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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10201224 No.10201224 [Reply] [Original]

What controllers are you using for Retro Games?

>> No.10201231
File: 7 KB, 265x265, retro-fighters_defender_next-gen_wireless_controller_gray_1_-2592699326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this because all my ps2 and ps3 controllers are broken. if the analog sticks didn't suck it'd be perfect

>> No.10201241
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I use the Dualshock 2 for anything that isn't an FPS or Smash Bros.
It just werks and I like the form factor better than newer DS or Xbox controllers.

>> No.10201250

This feels like a bait thread

Anyway I use the Switch Genesis controller and Retro-Bit Genesis and Saturn controllers, wish they would hurry up and make a Dreamcast one

>> No.10201364

Was my Xbox one x controller until it got stick drift. Guess I could still use the dpad though.

>> No.10201370

Close, but I use the DualSense. Can't go wrong with either though

>> No.10201391


>> No.10201397

Series X. I love that d-pad so much.

>> No.10201439

keyboard (arrow keys + z x a s)
switch pro controller for 3d stuff, but i want to get a proper controller at some point for analog triggers.

>> No.10201442

Dualsense, playing lightgun games with gyro is weird

>> No.10201450

Seconding this. The Series X/S dpad is so satisfyingly clicky.

>> No.10201467
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>> No.10201476

for actual retro games I generally use my ancient wingman because it just werks and hasn't broken yet.
For """Retro"""" games I use whatever is on hand either a standard xbox controller for direct input games or sometimes a random chinese logitech dual action clone. Playstation controllers are trash and Gamecube controllers while being good are too expensive to justify me buying.

>> No.10201708

I was using a DS3 but now I think they're all knockoffs so I've changed to DS4 and DS4Windows

>> No.10201747

My phone's touchscreen

>> No.10201785

Was using a DS4 until the rubber pads finally wore out and the face buttons lost their springiness. Now I use a DS3 that I gutted and replaced the buttons/stick caps with those of a DS2. It's amazing how much of a difference the shorter sticks of the DS2 make in improving the feel of the controller.

>> No.10201797

Hori Pokken but I've been looking for a handheld cause they're comfy. Steam Deck's d-pad is too far to the side and not good for diagonals, DS fat's d-pad is great but using the buttons really cramps my right hand. I guess I'll have to give in and pay for a Vita eventually. Can anyone attest to how ergonomic Vitas are?

>> No.10201867

i'm indefinitely borrowing a couple of those from furry i know, and i also keep an 8BitDo Zero 2 (teal) in my purse for playing stuff on my phone

i'd like to upgrade to something with hall effect sticks and microswitch buttons

>> No.10201869
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the actual controllers for the original systems, connected thru snac to my misterfpga. only a pleb would use anything less.

>> No.10201880
File: 109 KB, 1500x1163, 9bitdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly just the 8bitdo these days, has profiles, easy turbo and works just really well as an all rounder.
(I know there are some spergs around here that despise this thing, but I like it and have a good experience with it)

I also got both the retrobit Saturn, and 6 button genesis controller that I sometimes whip out for Sega stuf. But also much less so since the 8bitdo works just as well most of the time (and has analog for those Saturn 3dpad games)

>> No.10201884

>only a pleb would-
>is a frogposting phoneposter

>> No.10201908

I use exactly this down to the color

>> No.10201975

Seconded this. I always hate sounding like a shill but my Pro 2 has lasted me over a year at this point and given me 0 issues.

>> No.10201995

What do you use to configure it to XInput?

>> No.10202010

word on your guys’ dpads? almost pulled the trigger on one of these but have read some people say the dpad wobbles in the case and some say theirs don’t

looking for a fighting game-worthy dpad and it’s slim-pickins

>> No.10202039

Mine doesn't wobble and I really like it. I play a lot of NES/NES/PSX and other dpad-centric older games on it.
I don't play fighting games though, so hopefully the other anon might be able to help you there.

>> No.10202048

nice, i appreciate it

i don’t actually play fighters either, i just need consistency in comparable roll inputs so it’s the easiest way to reference it

>> No.10202092

Steam's controller setup usually does the trick for Xinput although there are probably methods that work without it.

>> No.10202145

it's like the dpad on the dualshock controllers, the dpad piece just slightly moves around as you use it. it's not noticeable. The only fighting games I've played with it were Tekken 3 and CVS1, and it was fine. the texture on the d-pad makes it a little rough if you're the type of player that rolls their thumb for motion inputs though. I have the black model and I've read that the Gameboy themed model has a different, softer texture on the dpad, that might be better for you.

>> No.10202148

>controller that sits on the trigger buttons

>> No.10202157
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>> No.10202169
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I love this bitch like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.10202179
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I use the Saturn 3D control pad for N64 games. Not many games actually use the L button for anything major so I can get away with that being mapped to Z. Currently playing Ocarina of Time with it. The analog stick isn't as "fine" as the N64's but I can deal with it.

>> No.10202184
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Too bad it doesn't exist yet
Horrible stick placement for 32bit games and even worse dpad alignment for 16 bit
Patrician taste

>> No.10202191

Its pretty much identical to the snes one
Not sure how fighter friendly that is as I do not play those myself.

I have that one too, love it for plenty of things. Just that the shoulder buttons are not comfy on the boomerang design.

>> No.10202207

Still a dream controller for me too, maybe one day

>> No.10202329

You just posted it. And the Retrobit Saturn pad.
This is the next one I wanna try, looks neat.

>> No.10202353


>> No.10202490

The D-Pad on this one felt like shit to me, but luckily it's interchangeable with OEM D-Pads. I don't know why RetroBit's feels worse than OEM since visually the parts look identical. If I had to guess it has something to do with the manufacturing process being changed or the plastics being slightly different. Either way, fucking fantastic controller, prefer it to the Saturn pad.

>> No.10202514
File: 65 KB, 1024x374, fake-ds3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New fake DS3s are plentiful, cheap and just werks.

>> No.10202528

Fuck that. I will never forgive the Chinese for making genuine DS3s almost impossible to confirm.

>> No.10202831
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for me it's gotta be

>> No.10202868

bless anon

i also noted some people seemed to be suggesting the grey models were softer, which sucks cause i want that new smoke black one

>> No.10202992

lmao did you see the newest revision of this with joycon style analogue?
Talk about missing the mark COMPLETELY.

>> No.10203053

I did. Fucking pathetic. If anything they should just widen the controller ½" if they're concerned the sticks are too close rather than putting tendie toy sticks on there

>> No.10203556
File: 367 KB, 1116x426, comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, literally just get one of the less common colours. The vast majority of repros are black.
Take the pink DS3 for example. It has a DISTINCT glossy finish over the paint that is hard for chinks to replicate. If you find a pink DS3 controller that's "glossy" it's pretty much guaranteed to be genuine.

There are fakes for the other colours too but they're easier to distinguish from the real deal. Picrel on the right is an obvious fake but it should demonstrate my point well.

>> No.10203560

been playing like that since 2003 and just got used to it

>> No.10203596

how are the analog sticks?

>> No.10203610

Except they are laggy, the presses inconsistent, the d-pad trash, and the sticks are not hall-effect. Just buy authentic

>> No.10203621

My 8bitdo is getting some stick drift I can't be assed to fix so I just grabbed my PS4 controller and bluetoothed it into the laptop with my emulators. Works well enough (been playing Xenogears and a few other PS1 titles lately, so it's a perfect controller for it)

>> No.10203729

DualSense, I have brook wingman adapters for Saturn/DC, OG Xbox and PS1/PS2.

>> No.10204129

I like it a lot but I wish the back paddles were their own buttons and not just bindable to other buttons

>> No.10204450

This exact controller, actually

>> No.10204479

Xbox One controller I bought a few years ago to replace a cheap pad. It just works. Could the d-pad be better? Yes. But that's it.

>> No.10204494
File: 183 KB, 1280x576, photo1693455543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What controllers are you using for Retro Games?
I used to go for either my laptop's keyboard due to lazyness... it was pretty much perfect, a fantastic controller, especially for 2D since buttons and D-Pad feel good, and are symmetrical. I haven't used either of those much though, since my laptop's got some dead pixels on its screen now... it was to be expected, it's quite old by now and had a few when I got it used, they expand I suppose, anyways now I mostly play on my old smartphone with a controller that turns it into a Switch/Deck kind of thing, it's quite decent, the sticks on top remind me of the Wii U, which I don't mind, though the analog themselves feel mediocre, overall it feels fine I guess.

>> No.10204501

There's a reson people that play fighting games for money to use the DS4.
It's simply perfect for precise digital directional input

>> No.10204518

>doesn’t know they use $200+ modified battle beaver ds4s

>> No.10204776

If they're anything like the other DS3 knock offs, the left analog stick will be flawless, but the right analog stick will require you to turn the sensitivity to max to make it even remotely usable

>> No.10204882
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>> No.10204923

I assume you are emulating, but how do you get the Saturn controller to work on a PC?

>> No.10205495

i use that blue logitech controller, you know the one. still using it after like 10 years

>> No.10205587

I feel like we could use a Controllers General thread at this point.

>> No.10205593

I used this. I wanted to love it but the D-Pad was soooo fucking stiff, and the adjustment screw on the back didn't help at all. Everything else about it is so good. :(

>> No.10205598

The F310? Or is it an older one with the square analog gates?

>> No.10205681

f310, which one with the square analog gates are you talking about?

>> No.10205706

Can't remember the name, I think Rumblepad? They have a worse D-Pad (too loose) and no analog triggers (I consider F310's abysmal triggers a downgrade from just having trigger buttons). The stick is very unwieldy, but if can find a way to customize your analog stick curves it ain't so bad.

>> No.10205707

as a ds4 enthusiast who uses it for literally everything, I think it’s time to pick up those drop-in usb-c conversion boards now that they’re cheap and in-stock to futureproof it and keep it as bestie for years to come

>> No.10206740

I used that on my PC and a DS3 on my raspberry pi

>> No.10206882

What adapter are you using with it?

>> No.10207238

It's a peaceful life.

>> No.10207282

>3rd party controllers
unless they're fulfilling something first party offerings aren't or have some silly gimmick that appeals to you, never ever.

>> No.10207289
File: 158 KB, 970x600, 08a290a0-5175-42f4-afb0-b1a1e2347a9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a dual ostent PS2 adapter

>> No.10207296

Does that actually work with no hangup? I've bought 2 PS2 adaptors (a dual clear blue one and the other a single black dongle) about a year ago and trashed them because they both had weird hiccups that were never fixed.

>> No.10207297
File: 45 KB, 800x600, logi2da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me guess, you need more

>> No.10207298

Said it several times befoore and I'll keep saying it anytime I see it: Logitech controllers are literal chunky brinks. They're terrible controllers and if you like them, you're not human or just have hamhands.

>> No.10207319

i've personally never experienced that with this adapter.
in fact it's the most reliable controller adapter i've ever bought so far.

works out of the box without drivers unless you're going to use it for xinput games. but that's not an issue for me since I rarely play games published after 2007.

>> No.10207339

I been considering buying this

>> No.10207515

my ps3 controller

>> No.10207546

I use three variety if controllers, in this order:
1. A Logitech F310;
2. A Hori HORIPAD for Nintendo Switch;
3. An 8BitDo Pro 2 Wired.

All of them are good controllers, but each has their own set of faults and is better suited for specific systems or games.

>> No.10208124
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I've never spent proper time with a 6 button but I mainly play arcade games on my Steam Deck and I'd prefer something I can be a little more rough with while being more portable than an arcade stick or even my Wii U pro controller or DS4.
Should I get a 2.4ghz M30 or try my luck with a Retro-Bit Saturn bluetooth version? I'm more inclined for bluetooth since I don't have to mess with dongles and have something stick out of my device but apparently 8bitdo's bluetooth is really laggy. The NSO 6 button Mega Drive fighting pad is also an option but I'll miss proper triggers and I don't have lag numbers for it on a non-Switch device.

>> No.10208135
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>> No.10208137

If that had analog sticks as well I'd get it immediately

>> No.10208462

Have this but wired, it werks BUT the plastic shell alwaaaaaaaays feels dirty, either oily or dusty and I clean it almost daily, maybe Im just turbo autistic or dirty but sometimes it just happens
Also, main app doesnt work on linux
(Loved it when it just worked with MHFrontier)

>> No.10208475

I actually preffer DS4 dpad, its more stiff, 8bit pad feels softer but very responsive, you can hold the same input for a long time and you just wouldnt feel it that much

>> No.10208489
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Why did you learn to play backwards with fightsticks? What inspired this decision? What benefits does it confer you? Honest question, no judgement.

>> No.10208517
File: 179 KB, 1600x1200, s-l1600[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've used a wired PS3 controller for years but its starting to get worn. Someone gave me a PS4 Pro a year ago that has just sat in its box, but I know it has a PS4 controller in it, is that good for retro gaming? Would I need a bluetooth dongle for that?

>> No.10208534

I’ve considered the ds4 my godcontroller for years but I admit I have baby twink hands that begin to hurt doing rolls on that pad since I don’t get to play everyday, a softer one sounds great actually

>> No.10208572

ds4 actually works wired on USB

>> No.10209093
File: 299 KB, 2479x3638, 6129104_sd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this one any good with retro games though? currently have this and a regular ds4 and am contemplating whether I should use this or the regular ds4 controller for retro games on my PC.

>> No.10209098
File: 37 KB, 1256x664, Hori-Mini-Wired-Gamepad-Controller-for-PlayStation-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should mention I'm mainly concerned with having a good dpad for movement. here's a pic of it in a women's hands for reference oooooo it's so widdle~ (*≧w≦*)

>> No.10209223

where to cop ds3 or clone

>> No.10209227

It's absolutely fucking tiny. But overall it's a very nice controller. Good D-pad and buttons feel good to tap, you'll need to adjust to shoulder buttons, but it's not that hard.

>> No.10209269

should I still use the ds4 for any specific types of games/consoles?

>> No.10209289

Liar, that model doesn't have an adjustment screw.

>> No.10209309

That's a personal preference sorta thing, Anon. You'll need to figure that out yourself.

>> No.10209560
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I miss PlayStation gray and black color scheme...

>> No.10209568

>That Pikmin stick
Good shit and attention to detail. Also what's the Olimar button do?

>> No.10209574
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Anything I want!

>> No.10209623

It doesn't? I've mistaken it for a different model then. I just have shit memory.

>> No.10209628

It's alright Anon just thought you were trolling, the FC4 did have an adjustable one.

>> No.10211116
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Anyone use one of those USB N64 knockoffs? The popular ones on amazon have decent reviews.

>> No.10213164


>> No.10213943

There's a lot of them, but these are the two I was looking at

I think innext makes SNES controllers too.

>> No.10214669

I use the Dualshock 4, my only problem is that I can't play Guitar Hero cause of the triggers :(

>> No.10214673

Don't trust Amazon reviews for anything anon I guarantee that thing has a terrible analog stick, first party (with adapter if you need USB) is the way to go

>> No.10214683

It's a good controller for retro, good D-pad

>> No.10214945

Yeah but I just want that controller for 2d games or fighting games.

>> No.10215000

Even wired, 8bitdo's Bluetooth is laggier than the 2.4 version. It's more expensive too so only get it if you really need BT.

>> No.10215003
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The only way I can tell is when opened, there is a tray containing both rumble motors. Is there a more reliable indicators for identifying genuine ones?

>> No.10215084

Can't go wrong with Xbone. It's my go-to in general.

>> No.10215450
File: 84 KB, 1200x957, logitech-f710-wireless-gamepad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can also use it to pilot my sub.