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>> No.9216642 [View]
File: 45 KB, 368x584, dqref1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason Romero didn't like Doom 3 is because he didn't work on it. Hilarious and fair, but ultimately what it comes down to. Also maybe muh slow but he plays that up.
Doom 3 is mechanically nothing like HL or HL2 aside from having a few in-engine cut-scenes and a story to blend the game-play. HL2 could be considered a tech demo as much as this. Original Doom 3 is supposed to be a tense, dark, horror corridor shooter and it really succeeds at that. You will jump playing it. Doom 3 is super good although even I dismissed it on release because muh no power metal high octane action. I also thought the enemy and character redesigns were worse, but these days I can really appreciate them and respect them as a different but uncucked interpretation. Doom 3 was primarily made for Carmack to show off his obsession with real time lighting and shadows, just like he was obsessed with them in Doom 1/2 in their primordial form. He didn't want to be outdone by new competition for something he helped pioneer.
I'd also like to add that Doom 3 isn't up it's own ass being self-referential and presents itself as genuine aside from a single tasteful callback towards the end of the game.
Both good but Doom 1/2 original soundtracks are unbeatable and superior.

It took a long time, but most people realized Doom 3 is actually pretty fucking good.

Reminder: Play the original Xbox/PC release or the dhewm3 sourceport. NEVER EVER play BFG. Duct tape mod faggots ruined the game and fucked it for zoomers to enjoy as BFG is the far more common version that's recommended/available now.

>> No.3175774 [View]
File: 52 KB, 368x584, dqref1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was this, too.

>> No.2531207 [View]
File: 52 KB, 368x584, Doom-3-Stone-Tablet-Marine-Reference1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only person who thinks that Doom 3 was intended to be more tongue in cheek than it actually turned out to be?
The UAC military videos have a very Starship Troopers vibe to them. They also have an ironic catchphrase: "making safer world through superior fire-power".
There is also a PDA that suggests that, during their evacuation to earth, the Martians killed that dinosaurs and that we are their descendants.
Then there's also the Martian Buddy spam mail and the little humorous branding on some food and news items.

I'm not sure how intentional any of this is but it seems to me as if there was meant to be more of an ironic tone to doom 3 that might have been lost in communication.
The overall tone is the game is very dark, so I doubt is was a goal to have an Evil Dead 2 vibe.

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