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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10109303 No.10109303 [Reply] [Original]

Games that existed solely to sell strategy guides / Nintendo Power subscriptions

>> No.10109319 [DELETED] 

The point of AVGN was that watching nerds chimping out over video games is hilarious. It wasn't supposed to justify you being inept at video games.

>> No.10109321

zelda 2

>> No.10109574 [DELETED] 

Milon's Shitty Asshole

>> No.10109584
File: 57 KB, 220x283, ARC_The_Tower_of_Druaga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has tons of completely inscrutable secrets. I guess in Japanese arcades, gamers would leave a community notebook on the cabinet and you'd fill it out whenever you discovered a secret. This is sort of awesome actually.

>> No.10109642

super metroid

>> No.10109682

Point-and-click games created in the late 80s and 90s

>> No.10109696

I'm a super latecomer to this genre (as in the past decade was the first time I played any of them) and even the Monkey Island games drove me mad and I had to look up walkthroughs for them. I told my friend (who did grow up with these games) about this and he called me a pleb. I realize these games back in their day were meant to be played over weeks and months and I'm trying to beat them over a casual weekend.

Day of the Tentacle is pretty friendly though, I recommend that one.

>> No.10109705

Thank you for the recommendation

>> No.10109826

Beat it as a kid with no strategy guides. With power bombs and x-ray, finding secret passages is ezmodo

>> No.10109830

Atlantis no Nazo

>> No.10109869
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One of the few English Falcom games I haven't finished. Had it as a kid (without the manual) and had no idea what to do.

>> No.10110325
File: 43 KB, 451x388, getgood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strategy guides weren't even a thing in the west when Milon was released (and even in Japan only a handful had ever been made).

That game was made the way it is because players loved that shit in the second half of the 80's, it all comes from the influence of the Tower of Druaga.

This zoomer revisionist meme is embarassing.
>it's because of rentals!
>no it's because of strategy guides!
>oh no it's because they didn't have testing!
>no no no no it's because the devs didn't know what they were doing!!!

Just admit you got filtered

>> No.10110343

There are exactly zero Japanese games created to sell Nintendo Power subscriptions. Nintendo didn't even have a magazine in Japan.
Also Milon predates Nintendo Power by 2 years.
>I guess in Japanese arcades, gamers would leave a community notebook on the cabinet
Not on the cabinet. There's a notebook and pens somewhere in the game center at a little table. They still do this but now it's mostly just for greeting other players.

>> No.10111052
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I beat that game without a guide or cheats. I didn't expect it to be so difficult, but I kept at it because it was an cute!

>> No.10111059

there was an interview with one of the chinks at nintendo that talks exactly about this. he was fascinated with the social aspect of older games he'd played, because people would have to talk to each other about how to get through the game. fucking awful.

>> No.10111064
File: 209 KB, 713x902, secret_of_monkey_island_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first Monkey Island didn't seem that hard to me. The second one I got stuck early on, but I refuse to look up any guides.
Also finished Loom as well.

>> No.10111065

Strategy guides for point and click games in the 80's didn't come out till years after release, retard. Try harder, and get filtered more.

>> No.10111073

These threads only exist to shit up the catalog and troll. Do the needful.

>> No.10111074
File: 46 KB, 700x524, Amstrad CPC 464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not necessarily to get through the game. During recess at school I often talked to kids about some computer or video games, like which ones I liked and some cool things about them. We'd also swap games on floppy disks or tapes. We'd talk about hypothetical things too, like it would be cool if... And sometimes people would say crazy things about game like there's a fabulous secret you can only get to if you do some things exactly in this order. Kids being kids with lots of imagination, it was all good fun.
Don't know what kids do now, but I'm glad I experienced those days.

>> No.10111081

well you see i was talking about what the nintendo guy said in the interview, not your personal experience at school.

>> No.10111083

I think this is often overblown, but this DEFINITELY applies to Alone in the Dark 3. The level of "how was I supposed to know to do that?" is insane in that game, it gives the vaguest fucking hints possible.

>> No.10111090

LucasArts games were famous for being nowhere near as cryptic as their competitors, on top of being unable to die in their games so there was no "oh you had the wrong solution for that puzzle? Fuck you buddy"

>> No.10111102
File: 1.85 MB, 498x482, lole.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not the owner of this board, bozo. People can write whatever they feel like here.

>> No.10111105

>i am a faggot

>> No.10111110

Yeah it’s really taking space away from the daily threads where people jerk off Ocarina of time for 200 posts

>> No.10111130
File: 68 KB, 900x810, lolmato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad works at nintari and he says you bought all the strategy guides and called the help line every day. Everyone knows you never legitimately finished a game.

>> No.10111135

>my dad is a faggot

>> No.10111154
File: 13 KB, 320x200, boom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this reputation was not lost on its competitors

this game is fun but I have barely made any headway into it. Reminds me strongly of La-Mulana. I have tried off and on for years to go through La-Mulana and my mate (who has looked up guides and beaten it years and years ago now) told me 'just give up, that game is impossible'. I sometimes wonder if he's right...

>> No.10111171

Holy shit the seethe there is visible from space.

>> No.10111178

surely you aren't suggesting that japan didn't have strategy guides for famicom soft and other 80s games, are you?

>> No.10111268

I'm not suggesting. Milon's Secret castle came out in 86.
Strategy guides done and sold by the publishers weren't exactly a thing then outside of a couple of minor exceptions and fanzines, even the infamous "how to score one million at Xevious" was originally a fanzine, just made official, which goes completely against the idea that "games were made to sell strategy guides"

But please go ahead, show me all those 86 games strategy guides they supposedly made shitty games precisely to sell

>> No.10111684

This game is one of the few 80s to 90s misses from hudson soft

>> No.10112570

>gamers would leave a community notebook on the cabinet and you'd fill it out whenever you discovered a secret
I'm surprised someone didn't steal it

>> No.10112583

I apologise for my inaccuracy.

>> No.10112607
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>> No.10112638
File: 117 KB, 666x1080, 61T+Dk+JWtL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>um games existed to sell strategy guides
>the strategy guides

>> No.10112645

Japs actually have social cohesion, unlike "white" countries today.

Spoiler: they're not white anymore.

>> No.10113269
File: 418 KB, 600x600, tourist600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on, what the fuck?

>> No.10113272
File: 406 KB, 640x348, Reply.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What he's talking about is not even a race thing, you flapping cunt.

>> No.10113373

>strategy guides / Nintendo Power subscriptions
you didn't beat the game

>> No.10114185

They don't have black people there.