

>> No.10240652

Hope you SoH trannies are proud of yourselves damage controlling this hard.