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>> No.7457201 [View]
File: 179 KB, 960x540, Screenshot_Doom_20210224_055844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess here's my thoughts, I died between a lot of these:
>1; What's the gimmick here?
>2; Oh shit, I guess I better haul ass and get the fuck up from here!
>3; It's hard to do that with just the Pistol, I wish I had a better weapon.
>4; Oh, there's weapons hidden in the barrels.
>5; I guess I have to pick one of them to save time.
>6; No, I need to grab the Plasma to be able to kill the baron in time, but I also need the Super Shotgun to be able to fight my way up the stairs because the Plasma won't last on its own.
>7; Safe from the blood at last!
>8; No I'm not!
>9; The Arachnotrons and Revenants being able to shoot me through the blood stream without me being able to see them is kind of annoying (not sure if there's any easy fix for that though).
>10; That's a lot of Arch-Viles at once, but at least they stay in place.
>11; Oh fuck, there's a goddamn Cyberdemon guarding the exit.
>12; I'm pretty sure the only reason I got past him was that I stumbled into the BFG9000 and could smack him in the balls with it while he was busy fighting the Hell Knights who pissed him off.
>13; The only reason I'm alive is that I accidentally fell down and into the teleporter in the center, so I could get the Megasphere.

I like this map, a LOT, the gimmick is really fresh, and there's a great challenge which pressures you for time constantly, the level also looks really fucking good, and has a perfect music track for a rush like this. I think some ratios ought to be tweaked though (maybe very slightly slower rising of blood), and it's a bit confusing at first, perhaps the weapons could be made more clear at the start.

How does the blood work? Would it be possible to maybe slightly slow down the rise as it reaches another 'level'? Like maybe even temporarily, it slows for just a second or so before going back to its normal speed. Anyway, this level is extremely cool, I love it a lot, this will certainly be one of the best levels in HFFM.

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