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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.7039995 [View]
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>"X" is the first of a new generation of robots which contain an innovative new feature - the ability to think, feel, and make their own decisions.

What did this actually entail for the original Mega Man series? Was the original Mega and all the other non human characters actually not sentient beings, incapable of thinking and simply following certain programming?

>> No.4506493 [View]
File: 748 KB, 500x500, game20wires.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X1-2-3 are all amazing. X4 is also worth playing. You can forget about X5-6-7 but X8 is worth a shot.

People give shit to X3, but even though I'm aware of all its flaws, it's still my favourite. It has the best enemy design and placement, every single enemy encounter requires you to think and adapt, unlike X1-2 where you can just run thorugh stages guns blazing.

Also Zero Project for X3:
It doesn't 'just' make Zero fully playable, it also makes the game better if you play as X by making upgrades collecting less linear. Sadly it seems the author of the hack went to go back on some aspects of that so grab it before it's updated.

>> No.3103052 [View]
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To directly work with a processor, all you need to know are the following:

Arithmetric (add, subtract)
Boolean algebra (AND, OR, XOR)
Numeric bases (Decimal, binary, octal, hexadecimal)

Everything else builds off these basic operations. In order to synthesize more complicated math (ie multiplication, exponentiation, sin, cos, trees, matrix operations, etc. etc.) you will either need to have a math handbook ready or a solid understanding of math. For old game programming this is rarely necessary. However things like graph algorithms can help you write more advanced programs like AIs and pathing algorithms. These latter topics fall under the umbrella of discreet math (as does boolean algebra).

Keep in mind that math is only about 1/3 of what a processor does. Moving data around and controlling program flow occupy the other 2/3.

Math is empowering. The more you know, the more you can do, and do well. But truth be told, you can start programming with next to no prior mathematical knowledge.

Pro Tip:
If you really want to be a mathematical gaming badass, learn basic physics (kinematics, Newton's laws), basic calculus (what a derivative and integral are conceptually), and for the love of god LINEAR ALGEBRA (specifically vectors and matrices). I'm an engineer and hands down Linear Algebra is the most useful and widely applicable math I know. Much of physics and computer graphics are based on vectors and their description and manipulation. Granted you probably won't have the computational horsepower to do heavy matrix math on old hardware without special hardware support.

>> No.3045031 [View]
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The shills are only filling the unique social engineering niches that the Internet provides to get by. They suck, but the Internet is so new that people still haven't developed adequate skill in differentiating opinions from 'opinions' on the net, so shilling works.

Don't get me wrong though, I think the Internet has done great things for gaming too. Awesome games in the early days of the Internet and LAN connected people in unprecedented ways. But the genie got out of the bottle through the net and found everyone, so to speak.

>Gaming has never been as big
Exactly. Large companies design their games to appeal to the most people possible, not focus on interesting games, precisely because it's more lucrative. What we get is watered down and recycled 'safe' games.

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