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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10131023 No.10131023 [Reply] [Original]

Are they worth it? Do you actually play yours or do they just sit on a shelf?

>> No.10131028

I have the AnbernicRGwhatever the fuck that's basically the exact same thing. I played, and finished, a pretty decent amount of Gameboy and Gameboy Color games on the thing but now it sits on a shelf. The triggers are completely unergonomic so it sort of sucks for certain GBA games. I always had weird power issues with it too, sometimes the fuckin thing just wouldn't turn on. I don't know, just get a Deck.

>> No.10131036
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think its some top shitty fuck is cool
when i was a kid super nintendo games on the game boy was crazy
this little thing give it a kiss

>> No.10131068
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who is paying for all these shills to spam shitty chink handhelds all over /v/ and /vr/

>> No.10131080

>said the angry ebay reseller pissed that people aren't buying his horrifically overpriced ''''refurbished'''' gba sps
Seriously, complaining consumers have too many options is peak kike behaviour.

>> No.10131128

I got the anbernic 35xx and use it for the 8 bit stuff, gb(c), master system, game gear, etc. Stuff I would never play otherwise on a large screen.
Still use it, its great for those '2 button' machines. Never would use it for e.g. psx or snes, too cramped.

>> No.10131142
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How do you know all of them are shills, fuckwad.
Fuck you too, dear Jackwagon.

>> No.10131202

nggr, after owning 3 DSs that all broke, I have no illusions about handhelds. all of that crap is made in China, period. all of them have some sort of ARM chip. it's like thinking an HP laptop is some REAL true blue-blooded American quality laptop, and Lenovo with same exact hardware is chink laptop that will break in a week.
just get a handheld from a decent company, Retroid or Anbernic, and avoid Powkiddy and other cheap trash. problem solved. but stay seething I guess. also, please do tell me hacked PSP or 3DS is the best emulation machine, I need a good laugh.

>> No.10131219
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Most of them are literally on a shelf above me right now. Usually just go for the yellow one (not pictured) or my X20 Mini if I want to play some GBA. If it's just for Tetris and other basic games just buy a Famiclone instead, they are like twelve bucks and usually come with the same twenty or so games

>> No.10131223

We have a handheld thread already.

>> No.10131648


I have an Anbernic RG something, looks like what's in the OP. I love it for GBA/GBC and SNES games, but it needs work - install GarlicOS and the Dpad is borderline unusable so you need to isolate each contact pad under it with electrical tape.

I've finished Pokemon Sapphire, a big chunk of Castlevania, and I'd say about 20% of Super Metroid all on the couch while the missus watches something shit on TV.

>> No.10131663

It's zoomers who are obsessed with them because they grew up with smartphones. Just look over at the handheld thread and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.10131758

I played the shit out of my MM+ until I got through all the PS1 games I wanted to play. Ever since Ive moved onto PS2 games its been sitting but I have to finish MGS1 on iit but I got distracted.

>> No.10131802

>It's zoomers who are obsessed with them because they grew up with smartphones
This is some mind boggling, next level cope. Yes, I'm sure no one who grew up with the game boy would want a portable game device in the form factor of a game boy, just zoomers. Are you that fabled angry ebay reseller?

>> No.10131807
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I think so. Finished the dkc trilogy during lunch hours at work and I'm going to do the same with the crash trilogy.

>> No.10131809

I have the same power issues with the 35xx, I'll probably never by an anbernic product again, the build quality is so shit
tried garlic os and koriki, currently using koriki but same issues. Hit and miss as to whether it will turn on or not or if it will charge. I'm now having to plug it into a power source, hit the reset button when I see the "DenX Software Engineering" logo, remove the power cable and then it turns on properly.

>> No.10131869
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i asked this in the actual handheld general thread
i already bought one for $50 shipped
no one answered
theyre too busy shilling other worse devices
or flame-warring about how OG hardware is better

i legit wanted an answer from someone who owns it
i just want the following:
sega cd
neogeo cd
pc engine cd
SOME ps1 jrpg
thats literally it
the rest of the older systems are a bonus but not required

i dont expect it to be a portable saturn\dreamcast\n64

this is when i play too
although lately ive been squandering my time playing pokemon go

>> No.10131874

How does that make any sense when:
>/hhg/ actively mocks phone emulation and shitty touch controls
>most zoomers grew up with iPhones, and thus were incapable of phone emulation anyways

>> No.10131892

i will never understand this retarded take
i have been emulating titles on the iphone since the GENERATION ONE iphone (4 gigs kek)

android users are literally uneducated tards with green bubbles that women ignore

>> No.10131905

They're good for game boy games, I don't like playing much else on them honestly. Screen is too small to really appreciate games meant to be played on a TV

>> No.10131910
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I know rg35xx runs fbneo and there's is a neogeocd folder, but I haven't tested it myself. Is there a neogeo cd exclusive that won't run on fbneo?

>> No.10131935

Idk. I have a Retroid Pocket 3+ and I like it a lot. I use it quite often even though I have real hardware.

>> No.10132057

They're rejecting the phone because it's what they grew up with so they want to be "different," but they can't separate themselves from their extreme infatuation with handheld screens. Just go look in the archives to see when we first had a "handheld general" thread.

>> No.10132069

holy based

>> No.10132070

Having the x button being on the top is giving me hives. Y on the y axis and X on the x axis. Yes, I know this is a borderline OCD take

>> No.10132145

See how hard these fuckers work to just actively trash talk, this round of fags has a hard on for iphones for whatever reasons.

>> No.10132153

Yeah, sure shill.
>proprietary charger
>trying to do away with headphone jacks
>catering to mainline china
>fighting against right to repair

Yeah theres no reason at all.

>> No.10132490

C'mon guys, better thread. No anal log.

>> No.10132494

It’s a mix of shills and zoomers who worship ecelebs who peddle this garbage nonstop. Seriously every “retro” youtuber shills at least 5 of these a month.

>> No.10132516


>> No.10132520

>NOOO they don't like what I prefer, they are all sheeple plebs who don't understand anything

Just accept different people have different tastes, and stop forcing your shit in a thread that isn't meant for you.

>> No.10132613

i bought rg35xx for my brother as a gift, he played with it for a few days then he bought himself a PS5 and now the rg35xx collects dust....sad...

>> No.10132617

I played mine before I got my Steam Deck
I do still use it but only for a very niche use case.

>> No.10132779

Yeah, reasonable people will spend an extra 100+ dollars for a somewhat decent looking used 101 SP and another 50+ for a GBA flashcart instead of buying one of these new third party devices with essentially built in flashcarts for 70 dollars. It only makes sense. Goddamn retro video game store faggot shills.

>> No.10132824

You need to be 18 to use 4chan.

>> No.10132853

It's a feature. Boomers love unnecessarily complex setups like that.

>> No.10132860

Is the RG405M worth it even if I already own a rk2023? It looks like almost the same thing but better but most of /hhg/ always hates on anbernic.

>> No.10132872

On god you honestly don't, you just have to not admit you're under 18 publicly on 4channel.

>> No.10132901

>retro video game store faggot shills
the rise of stores like that making youtube channels pretending to be quirky and wholesome while charging 200 dollars for mario party 7 is fucking disgusting
the ''retro'' market should burn, emulation or bust, some people just want to play the fucking games and not own gamer approved epic retro plastic

>> No.10132908

$60 back then is $200 now, Nintendo games don't lose value over time.

>> No.10133152

>Are they worth it?
Of course not.
Anyone over the age of 20 already has ways to play everything up to PS1. These are made to, and marketed to children.

>> No.10133428
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This is true, though they are still fun to play with imo

>> No.10134610

it mostly sits on my shelf. these things are too small for my hands. probably should sell it desu

>> No.10134724


>> No.10134747

>sega cd
>neogeo cd
>pc engine cd
>SOME ps1 jrpg
There are vids on youtube of all of these running fine on the Miyoo mini. (I was curious myself and just searched them all now)

>> No.10134773

Come on bro he's just like us!


>> No.10134891
File: 20 KB, 600x525, 3DO-Controller-By-Panasonic-large-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3DO is miles better than Neo Geo CD and also closer to the others, just saiyan

Also all of those are very easy to run on these handhelds, since they use the same power as running basic Genesis and TurboGrafx which can run on a potato. PS1 may take slightly more power but the Mini and RG35XX should be able to run it basically perfectly iirc

>> No.10135131
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i still don't really understand why people would want to emulate on cheap ass chinkhelds when you can emulate on real hardware just fine
the new 3ds, vita and even an old psp are all viable to emulate old games, while still being small enough to carry

>> No.10135203


>> No.10135249


>> No.10135268

Even the gp32 is a better option than these chonkies (chink handhelds). It's got so many ports and homebrew stuff, not to mention it emulates about as agood some of these pieces of shit and it dropped in the early 2000s.

>> No.10135391

I have both Miyoo Mini+ and Anbernic RG35XX. They're great, Miyoo being betteer quality and better looking, while Anbernic has stronger SoC and better, brighter screen.

I use them quite a lot, to play games from GBA & SNES like Advance Wars or Donkey Kong Country majority of the time.

>> No.10135657
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Because they are cheaper and more lightweight (both physically and internally) than Vita and 3DS. Also I prefer portrait form factor

>> No.10135680

the only good thing about the portrait form factor is having a flip screen like the gba sp

>> No.10136702

I play mine all the time, but mostly just original gameboy games.

>> No.10136714

How well does it play Yoshi's Island?
Can it play Doom?

>> No.10136752

>How well does it play Yoshi’s Island
I haven’t had any issues (SNES and GBA)

>Can it play Doom
Yes. And Blood and Duke Nukem. Onion OS has some neat ports for it.

>> No.10136792

I bought the plus and like it, but I just don't really play games anymore. I just post about them and watch youtube videos about them. I'll probably scubacide myself soon.

>> No.10136920

Nigger, most of these stores sell exclusively chink shit. Every retro youtuber shills these exclusively and throws their affiliate link. They make more money doing this than reselling actual retro hardware.

>> No.10136961
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if 3DO runs on the rg35xx im getting a redundant device
i havent fiddled with mobile emulation in decades
my last main device was the sony xperia play

i would imagine things have come a long way since then

>> No.10137328

I literally haven’t been able to put my down. I’ve already completed two games and don’t plan on stopping.

>> No.10137792

>think its some top shitty fuck is cool
Sir. Are you okay? You appear to be having a stroke.

>> No.10137804

Pre-Covid I could buy a box of 10-20 "junk" GameBoy Colors that only had that weird screen burn/fungus or messed up speakers/volume for $100. I'm lucky that I got 80% of my Gameboy collection before Covid hit.

>> No.10137876

I still have my childhood fat ds which is working perfectly. Try not handling your possessions like a 400 lb toddler.

>> No.10138617
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>childhood ds

>> No.10139218

i have an rg351mp and turning it off at ~35% battery invariably means it ain't turning back on until i charge it

>> No.10139304

i own the two and i would put MM+ over the top because of the OS easily. the only reason i would go RG is if i want a bigger sized console

>> No.10139679
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That's nothing, there certainly are anons that got a Switch at 11 years old on this board (2016) and are now 18
>childhood switch

>> No.10140220

top shitty fuck seems like something from /tttt/

>> No.10141034

>fat ds
fat was far more durable than lite. there's a reason Amazon stopped replacing broken DS lites. I never broke anything in my life, yet I had 3 DS lites somehow, all with a hinge problem.

>> No.10141093

I don't think it runs on RG35XX, sorry for misleading. The others he listed should run fine though

>> No.10141098

I gave my DS to a neighbors kid to play for an hour and it came back with bite marks on it. That's your build quality, a toddler could bite through it

>> No.10141158

I would probably totally play one if I had one. I have a steamdeck and that was fun but it's so fucking huge and unwieldy and heavy. I can't really play it in bed if I have to hold it over me, my arms get tired as fuck (and I'm a former /fit/fag too), and the battery life on the steamdeck is just ultrajank, shit dies in like 30 minutes so you have to leave it plugged in, and then it gets hot as fuck and that bright white led charging light is always on.

>> No.10141160

>oh my god, I can't believe someone would want to own a device that lets them play video games on a retro video game board
>it must...... a financially compensated shill?? I... I'M GOING INSAAAAAAAAANE!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.10141236

>are they worth it
Eh, odds are your phone will be better at emulation than most of the devices out there.
>do you actually play yours
Yes, miyoo mini, nearly every day. It's terribly convenient to have on me.

>> No.10141240

Damn you really triggered them

>> No.10141285
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>say something obviously stupid
>get slapped down

>> No.10141796

Yep, looks like he really did

>> No.10141805

>still this mad hours later