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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10127948 No.10127948 [Reply] [Original]

With the Super Mario RPG remake coming out, which game (and eventual franchise) do you consider to be the spiritual successor to Super Mario RPG? Mario and Luigi (Superstar Saga only, since it's the only nu-retro entry), or Paper Mario (64 and TTYD)? Or do neither fit the bill?

>> No.10127953

Why not both? It's all the same general framework with slightly different surface level gimmicks

>> No.10128035

The first Paper Mario was originally called "Mario RPG 2" for a while afaik

>> No.10128037

turns 20 this year

>> No.10128107

Mario and Luigi is a no-stakes Saturday morning pocket mini game bonanza, to even put it in the same category as true console rpg's that take themselves seriously and truly undertake the challenge that is incorporating mario into the rpg format without subverting it is a fucking joke

smrpg is the original. Paper Mario is the reboot. I guess you could say TTYD is the only followup to smrpg, but it only feels similar in tone. All other concepts are basically gone

Only SMRPG and Paper Mario need remakes, and PM64's needs to be even more delicate than SMRPG's in terms of execution. With SMRPG the only true hurdle was having the designs not fucked with and the lighting to be passable which it is. With PM, they have to choose the unmodernized paper mario design and properly adapt the mosaic backgrounds which they would undoubtedly fuck up.

>> No.10128117

Well, still newly designated retro for the board.
Anyway, as much as I enjoy Superstar Saga, it definitely feels like they designed it for more game than what's actually there. You can reach super high levels and achieve ridiculous stats, but in a normal playthrough you'll probably finish somewhere in the 30s. You can upgrade your Bros. Attacks and even find 2 secret ones, but since they're so strong you probably won't waste time using them outside of taking down bosses and a couple hefty regular enemies, plus you'll tend to just rely on the earlier ones since they're powered up quickly and the ease of execution relative to damage dealt and BP cost is still very favorable. I guess if they'd added a couple extra post-game dungeons and bosses they could've resolved that - new bosses and enemies which require certain Bros attacks to defeat and/or disable item usage during combat, and that have stats which reward and provide a challenge to players who reached very high levels, optimized their equipment, and loaded up on the different coffee stat boosts.

I don't know if they adjusted anything for the 3DS remake.

>> No.10128128

>Mario and Luigi is a no-stakes Saturday morning pocket mini game bonanza, to even put it in the same category as true console rpg's that take themselves seriously and truly undertake the challenge that is incorporating mario into the rpg format without subverting it is a fucking joke
>without subverting it
>take themselves seriously
Have you played Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario? Mario RPG mocks the idea of the "silent RPG protagonist" ~10 minutes into the game.

>> No.10128164

But it still takes itself seriously when it needs to and it plays like a final fantasy game. Who is making badass anime animations of mario and luigi games? Does its fanart seem as inspired, like yhe poeple were captivated by its world or is it just hehe le funny bean men, fat bowser and looigi memes with mario being a boring straightman. Is there any area that even compares to the merlin starry hill in terms of ambience

>> No.10128328

I had no idea someone could be pretentious about Mario RPGs of all things until I read this post

>> No.10129073

Definitely M&L which is a more conventional RPG series and made by a lot of the same staff. That doesn't mean Paper Mario is bad though.

>> No.10129351
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Neither really for the bill.
Paper Mario was supposed to be Mario RPG 2, but a lot of the loosely recycled elements made it feel like a retread. A lot of people forget this, but The Thousand-Year Door is called "Paper Mario RPG" in Japan, rebranded from the first game being "Mario Story" (a tie-in to Yoshi Story?) - was the plan all along to have the second game in the series be the last "RPG" harrah after all? Mario & Luigi had already started to overtake it at that point, and the fact the series had ex-Mario RPG staffers gave it street cred. The problem with the subsequent Mario & Luigi games is that they got gimmicky.
To this day, the top games that actually delivered on being the closest to what Super Mario RPG set out to do are still Superstar Saga, The Thousand-Year Door, and Paper Mario. Hopefully, the remake gives the Super Mario RPG universe a fresh start.

>> No.10129367

The ending of BIS feels more epic than anything in Paper Mario.
Though mechanically obviously M&L isn't like RPG at all, PM is the true successor in that respect.

>> No.10129603

I hate M&L. The combat is fine but going around on the field is not fun. The jumping gimmick gets old fast and the "puzzles" or moves to have to do aren't really fun to execute, it feels more like busy work. Also the sequel has some of the most anticlimatic enemies ever
Paper Mario 1 is... very basic. Thousand Year Door is amazing however and while not an RPG (and not retro) Super Paper Mario was fun and the story was great too
I'd probably give it to Paper Mario, but honestly, I feel like the original is still unmatched

>> No.10131226

We seriously needs a new Mario RPG style.
Final Fantasy already dipped it's toes on ARPGs, Mario would do fantastic in that front.

>> No.10131558

You haven't played PiT.

Paper Mario gas always been much more popular, for every serious drawing you can find other autistic pornography or something. That said, would you be able to post some of this "badass" and "inspired" fan art?
> Is there any area that even compares to the merlin starry hill in terms of ambience
The toad wood forest

>> No.10131590

>Paper Mario gas always been much more popular
Not really, BIS has outsold every Paper Mario game for example (except Super maybe). It's just that for whatever reason the PM fanbase is extremely autistic, almost Sonic tier. And it's the only Mario subseries to have such fans, it's a really curious phenomenon.

>> No.10131689
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Look at Square games, not Nintendo. Super Mario RPG = Chrono Trigger-lite

>> No.10131742

>you found princess toadstool XXX

>> No.10131757

Shit game, lol.

>> No.10133089

What are the figures for the other games in the two series?

>> No.10133121
File: 136 KB, 1000x627, Mod_366584_sd_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk if you were paying attention to the smrpg remake announcement, but I have a hard time believing a full m+l remake would get as big of an emotional reaction, and that's because of tone, budget, scale, etc. The M+L games are mmbn b-tier factory rpgs in comparison, except mmbn at least knew when to properly pull at your heartstrings

>> No.10133128

Two full Mario and Luigi remakes have been made, no one cared because the company that made them had produced terrible games before it

>> No.10133151

Well, Mario and Luigi did receive regular sequels over several years, while Mario RPG fans have been wanting a followup for about 25 years with barely more than a few acknowledgements here and there that the game even existed in the first place. If SSS had been the only M+L game, the hype for the 3DS remake would've been much greater. Now that Alpha Dream has been dissolved and the chances of future M+L games now reduced to near zero as a result, you'll probably start seeing even greater longing for that series.

For what it's worth, I was somebody who eagerly anticipated the releases of SMRPG, PM, and SSS.

>> No.10133179
File: 110 KB, 1200x696, 1671173926570602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start up a new file in Superstar Saga
Man, this game is great. Why don't I do this more ofte-
>first unskippable 2 hour seminar on how to press the L button hits