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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10071117 No.10071117 [Reply] [Original]

I was told for years by classic RE fans that Resident Evil 4 turned the franchise into something completely different. Before RE4, it was a survival horror game. Now I''ve played the classic games. They give you grenade launchers, rocket launchers, super shotguns, and enough ammo to kill tons of zombies. These were not intended to be horror games. Every entry is more action-focused than the last. I'm playing Code Veronica now. It starts with a helicopter shooting at Claire, then she kills like fifty soldiers in a room. There's a whole section with these Steven guy where he shoots zombies with SMGs. Why did the classic RE fans lie about their games? RE4 wasn't some big departure. The games were already action-focused.

>> No.10071121

Get there on your own.

>> No.10071136

I think that 1 was real survival horror. Other than that, yeah, I agree but 4 is still way easier than any of the previous entries. Are you enjoying them by the way?

>> No.10071147

Most things you read online were not formed from personal opinion, or experience, but from parroting the opinion and experiences of others.
People watch some youtube jerk off talk about how scary and tense and hardcore RE was when he was 5 years old and take that mentality into the game. They conserve every bullet, restart sections because they got hit a few too many times for their liking, and finish the game with 250 pistol bullets, 40 grenade rounds, 60 shotgun shells, and 8 first aid sprays in their item box, and then pay themselves on the back for playing the game "the right way."
And then they relay their crippling retardation to others, who are equally retarded and do the same thing.
The biggest problem with retro games is no one approaches them without a preconceived notion of what they are.

>> No.10071179
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Yes, I've enjoyed them. They're fun games. It's just jarring to be told RE4 is nothing like them, then to get cutscenes like this.

>> No.10071201

Your first experiences with no idea what the game is, no guide, no savestates, etc. Will lead to a pretty spooky game wherr you run out of shit. People at the time were trying something that most didn't have any experience with, coming from playing SNES or Genesis games, etc. A few may have played similar PC games, but that's it. Now, everyone is clued into the fact that you have to conserve shit, dodge zombies, etc, and let's be real, 99 percent of people use guides and save states or watch vids or make a thread 'about to play RE, what should I know, what should I expect' Same thing with playing RPG's for the first time and then getting the hang of them or knowing what to do, except they're even easier, but the first time people played them the experience was completely different.

>> No.10071207

If capcom made ammo and weapons scarce in RE it would have filtered people. So they just made an illusion that it's scarce and it works

>> No.10071208

This is baliwood tier shit lmao

>> No.10071226

No, it's just anime shit. All the outrageous dumb shit that people constantly harp on the later entries for having in their storylines, or cutscenes, or enemy design is the same generic anime garbage that infests 99% of other Japanese made games. The first two games were just (in comparison) very grounded and reality based. The series turned into dumb anime bullshit by 3

>> No.10071470

No auto aim is the real horror.

>> No.10071482

All I know is that my interest in the series well off a cliff after Nemesis and CV. I enjoyed 4. But not even half as much as any of the classic REs. I essentially dropped the franchise after 5.

>> No.10071657

>It's just jarring to be told RE4 is nothing like them, then to get cutscenes like this.
Yeah RE4 totally has the same gameplay as the games before it, it is EXACTLY LIKE THEM.

P.S.: I hope you're not one of those retards thinking RE's story hasn't always been silly schlock.

>> No.10071912

>The series turned into dumb anime bullshit by 3
What is anime about RE3?

>> No.10071942

Jill's attire

>> No.10071979
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i don't know but i wish anna kendrick played young claire

>> No.10072063

i get where you're coming from but re1 is literally a super heavily trained 12 - 14 crack squad of military trained / genius 18 year old biologist and medics operating in a smaller town police department somewhere in kentucky

2 is the "realist" because your entire pov is from a complete rookie cop not even on his first day and another super cops kid sister stumbling into this dumb town that's been built from the ground up to cover an elite corrupt pharmaceutical company's bio weapons research

3 gets crazy with the big town/small city becoming this giant city with everything being part of umbrella's grand plan with multiple secret labs and secret armies training for months and finding a cure and the usa nuking the city

i still think 3 is a fine escalation of the events of 2 and 3 but the time jump is dumb

>> No.10072075
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dang i meant 3 is a fine escalation of 1 and 2

>> No.10072090

if you think about it, nemesis is jill's super persistent shonen rival/archrival

>> No.10072134

That is why we called them survival horror, anon. When we were thrown into the action playing the game the first time around, we were never comfortable emptying our guns because we could not antecipate what the game would throw us next. Resident Evil 2 and 3 start with this premise, little to no ammunition, the streets roaming with zombies and no strategic advantage given to kill all enemies. Resident Evil 3 steps on the pedal by introducing Nemesis early on and making us feel uneasy at every step because he follows us around. Of course at some point in the game, we'll be loaded with ammo to take on the enemies, but through out the adventure we've already learned and figured when combat is absolutely necessary and when enemies can simply be evaded and thus resources can be conserved. We don't need a preconceived notion to approach the game, it's design already does that for us from the very first moment.

>> No.10072150

It's literally the Terminator slapped unto Resident Evil's world. You even have a cutscene where Carlos blows off Nemesis' rocket launcher and the fire desintegrates partly Nemesis which prompts a mutation facelift like in the movie.

>> No.10072193

Not him but
>Game starts with Jill jumping out of an exploding hotel
>Nemesis' entire design and weaponry
>Things exploding everywhere, literal fuel barrels lying around in alleyways
>Umbrella soldiers who knew about the zombie outbreak (but not Nemesis for whatever reason) getting murked and unable to figure out how to kill the things their bosses created for the same of dying in dramatic ways
>Jill finding a fucking fully loaded GRENADE LAUNCHER in a STARS office locker rather than the armory
>Jill escaping the silliest situations (like almost falling into a random sinkhole that opens inside an underground parking lot and then getting out of the way of two crates that slide out of a van)
>A wounded Nemesis walks towards fire to get his ass burned to a crisp for dramatic reasons
>There's an armed bomb inside a random safe in the hospital that explodes as soon as someone opens it for dramatic reasons
>There's another bomb blatantly glued to a wall that destroys the entire hospital just as Carlos finds what he's looking for and leaves
>There are HUNTERS BEING GROWN IN VATS inside the hospital
>There's a T-virus vaccine inside a safe behind a painting in a random patient room inside the hospital
>Nemesis, Umbrella's cutting edge supersoldier project, is defeated by a few seconds of sustained fire from one guy with an assault rifle
>Carlos saves Jill with the antidote and leaves, then Nemesis bumps into Jill by walking in through the same door 10 seconds later, and Carlos is somehow not there
>Edgy Umbrella mercenary gets his squad killed on purpose just so he can look cool being the only one to survive, dies in a cutscene
>50kg woman pushes a 2m+ tall walking tank supersoldier without its powerlimiter suit off a fucking bridge like it's a Looney Toons episode
>Jill finds a random device that conveniently shows her the distane of an incoming nuke
>The entire Nemesis final form bossfight
>You want stars? I'll give you stars

>> No.10072202

Oh, and
>Jill & Carlos manage to escape a nuke strong enough to pulverize an entire city, in a helicopter, 2 minutes before the nuke hits, without even getting irradiated, burned, or permanently blinded

>> No.10072210

I just finished re re2 and I'm playing gc re1 atm, it's a pretty big difference action wise. I guess really with re 4 changing the controls and going 3rd person just felt more actiony than the previous games.
Anyhow, trying to work through the series since I'm on a kick right now.

>> No.10072509

And Barry shows up at the end and can fly a helicoptor.

>> No.10072582

I think when Jill downs Nikolai's helicopter, it's also the only time in the series when one of the protags kills an ordinary, no mutation, virus, parasite or whatever bullshit, human being.

>> No.10072660

I want to look like Jill Valentine

>> No.10072690

only if you were like 10 when you played them maybe,and you played the first ntsc release of re1,other than that these games are pretty easy except re3 if you fight nemesis a lot.
and lmao,conserve shit,dodge zombie are you for real,the point of op is exactly that you dont have to conserve shit,on my first playthrough of re2 i had to restart a couple time because i didnt want to start the police station in caution but once i got to the police station on fine since i had picked up all the ammo on the way just that was enough to kill almost all the zombies in the police station.

>> No.10072703

Tbh it's true that you get plenty of ammo in a lot of classic RE games, but I still wouldn't call them action games because the combat is so primitive. They certainly aren't good action games when so many encounters can be resolved by holding the aim button and tapping shoot, with auto-aim on the OG versions too, and it's hard to believe that's what many people primarily play them for. RE4's combat is a huge leap forward from what was in classic RE.

To make up for it though they have a lot more slow-paced exploration of more complex environments and metroidvania-esque key hunting, which RE4 scaled back on in favour of a more linear track interrupted by more frequent and much more engaging combat encounters.

It's the mechanical difference that makes people say RE4 is more action-oriented, the fact they both have goofy action-movie stunts in cutscenes isn't really relevant.

>> No.10072792

>and it's hard to believe that's what many people primarily play them for
It's hard to believe because it's not the reason why people still play them after the first playthrough, you moron. People who still play the classics are either speedruning, self-indulging with imposed limitations, playing the minigames for high-score/time or just replay every once in a while for that nostalgia kick. The classic series offers plenty of reasons to get back unto it, shame you're probably a monkey too stupid to appreciate its gameplay depth and you're stuck on a rail-road linear experience.

>> No.10072836

nta but i replay them normally just because

>> No.10072887

It was always a whining from guys who played re1 when they were kids. Re3 is a pure action but with a (bad) static camera

>> No.10072897

>It's hard to believe because it's not the reason why people still play them after the first playthrough
My point was exactly that retard, people don't play these games for the combat and it's not the main appeal so it makes no sense to say they're action games the way RE4 is.

I didn't say RE4 was superior, I said its combat blew classic RE's out of the water which is just objectively true if you judge the whole series as action games. If you don't consider classic RE to be action games though, the simple combat is fine because the game has other elements to make up for it that the combat works well with, elements RE4 has less of.

>> No.10073063

Exact kind of fucking retard I'm talking about. RE2 shits ammo and healing items at every corner of the game at you. The beginning of the game has so much ammo in it that you have to intentionally avoid picking any of it up to trigger an easter egg. Leon's campaign is by far the easiest playthrough in the entire series and unless you intentionally shoot at a wall for 2-3 minutes, or go out of your way to not pick up ammo it is literally impossible to not finish the game with hundreds of rounds of reserve ammo.
The Nemesis has no tension because you will always know he's around because the background music changes, or a cutscenes plays for his entrance. There is no suspense or paranoia, and 3 has even more ammo in the game than 2 does anyway, and was intentionally designed to be an action game.
You are dumb fucking retard who has probably never even played these games

>> No.10073065

>the 'you didnt beat the game' fags BTFO

>> No.10073075

Hahah, good shit anon, I'm screenshoting this, may turn into a copypasta

>> No.10073097
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Claires' ass can deflect debris!

>> No.10073105

It's when they completely lost the plot of the series and turned it into retarded anime drivel.
Umbrella went from being a big pharma company doing some deeply hidden research to a monolithic worldwide super villain facility who has their own paramilitarty, and makes super bio weapons that hunt down individual people like they're trained bloodhounds. Zero and Code Veronica add on to this and the entire story becomes so laughably retarded that 4 just resets the series.
I always laugh when people bitch about how they handwaved the plot of the previous games in 4. Well no shit they did, they had set themselves up for a fucking super friends anime episode where the whole gang team up to take down umbrella by what, invading Spences hideout and killing a bunch of security guards? Were they gonna have yet another virus outbreak at their home base? They had written themselves into a corner and the plot of the series had become so moronic they had no choice but to ignore it.

>> No.10073118

>Umbrella went from being a big pharma company doing some deeply hidden research to a monolithic worldwide super villain facility who has their own paramilitarty, and makes super bio weapons that hunt down individual people like they're trained bloodhounds.
RE2 did that first.

>> No.10073169

The original plot for 4 was going to reveal that there was an ancient lost civilization buried under Spencer's castle and the T virus came from the body of their immortal king. Spooky things going down in a remote Spanish village is way more in line with the first game than that stupid bullshit would have been.

>> No.10073191
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>> No.10073194

Honestly RE3 has the most replay value out of the original trilogy, being a fast paced action game with tons of costumes plus RNG

>> No.10073203

it sucks that claire got the inferior games both times but i liked extreme battle and the romance with steve since he reminded me of myself.

>> No.10073212
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>the romance with steve since he reminded me of myself
>steve since he reminded me of myself
>he reminded me of myself

>> No.10073214

go away you fucking disingenuous nigger, you don't even believe waht you're saying, you're trying to rustle jimmies. RE4 has nothing to do with RE in the slightest and you know that, you just don't like RE and want validation for like action slop.

>> No.10073223
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>want validation for like action slop
I have a Resident Evil video on Youtube and I was looking at the analytics. Are you from Mexico or Brazil?

>> No.10073259
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>for liking
"Good, a typo! That means I can sidestep the burden of defending myself"

>> No.10073262

So, Mexican or Brazilian?

>> No.10073267

Concession accepted.

>> No.10073287

RE1 is a pharmaceutical company doing underground research on bioweapons in a hope to sell them off to the highest black market bidder
RE2 you learn that company bought off the local police, and then hired a secret black ops merc squad to retrieve their work
RE3 and onward Umbrella is a worldwide cartoon villain factory bent on world domination through bioweapons who have their own military, a backstory filled with psychotic founders who all have some weird magic powers, and are in a personal fight with the main character gang who are the only ones who can stop their ruthless plans for total control.

>> No.10073292

What about it? Steve is literally a regular 17 year old boy who hides his full pants behind an over-the-top tough guy act that also gains him anime powers. And he's an obvious waifufag with strong enough waifuism to overcome the virus brain damage.
In that regard he's probably the most realistic character of the whole series, but then again he's actually fighting and moving instead of just shitting and pissing his pants and waiting to die like most of you here would.

>> No.10073296
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>> No.10073301

I love STI so much bros

>> No.10073339

>It's just jarring to be told RE4 is nothing like them, then to get cutscenes like this.
reminds me of the metal gear fans who whine about something like twin snake's cutscenes, body doubles in MGS5 or konami making a zombie spin off (even though the puppet soldiers in MGS5 were basically zombies) but are completely silent/ignorant of all the other crazy bullshit the series is known for.

>> No.10073343

you still didn't answer his question chico.

>> No.10073381
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>> No.10073442

Ask your mom

>> No.10073464

>they're among us

>> No.10074837

yeah idk why they did that to Umbrella

>> No.10074870

Yeah even 2 escalated things to a ridiculous degree. Umbrella went from a small lab hidden under a mansion in the middle of nowhere to a gigantic Death Star complex under the city, complete with steelworks, trains, cable cars, and all kinds of other shit. Which really calls into question why they bothered with the mansion lab at all.

>> No.10075803
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>> No.10075857

opbp. Resident Evil 1 is the only true survival horror game in the series. RE has been more action horror than anything.

>> No.10075913
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Even RE1 is action. RE simply has never been real survival. That doesn't make the games bad, they're some of my favorite of all time, it's just that I always find it weird when people shit on 2 or 3 for not being survival when it has never been

>> No.10076469

Resident Evil has been an action horror series since RE2, Kamiya himself said he was trying to make the make more action focused. RE1/REmake are the only games that actually feel like pure horror games. In fact, after perfecting the classic game formula with REmake, Shinji went to show what an action RE should be like with RE4.
>Why did the classic RE fans lie about their games
Because they never played them.
My favorite "RE fans" are the people who say RE4 ruined the series for being too action focused, but also say RE2 is their favorite when it has fewer puzzles than RE3 and RE4.

>> No.10076894

What video?

>> No.10076995
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>My point was exactly that retard, people don't play these games for the combat and it's not the main appeal so it makes no sense to say they're action games the way RE4 is.
There are several reasons to play these games and combat is indeed one of them, just not as you presented it because the main game is not designed around these things nor does it demand such from players. That is why mini-games such as Battle Game, Extreme Battle Mode or Mercenaries exist; it's why difficulty was tweaked in Resident Evil 2 to create Nightmare Mode; it's why fighting Nemesis is optional and rewards the players for successfully doing so. While I do not think that anyone would seriously consider classic Resident Evil just its combat since it's still stepping on untreaded ground with 1st gen 3D engines, it's undeniably that developers put a great effort unto expanding it as much as they could and players appreciate and acknowledge it to the point of doing self-imposed challenges to squeeze as much as they could out of it.

>> No.10077087
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It's pretty clear you never played the game 25 years ago at release, when you were young and without a guide. Because whether you were coming at it after having played the first game or just with a glimpse from what gaming journalists and people in general were saying at the time (you know, before people who actually played it to end knew just how much you could afford to go commando on it from the get-go), you just knew that the moment you set your foot on those streets and there were not enough bullets to kill all zombies coming at you, you had to erratically try to get the fuck out of there and get to the police station ASAP. Most people were playing with no auto-aim since that was the predefined setup in options and hoping they were not wasting bullets against formations of up to 3-4 zombies at a time as they pushed through the streets. Many probably didn't even attempt to get the shotgun off Kendo, thus when they reach the station and finally get to breathe in a little bit and restock on supplies, they are meet with a deadly monster that eats up a whole handgun clip just to die all while frenetically trying to take the character's head off. While this is never replicated again in the game (though 4th Survivor and Extreme Battle pick up on these design choices afterwards), it just engraves unto the player this conservative mindset that he needs to save resources and spend them wisely through out the game as at any moment he could be thrown into a similar situation. It's not until the game is over that the player comes to the realization that there is no need to play it as a "survival horror" (like the first game). It'd kind sad how you call out others on preconceived notions yet your experiences (or lack of genuine ones) show precisely you're the first to fall on them and probably don't even realize it.

>> No.10077230

iirc OG RE4 was harder, it got easier (="more action") on every port, and around the time the HD port came to PC, being a contrarian around RE4 was cool on the interwebz

>> No.10077337

The hardest difficulties in the original games, I think barring nemesis, removes auto aim. That's like playing the remakes on anything but hardcire and complaining about autosaves

>> No.10077390

You will never be able to convince them otherwise because these are rabid fans that have been playing since they were kids. Pointing out that they've misunderstood the series all this time is like telling them their childhood is wrong.
What RE4 did different was take the camera, stick it behind Leon's shoulder and gave you the option to make headshots while fine aiming. They also got rid of ink ribbons which is a fucking Godsend for anyone who is not a neet.

>> No.10077529

Subtle, very effective. 8/10

>> No.10077602

I'm just playing re1 for the first time now, even though I've owned it it since I was a kid (well my dad bought it back then, along with 2, 3 and CV).

It's the original version and definitely seems harder than 2 by a lot. I'm fighting yawn for the second time and I'm out of ribbons, is there much left of the game? I know I go underground (like always). Will there be more ribbons or am I fucked?

>> No.10077643

I guess I had a different experience as a kid because I rented RE1 about a month after it came out and shot the shit out of everything I ran across and never had much trouble. I actually remember shotgunning all the dogs in the courtyard because the manual said it was best for fast moving targets and they seemed to fit the bill. I especially weird to see people pretend 2 or even 3 were some tense survival games where you had to hoard every bullet.

>> No.10077707

>Every entry is more action-focused than the last.
Every entry is worse than the last as well.

>> No.10077763
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> I actually remember shotgunning all the dogs in the courtyard because the manual said it was best for fast moving targets and they seemed to fit the bill.
Why am I under the impression that you're sharing this experience expecting it.. to be abnormal? Your peers are not saying that Resident Evil is meant to be played without combat - even the game itself makes no effort to do. What it does is make you consider if and when those options have to be on the table. If you can effortlessly get past your enemies because you've learnt how they are programmed to act, should you take direct action or just evade them and save your resources? If there's six zombies ahead and the player is only carrying 30 bullets plus the 15 loaded in the gun, does he take a risk of deplecting his resources and clearing the way without knowing if he is going to fight another horde the next door or does he go some other route first and amass some additional resources (be it weapons or ammo) before proceeding through there? These are the questions that the game design poses early on to the players, and work just as fine for those familiar or unfamiliar with the genre.

Looking back on Resident Evil 1, despite enough ammo being provided for Chris to kill every zombie in the mansion, if the player is not familiar with combat (zombies have iframes when they take no damage from bullets; no auto-aim means that shots from directional angles are very likely to miss the target, etc) and with the mansion layout and resource placement, it's very easy for a new player to lock himself in a situation where he can't proceed to a new location without tanking zombies or trying his best at knifing them.

>> No.10077813

The key difference between Resident Evil 4 and previous games, such as Resident Evil 2 and 3, lies in its design. While the previous iterations made combat a valid choice to proceed (even moreso if the player had already played the game once) but never made it a point to make it the optimal choice (severely punishing new players who did so without proper knowledge or assessment), Resident Evil 4 is designed more like Parasite Eve 2 or Dino Crisis 2, where the developers constantly feed you ammo after each subsquent combat sequence and thus incentives the player to engage in combat and get better at its mechanics.

It's also interesting that classic games put emphasis on enemy combat mechanics like a puzzle - where you need to figure out how enemies behave, the range of their attacks, how much bullets are necessary to kill them - wheres Resident Evil 4 is more focused on your performance, your ability to act and adapt rather than to observe and learn.

>> No.10077891

>Resident Evil 2 to create Nightmare Mode
not made by capcom but by those that did the port.

>> No.10077894

>when you were young and without a guide. Because whether you were coming at it after having played the first game or just with a glimpse from what gaming journalists and people in general were saying at the time (you know, before people who actually played it to end knew just how much you could afford to go commando on it from the get-go), you just knew that the moment you set your foot on those streets and there were not enough bullets to kill all zombies coming at you
just because you believed a lie doesnt make it the truth.

>> No.10077920
File: 1.15 MB, 522x408, RE2 zombies.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why on earth do retards contort themselves into autistic knots trying to pretend these were ever some kind of hardcore survival games? From Day 1, the main draw was always mowing down monsters with cool guns and all of them happily give you the means to do so.

>> No.10077929

Resident Evil started retarded on purpose. Every interview discussing Mikami's movie taste proves he loves camp. Anyone that thought they were a SPOOK A MINUTE were grugs.

>> No.10077940


>> No.10077970

>not made by capcom but by those that did the port
Huh, so Capcom? They were directly responsible for porting Resident Evil 2 to PC in 1999.

>> No.10077976

my bad,i had wrong info,but its so bad it seems like a fan mod made by a retard,and re2 is still the most braindead the serie ever was and it doesnt fix the dogshit pea brain tier puzzles.

>> No.10078007

Irony poisoned by V. Rip.
I was mocking the people who say RE4 was nothing like the originals same as you. Blasting the shit out of zombies, while occasionally stopping to sort inventory, you could argue making it third person and adding a shop made it too easy, but I always saw it as them removing the boring parts of the game.

>> No.10078470

2.5 more locations. There are several more ink ribbons.

>> No.10079015
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>iirc OG RE4 was harder, it got easier (="more action") on every port, and around the time the HD port came to PC, being a contrarian around RE4 was cool on the interwebz

NTSC GameCube's balance

- Ammo drops significantly more often and Pesetas drop less often
- The Knife does 60% less damage
- The TMP does 30% less damage to Ganados and 25%% more damage to El Gigante and Krauser
- The Red9, Blacktail, and Rifle exclusive upgrades are weaker
- The Semi-Auto Rifle's exclusive upgrade is stronger (0.4 vs 0.8 firing speed)
- The Handgun exclusive upgrade is stronger (50% crit chance vs 33% in UHD)
- Matilda has a slower rate of burst fire, lower firepower, and slightly faster reload speed
- Mine Thrower mines take 2 seconds longer to detonate
- The Merchant's First Aid Spray stock is not dynamic
- First Aid Sprays, Treasure Maps, the TMP, and Mine Thrower are more expensive. Striker and Killer7 are cheaper.
- The Shotgun is more expensive to fully ugprade.
- Flash grenades don't instakill Las Plagas wolves
- U3 takes full damage from magnum weapons (vs 50% in UHD)
- Regenerators take 33% more damage from everything but the Knife

Striker, in the original version you had to wait until at least chapter 4-3 to start upgrading it. In later versions they allow you to tune up as soon as the Striker is available in the sewers before Verdugo.

The way item drops work in the GC version of RE4 is interesting. There are no individual weapon ammo caps, so you can get more than 25 shotgun shells, 15 magnum ammo, and 10 mines at a time. Instead the game caps you at a generic 150 'BulletPoint' value based on the sum of your inventory. The drop rate on magnum ammo and grenades is also much higher--you can do some funny things with just a handgun and a Broken Butterfly in your inventory.

>> No.10079107

helicopters can fly pretty fast, i don't see the problem here

>> No.10079516

Nukes have always been historically dropped by planes that are fast enough to escape the blast. If choppers were that fast they would use those.

>> No.10079613

>If choppers were that fast they would use those.

>> No.10080083

>fixed camera shooter
>tank controls
>action game

>> No.10080558
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i fully agree OP, but just imagine this
>be 10-12 or so
>go over to kids house after school, has this new thing called a “play-station” and this cool zombie game
>see RE1 intro for the first time
>tfw super limited ammo (as a dumbass kid who probably gets killed so much at the start he hasn’t left the mansion yet)
>tfw first time seeing cgi intro to first zombie encounter
>tfw you die, you go back to the fuckin start until you get ink ribbons
it was something new and awesome at the time. that being said i do like all of the resident evil games each in their own way. i even kind of liked RE6 but i pirated that so that doesn’t count i guess.

>> No.10080571


>> No.10080595

Coming off the 16bit era any ammo management was rare. As other peope have said when you played it first you didn't know which rooms had ammo in them. Changing the enemies mid game was another drain on resources. The handgun became useless so if you had went wild with the shotgun you were fucked. It's not until the 3rd or 4th time that you start to know which enemies to run past.

>> No.10081580

not OP but honestly i feel like all the sentiments on RE here (and quite frankly everything else on /vr/) can be summarized as "i played this game when i was a dumb kid who didn't know better therefor..." but i would appreciate it if people were at least honest about their nostalgia like you just were.

>> No.10082612
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But that's the whole point of these games. Context is important to understand how they were created and designed and the perception the audience (or the userbase) had of it in that era of gaming. How are you going to retroactively classify them as X or Y if you only played them when you were much older and years after they have been released? That makes no sense. The only valid opinions should be of those who played them when they were young teenagers and who played through them without any knowledge beforehand what those games were all about - not fucking idiots who pretend they understand the series because they marathoned it all long after they were out of their baby diapers.

>> No.10082643

False. RE 1, 2, 3 & CV are all survival horror. RE4 is not because your enemies are human beings who happen to be Spanish villagers. They talk & they attack you with weapons. No horror. So RE4 is just an action game where you play as a mass shooter invading a village, attacking innocent villagers. The original RE games doesn't have any of this.

>> No.10083164

>They give you grenade launchers, rocket launchers, super shotguns, and enough ammo to kill tons of zombies
Outside of Resident Evil 3's easy mode which feels like it's mocking the player, you get these as the enemies get tougher. If you get a shotgun in RE1 and think you can just run around using that on everything, you can fuck yourself into a corner. In that sense, it's like another puzzle.

As for the argument of "there are guns and you shoot things, therefore it's basically a third-person House of the Dead" RE4's core game mechanics focus on the gunplay. Everything you do in the game is just a pretense to get you into a new arena to shoot more waves of enemies. In the older games, you might clear enemies in rooms, but the main point of the game is exploring and progressing. If there were no enemies in Resident Evil 1, it'd still be an interesting game, just much easier. If there were no enemies in Resident Evil 4, it wouldn't even be a game.

>> No.10083171

Why are you assuming everyone who played the game on release was 10 years old? The only people who found the game extremely difficult or scary were young children. Teenagers or adults who played the game would just shoot everything because that's how games work especially back then and contrary to what people like to believe, unless you intentionally go out of your way to fuck yourself with resources by taking incredibly specific paths that don't make sense its pretty much impossible to totally gimp yourself even on a blind playthrough.
Everyone acts like the concept of running out of resources, or having to restart segments was this amazing mind-blowing concept when it was par for the course in most games released up until that point. You were just as fucked if you ran out of health pick ups or bombs or extra lives in countless other games, but dumbfuck zoomers who grew up with autosaves and resources on demand play an RE game and suddenly think they're super hardcore experiences because you might have to run around a couple zombies every 8th room.

>> No.10083243

>you get these as the enemies get tougher.
You get the shotgun and grenade launcher in RE1 long before anything more dangerous than a zombie shows up. Jill can literally walk upstairs and pick up the launcher immediately after her and Barry split up.

>> No.10083253

And if you start using it as a substitute for the handgun, you'll probably run out of ammo by the time you need it

>> No.10083279

>If there were no enemies in Resident Evil 1, it'd still be an interesting game
no really since theres no puzzle thats gonna make you think for more than a minute at best,except again if you are a child.

>> No.10083282

It's still searching the rooms, finding items, finding where they're used, and seeing what new rooms that unlocks that makes up the core of the game. It's very much like Alone in the Dark, which is very much like a classic point-and-click adventure.

>> No.10083286

>If you get a shotgun in RE1 and think you can just run around using that on everything, you can fuck yourself into a corner.

RE1 is the only game that this might happen. Future titles apply with so much ammo and weapons that you have to go out your way to fuck up.

>If there were no enemies in Resident Evil 1, it'd still be an interesting game

Fuck no. If there's no enemies blocking your path then the fuck is the point?

>> No.10083289

you dont have to think to know where the items are used,its all very and i mean very obvious,sure its like a point and click but a very dumbed down version.

>> No.10083294

>Fuck no. If there's no enemies blocking your path then the fuck is the point?
Is that where you find most of your enjoyment in the game? Put another way, if Resident Evil 1 took place in one room and all you did was shoot zombies with unlimited ammo, would you consider this the ideal experience?

>> No.10083373

Nah you'll be fine. There aren't that many enemies in the first game.

>> No.10083423

You can make up bullshit like that for any game,of course the game should be consider as a whole,without the enemy its shit just like without the puzzle its shit.

>> No.10083443

You said "if there's no enemies blocking your path then the fuck is the point?" I explained a few times what the point was and what the game is about. If you can't imagine the game without shooting enemies, then you think shooting enemies is the point of the game. If you reject that, then you should be able to understand my post. You could have an adequate game with an enemy-free RE. All the enemies really do is add additional challenge, which if absent you may not enjoy as much, but it underlines the difference between the two styles of video game we're comparing.

>> No.10083914

im not that other anon,i am

>> No.10083919

RE2 is creepy but Leon and Claire can kill everything that looks at them funny

>> No.10083923

Eh, 7/10. Jill's ass in Revelations is better. Same with Rebecca's ass in her leather getup

>> No.10083934

Biker Jill is sexy af, sad it doesn't get any fanart

>> No.10083946

for me its sherry's ass in re6

>> No.10084035

>Umbrella soldiers who knew about the zombie outbreak (but not Nemesis for whatever reason) getting murked and unable to figure out how to kill the things their bosses created for the same of dying in dramatic ways
Wrong, Nikolai (and presumably the other supervisors) knew very well about Nemesis, but Carlos and the rest of the low rank mercenaries did not. Now, those mercenaries didn't just die because they were retards, Raccoon had a pupulation of 100,000+, so that's at least 80,000 zombies running down the streets, by the time you start the game the city is mostly dead. On top of that, those who actually survived were eliminated by the supervisors.
>Jill finding a fucking fully loaded GRENADE LAUNCHER in a STARS office locker rather than the armory
I don't see the problem here, It's the S.T.A.R.S. office and it's locked until you open it, of course it's going to have at least one gun. Besides, you don't even visit the armory in RE3.
>Jill and the random hole in the parking lot
It's foreshadowing the Gravedigger's boss fight,
>There are HUNTERS BEING GROWN IN VATS inside the hospital
Yes, in the basement of Umbrella's hospital. Just like the creatures raised in the basement of Umbrella's mansion.
>Nemesis, Umbrella's cutting edge supersoldier project, is defeated by a few seconds of sustained fire from one guy with an assault rifle
He's not defeated by that.
>Edgy Umbrella mercenary gets his squad killed on purpose just so he can look cool being the only one to survive, dies in a cutscene
He canonically survives

I believe most of the stuff you see when you follow an alternate route is supposed to be absurd and nonsensical. For example, Jill jumping out of a moving Tram without hestiation is stupid, but she using the emergency brake is not. She pushing Nemesis down the bridge is stupid too, but in the canon ending she is the one who jumps off the bridge.

>> No.10084054

Ah, you see that's the problem. You're playing on easy mode.

>> No.10084080

Okay, let's pretend for a second that RE4 is a "real" RE game. That still doesn't change the fact that there are huge differences between. The original games & RE4. Plus RE4 led to awful sequels that just doesn't live up to the hype of RE4. Classic fans had abandoned the franchise, while nu fans are hateful towards the older games. But without the older games, there would be no RE4. The divide between old & new fans certainly shows.

>> No.10084173

>So, Mexican or Brazilian?
close, amerimutt.

>> No.10084742
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>she plays on easy

>> No.10084771

>Instead of just shooting the tank, she drops the gun, falls to the floor, catches the gun THEN shoots the tank
For what reason

>> No.10084776

Never seen that trope where someone pretends to surrender and then doesn't?
Had she aimed at the tank right away they would have swiss cheese'd her.
Of all the dumb bullshit you could criticize here you're actually focusing on one of the more plausible ones. You fucking retard.

>> No.10085509

There is a grenade launcher/crossbow or shotgun/desert eagle in the STAR office in re2, UBCS didn't know how bad it'd be - one even mentions in a file being unprepared for the situation, the bomb was planted by Nicholia to get Tyrell (the black UBCS), the edgy merc was betraying his team for money, the final boss is no more terrible than the final birkin form

>> No.10085520

>He canonically survives
He got fucking nuked.

>> No.10085575

He writes a report/file in the spin game Survivor off dated after the nuke went off, however apparently the Japanese version is signed by a different character and it was altered for the English version, so its a toss up, also Umbrella Chronicles has him communicating with another umbrella officer around the same time, so who knows

>> No.10085612
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Sounds like kino to me

>> No.10085615

Fans hate Resi 4 because it departs from the original themes and gameplay. There are no zombies, no government secrets, no faceless evil corporation. In 4, you can save pretty frequently, there isn't really any feeling of isolation, you can purchase ammo, getting items is pretty easy, and the storyline is insane. To be fair, Code Veronica had some of these problems too, which is why survival horror fans don't put it together with the first three games and REmake. But that game still retains some of the old style gameplay and is pretty difficult, especially compared to Resi 2. Coming after REmake, 4 was just a whole other direction aesthetically, thematically, even gameplay design. But let's face it, after 3 the series was going stale anyway.

The original Resi games were the first real survival horror games and came out before Silent Hill revolutionized everything. What your looking at is survival horror in it's infancy, in it's most primitive form. What was pioneered by other games in the genre were brought back and incorparated into REmake, which was and is a legitimately terrifying experience. Before Resi 1, there really wasn't a game like this, where you had to carefully manage ammo and health items and collect ribbons just to save. There wasn't anything to hold your hand either. If your playing this for the first time with fore knowledge of what your getting into, then you lose that element of surprise critical to these games. Sure, Nemesis is pretty scripted by today's standards, and this type of enemy is now pretty common, but back then there was nothing like it aside from Bobby in Clocktower. It was the first time anyone did anything like that and it was terrifying.

>> No.10085617


>> No.10085620

Most games of that era had campy plotlines like this. It's what made MGS 1 stick out so much, and even that had campy moments. Since then, games have got a lot less gamey and now mimick Hollywood blockbusters, which depending on your perspective is either great or a total disaster.

>> No.10085624

>But let's face it, after 3 the series was going stale anyway.
People say this like having 3 games with that kind of gameplay is too much, but now there's nothing like Resident Evil anymore while every third person shooter since is basically RE4 over and over again

>> No.10085637

>People say this like having 3 games with that kind of gameplay is too much
It was more than 3. It was 5. Code Veronica and a remake of the original. They had run out of stuff to do with that formula. It was very stale.

>> No.10085661

>Code Veronica and a remake of the original. They had run out of stuff to do with that formula.
Code Veronica was poorly made and then REmake became one of the most acclaimed games on the Gamecube, only to be followed up with another poorly made game in 0. I don't agree that if any game in the series isn't great, then that means the fundamental gameplay has "gotten stale" and can't ever be done again. Ironically, it's the games that tried to stray from the formula and do new things that were panned, like 0 with its buddy system and item dropping.

>> No.10085667

Yeah, that's true. Most Resi games since have just been shallow attempts at replicating 4's success. Capcom hit gold and realized they didn't need to make a survival horror game, just an action shoot em up with some gothic scenery and maybe zombies. Horror has become a tiny niche anyway, and if they made something true to the originals it just won't sell today. Look at all the normalfags who complained about the Resi 2 remake. A lot of them complained about things that make for a good survival horror, like Mr X. There isn't an audience for survival horror anymore. I wish they'd built on the success of REmake but they just went with what made money instead and turned RE into a AAA franchise, which wouldn't have been possible if it stayed survival horror.

>> No.10085860
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Most of the people playing the original series in the west were probably between 8 and 16 so, yes, it is correct to assume that the game was made and targeted with this age-group in mind.

Resident Evil 2 (and 3) are more lenient in regards to mistakes to pathing and excessive resource usage but even those games can get newbies soft-lock or at least very frustrated on first attempts. Take for the example that retarded webm that some anon posted of Leon gunning down every enemy on eastern RPD - you just arrived on RPD with your gun loaded, no additional clips left from fighting through zombie hordes on the streets, get the 30 handgun rounds on the desk, unlock the doors and seek the eastern path (the one in the webm). The anon who posted it doesn't even realize how that webm lucked out on that since the player just used 38 bullets to grind through 8 zombies, normally it would take roughly 46 bullets. That's pretty much every single bullet you just had (if playing as Claire, handgun is depleted) and on top of that, there's still have 1 zombie roaming in the officer room, plus another zombie on the ground blocking the path. This kind of stupid approach repeatedly done (particularly in Scenario B as Claire, due to the lack of shotgun which allowed for triple kills and to make up for proper resource managment) and without knowledge of where resources were hidden was how players would often find themselves soft-locked, even before leaving the RPD. I know that all too well because it would be one of the most complains you'd read at message boards at the time.

Of course your retort to all this is just save and reload so you know which mistakes not to make. And that's fair. But this is how zoomers play, just using save-states for convenience instead. Most people then would just proceed through the game on a first-playthrough, no save and load planning for best routes. That would come on subsequent playthroughs

>> No.10085881
File: 346 KB, 640x478, resident.evil1_menu.characters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using Jill to discuss Resident Evil 1's difficulty

>> No.10085901

>turned RE into a AAA franchise
I don't know where this idea that RE was some niche series before 4 released came from when it was always a mainstream blockbuster franchise. 1-3 are among the best selling Playstation games. 4 didn't even sell all that well compared to the PS1 games in its initial Gamecube and PS2 release and took several years and ports before it finally exceeded their numbers.

>> No.10085931

>no save and load planning for best routes.
That entirely depends on how far I am from the last save point. If I have just saved, of course I will reload on fucking up.

>> No.10085984

Weird. Me and my friends never played like that. We'd just load the game if we died.

>> No.10086050

>The anon who posted it doesn't even realize how that webm lucked out on that since the player just used 38 bullets to grind through 8 zombies, normally it would take roughly 46 bullets. That's pretty much every single bullet you just had
you conveniently didnt mention the butt load of ammo you get from the beginning of the game to the rpd,on my first playthrough just those ammo where almost enough to kill most zombie in the RPD.

>> No.10086071

There's only 30 handgun bullets on the desk when you enter the RPD. That's it. Read what I wrote. I know what you're trying to say but you skipped over most of what I wrote since that section is not meant to be cleared early on and that's the optional pathing I was referring to - only latter on are you supposed to melt through those zombies when you have amassed large caches of ammo. It's showcasing how deliberate game design is hammering down the player's head that he is not supposed to go rambo on everything that moves since it's not an action game.

>> No.10086130

Yeah I don't play conservatively at all and I usually have 40-50 handgun rounds by the time I get to the RPD. I'd have more but I always kill the zombies in Kendo's shop and usually a few more along the way. You get 30 more from the main desk in the RPD then the game really starts shitting them out and it feels like every room has a box or two in it.

>> No.10086160

no theres plenty of ammo on the way to the rpd,like theres 2 pickup of ammo in the kendo shop.

>> No.10086952

>These were not intended to be horror games. Every entry is more action-focused than the last. I'm playing Code Veronica now. It starts with a helicopter shooting at Claire, then she kills like fifty soldiers in a room. There's a whole section with these Steven guy where he shoots zombies with SMGs.
You're talking about cutscenes vs gameplay

>> No.10086974

It's not camp, it's anime. Anime is targeted at teenage boys. Video games are targeted at teenage boys. The story beats, plotlines, and character tropes of most Japanese games are usually 1:1 copies of popular shonen anime. Final Fantasy was always far less popular in Japan than Dragon Quest because DQ's entire structure was being a playable anime adventure. FF's popularity skyrocketed in Japan during the playstation era when the series moved away from swords and sorcery D&D inspired settings and stories, and into more shonen anime style plot lines

>> No.10087006

lmao. And who cares if you do have no ammo after you blast the police wing? worst case scenario you need to run past a single licker. this is the point you refuse to understand, the entire idea you're ever soft locked is made up bullshit. at the absolute most you need to run through one, maybe two rooms. this is not some herculean task. the enemies in all the games with the possible exception of long box RE1 hunters are slow and dumb, and the games shit healing items just like they do ammo so it doesn't matter if you simply face tank things.
This entire delusion you ever need to ration resources is made up bullshit, because there is never a punishment for not doing it. enemies very rarely respawn, they're not difficult, and resources of all kind are plentiful. Even if you play the game ass backwards as possible while running past ammo drops, and leave yourself in a state of total zero resources you just stroll back through now empty hallways and rooms to pick shit up.
Everything that people try to ascribe to RE in terms of resource management, enemy difficulty, and overall planning is present in only one game, which is Dino Crisis, and the #1 complaint from RE fans who play that is that's it's too hard and obtuse.

>> No.10087023

If you've beaten the game 20 times it's easy, if it's your first play through it's not that easy. I was around in the 90s and people thought the Resident Evil games were challenging.

>> No.10087231

Does Code Veronica get called one of the hardest games in the series because they removed the easy difficulty in the western release?

>> No.10087269

>If you've beaten the game 20 times it's easy
This, but at the same time it's intentional. It's why unlockables are locked behind clear times and rankings. RE games are some of the original speedrunning autism games. You're supposed to breeze through the game at some point

>> No.10087279

None of what you listed is inherently "anime," you're literally just describing events that happen in the game and tropey shit like that exists in all forms of media and isn't exclusive to Japanese media. The word you're looking for is "cheesy" or something to that effect. The way you pair of morons are making it seem, you could call just about anything "anime." In fact, after I write this post, I think I'll go take an "anime" style shit.

>You want stars? I'll give you stars

Can't believe she actually said the meme I'm gonna go fag out on the internet about it cause it's so noteworthy, stars I'll give you stars LOL! Again wrong, the whole point of cheesy one liners like this is to mimic American action movies which is precisely the feeling it invokes, this is arguably the least Japanese thing in your whole retarded list. Did this entire board lobotomize itself or something? I feel like I'm being trolled but the dumb opinions are just way too widespread on /vr/ as of late.

>> No.10087294

nah, just long length + annoying enemies + shit game design not warning you of the switcharoos
the final one is especially bad, they switch you to claire at the end and you feel like this is it, the first room you go to is a save room, and you can easily softlock yourself by taking all the good guns with you, only to be switched to Chris like 5min later lol

once someone plays CV more than once though, it turns into one of the easiest games, especially once you start using the knife, not to mention the herb duping glitch

>> No.10087313

>not to mention the herb duping glitch
you didnt beat the game.

>> No.10087341

I use all the save slots in RE games so that I never have to worry about anything like this and can revert to an earlier save if need be. I've never had to go back to an earlier save, but it gives me ease of mind.
Is this common? I always figured most people did this on first playthroughs since the games have a large amount of save slots, limited ink ribbons, and limited ammo.

>> No.10087358

Anyone got an iso for uncensored version of 1 that will boot on real hardware?

>> No.10087715

>the first room you go to is a save room
There are no save rooms in Claire's part, just a checkpoint.

>> No.10087903

RE2 is much more down to earth compared to all the dumb shit that happens in 3, you seething retard.

>> No.10087969

People would rent RE games and beat them over the weekend because they were short and easy. One of the reasons Code Veronica drags on and on and on is because Capcom didn't want a game you beat by renting.
You people are so desperate to convince yourself you're uber hardcore gamers for playing AAA blockbuster titles that were as close as games got back then to being movie games. it's completely hilarious

>> No.10087973

moron who never played the game spouting drivel he's parroting from another retard who played the game. love to see it

>> No.10088009

>not an action game
Have you ever finished it with like no ammo left over or something? Because most people do

>> No.10088017

Two at Kendo, plus whatever weapon he has on him, another in the van near the basketball court, another on the bus, i think there is some hidden in the bins as well, not sure

>> No.10088204

>I was told for years by classic RE fans that Resident Evil 4 turned the franchise into something completely different
How many of those games were over the shoulder? How many were segmented into chapters? How many had merchants? Nobody ever said that re4 is what started the action horror b movie vibe, thats been there since the very beginning.

>> No.10088212

you can't really catch the gun like that, it's not possbile

>> No.10088240

>opera singer who controls an army of leeches
>superhuman with glowing red eyes who runs on walls and has superhuman everything and also died but it was totally planned because its all part of his plot to rule the world
>psychotic incestuous twins who turn into giant bug monsters and have the power to summon giant tentacles out of thin air
>a super mutant who can never die because he has all of the viruses ever and he's amazing and special but he's specifically engineered by a world controlling company to eliminate a certain group of people who no one believes anyway
>because those specific people made a band who join forces and make it their mission to eliminate this company because only they can do it
Yeah bro nothing like anime.

>> No.10088332

Looking back, it's surprising just how restrained the first game was. Even 2 started in with really dumb shit like the serial killer police chief who taxidermied people in his secret medieval torture chamber hidden in the police headquarters.

>> No.10088404

The first game was restrained by accident. It was supposed to be some weird ghost story that also had zombies and robots running around but half way through development they redid the entire structure of the game and rewrote it. I don't know what happened past that and why they didn't simply escalate onto what they already had. The first game had a bunch of religious and cult symbolism they could have gone with but they took the easy way out and just turned it into anime slop

>> No.10088576

Does anyone have that image guide on how to get the sourcenext ports of the original games?

>> No.10088589


>> No.10088801

He didn't taxidermy people, he did animals. He only became a killer after the outbreak when society had collapsed. The novelization isn't canon.

>> No.10088832

The earlier RE games give you a ton of ammo but they're still less action heavy than suplexes-and-backflips-and-knife-fights 4. 4's pacing is also much faster, since after the village you're always pressing forward into increasingly over the top set piece fights. I think it has more horror than people give it credit for though. You're just slow and vulnerable enough that the escalating action creates an ever growing sense of tension. At least until the island, which was almost pure action, but that also had the regenerator sections to keep a sense of unease.
Anyway, ammo levels and weird storylines aside, there's a definite horror focus in 1 and CV. 2 and 3 really did ramp up the action elements but fear is still a bigger part of their DNA than it is in 4. They're slower paced (maybe except for 3) and let the areas, and atmosphere, linger more.

>> No.10088835

Everything about Lisa in the remake of 1 is also dumb as fuck and follows the pattern of the later games.

>> No.10088847

Oh, and the cinematic camera angles played a big part too. The earlier games just had a more horror-oriented foundation than 4. It doesn't mean they're undiluted horror masterpieces. They're horror in the way that a bunch of cheesy B movies are horror, even if they contain action.

>> No.10088974

>his secret medieval torture chamber
Honestly this is the thing that makes the least amount of sense in RE2 as a whole. I'm not surprised they removed that from the remake

>> No.10089085

It's not that crazy when you consider he works for Umbrella and Umbrella owns the city and commissioned a lot of its buildings, including the RPD, the hospital, and the clocktower

>> No.10089891

RE4,REmake and 0 were sales disaster on GameCube.

>> No.10090051

Jesus, that whole thing is a fever dream. I was not prepared for the cyborg riding the shark in act 2...

And what the fuck was the Ring part?

I am so confused...

>> No.10090391

How many RE classic games do you know has a creepy guy selling you guns & ammo? How many feature villagers who attack you & say things to you in Spanish? How many feature unwanted QTE sequences? This is not a normal RE game. In fact it's not a true RE game at all!

>> No.10090565

>RE4,REmake and 0 were sales disaster on GameCube.

>> No.10090742

>Resident Evil: 1.35m
>Resident Evil 0: 1.25m
>Resident Evil 4: 1.6m

>> No.10090909

Keep in mind those are worldwide numbers too. All of the GC games were disastrous flops which is why they panic ported 4

>> No.10091067

For comparison:
>Resident Evil (including Director's Cut releases): 5m
>Resident Evil 2 (including Dual Shock release): 5.7m
>Resident Evil 3: 3.5m
Those are the Playstation numbers. The miscellaneous ports don't really amount to many extra sales though. And just for fun, here's Code Veronica:
>Resident Evil Code: Veronica (Dreamcast): 1.1m
>Resident Evil Code: Veronica X (Playstation 2): 1.6m

>> No.10091112

>All of the GC games were disastrous flops which is why they panic ported 4
They ported 4 because it was Game of the Year and widely acclaimed and they realized they could make a lot more money if they put it on every available platform. They didn't port it to Nokia cell phones out of a panic over poor sales.

>> No.10091153

>comparing GC sales to literally any other console sales
You dumb retard, obviously absolute sales would be lower because the GC didn't sell well.
Gamecube, over its lifespan, sold about 20 mil units.
This means you have statistically a bit more than 5% game/console ratio.
Now let's look at the Playstation: 100 mil units sold
With the best-selling game RE2 at 5 mil you ALSO have a ratio of 5%.
This means that on the Gamecube, those games sold extremely well.
So no, they were NOT "sales disaster on Gamecube", the Gamecube was a sales disaster. Unless that's what you meant, dumb ESL retard.

>> No.10091208

>>Resident Evil Code: Veronica (Dreamcast): 1.1m
>>Resident Evil Code: Veronica X (Playstation 2): 1.6m
This buries the delusion that Remake or 0 would have been blockbusters on PS2. Fixed camera games were dead in the water by that point.

>> No.10091283

See this post >>10085661
The delusion is thinking if they ever make a bad game, it means nobody wants a good game in that style ever again. Code Veronica is also the one that started moving away from fixed camera angles, getting rid of pre-rendered backgrounds and panning with the camera.

The REmake REmaster that came out in 2014 sold 4.7 million copies, is that enough to say people still wanted that kind of game?

>> No.10091384

Code Veronica was reviewed better and sold more than the REmake. The entire idea the game was hated at release is zoomer revisionism. It was constantly routed as one of the main reasons to buy a Dreamcast. Your entire argument falls flat in the first sentence.
The RE formula was tired and played out, just like Tomb Raider, or Twisted Metal, or Mario Kart. The market had been flooded with too many deritives and the originators had run out of ideas. Everyone including the devs themselves was sick and tired of the series and wanted a fresh take. You bring up REmake port numbers while disregarding that RE4 sold even more when it got remastered.
There was no market for generic RE games in the early 2000s which is why everyone unilaterally stopped making them. If you were actually alive for any of this to experience the time period instead of some faggot larper you would know that.

>> No.10091503

>The RE formula was tired and played out. Everyone was sick and tired of the series.
>Also Code Veronica was reviewed well and was one of the main reasons to buy a Dreamcast.
I'm not following your argument.
CV didn't sell better than REmake initially, but if you acknowledge Code Veronica as a success, where exactly is this "RE formula was tired and played out and nobody wanted them anymore" argument coming from?

>Code Veronica comes out on Dreamcast and sells 1.14m copies
>Re-released on PS2 as Code Veronica X and sells 1.59m copies
>REmake comes out on Gamecube and sells 1.35m copies
>RE0 comes out on Gamecube and sells 1.25m copies
>RE:Outbreak comes out on PS2 and sells 1.45m copies
>RE4 comes out on Gamecube and sells 1.6m copies
The only real bomb in the classic style games was Outbreak 2, and generally by this point the absolute success of a game came down what console(s) it came out on. Even RE4 only sold marginally more than the others initially when comparing them as console exclusives, which is especially shocking since shooters are generally more accessible and popular by default.
Even with the remasters, in a time where people seem to only play shooters anymore, REmake's sales were still comparable to the RE4 remaster and much more than they've ever been. When were people tired of it exactly?

>> No.10091747

>When were people tired of it exactly?
I'm gonna make a wild guess and say somewhere around the time sales for a main entry in a flagship series cratered from 6mil down to 1mil.

>> No.10092034

They went up from Code Veronica.
RE4 did 1.6m on the Gamecube, not 6m either. Were people already tired of RE4 upon its release?

>> No.10092235

Code Veronica came out in 2000. RE4 came out in 2004. Are you a moron? The series was less and less relevant each release. No one hyped up or cared about REmake. The general feeling was "Wow they're they fucking releasing RE1 AGAIN?" Keep in mind the game had already been released three different times by then and not even 3 full years had passed since.
Zero, was roundly mocked and considered laughable.
Once again you clearly were not alive at the time so I don't even know why you're arguing. No one wanted or cared about RE games or their clones. The entire industry stopped making them and they stopped selling.
After 15 years people were nostalgic for them and they got good sales when they got remastered. So did a fucking SpongeBob game.

>> No.10092251

>Code Veronica came out in 2000. RE4 came out in 2004. Are you a moron? The series was less and less relevant each release
Your argument before was that the RE formula had become stale and that RE4 was the fresh new take that everyone pined for. Now you're saying RE4 was actually bomb because the RE name was irredeemably tainted, despite an upward trend in sales since Code Veronica?
Determine what you're trying to say first, then talk to me about it

>> No.10092546

There's actually 5 ammo pick-ups on the way. The two in the kendo shop (like you said), the one in the back of van (which a new player might find or might not find depending on what he does after the zombies break through the basketball courtyard gate), another one by the trash (but this one is pretty hidden) and the last one on the bus (highly visible - can't miss it).

But a new player is also unlikely to get to the RPD just dodging zombies and for safety is much more likely to kill as many as necessary to proceed. And there's at least 3 in that basketball courtyard that burst through the gate and block the way, 4 in the tight hallway where the player has advantage of picking off zombies without danger on the top of the platform, 2 in the bus (one reaching on the ground another blocking the way) and 5 just before reaching the gates of the RPD (2 need to be pushed into the ground to reach the gate safely). So all and all, a new player is probably going to waste 64 handgun bullets out of the 4 handgun clips he is most likely to find on a first playthrough. Thus reaching the station with just the gun loaded (unless playing the JP version - zombie HP values are much lower).

While we're on the same page that Dino Crisis and Resident Evil 1 are the only true survival horror games that fit the genre, the point is still going over your head. The game is designed to trap players into thinking they need to play it like a survival horror through its initial stage progression. I've already said this more than once on this thread and many anons seem to at least understand the point I'm trying to make. You clearly don't and that is making me wonder if you actually played these games at release, without any knowledge whatsoever and you're just trying to flex all over people's first experiences with it because you didn't have that or if your brain's completely melted and you forgot the first time you played it.

>> No.10092683

Jesus Christ are you literally retarded? CV came out 4 years after the first game. RE1 sold well,. RE2 sold amazingly. RE3 sold ok, CV sold poorly, REmake sold terribly. Zero sold terribly. Outbreak sold terribly. The series declined constantly past RE2, because everyone was sick of the formula. You are the idiot who can't understand that a game design people were getting sick of in 2000 would have been suicide to continue with in 2004.
You keep harping on RE4 GC sales when every other port of it sold millions and millions. Do you know why there was no port of REmake or Zero for 15 years after their release? Because no one cared about them. Everyone was sick of generic RE games, which is why literally every single leading comment on RE4 was how much a breath of fresh air it was.
You are the retard making moronic claims that no one was sick of the RE formula despite mountains of evidence otherwise, not me. And again if you were actually fucking alive during the period you wouldn't even be some dipshit contrarian attempting to argue otherwise.

>> No.10092691

>These were not intended to be horror games.
has everything logical, smart, or interesting that there is to say about video games already been said, and we have to resort to this shit to make conversation now?

>> No.10092727

Again, figure out what your argument is before you try to respond.

>RE1 sold well,. RE2 sold amazingly. RE3 sold ok, CV sold poorly, REmake sold terribly. Zero sold terribly. Outbreak sold terribly. The series declined constantly past RE2, because everyone was sick of the formula.
REmake sold better than CV. Zero sold slightly less than REmake and then Outbreak sold more. Based on your own standards, RE4 "sold terribly" even though it didn't follow the RE formula at all and is the basis for your argument against classic RE games.
>You are the retard making moronic claims that no one was sick of the RE formula despite mountains of evidence otherwise, not me
I would be open to this claim if you were able to provide evidence, but you weren't able to do this. Instead, you're having a nervous breakdown because I've proven you wrong.

>> No.10092735

There is no indication from the game whatsoever that you will run out of ammo. In fact there's no indication or allusion to that in any game in the series. The entire idea that the "right" way to play these games is to hoard supplies, and dodge enemies is based entirely on pseudo-speedrun requirements to unlock shit like the rocket launcher. When you play the games completely blind you will be pushed toward killing everything, and clearing out rooms so that your inevitable backtracking as you go through puzzles and itemboxes will be easier.
Literally all of the commonly parroted bullshit about this series is because it's far more efficient when playing for rankings to dodge everything, and you need to ration ammo because you don't have endless amounts of time to clear out rooms and search every desk and corner.
Playing the game blind will result in the exact opposite of what you're proposing, because you're not trying to beat a clock, or get a ranking you don't even know exists. You will play the game slowly and methodically, clearing rooms, picking up or not having items you dont/do need, and clearing rooms so you don't have to constantly dodge things.
The only people who play the game like you describe are people who already have experience with it. They know where everything is, they know which rooms to clear and to ignore, and how much inventory space and what items to have. Every game in the series puts more than enough ammo to kill everything because you're supposed to play like a bumbling retard your first playthrough, but still beat the game. It's after that when you play for ranking where you're supposed to be finishing with massive reserves from preparation and resource management.

>> No.10092739

>Resident Evil: True Director's Cut (Hack) PSX ISO (The original uncut FMVs from the Japanese version, alongside the full-color opening scene from the French and German Director’s Cut release. Original BGM and one with the OST from the DualShock ver.)

Windows PC
>RESIDENT EVIL / BIOHAZARD / バイオハザード (new game has the same difficulty as the original Japanese PlayStation release, with the exception that Jill has no ink ribbons since she can save at any time)
>Resident Evil 1 Classic REbirth
>Birth of BIO HAZARD

>RESIDENT EVIL 2 / BIOHAZARD 2 / バイオハザード2 (Original is all JP difficulty, Arrange is all US difficulty)
>Resident Evil 2 Classic REbirth
>Resident Evil 2 Port COMPARISON
>Resident Evil 2 Director Commentary with Hideki Kamiya [ENG/日本語]

>RESIDENT EVIL 3 / BIOHAZARD 3 / バイオハザード3 LAST ESCAPE (Original is all JP difficulty, Arrange is all US difficulty)
>Resident Evil 3 Classic REbirth
>Resident Evil 3 Director Kazuhiro Aoyama Commentary Playthrough [ENG/日本語]

>Resident Evil Code: Veronica

>Resident Evil REMake (REMake Remaster was botched in almost every way)
>Resident Evil 0 (Zero)

>> No.10092748
File: 273 KB, 1275x1614, gameinformer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dev team was burned out on the same old formula too. You can easily dig around and find interviews around 4's release where they talk about this.
>IGN: Don't take this the wrong way because we absolutely adore Resident Evil 4. But why is it such a grand departure from the rest of the games?
>Kobayashi: There's Resident Evil 1, 2, 3, Code Veronica -- we've been pumping them out for the last seven years or so. The staff, which includes myself and of course Shinji Mikami, decided that we wanted to go in a new direction and re-create the series. We were tired of making the same stuff as well. We wanted to make something new and original. And that's how it started.

>> No.10092751


>> No.10092752

CV did not sell worse than the REmake lmao. You're literally making shit up now. RE4 sold terribly on a dead console and then sold incredibly well on every other console. The tried and true RE formula games had constantly declining sales past 2. This is an indisputable fact. All of the copycat games stopped being made. No one for 15 years clamoured for or begged for classic RE to come back until giraffe blowjob sucked. The burden of proof is on you to prove there was huge demand for the classic RE formula, when public perfection (which you weren't around for) and sales figures show otherwise. Literally all you do is talk about RE4 GC sales while ignoring it sold double that on the PS2 alone.

>> No.10092770

>CV did not sell worse than the REmake lmao. You're literally making shit up now.
Read it and weep
> RE4 sold terribly on a dead console and then sold incredibly well on every other console
And what did Code Veronica come out on? REmake? RE0? Into the microphone, if you will.
>The tried and true RE formula games had constantly declining sales past 2
Including RE4 if you compare them reasonably.
You want to argue that one of the most ported and accessible games of the era had better sales, therefore the preceding games were "dead in the water." REmake was released on the Gamecube as an exclusive until the remaster over a decade later. Compare REmake and RE4 on the Gamecube and they're right next to each other in sales despite the latter being of a genre that by its nature is much further reaching. If REmake is a failure, so is RE4, which didn't sell anywhere near the 5.7m RE2 did on a single console.

>> No.10092779

>read it and weep
Can you even read your own link? Are you actually mentally retarded? REmake barely outsold the Dreamcast version let alone the PS2 lmao
>And what did Code Veronica come out on?
Notorious dead flop console the PS2.
>REmake? RE0?
Hmm sure is weird how those games didn't get ported to every console to ever exist after their release, and in fact took 15 whole years to even be released digitally. Strange, almost like there was no demand.
>more RE4 GC obsession
You literally have nothing lmao. just a mentally handicapped faggot who probably isn't even 20 years old trying to be a contrarian about a subject anyone alive at the time would find laughable.

>> No.10092784

>Can you even read your own link? Are you actually mentally retarded? REmake barely outsold the Dreamcast version
So it outsold Code Veronica, which only existed on the Dreamcast. Code Veronica X came out on the PS2 and sold the same as Resident Evil 4 on the Gamecube.
>Notorious dead flop console the PS2.
BZZT. Nope, it came out on the Dreamcast. If you want to say classic RE formula was "dead in the water," remember that Code Veronica X sold as well on the PS2 as RE4 did on the Gamecube, its debut after the period in which you say everyone was begging for a change of pace.
>Hmm sure is weird how those games didn't get ported to every console to ever exist after their release
Yeah, hmmm, that might effect your argument a little, huh?
>You literally have nothing lmao
*starts peeing into your mouth*
Tell me when to stop. I know you're a thirsty boy but I can't piss all day.

>> No.10092792

>So it outsold Code Veronica, which only existed on the Dreamcast.
lmao this is the kind of retarded bullshit you've now resorted to just because you had to be an edgy contrarian and say some dumb shit for attention.
Just kill yourself dude I mean it.

>> No.10092795

You want to compare a game released on a dozen platforms to a game released as a console exclusive, so stick by it.

>> No.10092805

>If you want to say classic RE formula was "dead in the water," remember that Code Veronica X sold as well on the PS2 as RE4 did on the Gamecube
A classic RE game released on a console with an install base of 125 million sold as well as the worst selling version of RE4. Man you really showed him

>> No.10092813

RE4 sold better on the Gamecube than it did on the PS3 and Xbox 360 combined. I guess people got tired of RE4, huh?
REmake gots re-released on PS3 and sold 3.7 million copies
Uhhh, I guess they just got temporarily untired of classic RE, huh? Weird coincidence how it works out when it's available on more than just the gamecube, huh? Any thoughts?
*sticks microphone in your face*

>> No.10093509

Hence why RE4 isn't a true Resident Evil game. It's an entirely different video game series that just so happens to have two Resident Evil characters(Leon & Ada). It doesn't fit with the games from before or after. It also ruined the franchise since RE5 & RE6 are a disappointment.

>> No.10093704

What should RE4 be called then?

>> No.10094196

Fag Adventures: The Beginning

>> No.10094202

Devil May Cry

>> No.10094221

Village Mass Shooter


>> No.10094263

I wish I played RE as a kid, but on the other hand I was such a pussy back then I would've played five seconds of it and never touch it again.

>> No.10094847

>You dumb retard, obviously absolute sales would be lower because the GC didn't sell well.
why it didnt sell well?

>> No.10094864

>they realized classic RE was overdone and they were putting out slop by the end of it
I respect them deciding to evolve unlike some other franchises where they just keep putting out reheated leftovers.

>> No.10094869

Spic Massacre

>> No.10095035

It's always funny how they "move away" from the classic formula due to it getting stale... only for the new formula to then become stale to the point where the old formula feels fresh again

>> No.10095465

It just sounds like typical marketing tactics to sell their latest title
>You've never seen ANYTHING like this! Forget everything you knew about (X)! None of that old boring stuff! The new! EXTREME!
It's not surprising that Mikami would throw shade at Zero specifically either, since he didn't direct that one

>> No.10095490

I want a game series I enjoy to keep doing the stuff I enjoy. I don't understand the mentality of "they better change everything with the next installment." I would only want that from a series that I don't like in the first place.

>> No.10095726

>children's console
>only 5 good games

>> No.10095729

>take a unique concept and turn it into TPS slop to then turn it into cinematic FPS slop
Forgive my choice of words, but "slop" is actually fitting here

>> No.10095751

Do classic resident evil games feel better on a playstation d-pad or a gamecube control stick?

>> No.10095756

Depends on what you mean by "feel better". Personally I feel like keyboard is the most accurate and responsive and I'm not the only one since tons of speedrunners also play on keyboard. If you don't like playing with a keyboard then a controller with a good d-pad is the best since those games have no analog controls, even with a stick your character can only move in 8 different ways so a d-pad is better

>> No.10095768

I've been emulating some of the older titles via dolphin/duckstation with an xbone controller, and I feel like it plays better with the d-pad overall. It just made me curious how it all compares to a Dualshock dpad or a gamecube controller.

>> No.10095781
File: 2.20 MB, 1800x1400, GameCube_controller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamecube controller has a shit d-pad but it has the only acceptable joystick for RE because of the octagonal gate. Dualshock is still better because it has a good d-pad though

>> No.10095785

Ok, that's what I was wondering. Becuase the Xbox joystick didn't feel like a good fit for RE for me for some reason, and I wanted to confirm I wasn't going crazy. It's kind of like how super monkey ball feels better with a gamecube controller because of the octagonal gates.

>> No.10097656

>unique concept
stopped being unique after the first one, then they rehashed it to death until the audience and the creators were both sick of it

>> No.10097663

Not to mention it's essentially clock tower with resident evil as well

>> No.10097695
File: 978 KB, 1848x3280, 1661575831284602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes the RE trilogy (the rest doesn't count) isn't exactly a hard survival game. But they were not made with clinical precise playing in mind, they expected you to shit your pants and overreact, using more resources than you need. Still, they had a distinctive atmosphere and setting that 4 shat up completely.

>> No.10097696
File: 894 KB, 980x829, 1670480236695797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doe anyone have the infographic that explains the differences between the various versions and ports of RE1?

>> No.10098107
File: 838 KB, 1500x1000, RE1 version differences.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best I got is this one. There's one for RE2 as well, if you need it.

>> No.10098291
File: 3.16 MB, 1600x2161, 1670480763453191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey much appreciated anon! yes if you could post RE2's as well!

>> No.10098295

holy fuck this is cringe.

>> No.10098336

>>only 5 good games
And those 5 games are?

>> No.10098371
File: 1.33 MB, 1600x2164, 1670480881224381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10098384

>a true 3d world
this one is just wrong.

>> No.10098440
File: 1.82 MB, 3557x2827, game old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10098481
File: 421 KB, 1326x2260, RE2 version differences.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the one I got for RE2. If there's one for RE3, I feel like I'd have a complete set of guides.

>> No.10098513


Really? I'd like to see how long it would take to beat it without looking online for a guide faggot

>> No.10098613

>Personally I feel like keyboard is the most accurate and responsive

>> No.10098626


>> No.10098636

>how many times can you release the same game and get away with it?
oh boy I wonder what's the journalist opinion of modern gaming

>> No.10098641

>people were sick of Resident Evil doing the same thing over and over again. The formula was stale.
>WOAH, is that a remake of Resident Evil 4 that's exactly the same as the one we all played in 2005 just with better graphics?!?
>5 million copies sold and counting
This kind of argument fails from the start.

>> No.10098670

Why are pretending a game people would easily beat over a weekend rental period was a titanic challenge

>> No.10098680

I can personally attest to the fact that people who didn't regularly play video games in the 90s did struggle with the Resident Evil games

>> No.10098682

>releasing 8 games in a 4 year span that play exactly the same is just like remaking a video game that came out 19 years ago
Massive IQ post

>> No.10098687

>8 games in a 4 year span
What games are these?

>> No.10098692

What type of dumb response is this? people who don't regularly play video games struggle with Mario.
RE games are 6-8 hours long on a blind playthrough, they give you enough ink ribbons to where you can save every 10-15 minutes, and they shit out healing items and ammo at you. The only game that was slightly difficult was american RE1. Every other game in the series has more in common with games like CoD or Assassin's Creed in the sense they're basically playable movies

>> No.10098696

Code Veronica
Code Veronica X

>> No.10098698

That's 5 games over 8 years

>> No.10098702

What do you even need a guide for in RE games? To know the square crank goes in the square hole? It's an action game with a bunch of fisher price puzzles

>> No.10098703

No, that's 9 separately released games in 5 years. I even ignored the ones that were just straight ports

>> No.10098707

Half of them are essentially ports. It'd take a desperate man to try to frame them as 9 separate games.

>> No.10098709

They're literally 9 separate releases with varrying content. If you include the straight ports
RE1 Saturn
RE2 Dreamcast
RE2 N64
RE2 Gamecube
RE3 Dreamcast
RE3 GameCube
Code Veronica
Code VeronicaX
Code VeronicaX GameCube

19 separate releases in a span of 5 years

>> No.10098715

No sane person would look at RE1 and the director's cut and think "I thought this would be a new game altogether!"

>> No.10098720

That's literally what it was advertised as with the arrange mode you underage dumbfuck

>> No.10098725

It was called "Resident Evil director's cut" you idiot

>> No.10098754
File: 142 KB, 640x899, 6619_back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf bros, why does the back of the box talk about finding all the hidden ammo, fighting all these different creatures, and using all kinds of different weapons?
Don't they know the game was a super hardcore battle of resource management, where you're always supposed to save ammo and use weapons sparingly like the guy on youtube told me? Does Capcom just not understand how to play their own game which is not in anyway an action game with slight puzzle elements?

>> No.10098758

>S.T.A.R.S. (Special Tactics and Rescue Squad)
Apparently they don't even know their own acronyms, since it's supposed to stand for Special Tactics and Rescue Service

>> No.10098760

They say whatever shit it takes to bring in sales. Mikami said REmake was them trying to create a game closer to their original vision, and that's firmly a slow-paced gothic horror game.

>> No.10098910

fuck off zoomer

>> No.10098950

you can't read

>> No.10099049
File: 19 KB, 474x468, girls have butts too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*wishes it was ur dic*
thats how gay this is.

>> No.10099051

found the game journalist,your job sure is serious.

>> No.10099443

RE2 starts with you jumping out of car before a truck hits and explodes it, RE1 starts after you run from bunch of monster dogs, if action-y openings are anime anon
I always though Nem was trying to escape from you and then collapsed due to his injuries
The bombs were planted by Nichola
Final Boss mutates just like in RE2
'You lose big guy- cheesy RE2 open liner

>> No.10099486

>Mikami said REmake was them trying to create a game closer to their original vision
No he didn't. They weren't even made by the same people.

>> No.10099491

the body count in RE4 vs the body count in RE 1-3

Nuff-said. End the thread.

>> No.10099495

What about the Files?
It's implied he did something to the secretary not to mention his time in college, he had anger issues with the sewer manager, Outbreak has a newspaper clip about missing blondes in the sewer

>> No.10099989

Shinji Mikami directed both
>Mikami decided to produce a remake of the original game because he felt its graphics had not aged well, making it hard for new players to appreciate it.[11] Programmer Yasuhiro Anpo also cited the original game's poor localization as another reason for the remake.[14] Mikami[15] and producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi[4]:175 agreed the GameCube would allow them to bring the game closer to the original vision the team had for the series.

>> No.10100423

i agree.
>1 was great
>2 was a bit mid and much more combat focused in the boss fights but still with clunky ps1 controls so it didn't really work
>Haven't played 3 or 4 yet.
5+ looks like complete dogshit
>7 was great
>8 was good, but not as good as 7

I think Silent Hill has been much more consistent. Homecoming had much more advanced bossfights than any of the prior offerings but with PS3 era tech it works really well.

>> No.10100498

5 is meant to be played co-op so keep that in mind. It was one of the best co-op games on the 360/PS3.
6 is also meant to be played co-op but it sucks anyway.

>> No.10100646


>> No.10100663

>Anon discovers that game developers have no say in a publisher's outlandish marketing decisions

>> No.10101645

>I can personally attest to the fact that people who didn't regularly play video games in the 90s did struggle with the Resident Evil games
lol imagine being a 40 year old man still using this site
nobody cares what you think, you crusty old faggot

>> No.10101656
File: 639 KB, 1740x1560, eacdb1ca-ab11-47af-98a5-ec3f553c9df1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marketing team isn't the same as dev team
look at picrel, they never showed those ugly lego characters and the tv spots were all CGI


>> No.10101714

Always funny to see the whole "nobody wanted classic RE games anymore" when after 5, Capcom's been advertising every new game with "a return to the series' roots!" as a selling point and always generating hype

>> No.10101753
File: 609 KB, 1487x934, 1577953623492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing RE1 for the first time
>just returned to the mansion
>realized I might not have enough ammo to deal with every hunter I see
Now I see why resource management is important, but I'm bad at trying to get around zombies without fighting them, so I put them down if they were in my way. am I fucked?

>> No.10101767
File: 3.06 MB, 640x640, 1673999140017690.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>area surrounding a remote biotech lab
Wtf they spoil the game right on the back of the box

>> No.10101892

I'm sure you'll immediately drop all forms of social interaction when you turn 40, anon

>> No.10101951

>I was told for years by classic RE fans that Resident Evil 4 turned the franchise into something completely different.
It did. The original games having guns doesn't make it not a survival horror game. Look at the survival horror genre as a whole, most of them have weapons and a combat system.

What makes the difference is the overall balance and vibe of the game. Resident 4 starts off feeling somewhat like a traditional SH game, but quickly leans so far into the action side that it feels more like an Arcade game.

This isn't about your own personal interpretation of what a SH game should feel like, Resident Evil 1 set the standard, and RE4 deviated from it enough to be considered different by the majority of gamers.

>> No.10102001

Go on Twitch and watch people play REmake for the first time. We take this shit for granted because we know the games in and out, but nothing clearly demonstrates the difference between the classic games and 4 than seeing new people play those games.

This clip is from when I spent 2 separate nights helping a Japanese twitch streamer get through Remake for the first time. It is impossible to get stuck in re4 like this, anyone who says these games are similar is smoking crack.


>> No.10102023
File: 146 KB, 1024x1024, re2survivorcv-1656360837000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does pic related even exist?

>> No.10102830

Japanese people are cute

>> No.10102849

>RE2 starts with you jumping out of car before a fuel truck hits and explodes it, RE1 starts after you run from bunch of monster dogs
So how do shambling zombies explode a hotel, exactly?
>I always though Nem was trying to escape from you
So much for a supersoldier project designed not to have any fear or regard for safety when tasked with killing you specifically.

>> No.10103041

He was damaged and limped off to heal/repair sort of like the terminator, he healed up/mutated to form 2 a few days later anyway, faster and just as powerful which is something a normal soldier cant do anon
No idea, it happened off screen, the novelization has a gas leak and Jill having to hot a zombie setting it off

>> No.10103274

if you managed a social life into your 40s that's better than most.
mine is almost dead at 24.

>> No.10103280

> Jill having to hot a zombie setting it off
She... she did what now?

>> No.10103286

This same Nemesis attacks Carlos later with his limiter jacket torn off and doesn't run away.
>a gas leak and Jill having to hot a zombie setting it off
That's a very terrible construction project if that's the case.

>> No.10103328

He went into the fire to aid in his mutation. It makes him stronger. Coincidentally, freeze rounds do more damage to him than other grenade ammo types.

>> No.10103526

Why do vtubers always pick BSAA Jill?

>> No.10103868

Just use pistol against zombie and keep the shotgun/magnum for hunters,the pistol sucks for hunter.

>> No.10103897

>male vtuber

>> No.10104274

If the player is receptive to it its very fun to help them. Resident Evil is very confusing to people unfamiliar with the franchise, but we're so far removed from our first time that we no longer see it.

New players don't know to aim the shotgun up for decaps, they don't know how and when to properly burn bodies, they get lost all the time, they pick up everything and have to backtrack to the item box more, they get screwed over by dogs and crimsons, etc.

>> No.10104296
File: 682 KB, 1280x720, high octane action.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this..

>> No.10104302
File: 1.69 MB, 1280x720, sh.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...is identical to this? Mhm.

>> No.10104415

"The only difference is the camera angles!"

>> No.10104424

Hey I noticed you didn't make a webm of the RE2 hallway with 10 zombies in it, or the section in RE3 at the power plant where can fight 7-8 of them + the Nemesis, or the Steve sections in CV where you're tasked with clearing multiple rooms. Why is that?

>> No.10104427

People being terrible at games doesn't make them hard. I can find countless streamers who die in Assassin's Creed and get lost in Mario games.

>> No.10104447

people who dont regularly play games will struggle with absolutely ANY kind of games,what kind of argument is that,would you also try to gauge how a book is easy or hard to read by asking someone who barely read or someone who is into literature.

>> No.10104604
File: 284 KB, 1920x1080, otono1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ashley so cute.

>> No.10104607

this is a good starting argument and a fair point op. its a shame i got into this thread so late

>> No.10104608

Feel free to do so. It won't look the slightest bit like that webm.

>> No.10104639
File: 1.77 MB, 1280x720, shawn micheals.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey I noticed you didn't make a webm of the RE2 hallway with 10 zombies in it, or the section in RE3 at the power plant where can fight 7-8 of them
That's precisely the point. A HALLWAY, A SECTION. I'm not saying the classic games are devoid of any action focused sequences, but the only parts that could even be remotely comparable to 4 are few and far in between, and are still far less over the top than RE4. I grabbed a random part from one of the earliest parts of RE4, before it really gets hollywood action blockbuster mode.

RE4 has more over the top action in 1 or 2 sections than the classic games have in their entirety. The water room by itself has you shooting down over 50 enemies wielding maces crossbows shields and scyths. That's enough enemies to fill the whole mansion.

>> No.10104665

I'm not saying these games are hard, but they have developed a reputation based on the most common experiences of the players. Its like Dark Souls, which is generally considered a difficult game, but there are those who scoff at that claim because they just had a knack for it and an easy time getting through it.

Sure some people played the classic games and just ran through the zombies and 6th grade level puzzles, but enough people struggled with the game to give it its reputation as a slow paced survival horror game with an emphasis on exploration resource management and puzzle solving as well as simple yet satisfying combat.

The classic games are perceived differently than 4 because they really are that different. Leon burns through more ammo in the siege section than Re1 has available in the whole game, shit like that is why its considered in a league of it own when it comes to action and pacing.

>> No.10105158

>New players don't know to aim the shotgun up for decaps
Not possible in the remake.

>> No.10105529

Most RE4 areas have 4-6 enemies in them, and the rooms are much larger than other games in the series.
People just love to pretend you go from the cabin fight to the water room to the fortress without there being segments like the nighttime village, or the sewers, or the regenators in between.

>> No.10105552

It never had that reputation until a bunch of people who played the game when they were literally 5 years old and could barely read decided that was an accurate representation of how the public viewed the game.
RE1 was considered a campy B-Movie, no one found it freighting or extremely difficult past the hunters ability to one shot you. In fact one of the goals behind the A-B scenario in RE2 was extending game length because so many people beat RE1 during a weekend rental. By 2 and especially 3, the entire perception of them being horror games was gone, both from a gameplay and public perception standpoint. They were high action slasher movies if anything.
I don't understand what aspect of this conversation you cannot get through your head. Everyone who played RE1 was not a young child, or completely inexperienced with video games. It held no special requirements or strategies even in relation to other games at it's time. People who were alive and old enough at the time have constantly told you this throughout the thread, but you refuse to listen because you simply can't comprehend the time period without thinking of some kid in Mario pajamas playing a new game on Christmas morning and struggling to get out of the dog hallway without dying . It shatters the notion you had of a time you clearly didn't experience and for some reason that really bothers you.

>> No.10105587

Devil May Cry featuring Leon Kennedy & Ada Wong

>> No.10105883

>It never had that reputation until a bunch of people who played the game when they were literally 5 years old and could barely read decided that was an accurate representation of how the public viewed the game.
Professional game reviewers of the time consistently describe it as difficult and scary

>> No.10105892

Anything other than Resident Evil.

>> No.10105942

professional game reviews are an advertising agency that also described Metal Gear Solid as a deeply tactical stealth game because thats what konami paid them to say

>> No.10106124

RE1 gives you enough handgun bullets right before the fight against Tyrant to kill it.

>> No.10106257

Then how come I still can't win?

>> No.10106258
File: 1.69 MB, 1280x720, rocketmen.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RE4 has parts that slow the pace down, but has far more parts that are just all out arcade levels of action shooting. One of the first major sections is fighting the mob of villagers with a handgun, shotgun and grenades while karate kicking them into each other. Soon after that villagers are throwing dynamite at you and trying to drop a boulder on your head as you sprint downhill.

And if you compare the two, in the classic games fighting most of the enemies isn't even necessary, enemies are more so just an obstacle that gets in the way of comfortably exploring and making progress towards escaping, yet are actually relatively easy to avoid. Even yawn 1 and the giant spider can be avoided. But in many of the areas in RE4 killing enemies is a requirement to progress, the game is actually designed with combating enemies being the primary obstacle and challenge for the player, that's why key items are often times found on specific enemies or doors won't open until you clear the room.

>> No.10106486

Yeah, that's RE4's much-lauded "pacing".
>enter room, receive enemies
>on a rare occasion you might be able to run past them
>normally you're locked in until you have killed them all
Even IF we try to compare the more action-y sections of the classic games with this, the're still different enough to make it obvious to everyone but the most braindead RE4babby (or zoomer) that you just can NOT compare them.

>> No.10106507

Yes its possible but its kinda random its not 100% decap rate.

>> No.10106509

The first section of the mansion fucked a lot of people up getting used to the limited ammo etc. Most people I know restarted after getting a feel for things. After the guardhouse it’s pretty straightforward, that’s true

>> No.10106512

Sounds like a skill issue.

>> No.10106615 [DELETED] 
File: 2.73 MB, 400x300, resident.evil3_nemesis.fight11_disintegrating.the.pursuer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In fact one of the goals behind the A-B scenario in RE2 was extending game length because so many people beat RE1 during a weekend rental.
Your retarded melted brain is now making up shit to conjure up your action-filled delusions. The zapping system was added because Noboru Sugimura rewrote the entire Resident Evil 2 scenario and they recycled whatever remnants they had from previous development unto to the other A-B sequence. It was also a gameplay idea the team already had during Resident Evil 1's development but never came in fruition and which Kamiya picked up on when they scrambled the previous version of Resident Evil 2 halfway through.

>> No.10106651
File: 2.73 MB, 400x300, resident.evil3_nemesis.fight11_disintegrating.the.pursuer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In fact one of the goals behind the A-B scenario in RE2 was extending game length because so many people beat RE1 during a weekend rental.
Your retarded melted brain is now making up shit to conjure up your action-fueled delusions. The zapping system was added because Noboru Sugimura rewrote the entire Resident Evil 2 scenario and they recycled whatever remnants they had from previous development unto to the other A-B sequence. It was also a gameplay idea the team already had during Resident Evil 1's development but never came in fruition and which Kamiya picked up on when they scrambled the previous version of Resident Evil 2 halfway through.

>> No.10106661

You are so angry you posted the same thing twice,calm down.

>> No.10106683

The idea of deleting a post to slightly edit it didn't ring as a possibility in your head?

>> No.10106690

>Video game rentals are illegal in Japan, where Resident Evil 2 was made, but are allowed in America. For Capcom, that was a problem. "If the game could be completed in a few days, fewer units of the game would sell," Mikami tells the Resident Evil Comic Book Magazine. So, Capcom made Resident Evil 2's international edition more difficult, hoping that kids would have to purchase the game in order to finish it.
>Mikami claims that the US version of the game is so much harder than the Japanese original that Capcom's internal R&D team had trouble finishing it. That's not the only difference between the two releases, either. The Japanese edition of Resident Evil 2 is less gory. When you die, you won't see any of Resident Evil 2's graphic eviscerations. Instead, your failure is commemorated by a simple fade to black.
Why do you consistently double down on shit you're wrong about? Why does it bother you so fucking bad that these games were always action games, and the series simply leaned more and more into it as it continued? Why are you so slavishly devoted to the false perception of a series you weren't even alive to experience during its peak popularity?

>> No.10106692 [DELETED] 

>editing a post
reddit moment

>> No.10106715

RE1 came out my freshman year of high school and the people who talked about it were mostly enthusiastic about how gory it was. I don't think anyone was really spooked by it. It was more about how cool the monsters looked and how badass it was to blow a zombie's head off with the shotgun. Plenty of laughs about stuff like Chris's blood and Wesker shooting bees too.

>> No.10106729
File: 3.67 MB, 400x300, resident.evil3_nemesis.fight9_ducking.tentacle.whip.with.knife.attack.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and whoever wrote that article are braindead and stupid. The original JP Biohazard was already easier than US/EU Resident Evil 1. That was accomplished by tweaking enemy and boss HP values and weapon damage not by redesigning game progression or incorporating new ideas to artificially extend the difficulty/length in the sequel.

You also don't think to realize you're talking with several different people who happen to hold the same opinion and clearly more familiar with the game at release and its real experience to those at the time. No idea where this retarded delusion you keep repeating comes about it being an action game and being perceive as such but I'm not interested in entertaining your made-up fantasies until the thread dies.

>> No.10106738

>guy who made the game is now a braindead stupid moron because he didn't reinforce my made up thoughts
We're reaching hilarious levels of cope here

>> No.10106790

>series leaned more and more into it as it continued
Is RE7 more or less action-oriented than 6?

>> No.10106820

Your point doesn't even have anything to do with the topic of this thread. It doesn't matter how long or short the game is, a survival horror game that takes 30 minutes to beat is still a survival horror game, an action game that takes 60 hours to beat is still an action game. Difficulty as well, nothing says that a survival horror game has to be hard or easy by default.

>> No.10106883

>RE1 came out my freshman year of high school and the people who talked about it were mostly enthusiastic about how gory it was. I don't think anyone was really spooked by it.
That hardly matters because you can always find someone who interpret a game differently than you.

Type in "Amnesia wasn't scary"

People will never unanimously agree on anything, some people were scared playing classic RE and some weren't, and you could say the same for any horror game.

>> No.10106894

I know they’re not retro, but I want to check out the Revelations games.

>> No.10106930

They're ok. The first one looked really impressive visually for a 3DS game when it came out

>> No.10106971

>zoomer reads that dumb shitpost about tank controls and actually believes it
>convinces himself that these massively popular multi-million selling video games which had enough name recognition to get hollywood films were actually super hardcore games
>zoomer has a meltdown when boomers tell him he's retarded
Awesome thread

>> No.10107160

I played REmake as my first game
I didn’t know much about it and I still ended up being overly cautious and conserved insane amounts of ammo and healing.
I ended up never even using the magnum until I got to tyrant and I had 18 spare rounds for it. I only blew my shotgun ammo at the end of the game killing all those bug monsters by the container puzzle where you’ll explode when hit.

>> No.10107216

>I ended up never even using the magnum until I got to tyrant and I had 18 spare rounds for it
I'm pretty sure that's how it went for 90% of players, myself included

>> No.10107231

I'm talking about the actual target audience for Resident Evil back when it released. I don't give a shit what some redditor said about a completely different game that came out 25 years later. RE1 is a very fun game and everyone loved it but it was never considered some hardcore difficult or pants shitting scary horror game. I really don't know why that's so hard for some people to accept.

>> No.10107261

>it was never considered some hardcore difficult or pants shitting scary horror game.
In 1996, what was? If people could find NES games terrifying, they could damn well think Resident Evil is scary. I was a kid when it came out but the cinematic of the first zombie turning his head freaked me out.

>> No.10107721

Resident evil is definitely a scary game for that era. I remember my classmates saying they got scared of the dogs jumping through the window

>> No.10107919

i was scared shitless by this and by Doom but i was addicted.
i was 12.
nostalgia and engine aging make these game look goofy now but they weren't when they came out.
granted you have those who finds everything goofy but it's sometimes a mechanism of defense against the spoop.
if horror games weren't a bit scary i wouldn't bother. it's half the fun to play in the dark with headphones.
needless to say i was thankful for 7 and 8 to some extent

>> No.10107946

No one found NES games terrifying.
>but when I was 6 years old the baby Metroid was soooo spoopy
A 6 year old is scared of the dark and having to go to school. This is all you have, personal anecdotes from when you were young children. A 16-25 year old playing RE1 was not scared. The people who stream Outlast or Amnesia or whatever fotm horror game are also not scared, they're amusing children who are watching them and are. The series was never about horror, it was about gore and death. Even the fucking movies, which are 10x a better avenue for horror stories focused on the directors wife mowing down zombies and umbrella plots.

>> No.10108175

>A 16-25 year old playing RE1 was not scared.
Silent Hill was the first game I saw that actually freaked out a lot of people in that age bracket. I also remember hearing that D was really messed up from a couple people who rented it, but that was a weird niche title and didn't have the same kind of mainstream impact that Silent Hill did.

>> No.10108615

>RE1 is a very fun game and everyone loved it but it was never considered some hardcore difficult or pants shitting scary horror game
That's your opinion, because regardless of what you think that was the experience for enough players for it to develop a reputation similar to that. The OP even admits that the game has a reputation contrary to his own personal experience of the game. Resident Evil created the blueprint that defined how half of the survival horror games were created for a decade, when developers thought of making a survival horror game, they looked to Resident Evil for a reason, so much so that most survival horror games of that time are called re clones.

As great as re4 is, it didn't have the same effect on the survival horror genre because it was more of an action game. Capcom understood what made it appealing and made subsequent games far more action oriented up until 7.

>> No.10108884

>entire story becomes so laughably retarded that 4 just resets the series
4 was more laughably retarded than all prior games combined.

>> No.10109101

Capcom doesn't have good enough writers to handle a long-running series like RE. The more they try to expand the story and characters, the worse it gets. They keep trying to one-up everything from the previous game and it just ends up retarded. I especially hate what they did with Wesker.

>> No.10109123

RE4 wasn't meant to be serious, it was a tongue in cheek mockery of the series as a whole. As soon as they started trying to take it seriously again with RE5 and especially 6 is when people started calling them out again for how retarded everything was.

>> No.10109608

>That's your opinion, because regardless of what you think that was the experience for enough players for it to develop a reputation similar to that.
yes because we all know the majority of hylic in the world are always right and we shouldnt try to challenge beliefs when they are wrong.

>> No.10110186

whats funny about that is ive seen people play the resident evil games for the story,i mean the original trilogy had something decent going on but i mean it certainly wasnt the main selling point.

>> No.10110195

The story was good when it was vague, subdued, and somewhat derivative. Everyone likes conspiracy plots. Even the dumber aspects of it gave it a certain charm. It's when they thought they could make it more clever by making it especially self-aware dumb, front and center of the game, that it just turned straight up bad.

>> No.10110674

>, it was a tongue in cheek mockery of the series as a whole
Yeah, that was probably the premise for the whole development

>> No.10111238

Shoot, forgot to check my post

>> No.10111540

Silent Hill had a bunch of wild rumors in my school. I don't know if it was similar in other places. I heard that it was made by real Satanists who put things like backwards church hymns and Black Mass chants or whatever into the background music, that it had pictures of real autopsies and murder victims hidden in it, that kind of thing.
Of course, this just made kids want to play it even more. If it wasn't back before social media I'd almost think it was some kind of deliberate marketing tactic.

>> No.10111980

Lmao thats fucking hilarious,also
>made by satanists
>God wins at the end
Pick one.

>> No.10112716

One odd thing from RE1 that I heard about in person and saw on early forums and newsgroups semi-regularly was people who got stuck because they didn't know to open the books to get the medals. I always wondered if that was a really common complaint and the reason they took out the 3D examining in 2 and 3.

>> No.10112721

The line is blurred, every new RE had more action that the entrey before it.

>> No.10112972

I'd say that even the first one ramped things up from its contemporaries. You were playing trained cops instead of dweeby investigators or random civilians.