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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.10624902 [View]
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There were very few others that played the game too, but I definitely enjoyed it. It was very cool in the arcade and with play I got pretty good, so I probably enjoy it since only on rare occasions have I met someone that could contend. The music and visuals really appeal to me too. It is like anything else from Sega, most dislike their games or anything associated with the brand, but the few, like myself, it truly has its appeal.

>> No.10175489 [View]
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I still like it, but the two Fei Yen models of the original got nerfed from that point on to generic Fei Yen KN units. The movement is not as fast in Oratorio like the non-KN versions in the original. I guess it is more of a fairer fight with others, but the game is still great with added air dashes.

>> No.9690197 [View]
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There was a time when stores couldn't get rid of the Saturn Twinsticks. They were priced as low as $5USD to $15USD which is when I got those two. It was too bulky to keep in stock and Sega overproduced them which was why they tend to be hobbyist projects that convert them to other uses because of their abundance and low price. The Saturn twinsticks are uncomfortable with its harsher corners on the triggers, so I'd recommend you get the ones produced after the Saturn. Sega underproduced the Dreamcast twinsticks thus those were hard to find back then, but they are more comfortable to use. I find the Hori twinsticks the most comfortable to use, but those were made in small batches. The most recent ones failed a crowdfunding campaign before a newer campaign made it through to be made on an individual basis which is really costly. I would suggest getting those cheap Saturn sticks and if possible 3D print some smoother triggers.

>> No.8812027 [View]
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The best way in my opinion is in an arcade cabinet. The quality of the screen and controllers with the sound surrounding you is a great experience.

I play it on the 360 lately. The problem is the Hori sticks are not affordable at over $300USD. However, these days the best players use a standard Xbox controller these days and I'm just used to the method it was in arcades.

The 3 shots can change depending if you're standing still, airborne, or dashing. There are a few moves by combining stick motions with shots/turbo, such as Viper II's dive.

>> No.8484204 [View]
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Sega did overproduce them for the Saturn. They were less than $10USD each. The triggers do have sharper corners which they rounded out for the Dreamcast ones, but those were under-produced to avoid the mistake they made with the Saturn ones.

>> No.6540992 [View]
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Where the fuck did all these arcade twin stick warriors come from? All the videos of anyone ever good at playing Virtual On games use 360 pads with the single button push layouts because it is more direct to guard cancel, jump, etc. with a single button. In all my years playing the game in the arcade only 1 person ever was able to compete with me, and all others play the arcade twin sticks as a novelty. The best players are amused at best with the arcade setup and bitch about not being able to use Xbox controllers.

>> No.5806292 [View]
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I would like to play it more, but the original Saturn game now has probably spent more time in the CD-player for the music than actually played. Also, I am tired of the shittier mass produced Fei-Yen nerfs. I want the original story Fei-Yen or the two prototype imitations in the first game.

I had this experience only once too but with the original VO. No one in my area knows how to play, but one day at an arcade, a person asked if he could challenge, and I said "ok." To the surprise of us both, we were an equal match. My Fei-Yen vs. his Raiden,

>> No.5408784 [View]
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No one wanted the Sega Twinsticks at one time that they were selling them for 1500JPY, the problem was the box was so big so I only got one extra (cracked a few game cases trying to fit them inside the twinstick box). However since then I have seen people mod the Saturn Twinsticks for Dreamcast (there was a shortage of the Dreamcast ones at one point). Now I want the extra one to be modded for 360 use, since the Hori Twinsticks are so expensive. I have it ready to be shipped out to someone who had said they could mod it to be used on an Xbox 360, but I have since lost contact with the person. Even though the best Virtual On players these days are best with 360 pads, I still prefer to play the game as I remembered it in the arcade with the twinsticks despite the disadvantage to the 360 pad.

A great game with great music with a surprising amount of lore. I have great memories playing it in the arcade and with friends on home consoles. Only once found someone that matched my ability in the arcades but it has since gone online and I've no means to play them using my preferred control method.

Lucky! I want another DC Twinsticks,such that someone else can play the game. Going Twinsticks versus DC pad is an unfair advantage to the person using DC pad. The Dreamcast Twinsticks improed upon the Saturn one greatly as the triggers has its edges rounded out, while the Saturn ones have sharp edges which makes for uncomfortable extended play.

Profound sadness. The $300 price is just way too much for a fan of the game to afford.

These days the best players supposedly use the stock Xbox 360 controllers. It is probably more efficient to use a single button to guard, jump, and free_look. It is just old muscle memory that keeps me on twinstick use where guarding/cancelling is both sticks inwards.

>> No.4904305 [View]
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It's so hard to keep up with the kids. It is now slaps? I last remember "lit" and "woke". I talk about it here all the time.

The Sega Saturn twinsticks have sharp edges on the triggers, becomes uncomfortable to use. I would not recommend them. I still want the twinsticks for the 360, but I don't earn enough to get them. They still are best in the arcade.

>> No.4663429 [View]
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They installed Viper's main nose cannon into the two inferior replica Fei-Yen units. Only when damaged enough does those replica Fei-Yen units resemble the real Fei-Yen and Viper's cannon shot takes a heart shape. I just hate that the newer Fei-Yen units made get worse and worse, as reflected by the accumulating nerfings the virturod got over all the games.

>> No.4550420 [View]
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I have some news for you:

>> No.4320614 [View]
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Still miserable with the minimum wage job, but still playing fun games. The board itself is still well paced, but good threads tend to get phased out quicker than the usual suspect threads. I think I gained a few haters, but that's because I am less anonymous with my images than just plain text replies, I'm having fun with that.

The mods of /vr/ can't even enforce the simple rules accurately already, adding in PS2 will really tax their lack of ability to determine "what consoles were released before 2000." NeoGeo games get the ban, discussion of Paprium which is a Mega Drive game is not allowed, and yet all manner of Windows XP games gets the okay just because the concept of the game was arguably around in 1999. It will be interesting to see if the homebrew Dreamcast game thread that just showed up will last.

Every now and then there is an interestingly new thread, but then a sudden explosion of Castlevania threads, console war threads, or just a sudden trashing of a decent game will bump those off a slow but well paced board.

>> No.4264919 [View]
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Bumping for awesome thread.

I just can't be a fan of the series due to my income. This is the one peripheral I do not have, because it was priced significantly more than the official Sega ones. After shipping and all this thing will top $300USD. It is the final revision of the controller too (wider spacing and larger metal base). I think this Hori one was mail order only too. Gone a long ways since Sega overproduced the Sega Saturn twinsticks that they were going for $30 shipped (that's why I got 2). Guess it is time to learn the obtuse to me 360 pad controls the top players use with dedicated guard and jump buttons.

>> No.4250203 [View]
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I will be honest and I am kind of afraid of the PSG noises a Master System makes. Coming from a NES home, the Master System sounds tend to be pretty sharp and irritating, but I am just fine with Genesis sounds. I should get that new remake one day, but is it alright for me to start with 4? As mentioned, it is just the protagonist that is alluring looking to me.

Yeah the Sega Ages 2500 games only had an ugly 3D rendition of the first Golden Axe. Just have to rely on MAME and Kega Fusion to enjoy those other titles at this time.

>> No.4218660 [View]
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The controls are like "tank controls" to me. Sadly, as I have enjoyed the game in arcades and think the twin sticks are part of the experience, I have noticed the best players just use a standard layout on 360 pads with dedicated buttons to guard and jump. To me that's like playing DDR on a controller opposed to the step pads. I get it, like racing games as a steering wheel feels amazing to use, players using standard analog sticks have an advantage over those using steering wheel setups.

I too would say the Armored Core games are very, very different games nothing like that from the Virtual On games. I think Arms is a closer approximation and in some ways the Custom Robo series are closer to a Virtual On game.

As for the sticks, I have a couple of the Saturn ones, because they overproduced them and they were very cheap at one time, but I cannot get over how the triggers have this sharp edges, so they become uncomfortable. It was fixed with the nice rounded edges on the Dreamcast twinsticks (they feel like the triggers of a Saturn 3D pad/Dreamcast triggers/360 controller triggers). The 360 twinsticks by Hori are way too expensive for me to have tried out, but they did make a few revisions. I surmise the best of those Hori twinsticks is the widest base (sloped front) with the wider distance between the two sticks.

>> No.4030372 [View]
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I like the original arcade best.

No! It's for piloting only.

The Hori twin sticks for the 360 is so expensive and difficult to find. I have another Sega Saturn set boxed to maybe one day convert it to 360 but I find the Saturn triggers nowhere near as comfortable.

>> No.3860004 [View]
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>VO or VOOT?
VO ... because by chance, one time, I randomly played someone who was good at the game as I was in the arcade ... both of us were shocked someone else can play the game ... I have no such stories with VOOT machines.

>favorite mech?
Fei-Yen (original recreations with Viper-2's cannon, not the crappier KN or later models, if the real original Fei-Yen would be available, that'd be OP)

>favorite stage?
Dorkas' ... a night cityscape is awesome. It's just my thing, like night racing games.

>favorite theme?
I like all the songs, enough to play the Saturn game in a CD-player
I still don't have a PS4 ... fuck. NieR: Automata and Gravity Rush 2 does tempt me

>> No.3621976 [View]
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I remember, once in an arcade. A person saw me sitting at the Virtual On machine, asked me if he could challenge me, which is of course okay. To both of our surprise, there was someone else in this country that actually proved a challenge. A wonderful chance meeting, and to this day no other mortal in this country would challenge my (first two prototype copy) Fei-Yen, to you sir, your Raiden/Ampharmd piloting I salute. These days are long gone, a game which no one likes in this country had its day to be remembered.

I also like the lore behind the first game's mechs (virturoids).

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