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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.10532387 [View]
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>or later in a wad where shield enemies are so common
Shields bother the fuck outta me and have done so for a while now. They're essentially still a really elaborate extra HP pool. A shield makes the enemy a priority target, which in theory sounds like great success, only in reality the whole concept falls flat on its face, especially when multiple shields are involved (I curse the dreaded god + arch combo). Without a good shield buster they can be annoying at best. With one they're a non-issue and are rendered either completely useless or an annoying inconvenience. Regeneration is also virtually pointless because by the time the shield regens, said enemy is six feet under, unless it's a boss. And only in the event you don't have rockets falling out your pockets. How shield damage is calculated for projectiles is also an absolute cancer to balance in any sane way that doesn't either buff low calibers to god round levels or nerf high calibers into oblivion, partly because of how shields work. This NEEDS to change.
Assuming I get enough free time this weekend, shields are getting thoroughly reworked, including the whole effect shtick and how it procs to make stacking not bullshit, unlock potential for more effects, and indirectly solve the "oops all shields" problem that's so map+rng dependent that I get a headache just thinking about balancing it as it currently is. Fuck that. I want mechanics to be interesting, not urge players, including myself, to mod them out of existence.

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