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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.92 MB, 1796x1016, nesgames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10126129 No.10126129 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on my NES collection?

>> No.10126142

pretty good, just need to get the real version of punchout

>> No.10126145

What's the Tengen game?

>> No.10126205

Damn good start. Need some of the good shooters though, where mah Life Force at?

>> No.10126235

if I can find it for cheap, I'll get it but I'm not paying 50$ just to fight Tyson.

Gauntlet 1

>> No.10126238

is that the best shooter? I want to get some but I don't like dying in one hit. I like the ones where you have life bars or infinite continues

>> No.10126263

Could get a 60 to 72 pin adapter and Twin Bee, or see if you can find an NTSC-U style repro cart, That game is pretty easy. Dragon Spirit is also affordable. Maybe look for a repro of Gun Nac since it's a great game but also pricey

>> No.10126302

I've been interested in dragon spirit.

Do you get infinite lives? health bar?

>> No.10126328

StarTropics 2 was my last NES game in the mid-90's... did you avoid it for any reason?

>> No.10126339

Nice games, little nemo is a rare one. Its a bit unbalanced because it mostly has games from about 90, 91 but it was a typical collection for someone who got the nes in 1990. You are missing very late games and also some of the early classics like DK3. I get bored if I just play only 1 or the 3 eras of the nes, for example I might start with mappy, go onto battle toads and finish with eliminator boat dual.

>> No.10126447

No Orb 3d? Get the fuck out of here, poser.

>> No.10126550

do you play any of them?

>> No.10126590

I beat Castlevania on Tuesday. And bought and beat Little Mermaid and Mega Man 2 last night.

I haven't seen it for sale yet. I still need to beat the first one.

>> No.10126637

dumbass tengen games, how am I supposed to know what that is? stupid ass tengen

>> No.10126639

no cases or manuals?

>> No.10126959

too expensive. I would probably just want CIB for Kirby's Adventure and SMB.3 since I had them when I was a kid

>> No.10127265

Bro? Your Dragon Warrior 2, 3 and 4?

>> No.10127294

I hate collections. My grandfather and dad both collected things and it's basically been made a fundamental part of my psyche. The urge to collect things is always there but every time I start accumulating it feels disgusting, unfulfilling, and empty and the clutter begins to feel claustrophobic. I have games that I'll realistically never play and more guitars than I can make use of its idiotic. I'm through with it now though. Once I sell finish selling all the unnecessary stuff that's it I'm not doing it anymore. I've already felt how gross it feels. sage for schizoid off-topic blogpost

>> No.10128096

I'm jealous of it.

>> No.10128510

50 bucks for OG punch Out!? this bubble is eternal sadly, you'd think the Mr dream version would be expensive considering its less common, kept those games, but consider investing on an everdrive or even multicarts

>> No.10128512

>little nemo is a rare one.

It aint, dont dog whistle dammit!

>> No.10128798 [DELETED] 





>> No.10128987


>> No.10129389

>I still need to beat the first one.
no doubt, the ability to move diagonally does not help much in the sequel.

>> No.10129410

Seems nice anon. How many have you actually beat? I had lots of good NES games from when I was younger but I only recently sat down to beat the tougher ones like Dragon Warrior and Megaman 3.

>> No.10129426

are you the dude who bought some of my NES and SNES games local?

>> No.10129489

>Adventure Island


>> No.10129858

I've beaten mario 1,2,3, zelda 1 and 2, castlevania, metroid, Megaman 2 and 3, little mermaid, dragon warrior, ninja gaiden, kirbys adventure

>> No.10129863

those are games. i reported you to nintendo for the booleg cart

>> No.10129867

why dp you have 2 copies of smb1?

>> No.10129869

Pretty f'n nice actually. You're missing TMNT. Which is superior to the Arcade Game.
Nice 5 screw SMB, and nice yellow metroid.

>> No.10130079


Not enough slightly-to-moderately-janky games that no one talks about but that I personally like. Please immediately obtain Iron Tank, Phantom Fighter, and Defender of the Crown. Also you need a copy of Athena so that you can marvel at its oddness. Your collection is too good, please decrease its quality (in an enjoyable way).

>> No.10130081

Also get Klax, solely for the sounds and music.

>> No.10130083

Also Godzilla: Monster of Monsters (another non-top-tier game that is strangely lovable). Your collection will have personality if you buy these games. MY personality.

>> No.10130541
File: 2.66 MB, 1024x960, loneranger.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some nice stuff. If you ever find a decently priced copy of Lone Ranger, consider picking it up, it's a really ambitious game which is very well put together, has top down, sidescrolling, and even first person segments which are compatible with the zapper.
Of course, decent prices are rare these days, so consider getting that one if you buy a flashcart some day.

Gremlins 2 is another one of my favorites, really cool game, and I loved the fuck out of the movie as a kid, watched it very often, even if I was probably a little too young for it at the time.

>> No.10131970

It LOOKS like you don't have Contra or Super C, but that's probably just a bug in your camera. Get a better camera OP

>> No.10131973

You definitely need Tecmo Superbowl and Tetris, OP.

>> No.10131975

You need Double Dragon 1 2 and River City Ransom.

>> No.10132056

Gremlins 2 is at the to of my list alongside the rest of the Mega Man games

>> No.10132092

No Castlevania 3? 7/10
If you're worried about collecting turning into hoarding, why not buy one game at a time and only buy a new one once you've completed it? I threw out all of my games and consoles for the same reason

>> No.10133025


>> No.10133136
File: 44 KB, 640x480, Fq5M7KHaIAA6l3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get yourself a copy of Street Gangs (idk what it's called in NTSC land) and you've got yourself a perfect collection, friend

>> No.10133138

only semi related to op but there are some genuinely incredible famicom games I keep finding translations for, many feel like they could be early snes titles even

>> No.10133361

What are they.

>> No.10133369

Nice pile of repro carts.

>> No.10133397

Great, you've got a lot of great stuff, hitting most of the genres the system has to offer. Main thing you're missing is Contra, which was pointed out already.
I think the man genre you're missing is beat 'em ups/belt scrollers. Double Dragon II is by far the best bang for your buck, but my personal favorite is Battletoads/Double Dragon.
Man, every time I think about the NES library there's so many great games to recommend. What's your favorite so far?

>> No.10133408

>(idk what it's called in NTSC land)
River City Ransom.

>> No.10133589

Kirby's Adventure is tied for my fav video game so it's number 1. Number 2 is SMB.3 and 3 is Mega Man 3.

>> No.10133638

Pretty good! Zelda, Marios, Castlevania, Metroid, Megaman, Ninja Gaiden, Kirby, Punch Out. Pretty much all the classics. I think you just need a Contra or two. Ducktales and Chip and Dale should still be cheap if you like meraid. Final Fantasy is great if you like Dragon Warrior. TMNTs are still cheap and good. Other than that great collection!

>> No.10135320

Don't get Tetris OP, you'll be trapped playing it forever!

>> No.10135331

I always appreciate a small procured collection of actual good games like this over near complete collection with shelves stacked full of garbage that never gets played

>> No.10135516


Yeah, those big wall-spanning ones are kinda cool in their own way but if you're not running an actual public museum out of your house (or an arcade, or a public library, etc.) then I don't know why you'd ever actually need one of those.

>> No.10136157

Some people find it fulfilling to build a collection. Some people actually don't, but think they should and treat it as a checklist. It's a real personal achievement to some, while for others it's actually hollow.

>> No.10136265

Idk man, how many music collectors do you know that buy music they don't like just to fill space on a shelf? I never got it. But it's their money. They can spend it how they please.

>> No.10136462

get a better console lol

>> No.10136651

Yep, some good games there pal. Get Tetris.

>> No.10136671

>music collectors do you know that buy music they don't like
Hmmm... Not sure that's a good example.

>> No.10136773


>> No.10136968
File: 2.41 MB, 1996x1180, snesgames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP again. Here's my SNES collection. Castlevania 4, Mega Man X, Mario RPG and Actraiser are my biggest wants

>> No.10137000

Is this copypasta? Or have you added to it because i could've sworn I saw this exact thread like 2 weeks ago.

>> No.10137034

i added castlevania, castlevania 2, little mermaid, mega man 2, and batman since last time i think

>> No.10137041

Ooh nice! I've always wanted FF3, Super Metroid, and Final Fight. I got the rest.

>> No.10137050

super metroid was fucking expensive but it's my fav game on the system so I didn't mind paying it to finally own a copy.

FF3 was a little below 100$ CAD my fav FF and can't wait to replay it on original hardware one day

i fucking suck at final fight. It was only 25$

My latest addition was Joe N Mac. Pretty fun game!

>> No.10137053

Oh word, some good pick ups. Batman is a personal favorite! That OST tho!

>> No.10137081
File: 2.85 MB, 240x180, We changed Frank Wests voice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my friend revealed lately he's had FF3, Chrono Trigger, Pokemon Silver and Soul Silver with the walker, and he just sold it all online for a few bucks because he doesn't care about games

>> No.10137082

I only played a bit so far. The wall jumping is really fun.

>> No.10137131

that's fucking horrible. I'm sorry

>> No.10137785
File: 302 KB, 800x600, Cobray Terminator Shotgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's really common, there's lots of collections where you can find things which really aren't good, but they're interesting in some way. Like some gun collectors may have a gun which is just unbelievably trash, but it has some sort of interesting history to it, or what makes it trash is what makes it interesting, and the owner may very well never shoot the thing, preferring a nicer gun, but it's still there.

>> No.10137841

Mega Man X is relatively cheap ($30) right now on ebay (US). I got Super Mario RPG with a pristine label for $100 a few months ago.

>> No.10138957

not bad. mario rpg is 150$ CAD

>> No.10139052 [DELETED] 

I don't give a shit about plastic crap or the human garbage that thinks collecting trash is more important than playing/discussing video games.

Fuck off to >>>/toy/ or >>>/trash/

>> No.10139110 [DELETED] 

Damn, what a grumpy bitch. I bet you're super fun at parties :)

>> No.10139907 [DELETED] 

>sour grapes: the post

>> No.10139912 [DELETED] 
File: 449 KB, 463x827, 1604281385469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your tears are delicious

>> No.10140434 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 303x317, SJJW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How dare you own something and be happy about it!
>You should be paying faceless corporations subscription fees for access to these things
>W-what? You can't just play pirated games! You need to buy the currently approved version from Steam like I do!

>> No.10140632


>> No.10140802

basic bitch collection, everyone has those games

>> No.10141720 [DELETED] 

get a job

>> No.10141749 [DELETED] 

>quit having fun meme
>Pictured: soulless walls filled with plastic
>Not Pictured: friends

>> No.10142996 [DELETED] 

>posting pictures of your friends on 4chan
Friends don't let friends post pictures of themselves on 4chan